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The Post and Antennae The posts are placed at a distance of 0.50 to 1m outside the sidelines.

They are
2.55m high and preferably adjustable. The post is made of strong wood of steel tube. The circumference
is 8cm and the height is 2.45m. The antennae is made up of flexible rod fiberglass or similar material,
1.80m long and 10mm in diameter. The Court The game is played in a rectangular court divided into two
halves measuring 9m each. The playing court measures 18m sideline and 9m endline. It should be a flat
surface free from obstruction with additional area for the boundary zone as an extended part of the
playing court. The whole endline is the service area and all lines bounding the court is 5cm.

Volleyball is played by two teams, each composed of six players who use their hands and feet. The
object of the game is to volley the ball back and forth over the net which is higher than their heads, with
certain limitations, before it touches the ground in such a way that the opponent cannot return it.
Volleyball is a game that challenges the participant’s skill by the use of the hands and agility in jumping,
reaching and hitting. The hitting motions that require the use of proper body control and muscular
coordination are very much demanded. The game is started by a service and server will be determined
by a toss coin and the winning team may choose to serve on a side of the court. The rules require not
more than three passes among the teammates before returning the ball to the opponent side. Failure to
return the ball within the specific number of passes results in loss of serve and gain a point. Rally point
system is being used in scoring the game and every fault is equivalent to a point.

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