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In Waiting for Godot, Beckett builds his themes through the minimalist setting and the characters'
absurd conversations and actions. Characters represent humanity, the setting represents human
existence, and words and actions demonstrate larger truths about the human condition.

Absurdity of Existence

One of the most noticeable features of the play is utter absurdity: Vladimir and Estragon dress shabbily,
engage in physically inept actions, and partake in clownish nonsensical conversations. They absurdly
wait endlessly for an unchanging situation to change when it is clear Godot will never come. They
occasionally discuss ending their wait by hanging themselves or simply leaving, but absurdly, they never
take any action. Although they agree there is "nothing to be done," they work absurdly hard to fill the
time while they wait. The unavoidable conclusion is that human existence itself is absurd. Beckett's
emphasis on the absurdity of human behavior shows both the tragic and comedic sides of the existential

Purposelessness of Life

None of the characters in Waiting for Godot has a meaningful purpose. Waiting for Godot might seem to
give Vladimir and Estragon a purpose, but the fact that Godot never arrives renders their waiting
meaningless. Likewise, Pozzo and Lucky might seem to be traveling toward something, but their travels
are ultimately shown to be equally purposeless. Pozzo initially professes to be taking Lucky to the fair to
sell him, but this purpose is never fulfilled. The second time they pass by, they express no purpose at all
—they are simply moving from one place to another. Their traveling may even be counterproductive
because they cannot seem to go any distance without falling down.

The messages from Godot delivered by the boy are equally purposeless. Godot will never come, and it is
not at all clear the messages are even meant for Vladimir and Estragon—the boy calls Vladimir "Albert."
All the characters seem to be trapped in their purposeless roles by little more than habit, which Vladimir
calls "a great deadener." The idea that life has no purpose is a recurring theme in the Theater of the
Absurd, which Waiting for Godot helped define.

Folly of Seeking Meaning

Although it is unclear who or what Godot represents, by waiting for him, Vladimir and Estragon are
clearly seeking some type of meaning outside themselves. In Act 1, they remember making a "kind of
prayer" to Godot, expecting it to give them some direction, and they decide it is safer to wait and see
what Godot says rather than die by hanging themselves. Godot, however, never comes, representing
the futility and folly of such a search for meaning in an inherently meaningless existence.

Uncertainty of Time

Time is a slippery thing in Waiting for Godot. It seems to pass normally during the period the characters
are on the stage, with predictable milestones, such as the sunset and moonrise, although the characters
are sometimes confused about it. But the intervals between the two acts and various events are wildly
uncertain. When Vladimir and Estragon return at the beginning of Act 2, the growth of leaves on the
tree suggests a longer period of time has passed than the one day Vladimir claims it has been. Estragon
and Pozzo retain little or no memory of their encounter the "previous" day, and other changes have
mysteriously occurred "overnight." Estragon and Vladimir have no firm idea of how long they have been
together or how long ago they did other things, such as climb the Eiffel Tower or pick grapes in Macon

The characters also seem to be trapped by time, endlessly repeating essentially the same day again and
again. This creates a despair that leads them to repeatedly contemplate suicide, although they never
remember to bring the rope they would need to actually hang themselves. Time is one of the main ways
people organize their lives and memories, so the uncertainty of time in the play contributes to the
feeling of meaninglessness.

Home » Drama » Samuel Beckett » Waiting for Godot » Themes of “Waiting for Godot”


Themes of “Waiting for Godot”


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Themes are important ingredient of a novel, play or poem. “Waiting for Godot” though has unclear
themes yet every theme describes life from different perspectives. Its themes are very interesting. On
one hand, Samuel Becket created a new kind of play; on the other hand he also created new themes in
order to get attention of the readers. It is an unconventional play; therefore, its themes are also
unconventional. It does not depict a single theme but discusses a lot of subjects related to life. Samuel
Becket is best known due to his most famous play “Waiting for Godot” because it’s single theme i.e.
“nothing to be done” has gotten the attention of many spectators. In this play, Samuel Becket has
defined life; he has portrayed the reality of life. It does not have any story or plot even then its themes
are significant. Critics have argued on the genre of this play but everyone remains fail to answer on its
striking success because it has been written while violating every rule; it is without any plot and
characterization. Thus, its themes may be the answer of this question. Success of this play is dependent
on its remarkable themes.

“Nothing to be done” is the most important theme of this play. Vivian Mercier while describing this
theme says: “it is a play in which nothing happens twice”. Estragon and Vladimir come on stage, bore
the audience with their dialogues and goes on. In every act, dialogues and actions are repeated. One
asks question to the other what to do? Other replies “nothing to be done” and the play goes on in this
way. It also starts with the same dialogue. It defines the journey of life; a journey from nothingness to
nothingness. We have come in the world but what is our purpose here? What is our identity? These
questions have not been answered by the writer instead he asks these questions from the audience. He
himself does not know their answers. Every person in this world is like Estragon and Vladimir, who is
waiting for something but most of the time he cannot get what he wants and life ends just like the play
ends. Every act of the play ends with despair. Nothing happens in it. Every person comes in this world
spends his life but ultimately leaves this world. He cannot take anything with him. He does not bring
anything to this world and cannot take anything with him. The dialogues “nothing to be done” have
been repeatedly numerously in this play, which clear the definition of this play

Without hope, there is nothing in life; optimism comes to an end without hope. Thus, hope is necessary
if one wants to live. This play also depicts this important theme. It forces us to think twice on the
importance of hope. Estragon and Vladimir has nothing yet they are hopeful. It is only hope due to
which they are living and waiting. They are waiting for something called Godot. It may be a help or
maybe it is God but one thing is clear that both of them are hopeful about their future. They think that
Godot will come and change their lives. The play ends with nothingness but the “wait and hope” never
ends. Estragon and Vladimir will come again tomorrow at the same place and will wait for Godot until
his arrival. Thus, the play depicts hope as important ingredient of life.

Suffering is another theme of “Waiting for Godot”. We can witness sufferings of heroes of this play. They
are living a miserable life. Estragon has been beaten by strangers every night but he is helpless. God has
created this world and has forgotten it after its creation. It seems that Samuel Becket has given this
message to the audience. Apart from Estragon and Vladimir, Lucky is also suffering. His life is more
miserable than Vladimir and Estragon. The sufferings of slavery class are evident in this play. We can say
that Estragon and Vladimir are responsible for their miserable condition but Lucky is a slave; he born
salve; he cannot help himself. He can just wait for good times i.e. only death. Perhaps, he would find
something good in afterlife. But in this life, he can’t get peace. Thus, suffering of humans is also an
important theme of this play. Vladimir’s speech, in this context, is helpful. He says:-

“Was I sleeping while the others suffered? Am I sleeping now? Tomorrow, when I wake, or think I do,
what shall I say of today?….can’t go on. What have I said?”

Becket has shown the world a way to get through life. Absurdity itself is a major theme of this play. Like
Estragon and Vladimir, life can be spent; doing nothing, having irrational behavior, passing the ball and
act ridiculously. Perhaps, this is the only way to get through life. This is also a method to avoid criticism;
the best way to avoid criticism is to do nothing. Personally, I think that it is the most difficult way to get
through life. While doing nothing and repeating silly actions, one can pass seconds but not whole life. It
seems that Becket has preferred absurdity over existentialism. Anyhow, Samuel Becket has shown a
way to go through life i.e. absurdity.

Difference in human races has also been shown in the play. This theme has importance of its own. Lucky
is a symbol of slavery class, whereas Pozzo refers feudalism. Two types of human races have been
presented through these characters. One is miserable, whereas second is enjoying benefits of life.
Samuel Becket has shown the limitations of lower class and superiority of upper class.

In a nutshell, the play has many remarkable themes. Samuel Becket has closely observed life, therefore,
every theme is related to life and reality. There are some other important themes of this play such as
religion, mortality, waiting, ignorance, impotence and human relationships. Themes of the play directly
strike the minds of audience and make this play successful. It seems that Samuel Becket, very minutely
and after experiments, has rendered various themes in this play. Hence, there is no denial the fact that
themes of the play are responsible behind striking success of the play.

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