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Google Store Basic Operation Manual V1.

一、Filling and maintaining basic information

1. Uniformly named shop:Carlcare Service

2. According to the business coverage model of the shop, select the

main categories: mobile phone repair services, accessories sales, small

appliance repairs, etc.

3. Check whether the store is positioned correctly and refer to the

shoplist list for proofreading. And add a service area. (Generally the city

where the shop is located)

4. Google's store code needs to be consistent with the store

registration code in Shoplist.

5. According to the business coverage of each store, add labels, you

can be as detailed as possible, more.

6. Add the business hours of the outlets in Google. The business hours

are based on the information in the shoplist.

7. Add the phone number of the store in Google information, so that

users can contact us, so please ensure that the number is correct

8. Add a website address, add our Carlcare global official website

address uniformly:

9. According to the real situation of the outlet, add product information

and service information. The product information can be our repair

price, and the service information can be our repair service, accessories

sales service, etc.!

10. Add a description of the business, directly showing our business

coverage, just explain it in text.

二、The store's photo upload

1. Use a uniform cover photo and logo photo

2. Download photos & videos from Google Drive and upload them to

Google Store. Or upload on-site photos.

Below is the Google Drive link:


三、Respond to user comments

According to the FAQ, users' comments are answered within 24 hours

四、Daily posting

In the early stage, you can synchronize the posts on Facebook or App in

Google! Or please create some new by yourself.

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