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Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports (2019) 7:67–80


Pediatric Cardiac Rehabilitation: a Review

Unoma Akamagwuna 1 & Daryaneh Badaly 2

Published online: 7 May 2019

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Purpose of Review In addition to concerns with physical health and activity levels, children with cardiac conditions can be at risk
of neurodevelopmental and socioemotional maladjustment. Children with congenital heart defects requiring surgery early in life
are at risk of developmental delays and cognitive impairments, and both children with congenital heart defects and those with
cardiomyopathies are at risk of socioemotional concerns. As a result, there is an increasing focus on rehabilitation efforts for these
patients, in order to improve both their physical well-being and their adjustment outcomes. However, there are no established
standards for rehabilitation programs applicable across children with cardiac conditions, in stark contrast to guidelines for adult
patients. The purpose of the present review is to summarize recent studies on pediatric cardiac rehabilitation and describe the
structure of our own program, in order to aid with the delineation of future guidelines.
Recent Findings Twenty programs for pediatric cardiac rehabilitation were identified and reviewed. We review inpatient, out-
patient, and home-based programs, most of which include two to three sessions of exercise training per week for 12 weeks with a
focus on improving exercise capacity. We also review emerging cognitive rehabilitation for children with cardiac disorders and
discuss a newly developed program at our own institution.
Summary A review of past findings, along with recent efforts at our institution, suggests that a structured cardiac rehabilitation
program can benefit children by increasing exercise response and physical activity as well as improving developmental, cogni-
tive, and psychosocial outcomes.

Keywords Pediatric cardiac rehabilitation . Congenital heart defects . Cardiomyopathies . Heart transplantation .
Neurodevelopmental outcomes . Socioemotional adjustment

Children with cardiac disorders are at risk of neurodevelopmental standards for rehabilitation programs applicable across children
and socioemotional maladjustment [1–4], on top of concerns with cardiac conditions, in stark contrast to guidelines for adults
with their physical health and activity levels. As a result, there [5]. In this review, we summarize recent studies on pediatric
is an increasing focus on rehabilitation efforts for these patients, cardiac rehabilitation and present the structure of our own cen-
in order to improve both their physical well-being and their psy- ter’s program, in order to aid with the delineation of future guide-
chosocial adjustment. However, there are no established lines for pediatric patients.

This article is part of the Topical Collection on Pediatric Rehabilitation

Pediatric Cardiac Disorders
* Unoma Akamagwuna; Congenital Heart Defects
Daryaneh Badaly Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are one of the most common
birth defects, affecting approximately 1.35 million newborns
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of
worldwide every year [6] and 1 million children of all ages in
Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 4401 Penn Ave., the USA [7]. CHDs encompass a wide range of conditions in
Pittsburgh, PA 15224, USA which there is abnormal development of the heart and/or its
Learning and Development Center, Child Mind Institute, 101 E. 56th major blood vessels; they are broadly categorized into cyanot-
St., New York, NY 10022, USA ic defects (where oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood mix)
68 Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80

and acyanotic defects (where the amount of oxygen delivered emphasis on increasing physical activity and providing rele-
throughout the body is unaffected). A summary of heart de- vant education.
fects is provided in Table 1, with abbreviated details on clin- Children with CHDs are also at increased risk of early devel-
ical presentation and management. opmental delays, later cognitive dysfunction, and poor quality of
Children with CHDs can have comorbid pulmonary and life, including speech and language delays, deficits in attention,
other medical complications hindering their ability to func- executive functioning and visuospatial skills, and emotional and
tion [8, 9], and they are at risk of delays in motor develop- behavioral dysregulation [1, 2]. Neurodevelopmental disruptions
ment and exercise intolerance [10, 11]. Impairments in mo- are thought to result from a combination of brain dysmaturation
tor functioning and exercise tolerance, in turn, have been [14–16] (which likely arises from genetic factors and teratogens
linked with perioperative morbidity and sedentary behaviors that concurrently impact cardiac and cerebral fetal development
(which can have negative health consequences) [12]. Along [17, 18]), altered cerebral perfusion (which can then affect func-
with their physical impairments, children with CHDs are tional and structural brain development) [19], and neurological
more likely to have parents, educators, and health providers injuries (i.e., cerebral hemorrhages, ischemic lesions,
who excessively limit their activity, predisposing them to periventricular leukomalacia, and other white matter injuries)
physical inactivity and exercise intolerance [13]. They may, [20, 21]. The complexity of the heart defect has been related to
therefore, benefit from cardiac rehabilitation with an the severity of neurodevelopmental concerns, with children with

Table 1 Congenital heart defects and their clinical presentation and management

Congenital heart defect % of cases Presentation Management

with CHDs

Acyanotic Defects
Atrial septal defects 7–10 Fatigue, but usually asymptomatic Repaired surgically via patch or suture closure
Ventricular septal 50–60 Symptoms of overcirculation within the Management of CHF, management of
defects pulmonary vasculature, congestive heart nutrition, and ultimately surgical patch
failure (CHF), cardiomegaly on chest radiograph, repair
and evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion
Atrioventricular septal 5 Features of CHF, failure to thrive, cardiomegaly on Nutrition monitoring and management,
defects chest radiograph, and evidence of pulmonary diuretics, and ultimately surgical repair
vascular congestion
Aortic and pulmonic Aortic, 5–8 Systolic ejection murmur Catheter-based balloon valvuloplasty, surgical
valve stenosis Pulmonic, valvuloplasty
Coarctation of the Coarctation Lower post-ductal saturations, blood pressure Prostaglandin infusion to keep the ductus
aorta and interrupted of the gradients in upper and lower extremities, poor arteriosus open in newborns, surgical repair
aortic arch aorta, feeding, and cardiogenic shock if in crisis
arch, 1.5

Cyanotic Defects
Tetralogy of Fallot 5 Hypercyanotic spells with agitation, and fever Surgical management, palliative procedures,
or illness complete repair including closure of
ventricular septal defect and
resection of right ventricle obstruction
Transposition of the 2 Cyanosis in the first 12 h of life, narrow Prostaglandin infusion, surgical repair
great arteries mediastinal silhouette on radiograph
Truncus arteriosus 2–5 Cyanosis symptoms of pulmonary overcirculation Diuresis and fluid management, surgical repair
in the first few hours of life
Total and partial 1 Respiratory distress and cyanosis, radiograph with Surgical repair
anomalous white out of the lung fields and small heart, partial
pulmonary venous anomalous return possible in late childhood and
drainage adolescence
Hypoplastic left heart 2–3 As the ductus arteriosus closes, infants show signs of Multi-stage surgical palliation including
syndrome shock with poor pulses and perfusion, poor urine output, Norwood, Glenn, and Fontan procedures
pulmonary overcirculation, and radiograph with vascular in infancy through 2–4 years of age
congestion and cardiomegaly

Summarized from Puri et al. [91]

Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80 69

single ventricle lesions thought to be at particular risk [1]. Even Children with cardiomyopathies, particularly those who
with simpler defects, though, factors such as cardiac arrest [22] progress to heart failure, have an increased risk of anxiety,
and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) [23] can depression, and quality of life concerns [3, 31••]. In addition,
portend increased risk of neurodevelopmental delay. As such, those who require permanent ventricular assist devices or
children with CHDs may benefit from access to habilitation heart transplantation can have mild neurodevelopmental dis-
and rehabilitation services, during acute care following surgical ruptions [4, 32]. Among adults, cardiac rehabilitation pro-
interventions, cardiac arrest, and ECMO but also follow-up in- grams have yielded success in improving not only cardiac
terventions for functional impairments or developmental delays function and overall physical activity but also emotional
that emerge throughout childhood. well-being and quality of life. Children may similarly benefit
from rehabilitation programs.
Heart Transplantation
Cardiomyopathies occur in fewer than 2 per 100,000 chil-
dren [24, 25]. Cardiomyopathies are abnormalities of the Per the Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung
ventricular myocardium that cannot be explained by ab- Transplantation [33], there are approximately 400 to 600 cases of
normal loading conditions or heart defects; they can result pediatric heart transplantation per year, worldwide. CHDs are the
from coronary artery abnormalities, tachyarrhythmias, ex- most common indication for transplant during infancy (55% of
posure to infection or toxins, or other underlying disor- cases), followed by cardiomyopathies (37%). However, for chil-
ders [26]. There are several subtypes of cardiomyopathies, dren over age 10, cardiomyopathies are the most common indi-
summarized in Table 2 along with their presentation and cation (43–54% dependent on age). The median post-transplant
management. survival is approximately 22 years for those transplanted in in-
In many children with cardiomyopathies, the disorder pro- fancy, approximately 18 years for those in early childhood (age
gresses to the point where medications and surgical options 1–5 years), approximately 14 years for those in middle childhood
are ineffective. Nearly 40% of children with symptomatic car- (age 6–10 years), and 13 years for those in adolescence.
diomyopathy require a heart transplant or die [27, 28]. The Cardiac transplantation results in postganglionic denerva-
time to transplant or death for children with cardiomyopathy tion, leading to the inability to respond to the parasympathetic
has notably not improved over the past several decades, and nervous system [34]. In turn, there are higher systolic and
the most economically advanced nations have no better sur- diastolic blood pressures, elevated heart rate at rest, lower
vival outcomes than developing nations [29]. Rehabilitation maximal myocardial oxygen consumption, lower heart rate
programs may be beneficial, not to cure the diseases, but to reserve, and decreased exercise duration. Because of these
potentially improve the cardiac function and the overall health physiologic changes, cardiac rehabilitation can be helpful in
of children for whom options for care are limited [30••]. reestablishing physical health and activity levels.

Table 2 Cardiomyopathies and their clinical presentation and management

Cardiomyopathy % of cases with Presentation Management Survival


Dilated > 50 Ranges from asymptomatic to acute Medical therapies, mechanical 60–75% at
cardiomyopathy decompensated heart failure and support, and transplant 5 years for
cardiogenic shock; arrhythmias those without
heart transplant
Hypertrophic 42 Ranges from asymptomatic with or β-Blockade, calcium channel 97% at 5 years
cardiomyopathy without murmurs to exercise blockers, disopyramide, surgical
intolerance, chest pain, palpitations, myomectomy, and automatic
syncope, or cardiac arrest; increased implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
risk of sudden death with exercise
Restrictive 4.5 Ranges from asymptomatic to overt Diuretics, anticoagulation, antiarrhythmics, 68% at 5 years
cardiomyopathy heart failure, syncope, or sudden automatic implantable
death; arrhythmias cardioverter-defibrillator,
early consideration for transplant
Noncompaction 4.8 Benign or severe course with progressive Anticoagulation, consideration for transplant Death or
cardiomyopathy systolic or diastolic dysfunction, transplantation
life-threatening arrhythmias, or in 18–25%

Summarized from Lee et al. [26]

70 Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80

Heart transplantation in infancy and toddlerhood has been Given its potential benefit, exercise training has been
associated with mild delays in motor and cognitive develop- outlined as a key component of cardiac rehabilitation with
ment, with a similar pattern of deficits as seen with children adult patients [37–39], recommended in guidelines for certain
with CHDs requiring surgery other than transplantation early pediatric cardiac populations (e.g., those with heart failure),
in life [35]. Specifically, this group can display mild reduc- and has consistently been included in emerging programs with
tions in motor skills, intellectual abilities, language abilities, children [30••, 43–45]. From prior reviews of cardiac rehabil-
and visuospatial skills. Older children, who often undergo a itation programs for children with CHDs or cardiomyopathies
heart transplant for cardiomyopathy, can display mild cogni- [30••, 43, 44], it has generally been recommended that pro-
tive deficits and are, more importantly, at risk of internalizing grams have a duration of at least 12 weeks, with two to three
and externalizing distress [36]. Among children who undergo sessions per week, and sessions of at least 30 min (and up to
heart transplantation, cardiac rehabilitation may be particular- 90 min). Programs should include aerobic, resistance, and
ly important not only to help pediatric patients regain their flexibility training, with warm-up and cool-down periods.
strength and mobility in the short term but also to help max- Training should be individualized based on the results of met-
imize children’s quality of life across their reduced lifespan. abolic stress tests, cardiac biomarkers, echocardiograms, base-
line resistance-training capacity, and past medical history.
Notably, the intensity of aerobic exercise should be at a heart
rate approximately equivalent to anaerobic threshold. The pa-
Pediatric Cardiac Rehabilitation
tient’s progress should be reviewed at least weekly, and pro-
gressive increases should be made in the child’s exercise
Guidelines from the American Heart Association and the
workload as tolerated and when medically appropriate.
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Programs might also benefit from a 6-month maintenance
Rehabilitation recommended that cardiac rehabilitation pro-
period with two exercise visits per month, including a review
grams for adults and older adults include several core compo-
of exercise logs. Both center-based and at-home training pro-
nents including a baseline assessment, management of health
grams may be effective [30••].
risk factors (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, lipid levels) and nu-
More broadly, cardiac rehabilitation programs can provide
trition, exercise training and physical activity counseling, and
education on appropriate physical activity in children with
psychosocial management [37–39]. Similarly, primary goals
cardiac conditions. Physical activity has been promoted in
for pediatric cardiac rehabilitation are managing physical
guidelines from the American Heart Association and the
health and activity as well as socioemotional functioning.
Association for European Paediatric Cardiology for children
Given the key developmental tasks of childhood, such as
with CHDs [46••, 47]. Specifically, guidelines for physical
gaining basic academic skills, there may be an additional fo-
activity in children with CHDs underscore the need for at least
cus on mitigating developmental and cognitive disruptions,
60 min of daily activity that is developmentally appropriate
which would not be a primary concern during adult cardiac
and enjoyable. Vigorous activity is recommended at least
3 days per week, and exercises for strengthening bone and
muscle (e.g., high-impact and anaerobic burst exercises such
Addressing Physical Health and Activity as jumping) are recommended 3 days per week. However,
children with certain heart defects (e.g., transposition of the
Historically, there have been concerns regarding the adverse great arteries, single ventricle conditions) may need to limit
effects of physical activity in those with cardiac conditions. participation in the highest intensity activities, notably in com-
However, research has underscored that exercise is not neces- petitive sports [48]. As for all children, screen time should be
sarily contraindicated. For example, a large study among limited to no more than 2 h per day for children over the age of
adults with CHDs demonstrated that the majority of sudden 5 years, and children under the age of 3 years should not have
cardiac events in patients occurred at rest (69%), with 11% any screen time [46••, 47].
during sleep, and only 10% during exercise [40]. In fact, phys- Guidelines from the American Heart Association and the
ical activity can be beneficial for those with cardiac condi- European Society of Cardiology for individuals with cardio-
tions. There is overwhelming evidence that exercise training myopathies also underscore the benefit of physical activity
within adult cardiac rehabilitation promotes cardiorespiratory [49, 50, 51••]. Still, those with cardiomyopathies may have
fitness, strength, flexibility, and metabolic health; reduces more restrictions in their activity. Intensive exercise programs
morbidity, mortality, and hospital admissions; and improves and competitive sport may be contraindicated for certain indi-
quality of life [41•, 42•]. Emerging research with pediatric viduals depending on their subtype of cardiomyopathy, histo-
populations with cardiac conditions similarly suggests that ry of symptoms, and findings on cardiac testing. More gener-
exercise training can have beneficial effects, although there ally, patients should be advised to start exercise sessions with a
is some variability in effects [43, 44]. warm-up period and end with a cool-down period; avoid burst
Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80 71

exertion, preferably avoid high-intensity free weight lifting adolescent [55–57]. Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral thera-
due to the risk of injury with syncope; avoid exercising in pies also offer models for chronic pain and poor sleep [58, 59].
adverse environmental conditions; and exercise only in envi- The ability to consult psychiatric colleagues within cardiac reha-
ronments equipped with an automatic defibrillator. bilitation programs further allows pediatric patients access to
In addition to exercise training and counseling on appro- specialized psychotropic medication management when
priate physical activity, pediatric cardiac rehabilitation pro- indicated.
grams can help patients and their families establish a nutrition Interestingly, psychological interventions might benefit
plan and better recognize and manage the symptoms of their physical health along with psychosocial health. In a meta-
cardiac condition. As such, programs can promote a healthy analysis of 23 randomized control trials involving adult pa-
lifestyle and decrease the risk and the severity of future car- tients with coronary heart disease, psychological interventions
diovascular disease. both reduced emotional distress and improved systolic blood
pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol levels [60]. Similarly, a
Addressing Cognitive and Socioemotional pediatric cardiac rehabilitation program with a stress manage-
Functioning ment component improved physiological measurements, al-
though the study did not separate out the effects of exercise
Cardiac rehabilitation programs can help not only mitigate the training, health education, and stress management [61].
physiological effects of cardiac conditions but also enhance Research has also documented associations between physical
the socioemotional and cognitive functioning of patients. By and emotional health among youths who have completed car-
doing so, cardiac rehabilitation programs can help children, diac rehabilitation [62•] and between daily physical activity
adolescents, and young adults transition back to their family and mental health among children with CHDs [63].
and home life, peer groups, and school and work settings Cardiac rehabilitation programs can furthermore offer an
following hospitalization. Although such efforts are standard opportunity to identify and address disruptions in the acquisi-
in programs with adult patients, recent reviews suggested that tion of developmental milestones and cognitive abilities.
the same cannot be said of pediatric programs, even though Developmental assessments can identify delays in motor, lan-
the omission of mental health providers may decrease the guage, and adaptive development, and neuropsychological
success of cardiac rehabilitation [43, 44]. evaluations can identify cognitive deficits [1]. Such testing
Psychologists, social workers, and other licensed mental can aid with treatment and transition planning (e.g., clarifying
health professionals can assess the psychosocial needs of pe- the need for speech and language therapy and outlining rec-
diatric patients and their families and monitor changes in ommendations for an Individualized Education Program upon
needs throughout their rehabilitation [52]. For example, al- return to school).
though patients have typically undergone a psychosocial eval- Importantly, families of children with cardiac disorders
uation prior to a heart transplant, their needs may change dur- have described the need for effective communication among
ing the waiting period for a heart and subsequent recovery health and mental health professionals, families, and schools
from surgery. Families may also be more likely to report sen- as critical within rehabilitation programs [64]. By incorporat-
sitive information once they no longer need to be concerned ing mental health providers, care coordinators, and school
that they may not be listed for a transplant because of their liaisons into comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programs,
financial, social, or personal resources. They may also share the needs of pediatric patients can be better understood and
important information once they feel more comfortable with addressed by the treatment team.
their care team over time. As such, they may be more apt to
discuss difficulty coping with their illness and medical care,
negative mood, insufficient social support, and/or premorbid Rehabilitation Programs
history of mental health concerns.
Having identified patients’ needs, mental health providers can As summarized in Table 3, we identified 20 cardiac rehabili-
implement interventions to foster healthy behaviors and treat- tation programs described across 26 reports, with samples that
ment compliance and address the distress associated with critical included patients under age 18. Due to the limited number of
illness and lengthy hospital stays. For instance, motivational studies and consistency in findings, we did not exclude pro-
interviewing strategies can aid with building a desire to engage grams that had both pediatric and adult patients. Similarly, we
in adaptive behaviors, such as taking medications and following included both randomized control trials and investigations
nutrition and exercise plans [53, 54]. Strategies from behavioral without control groups, due to the emerging nature of the
management therapy can target the behavioral manifestations of literature. Programs described within case studies and unpub-
distress often seen in young children, and cognitive-behavioral lished manuscripts (e.g., theses, conference presentations)
and mindfulness-based therapies can effectively target anxious, were excluded from the review. We only included reports
irritable, and depressed moods among older children and written in English and papers published after 1990.
72 Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80

Table 3 Cardiac rehabilitation programs including pediatric patients

References N Patient population Age (in Program protocol Program Measures Outcome/results
years) duration

Inpatient Acute Care Rehabilitation

Hollander 14 Ventricular assist < 1–12 • 4–5 1-h sessions per N/A Completion of pathway • 11/14 achieved all goals
[65] device week via a goals focused on • No adverse events
standardized care age-appropriate
pathway development and
• 8–10 therapeutic goals activities of daily living
• Physical and
McBride [66] 20 Hospitalized for Mean • 3 1-h sessions 2–18 months Exercise testing* • Peak work rate and VO2
heart 13 ± • Resistance and aerobic significantly below
failure (i.e., 3.2 exercises (treadmill or percentile for age and
cardiomyopathy cycle ergometer) sex
and failing

Outpatient Rehabilitation
Balfour [61] 7 CHDs or acquired 13–19 • 3 days per week in 12 weeks ECG, Holter monitoring, • Decrease in resting
heart conditions facility echocardiography, blood pressure and
• 1–2 days per week graded maximal increase in peak
home exercise exercise test oxygen consumption
• 30–40 min per session and treadmill time
Brassard [67] 7 History of Fontan 11–26 • 3 20–30-min sessions 3 8 weeks Pulmonary function • Reduction in ergoflex
procedure times per week evaluation, contribution to
• Aerobic and resistance neuromuscular function absolute values of
training evaluated via systolic blood pressure
ergoreceptor activity (suggested
monitoring, skeletal improvement in
muscle strength, skeletal muscle
endurance evaluation, function)
exercise testing
Dedieu [68] 33 CHD 8–40 • 2 days a week training 8 weeks Exercise testing • Increase in maximum
heart rate, exercise
duration and metabolic
improvement in
quality of life
Duppen 93 Tetralogy of Fallot 10–25 • 3 1-h sessions per week 12 weeks Exercise testing, All ages:
[69–72] and history of • Sports activities twice psychological • Peak load increased in
Fontan per week assessment, the intervention group
procedure • 10-min warm-up semi-structured • Ventricular systolic
(vs. healthy • 40-min aerobic training interview, Web-based parameters did not
controls) (brisk walking, health-related quality of change in the
dynamic play, life assessment intervention group
jogging/running/- • No adverse events
bicycle) Ages 10–15:
• 10-min cool down • Improved cognitive
• Heart rate monitor functioning
given workload • Self-report of improved
adjusted to heart rate motor functioning after
levels the sports-related
• Control: life as usual intervention
• Parent report of
improved social
Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80 73

Table 3 (continued)

References N Patient population Age (in Program protocol Program Measures Outcome/results
years) duration

Ages 16–25:
• No differences in quality
of life
Frederiksen 129 CHDs 10–16 • 2-week intensive 2 weeks or Exercise testing • Improvement in uptake
[73] rehabilitation at sports 5 months of peak level of oxygen
center or twice per • Increase in physical
week program activity
• Decrease in internalized
Opocher [74] 10 History of Fontan 7–12 • Twice per week lessons 8 months Exercise testing • Improved aerobic
procedure for 3 months capacity
• Once per week lessons • Increase in maximal
for 4 months oxygen consumption
• At-home training twice • Decrease in heart rate
per week for curve
30–45 min • Increased oxygen pulse
curve during
submaximal exercise
Rhodes [62•, 30 CHDs 8–17 • 2 1-h sessions per week 12 weeks Exercise testing • Improved peak oxygen
75, 76] • Aerobic and weight consumption, peak
resistance exercises work rate, ventilatory
• Recommended home anaerobic threshold,
program of twice per 1-min recovery rate
week • After 1 year, peak
oxygen consumption,
work rate, and 1-min
heart rate recovery
remained improved
Sklansky [7] 11 History of tetralogy N/A • 3 30-min sessions per 8 weeks Exercise testing • Decrease in submaximal
of Fallot repair week heart rate, submaximal
• Use of cycle ergometer cardiac output,
maximal oxygen
uptake, respiratory
rate, and maximal
treadmill time
Wittekind 10 History of Fontan 8–15 • 2 1-h sessions per week 12 weeks Cardiopulmonary exercise • Increase in peak indexed
[78•] procedure • 5- to 10-min warm-up testing, ECHO, heart oxygen consumption
and stretching rate, blood pressure, increased, peak oxygen
• 30-min aerobic training VO2, VCO2, minute pulse, and indexed
• 15-min low-resistance ventilation, perceived oxygen consumption at
and high-repetition exertion using the Borg ventilator anaerobic
strength training threshold
• 5-min cool down

Home-based Rehabilitation
Amiard [79•] 23 CHDs with history 15 ± 1.4 • 45-min sessions 8 weeks Exercise testing • No strong improvement
of surgical repair consisting of 10-min in aerobic capacity or
warm-up and 5-min ventilatory threshold
stretching, and use of
a home cycle
Hedlund [80] 55 History of Fontan Mean • Individualized 12 weeks 6-min walk test, ergometer After intervention:
procedure (vs. 14.2 endurance training cycle test, and Pediatric • Increase in average
healthy controls) program. Quality of Life intensity on the Borg
• 2 45-min endurance Inventory scale for activities
training sessions per • Increase in 5-min walk
week test
74 Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80

Table 3 (continued)

References N Patient population Age (in Program protocol Program Measures Outcome/results
years) duration

• Activities included • VO2 max did not

running, skiing, increase
jogging, skiing, • Quality of life improved
cycling, swimming, At 1-year follow up
riding, dancing, • Borg intensity back to
football average
• 6-min walk test
remained improved
• Quality of life was
Jacobsen 13 History of Fontan 8–12 • 45-min routine with 12 weeks VO2 max estimates, 20-m • 93% program
[81•] procedure dynamic and static shuttle test run, baseline completion
exercises on video height, weight, body • Improvements in VO2
and handout mass index, blood max, quality of life,
• 3–4 times per week pressure, heart rate, and exercise capacity
• 3 in-person sessions at ECHO
0-week, 6-week, and Primary outcome:
12-week marks physical function and
• Use of Fitbit Flex to quality of life
monitor adherence Secondary outcome:
change in exercise
Longmuir 61 History of Fontan5.9–11.7 • 2 models with a focus 2 years Tests of gross motor • No difference was noted
[82] procedure on increasing physical development, aerobic in secondary outcomes
activity by play. step test, grip strength, (VO2 max, exercise
• Both models included hamstring flexibility, fitness scores, etc.)
specific daily body mass index, • Improved gross motor
activities, were health-related fitness, skills
parent-led, and had exercise testing, and
at-home and activity attitudes
community-based assessment
• 1-year commitment to
2 activity hours per
Moalla [83, 31 CHDs in New York 12–16 • 2 groups with CHDs: 12 weeks Pulmonary function tests, • Improved walking
84] Heart untrained and control. exercise testing, and distance
Association • 3 sessions per week near-infrared • Power output, VO2,
Class II or III • 10-min warm-up spectroscopy heart rate, and
(vs. • 10-min work and assessment used to ventilation increased
healthy controls) 5-min recovery evaluate oxygenation of slightly at peak
intervals on a respiratory muscles exercise and
stationary bike significantly at
• 5-min cool down ventilatory threshold
• Intensity set a heart rate level
of ventilatory
threshold obtained
Minamisawa 16 History of Fontan 11–25 • Sessions 2–3 days per 8–12 weeks Exercise testing • Improved peak oxygen
[85] procedure week consumption and
• 5-min warm-up with workload
20–30 min jogging to
target heart rate
Morrison 143 CHDs 12–20 • 1-day structured group 6 months Exercise testing • Improved peak oxygen
[86] activity consumption
• 6 months of activity • Increased moderate to
based on written vigorous physical
exercise plans activity
Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80 75

Table 3 (continued)

References N Patient population Age (in Program protocol Program Measures Outcome/results
years) duration

Stieber [87] 20 Single ventricle 1–2 • 5 2-week sessions 10 weeks Peabody Developmental • Expected rate of motor
physiology, • Play activities for a Motor Scale, 2nd development was
transposition of total of 10 min or Edition achieved in both
great arteries, more each day with a groups
history of goal of 20 min total
superior c (10 min per
avopulmonary development goal)
procedure or
switch operation
Patel [88] 11 History of heart Mean • Aerobic exercise 12 weeks Exercise testing • Increase in peak oxygen
transplant 14.7 3 days per week consumption,
• Strength training endurance time,
2 days per week strength measurements

* Exercise testing typically included the following measures: electrocardiogram (ECG), blood pressure, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2), work
performed, maximal oxygen pulse, maximum including oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production (VCO2), minute ventilation, maximal ventilator, and
metabolic equivalents heart rate

Below, we describe pediatric cardiac rehabilitation pro- evaluated effects of exercise in patients with CHDs. The dura-
grams designed for inpatient and outpatient settings as well tion of the programs ranged from 2 weeks to 8 months, with
as home-based training. Across the different settings, pro- structured activity typically two to three times per week, typi-
grams typically adopted a team approach with physicians, cally for 30 min to 60 min per session. The programs all in-
rehabilitation therapists, and other health providers. Indeed, cluded some form of warm-up and cool-down periods (typi-
it has previously been recommended that programs include cally 5 min to 10 min each). All of the programs included an
dieticians, physical therapists, and occupational therapists at aerobic component to the exercise training program, and some
minimum and be coordinated by a pediatric cardiologist and a also included strength training. All of the programs demon-
pediatric physiatrist [30••]. Staff should be trained to handle strated an improvement in maximal oxygen output. Studies
medical emergencies, and the staff-to-patient ratio should not also reported exercise duration, metabolic equivalents, and im-
exceed 1 to 4 at any time, per prior recommendations [30••]. proved quality of life. One of the programs also documented
self-reported improvements in cognitive functioning and
Inpatient Acute Care Rehabilitation parent-reported improvements in social functioning [69–72].

The literature is limited in regard to programs that include Home-Based Rehabilitation

rehabilitation during the acute care hospitalization period.
Still, we identified two reports describing inpatient acute care Nine programs, summarized across ten reports, described
rehabilitation, one featuring patients with a ventricular assist home-based rehabilitation programs [79•, 80, 81•, 82–88].
device and one focused on patients hospitalized for heart fail- Although the majority of studies focused on school-age and
ure [65, 66]. The programs demonstrated the safety and feasi- adolescent patients with CHDs, there was one program that
bility of an acute care model both in the intensive care setting focused on toddlers [87], one that included young adults [85],
and on a standard hospital floor, with no adverse events related and one that enrolled patients following heart transplantation
to physical activity. One of the rehabilitation programs addi- [88]. Programs often required 8 weeks to 12 weeks of home-
tionally documented that patients were able to achieve the based exercise and included initial and follow-up sessions in
therapeutic goals established for them [65]. person with health providers, so as to provide education on the
program and monitor progress. Progress could also be moni-
Outpatient Rehabilitation tored with digital tools, such as heart rate monitors, acceler-
ometers, and Fitbits. Echoing the design of outpatient pro-
We identified nine outpatient programs, described across 14 grams, home-based rehabilitation programs typically involved
studies [61, 62•, 67–77, 78•]. The programs included patients sessions of an hour or less with 5-min to 10-min warm-up and
as young as 8 years old; although three of the programs includ- cool-down periods and focus on aerobic exercise. Although
ed young adults and one included patients as old as 40 years, training was often associated with improved exercise capacity,
they all enrolled children and/or adolescents. All of the studies better cardiorespiratory outcomes, and improved quality of
76 Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80

life and psychosocial functioning, one study did not find sig- Currently, our institution is targeting children on the path-
nificant changes in patients after the intervention [79•]. way to heart transplantation for participation in pediatric car-
Interestingly, the program with toddlers reported improve- diac rehabilitation; however, we hope to expand our program
ments in gross motor functioning, daily physical activity, more broadly to children with CHDs and cardiomyopathies
and family life up to 2 years later [87], and a program with not requiring heart transplantation. The program structure in-
school-age children documented improvements in exercise cludes providing a multidisciplinary evaluation prior to trans-
capacity and quality of life up to a year after the intervention plantation, including assessments from medical and therapy
[80]. None of the programs reported significant adverse providers. Based on the evaluation, the team provides a cohe-
events. sive set of recommendations, including a potential course of
therapies prior to transplantation. Following cardiac transplan-
Cognitive Rehabilitation tation, patients are typically engaged in a 12-week outpatient
course of physical therapy three times per week (with sessions
The vast majority of rehabilitation programs among children lasting between 30 and 60 min), with aerobic conditioning,
with cardiac conditions have focused on exercise training, as a resistance, and strength training. Sessions include warm-up
function of children’s complex medical needs. However, we and cool-down periods. As needed, patients are engaged in
mention one study underway to examine cognitive rehabilita- occupational therapy with a focus on adaptive skills following
tion among children with cardiac conditions. Newburger [89] surgery, speech and language therapy with a focus on cogni-
is investigating the effects of a computer-based training pro- tive restructuring, and nutrition and physical activity educa-
gram to enhance the executive functioning skills of children tion. These sessions can occur at facilities associated with the
with CHDs. hospital for families that live close by; otherwise, a prescrip-
tion detailing needed interventions is provided to the family to
take to a facility in their community. As needed, patients are
Current Directions at Our Institution engaged in psychotherapy to aid with their psychosocial ad-
justment. Patients may also be referred for neuropsychological
At the UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (CHP), we de- testing to determine their cognitive needs, as they return to the
veloped a cardiac rehabilitation program modeled after recom- school and home environment; evaluations are conducted fol-
mendations from previously developed programs, as described lowing guidelines for assessment in children with cardiac dis-
above. The program seeks to establish a reproducible and sus- orders [90••].
tainable protocol for children with pediatric-onset or congenital
cardiac disease, in an effort to systematically influence and mit-
igate the effects on physical health, neurodevelopmental out-
comes, and quality of life. Specifically, the goals of the program Conclusion
are to (1) improve exercise function and capacity; (2) improve
heart rate recovery and response to exercise; (3) decrease the Children can benefit from pediatric cardiac rehabilitation
effects of deconditioning; (4) improve physical function and programs from physical health and psychosocial perspec-
age appropriate level of play and adaptive living; (5) improve tives, and more importantly, these programs can be toler-
patient and family confidence in exercise and participation in age ated with minimal adverse events. Although center-based
appropriate activities; (6) promote global wellness, including an programs may allow for a greater degree of refinement in
active lifestyle and healthy nutrition choices; and (7) improve individual patient goals and monitoring of their health
overall adjustment and quality of life post transplantation. status, the limitation of proximity to a tertiary care insti-
With this framework in mind, we established multidisci- tution is not necessarily a barrier (particularly among chil-
plinary inpatient and outpatient cardiac rehabilitations pro- dren with chronic concerns, such as CHDs), as demon-
grams, which involve medical evaluation, prescribed thera- strated by the efficacy of home-based programs. The
pies, nutritional and physical education geared toward im- home-based program has the potential to limit the burden
proving the physiologic effects of long-term cardiac illness, of transportation and potentially time off work for parents
and consultation for developmental, neuropsychological, and who bring their child to a facility for training. Still, home-
psychological services. The team, headed by a pediatric car- based programs should continue to be monitored by both
diologist and pediatric physiatrist, also includes physical ther- a cardiologist and a pediatric physiatrist. Further research
apists, occupational therapists, speech and language patholo- is needed to demonstrate sustained long-term benefits of
gists, dieticians, neuropsychologists, and pediatric psycholo- interventions, to understand the impact on quality of life
gists. This team meets at a regularly scheduled time to review for the family system, and to explore long-term impact of
patients for clinic care and to advance the cardiac rehabilita- cognitive interventions within pediatric cardiac rehabilita-
tion program’s development. tion programs.
Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80 77

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80 Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2019) 7:67–80

86. Morrison ML, Sands AJ, McCusker CG, McKeown PP, McMahon pediatric neuropsychologist. Child Neuropsychol. 2018;24(7):
M, Gordon J, et al. Exercise training improves activity in adoles- 859–902. This review paper provides an evidence-based, clini-
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