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Exam Time F.

M 20
Answer the following questions: [any 5]             [5×1=5]
1. How was the magic shop from inside? 5. What did Gip get when he stretched out his
2. Who was the author's son? hand?
3. What was on the shop counter? 6. From where did the shopman again apperded?
4. What does the magic mirror can do? 7. What was on the showroom?
Complete the following sentences: [any 5] [5×1=5]
1. A __________ toy sword, this is a unique one.
2. We were playing ___________ and seek, daddy!
3. I saw I was in _____________ street and I had collided with a man.
4. Gip was carrying _____________ parcels in his arm.
5. Shopman drew business card from his cheek and handed it to me,_____________________Goods.
6. It neither bends, _____________ nor ________ the fingers.
Makes sentences: [any 5] [5×1=5]
1. Magic: 5. Showroom: 9. Box:
2. Narrow: 6. Sword: 10. Tugged
3. Crystal ball: 7. Unique:
4. Appear: 8. Break:
11. :
Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements: [3×1=3]
a. The shopman drew out a business card from his hair.
b. The toy sword was a magic item.
c. The narrator found his full name on the magic box. [2×1=2]
Cause Effect
(a) The narrator thought that his son would be

(b) The narrator called for a cab

Exam Time F.M 20

Answer the following questions: [any 5]            
1. How was the magic shop from inside? 5. What did Gip get when he stretched out his
2. Who was the author's son? hand?
3. What was on the shop counter? 6. From where did the shopman again apperded?
4. What does the magic mirror can do? 7. What was on the showroom?
Complete the following sentences: [any 5]
1. A __________ toy sword, this is a unique one.
2. We were playing ___________ and seek, daddy!
3. I saw I was in _____________ street and I had collided with a man.
4. Gip was carrying _____________ parcels in his arm.
5. Shopman drew business card from his cheek and handed it to me,_____________________Goods.
6. It neither bends, _____________ nor ________ the fingers.
Makes sentences: [any 5] [5×1=5]
1. Magic: 5. Showroom: 9. Box:
2. Narrow: 6. Sword: 10. Tugged
3. Crystal ball: 7. Unique:
4. Appear: 8. Break:
11. :
Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements: [3×1=3]
1. The shopman drew out a business card from his hair.
2. The toy sword was a magic item.
3. The narrator found his full name on the magic box. [2×1=2]
Cause Effect
(a) The narrator thought that his son would be

(b) The narrator called for a cab

Name: Class:
School’s name:

Name: Class:
School’s name:
Exam Time F.M 20

Complete the poem:                                    [10×1=10]

1. ___________ sail on the rivers,

2. And _________ sail on the seas;

3. But __________ that sail across the sky

4. Are prettier than these.

5. There are __________ on the rivers,

6. As pretty as __________ please;

7. But the _________ that bridges heaven

8. And overtops the ______________

9. And builds a road from __________ to ____________,

10. Is _______________ far than these.

Answer the following questions:                  [5×1=5]

1. Who sails on the seas?

2. Who is far prettier than all these?

3. Who sails on the river?

4. What does the clouds do?

5.  Who makes bridges to heaven?

Make sentences: (any 5)                              [5×1=5]

1. Sail: 5. Prettier:
2. Sky: 6. River:
3. Earth: 7. Sea:
4. Bridge: 8. heaven:

Exam Time F.M 20

Complete the poem:                                    [10×1=10]
11. ___________ sail on the rivers,
12. And _________ sail on the seas;
13. But __________ that sail across the sky
14. Are prettier than these.
15. There are __________ on the rivers,
16. As pretty as __________ please;
17. But the _________ that bridges heaven
18. And overtops the ______________
19. And builds a road from __________ to ____________,
20. Is _______________ far than these.
Answer the following questions:                  [5×1=5]
6. Who sails on the seas?
7. Who is far prettier than all these?
8. Who sails on the river?
9. What does the clouds do?
10.  Who makes bridges to heaven?
Make sentences: (any 5)                              [5×1=5]
9. Sail:
10. Sky:
11. Earth:
12. Bridge:
13. Prettier:
14. River:
15. Sea:
16. heaven:

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