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Transylvania by Night Contact: taintedsnowqueen.l2fury.


Weaknesses: All Danislavs take aggravated damage from silver and have an aversion to wolfsbane. In addition, certain revenants become
violent if touched by the light of the full moon. On any given night, when a Danislav is first bathed in the full moon’s light, he must make a
Self-Control roll (difficulty 6). If he attains fewer than three successes, he gives into bestial impulses for the duration of the night. Hair grows
on his face and palms and a great rage possesses him until he kills a mortal. Power has its price.

Preferred Paths: The Road of the Beast is preferred, although the Via Equitatus is followed by weaker Danislavs.

Family Organization: The eldest Danislavs prefer to travel alone to an estate, where they seek patronage as mediators or diplomats. If this
occurs, they may bring lovers along so that they might raise a family and therefore, continue their lineage. One woman may take many lovers
and thus bear children for several fathers on family estates. This makes the practice of courtly love somewhat elaborate. During the full
moon, however, this civility is abandoned, and orgiastic Danislav celebrations are legendary.

Gaining Family Recognition: Recognition is gained either by serving a very powerful lord or by siring many children (preferably by mul-
tiple mothers or fathers).

The servants of the demon Kupala — these spirits bedevil mortal, vampire, and werewolf alike. They lurk in the spirit world adjoining the
lands of Eastern Europe, but they can occasionally manifest themselves in rocks, trees, animals, or even people. They can create bodies from
Eastern Europe’s tainted soil, shaping them into whatever they desire. When Materialized, kupala take any number of horrid shapes, often
grotesque caricatures of the entities or objects through which they manifest. While Materialized, kupala attempt to lure travelers off safe paths
and into the dark caves and groves to which they are bound. Kupala are considered Bane spirits (see Werewolf: The Apocalypse).

Statistics for kupala’s spirit forms are given here, though vampires will rarely interact with such ephemeral beings. Kupala demons can Mate-
rialize, creating bodies in the physical world. Vampires, particularly Tzimisce enacting the rituals of Kupala’s Night, may have to battle the
kupala physically. Use the “When Materialized” stats for this purpose.

Willpower 4, Rage 7, Gnosis 5, Power 30

Charms: Airt Sense, Corruption, Materialize, Possession, Shapeshift

When Materialized: Physical Attributes 3 each, Mental Attributes 2 each, seven Health Levels (no wound penalties), Brawl 3, Dodge 2,
Celerity 1 (may automatically take an extra action per turn, without spending Blood Points), attack is bite or claw for Str + 1 aggravated dam-
age, no Blood Pool (vampires cannot drink the foul demonic ichor), Willpower 4

Appendix: Slaves of the Viovodes and Other Miscellany

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