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Morphology/Semantics Activity

By: Gracie Suchomel

Unfamiliar Words
1. Simp
2. Fire
3. Rizz
4. V
5. Snack
6. Snatched
7. Stan
8. Kizzy Cap
9. Finsta
10. Dead
● You’re a simp for her.
● Definition: Someone who does alot for the person they like
● That food was fire.
● Definition: Something that is really good or amazing
● You got some serious rizz
● Good at getting people you are interested in to like you; flirting
● That top was V cute
● Definition: very
● He was such a snack
● Definition: someone who looks good
● She was looking snatched in that outfit
● Definition: someone who looks good: a compliment
● I’m such a Taylor Swift stan
● Definition: overzealous and obsessed fan of a celebrity
Kizzy Cap
● Thats kizzy cap, there’s no way that happened
● Definition: A really big lie that is extremely unbelievable
● Do you follow my finsta?
● Definition: a separate instagram account used to post more private posts
● That was so funny I’m dead.
● Definition: when you find something so funny
Reflective Questions
It was very interesting to hear what they were talking about. A lot of it I did not
understand what they were talking about because I was not sure of the words they were
using. I expected to be more in the know, but I was not. I think that teenagers have their
own vocabulary because then they're able to kind of talk differently without adults and
other people really being sure what they're talking about so they have kind of more
privacy and more control over situations. When I was in high school and Junior High me
and my friends definitely had her own slang words that we used. I think as social media
becomes bigger slang words and different words become more popular because kids are
seeing it all over the internet and it's becoming more versatile and more of a shared
platform rather than just based on different schools because everyone can be connected to
everyone through apps like Instagram and tiktok.
Reflective Questions pt 2
In my future classroom I will try to be in the know of what slang words and common
words students are using because it's important to see how they're talking outside of the
classroom or even how they're talking inside of the classroom. Learning about this does
change my perspective because language is something that's constantly changing even
from when my parents were kids to now everything is constantly changing and evolving.

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