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listing 1

struct inv_type {
char item[40]; // name of item
double cost; // cost
double retail; // retail price
int on_hand; // amount on hand
int lead_time; // number of days before resupply

listing 2
inv_type inv_var;

listing 3
struct inv_type {
char item[40]; // name of item
double cost; // cost
double retail; // retail price
int on_hand; // amount on hand
int lead_time; // number of days before resupply
} inv_varA, inv_varB, inv_varC;

listing 4
struct {
char item[40]; // name of item
double cost; // cost
double retail; // retail price
int on_hand; // amount on hand
int lead_time; // number of days before resupply
} temp;

listing 5
inv_var.cost = 10.39;

listing 6
cout << inv_var.cost;

listing 7

listing 8
int t;

for(t=0; inv_var.item[t]; t++)

cout << inv_var.item[t];

listing 9
inv_type invtry[100];

listing 10
cout << invtry[2].on_hand;

listing 11
const int SIZE = 100;

struct inv_type {
char item[40]; // name of item
double cost; // cost
double retail; // retail price
int on_hand; // amount on hand
int lead_time; // number of days before resupply
} invtry[SIZE];

listing 12
// Initialize the inv_type_info array.
void init_list()
int t;

// a zero length name signifies empty

for(t=0; t<SIZE; t++) *invtry[t].item = '\0';

listing 13
// Get a menu selection.
int menu()
char ch;

cout << '\n';

do {
cout << "(E)nter\n";
cout << "(D)isplay\n";
cout << "(U)pdate\n";
cout << "(Q)uit\n\n";
cout << "choose one: ";
cin >> ch;
} while(!strchr("eduq", tolower(ch)));
return tolower(ch);

listing 14
// Enter items into the list.
void enter()
int i;

// find the first free structure

for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
if(!*invtry[i].item) break;

// i will equal SIZE if the list is full

if(i==SIZE) {
cout << "List full.\n";


// Input the information.

void input(int i)
// enter the information
cout << "Item: ";
cin >> invtry[i].item;

cout << "Cost: ";

cin >> invtry[i].cost;
cout << "Retail price: ";
cin >> invtry[i].retail;

cout << "On hand: ";

cin >> invtry[i].on_hand;

cout << "Lead time to resupply (in days): ";

cin >> invtry[i].lead_time;

listing 15
// Modify an existing item.
void update()
int i;
char name[80];

cout << "Enter item: ";

cin >> name;

for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)

if(!strcmp(name, invtry[i].item)) break;

if(i==SIZE) {
cout << "Item not found.\n";

cout << "Enter new information.\n";


listing 16
// Display the list.
void display()
int t;

for(t=0; t<SIZE; t++) {

if(*invtry[t].item) {
cout << invtry[t].item << '\n';
cout << "Cost: $" << invtry[t].cost;
cout << "\nRetail: $";
cout << invtry[t].retail << '\n';
cout << "On hand: " << invtry[t].on_hand;
cout << "\nResupply time: ";
cout << invtry[t].lead_time << " days\n\n";

listing 17
/* A simple inventory program that uses an array
of structures. */

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

const int SIZE = 100;

struct inv_type {
char item[40]; // name of item
double cost; // cost
double retail; // retail price
int on_hand; // amount on hand
int lead_time; // number of days before resupply
} invtry[SIZE];

void enter(), init_list(), display();

void update(), input(int i);
int menu();

int main()
char choice;


for(;;) {
choice = menu();
switch(choice) {
case 'e': enter();
case 'd': display();
case 'u': update();
case 'q': return 0;

// Initialize the inv_type_info array.

void init_list()
int t;

// a zero length name signifies empty

for(t=0; t<SIZE; t++) *invtry[t].item = '\0';

// Get a menu selection.

int menu()
char ch;

cout << '\n';

do {
cout << "(E)nter\n";
cout << "(D)isplay\n";
cout << "(U)pdate\n";
cout << "(Q)uit\n\n";
cout << "choose one: ";
cin >> ch;
} while(!strchr("eduq", tolower(ch)));
return tolower(ch);

// Enter items into the list.

void enter()
int i;

// find the first free structure

for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
if(!*invtry[i].item) break;

// i will equal SIZE if the list is full

if(i==SIZE) {
cout << "List full.\n";


// Input the information.

void input(int i)
// enter the information
cout << "Item: ";
cin >> invtry[i].item;

cout << "Cost: ";

cin >> invtry[i].cost;

cout << "Retail price: ";

cin >> invtry[i].retail;

cout << "On hand: ";

cin >> invtry[i].on_hand;

cout << "Lead time to resupply (in days): ";

cin >> invtry[i].lead_time;

// Modify an existing item.

void update()
int i;
char name[80];

cout << "Enter item: ";

cin >> name;

for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)

if(!strcmp(name, invtry[i].item)) break;

if(i==SIZE) {
cout << "Item not found.\n";
cout << "Enter new information.\n";

// Display the list.

void display()
int t;

for(t=0; t<SIZE; t++) {

if(*invtry[t].item) {
cout << invtry[t].item << '\n';
cout << "Cost: $" << invtry[t].cost;
cout << "\nRetail: $";
cout << invtry[t].retail << '\n';
cout << "On hand: " << invtry[t].on_hand;
cout << "\nResupply time: ";
cout << invtry[t].lead_time << " days\n\n";

listing 18
// Pass a structure to a function.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Define a structure type.

struct sample {
int a;
char ch;
} ;

void f1(sample parm);

int main()
struct sample arg; // declare arg

arg.a = 1000; = 'X';


return 0;

void f1(sample parm)

cout << parm.a << " " <<;
cout << "\n";

listing 19
// Demonstrate structure assignments.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct stype {
int a, b;

int main()
stype svar1, svar2;

svar1.a = svar1.b = 10;

svar2.a = svar2.b = 20;

cout << "Structures before assignment.\n";

cout << "svar1: " << svar1.a << ' ' << svar1.b;
cout << '\n';
cout << "svar2: " << svar2.a << ' ' << svar2.b;
cout << "\n\n";

svar2 = svar1; // assign structures

cout << "Structures after assignment.\n";

cout << "svar1: " << svar1.a << ' ' << svar1.b;
cout << '\n';
cout << "svar2: " << svar2.a << ' ' << svar2.b;

return 0;

listing 20
struct stype1 {
int a, b;

struct stype2 {
int a, b;

stype1 svar1;
stype2 svar2;

svar2 = svar1; // Error - type mismatch

listing 21
inv_type *inv_pointer;

listing 22
struct bal {
float balance;
char name[80];
} person;

bal *p; // declare a structure pointer

listing 23
p = &person;

listing 24

listing 25
struct tm {
int tm_sec; // seconds, 0-61
int tm_min; // minutes, 0-59
int tm_hour; // hours, 0-23
int tm_mday; // day of the month, 1-31
int tm_mon; // months since Jan, 0-11
int tm_year; // years from 1900
int tm_wday; // days since Sunday, 0-6
int tm_yday; // days since Jan 1, 0-365
int tm_isdst; // Daylight Saving Time indicator

listing 26
// This program displays the current system time.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

int main()
struct tm *ptr;
time_t lt;

lt = time('\0');

ptr = localtime(&lt);

cout << ptr->tm_hour << ':' << ptr->tm_min;

cout << ':' << ptr->tm_sec;

return 0;

listing 27
// This program displays the current system time.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

int main()
struct tm *ptr;
time_t lt;

lt = time('\0');

ptr = localtime(&lt);
cout << asctime(ptr);

return 0;

listing 28
// Demonstrate a reference to a structure.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct mystruct {
int a;
int b;

mystruct &f(mystruct &var);

int main()
mystruct x, y;
x.a = 10; x.b = 20;

cout << "Original x.a and x.b: ";

cout << x.a << ' ' << x.b << '\n';

y = f(x);

cout << "Modified x.a and x.b: ";

cout << x.a << ' ' << x.b << '\n';
cout << "Modified y.a and y.b: ";
cout << y.a << ' ' << y.b << '\n';

return 0;

// Receive and return a reference to a structure.

mystruct &f(mystruct &var)
var.a = var.a * var.a;
var.b = var.b / var.b;
return var;

listing 29
struct stype {
int nums[10][10]; // 10 x 10 array of ints
float b;
} var;

listing 30

listing 31
struct addr {
char name[40];
char street[40];
char city[40];
char zip[10];

struct emp {
addr address;
float wage;
} worker;

listing 32 = 98765;

listing 33
struct mystruct {
int a;
char str[80];
mystruct *sptr; // pointer to mystruct objects

listing 34
struct C_struct {
int a;
int b;

// declare a C_struct variable

struct C_struct svar:

listing 35
struct status_type {
unsigned delta_cts: 1;
unsigned delta_dsr: 1;
unsigned tr_edge: 1;
unsigned delta_rec: 1;
unsigned cts: 1;
unsigned dsr: 1;
unsigned ring: 1;
unsigned rec_line: 1;
} status;

listing 36
status = get_port_status();

if(status.cts) cout << "clear to send";

if(status.dsr) cout << "data ready";

listing 37
status.ring = 0;

listing 38
struct status_type {
unsigned : 4;
unsigned cts: 1;
unsigned dsr: 1;
} status;

listing 39
struct emp {
struct addr address;
float pay;
unsigned lay_off: 1; // lay off or active
unsigned hourly: 1: // hourly pay or wage
unsigned deductions: 3: // IRS deductions

listing 40
union utype {
short int i;
char ch;
} ;

listing 41
utype u_var;
listing 42 = 'A';

listing 43
// ...
func1(&u_var); // pass func1() a pointer to u_var
// ...

void func1(utype *un)

un->i = 10; /* Assign 10 to u_var using
a pointer. */

listing 44
// Use a union to exchange the bytes within a short integer.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void disp_binary(unsigned u);

union swap_bytes {
short int num;
char ch[2];

int main()
swap_bytes sb;
char temp;

sb.num = 15; // binary: 0000 0000 0000 1111

cout << "Original bytes: ";

cout << " ";
cout << "\n\n";

// exchange the bytes

temp =[0];[0] =[1];[1] = temp;

cout << "Exchanged bytes: ";

cout << " ";
cout << "\n\n";

return 0;

// Display the bits within a byte.

void disp_binary(unsigned u)
register int t;

for(t=128; t>0; t=t/2)

if(u & t) cout << "1 ";
else cout << "0 ";

listing 45
// Display the ASCII code in binary for characters.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

// a bit field that will be decoded

struct byte {
unsigned a : 1;
unsigned b : 1;
unsigned c : 1;
unsigned d : 1;
unsigned e : 1;
unsigned f : 1;
unsigned g : 1;
unsigned h : 1;

union bits {
char ch;
struct byte bit;
} ascii ;

void disp_bits(bits b);

int main()
do {
cin >>;
cout << ": ";
} while(!='q'); // quit if q typed

return 0;

// Display the bit pattern for each character.

void disp_bits(bits b)
if(b.bit.h) cout << "1 ";
else cout << "0 ";
if(b.bit.g) cout << "1 ";
else cout << "0 ";
if(b.bit.f) cout << "1 ";
else cout << "0 ";
if(b.bit.e) cout << "1 ";
else cout << "0 ";
if(b.bit.d) cout << "1 ";
else cout << "0 ";
if(b.bit.c) cout << "1 ";
else cout << "0 ";
if(b.bit.b) cout << "1 ";
else cout << "0 ";
if(b.bit.a) cout << "1 ";
else cout << "0 ";
cout << "\n";

listing 46
// Demonstrate an anonymous union.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
// this is an anonymous union
union {
short int count;
char ch[2];

// Here, refer to union members directly

ch[0] = 'X';
ch[1] = 'Y';
cout << "union as chars: " << ch[0] << ch[1] << '\n';
cout << "union as integer: " << count << '\n';

return 0;

listing 47
union x {
char ch;
int i;
double f;
} u_var;

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