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Education is placed at the interest core for communities’ growth and development. A well-
educated citizen is needed in the process of building solid community which is the case for
centuries. For that, educators and field specialists see the constant need for curriculum content
revision so as it fits with the development communities has already reached or aiming at reaching.
An education based on literacy and numeracy teaching is no longer demanded, instead new soft
skills has taken its place I.e. The conventional norms of teaching did not correspond to the
sustainable and improved endeavors communities seek; therefore, global education of today
fosters the implementation of some life soft skills as critical thinking in the tangible educational
teaching materials namely textbooks. However, upon a close examination, it is figured out that the
current educational curriculam all over the world are still focused on the teaching of the four skills
solely (writing, reading, speaking and listening) which has been the stepping stone for educational


The primitive human being has always been infected with massive eagerness to learn , adapt and
invent. After few million years , this primitive creature with the grace of god and the
developmental process of what we call "life" , has reached the moon and whatever beyond. This
was not possible without the implication of learning. The 4 skills (Reading , listening , speaking
and writing) has always been the stepping stone for the education process.

Critical thinking , free thought or reflective process has foremost been one of the crucially
indispensable prowess. The highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others
said Socrates , and Socrates was utterly right . In any form of questioning , one must utilize all
forms of judgment which must be based on solid ground in order to differentiate between what is
right and wrong before upholding any decision. This was always the case for human evolution and
with only this , human civilization did and could prosper.

Schools and the educational system nowadays adopted this philosophy and developing constantly
with whatever new data persistently presented on the table. The Algerian educational institution is
no different than this global view.

The CBA has profoundly insisted on teaching students an evaluative, interpretative and fault-
finding analysis alongside centering the process of education on the learner himself. The Algerian
educational philosophy while adapting the CBA approache (2002) , perceived in this as the
stepping stone in creating well-aware citizens armored with the ability to see beyond the lines in
order to perceive what is right and wrong . In simplistic terms , they designed a textbook which ,
in their view , was an embodiment of that doctrine .
Roughly 76% of a survey directed to 1000people say that critical thinking is essential in today's
world. About 50% of the survey respondents say that their experience in school gave them strong
critical thinking (Reboot Foundation) 80% of respondants believe that critical thinking skills are
lacking in today's youth .

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