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The Tourism Supply in Madiun City

A. Background
Indonesia is an archipelago country that known for its abundant
natural resources, cultural diversity, as well as tourist objects, both are
natural and man-made tourism destination. Tourism is an important
economic sector for Indonesia. Tourism is a source of foreign exchange
earnings and encourages and accelerates national economic growth. The
minister of tourism and creative economy, Wisnutama Kusubandio said that
in 2019 the foreign exchange realization from the tourism sector reached
IDR 280 trillion. Not only that, the tourism sector economy also contributes
to the national GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of 5.5% with a workforce of
13 million people.
Madiun City is the center of the Madiun Residency, which includes
the Magetan, Ngawi, Ponorogo and Pacitan areas. Formerly Madiun City
was known as "Kota Gadis" or trading, education, and industry
(Perdagangan, Pendidikan dan Industri). However, to introduce the tourism
potential that exists in Madiun City, in 2018 the government changed the
city's branding to "Madiun Kota Karismatik". The word "Charismatic"
according to H. Sugeng Rismiyanto, the mayor of Madiun at that time,
represented all elements related to tourism. Starting from culinary, arts,
culture, tourism and public services. Moreover, the current mayor of
Madiun City, H. Maidi focuses on building the city, improving facilities and
infrastructure in order to increase the number of tourists visiting Madiun
City, thus it will increase the economic growth and as a Pendapatan Asli
Daerah (PAD) or local own-resource revenues.
However, city branding, builiding city, improving facilities and
infrastructure are not enough to become a tourism city. In all sectors
including tourism, management is an important aspect. Because every
potential and opportunity that exists will be wasted without proper
management. Tourism management is management of all activities related
to tourism business. Tourism management requires potential aspects owned
by the tourist objects as an initial input for tourism supply so that it can be
done the management process.
(Negara, 2016) stated that in fullfil the needs of tourists, tourism
facilities and infrastructure, which are tourism supply, really need to be
prepared. According to (Zaenuri, 2012) supply is a reaction to people's
demand for tourism needs, known as tourists. From the demand in the form
of motivation, preferences, and expectations, there is an economic law in the
form of the availability of tourism supply. Supply, namely in the form of
tourism products, usually involve tourist attractions, amenities/
accommodation and accessibility.
Therefore, the author is interest in taking the title “The Tourism
Supply in Madiun City”. This final project focused on what are the
components tourism supply in Madiun city and how does the government
fullfil the tourism supply in Madiun city.

B. Scope of the Report

In this report, the writer only discussed about the Tourism Supply in
Madiun city.

C. Problems of the Report

To make the discussion clearer, the writer proposed the of problems as
1. What are the tourism supply in Madiun city?
2. How does the government fullfil the tourism supply in Madiun city?

D. The Objective of the Report

1. To know what are the tourism supply in Madiun city.
2. To know how does the government fullfil the tourism supply in Madiun
E. The Benefit of the Report
1. For the Writer
a. As a one of the requirements to get an English Diploma III degree.
b. Provide an understanding to the author about the tourism supply in
Madiun city.
2. For State Polytechnic of Madiun
a. As a library collection of literature in the field of tourism.
b. As a reference for students in writing their final project.
3. For the Readers
a. Provides an overview about the tourism supply in Madiun city.
b. As a media of learning about good writing procedures in English.

F. The Report Place and Time

This report place and time below:

No. Activities Jan Feb March April May Jun

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Preparation
2. Submission of
the title
3. Data Collecting
4. Seminar
5. Revision
6. Final
7. Submission of
the Final
8. Final
9. Revision Final
10. Finsih

1. Tourism
Tourism is a dynamic activity that involves a lot humans both
individually and in groups and animate various fields of business.
Tourism is a trade industry that has regulatory mechanisms complex
because they include regulation movement of tourists from their home
countries, in tourist destination areas until retruning to their home
country which involves various things suchs as; transportation, lodging,
restaurants, tour guide, and others (Isdarmanto, 2017).
Tourism is a wide variety of tourism activities and is supported
various facilities and services provided by the community,
entrepreneurs, and the government (Constitution no. 10/2009).

2. Tourism Management
Tourism has various meanings activities and or tourist trips carried
out by tourists while traveling and living in an environment outside the
neighborhood daily for a while, meeting, various needs: vacation,
business, health, religion etc; as well as various facilities and services
created by government, employers and community to meet their travel
needs (Zaenuri, 2012).
Management is a systematic, coordinated and cooperative process in
efforts to utilize human resources and other sources (Wijaya and Rifa’i,
Management is a process of setting or management to achieve a
goal by involving other people. Management is the science and art of
regulating the process of using other sources effectively and efficiently
to achieve certain goals (Hakim and Mukhtar, 2018).
3. Tourism Supply
Tourism Supply is defined as a number of goods and services
offered to tourists at a certain price. Tourism Supply can be in form of
the natural attractions, human creation, goods and services that can
encourage people to visit a tourist destination (Negara, 2016:9).
Based on (Zaenuri, 2012:8) One of the determining elements in
attracting tourists to come to a location is the quality of the area or
object tours that will of offered. These qualities in particular are the
quality of the tourism object itself, is it worth visiting or not,
furthermore supported by binterdependent elements, which are
attractins, facilities, infrastructure, transportation systems, and
According to (Suprapto, 2005) Tourism Supply are products
that are given to tourists to be enjoyed. Tourism is essentially a supply
and demand of tourism components while tourism development is
development of tourist attractions as the main attraction.
While (Isdarmanto, 2017) stated that tourism supply are
influenced by transportation, touirst attractions and activities, related
facilities, servicesn and infractructure as well information and
A. Method
Method in the scientific world are closely related to the system and
involve the problem of working methods to be able to understand the object that
is target of the science in question (Hardani, 2020:13). One of the research
methodologies is qualitative research. Qualitative research known in Indonesia
as naturalistic research or “qualitative naturalistic”. “naturalistic” indicates that
the implementation of this research occurs naturally, as it is in normal situations
that are not manipulated by circumstances and conditions, emphasizing the
natural description (Nurdian and Hartati, 2019:76). According to (Barlian, 2016)
qualitative research is research that intends to understand the phenomena
experienced by research subjects, for example: behavior, perception, motivation,
action, and others holistically and by means of descriptions in the form of words
and language, in a special natural context by making use of various natural
Based on (Siyoto and Sodik, 2015:7) the research objective is
closely related to the problem of the report and the answer lies in the
research conclusion. To solve the problem in making a final project report
entitled The Tourism Supply in Madiun City, the author uses descriptive
qualitative research methods. This method was chosen because it is suitable
for getting answers to the problems of the report that I have mentioned. In
data collection techniques, the authors conducted in-depth interviews,
observations, and documentation.
B. Report Procedure
1. The Focus of Problem Studies
This report focuses on the components of tourism supply in Madiun
city dan to find out how the government fullfil the tourism supply in
madiun city. The writer observes the tourism supply in Madiun city.
2. Data and sources of data
a. Understanding primary data based on (Siyoto and sodik,
2015:68) primary data is data obtained or collected by
researchers directly from the data source. Primary data also
known as original data or new data that has up to date nature.
To get primary data, researchers have to collect in directly.
Technique that can researchers use to collect primary data,
among others observation, interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD) and distributing questionnaries.
b. While according to (Siyoto and Sodik, 2015:68) secondary data
is data obtained or collected researchers from various existing
sources (researchers as second hand). Secondary data can be
obtained from a variety sources such as the Central Bureau of
Statistic (BPS), books, reports, journals, and others.
3. Collecting data technique
in doing this final project, the writer uses a qualitative descriptive
method. (Barlian, 2016) stated that descriptive research is conducted to
answer questions related to the status of the research object at the time
the research was held or in other words, to inform the situation as it is.
Therefore, the writer will go directly to the field and make observations
in order to get data from vaious sources or infromants.
a. Observation
Accroding to (Widiasavitri et al., 2016:10) observation is a
statement that explains facts. When observer make
observations, the observer is more than just “seeing”. Observer
become aware of something using their senses. The observer
makes observations with involves the five senses (eyes, ears,
nose, skin, tongue).
(Hardani, 2020:78) stated that observations made by
someone about something that was planned or not planned,
either in passing or over a long period of time, can give rise to a
problem (the source of the problem).
(Mustari and Rahman, 2012:62) explain with observation,
the reviewer observes and records the behavior of the individual
or group of the object of study in natural conditions.
Observation helps confirm or reject as well as review what has
been found through interviews and questionnaires.
b. Documentation
Documentation method that is looking for data about things
or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers,
magazines, inscriptions, minutes of meeting, lengger, agenda,
and so on. Compared with other methods, this methods is rather
not that difficult, in the sense that if there an error the data
source is still hasn’t changed. By documentation method that is
not observed living things but inanimate objects (Siyoto and
Sodik, 2015:78).
c. Interview
According to (Barlian, 2016) Interview is a way to collect
data by submitting verbal questions to data sources, and data
sources also provide answers orally too.
(Mustari and Rahman, 2012:54) stated that interview is one
of the main ways to gather information in an observational
study. It is done by verbal questioning and answers are stored in
writing, cassette, video, or other electronic media.
d. Processing data technique
In general, data analysis in qualitative research moves
inductively. that is from data or facts to a higher level of
abstraction, including conducting synthesis and developing
theories (if needed and the data supports). that is data analysis
in qualitative research is more open-ended and must be adjusted
to the data / information in the field so that the analysis
procedure is difficult to specify from the start (Hardani,
Thus, the author has several processes to find out the
answers from the problems of the report. Those are:
a. First, the writer will do observations in Madiun city.
Observe what are the tourism supply in Madiun city.
b. Second, the writer will add more accurate information
by conducting interviews with speakers related to the
final project report about how the government fullfill
the tourism supply in Madiun city.
c. Third, the writer will summarize all the answers into a
clearer and more objective whole.

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