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[POWERFUL SPEECH] The Epic Battle Of Badr - 313 Vs.


It all begins when the prophet Mohamed (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬receives the news that Abu Sufyan
is leading a great caravan of hundreds of camels being carried with many stocks and money
from the people of Quraish; that Abu Sufyan is arriving back with a great profit from Syria to
the people of Quraish. And with the news arrives the prophet Mohamed (‫)صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬, he
decides to intercept this caravan and attack this caravan and take what this caravan had carried
to avenge for his people and compensate his people in particular for what the people of Quraish
had done to the believers in Mecca. They've taken their own wealth, taken their own homes,
taken their own lands and they even killed some of them. So the Nabi (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬has the
rights to retaliate and avenge for his people, and compensate himself by attacking the caravan
of those who attacked him before. So the Prophet Mohamed (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬marches out of
Medina, with a small number of companions, 313 believers, 313 companions matched with
the Prophet Mohamed (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬from Medina, all came out with the intention to attack
a caravan, that the people of that caravan do not exceed 50 of them. None of them came out
with the intention of war, none of them came out with the intention of fighting. So they all came
out with little weapons. The maximum one of them had was one sword and one shield. 313,
the prophet (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬encourages the Sahaba to accompany him to attack the caravan of
Abu Sofian and he did not insist on anyone nor that he commanded anyone to come out, nor
that the prophet (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬spoke anything against those who did not come out with him.
And the prophet Mohamed (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬with 313 companions and soldiers. The maximum
one of them had was a shield and one sword. 313 with only two horses. 313 with only 70 camels.
They did not have the intention to fight. They are going to attack the caravan of Abu Sofian and
who are they gonna fight? 40, 50, 60 men? There’s 313 of us, but Abu Sofian was smart. And
Abu Sophian heard the intentions of the Prophet (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬and his marching of Medina.
So Abu Sofian managed to escape from where the Prophet Mohamed (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬had
planned to meet him and at the same time Abu Sofian, and that's before Abu Sofian was a
Muslim, sent one of his men to the people of Quraish, calling upon the people of Quraish saying
to them that Mohamed had come out with 313 soldiers to attack your wealth and your caravan,
so prepare an army and come out to attack Mohamed. So abou jehl (‫ )لعنه هللا‬with all this hostility
and enmity towards Islam and the prophet (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬he prepared an army of 1300
soldiers and then Abu Sofian managed to escape. So he sent the news to abu jehl, informing
him that there’s no need for you to come out of Mecca and march out of Mecca with that number
of soldiers, your caravans, your wealth, your stock, your money, your valuables are now secured.
So go back to Mecca, but abu jehl insisted that he wants to fight Mohamed one but john insisted
that I will meet with the army and fight them across the globe, not knowing that the provide a
slot was set up as the amount of the universe supported him solo. And the news comes to the
profile as a lot was the atmosphere managed to escape. And now Allah salam wa Salaam is
between the choice Going back to Medina without anything, as he promised these people that
will attack the caravan of the people of kurush and compensate them of their loss that they lost
in Mecca for
standing army. Instead in front of an army, the number of this army exceeds the number of his
army three to four types. So w Salalah. Your Salah was put in an embarrassing situation in front
of his the harbor. So you got them and he stood in front of them and address them and he said,
I promised you that will come out and I think they care about have disappeared and got present
ourselves from the last we had lost in Makkah and come out and come back with spoils a booty
to Medina but unfortunately as you all heard of us if you have managed to escape and go the
other routes and other way to get to Mecca, and now the people of rice had came out with 1000
300 of the men to face you and fight you. So what's your opinion? In the Bissell Allahu Allah
He was not prepared. La la sala Sarah is not prepared. It was about 330 soldiers. What the
disbelievers had 1300 in a basal cell about two horses and his entire camp while the disbelievers
had about 200 horses in the base Allah Allah Allah He was on about 70 camels for 313 while
the disbelievers of Christ had ever 1000 capitals, where's the balance? Where is the Policy
Center be some Allahu Allah, he was standing in front of his harbor addressing them, saying to
them, I promise you one thing, but now it's woke. And it's what was people there is three to
four times our number as a lot more prepared than So what do you say? Robbie along with
Tyler was the first companion to stand up and show his support to the problem Mohamed PBUH
he was Allah by saying to the Messenger of Allah, Allah, we are behind you.
there was almost no time to get up and shy supported me see job Allah, I say to the guy we are
behind you. And then it wasn't. He gets up. And he says our messenger of Allah or messenger
of Allah, do you think we will say to you what the people of Israel and the children of Israel
said to Moses, when Mossad commanded them to enter Jerusalem or the sacred let go you You
look forward to sitting over here. Messenger of Allah. Allah will say to you, or messenger of
Allah, we are coming with you. We're not going to say to you at the people of Israel said, Go
you and your last fight. We are sitting here. We get our site to go Yeah, you're not fine. We are
coming with you. But this three leaders of three men abeka. About that were from the mohideen.
From the migrants, and the majority of people with the proper a Salaam Salaam of the 313
soldiers with him. The majority of them are from the answer from the Medina send me sal
Allahu Allah, He will settler wanted to heat this tense.
He wanted to hear what they think. Said the Bissell Allahu Allah. He was alive with his with
his wisdom. He looks towards them. And then he says to them, tell me what You think or people,
Toby suggest to me all people so sad to the leader and the Chief of the people have answered
the message of Allah said this is a man that the throne of shock because of his death, he gets up
and he says I'm missing job a lot. Are you referring to us? I'm so send me some Hollywood
setup said yes, indeed. What's your opinion? What's your stance started? Nobody says,
messenger of Allah. Allah sent you to us with the truth and we followed you. You commanded
us, we abate. you forbid us, we abstain or messenger of Allah or messenger job Allah we have
given you our pledges that was done for you no matter what the situation is. If you got through
the oceans will be behind you. Today is the day that I lost our job was to show you that we are
real men and was powered by Allah We are very patient when it comes to fighting and very
firm when it comes to the wall. very strong, very firm that did not argue with the Messenger of
Allah. He said this to us. Look what happened. Now, look at the situation you put us in. Look
at this. Look at the other women strong, firm man who stood up and did not hesitate to please
a lot is missing john cena visa Lola while he was selling them sees this great enthusiasm and
momentum from the companions. So he relies on his load and marches towards better to meet
with the people Aleph kurush 313 two horses 313 70 camels that each kemo will have three
companions riding on it, including the Prophet Mohammed Salah Hollywood was sharing one
camera with Java companions. One of them is on a timer. So the timer will look at one another.
How can we share one camera with them? Let him ride and we walk. So they said I'm missing
job Allah. How about you ride the camel and we send me sal Allahu Allah, you send me said
to them, You are not stronger than me. For me not to walk. Neither you are better than me, for
me not to get the rewards from a loss of humbleness Humility for the sake of Allah and for the
sake of the believers until the problem Mohamed Salah Allahu Allah He was seldom arrives to
better 150 kilometers from Medina, halfway through to Mecca, where the province as a lot of
us will camp there with the believers waiting for the arrival of the disbelievers. 1300 of them.
When the news arrived to them, the apostles had secured the caravan. 300 of them retreated and
went back to Mecca. Abuja is left with 1000 still 1000 from 313. That's triple the number of the
believers until that moment came with a provide a Salatu was Salam is addressing his
companions and the Prophet Mohammed Salah he was alive is reminding the believers what
Allies had promised them either victory either victory in the battle but there are paradise to
those who die in this better field. There is no loss there is no loss with a lot because window
with a lot of lies with them with a lot losing an army somehow when allies so agendas with
them when it's assisted by ominous when it's supported by loss of either one of two victory
victory from Allah or paradise to those who are on the battlefield and now Nabhi salaallah
Hollywood lines up this minority army 330 Seen 313 not even prepared to fight with very
minimal weapons, very minimum weapons and shoots two houses, and then they'll be Salalah
Holly was selling starts to divide these camps and divides the soldiers into platoons. The platoon
of the answer led by Saudi and the pleasure of the Mahajan led by Allah tala. On the right wing
with these hosts on the left wing and the general banner was in the hands of most of ignore my
and the leadership was in the hands of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salatu was Salam will be
built for him a tend to be his headquarters and there the Prophet Mohammed Salah la Allah He
was alone. That night, the night of the seventh of Rama bomb. Allah salam wa Salaam while
Oh the companions are sleeping, Eliza says and we sent upon them to sleep to sleep comfortably
that night it was a blessings from alized upon them by Nabhi sal Allahu Allah, he was a normos
Awake, awake with her awake with his mom Almighty asking a lot to give this minority so just
victory over the enemies the entire night. And the profile as a lot of us is supplicating and
praying to Allah asking a lot to give him victory over his enemies. Until that moment, where
the people have arrived. He stood in front of the cab. I'm the front row can see them standing
alive so Jenny makes the numbers little in the eyes of the Sahaba so they do not lose motivation.
Allah makes the numbers of the disbelievers the people of Christ small in the eyes of the people
and Mohammed does the habit of the lose motivation and a loss of Hannah what Allah made
the numbers of the Sahaba small in the eyes of the disbelievers so they could have more
motivation to fight them. So again, what's this battle to happen? To everyone, no one comes,
there is no room for the budget. When the hawk comes, the hawk reveals the button. When
Muhammad is dead, and the soldiers they follow Mohamed Salah, the victories always with
them and then they'll be some aloha encourages his companions to be firm and to remind them
of a fight for the sake of Allah and strong. On this day, Allah will give him the paradise. And
the profile a Salatu was Salam winds up his camps, his soldiers. amongst us he was out of line.
Nova yellow, the yellow. It was out of line. So the Prophet Allah is salatu wa Salaam was
something in his hand he pushes him into line. So this companion, he says, Our messenger of
Allah, you have me, you have me and I want to retaliate from here is in the way stories about
you, hey, you've got the rose hit him back. I want to return I mean, I want to return that sound
to be so low and he was alone uncovers his stomach. So I grabbed the stomach of the la sala
Thank you. So the Messenger of Allah looks at him says also Do this now. It says amazing job.
As you could see, this could be the last encounter. Last time I see your beautiful face. So I
wanted the last thing. Part of my life is that my body touches your body.
These are the hearts of men, believers, strong, firm believers, who feed no one except Allah and
wanted the pleasure of no one except a lot is messenger. And then the people of grace will come
forward and provide a solid Sallam to send out three of his main strong men to fight against
three of the main men who are the three main men from the people of paradise. Shape Up and
his son Walid. So the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam sends out three people from the unsaved
from the Medina so When they look at them as they say we are from Medina. So they say to
them you are generous noble people we don't want to fight you. We want people from from our
unkind we want people from the people in Mecca here my gratitude. So the problem Mohamed
Salah, Allahu Allah, he was, he calls upon and he says paradise, the width of the paradise that
was what is the heavens and the earth, get up, get up and fight these people. So they get up
Hamza Ali, and obey the three of them from the femen of the process. Three of them from the
direct family of the provide a Salatu was set up to fight against three strong powerful words
from the people of color, ice. kills his opponent, Holly kills his opponent. He introduced his
opponent and his opponent inches him until harmsen. Ali attacked the opponent of our beta.
Three of them killed the disbelievers. Both the morale of the believers high took the morale of
the disbelievers down. And now 332 five I guess 1000 was watching. It raises his head. The
victory they had promised me the victory they promised me alone. If you destroy these believers,
if you destroy these believers today, you will be not worship on the service of this. believers.
They exist on the surface of this earth. Ulla, the victory, the victory they are promised me and
Rebecca is deputy Rati alota I'm not behind you. Hearing the door of the provider is Salatu was
Salam. So he comes in down And it says Dave are missing job a lot. You've insisted on your
love so much. And the provider is a lot is calling upon his lord and master or the victory that
you had promised me. Then the problem comes out of his 10th loops. And it says, with 3000
angels descending down this upon the believers, the victory of Allah, the victory of Allah, the
victor of Allah is always with those who give victory back to Allah. And then a loss of Hannah
who fulfills his promise, well, Allah will give victory to those minority 313 against the majority
1000 of disbelievers. 17 7070 from amongst the digital Live is what killed and 70 with captives
and only 14 from amongst the Muslims were killed, the victory of alone and amongst those who
were killed in battle, the heads and the Chief of the people of kurush Abuja, shava Sheba. Those
who used to make mockery of the provider a salatu wa sallam those are used to fight the
provider is salatu wa sallam before the solemn told them by Allah I could see over here and
exactly where the promises appointed the world, the world that ever there was great allies Great.
Great. Loss of Hannah was promised victory to Islam. By it's about where the Muslims are The
better better. The better of the photon. The distinguish, distinguish between the heart and the
truth, fulfilled his promise to the companions. It is a great battle for us to remember. In a
dialogue this day, on the 17th of Ramadan, this great battle took place. But it's not about us,
entertaining ourselves to hear about this great battle and say, well, it was a nice battle. But for
us to reflect and ponder another the promise of a lucky day of judgment. Now when you support
the deen of Allah, Allah will support you. When your fight with Allah, Allah will be with you.
When you stand alone stand by your victory to the believers whose never ever ever granted to
them because of their large numbers. Not because of their artilleries or weaponry, not because
of their influence or knowledge. victory was always granted to them window with a lot. So
check with our fat believers with our strong believers. Allah, Allah tala. They stood firm in
from the enemies, even though their enemies are three times more than them, but they had
nothing except from a law. And they relied on no one except Allah. And because of that, Allah
gave them victory. But the moment we disobey Allah, that moment that we are distance away
from Allah, is that moment I would never ever see victory from a loss origin. We need to know
where they understand. When did you comprehend the victory or respect is nothing but Islam.

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