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Anti-inflammatory diet

Salmon, tuna, avocado, cherry, linseed ... These are some of the heroes of this
diet. Rich in anti-inflammatory substances, they help to melt up to 2 pounds per
Weight Triple
The more you delay to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet, have more difficulty losi
ng weight. This is because the inflammation becomes chronic, leading to complica
ted problems to be solved, such as insulin resistance. "This disorder increases
the tendency of the body and abdominal visceral fat accumulation. Or developing
more serious problems€such as diabetes, "said Valeria Pascoal, nutritionist. Kee
p the body still inflamed impairs the production of hormones of hunger and satie
ty, making you lose control at the table. At the same time, stimulates cortisol,
a hormone that causes the body to store more fat. Imagine the damage in the bal
Understand how the anti-inflammatory diet
Choose food only by the number of calories lose weight. But hardly fighting infl
ammation in the body, a cause of weight gain. That is why many people turn quick
ly to gain weight or anything else.€The solution? Nutrition experts suggest prio
ritizing functional foods that contain natural anti-inflammatories. So you fight
the villain of flab, lose weight and remain lean. How to know which are the all
ies? The nutritionist Monica Reinagel, author of The Inflammation Free Diet Plan
, created the inflammatory factor (IF) to sort the food. "This index shows if yo
u put in the dish helps or hurts the diet," explains nutritionist Roseli Rossi,
Balance Nutrition Clinic in Sao Paulo. Understand better:
IF negative
- Causes a kind of inflammation in cells that are prevented from exercising the
functions, how to eliminate toxins. To defend itself, the body responds with inf
lammation. Soon appear swollen and extra weight. Get away from pasta, bread and
biscuit refined, sweet, soft, fatty meat and fried.
IF positive
- By contrast, has anti-inflammatory action. It helps fight inflammation, leavin
g you less resistant to weight loss. More: keeps diseases, wrinkles and cellulit
e at bay. On top of that list are salmon, cherry, garlic, onion,€olive oil and f
laxseed. And the calories? Relax! Foods with positive IF have low or medium ener
gy value, plus 19 other positive nutritional aspects, as good fat, and anti-infl
ammatory antioxidants (selenium, omega 3, etc.) and low or moderate glycemic ind
ex. Just to remember, the GI (Glycemic Index) indicates the speed at which food
is digested and turned into sugar.
When this process is slow, the GI is low and extends the feeling of satiety. If
you fail in this or other items, IF the food is bad.€Does not mean you should cu
t the menu because some foods have important substances for the organism. This i
s the case of oats, with fibers that fight bad cholesterol. The key is moderatio
n. The menu shows how to assemble meals inflammatory. Also use the tables to cha
nge the food.
Meals should combine carbohydrate (bread, pasta, grains, fruits and vegetables),
lean protein (poultry, fish, dairy products) and good fats (nuts, seeds, olive
oil).€Choose items with FI more positive than negative, both in moderate portion
s. Inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties of each food not depend on the p
ortion size.
Pasta, bread and cereals, sweet potato breakfast cereal rich in fiber light Spag
hetti, cooked potatoes with skin Loaf pan full Granola Brown rice parboiled rice
white rice cooked peeled potatoes French bread Meat, poultry and fish Salmon Tu
na Cod Fillet of hake, whiting ,€boyfriend Turkey Breast Shrimp Ham lean hamburg
er meat chicken without skin and lean pork Leites and derivatives skim Mozzarell
a Cheese Yogurt Cottage Cheese Cream Cheese Milk white light Ricotta 210 4 -33 -
70 -72 -103 -116 -123 -172 -253 -261 601 464 212 31 11 10 9 -8 -9 -133 9 -4 -14
-21 -45 -69 -69
Clara boiled eggs Egg Yolk Fried Egg Fruit Guava Acerola ruby red Grape Strawber
ry Avocado Lime Papaya Melon Pear Damascus Fresh Fig Orange Peach Pineapple Plum
Apple Kiwi Banana Plant Raw Garlic Onion Red Bell Pepper Broccoli Carrot Spinac
h Tomato Turnip Radish Cucumber Pod Fats Olive oil and frying oil Canola Mayonna
ise Butter Crisp seeds, nuts and legumes Almond unsalted nuts-and-stop Lentil So
ya Bean Seed Flax Soy Milk
€5 -43 -48 -124 340 104 53 52 38 -3 -3 -3 -4 -7 -13 -22 -26 -45 -45 -46 -50 -215
4939 387 276 193 136 78 56 52 24 11 4 73 72 -33 -336 -716 312 146 105 29 26 18
Nuts & Candy Beverages pea green tea, white, citron tea-star anise, chamomile Te
a Boldo, gorse, fennel isotonic Coffee Drink Chocolate Milk Soda
IF positive (anti-inflammatory)
-30 -158 0 0 0 0 -119 -156 -215
East 100-100 High 101-500 Very high above 500
IF negative (inflammatory)
Average from -1 to -100 from -101 to -500 High Very high above -500
Menu foods rich in anti-inflammatory
Be inspired this menu, prepared by nutritionist Roseli Rossi, to assemble meals
rich in anti-inflammatory foods. Result: you can lose 2 pounds per week OPTION 1
Breakfast morning (8 h) • 1 cup (200 ml) of grape juice • 2 slices whole loaf o
f bread without gluten (or integral light) • Omelette clear (3 egg whites with 1
col. soup flaxseed, salt and oregano) Snacks (9 am) 1 cup. green tea (or white)
Snacks (10h) 2 col. (Soup) avocado (optional sweetener) Snacks (11h) 1 cup.€pep
permint tea Lunch (12:30)
• Salad: lettuce, fresh fennel, 2 col. (Soup) of grated carrot, 1 grated radish.
Season with a little salt, lemon and olive oil. • 2 col. (Soup) of brown rice •
1 soy burger grilled • 1 col. (Soup) of braised endive with a col. (Tea) of oli
ve oil and garlic (add the garlic at the end of preparation) • 1 red guava Snack
(15h) 1 cup. green tea (or white) Snacks (16h) 1 cup light soy milk beaten with
1 slice of papaya and a brown-and-stop Snack (17h) 1 cup.€green tea (or white)
Dinner (19 h) • 1 plate (bottom) of lentil soup with vegetables • 2 col. (Soup)
of steamed broccoli and seasoned with garlic and olive oil • 1 red plum Supper (
21 h) • 1 cup. chamomile tea • 8 strawberries OPTION 2 Breakfast morning (8 h) •
1 cup (200 ml) of light soy milk whipped with 1 / 2 banana, 1 col. (Soup) of qu
inoa flakes and 1 col. (Dessert) of flaxseed toast • 2 full with 2 col. (Soup) o
f cottage cheese Snack (9 am) 1 cup. citron tea Snack (10h) 1 cup (200 ml) of wa
ter-coconut snack (11h) 1 cup.€tea fennel Lunch (12:30) • Salad: iceberg lettuce
, 1 / 2 cup. (Tea) of alfalfa sprouts (or bean sprouts), 4 slices of tomato and
chopped chives. Season with a little salt, lemon and olive oil. • 1 medium fille
t of grilled chicken • 2 col. (Soup) of spinach sautéed with canola oil and garl
ic (add the garlic at the end of preparation) • 1 kiwi
Snack (15h) 1 cup. Tea-star anise Snack (16h) 1 slice whole wheat bread with cot
tage cheese Snack (17h) 1 cup. chamomile tea Dinner (19 h) • Salad: lettuce, raw
spinach into strips, 2 col.€(Soup) of grated raw beetroot, 1 / 2 cucumber, grat
ed, 2 col. (Soup) of light tuna, 1 col. (Soup) of wheat grains boiled, 2 col. (S
oup) of green corn and parsley. Season with a little salt, olive oil and lemon.
• 1 cup of gelatin diet Supper (21 h) • 1 cup. • green tea a peach OPTION 3 Brea
kfast morning (8 h) • 1 cup (300 ml) pineapple juice shaken with mint and ginger
• 2 slices of gluten-free loaf of bread (or integral light) • 2 col . (Soup) of
tofu (bean curd), mashed with 1 col. (Tea) of olive oil, salt and oregano to ta
ste Snacks (9 am) 1 cup.€chamomile tea Snack (10am) 15 ruby grapes Snack (11h) a
glass of lemonade (optional sweetener) Lunch (12:30) • Salad: arugula, lettuce,
1 col. (Soup) of cooked vegetables (carrots, peas). Season with little salt, le
mon and olive oil. • 3 col. (Soup) of brown rice • 1 medium fillet of salmon wit
h roasted almonds • 2 col. (Soup) of chayote cooked. Season with parsley, salt,
garlic and olive oil. • 1 cup of gelatin diet snack (15h) 1 cup. citron tea Snac
k (16h) a pot of light soy yogurt with almonds 4
Snack (17h) 1 cup.€Dinner Mint Tea (19 h) • Salad: Lettuce American and purple,
5 cherry tomatoes, 1 1 / 2 col. (Soup) of green corn, 1 / 2 green apple slices,
mushrooms and chopped parsley. Season with salt, lemon and olive oil. • Omelet (
1 whole egg, 2 whites and 2 slices of cheese-of-mine) Supper (21 h) • 1 cup (200
ml) of juice OPTION 4 Breakfast morning (8 h) • 1 pot skimmed yogurt with papay
a and chopped apple, 2 col. (Soup) of light rich in cereal fiber, 1 col.€(Desser
t) of ground flaxseed • 1 slice of gluten-free loaf of bread (or integral light)
with 1 col. (Soup) of oil and cottage Lunch (12:30) • Salad: lettuce, arugula,
tomato slices 4 and 3 bunches of cauliflower steamed. Season with a little salt,
lemon and olive oil. • 2 knobs of quinoa pasta (macaroni or full) with fresh to
mato sauce (see recipe on this issue, the matter "Quinoa: grain protein") • 4 ro
asted turkey meatballs • 6 strawberries Dinner (19 h) • Salad: lettuce, watercre
ss, 4 slices tomato and 2 col.€(Soup) of grated radish. Season with salt, lemon
and olive oil. • 1 plate (bottom) of vegetable soup with shredded chicken • 1 cu
p of gelatin diet Supper (21 h) • 1 cup. tea fennel • 1 col. (Soup) avocado (opt
ional sweetener) OPTION 5 Coffee Morning (8 am) • 1 / 2 jar of skimmed yogurt, 8
strawberries and chopped 1 tbsp. (Dessert) of flaxseed crushed • 2 slices of gl
uten-free loaf of bread with 2 col. (Soup) of light tuna and grated carrot (or 5
slices of turkey breast) Snack 1 (9am) • 1 cup. green tea (or white)
Snack 2 (10h) • 1 cup (200 ml) of grape juice full Snack 3 (11h) • 1 cup. lemon
balm tea Lunch (12:30) • Salad: spinach, arugula, slices of raw onion and artich
oke hearts 2. Season with a little salt, lemon and olive oil • 3 col. (Soup) ric
e with broccoli • 1 large fillet of hake cooked in steam • 1 slice of pineapple
with mint, chopped 4 Snack (15h) • 1 cup. green tea (or white) Snack 5 (16h) • V
itamin: 1 cup (200 ml) soy milk beaten with a light red guava without the shell
and a brown-and-stop Snack 6 (17:30) • 1 cup.€star anise tea Dinner (19h) • 1 pl
ate (bottom) of vegetable soup with an egg • 1 cup popped. (Tea) shimeji (or shi
itake) sautéed with garlic and olive oil and seasoned with chopped chives • 1 th
ick slice of melon Supper (21h) • 1 cup. tea shrub (or fennel) • 1 medium slice
of papaya OPTION 6 Coffee Morning (8 am) • 1 cup light soy milk, roasted • 3 int
egral with a col. (Soup) of tofu and cottage cheese 1 tbsp. (Dessert) homemade j
elly • 2 col. (Soup) avocado with 1 col. (Soup) quinoa flakes Snack 1 (9am) • 1
cup.€Green Tea Snack 2 (10h) • 15 strawberries Snack 3 (11h) • 1 cup. chamomile
tea Lunch (12:30)
• Salad: ½ plate (table) lettuce, ½ plate (table) of raw endive, 4 col. (Soup) o
f steamed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, green beans). Season with lemon, olive
oil and salt • 2 col. (Soup) of seven grain rice • 2 small pieces of roast chick
en • 2 col. (Soup) of spinach sautéed with garlic and canola oil • 1 cup of frui
t with nuts Snack 4 (15h) • 1 cup. Green Tea Snack 5 (16h) • 1 slice of gluten-f
ree loaf of bread (or integral light), 2 col.€(Soup) of natural light tuna seaso
ned with olive oil, coconut water Snack 6 (17h) • 1 cup. chamomile tea Dinner (1
9h) • 1 part mix brown leaves with a lot of whiting • • 1 roasted peach Supper (
21h) • 1 cup. passion fruit tea with camel • 1 thick slice of melon OPTION 7 Cof
fee Morning (8 am) • 1 small cup of light soy milk • ½ slice of papaya • 5 straw
berries, 1 col. (Dessert) of flaxseed and 1.5 col. (Soup) quinoa flakes • 3 full
gluten free toast with 1 col. (Soup) of tofu cottage cheese Snack 1 (9am) • 1 c
up.€Green Tea Snack 2 (10h) • 1 cup (200 ml) coconut water and a Brazil nut snac
k 3 (11h) • 1 cup medium (200 ml) lemonade without sugar Lunch (12:30) • Salad:
½ plate of lettuce and a portion of salad zucchini with mint • ½ bunch of Greek
rice • 1 kibe meat • 1 tbsp soy. (Soup) of spinach sautéed with ¼ col. (Soup) of
canola oil • 1 apricot
Snack 4 (15h) • 1 cup. green tea (or white) Snack 5 (16h) • 1 skimmed yogurt wit
h 1 col.€(Soup) of cereal and snack almonds April 6 (17h) • 1 cup (200 ml) sugar
-free lemonade Dinner (19h) • Salad: green leaves, tomato and carrot with 4 thin
slices of carpaccio of salmon • 1 orange Supper (21h ) • 1 cup. tea dandelion •
½ pear
REVENUE anti-inflammatory foods Salmon with Almond
Ingredients • 4 medium slices of salmon • 1 col. (Soup) of lemon juice • ½ cup d
ry white wine • 2 cloves garlic, crushed • 1 col. (Tsp) salt • 8 flaked almonds
without salt Season the salmon with lemon, wine, garlic and salt.€Let stand for
30 minutes. Place salmon and seasoning a piece of aluminum foil. Fold the edges
of the paper forming an envelope. Bake in preheated moderate oven for 30 minutes
. Open the envelope, sprinkle the almonds and keep in the oven until golden brow
n. Serve immediately. Yields: 4 servings Calories per serving: 219
Lentil soup with vegetables
Ingredients • 10 col. (Soup) of dry lentils • 1 stalk of celery • 2 cloves garli
c • 1 small onion • 1 col. (Tsp) salt • 1 tbsp.€(Soup) of olive oil • 1 liter of
water • 1 carrot, diced • 1 plate (table) of spinach
Cook the lentils, celery, garlic, onion and salt until tender. When cool, beat i
n the blender. Return the broth over low heat, add the diced carrots, and after
5 minutes, add the chard. Hold for a few minutes over low heat. Remove from heat
, mix the olive oil and serve. Yields: 4 servings Calories per serving: 181
Juice Detoxifying
Ingredients • ½ slice pineapple • ¼ red apple without the peel • 1 small piece f
resh ginger • ½ cup (100 ml) coconut milk • 1 spoon (soup) of lemon juice • 1 co
l. (Soup) of fresh gardener • 4 ice cubes Put all ingredients in blender. Serve
below. Yields: 1 serving Calories per serving: 82
Elisabete Fernandes Almeida Thanks to anti-inflammatory effect of some foods, ma
ny people improve the symptoms of arthritis,€needing to eat less medication and
getting a better quality of life. Tuna and salmon are two good examples of foods
with anti-inflammatory effect. As for antioxidants, not just patients with arth
ritis who need them. Researchers believe that inflammation contributes to the de
velopment of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes, and
that the anti-inflammatory substances found in foods can combat these diseases.
To consume these foods, do not need to radically change their diet.€Try, for ex
ample, consume more fish. Inflammation does not always have negative aspects. An
injury becomes red and swollen because the body recruits white blood cells that
fight infection and increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood to facilitate healin
g. But some undesirable result of inflammatory lesions less relevant, as the oxi
dation of the cells forming the walls of blood vessels.
Antioxidants can help prevent these injuries. But when they are insufficient, an
ti-inflammatory drugs are needed. Otherwise,€the body's attempt to repair their
injuries can lead to chronic inflammation that slowly attacks healthy tissues of
the joints, arteries and the entire nervous system. Among the foods with greate
r anti-inflammatory action to highlight the omega-3 fatty acids, found in large
quantities in fish. In the body, these acids are converted into hormone like sub
stances that reduce inflammation. The polyunsaturated omega-6 found in corn oil
promote inflammation. The omega-6 and omega-3 form a kind of yin and yang,€that
should be kept in balance. The consumption of equivalent amounts of two foods ca
n keep inflammatory processes in balance, however, most people eat about 20 time
s more foods with omega-6 than omega-3. Foods produced with corn oil or sunflowe
r oil, rich in omega-6, are singled out as culprits. Furthermore, people prefer
not to consume foods rich in omega-3 as the canola oil, nuts, spinach and cabbag
e.€Aspirin and ibuprofen interfere with enzymes in the process contributing to t
he inflammatory properties of foods containing omega-6. Some foods may act simil
arly. A group of researchers from Michigan State University has made some experi
ments to demonstrate that the extract can prevent cherry ten times the formation
of some inflammatory agents than aspirin. Their findings stimulated the ingesti
on of cherry juice in patients with arthritis. In another recent survey, it was
proved that the blackberry,€strawberries and raspberries produce similar effects
. Another way to combat the inflammation is to strengthen the body's repair mech
anisms. A group of Boston researchers measured the concentration of substances c
alled "shock proteins" in the human brain. Imagine them as the tape of the body
- they help repair cell damage caused by oxidative stress, inflammation and exce
ss toxins. Insofar as you age, it produces smaller quantities of these protectiv
e proteins.€The study showed that diets rich in blueberries fight this condition
in rats, which responded to the inflammatory processes in the same way that you
nger animals. Most fruits and vegetables, especially colorful, appears to inhibi
t inflammation caused by the presence of fitossubstâncias as bromelain,
found in pineapple, and quercetin, found in apples and onions. Vegetables such a
s tomatoes contain about 20 compounds with antiinflammatory action. Fruits, vege
tables, fish and whole grains - foods are always defended by nutritionists for y
ears.€Furthermore, diets rich in sugar, refined flour and partially hydrogenated
vegetable oils, and obesity increase the risk of inflammation. The intake of fo
ods with anti-inflammatory action may be one of the best things you can do for y
You already tired of hearing about eating fruits and vegetables is good for heal
th. But he knew that among all these foods considered healthy, some are even mor
e potent because they contain substances that can prevent disease? These are cal
led functional foods,€defined as "food similar to conventional in appearance, wh
ich, in addition to satisfying the nutritional requirements, produce specific be
nefits to health, physical and mental capacity." This category are various veget
ables such as broccoli, tomatoes, onions, grapes and apples (see pictures on fol
lowing pages). Knowing that they contain substances which, when taken regularly,
can reduce the risk of developing various health problems such as cancer, chole
sterol and high blood pressure, intestinal problems, among others,€can be a good
reason to include them in daily diet, not only when you resolve to make arrange
ments. That is precisely what they are already doing 44% of Brazilian consumers,
who always choose their foods based on the relationship they have with their he
alth. According to a survey commissioned by Solae Company and released in Februa
ry, the main reasons for seeking healthier foods among Brazilians are concerned
about the state of health in the future and the daily benefits that the correct
diet can provide.€Similar research conducted in the United States showed that 95
% of the population of this country believes that food can benefit health and he
lp fight diseases Because of this, is increasing the attention given to this cla
ss of foods able to prevent diseases, both by consumers as researchers. Evidence
of this interest is the first congress of the newly established Brazilian Socie
ty of Functional Foods (SBAF)€What happens this April and whose goal is to help
promote and encourage research on the health benefits of foods.
At the site, will be presented several new features on the subject. Concern abou
t the nutritional quality of food is due mainly to advances in scientists' knowl
edge about the role of diet in health, according to nutritionist Jocélia Salgado
, president of SBAF.
Flaxseed Sunflower seed
Components: protein, fiber, omega 6 and a potent antioxidant and anticancer call
ed lignan.€Properties: The most popular are the regularization of bowel movement
s, especially in the treatment of constipation and revitalizing the skin. Assist
s in blood clotting, metabolism of fatty acids, besides activating the body's im
mune system and reduce the rate of LDL-cholesterol from the blood. Flaxseed stre
ngthens nails, teeth and bones and makes the skin healthier. It has antioxidant
action and therapeutic effect in disorders of the colon, urinary system, prostat
e cancer and menstrual disorders.€It is also used to treat infections (urinary,
psoriasis), immune disorders (lupus), allergies and eczema, rheumatoid arthritis
and atherosclerosis. Assists in the treatment of asthma and diabetes, and atten
uates free radical formation by stress. Components: omega 6, vitamin B, fiber an
d calcium. Properties: it reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. We recom
mend the consumption of one tablespoon per day.
Olive oil (extra virgin)
Components: phenolic antioxidants, vitamins and monounsaturated fat (which does
not affect cholesterol).€It is the largest natural source of omega 9 (which help
s reduce total and LDL cholesterol, and prevent clogging of the arteries). Prope
rties: helps in reducing LDL, the bad cholesterol and can reduce up to 40% the r
isk of heart disease if used in place of butter or margarine. It is recommended
a tablespoon per day. Some researchers have compared the impact that functional
foods will in coming decades, to the light and diet foods had in the 1990s. "A p
hrase spoken by Hippocrates about 2500 years ago,€which briefly means' to make f
ood your medicine ", is receiving renewed interest. More than ever, research and
studies are showing how important the role of certain foods in our life. Guide
people to eat properly and in right quantities has been a constant in several sc
ientific papers, "says Jocélia. She points out that, currently, one of the main
factors related to the onset of disease in humans is food, there
a close relationship between what we eat and our health.€"Besides being related
to chronic diseases like cardiovascular problems, cancer, diabetes and obesity,
there is also strong evidence of the role of diet in improving mental and physic
al performance in slowing the aging process and in strengthening the immune syst
em," adds .
Germs and
The Brazilian market should win in the first half, a new type of functional food
, very recent and still lacking in the country, called symbiotic. This is a line
of yogurts and dairy drinks soy developed at Unicamp.€Probiotic foods are a mix
ture of probiotics (class of microorganisms that are beneficial to humans becaus
e, among other benefits strengthen the immune system, produce vitamins and antic
ancer substances. Pro-biotic foods are those that contain microorganisms such as
some types of yogurt and fermented milk) and prebiotics (substances that serve
as food for these microorganisms. These substances decrease cholesterol, triglyc
erides and improve the functioning of the intestine). "The symbiotic food, so€mu
ltiply the effects of pro and prebiotics and cause the person to take advantage
of these properties more quickly, "explains Professor Francisco Maugeri Filho, D
epartment of Food Engineering at Unicamp and project coordinator. The search for
components in foods that could reduce the risk of various chronic diseases bega
n in the 1970s, when problems such as hypertension, cancer,€obesity and cardiova
scular disease - that are directly or indirectly related to food consumption, ha
ve become a concern to public health in developed countries. "That was when I ca
me recommendations to the public about the importance of practicing a diet low i
n saturated fat and higher intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legume
s, in order to reduce the risk of these diseases," explains nutrólogo Credidio E
dson, Director of the Association of Nutrology (Abran).
Coffee - The villain turned good guy
After being accused of doing harm to the heart to pressure and increase the inci
dence of cancer, the coffee can now gain status of functional foods. The drink i
s a major stakes of science to combat these and other problems such as depressio
n, diabetes and gall stones. The evidence is so good that the Heart Institute (I
ncor) assembled a group dedicated to research on the effects of coffee on health
Coffee and Heart Unit will examine the effect of coffee on heart patient and dia
betic€beyond the influence of the preparation form the components of the drink.
"The filtered coffee seems to have more effect in reducing the incidence of hear
t attack than the boiled," says cardiologist Michael Moretti, coordinator of the
Office Coffee and Heart. He explained that coffee contains only 2% caffeine, wh
ich when consumed in moderate doses (up to four average cups per day for adults)
, has antidepressant properties (it is even used in the treatment of drug addict
s). In addition, coffee is composed of other substances,€whose functional proper
ties are being analyzed, such as chlorogenic acids (cardiovascular protection),
minerals such as potassium and magnesium, B vitamins and sugars. But the term fu
nctional food emerged in Japan, only around 1980, when the Japanese government s
tarted a program to reduce health insurance costs. To reduce expenditure on drug
s, was implemented a program called FOSHU (food for specific health use, the acr
onym in English)€which was to assess which foods have proven benefits to populat
ion health, fulfilling specific functions in the body.
Uva - Carrot
Components: flavonoids, fiber, calcium and reverastol (present in red wine and a
lso have anticancer properties and protective of the heart). Properties: anticoa
gulant, anticancer, antioxidant and reduces cholesterol. We suggest the intake o
f 240 ml of red wine and 240-480 ml of grape juice, or a bunch of fruit per day.
Components: one of the best sources of beta carotene.€Can be converted into vit
amin A, vitamin C and iron. Properties: strengthens the immune system. We recomm
end the consumption of 100 grams per day (or grated cooked).
Garlic - Broccoli
Components: Allicin, Vitamin C, Selenium and Zinc. Properties: Studies have show
n that regular consumption of garlic strengthens the immune system and reduces t
he incidence of tumors of the stomach and colon. Garlic also acts in the prevent
ion of cardiovascular disease, reducing the rate of LDL (bad cholesterol) from b
lood and has regulatory effect of blood pressure.€Recently they discovered antib
iotic properties in garlic, which helps in combating H. pylori (the bacterium th
at causes gastritis). It is recommended that the daily consumption of a tooth (6
00 mg) to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Components:
glicosinato, a potent anticancer, stimulates genes that increase production of g
lutathione (an antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system), protein, ca
lcium, vitamin C and iron. Properties: the body acts as anti-inflammatory, antib
iotic, anticoagulant and analgesic. Moreover,€combat viruses, protects liver, re
duces cholesterol, fight muscle pain, lowers blood pressure and prevents cancer.
Like other foods of the same family of cruciferous (like cauliflower), broccoli
prevents several forms of cancer, including stomach, esophagus, lung, pharynx,
uterus, pancreas and colon. We recommend the consumption of 100 grams per day. P
roperties: the improvement of immunological defense mechanisms, prevention or tr
eatment of any disease or disorder, improvement of physical and mental€general s
tate of health and slowing the aging process organic.
Oats - Tomato
Components: insoluble and soluble fiber (beta-d-glucan), phosphorus, calcium and
carbohydrates. Properties: some studies have demonstrated a reduction of LDL-ch
olesterol. There is evidence that the beta-d-glucan has a protective effect on t
he development of colon cancer and decreased absorption of glucose in diabetics.
In 1997, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved a new regulation,€allo
wing products of oats down on their labels appeal of health benefits by linking
their consumption to reduced risk of heart disease. The FDA concluded that beta-
d-glucan is the component responsible for the decrease in total cholesterol and
LDL blood cholesterol in diets containing about 3 g / day of beta-d-glucan (equi
valent to the consumption of 40 g of oat bran and 60 g of oatmeal). Components:
rich in lycopene, a substance responsible for the red, which has antioxidant and
is also present in other red fruits,€such as watermelon, guava and papaya. The
raw tomato is high in vitamins A, B and C. Properties: The antioxidant effect of
lycopene reduces the presence of free radicals, protecting cells from oxidation
. Studies have shown that foods containing lycopene reduces the risk of bowel ca
ncer, stomach, bladder, cervix, skin and lungs. Lycopene also prevents the emerg
ence of cardiovascular disease, especially atherosclerosis, reducing the risk of
myocardial infarction.
Onion - Cabbage
Components: rich in quercetin (especially purple), a powerful antioxidant,€an an
ticancer called allicin, vitamins A and C and calcium. Properties: helps in regu
lating blood pressure and circulation, has anticoagulant effect and increases go
od cholesterol (HDL), which protects the heart. The recommendation for daily con
sumption is about 100 grams of food. Components: iron, magnesium, calcium, vitam
in C and sulforafeno (a potent antioxidant). Properties: Helps prevent cancer of
the digestive system and reduces the risk of developing other tumors in up to 3
5% while eliminating toxins from the body.€We recommend the consumption of a cup
of tea a day (cooked).
Foods with functional claims
All these years of research resulted in the discovery of several compounds with
important biological properties present in some foods, as informed in the book "
Functional Foods - A New Revolution," the researchers Alexandre Cabral Carnation
and Carnation Afrânio Aragon, professors at the Federal University of Ceará. Th
e villain turned good guy margarine and milk to lower cholesterol and protect ag
ainst heart problems,€yoghurts and drinks that help the bowels and soy-based pro
ducts that help prevent osteoporosis are some of the foods with functional claim
s in the marketplace. Also called nutraceuticals, that is a product category tha
t grows in the same proportion as the interests of consumers by preventing disea
se and longevity. The world market for functional foods handled more than 50 bil
lion dollars in 2004 and in European countries and Japan is possible to find bre
ad to bullets with functional claims. In Brazil,€are already registered about 13
0 foods that category. The name given by the National Agency for Sanitary Survei
llance (Anvisa) is "food with functional foods." "He who, arguably, has a compon
ent that reduces the risk of developing a particular disease," said Antonia Mari
a de Aquino, manager of special products Anvisa. But experts warn that not alway
s worth it to consume a product with functional foods. "The big problem is the c
oncentration of functional nutrients. Milk with omega 3, for example,€has a very
low concentration of this substance, so its not worth eating, "explains nutrólo
go Durval Ribas Filho, president of Abran. Also, you need to consume foods with
functional claims in the correct manner and within an adequate diet. "The margar
ine enriched with phytosterols, for example, aimed at individuals with high chol
esterol need to be consumed daily when the amount
determined to assist in reducing cholesterol absorption. You also need to reduce
consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol, "€Katia explains nutritionist Iar
ed of Nutrition and Dietetics Service Incor. She points out that many fruits and
vegetables have proven benefits to health. "The fresh food is tastier, cheaper
and certainly more work because they were not manipulated," he adds nutritionist
Cynthia Antonaccio. Among the most common substances mentioned are the oils and
other bioactive compounds of marine origin rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids,
known by the generic omega 3. These substances, found in some types of fish,€ar
e essential to maintaining health, but are not produced by our body and can only
be obtained through food. The list of benefits attributed to omega 3 acids cont
inues to grow: They lower the risk of heart disease (because it reduces triglyce
rides and blood pressure, besides assisting the elasticity of arteries, preventi
ng its obstruction) are anti-inflammatory agents (prevent problems as asthma, ar
thritis and headaches), maintains healthy vision, among others.
Fish - Avocado
Components: highest natural source of omega 3, iron, selenium and calcium. Prope
rties: increases good cholesterol (HDL), helps in reducing cardiovascular diseas
e, helps in the formation of the fetus during pregnancy and improves the perform
ance of insulin in the body. It is recommended consumption of at least 180 grams
per week, for reduction of cardiovascular problems. Components: monounsaturated
fatty acid (omega 9), potassium, vitamin E and protein properties: increases go
od cholesterol (HDL), protects against cardiovascular disease and cancer.€We rec
ommend the consumption of 100 grams per day.
Chestnut - Spinach
Components: omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, vitamin C, iron and an
tioxidants (in brown-and-Pará). Properties: helps prevent heart problems. Indica
tes that consumption of a brown-and-stop or three almonds a day. Components: fol
ic acid, vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium, iron and other antioxidants. Prop
erties: prevents defects of fetal malformation. How has oxalic acid (which can b
e toxic), should not be ingested into exaggeration.€The recommended intake is a
cup of tea a day (cooked). . Another group of functional substances that has bee
n gaining attention are the carotenoid pigments responsible for the orange color
of some vegetables. Fall into this category beta carotene (found in carrots, fo
r example), which when ingested turns into vitamin A.
Others, such as lycopene (found in tomatoes, for example) act as antioxidants in
the body, preventing the degradation of cells.€Some research also suggests the
involvement of lycopene in the prevention and control of prostate cancer. Flavon
oids, substances in some fruits and vegetables and responsible for the colors re
d, purple and yellow, also stand out for their antioxidant properties. Some flav
onoids have specific actions, such as isoflavones found in soy, with a reduction
in the risk of heart disease was recognized by the agency that controls the use
of medicines and foods in the U.S., the FDA.
Soy - Apple
Components: the most important source of isoflavones,€especially the isoflavones
, genistein and daidzein, used as an alternative hormone replacement therapy. It
also contains vitamin B, folic acid, iodine, magnesium, potassium and phosphoru
s. Properties: prevents and reduces risk of cancer and osteoporosis, eases sympt
oms of menopause and cardiovascular disease. Epidemiological studies have shown
that individuals or populations, who eat soy regularly have a lower incidence of
malignant tumors. Regular consumption reduces the risk of prostate cancer and b
reast cancer by 50%, and colon cancer by 40%. For grains,€the amount of recommen
ded daily consumption is 1 cup tofu, 1 slice 30 grams, and for milk, two cups pe
r day (within a balanced diet). Components: a source of soluble fibers that help
control blood glucose, calcium, flavonoids, pectin (which helps the bowels) and
quercetin, a bioflavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties and also protects t
he heart, possess anticancer activity, antiulcer, antiallergic, and help in redu
cing the risk of developing cataracts.€Properties: the combination of phytochemi
cals present in apple peel and pulp is responsible for their antioxidant and ant
icancer properties. The regular intake of apples also helps to reduce the rates
of harmful cholesterol (LDL) to the body, preventing heart problems. Are strongl
y recommended consumption one per day.
No magic
But how to take advantage of the properties of functional foods? In this case, a
gain it's good old recommendation of balanced diet. No need to exaggerate and ju
st eat it.€"All these foods should be part of a routine food, as far as possible
, but you can not eat avocado or flaxseed every day," exemplifies the nutrólogo
Durval Ribas, president of Abran.
But also no use to animate and find that simply eating a tomato, a serving of so
y or any food with functional properties in the middle of fried food, candy and
other junk to take advantage of the genre. "People should be aware that such foo
ds are not magic, they will not correct bad habits.€Should be part of a balanced
diet, and physical exercise regularly, avoid smoking, reduce stress and maintai
n healthy weight, "warns nutritionist Iared Katia, the Department of Nutrition a
nd Dietetics at the Heart Institute (Incor).
Heroes Diet - Fitness Magazine
The consumption of anti-inflammatory foods, according to Andrea Naves, should be
come a daily habit. Set also in portions. See how much of each food item is not
willing to follow the diet ready. Extra virgin olive oil: besides having anti-in
flammatory properties,€is essential for the absorption of anti-inflammatory anti
oxidants in vegetables. Serving size: 1 tablespoon of olive oil per day. Oats: t
heir fibers help reduce blood sugar and, therefore, is a cereal ally in the infl
ammatory process. Serving size: 2 tablespoons of oat bran. Broccoli: they contai
n phytonutrients that boost the antioxidant defense systems of the body. Serving
size: ½ cup of tea per day. Green Tea: It has antioxidants (catechins)€addition
to actions thermogenic (speeds up metabolism) and oxidation of fats (prevents t
he absorption of fat). Studies also show that green tea lowers blood sugar. Serv
ing size: 5 cups of tea per day. Berries: they are the darlings on this diet. Th
ey carry a huge amount of anthocyanins, antioxidants with anti-inflammatory powe
r. Options: plum, blackberry, strawberry, acai, cherry, raspberry, red guava. Se
rving size: 1 cup per day. Yogurt: probiotics, lactobacilli live with that facil
itate digestion and bowel function,€stimulate the production of inflammatory sub
stances. Kefir (see this issue, the article seems Kefir yogurt ...) is another g
reat option. Serving size: 1 pot per day (200 ml). Fish: salmon is champion in D
MAE, a substance essential to keep skin firm and prevent wrinkles. It is also a
source of omega 3 fatty acid that fights free radicals and is antiinflammatory.
Other fish are also welcome. Serving size: 2 steaks a week or two capsules per d
ay of fish oil. Flaxseed: omega 3 and has a class of antioxidants. It is worth m
entioning vitamin E,€which contributes to cell renewal and thus postpones the
aging. Sesame seeds, nuts and other oil rich in fat and also make the list of an
ti-inflammatory foods. Serving size: 2 tablespoons per day. Soy: the bean stew,
roasted or fermented (miso) is rich in isoflavones - plant hormone that inhibits
the production of inflammatory substances. In the form of yogurt, milk or chees
e (tofu), this crop is a good source of protein - important for maintaining lean
body mass, which makes the body burn more calories,€even when you're standing.
Serving size: 2 tablespoons of beans per day (or 1 cup yogurt or soy milk).
Nothing discouraged. Not because you are in their 40s who will not abandon the i
dea of polishing the body the way you want. Ok, it is true that the metabolism b
egins to slow its pace in this phase, which can hinder weight loss. But this alo
ne is not to blame for the extra flab. So cheer: In addition to regular exercise
, you need a diet tailored to brush up on looks.€And we bring it here. The ortho
molecular nutrólogo Tamara Mazaracki, Rio de Janeiro, has assembled a menu of 12
00 calories to combat sagging, bone loss and kills one pound per week.
Coffee Morning
Option 1 1 pot of yogurt (200 ml) whipped with ½ a banana ice cube 1 col. (Soup)
of oatmeal (if too thick, add a little cold water) 1 toasted a full col. (Tea)
of light cream cheese 4 eggs boiled quail or a scrambled egg 1 cup.€tea berry Op
tion 2 1 cup (250 ml) mate hit with juice of ½ lemon 2 whole roasted light blanq
uet 2 slices of turkey breast or a thin slice of mozzarella cheese or white Opti
on 3 ½ papaya 1 cup (250 ml ) orange juice whipped in a blender with 1 col. (Sou
p) of flaxseed a slice of bread with 1 col. (Tea) of light cream cheese 1 egg 1
cup cooked. green tea with a slice of ginger Option 4
1 cup (250 ml) of passion fruit juice, beaten with 1 col.€(Soup) of oatmeal a li
ttle Arabic bread in the oven with a slice of cheese mines light 2 thin slices t
omato oregano 1 dash of olive oil 1 cup. green tea with drops of lemon or a pinc
h of cinnamon Option 5 1 cup (250 ml) to kill a hit with thick slice (2 cm) of p
ineapple and 1 col. (Soup) of flaxseed a slice of bread with 2 col. (Soup) of co
ttage cheese with a little olive oil and / or a pinch of oregano 1 cup. tea berr
Option 1 1 dish (dessert) of green leaf salad with alfalfa sprouts 1 palm 2 slic
es of red pepper shell of a chick-peas cooked 3 col. (Soup) of lean meat and ste
amed minced 2 tsp. (Soup) of Option 2 1 steamed okra dish (dessert) of mixed sal
ad (lettuce, watercress, carrot, beetroot, tomato, arugula, lettuce or purple Am
erican palm, asparagus, mushrooms) with 1 boiled egg 2 tsp. (Soup) of rice a lad
le black beans (or other) 1 grilled chicken breast 2 tsp. (Soup) of steamed cabb
age Option 3 1 course (dessert) to rocket salad,€lettuce, cherry tomatoes and 2
col. (Soup) 1 cup of corn. (Tea) of noodles with a tomato sauce sardines (120 g)
cooked fish or other third col. (Soup) of broccoli and cauliflower steamed Opti
on 4 1 course (dessert) salad of iceberg lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, tomato, cucum
ber and red bell pepper 1 tbsp. (Soup) of rice 3 col. (Soup) of lentils cooked a
steak grilled tenderloin Option 5 1 course (dessert) of green salad with alfalf
a sprouts and cherry tomatoes 2 chicken thighs stew or roast a shell of chick-pe
as cooked 3 col.€(Soup) or sautéed watercress bertalha
Option 1 1 dish (dessert) of lettuce salad with cherry tomatoes and cucumber sli
ces 2 tsp. (Soup) of pumpkin puree with parsley 3 col. (Soup) of cauliflower ste
amed a fish fillet grilled Option 2 bertalha sautéed spinach or comfortable 3 co
l. (Soup) cream corn 1 chicken fillet grilled Option 3 3 col. (Soup) of broccoli
and cauliflower steamed green olives and a sliced tomato sprinkled with parsley
4 slices of cucumber called a salmon or other fish baked with onion,€tomatoes a
nd herbs Option 4 1 course (dessert) to rocket salad with tomato and radish slic
es 2 medium roasted meat (lizard) 4 baked or boiled potatoes ball 3 col. (Soup)
of okra or zucchini sautéed with tomato, onion and garlic Option 5 3 col. (Soup)
, salad of green cabbage into thin strips, beetroot, radish and carrot, grated 2
medium pieces of roasted turkey breast 2 col. (Soup) of mashed potato or yam
Snacks (morning and afternoon)
Option January 1 cereal bar light Option 2 1 light yogurt Option 3 1 banana mash
ed with 1 col.€(Soup) of whole oats and cinnamon almonds Option Option April 10
May 1 (glass of 250 ml) eau de coco 2 nuts-and-stop Option 6 1 fruit (orange, ta
ngerine, apple, kiwi, pear) Option 7
1 cup (250 ml) of melon or watermelon juice or pineapple with mint Option 8 1 cu
p (200 ml) plain yogurt with skim chips ripe Option September 1 toast with a ful
l col. (Soup) of light cream cheese 1 cup. green tea or berries Option 10 1 cup
gelatin diet
Option 1 1 fruit (apple or tangerine) Option 2 1 small cup (200 ml) of skimmed m
ilk mixed with a pot of fermented milk (Yakult type) Option 3 cups 1 cup 1 cup d
iet Option 4. (Tea) of warm milk with a pinch of cinnamon Option 5 1 pear into c
ubes with a spoon (soup) of cottage cheese
Option 1 1 col. (Tea) extra virgin olive oil lemon a few drops of soy sauce 1 tb
sp oregano Option 2. (Tea) extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp. (Soup) of yogurt sauce
, garlic parsley lemon drops Option 3 1 col.€(Tea) extra virgin olive oil drops
of balsamic vinegar salt, dehydrated garlic and parsley Option 4 1 col. (Tea) ex
tra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp. (Soup) of dried tomato cortadinho 1 col. (Soup) of
yogurt rosemary
To sweeten
If you want to sweeten juices, teas and coffee, give preference to the natural s
based on stevia, easily found in supermarkets and natural food stores.

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