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Journal of Economic Literature 2010, 48:4, 980–986

Does Network Theory Connect 

to the Rest of Us? 
A Review of Matthew O. Jackson’s
Social and Economic Networks
James E. Rauch*

The ubiquity of networks in our social lives has long been recognized, and their
importance in our economic lives is increasingly recognized as well. Yet the literature
synthesized in Matthew O. Jackson’s Social and Economic Networks, which covers the
theory of how networks form, decay, and shape behavior at a general level, has had little
­influence on either applied theory or empirical work in this area. This is partly because
of limitations of network theory as it has evolved in this literature. After describing
the network theory presented in the book, I discuss these limitations and make some
tentative suggestions as to how they might be overcome. (JEL D85, L14, Z13)

1.  Introduction University Press 2008)—the most ambitious

economics textbook on the subject to date.1

T he ubiquity of networks in our social lives

has long been recognized. Their impor-
tance in our economic lives is increasingly
Yet the literature synthesized in this book,
which covers the theory of how networks
form, decay, and shape behavior at a gen-
recognized as well in areas as diverse as labor eral level, has had little influence on either
markets (Kaivan Munshi 2003), international applied theory or empirical work in this area.
trade (James E. Rauch 2001), industrial orga- This is partly because, until recently, network
nization (Rachel E. Kranton and Deborah analysis at this level was ceded to sociology.
F. Minehart 2001), and economic develop- But, as I shall argue in this review, it is also
ment (Oriana Bandiera and Imran Rasul the result of limitations of network theory as
2006). Hence, the ­market appears ripe for it has evolved in this literature. In section 3,
Social and Economic Networks (Princeton I will describe these limitations and make

1 I am aware of two previous volumes covering simi-

* Rauch: University of California, San Diego, and the lar material that could be called textbooks, Sanjeev Goyal
National Bureau of Economic Research. I thank Nageeb (2007) and Fernando Vega-Redondo (2007). Jackson’s
Ali for helpful discussions and the editor for valuable book is more than 50 percent longer than either and con-
comments. tains exercises for each chapter.

Rauch: Does Network Theory Connect to the Rest of Us? 981

some tentative suggestions as to how they if and only if there exists a path between
might be overcome. First I will describe the them.  If there is a path between every pair
network theory presented in the book. of nodes, the network consists of only one
component. Finally, clustering refers to the
tendency for two nodes that are linked to a
2.  Summary of the Book
third node to also be linked to each other:
Social and Economic Networks is a gradu- two people who know me are more likely
ate level textbook. It is definitely not for to know each other than are two randomly
someone who wants a casual introduction selected people.
to the subject. The comprehensive list of Chapters 4 and 5 present models of ran-
675 references alone is worth the modest dom network formation, a major goal of
$65 purchase price. For the prospective which is to explain the stylized facts of large
buyer who has an opportunity to browse the networks presented in chapter 3. A good
book, I recommend reading the first, over- example of a large network is the network
view chapter, which gives an excellent feel of coauthor relationships among all econo-
for what is to come. In this section, I will mists. In describing the stylized facts of such
briefly review the other chapters and high- networks, it is useful to have a standard of
light what I believe is of greatest interest to comparison. A common baseline is a ran-
economists who are not network theorists. dom network in which one fixes a set of n
I will not discuss the last three chapters, nodes and forms links independently with
which cover “advanced” topics, although I probability p. For large n and small p, the
will refer to material in chapter 13 in the distribution of the number of degrees per
next section of this review. node is approximately Poisson. Relative to
Following the introductory chapter, this Poisson baseline, a typical large network
chapter 2 defines terms used to describe has more nodes with very high degree and
properties of networks. Here I will para- more with very low degree (“fat tails”). The
phrase several definitions that will be use- average distance between nodes in observed
ful in the discussion below. The bulk of the large social networks is surprisingly small,
networks studied in the book, and the only measured against the Poisson baseline or
networks I will consider in this review, are naive intuition. This is the famous “small
undirected and unweighted graphs: a set world” phenomenon. A third key stylized
of nodes between any two of which there fact is very high clustering relative to random
exists or does not exist a link, each of which networks.
is reciprocal (if you know me I also know Measured against these stylized facts,
you). The nodes are agents in most eco- models of random network formation have
nomic applications. A complete network is been most successful in explaining fat-tailed
one in which every node is linked to every degree distributions. Researchers have been
other node, as in a stereotypical small town. able to obtain Pareto degree distributions by
The degree of a node is the number of links allowing the number of nodes to grow over
that involve that node, and is a natural mea- time and assuming that new nodes link to
sure of the node’s popularity. The distance existing nodes in proportion to their degrees,
between two nodes is the number of links in a “rich get richer” process similar to the
the shortest path between them, commonly processes believed to be generating Pareto
known as degrees of separation. Networks distributions for city sizes, wealth, and other
can be partitioned into components such variables. Actual degree distributions tend
that two nodes are in the same component to lie in between the Pareto and the Poisson
982 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (December 2010)

and can therefore be explained by “hybrid s­ ubject on which Jackson touches at several
models” in which new nodes link to exist- points in his book but it is not a major focus
ing nodes both uniformly at random and in and I will mention it only in passing in the
proportion to their degrees, with the split next section of this review.
between the two processes determined by a Describing and understanding the proper-
parameter that can be estimated. ties of networks has long been a core pursuit
Short average distance between nodes and in sociology but is of interest to few econo-
high clustering can actually be explained with mists. Most economists are more interested
much less difficulty by models in which links in the way network structures might affect
between nodes are formed by choice rather socioeconomic outcomes than in the net-
than at random, which brings us to chapter work structures themselves. This is the sub-
6. Now the nodes are agents who consider ject of chapters 7 through 10.
costs and benefits when forming links. In The importance of network structure for
the model of section 6.5, agents are equally diffusion of diseases or information is self-
divided between “islands.” The cost of form- evident and has engendered a substantial
ing a link is lower within an island than literature in epidemiology and marketing.
across islands. Not surprisingly, this model Jackson surveys this literature in chapter
gives rise to high clustering and, in fact, each 7 and analyzes how differences in network
island becomes a complete network. But structure yield differences in steady-state
this high clustering generates a high value of infection rates. Chapter 8 shows how net-
forming links between islands because the work structure can transmit social influence
linked agents gain indirect access to many and shape opinion formation. Chapter 9 con-
other agents. A few such links form, which siders more active and complex behavior on
is enough to yield a short average distance. the part of agents (nodes) and brings in the
These results illustrate the value of impos- tools of game theory to predict their decisions
ing some exogenous structure on the net- and the equilibria of the networked societies
work formation process, a point on which I to which they belong. In chapter 10, Jackson
will expand below. I will also return to the shows how network structure can influence
process of link formation and decay that is outcomes at the heart of mainstream eco-
discussed in chapter 6. nomics such as unemployment. I will discuss
Whether links are added and subtracted this application in more detail below.
at random or purposefully, it is assumed Network structure is taken as given
throughout chapters 4–6 that the process is throughout chapters 7–10. Some use is made
decentralized rather than coordinated. The of the random network formation models of
reader is left to judge whether this assump- chapters 4–5 in motivating the features of the
tion is appropriate.2 The efficiency of net- network structures assumed, but the choice-
works formed without coordination is a based framework for network formation pre-
sented in chapter 6 is completely absent. In
the chapter on diffusion, Jackson recognizes
2 For example, one reader might think an intrafirm the possibility that allowing network struc-
network, in which the nodes are employees, is coordi- ture to be influenced by choice could under-
nated, whereas an interfirm network, in which the nodes
are firms, is not. Another reader might argue that even mine the validity of the results he presents.
the intrafirm network is formed without coordination, He writes, “Perhaps the most important
through interactions at the proverbial water cooler, and a aspect that is neglected in the above analy-
third reader might argue that even the interfirm network is
coordinated, by the developer of an industrial park or the ses is that the networks often actively react
lead firm in a business group. to the ongoing process. For example, in the
Rauch: Does Network Theory Connect to the Rest of Us? 983

2 7


1 6

Unemployment rate: 4.7

Unemployment rate: 5.0 5 10
Unemployment rate: 4.8

Figure 1. Unemployment Rates as a Function of Position in a Network

Source: Jackson, Social and Economic Networks, p. 345, figure 10.4.

case of a serious disease outbreak, some  employment status, as would a typical “social
individuals react by seeking immuniza- interactions” model (Giorgio Topa 2001).
tions and/or avoiding contact with infected Jackson also shows, however, that more
individuals” (p. 208). The absence of a role detailed knowledge of network structure can
for choice in network formation becomes lead to more detailed predictions regard-
more glaring when the analysis moves from ing employment. An obvious prediction is
the impact of overall network structure on that the employment probability of a worker
aggregate variables to the impact of micro increases with his degree (the number of
network structure on individual outcomes. workers to whom he is directly linked). A
I believe that, for most economists, the lat- more interesting prediction is illustrated by
ter holds the greatest promise as well as the figure 1 (figure 10.4 in the book). All work-
greatest pitfalls for application of network ers in the figure have degree 3, yet workers 1
theory. It is the main subject of the next sec- and 6 have lower unemployment probabili-
tion of this review. ties than the rest. Note that 1 and 6 are not
part of any cluster: none of their neighbors
is linked to each other. It follows that the
3.  Using Network Theory
employment outcomes of the neighbors of 1
In section 10.2.2, Jackson describes a and 6 are less correlated than the employ-
model of employment in which workers can ment outcomes of the neighbors of the other
learn of job openings directly or from other workers. In turn, it is less likely that their
workers to whom they are linked directly. A neighbors are all unemployed and pass on
worker learning of a job will accept it if he no information or all employed and pass on
is unemployed and pass the knowledge of redundant information.
the job opening to any unemployed network In the language of Ronald S. Burt (1992),
“neighbor” with equal probability otherwise. workers 1 and 6 bridge a “structural hole” in
(If all his network neighbors are employed, the network of figure 1. Jackson’s ­prediction
the knowledge of the job opening is lost.) that they are more likely to be employed
The model predicts correlation in neighbors’ is consistent with empirical findings from
984 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (December 2010)

economic sociology that agents with bridge exogeneity of an agent’s position within a
links perform better than agents with cluster given network structure, even if they were
links (see Burt 2000 for a survey): firms that willing to accept the exogeneity of the struc-
bridge clusters in interfirm networks show ture itself. In figure 1, agents 1 and 6 may
higher profits, managers that bridge clusters have the lowest unemployment not because
in intrafirm networks receive higher pay and of their network positions but because they
more rapid promotions. were the most aggressive or talented in pur-
At a theoretical level, analysis of the type suing access to nonredundant information.
illustrated in figure 1 is a clear advance over In other words, use of network position to
standard “peer group effects” models. In explain performance is confounded by the
these models, agents are divided into disjoint classic problem of selection on unobservable
groups. The impact on any agent of his group characteristics. Contrary to what Jackson
is a function of the equally weighted aver- suggests in section 13.1, then, knowledge
age characteristics of all agents in the group of micro network structure does not offer
(Vernon Henderson, Peter Mieszkowski, a way around the well-known econometric
and Yvon Sauvageau 1978; George J. Borjas difficulties of estimating peer group effects
1992). The implicit network structure is that and other social influence models (Charles
each group forms a separate component that F. Manski 1993), at least not without mak-
is complete, so that within any group every ing use of still further information.4 Absent
agent is in a symmetric position and is con- a remedy for the selection problem, use of
nected to every other agent in the group, but micro network structure (network position)
there are no links across groups. This is a to predict economic outcomes for agents is
very restrictive and not very realistic network unlikely to gain popularity.
structure. Behind it is an implicit theory of If panel data are available, one can of
network formation that sociologists call course try to control for the relevant unob-
homophily, meaning the tendency for like to servable characteristics using agent fixed
link to like. effects or lagged endogenous variables. The 
When it comes to empirical applications, econometrically preferred remedy is to
however, the peer group effects approach instrument for network position. This lat-
to modeling network effects on agent per- ter approach has the potential to change the
formance has two important advantages. problem that endogeneity presents for appli-
First, if there are n agents and k character- cation of network theory into an opportunity.
istics, one only needs to collect nk items of If we can identify some exogenous past pat-
data. The presence or absence of each of the tern of connections, then, in principle, we
n(n – 1)/2 potential network links is simply can use network theory to predict evolution
assumed. Second, membership in a group of the current network from this pattern,
is typically ascriptive (one is born into it) or thereby establishing one or more valid (pos-
otherwise plausibly exogenous. 3 In contrast, sibly nonlinear) instruments. 5
most economists are unwilling to accept the
5 Ideally, we would like theory to tell us how a network
evolves from one period to the next as a function of the
3 Ascriptive networks may have interesting micro struc- preceding period’s network structure (and memory of past
ture, through extended family relationships for exam- networks, most generally) and agents’ individual attributes.
ple, but this has rarely been exploited in the economics In each period (not just period zero), the network would
literature. act as a set of constraints that shapes agents’ decisions in
4 See, however, Yann Bramoullé, Habiba Djebbari, and that period. Because of the theory, we would then be able
Bernard Fortin (2009). I thank Yannis Ioannides for bring- to say what aspects of those constraints are at least partially
ing this work to my attention. independent of the agents’ attributes.
Rauch: Does Network Theory Connect to the Rest of Us? 985

With this aim in mind the theory of strate- Supposing that network theory were
gic network formation described by Jackson to move in the direction I suggest, from
in chapter 6 could prove to be a helpful where would the exogenous past networks
starting point. In this chapter, he introduces come? The ascriptive groups of the peer
the key concept of “pairwise stability.” A effects literature are an obvious possibil-
network is pairwise stable if it satisfies two ity. Rauch and Joel Watson (2007) suggest
conditions: (1) if a link between two agents that plausibly exogenous links could also be
is absent then it cannot be that both agents created in firms. The assumption is that the
would benefit by adding that link and (2) if combination of bureaucracy and proxim-
a link between two agents is present then ity that exist within a firm can establish the
it cannot be that either agent would ben- requisite exogeneity, though this is by no
efit from deleting that link. Jackson shows means a foregone conclusion. The overall
that efficient networks that maximize the network evolves as agents leave their firms
sum of payoffs to all the agents need not be to join other firms, new or existing, or to
pairwise stable and vice-versa.6 The reason become unemployed. Firms play the role of
is that when choosing whether to form or Jackson’s “islands” discussed above, but the
maintain links, an agent in a network does difference is that the dense interconnect-
not take into account his impact on relation- edness of agents within firms are features
ships between other pairs of agents who are of an initial network that shapes future evo-
connected indirectly through him. lution rather than an end result of assumed
Pairwise stability is a more realistic differential connection costs. The choice of
approach to network formation than one in firms would allow researchers interested
which omniscient agents interact in a net- in the evolution of economic networks to
work formation game. Nevertheless, it still take advantage of the increased availability
provides too many degrees of freedom for of matched firm–worker data sets, which
addition and subtraction of network links. allow employees to be tracked from firm to
Past interactions do not influence current firm.
choices. There are no ties of affect or mutual A less ambitious empirical application
adaptation and learning that make exist- of network theory would be to compare
ing links “sticky,” hence no “fear of com- performance across networks rather than
mitment” that impedes formation of new across agents within a network. Now selec-
links. A minimal element of a more realistic tion into network position is no longer an
approach would be to model the costs and issue, though endogeneity of overall net-
consequences of link formation so as to cause work structure may be. Ray E. Reagans,
links to display hysteresis. Without such a Ezra Zuckerman, and Bill McEvily (2007),
modeling change, there is little hope that an for example, examine time to project com-
exogenous past pattern of links, should one pletion for the project teams of a research
be identified, would have much influence on and development firm. A network struc-
future network positions in a changing envi- ture exists among the members of each
ronment, though any observed pattern of team. Reagans, Zuckerman, and McEvily
links could persist over time simply because measure this using the links that existed
the environment is stable. between team members prior to formation
of the team, so that any relationship between
6 Later in chapter 6 and in chapter 11, Jackson consid-
network structure and time to completion
ers the possibility of transfers between agents. Not surpris- cannot be attributed to addition or sub-
ingly, these tend to promote efficiency. traction of links during the course of the 
986 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (December 2010)

project.7 Moreover, each employee of the References

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Missing Links: Formation and Decay of Economic
that connection. There are surely other Networks, ed. James E. Rauch, 210–36. New York:
approaches to achieving this goal. I hope that Russell Sage Foundation.
readers of this review, and of Jackson’s book, Reagans, Ray E., Ezra Zuckerman, and Bill McEvily.
2007. “On Firmer Ground: The Collaborative Team
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