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Some Days

John Martone

Falling (Some Days)
Copyright © 2020 John Martone
(Some Days)
E io lavoravo con le mie mani e voglio lavorare.
—Francesco (dal Testamento)

Don Roberto Malgesine, in memoriam.

I answer that bird’s reproach with a handful of seed.

The city’s heart dawns in my ribcage.

Maria scioglie le nodi, and I’m no longer tongue-tied.

Rione Sanità
Dwellings attached
one to another.
Cholera bones.

Blue shutters. Pots on a sill.

The victim pushes
puzzle shapes
into a sentence.

The homeless
curl in blankets

outside halls
of marble copies.

I vanish in broken acanthus.

Stop for a smoke at the river god’s fountain.

Don’t call him a tourist while he’s bleeding on the pavement.

Santi napoletani
Not looking up words
I read their Lives.
Somebody's late.

Gold silver bronze clay,
I wash my feet before bed.

It’s those chestnuts ready to fall and falling. I lose track

of the days.

Nunzio’s in a glass coffin.

I catch my breath.

my city’s great secret.

A seraphim
The six walls of my room fly away.

We’re eating cornetti at a round breakfast table.

I button my sweater the feast of his stigmata.

Cypresses, fence-posts ...

An old man walks down the road.
Everything’s vertical.

Charged with making
the smallest thing
he carves away.

An hour’s walk before sleep.

That small blue star
my needle’s eye.

They find phosphine on Venus.

I shrink to nothing.

This broken bread
holds many rooms.

Blinding sun this morning.
I’ve emptied my cup.

Aphids on the windowscreen.
Everything is see-through.

The new transistor
in its leather case.
The sofa's plastic slip covers.

Every lane to myself, I circle the high school track at

night. I can’t name those planets.

Who was that,
wrapped in a scarf like a homeland,

Saracen music. A dove on the poor man’s shoulder.

My throat’s a stained-glass window.

Tidy brick houses on Walnut St.

An apple tree’s branch
beyond reach.

Far from home.
in a bar at noon

facing the street,

look at yourself.

I suck salt from my fingers. The sky is cloudless.

Whatever I was I knotted a scarf to medieval music.

How long it took, brother tortoise, to cross the bright

field with neck stretched out and small eyes.

A shadow, and I’m a pine tree.

My music a shambles.
This morning
they come for the trash.

Her oval protrait.

The cameo carver
completes my sentence.

He’s smoking, too,

outside before Mass.

Then I learn
he’s a saint.

Baggy suit
looks up at Minerva
necklaced with snakes.

Tomatoes are berries.
Figs are false fruits.
I’m going to die.

I close my eyes. Via Toledo runs right between them.

I walk the city all day and call it my (nobody’s) business.

Trees grow from windows under this bridge.

A marble foot in the ruins.
Gennaro beheaded.

Pickaxe and shovel left out in the dew, where does he sleep?

Bending low, laying cobblestones in arcs.

A thousand glass balls in this ornament shop,

and I ask directions.

I’d fall asleep resting on mother and will.

I move a wire and hear Italian on twenty meters.

ago e filo
A needle and thread to mend my sweater.
I use the right words.

La Verna, Sept. 23 (san Pio)
It's all the same to me if he drove the nails and bent
those points himself.

September figlet there’s no time.

The dogwood’s a single deep red today. I’m ready.

Took an axe to the roots and planted an antenna.

Resisting an urge to lie down I move the potted plants.

September 25
The guest room turns arboretum.

I bring olive and fig trees inside.
They drop leaves all over.
I can’t keep up.

They mock you for good reason.

Your brain’s already wabi-sabi, don’t worry.

Sweater weather sparrows.

My best

His pages turn yellow.
As for me, it’s my liver.

How much is there,
how much there is.
A china cup in elderly hands.

I rise from bed with all these bones at once.

—It was.
I took the wind in those leaves for a living thing.

Sassafras leaves—
We’re all
all thumbs.

Path narrows
to stem,
onto lake.

There’s the path
you walk with
your children

and there’s the path

you take alone.

I enter a butterfly garden.

I wear through shoes far from Naples.

A immigrant fingers tree rings back to his birth year.

Climbing old stairs
to bed I'm ready
for life in that city.

He sells me anice and grappa.

I don’t know I’m dreaming.

Sun on the wall after that dream cathedral.

I’m working a puzzle
in the middle
of a forest.

Fig tree placed
at foot of bed.

The room growing close.

Its shared light plenty.

I hear you sigh through paper birches.

I sense you near me till I stop walking.

in the wasp gall.
Such a big planet.

Dogwoods full of doves this morning, those berries.

The doorbell’s loud for a 2-room place.

You sweep the kitchen back where you came from.

Tomatoes on the sill—there must be a story.

A year since I’ve seen that fox this fall field’s color.

My eraser’s in a jar that held saffron.

It’s time to draw. I slice a pear.

They feed on dogwood berries.
They nest in the arbor vitae’s depths.

My empty ink bottle

blazes in sun.
I'm in that country.

Dutch painting
Layer on layer I varnish a writing surface.

As I drive to my drawing class a steeple appears in the

Natural History Illustration

I draw a snail shell from Naples
at my table
in the prairie.

I’ve closed the circle—it’s an operculum.

My little finger fits the operculum.

That dogwood’s angular shape suggests his face.

With stained hands now I go out to meet others.

I stand disgraced in a wind full of leaves.

Blinking and breathing, a sentence or two an hour.

I remember the mausoleum.

I don’t remember his name.

Bare feet or
wooden shoes.
Stone floor.

The unpaved road
passes a hog farm.
He has cancer and a TV.

No meat, no alcohol, no cigarettes, those shadows.

I cry a flatworm's cries.

My eye spots

the fall trees’


Bicycles, clothes, and movies — my surname.


I work in an orchard I’ve never seen.

I’m that one—

I looked at him.
I raised the hammer again.

Making them proud of me I stay out of prison.

The prodigal son asks for his mother. Too late.

I stand at the sink, washing dishes.
I should have done better.

I try a fedora. My ancestor scolds me.

I used to wash my hands
fifty times a day.
Now the whole world's drenched.

Crows in place of fruit, autumn tree.

I write songs without music in her dimestore tablet.

I see-saw with a child. Let other people laugh.

He’d slip off as they slept to pray in those woods.

Not one of these birds is crippled.

I miss the harbor.
I even miss

the chain-link fence

between me and the harbor.

Shorter days
the end of October.
I’m waiting for them to say, No.

Ten thousand things, and I lose every one.

Fragile glass globes
with scenes inside
in Naples.

I only want
a windowbox
to be in Naples.

It’s shabby living,
my hometown motel room.
I’m dreaming.

Hating the sound of myself I leave a full stop.

Goldfinch, it’s time for winter plumage.

It’s late.
I look for work
in an orchard or vineyard.

Yes, I can carry sacks of soil.

Yes, I can shovel and prune.

I’m a terrified worm in windfall apples.

I’m old
I know

how to
say, Sir.

Sir, I’d be

for a few
hours’ work.

Look him
in the eye;

let him
see your face.

I sit in the car.

There's a tree house
in our trailer park

by the graveyard,
don’t despair.

Milk and cigarettes.
The beat-up cars
and the beat-up cars.

I carry a gallon of vinegar home.

That weeping cherry has one leaf left, and I resist.

40 mg Paxil.
Einaudi on the radio.
A modest window’s daylight.

Just where you’d expect
an archaic marble
I’ve put a jade plant.

Amid all these versions

of Mont Sainte-Victoire
another jade plant.

How many cuttings

how many gifts and scars—
the jade plant grows thicker.

Regrowing from any part the jade plant lives for one thing.

Having heard Bach’s

one thing turned every-which-way,
my jade plant’s silent.

Jade plant
you’re my


I lean back for eyedrops then draw a cocoon.

I pick up a pinecone, am suddenly tree.

An eraser refines the pine cone's shadows.

Is it me
or the chemicals,
sunlit quartz?

Acorns under shagbark.
Black walnuts
under oaks.

Sinking through leaf-fall

into bog,
my boots have steel toes.

Catching my breath,
I stand above the lake.
My fountain pen has gills.

pitted stone wall—
He pulls me to himself.

80 years old,
knocking olives from a branch.
Che sia così.

The spirit in that room.

This room.

I turn pages, hoping for pictures.

I'm not my pictures of Ungaretti.

The sentences stop.

That's my

A sack of groceries
the shape of a person.

My living room’s another white painting.

An hour's work
shavings from block plane or draw knife.

to sweep.

I get lost in the woods. Then I get lost in a drawing.

leaves tracked in from the yard.

Went to bed thinking
it had all been for nothing.
Woke up happy.

The way back
rainwater pooled on leaf fall.

It could have been the seminary.

It could have been Pilgrim State Hospital.

I’m still in that car.


I pass three and four nests
on my way to your place
and no one’s home.

I find another
one of your beads
whenever I sweep.

Remember them fondly
one by one.
Scrub the floor.

You’ve taken your puzzle apart

and put those thousand pieces away,
box high on its shelf.

How much joy her forehead brought.

Pears. Her cheap blue shift.

Rocking. But that low table’s corner.

a syndrome.

She’s in that shell. The present won’t help.

I went to my father’s village.
I was

Packing his things when a heron flies off.

This stage of life.

The woods’ edge.
An eidetic image of deer.

Holding on.

That book
and falling


Planting berries
from that dogwood

so we don’t
die alone.


Comes down from the sky

just like Alzheimer’s,
that city.

All those years now surprised to find I’m a junkie.

Had all that work
done on his teeth
only to die.

Having waited too long
the prodigal son
finds an apartment.

Her days.
The Digest's
back numbers.


the extra

Setting sail
on the great sea of Being.
A table by the window.


Italian woman
sits just-so
on sofa.

Box of

back of

I’m going to spend the rest of my life.

When it was three inches tall.
I thought the seedling had died,

and now it has grown

over my head.

Days before winter a trilling of spring.

One window waves to another.

Stirred into


Just me
and my
twelve-step ...

That’s amore
out of nowhere.

That glass-brick

and my white

I try not to spill

the coffee

So much sun
I’m inside

Flowerpots stacked
upside down
in shed shadows.

Holding the nest in both hands

I repeat an Italian word
till it’s imprinted.

Daylong wind.
Dogwood stripped
down to rags.

Scarred for life
on a tin of green beans.

November 1

Their camera's empty


Box of photos
spilled on bed.
Drowning then.



Before I was born is
like it was

am I


All Souls
rent paid
day late.



Where’d that
world go
inside you.

A book

of pine

I sit on a tire.
Trees are red and gold
and bare.

Too late to help, I sleep on the floor.

His shame

I was supposed

to have been—


Fish last night.

Bread in that cave.

The one thing

a thing.

Here’s the broken one again.


I looked


Stained glass.
That’s right,

Pilot light all alone.

To think I've lived so long

and never seen
an offset pipe-wrench.

There’s a window in this fuse from the blue house.

Red shutoff

Blue compound
brushed on threads
all around.

Time to get out my sad light.


all over
the page.

Water bottle's
bamboo roots.
(Kitchen sill.)

Having lived on an island

I re-read Revelations.

Beat-up car.
The shame I've brought
to the family name.

People flicker.

I got lost,
but now I'll wait
on those deer.

Ruby's feeding
a goat from that bottle
before I was born.

I look at that shawl

across the room
and see her.

See if pawnshop’s got

Dormer window.
Do you see daddy?

I get lost
in a marble chip.

Then truck dumps

yards of them.

Raking out
marble chips
hear nothing else.

Workboots bigger than his feet.

Steps back—
hat pushed back,

but no

I'm using his tools,

but it's a poor re-enactment.

The brush piled high
the wine at an angle
in its basket.

When you’re done

they’ll drive by

and find it

Maple gold as a gingko.

Hang on

a red


it’s that

The boy in this campground's staying for winter.

The fall lake a mirror.

Go right to the edge.
Keep walking.

Grown child beside you

on lake dock
Buzzards overhead.


Every soul left

in this fall campground
is the Lord.

I keep pushing
the wrong buttons.

Way out here

what happens when
pen’s out of ink.

for James Boulger

With his cancer

and his throat

lozenges still
looked out for me.

A cup of coffee’s bitterness under the crucifix.

I place a salt block shy of the property line.

Deer emerge from that color woods.

I saw the fox once
and next day
dead on our road.

(Silence today.)

Rain on lake.
Walk all the way around.

That’s a thistle.

Worst of sinners
20 yards from
blue heron.


I chance on a lone gravestone.

Broken plastic chair he fished from.

Stob was another heron.

They moved the gazebo.

I’ll carry my jacket the rest of the way.

I dig in my pocket for a handkerchief.

Those coins.

Hours outside.

Eating fruit.

You know who

They're so

you can't
see them.

Won’t be a soul
to visit their graves
with rocks and stones and trees.

There’s a fig tree

in the empty sunroom,
like we never were.

Suddenly the empty space becomes her arms around me.

There's that taste of the plastic crib rail.


Found him
at the bottom
of that mountain,

chapter 5
in his pocket,



Old pond

In this skin
I’m a frog
after all.

Muscle memory

Write down
the words you
look up.

The sky nothinged me.

Even as a child
he walked
in his sleep.

Have to
live with

got caught.


from tree.

All those times


like a fish
out of bed.

Then I cross a land bridge.
Fossil reeds.

Fox tails wanting water color.

Voice carries
over lake

An inland eagle my Montauk.

The experience.

All those aisles

but drugstore won't
take me on.

Washlines and

Oakwood Road.
No, I’m thinking of
Woodbury Road.

Jericho Turnpike
Potato fields.
Could write a book.

the stage of life

you won’t be around

to remember.

She used
the past


Close your eyes
and you’re home.

This is a glass jar.
Beauty will save us.

I had given up driving.
Then that afternoon
I was driving.


What’s happened to my pronouns?

More limestone than marble
the mind dissolves in water.

The horizon
through the trees,
more trees.

The dogwood he planted

grew into a place.

Each room with its tree.

This winter the house has
a mind of its own.


pines in
that dream.

My small bowl’s plenty.

I address my book to a dream.

I meet up
with a stranger

on my Sunday

Autumn, 2020


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