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Millman’s Theorem

using all current sources

using IN-MULTISM 14.0



SANDIP DAS (191112015029)

GAIRIK SAJJAN (191112015014)
MAMON SAHID (191112015021)
SUDESHNA PANDA (191212015049)

I respect and thank Dr. Saikat Maity(HOD,CSE,JIS UNIVERSITY) and Sonali

Bhowmik, for providing me an opportunity to do the project work in ‘Millman’s

Theorem Using All Current Source’ and giving us all support and guidance which

made me complete the project duly. I am extremely thankful to him for providing

such a nice support and guidance, although he had busy schedule.


Millman’s theorem was named after famous electrical engineering professor JACOB MILLMAN

who proposed the idea of this theorem. Millman’s theorem acts as a very strong tool in case of

simplifying the special type of complex electrical circuit. This theorem is nothing but a

combination of Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s Theorem. It is very useful theorem to find

out voltage across the load and current through the load.This theorem is also called as


Millman’s theorem is applicable to a circuit which may contain only voltage sources in parallel

or a mixture of voltage and current sources connected in parallel. Let’s discuss these using all

current sources.

Millman’s theorem :

The Millman’s Theorem states that – when a number of voltage sources (V1, V2,

V3……… Vn) are in parallel having internal resistance (R1, R2, R3………….Rn) respectively, the

arrangement can replace by a single equivalent voltage source V in series with an equivalent

series resistance R. In other words; it determines the voltage across the parallel branches of the

circuit, which have more than one voltage sources.

For current sources :

One method of deriving Millman's theorem starts by converting all the branches to

current sources (which can be done

using Norton's theorem). A branch

that is already a current source is simply not converted. In the expression above, this is

equivalent to replacing the (ek/Rk) term in the numerator of the expression above with the

current of the current generator, where the kth branch is the branch with the current generator.

The parallel conductance of the current source is added to the denominator as for the series

conductance of the voltage sources. An ideal current source has zero conductance (infinite

resistance) and so adds nothing to the denominator.


Assuming a DC network of numerous parallel voltage sources with internal

resistances supplying power to a load resistance RL as shown in the figure below

Let I represent the resultant current of the parallel current sources while G the equivalent

conductance as shown in the figure.



Next, the resulting current source is converted to an

equivalent voltage source as shown in the figure


Positive (+) and negative (-) sign appeared to include the

cases where the sources may not be supplying current in the same direction.


And as we know,

I = V/R, and we can also write R = I/G as G = I/R

So the equation can be written as

Where R is the equivalent resistance connected to the equivalent voltage source in series.

Thus, the final equation becomes

Step for solving millman’s theorem :

Step 1 – Obtain the conductance (G1, G2,….) of each voltage source (V1, V2,….).

Step 2 – Find the value of equivalent conductance G by removing the load from the network.

Step 3 – Now, apply Millman’s Theorem to find the equivalent voltage source V by the

equation shown below

Step 4 – Determine the equivalent series resistance (R) with the equivalent voltage sources (V)

by the equation

Step 5 – Find the current IL flowing in the circuit across the load resistance RL by the


A network’s with all current source problem solving using millman’s theorem

We will solve the problem in two ways-


2.Using IN Multism 14.0 simulator

Let us consider the circuit.

As per Millman’s theorem, the Norton equivalent current of the circuit against terminal A and

B is,

The Norton equivalent resistance of the circuit is the parallel combination of 12Ω, 4Ω

and 6Ω. That is

Therefore, the Norton equivalent source of the above Circuit as.


the current through, the resistance of 8Ω resistance, connected between A and B is,

Solving using IN MULTISM 14.0

As per Millman’s theorem, the Norton equivalent current of the circuit against terminal A and

B is,


The Norton equivalent resistance of the circuit is the parallel combination of 12Ω, 4Ω

and 6Ω. That is

We have used a multimeter and connected in series to know the value of equivalent resistance.

Therefore, the Norton equivalent source of the above Circuit as .

the current through, the resistance of 8Ω resistance, connected between A and B is,

Here also we used a multimeter in series to know the value of current through 8ohm resister.

Measuring current IL through 8 ohm resistor using multimeter

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Observation :

we have solved the network’s problem with all current source using millman’s theorem
for both MANUALLY and using IN MULTISM 14.0 Simulator.And both result are SAME.

Conclusion :

The theorem is applicable in the presence of several parallel branches in a circuit. Itis used to

determine the potential difference between two points in a network that has parallel

networks.The Millman's Theorem Discussion The theorem states that:The

total voltage between two terminals of a circuit is equivalent to V=Σ I ,Σ G In that, i is

the current flowing in each branch and G is the admittance of each parallel branch .

Thevenin Voltage, VTH It is the output voltage found in the open terminal of a network.

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