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Dear students;

Due to the global pandemic disease (COVID-19), the teaching learning process has to online
using appropriate technology. If it is possible, we can continue the online teaching learning in the
coming week using ‘Microsoft Teams’ tool.
Be ready for this
 Regular students’ class will be on every Tuesday
 Extension students’ class will be on every Saturday.
But I afraid that how many of will get an access for internet service? If not, You have read all the
course material that I have given you at the beginning and be ready for doing and responding
Assignments, Research Paper revision and Thesis revision.
For today I have sent you Assignment-1 and Assignment-2 that has to be evaluated out of 10%
Assigment-1 (Focused on Slide-1 and Slide-2)
Answer the following question appropriately (15 points Carrying Mark)

1. Explain the following terms (3 Pts.)

 Educational Data Mining
 Clinical Data Mining

2. Transform the give attribute (Age of Customer) using binning method of (4 Pts.)
 Smoothening using bin Means
 Smoothening by using bin boundaries
N.B. The partitioning of each bin has to hold 4 values (bin depth has to be 4)
{13, 15,16, 16, 19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 22, 25, 25, 25, 25, 30, 33, 33, 35, 35, 35, 35, 36, 40, 45.}

3. Handle the missing value of the dataset using (4 Pts.)

 Mean Value of the corresponding Feature
 Most frequent value of the corresponding Feature

Feature 1 Feature 2
5 15
4 10
3 ?
3 10
? 8

4. Normalize the following dataset using (4 Pts.)

 Min-Max Normalization
 Z-score Normalization
 Decimal Scaling Normalization
Data ={12, 21, 33, 45, 60}
Assignment-2 (Focused on Slide-3, Association Rule Discovery)
Answer the following questions properly (15 Point Carrying Mark)
1. Let there be 100 transactions in ABC supermarket. Out of these, 80 customers have
purchased Item A; 75 customers have purchased Item B; whereas 70 customers have
purchased both Item A and B. Based on these information, for the association of Item A 
Item B calculate. (3 Pts)
 Support of AB
 Confidence of AB
 Lift of AB
2. A database has five transaction as shown below
TID Items-Bought
T001 {M, O, N, K, E, Y}
T002 {D, O, N, K, E, Y}
T003 {M,A,K,E}
T004 {M,U,C,K,Y}
T005 {C, O, O,K, I, E}
 Using Apriori algorithm with support count=3 and confidence of 75%. (6 Pts)
 Generate all frequent itemset
 List all strong association rules
 Using Frequent Pattern algorithm with support count=3 . (6 Pts)
 Generate all frequent pattern tree
 Show the frequent pattern generated.

Remember that
 Submission Date May-20-2020.
 Your answer sheet can be computer typed or hand written but it has to
be converted to pdf format).
 All the answer sheet has to be collected with only representative email
address (Abiy for Regular IS students and Abebe )

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