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Schedule for Demo Teaching

DAY 1 December 7, 2020 - MONDAY

Time Names
8: 00 – 8:30 am Teody Amador
8: 30 – 9: 00 am Lislee Ann Bidea
9: 00 – 9: 30 am Ginalyn Avanceńa
9: 30 – 10: 00 am Lorenzo Bea
10: 00 – 10: 30 am Jefferson Bajan
10: 30 – 11: 00 am Rey Anthony andelaria
11: 00– 11: 30 am Deo Abiso
11: 30– 12: 00 am Mylene Jazul
1: 00 – 1: 30 pm John Fernand Lopez
1: 30 – 2: 00 pm Joan Resuena
2: 00 – 2: 30 pm Arren Salceda
2: 30 – 3: 00 pm Richelle Malto
3: 00 – 3: 30 pm
3: 30 – 4: 00 pm

Important Notes.

1. Relax.
2. Be prepared even if it is not yet your turn.
3. For those who have problems on their scheduled dates, please inform me ahead of time.
So we an arrange another date outside the 3-day sched.
4. Lesson plan shall be send on the VLP.
5. There shall be only one g-meet code to be used. ymbssekxyi (our meet code since day 1)
6. The demo will last for 20 minutes at most. 10 minutes will be the grace
period/preparation for the next demonstrator. 5 minutes before and after each presenter.
7. Feedbacks shall be provided after all the presenter demonstrated their lesson.
8. For those who really don’t have the access to internet, hindering their demo, please notify
me ahead of time.
9. Good Luck!
10. This is your last requirement for this course. No pressure.

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