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7. Test your layout design before you start installing new shelves and racks.

 “Right before you start installing things like

pallet racks or shelves or equipment, you should walk your warehouse to make sure it’s ready for everything to be installed.
“Use masking tape to outline major work areas and carry things through it, roll pallet jacks around, and get other employees
to simulate work at the same time.
“This will give you a visual understanding of your space and if it’s optimized or not. Any errors here will result in worse errors
later.” – 4 Tips on How to Effectively Plan a Warehouse Layout Design, DEAR Systems; Twitter: @DearInventory
8. Start with a schematic. “A good warehouse layout always starts with putting it all down on paper first, no matter the size
of your space. The easiest way to do this is to use a copy of your warehouse blueprint, especially if your space is large or not
a standard rectangle shape. If you’re renting, your landlord might be able to provide one.
“If you can’t get your hands on a blueprint, it’s easy to draw up your own warehouse schematic on grid paper. I generally use
one square = one square foot on my schematic.
“Once you have a printed or online schematic with measurements drawn to scale, note any stationary features such as
columns or supports, office area build-outs, installed equipment, overhead doors, etc., that you’ll have to work around.
“In my warehouse, the office build-out takes a chunk out of the middle that I have to plan around. I even note that the office
door opens out into the warehouse so we don’t accidentally block it. Plus, as a shipping operation, the overhead door
locations are key for my shipping and receiving workflows, so I note them for those uses.
“Once you have your schematic ready, with your major features noted, it’s time to start planning your space.” – Krista
Fabregas, Planning Your Warehouse Layout – How to Set Up Efficient Storage, Packing & Shipping Areas,; Twitter: @FitSmallBiz

9. Create a process map. “Assess how your warehouse works on a day-to-day basis. Are there any parts in the layout that
are causing bottlenecks and slow production? If so, you need to optimize the layout of your warehouse to ensure smooth and
efficient workflows.
“Make a process map that details how your facility currently runs and where each zone is located. Then pick out the areas
that need to be changed.
“Next, create a new process map with the layout changes made. For example, if you noticed a bottleneck in production and
packing, the new process map may have the packing zone moved so it can easily meet the demands of production.” – How
to Design a Cost-Effective Warehouse: Optimizing Your Warehouse Layout Design, CPV Manufacturing;
Twitter: @cpvmfg
10. In addition to your processes, you need to have an in-depth understanding of your inventory. “Along with
understanding your work processes, there needs to be an understanding of the inventory that will be stored there. For this,
you will need to know the size and shapes of these items, the material handling equipment needed to transport these items,
and the overall amount of each that you will be storing. This will be important for a number of reasons.
“First, the size of the item will be important because the more space these items take up, the less space you have for other
pieces of inventory, whether the same item or otherwise. This is important because, when you are running a warehouse,
each square foot cost money to you. Also, examining what material handling equipment is needed to move each will have an
impact on the width of the traffic lanes needed between inventory storage. Obviously, items requiring forklifts or other heavy
machinery will require a wider lane. However, you also need to take into account the overall foot traffic in the area in order to
ensure the overall safety of the employees in your facility.” – Warehouse Planning Guide: Utilizing Space, Panel Built,
Incorporated; Twitter: @PanelBuilt

11. Don’t just design a warehouse layout for now. You should also create additional designs that accommodate
future projected growth. “My experience when it comes to creating Warehouse Layout Designs range from overcrowded
existing space to completely empty buildings looking for some direction. My initial recommendation for both is to put your
ideas and concepts on paper.
“Sure, it looks great to have a really sharp AutoCAD 3D Design of your warehouse layout, but it is important to start with the
basics and put a pencil to paper. Stay focused on the most important task at hand – creating an efficient flow of material as it
goes from production into storage and out to the end user.
“Efficient material flow can be achieved i7. Test your layout design before you start installing new shelves and
racks. “Right before you start installing things like pallet racks or shelves or equipment, you should walk your warehouse to
make sure it’s ready for everything to be installed.
“Use masking tape to outline major work areas and carry things through it, roll pallet jacks around, and get other employees
to simulate work at the same time.
“This will give you a visual understanding of your space and if it’s optimized or not. Any errors here will result in worse errors
later.” – 4 Tips on How to Effectively Plan a Warehouse Layout Design, DEAR Systems; Twitter: @DearInventory
8. Start with a schematic. “A good warehouse layout always starts with putting it all down on paper first, no matter the size
of your space. The easiest way to do this is to use a copy of your warehouse blueprint, especially if your space is large or not
a standard rectangle shape. If you’re renting, your landlord might be able to provide one.
“If you can’t get your hands on a blueprint, it’s easy to draw up your own warehouse schematic on grid paper. I generally use
one square = one square foot on my schematic.
“Once you have a printed or online schematic with measurements drawn to scale, note any stationary features such as
columns or supports, office area build-outs, installed equipment, overhead doors, etc., that you’ll have to work around.
“In my warehouse, the office build-out takes a chunk out of the middle that I have to plan around. I even note that the office
door opens out into the warehouse so we don’t accidentally block it. Plus, as a shipping operation, the overhead door
locations are key for my shipping and receiving workflows, so I note them for those uses.
“Once you have your schematic ready, with your major features noted, it’s time to start planning your space.” – Krista
Fabregas, Planning Your Warehouse Layout – How to Set Up Efficient Storage, Packing & Shipping Areas,; Twitter: @FitSmallBiz

9. Create a process map. “Assess how your warehouse works on a day-to-day basis. Are there any parts in the layout that
are causing bottlenecks and slow production? If so, you need to optimize the layout of your warehouse to ensure smooth and
efficient workflows.
“Make a process map that details how your facility currently runs and where each zone is located. Then pick out the areas
that need to be changed.
“Next, create a new process map with the layout changes made. For example, if you noticed a bottleneck in production and
packing, the new process map may have the packing zone moved so it can easily meet the demands of production.” – How
to Design a Cost-Effective Warehouse: Optimizing Your Warehouse Layout Design, CPV Manufacturing;
Twitter: @cpvmfg
10. In addition to your processes, you need to have an in-depth understanding of your inventory. “Along with
understanding your work processes, there needs to be an understanding of the inventory that will be stored there. For this,
you will need to know the size and shapes of these items, the material handling equipment needed to transport these items,
and the overall amount of each that you will be storing. This will be important for a number of reasons.
“First, the size of the item will be important because the more space these items take up, the less space you have for other
pieces of inventory, whether the same item or otherwise. This is important because, when you are running a warehouse,
each square foot cost money to you. Also, examining what material handling equipment is needed to move each will have an
impact on the width of the traffic lanes needed between inventory storage. Obviously, items requiring forklifts or other heavy
machinery will require a wider lane. However, you also need to take into account the overall foot traffic in the area in order to
ensure the overall safety of the employees in your facility.” – Warehouse Planning Guide: Utilizing Space, Panel Built,
Incorporated; Twitter: @PanelBuilt

11. Don’t just design a warehouse layout for now. You should also create additional designs that accommodate
future projected growth. “My experience when it comes to creating Warehouse Layout Designs range from overcrowded
existing space to completely empty buildings looking for some direction. My initial recommendation for both is to put your
ideas and concepts on paper.
“Sure, it looks great to have a really sharp AutoCAD 3D Design of your warehouse layout, but it is important to start with the
basics and put a pencil to paper. Stay focused on the most important task at hand – creating an efficient flow of material as it
goes from production into storage and out to the end user.
“Efficient material flow can be achieved immediately with the right equipment, storage mediums and ample space – but it all
comes down how well it is designed to withstand your rapid growth. Try to forecast for future growth and create a design for
now as well as a few other designs for down the road.” – Marc Laframboise, Warehouse Layout Designs, The Material
Handler;mmediately with the right equipment, storage mediums and ample space – but it all comes down how well it is
designed to withstand your rapid growth. Try to forecast for future growth and create a design for now as well as a few other
designs for down the road.” – Marc Laframboise, Warehouse Layout Designs, The Material Handler;

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