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«2 United States Patent ‘Yamashita ‘USO07850423B2 (10) Patent No. 4s) Date of Patent: US 7,850,423 B2 Dec. 14, 2010 (54) STEAM TURBINE AND TURBINE ROTOR Tokyo (IP) (73) Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba, Tokyo (JP) (75) Inventor: Katsuya Yamashit (#) Notice: Subject wo any disclaimer the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 1S4{b) by 8ST days, (21) Appl. Nos 11739388 (22) Filed ws) Apr 24, 2007 US 200710253812 A1 Now. 1, 2007 G0) Foreign Application Priority Data Apr 26,2006 (JP) 2006-121411 GL Inc. Fob 29/84 (2) USC (2006.01) 415/199.1; 415/199 4; 415/200: 41572161; 416161; 816/198 A; 416/201 R: 4160213 R: 416244 4 (58) Fleld of Classification Search 41511994, 415/200, 216.1, 199.1; 416/61, 198 A, 201 R, 416/213 R, 244.8 Se pplication file for complete search history. 66) References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS 257.908 A 11/1993 Wynn ea 697 A * 11/2000 Konishi tal 4162138 6388004 B1° 32002 Shiga eta, 418200 7267595 Be 2ood2ui37t AL aoownrsiat7 Al 5/2007 Hiegemann ta 112004 Pliner eal. 122004, Yamashita eal 20090022527 AL 22005. Nagane a 2n0S0118025 AL 62005 Hiegemana ctl 20090130849 AL 72008 Heine et FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ow isrm20 A 22008 iP ri7g629 AL 12004 1536 102 A2 6 2005 iP L577494 AL 92005 2 7247896 | 9/1998 » 2000-282808 A 1072000, » ‘200182109 A 32001 » 2001353003 A 122004 Wo wo2DSON;218 AL 102005 * cited by examiner Primary Eraminer Igor Kershteyn (14) Attorney, Agent, or Firm —Poley & Lardner LLP 6 ABSTRACT High-temperature steam at 620° C. or higher introduced 10 4 reheat steam turbine 100, and turbine rotor L13 of the ‘heat steam turbine 100 jnciudes:high-temperatureturbine ‘lor constituent part 1139 positioned in un area extending froma nozzle 114a ona first stage ta moving blade 1182 on ‘stage where temperature ofthe steam becomes 580° C, and ‘mado of a corrosion and heat resistant material, and tow: temperature turhine rotor constituent parts 1136 connect 0 and sandwiching the high-temperature turbine rotor consti ent part 13a and made of @ material different from the ‘material ofthe high-temperature turbine rotor constituent part ka. Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets eth —s US 7,850,423 B2 Sheet 1 of 6 Vo {ex SLL / vk | Ny | ? | i N gort eo, yet WE ak OL Dee. 14, 2010 US. Patent U.S, Patent Dec. 14,2010 Sheet 2 of 6 US 7,850,423 B2 FIG. 2 118a. 114 RNENZENEZ {13a_113b 113 ic, & 15a. 414 A a 7] " tay) nae \ ‘ hed 12: Leta rt 13a 113b 119 113 U.S. Patent Dec. 14, 2010 Sheet 3 of 6 US 7,850,423 B2 FIG. 4 114 iL TST 2) 115a LZ A22 1424 128 o ip Cr d13a_113b 113 1154 =~ a 8 SS 8 3S [24 ay 113a113b 13 1 U.S. Patent Dec. 14, 2010 Sheet 4 of 6 US 7,850,423 B2 FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Dec. 14, 2010 Sheet 5 of 6 US 7,850,423 B2 FIG. 7 230 14 IND i i13a_ 113b, 113 FIG. 8 18a, 230 f : 120 424 ? 422 128 | 124 d13a_113b 119 113 U.S. Patent Dec. 14, 2010 Sheet 6 of 6 US 7,850,423 B2 FIG. 9 1158 959 14 sf 7) ell N | 122 fa hai 24 20a LP ay i13a 1135 113, FIG. 10 ey 230. 114 118 4 i 4) Ly i13a_113b 13 11 US 7,850,423 B2 1 STEAM TURBINE AND TURBINE ROTOR (CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS ‘This application is based upon and claims the benefit of priority from the prior Japanese Patent Application No. 2006- 121411, fled on Apr. 26, 2006; the entire contents of which ate incorporated herein by reference. BACKGROUND |. Field ofthe Invention ‘The present invention relates to a steam turbine and a turbine rotor, more particularly, to a steam turbine and & turbine rotor allowing the use of high-temperature steam at 620° C. or higher, 2, Description ofthe Related Art For most of high-temperature parts in theemal power gen= ‘eration facilities, ferrite heat resistant steels excelleat i ‘manufacturing performance and economic efficiency have been used, A steam turbine of such a conventional thermal power generation fciliy is generally under asteam tempera- ‘ure condition on order of not higher than 600° Cand there- Joe, ts major omponents sucha a turbine rotorand moving blades aro made of feeitic heat resistant ste! However, in recent years, improvement in efficiency of thermal power generation facilities have been actively pro- moted from a viewpoint of environmental protection, and steam turbines utilizing high-temperaturesteam at bout 600° Care operated. Such a steam trbine inchides components requiring characteristics that cannot be satisfied by character- istics of the fervtic heat esistant steel, and therefore, these ‘components are sometimes made ofa heat resistant alloy oF ‘austenite heat resistant tee more excellent in high-tempera- ture resistance, For example, JP-A 7.247806 (KOKAD, JP-A 2000- 282808 (KOKA, and Japanese Patent No. 3095745 deserbe arts to construct a steam turbine power generation Laeilty ‘withthe minimum use of an austenitic material fora steam, ‘urbine uilizing high-temperature seu a 6$0° Co higher For example, in the steam turbine power generation facility “described in JP-A 2000-282808 (KOKAL},a superhigh-pres- sure turbine, a high-pressure turbine, an inteemeiatepres- sure turbine, a low-pressure turbine, a second low-pressure turbine, and a generator are uniaxially connected, and the super high-pressure turbine and the high-pressure urine are assembled in the same outer easing snd thus ane independent from the others, Further, in view of global environmental protection, a ned for higher efficieney enabling a reduction in emissions of (CO, SOx, and NOx is currently increasing. One of the most effective plans to enhance plant thermal efficiency in a ther- ‘mal power generation facility is to increase steam tempen- ‘ure, and the development of steam turbine on ord of 700° (Cv is under consideration, Punter, for example, JP-A. 2008-353603 (KOKAD,

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