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Priya Ramesh Swaminathan

Chapter 1

There, she had done it again. Fallen in love, that is! What was it that made
her flip for her co-stars, every time she acted in a movie with them? Was she a
love-addict? she often wondered. Or a masochist who loved being miserable
and heart-broken, all the while?

As she watched handsome Mahesh Kumar toweling himself dry after that
shot in the swimming pool, her eyes hungrily devoured his tawny, bulging
biceps, six-pack abs and lean torso supported by long, athletic legs; she felt
like a giddy-headed teenager in the first flush of love. How she longed for him
to come and pull her into his arms, to smell that heady after-shave and tousle
his thick wet hair!

She was disappointed when he walked past her nonchalantly, talking

earnestly on his cell-phone. “Yes, Darling, we’ll meet at our usual hang-out at
6 p.m.” he was purring into his phone. She felt a wave of murderous envy
engulf her just then. He was obviously speaking to his steady girl-friend of 5

Peevishly, she took out her oblong mirror from her hand-bag and started
preening. She was beautiful. Golden eyes, bottle-blonde hair, a smooth fair
complexion and perfectly chiseled features looked back at her petulantly. She
made faces at herself for a while, till she suddenly realized that everyone
around was staring amusedly at her. Self-consciously, she got up from her
lounger, wrapping a floral-print maroon sarong around her bikini-clad svelte
figure and padded across to the hotel’s foyer.

She was nearly oblivious to the admiring looks that everyone there gave
her, as she swayed into the elevator and made her way to her room on the fifth
floor. She was engrossed in thinking whether she should walk into Mahesh’s
room on the 6th floor and seduce him. The mood was just right and so was
their sexy attire. She stared at her luscious curves in the mirror of the elevator
and felt elated. God had blessed her indeed. She looked like a diva and felt
like one too! Just what was it that she lacked, as no one seemed to be
genuinely attracted to her, ever? Maybe, physically yes, she conceded, as she
was well-endowed, but emotionally, there was a void, which no guy ever tried
to fill!

Chapter 2

Absent-mindedly, (or was it deliberately?), she had pressed the button for
the sixth floor. When she emerged out of the elevator, she had an irresistible
urge to knock on Mahesh’s door, but listening to her warning instincts, she let
it pass and reluctantly returned to her room.

As she felt slightly cold, she ordered for a pot of tea and changed into a
slinky, lilac gown and lounged on the couch, watching some nonsensical (in
her words) soap series. The unbidden thoughts of Mahesh’s brusque behavior
kept pricking her inwardly, as she stared at the television set unseeingly.
Resolutely, she decided that she wouldn’t lose to the tears that threatened to
overtake her! She clenched her jaws and decided to have a hot and relaxing

She prepared the bath with a liberal sprinkling of her favorite, heavenly,
almond oil. As she undressed and slipped into the bath-tub, she could feel
herself unwinding. Her tension eased as she languorously rubbed herself with
the fragrant foam and let herself drift off into a highly relaxed state of mind.
Her thoughts went back in time.

She had run away from her parents’ home in a small town in Uttar-Pradesh
at the tender age of 16, to make a name in movies. That first day in Mumbai
was etched in her memory. She had landed in Mumbai with no clue about
what to do next….

Just then, a leering pimp materialized next to her. “Can I help you Babe?”
He picked up her hold-all and started walking towards the exit of the railway
station. She panicked. “Wait a minute! I don’t know you. Leave me alone!”

“If you don’t know me, you’ll will, soon enough. I help all pretty little
things like you, who have nowhere to go,” he had said cockily.

As alarm bells rang loudly in her ears, she desperately looked around for
some help. Spotting a sturdy-looking guy, just ahead of her, she had said
loudly, “Bhaiyya, please help me. This is the address that I want to go to.” It
was her college-mate Reena’s address. She hadn’t informed her about her
plans to land in Mumbai and had conveniently assumed that she would
welcome her with open arms. Little did she know that Reena had since
married, as they hadn’t been in touch for 2 years! After all Reena wasn’t her
best friend, just an acquaintance.

That guy looked at her quizzically and asked her to take a taxi to that
address. He even offered to drop her there as he would be passing by that
locality on his way home. Relieved, she grabbed her hold-all from the crest-
fallen pimp and walked with her ‘savior’ towards the taxi-stand. Suddenly, she
broke into a cold sweat. What if he too was in that pimp’s league? Could she
trust him?

Then she shook her head. She’d have to trust someone! Taking a chance,
she followed him into a taxi. When it stopped at her given address, she heaved
a sigh of relief. She offered the fare to the stranger, who politely but firmly
refused it. As she walked towards the shabby building, she turned around and
was surprised to see that the taxi was still waiting there. She shrugged and
walked up two flights of dingy stairs to ring the door-bell.

A dour-faced elderly man opened it, frowned and asked her what she
wanted. “I’ve come from U.P. to meet Reena. I was her class-mate in college.
After she shifted here, we lost touch.”

Gruffly, he asked her, “So what brings you here now, young lady? She has
married and now stays in Nashik.”

Samaira couldn’t believe her ears and cursed her hard luck. Now she was
truly lost. Where would she go? She didn’t know anyone else there. In a small
voice she asked him, “Could you put me up here for a week? I’ll…..” Before
she could say anything further, he rudely interrupted her and said, “This is not
a hostel or a hotel! Get out!” He banged the door forcefully on her face. She
burst into tears, humiliated and forlorn. Served her right, she thought. She
should have had the sense to find out about Reena’s whereabouts before
running away from her home.
She did have some stolen money with her, Rs.1000/- to be precise, but how
long would it last, if she had to pay rent and purchase meals for herself?
Besides, she knew that Mumbai was an expensive city. The money that she
had wouldn’t suffice for even a day! Dismayed, she started walking
downstairs and walked out of that dingy building. She didn’t pay any attention
to the taxi that was waiting outside. She was surprised when a now-familiar
male voice called out. “Ma’am, may I help you?”

Chapter 2

The stranger who had given her a lift was expectantly looking at her from
the same taxi. “Oh, haven’t you left? Why are you still here?” she inquired,
slightly relieved that she had apparently found someone to latch on to, in that
new city. Somehow, she felt that she’d be safe with him. She looked at his
handsome, angled face and his lean muscles, bulging from his T-shirt’s
sleeves. As she saw him staring at her keenly, she blushed deeply and fell
silent, hoping against hope that he’d offer her some shelter.

“Why don’t you come home with me?” he offered. She gazed into his dark
brown eyes and couldn’t discern any lust in them. Yet, she had a vague sense
of foreboding. She had spurned that tout and was nearly ready to go off with
this stranger to his home! Was she jumping from the frying-pan into the fire?
Well, she decided. Beggars couldn’t be choosers! She’d give it a try! After all,
she’d have to be brave if she had to fend for herself in a large city like
Mumbai. How else could she achieve her goal of becoming an acclaimed

The stranger identified himself as Sanjay. He was a bouncer in ‘Star-trek’,

one of the famous night-clubs in Mumbai. He had just returned from his native
place in Andhra Pradesh where he had a wife and a three year old son. He
couldn’t bring them to Mumbai, as his job entailed keeping odd hours and his
wife, like other small-town ladies, was apprehensive about staying alone in
Mumbai. Hence he stayed all alone in a rented two-room apartment in

As Samaira hesitated, he laughed and said, “I won’t eat you! You can trust
me.” True to his words, both slept in separate rooms. He slept in the kitchen
and she slept in the hall. He didn’t attempt to get fresh with her. In fact, he
made her feel comfortable and totally at home. He even accompanied her to
various casting directors’ and producers’ offices for meetings and for
auditions. Thanks to his burly physique, she was never harassed by them. She
thanked Sanjay for his help and support. “Wait till I become a heroine! I’ll
make you my body-guard,” she’d say loftily and he’d smile wryly.

Several nights, Samaira would secretly wonder how it would be, if he made
love to her! She had genuinely started loving him. Alas, he was married and
totally devoted to his wife. She had seen his wife, Geeta’s and his son
Armaan’s photos. Theirs seemed to be a loving, close-knit family. Would she
ever marry and have kids? she wondered. Right then, her career was the be-all
and end-all of her existence.

After struggling for 7 long years, evading the ignominy of the casting
couch and lecherous touts and doing bit roles in movies, Samaira got her first
break. A leading director had spotted her talent and offered her a lead role in
his forthcoming film. Her first movie as a heroine, ‘Tara’, had broken all box-
office records. Then she had never looked back. She was soon the talk of the
town, as the foremost leading actress with a string of hit films to her credit.

Sanjay had politely refused to become her body-guard, but wished her all
the best for a bright future. She had bought him a spacious 2BHK in Bandra
and he had convinced his wife to come to Mumbai with his son. Once, when
she visited them and had a sumptuous lunch prepared by Geeta, Samaira
thanked her lucky stars that Sanjay hadn’t given in to her charms, even once,
in spite of her numerous hints. She had given up all amorous thoughts about
him when he had informed her firmly that for him, she was like a kid sister. He
had truly been like the protective elder brother she never had.

Now in her bath-tub, she smiled softly as she realized that she had come a
long way from her conservatively dressed ways and small-town, self-
conscious demeanor and self-effacing attitude! Now she called the shots!

Chapter 3

As those soothing thoughts lulled her, the door-bell buzzed. She pulled on a
dressing-gown and opened the door. She nearly swooned as she saw Mahesh,
smartly dressed in a tan jacket, black jeans and polo-necked black T-shirt,
looking at her appreciatively. Self-consciously, she pushed back her wet hair
and asked, “Well, well, what brings you here Mahesh, has your date been just

His eyes flashed as he angrily retorted, “So you have been sneaking on my
calls again, haven’t you? You….” She bit her lip even as hot color flushed her
cheeks. She had been caught! Still she brazenly offered her explanation, “Chill
dear, you weren’t exactly discreet! Everyone at the pool heard about your
rendezvous! So I can be hardly blamed. Anyway, may I know why you have
deigned to pay a lowly mortal like me a visit?”

Just as he was about to retort sharply, a bell-boy cleared his throat tactfully
and announced that he had brought her tea. He had earlier rung her door-bell
thrice and left after no response. Now he gleefully observed the tense under-
currents between the two and walked away, whistling under his breath.

“Hmm, if you don’t want to speak, you can have a cup of piping hot tea
with me, unless you’d prefer something else!” she murmured tantalizingly. I
would definitely prefer the other option, but right now, I’m in a tearing hurry.
Please could you inform the Director, Samarth Babu that I won’t be available
for the evening shift today? I have tried his number several times, but it has
been switched off, hence thought that you could pass on my message to him if
you wouldn’t mind the trouble.”

“Any thing for you sweetie!” she purred, as he beat a hasty retreat. Samaira
sipped on the ginger-flavored tea as she mulled over Mahesh’s behavior and
her own wanton behavior. Surely, she could be more dignified! What would he
think of her? She loved him so much that she could lay down her life for him,
but she realized that her behavior must have put him off. He’d now think that
she just lusted after him!

He hadn’t ever praised her looks. Even just then, he had looked at her
appreciatively, but dismissively. As if she was a beautiful piece of furniture!
Wasn’t she worth talking to? She fumed inwardly. True to her petty nature, she
conveniently ‘forgot’ to inform the Director about Mahesh’s absence.

The shoot was cancelled for the day, after lots of commotion on the sets.
That scene belonged to Mahesh. In his sudden absence, the shooting had to be
abandoned. Everyone blamed him for his unprofessional behavior and said
that he was becoming too big for his boots. She wallowed in the distasteful
mud-slinging as it gave her a high. Served that snob right! Ignoring a beauty
for a plain Jane did have its side-effects!

But the next day, Samaira had to swallow her own bitter medicine.
Everyone on the sets ignored her. Mahesh was preening like a Cheshire cat
and the Director was fawning over him, as usual. It was as if the previous
day’s brouhaha had just vanished from everyone’s minds. Except hers! She
seethed as Mahesh jauntily told her, “Good weather, isn’t it? Are you unwell?”
She knew that he was taunting her. She just smiled half-heartedly and said, “I
am always fine, thank you!” He smiled knowingly and sent daggers into her

She had again succeeded in rubbing him up the wrong way! She always
offended those whom she loved, hence they despised her. She was in a
conundrum. How could she rectify her obnoxious behavior? she wondered.
Till she did that, she’d have to wallow in misery and self-pity.

Now she had completed 5 years in the industry and commanded awe and
envy, wherever she went. Though she had all the material comforts that
stardom could provide, she was lonely and depressed. Her empty bungalow
mocked her when she reached home. It seemed to say scornfully, “So, was this
what you wanted? An empty house and an empty life, bereft of warmth and
love? Money can’t give you love, dearie!”

Her parents had long ago, disowned her. Though her mother still longed to
see her, she couldn’t go against her strict husband’s wishes, hence refrained
from taking Saira’s telephonic calls. Her sister Amisha spoke to her, on the sly,

She had attempted vying for several co-stars’ attention, unsuccessfully,

through these forlorn years. Each movie gave her hope and rejection! The
movie succeeded, but she didn’t. None of her co-stars desired her, surprisingly,
as she had a face and figure to die for!

She still remembered the burning humiliation that she had faced, when after
a love-scene in her third movie, she had clung wantonly to her co-star, even
after the shot was cut. The hero had to extricate himself out of her warm and
tight clasp, with great difficulty. The derisive, loud and raucous laughter of
those on the set, then, still rang annoyingly fresh, in her ears. Those were the
times that she cringed with shame. No one had been sensitive enough to
deduce her isolation and need for companionship.

Though she genuinely fell in love with her co-stars, they thought that she
was a girl with loose morals. When they tried to seduce her, she told them off,
in no uncertain terms, thereby again giving them the impression that she was
just a tease and an attention-grabber. They just couldn’t fathom her actions.

Meanwhile, she became moody and irascible. A tantrum-queen, if ever

there was one! All her movies’ directors tried to pander to her ego all the
while, just to keep her in a good mood and ensure smooth filming. The heroes
avoided her like the plague, once their shots were over.

In the lonely nights, she would invariably call up her, by now married elder
sister, who lived in Delhi, and pour out her woes, into her willing ears. She
was sympathetic but firm in her opinion that it was high time that Samaira got
married and settled down. “You must return and get married, dear. I’m sure
that by now, you must be disillusioned after seeing the fickle ways of those in
the film-industry. I will try to convince Pitaji to forgive you…” she would say.

“It’s too late, Didi, I can never return. I’m addicted to my work and to my
life-style. Good-bye.” The finality and dejection in Samaira’s voice would
send shivers down her sister’s spine. She only hoped and prayed that Samaira
wouldn’t take any rash decision to end her miserable life. Hence she always
spoke to her sympathetically and empathized with her situation. She knew that
she was the only lifeline for her young, reckless sister.

Chapter 4

One day, Amisha’s husband Rohan, went to Mumbai for some work related
to his hardware business. Amina had told him to check on her dear sister,
Samaira. She wanted to be sure that she was eating and living well. So after
finishing his work for the day, he went to Samaira’s house, late in the evening.
He hadn’t called her up as he wanted to pay a surprise visit. Amisha had told
him to do so, so that the real picture would be clear to them.

When the maid-servant opened the door, he was awe-struck by the

opulence of Samaira’s bungalow. The high ceiling with dazzling chandeliers,
rich and plush carpets, paintings on the walls and elegant, expensive furniture;
took his breath away. He sighed, as he compared it to his humble two-room,
Spartan abode. Some people surely had all the luck, he mused. He told the
servant that he wanted to meet Samaira, his sister-in-law. She asked him to be
seated and called up her mistress through the intercom. “Bibiji, your brother-
in-law, Rohan sahib has arrived and is waiting for you here.”

Samaira was nonplussed. What was he doing there? Maybe her beloved
sister had wanted to give her a surprise. Hadn’t she come too? As she started
getting up from her bed, she felt dizzy and sat down again. She had had a
couple of pegs of wine in the evening. Even as she dressed in a salwar-
kameez, brushed her hair, applied a coat of powder and walked downstairs,
she could feel the floor tilting below her. She unsteadily descended the stairs
from her first-floor bed-room and swayed into the living-room.

Rohan gasped on seeing her. What a ravishing beauty! He had seen her
movies and pictures in magazines, but seeing her in flesh and blood was an
experience that he wouldn’t forget in a hurry! She was a unique woman, hand-
crafted by the Creator himself, chiseled to perfection. He just couldn’t spot
any flaw in her. Guiltily, he compared her with his wife and her sister, Amisha.
How come she was so ordinary-looking and insipid? God had definitely been
partial towards the younger sister! How he wished that he had had the good
fortune to marry Samaira instead!

But he had come here to check on her well-being, hadn’t he? he chided
himself, not to lust after her! “How are you Samaira? I am Rohan, your
Amisha Didi’s hubby. Amisha was worried about your well-being, hence
asked me to meet you. I hope that I haven’t inconvenienced you in any way.”

“Of course not, jiju. You are most welcome,” she said. As she started sitting
on a couch, she tripped on the carpet and landed straight into his arms. He held
her briefly, as he supported her and steadied her. She smelt of some heavenly
perfume, though the stench of liquor assailed his nostrils, as she opened her
mouth to thank him. She had been drinking, he thought, disgustedly. Yet, he
couldn’t help noticing her pretty pink lips, soft and inviting. As he
unconsciously swept his tongue over his lips, she smiled slightly.

So her charm was casting her spell over him too, she thought vainly. His
eyes were lowered, as though he didn’t want her to guess his amorous
thoughts, but she was sure about what was on his mind. They were all the
same, selfish and lecherous, she thought despairingly.

As the maid bought in tea and snacks, she offered him a cup and asked him
about her sister. “How’s Didi? How’s your business getting along? Why didn’t
Didi come here too?”

“Amisha is as usual, busy with her house-work and tailoring. My business

is flourishing. In fact, I came here today for some work. Amisha has many
orders to deliver, before Holi, next week. Hence she couldn’t come. She has
promised that she will come and meet you next month. By the way, why don’t
you come over, one of these days? You must take a break, every now and

“Yes, I’ll try and do that,” she said half-heartedly. She just didn’t want to go
back to her native place. She had outgrown it and its people. Then she
remembered her parents. Hesitantly, she asked in a small voice, “How are
Pitaji and Maa? Do they ever remember me?” Sensing the emotion in her
tone, Rohan said, “Frankly no! It seems as though they are consciously
avoiding talking about you. Both seem moody and depressed. You will
understand their trauma if you realize that they have had to bear the taunts
about you, in your home town. They are nearly ostracized. Only one or two
people sympathize with them and help them.”

Samaira had tears in her eyes as she said, “I am the back sheep of my
family. Hope God forgives me my sins and gives peace of mind to my
parents!” Rohan looked at her with such pity that Samaira felt a wave of
longing engulfing her. She only wanted to belong to someone, anyone! Right
now, Rohan would do!

“Have your tea, Samaira, you’ll feel better,” he said. But after the very first
sip, she felt nauseous. As she began retching, the maid rushed to her with a
wide porcelain bowl. Rohan was amused and aghast. This seemed to be a
regular feature in that house. The mistress throwing up in the bowl after a
drink too many! What would be Amisha’s reaction on hearing about this sorry
state of affairs? She’d be heart-broken!

Chapter 5

After her vomiting session was over, in the bathroom, Samaira emerged,
looking somewhat pale. Rohan saw that she appeared very wan and young just
like a school girl. A lost school girl! His heart went out to her and he felt like
comforting her. He understood how lonely and miserable she might have been
feeling, in that huge, heartless city, where wolves in the form of men,
abounded. No wonder, she lived amidst tight security! But that too must have
been suffocating for her.

Then he saw the time on the ornate clock on the wall in front of him and
started. It was 11 p.m. He had to return to his friend’s place. Next morning, he
had to board the train for his return journey.

He rose and said, “O.K. then Samaira, take care and let me know if you
need any help. We are there for you, even if your parents aren’t! I’ll send you
a missed call so that you can save my number. Call me anytime for help. Now
I must leave. My friend will be waiting for me.”

Samaira pouted and protested, “But you haven’t had dinner, as yet! I can’t
leave you now. You may go afterwards. Please call up your friend and inform
him likewise.”

Rohan was inwardly happy that he could spend some more time with that
beauty. He tried to resist, hemmed and hawed, but finally gave in. They had a
superb meal of biryani and egg curry, followed by dudhi halwa; which had
already been prepared by the dependable maid, Nirmala, in the evening.

She usually prepared good food for her mistress who would ignore it and
eat ghaas-phus (In the maid’s words) like salads and soups. She continued
with her culinary expertise, in the hope that someday, her mistress would be
tempted and would eat well. But that day hadn’t yet dawned, today had been
an exception!
Meanwhile, the beggars around the maid’s house and her family members
were a contented lot, as they got rich, home-cooked food, regularly, thanks to
the maid. Needless to say, the maid also heartily partook of the meals, on
Samaira’s insistence. Hence she was well-fed and rotund. Due to Samaira’s
largesse, she took good care of her mistress and was very protective about her.

During the meal, Samaira had watched Rohan closely. His well-pressed,
checked shirt and grey trouser fitted him nicely. His hair was thick and colored
in places with red, no doubt due to henna. He appeared healthy and fit. His
face was brown and lean. His dark brown eyes sparkled as he looked at her
occasionally and his nose was straight and his chin jutted out proudly. He was
above-average in height. He appeared to be very self-assured and hence was
probably a man who knew what he wanted in life and how to get it!

He was gentle and kind. He gave the impression of being a thorough

gentleman, though she had instinctively felt that there was more to him that
met her eye. His eyes had given him away, as he had appraised her, first when
he set his eyes on her, that evening.

She felt that she could wrap him around her little finger, if she so desired!
She decided to test him. After the meal when he started taking her leave, she
held his arm and implored sweetly, “Please Jiju, why don’t you stay over-night
here? At least one day, I can have someone of my family to talk to!”

He was hesitant. “No Samaira, I can’t spend the night in a spinster’s house.
What will people think? Even my friend and his family won’t approve. No, no,
I must leave.” Just as he reached the door, Samaira speed-dialled her sister.
“Didi, Jiju isn’t staying here with me. Kindly tell him to give me company

In the stillness of the night, he could clearly hear his wife’s response. “Give
him the phone, I will tell him.” Amisha appeared happy because Samaira was
happy. She told him “You’ve gone to visit her. Why don’t you stay in her
house overnight?” He told her, “Amisha, log kya kahenge? “(What will people
say?) “I don’t care what they say! Anyway, in a big city like Mumbai no one
cares about what the others are doing. You can freely stay there. And aren’t
you her relative? Why do you unnecessarily worry? I am your wife, since I
don’t mind; it’s none of anyone’s business!”

Secretly relieved and delirious with joy, he carefully said, “Oh, so if that’s
what you wish, your wish is my command. I will do as you say. Now are you

Amisha’s sweet laughter rang down the line. “Yes, of course. Thanks. Good

“There you are,“ said Saira happily, as she took the phone from his hands.
Now call up your friend and inform him about your changed plans. Tell him
that you will go there tomorrow morning and pick up your luggage and go to
the station.” Rohan did the needful. He felt it in his bones that that night would
change his life forever.

Samaira gave a mock yawn and said that she was going to her bedroom.
The maid had left some time back. Rohan awkwardly suggested, “I’ll sleep on
this couch.” She laughed heartily and said, “Jiju, there are five bedrooms in
this house. What are they for? Come upstairs. I’ll show you your room.”

His heart was thudding. A huge, isolated house and a gorgeous single lady
were a lethal combination. He feared for himself and he feared for her! He
watched her hips swaying sensuously as she proceeded upstairs with him in
tow. Then he firmly looked only at each step, as he climbed. God, give me
strength, he prayed. To resist this divine temptation! He didn’t want to sin!

Chapter 6

She showed him a room adjacent to hers. It was huge and beautifully
decorated. There was an inviting poster-bed with satin sheets, a couch with
floral print, a desk and a chair, side-tables with table-lamps and an attached
bathroom. Soft lights shone their mellow beams on the bed, from concealed
lighting in the false ceiling.

Samaira was watching his expression of delight on seeing the well-

appointed room. She was imagining being on that bed with him! But she
couldn’t make the first move, hence waited expectantly, with bated breath, to
let the serene and plush surroundings assail his senses and overwhelm him, so
that he made the first move. By now, she was finely attuned to men and their
behavior. They just couldn’t resist temptation and were wont to make hay
while the sun shone!

That day, a yellow, full moon was shining outside and the breeze was cool;
a perfect setting for a rendezvous. Would he bite the bait?

She was jolted out of her romantic reverie by his words, “O.K. then,
Samaira, good night.” The finality in his words shocked her. She felt as if she
had been physically slapped after his rebuttal. She could just manage to
weakly say, “If you need anything, just ring that bell,” indicating a switch
beside the bed. “Hm, yes,” he said, avoiding looking at her. If she just went
out, he’d be O.K.!

She walked to the door and turned behind abruptly, and caught him staring
at her. Why couldn’t he ask her to stay? She thought crossly. He hurriedly
averted his eyes and pretended to be examining a vase on the side-table. When
she couldn’t dilly-dally any longer, she sighed and walked out, her head held
high, even as traitorous tears started welling up in her beautiful eyes. She felt
rejected and dejected! Wasn’t she worth even for a one-night stand? She
longed to be in the warmth of his strong hands, wanted to be comforted and
loved, was it too much to expect? The door closed behind her softly. She could
hear the lights being switched off. Now she was alone again.

Back in her cozy room, decorated as tastefully as the one occupied by

Rohan, she lay on the couch in her satin negligee, staring at the ceiling, crying
softly. After a long time, she realized that it was 2 a.m. and she had to catch up
on her sleep, if she wanted to avoid dark circles under her eyes, the next day,
during shooting. Her eyes were already swollen and red due to crying. She
dragged herself to her bed. Involuntarily, her hands reached for the switch
beside her bed and pressed it.

Rohan jumped from his sleep as the buzzer buzzed in his ears. Had he
pressed the switch in his sleep? He was sure he hadn’t. As his eyes opened
slowly, he tried to get his bearings. Where was he? As he focused his eyes on
the contents of that room, he remembered that he was in Samaira’s house. Had
she pressed the buzzer in her room? Did she need anything? He decided to
check out and make sure.

It was pitch- dark. As he groped for the lights’ switch and switched on the
light, he realized that the lights had gone out. Maybe, Samaira had got scared
of the darkness and pressed the switch. But was she awake then? It was 2.15
a.m. With a sense of foreboding, he knocked politely on her room’s door and
asked softly, “Samaira, do you need something?” There was no response. He
of course, wouldn’t know that she had taken a sleeping-pill and dozed off.
After a few more knocks and queries, he was tired and returned back to his
room. He crashed on to the bed and slept soundly till 8 a.m. when he heard the
door-bell ringing incessantly. It was the maid. He rushed down-stairs and
opened the door for the startled lady. She thought, “Oh God, had this person
stayed there over-night? Had her mistress and …..” She winced as the thought
struck her that he was Samaira’s brother-in-law. Had she become so

She instantly became business-like and asked him if he would like to have
tea or coffee. Mercifully, he didn’t appear to be drunk. He told her that he’d
freshen up and be back downstairs in ten minutes. She couldn’t resist asking
him about the whereabouts of her mistress. “Where is Samaira Bibiji? Is she
still sleeping?” he shrugged and said, “Maybe, because her door is still shut.”
The maid inwardly heaved a huge sigh of relief. So they had slept in different
rooms; though it was none of her business! She now looked at Rohan
respectfully. Here was a real man with his values right in place. He wasn’t the
one who took advantage of nubile, lonely young girls.

Rohan went to his room, showered, dressed and emerged, fresh and raring
to go. He had to leave at least by 8.30 a.m., go to his friend’s place, take his
luggage and rush to the station. His train left at 10 a.m. As he looked at
Samaira’s closed door, he sighed. Sleeping beauty, he thought naughtily.
Before, his thoughts could stray, he reined them in firmly. He was relieved that
he had kept his sanity intact, last night. He conceded though, that it was only
due to that closed door. If that door had opened last night, when he knocked on
it, he wouldn’t have been able to look at himself in the mirror, ever! Nor into
Amisha’s eyes! She trusted him completely. He didn’t want to betray her trust.
And his faith!

Chapter 7

When Samaira woke up, it was 10 a.m. The first thing that crossed her
mind was the thought about her handsome brother-in-law. Where was he? She
looked around her. So she had slept alone, after all! Rohan had proved to be a
tough nut to crack. But the toughest nuts cracked some time, sooner or later!
She would pursue him and get his attention, one day, she vowed. The thrill
was in the chase! Now she had a reason to live for. She immediately cheered
up. Humming loudly, she completed her morning chores and emerged, fresh as
a rose.

Even her maid was taken aback, by her resplendent beauty. Had her Bibiji
and Rohan… Again the ugly thought reared in her head. No, no, it mustn’t be,
she consoled herself. But why was she looking so happy and radiant?
Everyday, she was grouchy and rude, in the mornings. Nirmala knew that
Samaira had sleeping-pills daily, as she suffered from insomnia. Her Bibiji’s
wild, erratic life-style frightened her. She cared for her, like her daughter and
didn’t want anything untoward happening to her.

Trying to appear casual, Samaira asked, as she sat down at the dining-table
for break-fast, “So when did Jiju leave?” “At 8.30 a.m. He asked me to thank
you for your hospitality. He even gave me Rs. 100/- as bakshish. Nice man!”
Samaira’s heart twisted as she thought bitterly, Yes, nice man! Too nice
though! Playing goody-goody, though he was attracted to her! Well, two could
play at the game. It would be interesting to see who won. She was sure that she

That day, Mahesh Kumar, Samarth Babu and the entire unit was
nonplussed. They were wondering why Samaira looked so bewitching and
cheerful. She was cracking jokes, laughing and teasing everyone around, and
appeared relaxed, unlike her usual haughty, tantrum throwing self!

“Don’t I look silly in this costume? She asked, as her make-up artiste
nodded vaguely, unsure of how to react. If he said yes, she would throw a fit
and if he said no, she’d chide him for being a chamcha, a sycophant! But as
she seemed to be in a very good mood today, he seized this once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity and bravely said, “Yes Madam, you should insist on another one!”
He kept staring at her, as she threw back her pretty head and laughed heartily.
What had come over her today, he thought.

She had worn an over-sized, tattered robe with flip-flops, for a scene where
she was supposed to be in disguise. “No, Sanket, I will wear this one only!
That means that this is the perfect disguise for me! She thought that that
costume hid her curves well and made her look bloated and ugly. Her face had
been made-up to look like a vagabond. Pock-marked and ugly!

She shuddered involuntarily and looked sad when Sanket showed her the
mirror for a final look, before the scene was shot. She only hoped that she
didn’t really end up looking like that, in her old age! Old age was too far away,
but was sure to befall her. She wished that she had someone to look after her
and care for her, then! Unwittingly, Rohan’s face flashed in front of her mind’s
eye. Instantly her mood soared and she jauntily went to give a one-take shot.

Mahesh congratulated her afterwards, saying, “You were brilliant Samaira.

Must say that you are very vivacious today! What’s up? Met someone
special?” Just when she was about to retort nastily, as usual, that he was
interfering and nosy and must mind his business; she changed her mind and
said extra-sweetly, “Hmm, maybe!” Before he could continue his inquisitive
questioning, she waved at him and bounded to her van, to change. Mahesh and
Samarth Babu exchanged a meaningful glance and chuckled together.

Samarth Babu hoped that her wonderful mood lasted throughout that day’s
shooting. He had lost several precious days and a chunk of his budget, after
cancelling shooting, on several days, due to her tantrums or late-coming, when
Mahesh would walk out in protest too, after having had to cool his heels for
her! Keeping both the stars in good humor was an important part of his job.
After all, he was answerable to his producer!

In the privacy of her van, Samaira didn’t change into her other costume
immediately. She called up Rohan eagerly. She was dying to hear his deep
voice, with a slight nasal twang. “Hello?” he answered, after 5 minutes.
“Hello, this is Samaira here.” “Oh Samaira, how are you? I’m sorry that I
couldn’t meet you before leaving, as you were fast asleep. I wanted to call you
up after boarding the train, but decided not to disturb you, since you’d be busy
with your shooting.”

She hungrily listened to his voice, not bothering about what he was saying.
She wanted to just keep on listening to him. He sounded so mature and
dependable, just like the person who could be entrusted with one’s life! After
he had thwarted her advances the previous night, diplomatically, she had
started respecting and admiring him more than ever! He was a thorough
gentleman. Refined and cultured! He had passed her test in flying colors.

“No problem Jiju, please do come and meet me regularly. I enjoyed your
company, last evening. Tell Didi that I always remember her and give her my
love and regards. If you meet Pitaji and Maa, give them my love and regards
and ask them to forgive me if possible,” she said. Hearing the catch in her
voice, he consoled her, “Of course, I will. Please take care of yourself
Samaira. I hope you stop drinking. If you respect my wishes, you’ll do that.
I’ll come to visit you again only if you promise me accordingly!”

Was giving up liquor so easy? She thought as she blurted out, “I’ll try Jiju,
I’ll really try, for your sake!”

He disconnected the call. As he settled in his berth, for a nap, he visualized

her. Sparkling eyes and a beautiful body…. He soon drifted off to sleep amidst
her heavenly visions.

Samaira’s day also passed by in a dream-like trance. He did care for her!
She was ecstatic.

Chapter 8

The next few days, Samaira repeatedly contacted Rohan and spoke to him.
She appeared to sound mature at some times, and then coquettish at others.
Rohan too enjoyed their light-hearted banter as they exchanged notes about
what was currently happening in their lives. Of course, Samaira’s life was far
too colorful and his was far too humdrum. He wondered about whether his
narration bored Samaira, but she was always attentive and eager. She regaled
him with anecdotes from her shooting sessions and even mimicked her co-
stars and directors. As their hearty laughs echoed down the lines, they felt very
close. It was as if they were having a one-to-one, direct conversation, in

But when these calls lasted for long hours at night, Amisha would have a
vague sense of foreboding. Initially, she had been pleased that Samaira had
established such excellent rapport with her husband, whom she had never even
met, before he went to Mumbai. But she gradually began resenting the long-
distance calls that lasted for quite some time. As it was, she herself never got a
chance to interact with Rohan, till late at night, as they would both be busy
with their respective schedules. She usually looked forward to those precious
moments of quiet and relaxation. But these days, he had gifted away those
moments, rather hours, to her sister. She often wondered whether she had
committed a blunder by getting those two acquainted!

She felt torn between the love for her younger sister and the love for her
husband. Both were equally dear to her and both seemed to be oblivious to her
own plight! What could she do? She knew that things could get out of hand if
she let the growing affinity between them; unchecked.

Rohan was however, unaffected by the calls, seemingly, as he continued to

be as attentive as ever, to his wife, as well. He would enquire about her day,
in-between Samaira’s calls, apprise her of important chores to be attended to,
etc. Yet Amisha felt as if he was trying hard to keep both Samaira and herself
happy. How long would this difficult situation last, she wondered. She even
wondered whether she should warn her sister to keep away from her hubby.
She knew that she could never do that, as she genuinely loved her sister and
wanted her to be happy. She seemed to have found a friend and confidante in
Rohan. Amisha wanted to maintain the status-quo as she didn’t have any
complaints against her hubby, otherwise.

He was an ideal husband. She told herself to stop being jealous and
insecure and get on with her life as usual. Sometimes though, she would feel
very restless and uneasy, when Rohan spoke in intimate tones to Samaira. At
those times, he conveniently acted as if Amisha wasn’t there at all, in that
room! It was as if Amisha was an outsider. After the call ended, when he
would talk to her, full of concern about her (Amisha), she’d feel as if he was
trying too hard to be the conscientious husband!

Was he fooling her? What was brewing between Samaira and Rohan? A
budding romance or something deeper…? Did Rohan and Samaira have a
fling or a full-fledged affair? How could she find out? Whom could she
question? If she questioned either of the two, they’d know that she was
suspecting them. She didn’t want to fall in their esteem. But the only thing that
truly bothered her was the fact that if Rohan ever chose the beautiful Samaira
over her, her life would be finished. She had to do something and do it soon!

Chapter 9

Meanwhile, Rohan’s business grew and he became increasingly busy. He

started resenting Samaira’s calls as he thought that they distracted him from
his work and interrupted his schedule. If he was in a business meeting and he
received her call midway, he would be highly irritated and tell her abruptly to
call later. Even at late nights, he would be too tired and sleepy after a hard
day’s work; and would hence avoid taking her calls or switch off his cell-
phone for the night.

The persistent and by now desperate Samaira would phone him up in the
early mornings, but would be frustrated and angry on not being answered to.
Her maid would bear the brunt of all her tantrums then, patiently picking up
all the broken pieces of expensive vases, artifacts and cutlery thrown around in
a fit of rage; by her tempestuous mistress. She would also bear all her taunts
and abuses with extreme fortitude. She took consolation in the fact that at least
no was around to watch her being humiliated like that for no fault of hers. She
had watched with growing concern as her mistress became increasingly
dependent on Rohan’s phone calls to make her happy. It was as if all her life
depended on them. She was cheerful when he responded and sorrowful when
she couldn’t get through to him.

Amisha thought that Rohan was just showing as if he didn’t encourage

Samaira’s calls, for her benefit. She was sure that throughout the day, at office,
he would be chatting with her merrily over the phone. Maybe he didn’t want
to be questioned by her! He was astute. A hard-nosed businessman had to be
astute! His skills were coming in handy, just then, she thought uneasily. What
was cooking between the two? Was he secretly planning to divorce her and
marry Samaira? She racked her brains endlessly to find a solution to her
doubts and to her threatened marriage. Her work suffered in the bargain.

One evening, a customer who had given her a blouse to stitch, picked up a
quarrel with her. “What have you stitched Amisha? Is this a blouse? It looks
like a small child’s vest. Whose measurements have you referred to while
sewing it?” Irritably, Amisha answered in a high-pitched voice, “Of course
yours! I haven’t stitched for the first time in my life! I have been sewing since
15 years.”

That customer retorted sarcastically, “Good you informed me, though it

looks as if you are a beginner!”

After a few more heated words were exchanged, that lady said, “Kindly
give me the cost of the material. I refuse to accept this ill-fitting blouse.”

Realizing her mistake and to maintain her reputation, Amisha quietly gave
her the requisite amount with a heavy heart. If things continued in this vein,
she’d have to wind up her well-established business. The tension of her
married life and her husband’s ‘affair’ with her sister was taking a toll on not
just her business, but her well-being too! She started refusing work that came
her way and became listless and despondent. She was depressed and stopped
dressing up properly and even combing her hair.

Rohan observed these changes, but didn’t interfere after some initial
persuasion to cheer up, as he felt that she was missing having a child of her
own. He knew that the customers, who came to her, invariably questioned her
about it. He didn’t want to rub it in by commenting on her appearance. He
continued with his routine, as usual. That incensed Amisha even more, as she
expected him to be caring and sympathetic towards her plight. She felt as if
she was no longer needed by Rohan.

One evening when Rohan arrived home from work, exhausted and
famished, he realized that Amisha hadn’t made anything for dinner. He blew
his top when he saw her lying on the bed, vacantly staring at the ceiling, lost
deep in her thoughts. She looked disheveled and haggard. Previously she used
to take trouble to look presentable for him, when he returned from work.
Nowadays, she had just given up on everything.

“So you didn’t get time to cook meals today?” he enquired irritably. She
just stared vacantly at him, which incensed him further. “Amisha, I am asking
you something. Please reply!”

She turned to her side and muttered, “I am not well.”

“I can’t see anything wrong with you. These days, you have become very
lazy. What’s the matter?” he asked.

“You should know better,” she said caustically.

He sat down next to her and forced her to sit up, by physically lifting her.
“Come on, explain! I hate you for talking in riddles. Please be frank and let me
know what’s bothering you. Maybe I could help you. But if you keep going on
like this, I don’t know what could be our future!”

“Our future!” she grimaced and said, “Yours is surely bright and mine is
dark as hell!”

Amazed, he looked at her, as if he was seeing her for the first time in his
life. She had never talked so cryptically to him before. She had always been
pleasing and well-mannered.

Gently, he asked her to get ready. “Come, I’ll take you out for dinner today.
Will you wear that pink sari, which is a favorite of mine? Yes, and also your
lovely smile!”

Amisha visibly brightened and started getting ready. Rohan had decided to
get to the bottom of the matter that night. He couldn’t bear to see his wife so
unhappy and depressed. Maybe he was at fault, as he had become a
workaholic and hardly spent time with her.

He went to freshen up. Just then, Amisha heard the buzz of his cell-
phone, indicating that he had received a message. It was from Samaira. “Hi
dear, long time, no see?” it read. Amisha deleted it.

She scrolled through his calls received and saw 10 calls from Samaira. She
was furious, but decided to confront Rohan after dinner. She didn’t want to
miss the opportunity of spending some precious time with her husband.

Rohan drove her to a swanky restaurant with a Greek theme. Playful cupids
and beautiful cherubic angels were carved on the marble columns of the dining
hall. Soft music played through the music system as the steward politely
ushered them to a corner table. Rohan looked very sauve in his smart attire of
neatly pressed blue shirt and black trousers. Amisha looked presentable in her
soft-pink sari with pearl accessories. She had left her hair loose, brushed to
one side. The elegant nape of her neck enhanced the even features of her face.
The soft lights played magic on her, as she appeared enticing and alluring to

Tonight, she looked bewitching, he thought. Maybe, it was the dream-like

setting, with gurgling fountains, green flowering shrubs all around, and those
erotic cupids and guileless angels that were responsible for that romantic
feeling. He forgot all his animosity towards her. Even Amisha had decided to
soak in the beauty of that enchanting evening and romantically charged
atmosphere. The unpleasant tasks could wait!

Chapter 10

Just when she was about to comment on the breath-taking setting, Rohan’s
cell-phone rang. With trepidation, Amisha watched as Rohan answered the
call, “Oh Samaira, I hope it’s nothing urgent. Please will you call later? I’m
busy right now.” As he abruptly disconnected the call without waiting for her
response, Amisha heaved a sigh of relief. She had been expecting a long call
filled with hearty laughs and soft responses to spoil her dinner! But a small
doubt niggled. Was Rohan doing it for her benefit? She’d find out later that
night, when she took the bull by its horns and confronted him about her

Nevertheless, her mood was spoilt slightly. Samaira’s thoughts hung like
the Damocles’ Sword over her. Peevishly, she said, “Rohan, will you please
shut off your cell-phone? It’s irritating!”

With a small laugh, he did as she requested. “Happy? Now give me a good

She laughed and said, “Eeee….” Then both of them burst out laughing
loudly, till they realized that other diners were staring at them. Both of them
pored over their respective menus and ordered for soup, main courses and
dessert. Rohan was playful and charming as he held out his hand to her. “May
we dance till dinner arrives?” “You know that I can’t dance to save my life!”
she gently chided. “Come, I’ll teach you. There’s always a first time!” he
gallantly offered.

She allowed him to lead her to the dance floor where several couples were
swaying to the live band’s melodious tunes. Rohan guided her steps till she got
the rhythm and started tentatively dancing. Though awkward initially, she was
soon dancing in step with her husband. The proximity to her handsome
husband and the divine setting made her ecstatic. She felt as though she was in
heaven and always wanted to be there!
Rohan too was soaking in the dream-like spell of that evening. He felt the
tickle of her thick hair, her warmth; and noted the softness in her beautiful
eyes. He studied her features carefully, as if noticing her again. Her eyes were
dark as midnight, her pupils shone like stars; her slightly twisted nose lent a
certain character to her square-jawed face. And her lips? They were wide, full
and moist, pink with lip-stick and parted with desire! Unable to resist the
invitation, he suddenly bent and kissed her on her lips, lingering slightly, as
she initially resisted and then gave in to him. She reveled in his by-now tight
embrace and then as reality struck, she gently squirmed and looked at him

“I hope that you haven’t forgotten about our dinner!” she said in a whisper.
With love brimming in his eyes, he said, “No I haven’t! I had just forgotten
about how beautiful you are!”

“Now stop buttering me up. I know that I’m not beautiful!” she said
mockingly, but with a small giggle.

“Then you must look at yourself through my eyes, Amisha. As is rightly

said by someone, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, isn’t it?” She blushed
and kept quiet.

After that dance ended, they went and had dinner, chatting about a variety
of topics. She told him about her botched-up blouse and he told her about his
plans to diversify and expand his business. They talked about their families.
When the conversation veered towards Samaira, Amisha knew that it was now
or never! “Rohan, will you be frank and tell me whether you have any
romantic feelings for Samaira?” He looked shell-shocked, as he tried to find
words. Carefully he asked, “Why are you asking this question now, Amisha?
Don’t you trust me?”

Seeing his hurt expression, Amisha almost felt sorry that she had broached
that unpleasant topic and spoilt their wonderful evening of togetherness. But
she was determined to get back her peace of mind. This was just a small
sacrifice to be made, if she had to live happily thereafter, with Rohan. “I do
trust you Rohan. But I want your assurance too! I have been feeling very
insecure, of late, as you seem to be getting too close to her. If you want me out
of your way, I will gladly step aside. But you are too good a person to give up,
just like that! I love you and want to be sure that you are only mine. I can’t
share your affection with anyone else, not even my dear sister.”

Her expression was resolute, but she seemed tense to the point of breaking
down under the stress of talking so boldly to her husband. She had always
been quite reserved and conservative in her approach towards their
relationship, partly due to the rigid upbringing of her traditional parents.
Maybe it was that same rigidity that had made Samaira so rebellious and had
eventually led her to flee from her ‘prison’, thought Amisha.

As she thought warmly about her impulsive, but lovable sister; she had to
firmly remind herself that that same sister had become the bane of her
existence, right then! Wasn’t she trying to steal her husband’s affection?
Wasn’t she downright ungrateful, as it was Amisha who had asked Rohan to
keep tabs on her and ensure her well-being in a big city?

Through a haze, she felt that she heard Rohan saying, “Amisha, Samaira is
lonely and needs company. I am just trying to give her solace. I am also trying
to help her kick her habit of boozing.”

With a shock, Amisha jolted back to reality. “Did I hear you right? You
never mentioned this before!”

Chapter 11

“Yes Amisha, what I am saying is the truth. I didn’t want you to be hurt or
ashamed hence I didn’t tell you about it previously. But since we are having a
heart-to-heart conversation now, I might as well inform you that she is
addicted to alcohol. I guessed it by the manner in which her maid-servant
readily bought a bowl for her to purge herself, when she felt nauseous. It
appeared to have been a regular affair! Hence I urged her to promise me that
she would give up this vice if she wanted me to keep in touch with her.”

“But how can you be sure that she has indeed given up her habit, Rohan?
Don’t we know that this is the most difficult thing in the world to do, after
smoking? By the way, does she smoke too?”

“I don’t think that she does, as she didn’t light a cigarette when I was there.
She has assured me that she has stopped drinking. She even swore on me!”

Amisha looked incredulously at him. “Really? I hope that she was serious!
If anything happens to you, I’ll …..” As she looked belligerent, Rohan laughed
and held her hand to assuage her feeling of indignation. “We must trust her,
Amisha. If we don’t, who will?”


Suddenly, Amisha blurted out, “Shall we persuade her to get married?”

Rohan was about to burst out laughing but refrained when he saw that Amisha
was dead serious. Carefully, he said, “Do you have anyone in mind?” She
shook her head in the negative. Then Rohan said, “She is a famous superstar.
Her wild lifestyle is the talk of every town, thanks to the relentless media
coverage. I wonder who will bell the cat. Besides, I feel that she is just not the
marrying type!”

Amisha was thinking about whether Rohan was actually trying to prevent
Samaira from marrying. Wasn’t he having the best of both worlds? Why would
he want to rock the boat?

I will phone her after going home. At least, we’ll come to know whether
she has found someone special to share her life with, like me!” She looked
meaningfully at Rohan, who seemed slightly disconcerted. Why was Amisha
trying to corner him? Didn’t she trust him? He simply agreed.

Both were lost in their thoughts on their way back home. Rohan was
thinking about how he regretted having ever met the beautiful Samaira.
Amisha was thinking about how she had unwittingly created a menage-a-trois.
Rohan wanted Amisha to trust him. Amisha wanted to trust Rohan
desperately, but found that she just couldn’t! Thus the wonderful evening was
thoroughly spoilt. What the night held for them, they didn’t know.

Wanting to prolong their togetherness, Rohan suggested that they go for a

long drive and then go home. “Let’s just enjoy tonight, dear. I’m not in the
mood to hear your darling sister’s tantrums. Neither do I want you to feel
miserable after the wonderful time that we’ve just spent together, this evening!
If you’ll feel any better, let me promise that I will always be YOUR Rohan, in
totality! Only, trust me.” He pulled her close and she rested her tired head on
his comforting shoulder.

After a while she relaxed. She was making a mountain out of a mole-hill,
she mused. She regained her composure. As she made out the tall silhouette of
the Kutub Minar, in the far distance, she suddenly giggled. As Rohan looked
at her enquiringly, she said, “You are as dependable as the one and only Kutub
Minar. You have always been a pillar of support to me and yet I act peevishly.
I’m so sorry, darling.”

He was amused and indulgent, as he took his hand off the steering-wheel
for a moment and ruffled her soft hair. It’s O.K. It happens sometimes, when
in love. I understand that you love me more than anything else in this world.
Just loosen up a little. No one is going to steal your husband from you and nor
I am going to let anyone do that! So tear that F.I.R of yours, immediately!”

At this Amisha burst out laughing uncontrollably and Rohan joined in,
happy that he had assured her of his commitment towards her.
When they reached home at 3 p.m. both were too tired to do anything else
than flop onto their bed, after changing quickly into night-clothes. Both slept
soundly, wrapped in an embrace.

Samaira’s incessant calls went unanswered as Rohan’s phone had been

switched off. The next morning, Rohan and Amisha woke up at 10 a.m. when
their maid-servant rang the bell. Rohan saw his cell-phone and remembered
switching it off the previous evening. Hastily, he turned it on. No sooner had
he done that, than it rang. Seeing Samaira’s name on the screen he winced.
Stupid girl! She was really getting on his nerves, with her obsessive behavior!
Why couldn’t she just leave him alone? he thought crossly. Amisha had gone
to the bathroom. He pressed the key twice and ended the call.

As was his habit, he switched on the T.V. set to watch the news. Samaira’s
gorgeous face pounced on him, from the screen. She was clad in a multi-
colored bikini. Her beautiful eyes looked at him accusingly. The next snap-
shot showed her lying in a pool of blood on her bed, with her cell-phone
beside her. The news-reader was stating in an emotionless voice, “Sultry siren,
superstar Samaira is no more. She ended her life with her licensed pistol, early
this morning.…..”

So it was Samaira's maid-servant who had been calling him to inform them
about her mistress’ death!

Rohan felt as if his heart was being wrenched apart. He gasped and
turned towards Amisha who had silently come and stood behind him with their
mugs of coffee. He held her as she swayed, took the tray with mugs, placed it
on the side-table; and made her lie down on the bed. She was shocked as hell!
Rohan saw her stony face and called the doctor.

Their life had come to a standstill.


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Explanatory notes: Terms in the Hindi language

Bibiji – Madam

Sahibji – Sir

Jiju – Short for ‘jijaji’- Brother-in-law

Pitaji - Father

Maaji – Mother

Didi – Elder sister

Bhaiyya - Brother

Dudhi halwa – Sweet pudding made of bottle-gourd

Biryani – A spicy rice dish

Ghaas-phus – Slang term/Derogatory reference to vegetarian fare

Bakshish - Present

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