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myriad : An uncountable or extremely large quantity of humans or things .

(Synonym : multitude)

clutches : meaning (1) : to grasp , meaning (2) : groups

chafing : to make or turn sore (a body part) by rubbing against something

machos : men who are aggressively proud of their masculinity

archaic : very old, old fashioned

matriarchy : the order of women , the women-rule(d) society or concept

patriarchy : the order of men, the men-rule(d) society or concept

martiarch : a women who is the leader of a family or a tribe.

patriarch : a man who is the leader of a family or a tribe.

inkling : little/slight knowledge or hint about something

feline : relating to cats

banal : so lacking originality that it's boring

bereft : lacking or deprived of something

contend : to deal with

extant : remaining, surviving

fallacy : misconception

peculiar : different than what is normal or expected.

incriminating : making smoeone appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.

enamour : be filled with love for.

cerebral : of the cerebrum of the brain, intellectual, relating to brain.

atrophied: wasted away, having lost effectiveness or vigour due to underuse or


gait : a person's manner of walking

earthenware: pottery

remould : change the appearance, structure, or character of

domestication : the process of taming an animal and keeping it as a pet or on a

farm. OR the cultivation of a plant for food.

prowl : move about restlessly and stealthily, especially in seaarch of prey.

deliberately : intentional

thicket : a dense group of bushes or trees

teeming : swarming with, full of

game : wild mammals or birds hunted for sport or food.

inadverentently: un-intentional , accidentally

gulf : a deep inlet of sea almost surrounded by land, with a narrow mouth.

harness : to control, make use of

marginal : minor and not important, not central

blip : an unexpect, minor, and typically temporary deviation from a general trend

to hinge on : to depend upon

exuberant : to be full of energy

exuberance : the quality of being exuberant

improvise : to create and perform (OR) to produce or make something from what is

hard-pressed : closely pursued , under attack (OR) to be under pressure, troubled

aeon : an indefinite or a very long period of time (ages)

seafaring : regularly travelling by sea

seafarer : someone who travels regularly by sea (a sailor [probably])

pioneer : a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or
area. (OR) to develop or be the first to use/apply

rung : a horizontal support on a ladder for a person's foot

annals : a record of events year by year

expunge : obliterate or remove completely

subservence : willingness to obey others unquestioningly

ephemeral : lasting for a short time

morass : muddy boggy ground

amnesty : constitutional forgiveness

chasm : the whitespace, space

compatriots : people living in the same country

covalent : a bind, agreement

emancipation : release

ivory : a hard creamy-white substance composing the main part of the tusks of an
elephant, walrus, or narwhal, often (especially formerly) used to make ornaments
and other articles.
staggering : shocking

indigenous : originating or occuring naturally in a particular place

aboriginal : inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from

before the arrival of colonists; indigenous

contentious : causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial

commune : a group of people living together and sharing possessions and


devioid : lacking

monogamous : involving marriage to one person at a time

intimate : closely acquanted; familiar

sire : a male parent

sired : be the male parent of (an animal)

proponent : advocates of a theory, proposal or cause of action

infidelity : cheating (you know)

cornucopia : a symbol of palent consistion of a goat's horn overflowing with

flowers, frut, and corn. (OR) an abundant supply of good thing of a specified kind.

vehemently : in a forceful, passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling

egalitarian : believing in or based on the principle that all people are equal and
edeserve equal rights and opportunities

devise / devising : plan or invent

mind-boggling : overwhelming, startling

accourtre : clothe or equip in something noticeable or impressive

ubiquitous : present, appearing, or found everywhere, omnipresent

anthropological : relating to study on mankind

extrapolate : extend the application of (a method or conclusion) to an unknown

situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be

incontrovertible : not able to be denied or disputed

sporadic : occuring at irregular intervals or onlu in a few places; scattered or


scrounge : seek to obtain (something, typically food or money) at the expense or

through the generosity of others or by stealth.

notwithstanding : in spite of
quantifiable : able to be expressed or measured as a quantity.

delicate : very fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality.

delicacy : fineness or intricacy of texture or structure

animism : the attribution of a living soul to plants, inanimate objects, and

natural phenomena.

heretical : believing in or practising religious heresy.

inquisition : interrogation

relent : leave

pristine : original, untouched / unchanged

exuberance : the quality of being full of energy

expunge : oliterate or remove something completely (something unwanted)

econerate : release someone from a duty or obligation or (of an offical body)

absolve (someone) from blame fro a fault

fauna : animals of a particular region , habitat, or geological period

megafauna : giant fauna

flora : the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period.

upheaval : a violent or sudden changeo r disruption to something.

burgeoning : begin to grow or increase rapidly

menace : a person or thing that is likely to cause harm

akin : of similar character (similar)

archetypal : very typical of a cetain kind of person or thing.

decimation : killing or destruction of a large proportion of a group or species.

ensuing : occuring afterwards or as a result.

irrefutable : not disapprovable

weathered : wear away (or) to withstand (a difficulty or danger), to survive

millennium : a period of a thousand years.

conspicious : clearly visible

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