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Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645


Limitations and vulnerabilities of the neonatal

cardiovascular system: considerations for anesthetic
Andrew R. Wolf1,2 & Adrian T. Humphry1
1 Department of Paediatric Intensive Care, Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital, Bristol, UK
2 Department of Paediatric Anaesthesia, Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital, Bristol, UK

Keywords Summary
neonate; cardiac physiology; cardiac
surgery; inotropes; myocardium Development of the cardiovascular system through the last trimester of preg-
nancy and the subsequent neonatal period is profound. Morphological
Correspondence changes within the myocardium make the heart vulnerable to challenges such
Andrew R. Wolf, Department of Paediatric as fluid shifts and anesthetic drugs. The sensitivity of the myocardium to meta-
Intensive Care, Bristol Royal Children’s
bolic challenges and potential harm of drugs needed to maintain adequate blood
Hospital, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol BS2
pressure and cardiac output are highlighted. Traditional monitoring under anes-
Email: thesia has focussed on maintaining oxygenation and heart rate in the neonate
with less attention paid to blood pressure, cardiac output, and more importantly
Section Editor: Andrew R Wolf organ well-being. There is now a better understanding of the limitations of
blood pressure homeostasis in the neonate and the potential consequences of
Accepted 2 October 2013 marginal hypoperfusion. This article highlights some of these vulnerabilities
particularly as they relate to anesthesia and surgery in the very young.

sets out to highlight some of these key issues that need

consideration when anesthetizing the neonate.
The neonatal cardiovascular system does not represent a
small-scale model of the mature organism. The fetal
The neonatal myocardium
heart is morphologically immature and is functionally
adapted to a low-pressure, hypoxic environment where The structure and function of the myocardium
there is minimal pulmonary blood flow (c. 8%) and low changes markedly in the neonatal period, and during
systemic vascular resistance. Quite apart from the radi- this time, it is vulnerable and poorly adapted to the
cal adjustment to an extra-uterine circulation at birth, challenges of anesthesia and surgery. Histologically,
the neonatal heart has to rapidly adapt to a dual circula- the myocardial cells are disorganized compared with
tion with significantly greater systemic vascular resis- the mature myocardium, less compacted and with
tance and increased metabolic requirements. increased noncontractile tissue and water between
Traditionally, the neonatal heart and circulation has contractile units (1,2). This is reflected of the higher
been seen as a robust system in that it appears to proportion of extracellular fluid and total body water
stand the traumas associated with birth and quite sub- compared with the older infant. As a result, the neo-
stantial periods of hypoxia. Much of the focus of anes- natal myocardium is inefficient as a filling and con-
thesia of the neonate has been centred on the tracting unit: ventricular compliance is considerably
prevention of hypoxia and the maintenance of heart reduced and wall tension/intraventricular pressure
rate with less attention to blood pressure and ade- rises rapidly with increased end diastolic volume (3).
quacy organ flow. The challenge of optimizing cardio- There is also poor responsiveness to preload (a flat
vascular support under anesthesia is now more Starling curve) and a vulnerability to overfilling, with
recognized and requires understanding of the limita- wall tension rising rapidly, coronary perfusion falling,
tions of myocardial function, response to inotropes, overdistention, and heart failure. However, within the
and immaturity of cardiovascular control. This article first month of life, diastolic relaxation improves

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Pediatric Anesthesia 24 (2014) 5–9
The neonatal cardiovascular system A.R. Wolf and A.T. Humphry

significantly, and with it the ability to respond to structure after cardiac repair and even to regenerate
intravascular fluid shifts (4). myocardial tissue through stem cells. Recent data would
Cellular energy is derived primarily from glucose and support the hypothesis that the human neonatal heart
glycolysis in the hypoxic fetal environment, where oxy- has a greater regenerative ability than adult hearts that
gen availability is limited (5). After birth, the neonate may be due to greater numbers of stem cells and their
progresses to a combination of carbohydrate and short- ability to differentiate (15). This bodes well for future
chain fatty acids with a decrease in glycogen and lactate research in that this capacity may allow triggers for cell
concentrations and finally to all energy sources with the regeneration to be enhanced in the infant heart that has
primary source obtained from long-chain fatty acids in been affected by congenital, acquired, or even iatrogenic
the adult (6). Despite the ability of the neonatal myocar- derived injury.
dium to use glycolysis as an oxygen-independent source
of high-energy phosphates, myocardial energy require-
Heart and vascular responses to inotropes
ments come at their greatest in the neonate compared
with both fetus and adult, reflecting the age-related Given that the neonatal heart has a much reduced
requirements of cardiac index (7,8). Given the limitation capacity to increase its stroke volume in response to
of external glycogen and other energy stores in the neo- increasing preload (16), beta-agonist catecholamines are
nate maintenance of energy input and avoiding hypogly- commonly used to increase cardiac output by increasing
cemia or excessive cardiac work load is essential to myocardial contractility and heart rate, in conjunction
avoid fatigue and substrate failure, which can occur with drugs that optimize pulmonary or systemic vascu-
abruptly and catastrophically in this age group. lar resistances. However, there is an increasing under-
The excitation contraction coupling and later relaxa- standing that while catecholamines have a place in
tion (diastolic phase) are points of particular vulnerabil- management of the neonate both in terms of myocar-
ity in the neonatal heart. In the adult, ionized calcium dial performance and manipulation of the systemic vas-
enters the cell with depolarization through L-type chan- cular resistance, the immature heart is very vulnerable
nels and passes rapidly through the t-tubular system. to the intrinsic effects of these drugs on the myocar-
The calcium influx triggers calcium release from within dium. Irrespective of age, cardiac tissue requires ade-
the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in response to interac- quate myocardial perfusion via the coronary arteries to
tion with the ryanodine receptor, and this in turn acti- deliver oxygen and substrates. Published values for
vates the myosin/actin contractile process. During blood pressure are significantly higher than that usually
diastole, calcium is rapidly sequestered within the SR to accepted in the anesthetized neonate (17,18), but within
allow relaxation of the contractile elements. The neona- the pediatric anesthetic community, there is consider-
tal heart has reduced L-type channels on the myocardial able uncertainty of what constitutes hypotension requir-
cell surface, and entry of calcium into the cell is primar- ing intervention (18). There are limited modalities
ily by T-type channels, calcium-handling proteins, and available to increase blood pressure in the normal heart:
the reverse sodium/calcium exchange mechanism that is intravenous fluid administration to maintain vascular
more usually associated with calcium removal from the volume, inotropes and chronotropes, which can
cell (9,10). Propagation of the calcium flux into the cell improve stroke volume/heart rate, and vasoconstriction,
is poor due to the immaturity of the t-tubular system, which will raise blood pressure but at the expense of
and at the SR, the paucity of ryanodine receptors is increased heart work unless the systemic vascular resis-
associated with a limited release of calcium to activate tance is reduced (for example in conditions such as sep-
contraction (11). Finally, the reuptake into the SR is sis). While catecholamines may achieve the initial goal
limited at the end of systole, preventing effective relaxa- of raising blood pressure to levels that will perfuse the
tion during diastole. Cardiac contraction in the neonate coronary arteries and increase flow to other vital
is therefore much more dependent extracellular, and organs, the neonatal heart appears to be vulnerable to
nuclear calcium for the initiation of contraction and the effects of catecholamines in terms of myocardial
maintenance of adequate plasma calcium concentrations damage and depletion of energy substrates. In an intact
may be a factor in cardiac performance (12,13). Devel- neonatal piglet model (2–4 Kg), heart rate was
opment of the SR, t-tubular system, and calcium- increased for a period of 2 h either with pacing or with
handling proteins appears to be rapid, and it has been epinephrine infusion (19). While there was limited
suggested that they are relatively mature by 3 weeks in change in the paced group, there was increased ventric-
the human neonatal heart (14). ular wall stiffness in the catecholamine group, and
In recent years, there has been considerable interest in within the myocardial cell, evidence of areas of damage
the potential ability of the myocardium to remodel its with sarcolemmal rupture and mitochondrial damage

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Pediatric Anesthesia 24 (2014) 5–9
A.R. Wolf and A.T. Humphry The neonatal cardiovascular system

with swelling and calcium deposition. The pathological An early study with milrinone in 10 neonates after
changes appear to be age related with the neonatal cardiac surgery demonstrated an increased cardiac index
heart being the most vulnerable (20). Suggested causes with falls in systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance
are reduced sequestration of calcium within the SR, fail- (23). This was followed by what has to date been the
ure of the ATP calcium relaxation mechanism, and free definitive trial of milrinone in the prevention of low car-
radical generation from catecholamine oxidation. It diac output syndrome (LCOS) after cardiac bypass sur-
may also be related to the exhaustion of energy supply gery in neonates (24). The trial has been criticized for
with falling levels of ATP after catecholamine treatment not having an active comparator with a vasodilator, but
(19). This observation was also seen in a comparative it has transformed management of the neonate having
study of neonatal and mature sheep where heart work bypass surgery away from the extensive use of potent
was increased to similar levels of oxygen consumption dilators at the outset to a more consistent use of
using an epinephrine infusion (20). In the mature sheep, milrinone with minimal use of catecholamines. Never-
increased heart work was associated with stable myo- theless, there are some highly successful units who have
cardial ATP/ADP concentrations, but in neonatal continued to publish excellent results using radical
lambs, there was a significant fall of high-energy phos- alpha-blocking drugs such as phenoxybenzamine in the
phates indicative of altered control of energy provision. most complex patients (25).
These data support the clinical observations that while While there is little doubt as to the effectiveness of the
catecholamines may be necessary to maintain the failing drug, the multiple actions of the drug on a variety of tar-
neonatal heart, they can in themselves promote cellular get sites leave the question of why it works and leave the
damage and failure of energy supply. way open for more effective drugs in the treatment for
In recent years, milrinone has become a popular drug neonatal LCOS in the future. Experimentally, it appears
in the management of the sick neonatal heart either on to have a preservative action on energy stores within the
its own or in combination with a catecholamine. How- mitochondria by blockade of specific ion channels (26),
ever, its mode of action and whether it could be used and in adult cardiac surgery, the delivery of adequate
more effectively remain unclear. It is one of a group of doses of milrinone prebypass is associated with the
drugs that inhibit hydrolysis of cAMP within the myo- maintenance of cAMP stores within the myocardium
cardium and vascular smooth muscle through blockade after removal of the aortic cross-clamp (27). These data
of the phosphodiesterase enzyme (PDE). Milrinone is would suggest a role for instituting milrinone not just as
often described as a PDE3 blocker, but it has actions on a loading dose on bypass once the cross-clamp has been
other phosphodiesterase receptors and belongs to a fam- applied, but well before.
ily of PDE enzymes, which have different effects within One of the problems with the drug in intensive care is
vascular tissue. For example, sildenafil is primarily a that while it prevents vasoconstriction immediately after
PDE4/5 blocker and has specific actions on dilation of bypass surgery (28), it cannot alone reliably modulate
the pulmonary vascular smooth muscle and to a lesser vasodilation and neonates may then still require addi-
extent the peripheral vascular smooth muscle as well as tional vasodilators. However, if high-dose infusions are
its most exploited property of treatment of male impo- maintained over several days in the treatment for LCOS,
tence. Blockade of PDE3 within the myocardium the drug accumulates, resulting in vasodilation and
increases the availability of calcium within the sarco- hypotension that can be confused with pump failure or
lemma during systole by enhancing calcium entry into sepsis. Understanding the pharmacokinetics of milri-
the cell and promoting release of calcium at the SR, none in terms of adequate loading but reducing mainte-
while increasing calcium reuptake by the SR in diastole nance infusion rates over time in the neonate with
(21). Given the poor diastolic relaxation associated with limited renal function and low cardiac output has helped
the neonatal heart and limitations of calcium flux as to recognize and avoid this problem (29,30).
described above, PDE blockade would be expected to Down-regulation of beta-receptors in the sick neona-
have beneficial effects throughout the cardiac cycle. Pre- tal heart results in catecholamine resistance and escala-
vious data have also shown that milrinone can restore tion of dosage with less effect. Adult data from atrial
the efficiency of beta-agonists in the isolated myocyte tissue suggest that this may be due to uncoupling of the
after a period of reperfusion, making it a drug that has beta-receptors with reduced levels of cAMP in response
value in combination with a catecholamine not only for to beta-stimulation (31). There is current interest in the
its intrinsic effect but as a catecholamine sparing drug use of low-dose vasopressin (AVP) in pediatric intensive
(22). In the peripheral vascular smooth muscle, PDE3 care to overcome the effects of catecholamine resistance
blockade causes relaxation via both cAMP and cGMP following Cardiopulmonary bypass in the neonate. This
mechanisms. seems counterintuitive as one of its major actions is to

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Pediatric Anesthesia 24 (2014) 5–9
The neonatal cardiovascular system A.R. Wolf and A.T. Humphry

increase peripheral resistance. However, AVP does have from drug administration may be significant in terms of
some intrinsic inotropic effect, increases myocardial sen- both short- and long-term neurological outcomes (40).
sitivity to catecholamines, and causes both coronary and This issue is dealt with in more detail elsewhere in this
pulmonary vasodilatation (32). A small retrospective neonatal edition of Pediatric Anesthesia.
study showed that, during the first postoperative day, In addition to global cardiovascular control, individ-
patients who had been started on AVP immediately after ual-organ-specific autoregulation helps to maintain
surgery required less fluid resuscitation and catecholam- blood flow independently of blood pressure within the
ines (33). There were also trends toward shorter periods normal operating range of blood pressure. Cerebral
of mechanical ventilation and intensive care stay. blood flow is also greatly affected by changes in arterial
CO2 tension and hypoxia. Hypocarbia causes vasocon-
striction and has been implicated in the development of
Cardiovascular control in the neonate
periventricular leukomalacia in premature infants (41).
Autonomic control of the cardiovascular system is sig- Hypoxia has a vasodilatory effect. Healthy neonates do
nificantly reduced in the neonate leaving it prone to show autoregulation in respect of cerebral blood flow
blood pressure variations. From comparative anatomic (CBF), and this may be present from an early gesta-
studies, the autonomic innervation of the heart appears tional age (42). However, evidence is increasing that in
to be present from birth (34), but immature. Studies of sick neonates, cerebral autoregulation is lost. In the
the autonomic function using frequency analysis of newborn lamb, 20 min of hypoxia results in the loss of
heart-rate variability indicate that at birth all autonomic autoregulation for several hours (43). Healthy term neo-
responses are limited but that the sympathetic compo- nates are able to normalize CBF after a rise in blood
nent is the more dominant (35). In infancy, this reverses pressure, but not sick term infants and all preterms;
and parasympathetic component becomes more domi- there is correlation between the elevation of blood pres-
nant until later childhood. Additionally, the preterm sure and CBF, indicating some failure of cerebral auto-
and ex-preterm infant have enhanced vulnerability from regulation (44). Given that anesthetic agents impair
lack of cardiovascular autoregulation, which fails to cerebral autoregulation even at low concentrations, the
catch up with the responsiveness of the term infant for necessity to control blood pressure, oxygenation, and
up to 2 years (36,37). One of the consequences of the carbon dioxide tensions during anesthesia in the vulner-
reduced autonomic responses is the flattening of barore- able neonate that has very limited compensations is of
ceptor sensitivity (38). The result is that the responsive key importance. Interest is now growing in monitors
changes in heart rate and vascular resistance from such as tissue and cerebral oximetry that can measure
reduced blood pressure are more limited. These limita- organ perfusion as well as the simpler cardiovascular
tions in cardiovascular homeostasis make the neonate parameters.
vulnerable to maintaining blood pressure within tight
limits, particularly under anesthesia when autonomic
Conflict of interest
reflexes are further suppressed (39). Data are now begin-
ning to emerge that the consequences of hypotension No conflicts of interest declared.

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