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The Story of Pegasus

Once upon a time, there lived a king and a young man named Bellerophon, who received a
message from King Proteus, the king's brother. Now, one day, the king of Lycia, the town that
Bellerophon was born, was very upset. But instead, at dinner, he decided to set him an
impossible task.

"There's a terrible creature in my kingdom. The king, Caria, has tamed a horrible monster called
the Chimera. I want you to kill it," said the king." 

Bellerophon felt terrible. The chimera was a fierce monster with a head of a fire-breathing lion,
a goat body and a snake tail which spits venom.

Poor Bellerophon began to walk out of the castle, when suddenly, he bumped into an old man.
He said that he has to find a horse named Pegasus, the winged animal when Perseus sliced off
Medusa's head. 

When Bellerophon was asleep, the goddess of war, Athena, gave him a magic bridle. Then, she
took Bellerophon to Mount Helicon, where Pegasus lives.

Bellerophon crept up slowly behind Pegasus, who was drinking from a pool of water. And quick
as a flash, he tied the golden bridle that Athena gave to him, around Pegasus's neck.
Pegasus gave an ear-splitting neigh. Then, Bellerophon caught him and rode him to the rocky
cliffs where the monstrous chimera lived.

He saw the chimera and aimed his arrow. But, it leaped out of the way and shot a blast of
flames at him. This time, the young man shot his arrow again, and this time, it pierced the goat

Now, the creature was angrier was angrier than ever. Its snake head spat out venom at
Bellerophon. He remembered the spear that Athena gave it to him, and plunged it deep into
the lion head's throat.

The entrance was boiling hot. They melted the entire lead inside it. The evil chimera bellowed
and its roar made the animals run away in terror. And then, all of a sudden, it started to choke
and splutter. The chimera rose up in one last effort, then slumped to the ground, dead at last. 

At the end of the day, Bellerophon led Pegasus to the stables of King Augeas where he had
some fresh oats and clean water to drink.

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