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SPREAD: In the heart of Central Asia, a magnificent creature lives. The most
beautiful and bigger representative of the felines in the opinion of many people, the
snow leopard, because it is, still dominates its kingdom of alpine and alpine
meadows. Mountain regions in the south and central Asia, Tibet and the Himalayas
at altitudes ranging from 3000 to 5500 m

HUNTING AND DIET: Snow Leopards are opportunists when it comes to

feeding. They are strictly carnivores and eat whatever meat they can find, but It’s
preferred wild prey species are Himalayan blue sheep , markhor or wild goat.

It also preys on domestic livestock. It prefers prey ranging in weight from 36 to 76

kg but also hunts smaller mammals such as marmot, pika and vole species.Snow
leopards prefer to ambush prey from above, using broken terrain to conceal their
approach. They will actively pursue prey down steep mountainsides, using the
momentum of their initial leap to chase animals for up to 300 m.They kill with a
bite to the neck, and may drag the prey to a safe location before feeding. They
consume all edible parts of the carcass, and can survive on a single sheep for two
weeks before hunting again. Annual prey needs appears to be 20–30 adult blue
sheep.It also eats a significant amount of vegetation, including grass and
twigs.Snow leopards have been recorded to hunt in pairs successfully, especially
mating pairs.

The snow leopard has not been reported to attack humans, and appears to be the
least aggressive to humans of all big cats.

BIOLOGY: Considered by most zoologists as a representative of the Pantherinae

subfamily, along with lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar, the snow leopard has some
morphological features.
Researchers have found that, unlike the big cats mentioned above, this master of
the highlands of Central Asia, Tibet and the Himalayas can not resist. The cause is
the lack of a specialized body, consisting of a dense fibro-elastic tissue that allows
the big cats to emit their characteristic spits and hoarseness.
However, researchers who have recently studied the DNA of this predator
discovered that the closest relative of the snow leopard is not the common leopard
spread in Africa and Asia, as was previously believed, but the tiger itself.
The fur is grayish-white with distinct dark rosettes or some blurry rosettes. It is
hard to see in freedom because of the inaccessibility of the places where he lives,
but also because he is predominantly nocturnal. They are smaller than the other
felines, their weight ranging from 27 to 55 kg, and body lengths between 75 and
130 cm, plus 75-90% of the length of the body.
Also snow leopards have an enormous appetite, is able to cope with an animal 3
times greater than himself; have extraordinary capabilities to leaps their powerful
legs are equipped to jump at distances of up to 15 meters; their legs are equipped
with "natural skis", they have very big paws. This evolutionary feature makes it
easier for you to walk in the snow, and in the end your tail is foolish for a
particular purpose: it serves as a baluster during jumping.
  Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 3-4 years. The reproduction period occurs
towards the end of winter or early spring. The female usually gives birth in 2 years.
The pregnancy lasts 90-110 days. At birth two to three chickens usually appear,
much less four or five.
STATUS OF PROTECTION: Dependent on the high, cold and steep places, the
snow leopards have never been too numerous, but in the last century they have
become even more rare, being slaughtered by thousands on the altar of fashion for
the fur trade. Although legally protected since 1975, under the Convention on
International Trade in Dangerous Species, stained cats are still killed for fur, which
is worth a fortune in the black market.

Although the figures are not firm, the population may be less than half that of a
century ago. Some authorities fear that the real figure has already fallen below
3,500. In five of the leopard population countries there may be at most 200 copies.
Often, the reason for the increase in losses is that people have hunted and killed the
wild leopard leopards.

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