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Digital marketing – often called internet marketing or e-Marketing – is essentially any
marketing activity that is conducted online through the use of internet
technologies. It comprises not only advertising that is shown on websites, but also other
kinds of online activities like email and social networking. Every aspect of internet
marketing is digital, meaning that it is electronic information that is transmitted on a
computer or similar device, though naturally it can tie in with traditional offline
advertising and sales too.


1. The business market and competitors are already there. If the entrepreneur
plans to market and sell products or services to a middle-class clientele, he
needs to extend his strategy to include the internet.
2. Web users expect the highest convenience and information at their
fingertips. All companies need a website as their central point of contact. If the
business details do not come up in a web search, the business will be ignored.
3. Customers are fickle. They will not expend a lot of energy to find the particular
business online. Even worse, if the business competitor is easy to find online,
the potential customers will happily turn to them.
4. Audiences want to interact with and converse about the business brand and
products. Give them the opportunity to do it in a mediated space, and become
part of the discussion.
5. Online marketing is almost always cheaper and more targeted than
traditional. The entrepreneur can reach the best customers at the lowest price.

When done smartly, the online marketing plan will integrate seamlessly with the
traditional tactics, won’t cost a fortune and will expose the entrepreneur to a market
that he had previously been invisible to.


5.2.1. Facebook
Facebook is a great tool for creating an online profile. The entrepreneur can create an
official Facebook Page, which is a public profile page that can be created for any brand,
cause, or business. Facebook users can “Like” the page if they appreciate the content or
the business profile itself. It also allows the entrepreneur to interact with customers by
posting photos, chatting in the discussion forum, posting updates on the wall and adding
information pertinent to the business. Here are 5 major features why an
entrepreneur should consider Facebook as a way to drive sales for a business.

1. Messenger ads – The entrepreneur can now send ads to audiences who have sent
him a Facebook page a message within a certain time window. Further, the
entrepreneur can show an ad to people who have sent him a message in the last 30,
90, or even 365 days. This powerful new ad unit is undoubtedly going to
expand as time goes on and News Feed competition increases.


2. Call to action buttons (CTA) – Using a call to action can increase conversions and
encourage the audience to engage with the business product. Currently, the
entrepreneur can create specific CTA buttons for his Facebook Page to prompt
visitors to take a particular action. Few examples of the CTAs the can be included
are booking appointments, making a reservation, contacting the businesses via
email, phone, or chat and making a purchase.

3. Royalty free music – Facebook has added thousands of royalty-free songs and
music collections to its Creator Studio. This makes video content creation on
Facebook that much easier, and encourages the business to create and edit their
videos right within the platform.

4. Updates to live video – Facebook pages can now broadcast live directly from the
page. Previously only personal profiles were able to go live on Facebook. Page
owners can also do test runs of their live events through a new rehearsal feature.
This feature lets Pages broadcast live to admins and moderators while they test
out the new features, and practice for the live event. This update can help the
entrepreneur to avoid those much-dreaded technical difficulties and work through
any issues before the actual event.

5. Facebook watch party updates – Facebook watch parties are live screenings of
pre-recorded videos that Facebook Pages can host to facilitate conversations about
the content. The entrepreneur can now schedule a Watch Party in advance which
allows him to market and advertise for it ahead of time. The update also supports
video replays of the Watch Party for anyone who is not able to attend and wants to
access a recording of the video and conversation.

5.2.2. Instagram
Unlike Facebook, which relies on both text and pictures, Instagram's sole purpose is to
enable users to share images or videos with their audience. On Instagram, the main
intention is to share and find the best photos and videos. Every user profile has
a followers and a following count, representing how many people they follow and how
many other users are following them. Here are 4 major features why an
entrepreneur should consider Instagram as a way to drive sales for a business.

1. IGTV – Instagram TV is an app within Instagram that gives users the ability to share
videos that are up to an hour long – like a TV episode. This is big news for
entrepreneur who are into video content. IGTV gives the entrepreneur the ability to
share longer video content to promote their product with the advantage of the
customers being notified when a new video is shared.

2. Stories Features – One of the biggest additions to Instagram as of late is the Stories
feature. Stories is similar to Snapchat in that users add clips of video to a story which
is viewable for 24 hours before it vanishes.

3. Shoppable Tags In Stories – Shoppable tags allow businesses to tag their products
in their photos. For example, if the company feature a model running in their
brand’s running shoes, they can tag the shoes so that the customers can click right
over to the product page and purchase the shoes. Plus, they can tag products inside


Stories as well. This is a great way to showcase the products in live action or in user-
generated content.

4. Turn Existing Posts Into Ads – Previously, the customer could not turn an existing
post into an ad unless he hit the in-app Promote button. Now the entrepreneur can
turn their organic posts into ads in the Ads Manager.
Extra: Turn Existing Posts Into Ads

5.2.3. WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp has officially launched a new app, called WhatsApp Business. It is
completely separate to the standard version of WhatsApp, but it works in much the
same manner – only its purpose is connecting businesses and customers, rather than
friends and family. The app is aimed at small business ownersAPI. Here are 5 major
features why an entrepreneur should consider WhatsApp Business as a way to
drive sales for a business.

1. Business Profile – The entrepreneur can create a publicly-visible profile with

information about the business, including email address, location, description, URL,
hours, logo and more.

2. WhatsApp Business Statistics – The entrepreneur can see basic analytics reports
about the business account activity such as the number of messages sent, delivered,
read and received.

3. Labels – The entrepreneur can add custom color-coded labels to active chats with
customers to keep them organized.

4. Greetings – The entrepreneur is able to set up a default greeting message for

customers that start chats with the business.

5. Away messages – The entrepreneur can pre-set messages to send to customers

when he is not online.

6. Quick replies – The entrepreneur can save frequently-used responses to send

quickly by typing short commands starting with “/”. For example, if he saves a quick
reply telling customers his address, he could type “/address” to automatically send
a pre-written message like “Thanks for asking! Our address is 123 Main Street.”


From business profiles to automatic away messages, WhatsApp Business offers a number of useful

The WhatsApp Business app definitely makes things easier for small brands. It makes
business information more readily available to customers and helps with sorting active
chats. Plus, it has some auto-reply capabilities and enough response templates to handle
a smaller customer base. However, medium and enterprise-sized companies will
probably need a more powerful tool namely WhatsApp Business API if they are dealing
with large numbers of users or want to add more functionality.
Extra: WhatsApp Business API

Copywriting is the art and science of writing copy (words used on web pages, ads,
promotional materials, etc.) that sells the entrepreneur product or service and convinces
prospective customers to take action.


1. Makes digital marketing stand out – A good copywriting makes the potential
customers want to know more about the business. Indeed, emotions play a crucial
part when it comes to people buying a product or a service. Why is a movie or book
good? Because they spike our emotions. They make us excited, curious, and wanting
more. We feel like we need it. We are told and feel as if it can solve a problem that
needs to be solved.

2. Boosts the Website SEO – Copywriting offers

search engine optimization (SEO) benefits for
the business website and can significantly
impact the Google ranking if done right. It
emphasizes not only on spiking emotions and
getting conversions but also keywords. Most, if
not all online contents, are written with a target
keyword in mind to reap the SEO benefits. A
good copywriting includes several target
keywords, entices readers, and makes them feel


like they need the product or service. Apart from that, Google will consider
social as a ranking factor.

3. Improves User Experience (UX) – UX focuses on having a deep understanding of

users – their needs, what they value, their abilities and also their limitations. When
the entrepreneur translate that to copywriting, it looks at improving the quality of
the user’s interaction with and perceptions of his product. Copywriting then serves
as a guidance to the readers on what they can do, show them how to do what they
want to do and help them find what they need.


This section covers three types of copywriting technique that can be used to promote
the entrepreneur’s product or services in social media namely teaser, hard sell and soft

6.5.1. TEASER
A teaser campaign is a type of advertising campaign (also called a pre-launch campaign)
designed to share just enough information about an event or a product launch or some
other type of company news to entice audience’s attention. It is used to introduce new
products or to re-introduce existing products in to the market by creating curiosity
among audiences. HOW TO WRITE A GOOD TEASER

1. Involve a countdown or interactive feature – Consumers love to get involved.

Anything that evokes curiosity or intrigue, that is shareable on social media, and
involves an interactive challenge, will receive more engagement than an image alone.
For example, a click and reveal feature can involve audiences guessing what the big
reveal involves. The entrepreneur could take it one step further, even, and offer
prizes for those who guess right. The best teaser campaigns are all about tapping into
the psyche of the target audiences, so they are left feeling like they will miss out
unless they get involved with the entrepreneur campaign, sign up, or learn more.

An example of a teaser by creating a countdown of launching a new product


2. Make it as intriguing as possible – The more intrigue and excitement the

entrepreneur stir up with his teaser campaign, the better. It needs to resonate with
the audiences, which is why the visuals and the copy are essential to get right.
Sometimes, simplicity is the best way forward. Whether it’s a product launch teaser,
or a teaser campaign for a new service, entice with audiences with language which
creates mystery, suspense and urgency.

For example:
‘Something big is coming’
‘Don’t Miss Out. Click here for more’
‘Subscribe to Our Mailing List for Exclusive Access’

An example of an apparel teaser by MiniBoden and HarryPotter.

3. Create a hashtag
Hashtags are digital marketing ‘friend’ with any teaser campaign. They are an easy
way to connect the business followers and audiences, and work their magic on social
media channels themselves. Used well, and hashtags helps the entrepreneur to
measure how much engagement his campaign receives, meaning he can gain more
insight into who is interacting with the post, and how. This data can be invaluable
going forward, and a hashtag instantly creates a feeling of inclusion.

6.5.2. HARD SELL

In a hard sell technique, the business tries to sell a product or service by applying
pressure that suggests a sense of urgency to the buyer. A hard sell is closely
associated with short-term advertising and the assumption that consumers are
inherently indecisive. For this reason, many rationalize hard selling as a way to ensure
that a buyer benefits and does not miss an opportunity. HOW TO WRITE A GOOD HARD SELL

An effective way of generating more response in attracting the potential customer is by
applying the AIDCA copywriting model. AIDCA represents the process that the buyer
goes through, on their journey from being aware of a marketing proposition, until they
make a buying decision. The technique is a modified model of AIDA marketing
approach that is developed by E. St. Elmo Lewis in 1947.


An AIDCA technique for marketing approach.

1. Attention – The entrepreneur needs to get the attention of the potential

customer in order to get a sale. Attention can be grabbed by a humorous ad, an
introduction by a famous person, a striking design. Whatever the technique is,
the aim of the business is to be noticed. If the headline is interesting, the
potential customer will continue to read the business copywriting, vice versa.
Examples are below:

List of examples of ‘Attention’ in AIDCA technique

2. Interest – Capitalize on ‘Attention’ by turning it into Interest. This depends on

understanding a client’s needs and what benefits they are interested in. The
entrepreneur is likely to be interested in features, but the potential customer is
most interested in benefits or “what’s in it for me?

List of examples of ‘Interest’ in AIDCA technique

3. Desire – Once the potential buyer is interested in the product or service, then the
goal is to make him desire it, moving his mindset from “I like it” to “I want it.”
Emphasis on the benefits and advantages of the products and include the features
of the business product to facilitate the decision process. The entrepreneur may
apply the F.A.B formula as below:


F.A.B formula:
F= Feature: The main characteristics, components or facts related to the
A= Advantage: Advantage, uniqueness and speciality of the product. It can
be based on the unit selling price (USP).
B= Benefits: Benefits will be tied to the wants and needs of the potential
customers. The entrepreneur may include value of the product and what
they will gain from the purchase.

List of examples of ‘Desire’’ in AIDCA technique

4. Conviction – The potential buyer must be drawn to the conclusion that he must buy
solely from the business rather than other business competitor. By comparing the
business product with, for example, a more expensive one encourages the
‘Conviction’ that the customer buying decision is correct. Ways to create ‘Conviction’
is by using testimonials from happy customers, facts and figures related to the
product such as the number of people using the product, affordable price, number
of experts and year of establishment and expert statements or endorsements
from renowned organizations. These are the attributes that convinces the audiences
that the product is unique or better.

5. Action – The test of effectiveness is ‘Action’. The famous pitch “Act now while
supplies last” sums up two key principles: immediacy and urgency. Another
method is providing a link to “contact us” to make it easy for the customer to
complete the sale. The entrepreneur want to give the customer an incentive to act
now. Otherwise, the sales process may drag on.

List of examples of ‘Action’ in AIDCA technique


An examples of copywriting technique in hard sell approach

6.5.3. SOFT SELL

Soft sell refers to an advertising and sales approach that features subtle
language and a non-aggressive technique. Because soft selling is a low-pressure,
persuasive and subtle sales technique, it may not result in a sale the first time a
product is presented but helps to encourage repeat sales. The soft sell requires a
certain amount of energy on the part of the salesperson since they have to
maintain the customer's attention in a friendly manner. An entrepreneur may
use a more conversational approach in order to allow the potential customer to

Soft selling is facilitated by the repetition of an idea, message, or communication of

the desired conclusion. Such tactics tend to be more persuasive and less likely to
turn off prospective buyers. A soft sell is designed to avoid angering potential
customers and pushing them away. HOW TO WRITE A GOOD SOFT SELL

Title Introduction Content CTA

•Write an 'uppercase' •Identify a problem •Share the solutions to •'Call to Action' to

letter headline to that encounter by the overcome the problem promote the product
stress the importance audiences. •Ask the customer a by linking to any social
of the product and to •Justify a reason why question based on the media or a website
capture the customers' the existing approach prior solutions for a
eyes on the is not sufficient better and a fast
advertisement. solution

Flowchart to write a good soft sell approach


Example of copywriting technique in soft sell approach








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