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Aristotle Political Theory Paper

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Aristotle Political Theory Paper

Second Essay

Choose one of the following topics:

1. Why should the cultivation of virtue lead naturally to participation

in politics? What does Aristotle mean by saying that man is a political
animal, and in what sense does politics, for Aristotle, itself partake in
virtue?  Does this insight have application to modern politics? If not,
why not, and if so, how?  Consult relevant passages of both The
Nicomachean Ethics  and The Politics.

1. In ThePolitics, Aristotle distinguishes between two

understandings of equality.  Explain what the differences are and why
this difference is at the heart of so much political conflict? Can both
concepts be satisfied at the same time, within a single political regime
(and what would it be), or must one form of equality give way to the

2. How does Cicero’s version of The Republic differ from Plato’s? 

Focus on the role of the concept of nature and natural law, and how
the use of these concepts by Cicero reveals the difference between
the era of the Greek city-state and the era of the Roman empire.  What
does the cosmopolis add to or subtract from the heritage of Greek
4. How does the emergence of Christianity transform the
interpretation of Greek philosophy? With Augustine as your example,
discuss how Christian Platonism attempts to reconcile the higher
morality of Gold with the fallen morality of the City. Does Christianity
simply recontextualize the meaning of politics within a spiritual
mission (and how does it do this), or does it effectively downgrade
politics altogether?

Your answer should take the form of a well-written, detailed short

essay. You may consult additional sources if you wish, but your essay
should focus on your own understanding of the texts in question. If
you choose to use additional sources, note that: 1) all sources that
you refer to in your paper must be included in your list of works cited;
and 2) Wikipedia and non-peer-reviewed sources, both on- and offline,
are not appropriate for an academic essay such as this. If you are in
doubt about the quality of a source, ask before using it.

The completed assignment should be 6-8 pages in length, not

including the title page (if used) and list of works cited. Essays must
be typed double-spaced in 12-point font, and must include proper
citations and a list of works cited ineither MLA, APA or Chicago style*
Students citing editions of Aristotle or Plato that use either Stephanus
orBekkernumbering systems (for e.g. the Steinberger textbook) should
use these systems for in-line citation of the primary text, while still
having a proper bibliographical entry (in one of the above-listed styles)
for whatever specific publication they have consulted.

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