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Families and Schools Together: Building Relationships

1. Families composed of ______.

a. Father,mother, children
b. Father, brother
c. A and C
2. ________________ play a key part in their childrens educational and social development.
a. Families
b. Teachers
c. Principal
3. This key dimension emphasizes that as primary educators of their children, parents and families
have a lasting influence on their children’s attitudes and achievements at school.
a. Consultative Decision-Making
b. Recognizing the Role of the Family
c. Collaborating Beyond The School
4. In what dimensions of suggested strategies examine the ways in which parents and families can
encourage, motivate and reinforce children’s learning at school?
a. Connecting learning at home and at school
b. Recognizing the role of the family
c. Consultative Decision-making
5. It collaboratively develop community driven programs that assist to revive and maintain
indigenous languages and cultures.
a. Building community and identity
b. Consultative Decision-making
c. Connecting learning at home and at school

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