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What is the relation between information and English langage ?

- We must learn English langage because :

 It’s the first langage in the world precisely
 The majority of scientific books are in English
 To communicate with scientists
 To publish your scientific production

1) Numbers :
 Cardinal numbers :
14 : fourteen
4: four
43: forty-three
89: eighty-nine
11: eleven
12: twelve
100: hundred
1001: one thousand and one
3630: three thousand six hundred and thirty

 Ordinal numbers :

1st: first
2nd: second
3rd: third
4th: fourth
5th: fifth
12th: twelfth
20th: twentieth

 Fractions :

½: one half
3/2: three half
¼: a quarter
5/8: five eighth
¾: three quarters
 Dates

1989 : ninety eighty nine

1320: thirteen twenty
12th may: twelfth of may
May 12th: may twelfth
 Operation :

Two and three equals five

Two plus three equals five

Two from five equals three

Five minus two is three

Five multiplied four equals twenty

Five four equals twenty 5*4=20

Five times four equals twenty

IL fait moins de 100

It’s ten under zero

nought point six

Null point six

Je l’ai vu que 2 fois

I had only seen her twice


* Twice

* Thrice

* 4 times, 5 …


Informatics informatics

(Adj.) (N)

Système d’information *computer science

== computer science * data processing

*information technology

 Travailler dans l’informatique

(to work / to be ) in computing

 Société d’informatique
Computer Company

 Magazine d’informatique
Computer magazine

 Informatique documentaire (electronic)

Information retrieval

 Cours d’informatique
Computer course or data processing course

 Informatique d’entreprise ( gestionnaire)

Business data processing

 Informatique familiale (local)

Home data processing / domestic

 Informatique de gestion (dans le cadre administratif)

Administrative data processing

 Informatique de gestion (dans une entreprise)

Business data processing

 Informatique individuelle
Personal computing

 Je suis doctorant en informatique

I’m a PHD-student (PhD = philosophy doctor) in computer science

 Je suis docteur en informatique

- I am PHD in computer science

- I am a doctor in computer science

 Son fils est un informaticien

Her / his son works in computing

 Je vais lui dire

I will tell him


Zero or nought 0, 7

Foot : arsenal a gagné 4 a 0
Arsenal won four Nil

Tennis : 40-0
Forty loves


Hardware software

Monitor central
Screen Processing

I. / matériel informatique hardware

La bureautique : office automation
Unité centrale : central processing unit
La touche : a key
Une souris : a mouse
Un clavier : a Keyboard
Un tapis a souris : a mouse pad
une imprimante : a printer
Une disquette : floppy disk
Disque dur : hard disk
Lecteur cd : the cd drive
Lecteur de disquette : disk drive
Un haut-parleur : speaker
Les voyants : indicators
Bureau : desktop
Fenêtre : window
Un fichier : file
Le menu fichier : file menu
Le fichier système : file system
Les donnes : data
Base de donnes : database
Répertoire : directory


Taper : to type
Un traitement de texte : Word processor
Mettre a jour: to update – to upgrade
Une mise a jour : an update
Redémarrer : restart – reboot
Mettre en route: too start-up
Un mot de passé : a password
Numériser : to scan
Informatiser : to computerize
Supprimer: to delete – to erase
Cut: couper
Copier: copy
Coller: paste
USB : universal serial bus


Technical words in computer science (internet):

Un internaut : a net surfer
Un moteur de recherche : a search engine
Un navigateur : a browser
Un service : a server
Un lien : a Link
Un responsable du site web : a web master
Un site web « : a web site

Se connecter: to login / to log in / to sign in / to log on

Se déconnecter: to logout / to log off / to log out / to sign out

S’inscrire : to sign up / to register

Se connecter a UN site web: to log on a web site

Email: electronic letters

Email in English is a noun, as in French and also it can be a verb, so we can say I will email you

to email : to send an email

boite de reception: in box

boite email : email box

verifier son email : to check email

envoyer un email : to send an email

recevoir un email : to receive an email

joinder un document : to enclose a document

S’abonner a un blog : to subscribe

Connexion a haut debit : board band

Télécharger : download ≠ upload

UN logiciel espion: spy ware

Pirater : to hack

UN pirate: a hacker

/: slash

\: back-slash

@: at / at sign

Xyz _: under score

Tout en minuscule : not in capitals

* : asterisk
Un onglet : a tab

Un virus informatique : computer virus

Souris filaire : cord mouse

Une souris sans fil : Cordless mouse



I) Articles :
In grammar, there are two kinds of articles

 Definite articles :
In English we have only one definite article (which is the) however, in French there
are three forms (le, la, les)
The cat  le chat
The woman  la femme
The holiday  les vacances

Note: the definite articles can be pronounced ‘’ thi ‘’ before vowels

Ex: the exam, the end

*the definite article is used for more frequently in French then in English
- Elimination of the definite articles:
1) in kinds
- le sucre est mauvais pour les dents
Sugar is bad for teeth

2) in stating likes and dislikes

- j’aime le lait : I like milk

- je déteste les tomates : I hate tomatoes

3) In geographical names

Le Canada  Canada
L’Afrique  Africa

But those are exceptions:

 Les noms des pays au pluriel : the United states

 Les pays qualifié : the republic of Ireland

4) in seasons :
Summer / summer is here / he needed the summer for recover

5) In name of language and subjects

J’apprends le Français
Im learning french

I hate mathematics

II) Indefinite article :

In English there are two indefinite articles, articles ‘’a’’ and ‘’ an ’’ but in French there are 3:
un, une, des
Though ‘’des’’ is often not translated in English
 Il Ya des nuages dans le ciel
 There are clouds in the sky

 A man
 An umbrella

Grammar part 2

All Sont utilisés avec les articles définit

The both men are gentle

Fausse X

- Both the men are gentle

- All the countries

- All the three countries

- Almost the scientific books are written in English

Les deux utilisations de ‘’almost’’ et ‘’all’’ est la même

Most : on doit ajouter of et pour la comparaison on dit the Most

Almost = la majorité
All = la totalité

Remarque  :
Un adverbe décrit le verbe
Un adjectif décrit le nom

What Used with the indefinite articles

- Many men must do this

- Many a man must do this

Avec le pluriel on doit éliminer le ‘’ a ‘’

- She’s just a crazy about him

Half: we can use it with the different articles definite and indefinite

- He drank a half bottle of milk

- Il a bu de la petite bouteille

Lorsque le mot est compose (half ___) on utilise l’article avant

- He drank half a bottle of milk

Il a bu la moitié de la bouteille
- He drank half of the bottle of milk

- The half of the world most know that

- I’ll be back in half an hour


 He speaks with good words

 He speaks goodly

Money money wise
Adverbs of times: always
Adverbs of places: there
Adverbs of intensity hardly


1) Individual notice:
 First name
 family Name
 Date and places birth
 Status: single...
 Personal address: city of ….
 Phone number :
 Nationality
 Email
 Grade : student
 Personal :

2) Scientific qualification:
2016-2017: master’s degree at the University of Saad Dahleb with highest degrees
2013-2014: baccalaureate in science and mathematics

3) Skills (competence)
-programming languages : java, java script, c, PHP …
- Operating systems: Linux, windows …
- Database: MySQL …

4) Natural languages:
- Arabic (mother language): read, written, and spoken
- French: read, written, and spoken
- English: read, written, and spoken

5) Communication:

6) Publication:

- Article: ‘’title’’ accepted in the IEEE journal

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