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Unit 2

Short Story

a. Let’s Study

Too much drinking ice cream

b. Let’s Listen and Do
Listen carefully and answer the questions!
The Lion and the Mouse

A lion, tired from chasing his prey lay sleeping under a nice, shady tree. Some mice,
scrambling over him while he slept, awoke him. The lion was upset and lay his paw on one of
the mice. The mouse begged for mercy so sadly that the lion let him go. A few days later, the
same lion found himself caught in a hunter’s net. He could not get loose. He roared in anger.
The mouse whose life he had saved heard this and came. How could a little mouse help a big,
strong lion? His sharp little teeth chewed through the ropes and soon the lion was free.

Key Words

Tired : Kelelahan Begged :

Chasing : Memburu Caught : Menangkap
Prey : Mangsa Roared : Suara meraung
Shady : Rindang Sharp : Runcing
Scrambling : Pertarungan Chewed : Mengunyah
Paw : Cakar Through : Melewati

Answer the question below.

1. The lion was tired from chasing his prey. What does prey mean?
a.   saying a prayer
b.   the animals he tries to catch and eat
c.   the ones chasing him

2. The mice went to sleep under a

a.   rock.
b.   waterfall.
c.   tree.

3. While he slept, what animals scrambled over him?

a.   mice
b.   cockroaches
c.   spiders

4. The lion laid his paw on a poor mouse. What is a paw? A. lion’s foot b. tail c. rock.
a.   a lion's foot
b.   tail
c.   rock

5. The mouse begged

a.   to eat some more corn.
b.   for mercy.
c.   for him to eat a different mouse.

6. A few days later the lion was

a.   sleeping and the mouse scrambled over him again.
b.   catching mice for his supper.
c.   caught in a hunter’s trap and unable to get out.

7. When he heard the lion roar, the mouse that the lion had let go came to help. How
could a mouse help?
a.   He could let the lion eat him.
b.   He could give the lion some advice.
c.   He could chew the ropes and let the lion go free.

8. The lesson is that we should not look down on

a.   mice.
b.   lions.
c.   friends who do not seem to be important or strong.
c. Let’s Practice
Tell the pictures below with gesture and expression.

The Frog and the Ox

Many years ago there was a magnificent ox. One day, when he was taking an
afternoon walk, a poorly dressed and unimportant looking frog saw him. The frog felt
envy toward the beautiful, strong ox. But the frog yelled to his friends, "Look at this
ox! But he is no better than I am, if I tried." The frog swelled up to twice his normal
size. "Am I the size of this big ox now?" he asked his frog friends. "You will have to
be much bigger to be his size," they said.

The frog swelled up even bigger. "How about now?" he asked his friends.
"No, but you better not swell up more or you will kill yourself," they warned.
But the frog wanted to be as big as the ox and puffed, and puffed. He never got as big
as the ox because he burst first.

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