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By Jennifer Torres
■ Since I was unable to observe teenagers
during my ow time, I researched common
and popular slang words
■ To be “extra”, means someone
being exaggerative or
unnecessarily dramatic about
anything. Ex. “Oh my gosh why was
Rachel being so extra about her pencil
breaking during the test?”
■ “Periodt” is used at the end of a
sentence, but a sentence that
is meant to emphasis a point
being made. Usually its after
the words “and that’s on”. Ex.
“Men like him don’t deserve a girl like you
Rachel, and that’s on Periodt!”
■ “Snatched” has two
meanings. It can be referred
to someone that has a look
that is fashionable. The other
refers to the process of
supporting an insult against
someone who has lost an
argument. Ex. “Dang, Sophia you
looked snatched in that dress!”
■ “Wig” refers to the idea
of seeing something so
amazing, that it
shocked you and your
wig flew off. Ex. * Dad does
a split* “Wig!”
Big Yikes
■ “Big Yikes” is a more
intense yikes. Ex. “Last night
I was looking at his Instagram,
and I liked one of his post from 3
years ago! Big Yikes!”
■ “Fit” is just a shorter word
for Outfit. Ex. “Sydney, your fit is so
■ “Bet” another word that has
different uses to it. it may be
used in place of OK or YES; it
can also be used when
someone challenges you. Ex. “You
cant get that girls number. BET.”
■ “Fire” another word that
means cool or amazing.
Ex. “ Brandon that food was fire!”
■ “Cap” or “No Cap” means to
lie about something and to
tell the truth about
something. Ex. “All you do is cap,
that’s why no one believes you!”
■ “Shade” is used when
someone is making
sneaky remarks about
someone else. “Throwing
shade” Ex. Were you throwing
shade when you said my arms
looked amazing, knowing that they
are my biggest insecurities?”
A Sense of Self Identity
■ Teens have always found a way to create their own words; generation after
■ Having their own language allows them to both bond with other teen and build up
■ According to Erik Erickson’s 8 Stages of Development, “An adolescent must struggle
to discover and find his or her own identity, while negotiating and struggling with
social interactions and “fitting in”, and developing a sense of morality and right from
Personal Experiences

■ I have always made it a point to try and fit in, in my teen years; as did everyone on
this planet.
■ I do use some of these words from this specific vocabulary of slang
■ Language is always changing and we might not always keep up, but its something
that can not be controlled. Rather, it be maintained.
■ In my classroom, I will always make it a point to update myself from time to time on
words being change throughout life, for the sake of my students self esteem.

■ Davis, D. (2020, September 21). 24 slang words teens and Gen Zers are using in 2020,

and what they really mean. Retrieved from


■ Lewis, R. (2020, April 28). Erikson Stages of Psychosocial Development in Plain

Language. Retrieved from

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