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G Liamis and others Hypothyroidism and 176:1 R15–R20

Review hyponatremia


Hypothyroidism-associated hyponatremia:
mechanisms, implications and treatment
G Liamis, T D Filippatos, A Liontos and M S Elisaf
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece
should be addressed
to T D Filippatos

Background: Patients with moderate to severe hypothyroidism and mainly patients with myxedema may exhibit reduced
sodium levels (<135 mmol/L).
European Journal of Endocrinology

Summary: The aim of this short review is the presentation of the mechanisms of hyponatremia and of the available
data regarding its implications and treatment in patients with hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is one of the causes of
hyponatremia, thus thyroid-stimulating hormone determination is mandatory during the evaluation of patients with
reduced serum sodium levels. The main mechanism for the development of hyponatremia in patients with chronic
hypothyroidism is the decreased capacity of free water excretion due to elevated antidiuretic hormone levels, which
are mainly attributed to the hypothyroidism-induced decrease in cardiac output. However, recent data suggest that the
hypothyroidism-induced hyponatremia is rather rare and probably occurs only in severe hypothyroidism and myxedema.
Other possible causes and superimposed factors of hyponatremia (e.g. drugs, infections, adrenal insufficiency) should
be considered in patients with mild/moderate hypothyroidism. Treatment of hypothyroidism and fluid restriction are
usually adequate for the management of mild hyponatremia in patients with hypothyroidism. Patients with possible
hyponatremic encephalopathy should be urgently treated according to current guidelines.
Conclusions: Severe hypothyroidism may be the cause of hyponatremia. All hypothyroid patients with low serum sodium
levels should be evaluated for other causes and superimposed factors of hyponatremia and treated accordingly.

European Journal of
(2017) 176, R15–R20

Decreased thyroid hormone levels are usually the causes of hyponatremia, and TSH determination is
associated with underlying thyroid disease (primary mandatory during the evaluation of patients with reduced
hypothyroidism), but occasionally may be caused by serum sodium levels (5, 6, 7). Furthermore, the exclusion
disorders of the hypothalamic–pituitary axis resulting in of hypothyroidism is one of the prerequisites for the
reduced secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) diagnosis of the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
or thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) (secondary hormone (ADH) secretion (SIADH) (6, 7, 8).
or tertiary hypothyroidism) (1, 2). Patients with The aim of this short review is the presentation of
moderate to severe hypothyroidism and mainly patients the mechanisms of hyponatremia and the available data
with myxedema may exhibit reduced sodium levels regarding its implications and treatment in patients with
(<135 mmol/L) (3, 4). Thus, hypothyroidism is one of hypothyroidism. 2016 European Society of Endocrinology

© 2017 Published by Bioscientifica Ltd.
DOI: 10.1530/EJE-16-0493 Printed in Great Britain

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Review G Liamis and others Hypothyroidism and 176:1 R16

Possible mechanisms of hyponatremia in decrease in cardiac output, which stimulates the carotid
patients with hypothyroidism sinus baroreceptors and induces the release of ADH
(11, 12, 13, 14). Thus, hyponatremia in most of
Acute hypothyroidism is usually seen in patients with hypothyroid patients is the result of the inability to
differentiated thyroid cancer (papillary and follicular) who suppress maximally the secretion of ADH, which results in
undergo preparation for radioiodine therapy, during which reduced water excretion (3, 15). Indeed, it has been shown
thyroid hormone treatment is withheld. In this setting that the impaired water excretion in hypothyroidism is
of acute hypothyroidism, decreased glomerular filtration mediated through the upregulation of ADH-induced
rate (GFR) that can directly decrease free water excretion acquaporin-2 expression in the collecting tubules (15).
by diminishing water delivery to the diluting segments is However, reduced cardiac output is not the sole
the most important mechanism of hyponatremia (9, 10). possible mechanism of hyponatremia in at least some
In the setting of radioiodine treatment, patients are patients with chronic hypothyroidism (Fig.  1). Another
instructed to follow low-iodine diet and receive increased contributing factor to increased ADH levels in patients
fluid intake. Additionally, radioiodine administration is with myxedema is the accumulation of interstitial
associated with nausea and anxiety (which are very potent mucopolyccharides that results in fluid retention and
stimuli of antidiuretic hormone secretion) and these decreased effective arterial blood volume leading to
factors combined may contribute to hypothyroidism- ADH-mediated water retention and reduced sodium
associated hyponatremia (10). levels (16, 17). Additionally, some hypothyroid patients
The main mechanism for the development of exhibit increased urine sodium concentration that points
hyponatremia in patients with chronic hypothyroidism to the diagnosis of SIADH and not to reduced cardiac
European Journal of Endocrinology

is the decreased capacity of free water excretion due to output (18). Impaired renal function seems to play a
elevated ADH levels (Fig. 1). The increase in ADH levels has role in the development of hyponatremia in patients
been mainly attributed to the hypothyroidism-induced with hypothyroidism. In these patients, the impairment

Figure 1
Implicating mechanisms of hyponatremia in patients with chronic hypothyroidism. The most important mechanisms are shown
with bold letters and the rare mechanisms are shown with dashed lines. ADH, antidiuretic hormone; GFR, glomerular filtration
rate; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.
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Review G Liamis and others Hypothyroidism and 176:1 R17

in kidney function (reduced GFR) results in decreased prevalence of hyponatremia in patients having high
water delivery to the diluting segments of the kidney and TSH levels compared with patients having normal TSH
subsequently reduced capacity for water excretion (9, levels (14% vs 9%, P < 0.01) (24). However, the difference
19, 20). Moreover, a low-iodine diet is usually associated in serum sodium concentration between these groups,
with low solute intake that may contribute to the although statistically significant, was rather nonclinically
development of hyponatremia (21). Generally, low-iodine relevant (138 vs 139 mEq/L, P < 0.01). Additionally, serum
diet is associated with the occurrence of hyponatremia sodium concentration did not correlate with serum TSH
especially in elderly patients (>65 years), in females, as levels; however, the most active free triiodothyronine
well as in diuretic (thiazides)-treated individuals (22). (T3) correlated significantly with serum sodium levels.
Finally, a case report proposed salt-losing nephropathy It should be mentioned that only patients with severe
as a possible mechanism of mild hyponatremia (serum thyroid dysfunction exhibited clinically relevant
sodium 134  mmol/L) in a hypothyroid patient with electrolyte abnormalities, including decreased serum
hypovolemia and multiple electrolyte abnormalities. It sodium levels (24).
was proposed that thyroid hormone is essential for the Additionally, the incidence of hypothyroidism is low
expression of active transport pumps in the renal tubules, in patients with hyponatremia. In a series of patients with
especially the Na+-K+-ATPase pumps, and hypothyroidism hyponatremia (n = 204, Na+ < 130 mEq/L), hypothyroidism
may be infrequently related with multiple electrolyte was evident only in two cases (25). Other authors reported
abnormalities associated with volume losses (23). that hypothyroidism was not a major cause of low sodium
Figure  1 describes the main pathogenetic mechanisms levels even in cases of unexplained hyponatremia (26).
of chronic hypothyroidism-associated hyponatremia. Other studies have questioned the direct correlation
European Journal of Endocrinology

In certain patients, more than one of these mechanisms between hypothyroidism and hyponatremia. For example,
may coexist. a study including 33 912 patients reported no significant
difference in serum sodium levels between euthyroid and
How real is the association between hypothyroid patients (27). Additionally, no significant
hyponatremia and hypothyroidism? difference was shown in the proportion of euthyroid and
hypothyroid patients with serum sodium concentration
Generally, the association between hypothyroidism <135 mEq/L (11.4% vs 12.8%) (27). Another retrospective
and hyponatremia is rather week. A retrospective study analysis from the Emergency Department or the Medical
showed that acute hypothyroidism in the setting of Intensive Care Unit of a University Hospital also showed
thyroid hormone therapy withdrawal in patients with no clinically significant alterations in serum sodium
differentiated thyroid cancer was associated with mild concentration in hypothyroid patients (mean serum
hyponatremia in only 3.9% of 128 patients, whereas sodium levels in hypothyroid group was 137.8 mEq/L and
none of the patients developed severe hyponatremia (20). in euthyroid group was 137.4 mEq/L) (28). Additionally,
Similarly, in a prospective analysis of 212 consecutive the prevalence of hyponatremia was also similar in
thyroid cancer patients, a small difference was observed hypothyroid and euthyroid individuals (19.7% vs 20.7%,
between pre- and post-isolation sodium levels (mean ± s.d. P = NS) (28). Moreover, no clinically relevant association
preisolation: 139.5 ± 2.3, postisolation: 137.8 ± 3.0 mEq/L) between newly diagnosed hypothyroidism and decreased
(10). Additionally, mild hyponatremia (≥130 mEq/L) sodium levels was shown in a retrospective analysis
was observed only in 18 patients (8.5%) and moderate (n = 999), in which every increase in TSH by 10 mIU/L
hyponatremia (≥120 mEq/L) only in 4 (1.9%) patients. correlated with a decrease in serum sodium by only
This prospective study also showed that in this setting, 0.14 mEq/L (4). Furthermore, studies in infants with
serum sodium concentration may not need to be congenital hypothyroidism did not show an association
monitored, unless patients have ‘risk factors’ for between hypothyroidism and hyponatremia (29).
developing hyponatremia such as impaired renal function Thus, in the cases of congenital hypothyroidism and
or are receiving diuretics. Additionally, increased age and hyponatremia, other causes of decreased serum sodium
female gender are associated with lower serum sodium concentration (e.g. malnutrition, volume depletion,
concentration in the setting of acute hypothyroidism tubulopathies, SIADH) should be searched (17).
(10). Regarding chronic hypothyroidism, a retrospective It has been suggested that the association between
analysis of data from 9012 patients admitted to an hyponatremia and hypothyroidism may at least be
Emergency Medicine Department reported an increased mediated by other comorbidities, including hypovolemia,
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Review G Liamis and others Hypothyroidism and 176:1 R18

nausea, infections or drugs affecting water homeostasis, can be identified after a thorough diagnostic work up
which may induce increased ADH secretion, water and normonatremia has not been achieved after thyroid
retention and hyponatremia (17, 30, 31). Thus, other hormone replacement, the possibility of idiopathic
causes of decreased sodium levels (including drugs) SIADH, which is not infrequently observed especially in
should be carefully excluded in patients with mild/ the elderly, should be suspected. In these cases, careful
moderate hypothyroidism and hyponatremia (7, 32). and repeated monitoring for the presence of an occult
Indeed, it has been suggested that hypothyroidism should tumor (particularly pulmonary) is essential (7).
be included in the differential diagnosis of hyponatremia The attribution of hyponatremia to hypothyroidism
only in patients with severe hypothyroidism (TSH levels is a diagnostic challenge for clinicians, even in cases of
>50 mIU/L) or with symptoms or signs of myxedema myxedematous coma, since myxedema crisis is often
(33). However, clinicians should have in mind that induced by an underlying infection, respiratory or
severe hypothyroidism can exist with TSH levels below central nervous system illness or drugs (e.g. sedatives or
50  mIU/L. Indeed, a significant negative correlation antidepressants), which are all well-established causes of
between age and TSH levels has been shown in thyroid hyponatremia (32, 40). It is also possible that myxedema
cancer patients 4 weeks after the withdrawal of thyroxine and hyponatremia may have a common underlying cause
therapy in preparation for radioiodine scan/treatment (e.g. amiodarone) (32). Hypothyroidism also frequently
(34). Additionally, severe secondary hypothyroidism can coexists with diabetes mellitus, which is associated with
be the cause of low thyroid hormones. hyponatremia through several underlying mechanisms
Patients with metastatic thyroid cancer may exhibit (41, 42). Additionally, in hyperglycemic states, it is
severe symptomatic hyponatremia if thyroxine treatment imperative to correct the serum sodium concentration
European Journal of Endocrinology

is stopped before the administration of radioactive iodine for the degree of hyperglycemia (43). Another important
(35, 36, 37). However, low-iodine diet associated with low step in the approach of any patient with hyponatremia
solute intake, as well as the underlying neoplasia, may is to exclude the possibility that the decreased serum
contribute to the development of hyponatremia in these sodium levels are due to an artifact. Potential causes of
cases (21). Thus, serum sodium monitoring is crucial in pseudohyponatremia in patients with hypothyroidism
patients with high risk of hyponatremia who are in low- are dyslipidemia (especially if diabetes mellitus coexists)
iodine diet (22). and hypergammaglobulinemia (in hypothyroidism of
Finally, hypothyroidism observed in patients with autoimmune origin) (44). Consequently, hyponatremia
the polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type II is of multifactorial origin may be seen in patients with
usually accompanied by adrenal insufficiency resulting in hypothyroidism and the presence of common causes or
hyponatremia (38). Similarly, the simultaneous presence superimposed factors should be meticulously investigated.
of glucocorticoid deficiency should be suspected in cases
of secondary hypothyroidism (5, 39).
Treatment of hyponatremia in
hypothyroidic patients
Clinical implications
In most cases, hyponatremia associated with
The assessment of the extracellular volume status is of hypothyroidism is usually mild; thus, thyroid hormone
vital importance in the evaluation of hyponatremia replacement and moderate fluid restriction are generally
(7). Hypothyroidism-induced hyponatremia is usually enough to correct serum sodium levels. More severe
euvolemic; thus, the presence of hypovolemia may hyponatremia is mainly observed in patients who have
suggest coexistent primary adrenal insufficiency or less severe hypothyroidism usually accompanied by altered
frequently salt-losing nephropathy (6). mental status. It should be emphasized that the neurological
As aforementioned data clearly suggests, picture of myxedema and hyponatremic encephalopathy
hypothyroidism should not be considered the sole cause is often extremely difficult to be distinguished. In this
of the low serum sodium in hypothyroid patients with case, urgent treatment of hyponatremia may be indicated
TSH levels <50 mIU/L (33). In this setting, hypothyroidism to determine whether the low serum sodium levels
should be considered as a possible superimposed factor contribute to the patient’s neurological symptoms (45). It
and other causes of hyponatremia should be investi­ has been proposed that treatment of hyponatremia should
gated. In euvolemic hypothyroid patients with TSH be attempted with water restriction and normal saline only
<50 mIU/mL, if no other obvious cause of hyponatremia in patients with serum sodium concentration <120 mEq/L,
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Received 8 June 2016

Revised version received 6 July 2016
Accepted 1 August 2016
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