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Electricity from the air

Before you eat junk

Eating a western-style diet for a

week can slightly impair brain function
and encourage healthy young people to
Protien nanowire mesh devices power an LCD (left) or an LED panel (right ( pic: Nature)
overeat, according to a new study.
After consuming a high fat, high
conducting. G. sulfurreducens, in added sugar diet, volunteers performed
fact, is known to create electric cur- worse on memory tests and had a desire
rents, has been studied, and is being
used in microbial fuel cells.
Where does to eat junk food following a meal. The
research suggests eating a western-style
The nanowires, or protein mater-
ial from the electrically active species,
the power diet causes some disruption in the hip-
pocampus region of the brain, the
are sandwiched between the gold foil come from? region involving memory and appetite
base and smaller, just 1mm x 1mm, control, making it more difficult for peo-
electrode placed above. The distrib- ple to regulate their appetite.
ution of moisture, through the 7- All power comes from some sys- “After a week on a western-style
micron film, creates a voltage differ- tem at a higher energy state diet, palatable food such as snacks and
ence between the two faces of the falling to a lower energy state. chocolate becomes more desirable
conducting film. The voltage, when Coal based power arises from coal when you are full,” Richard Stevenson,
no current is drawn, is about 0.5 Volts and oxygen becoming CO2, professor of Psychology at Macquarie
and when the gold plates are con- hydropower from water falling University in Sydney and one of the co-
nected, the current is about 250 nano from a height, and so on. authors of the study, told The Guardian,
From Nature Amperes. When humidity in the air is “This will make it harder to resist, lead-
The behaviour did not change the source, the energy comes ing you to eat more, which in turn gen-
with the illumination of the device, from the energy stored in the erates more damage to the hippocam-
which showed that light had nothing water vapour in the atmosphere. pus and a vicious cycle of overeating.”
to do with the effect. The voltage and The nano film creates a gradient, Scientists enlisted 110 healthy par-
moisture levels in the air around us can be used current lasted for more than 12 hours, with a potential difference, which
is drawn off as electricity. This
ticipants aged between 20 and 23 years
of age in their investigation, splitting
which showed that the effect was not
to generate electricity to power simple devices caused by transient charging. And, as results in flattening the gradient, them into a control group who ate a
both electrodes were gold, it was not which needs to be renewed, from good diet, and another who consumed a
some metal-metal effect that was in the ambient atmosphere, which high energy western diet including a
play. Even with carbon as the elec- gets its humidity thanks to hearty portion of Belgian waffles and
S ANANTHANARAYANAN ionizes or induces atoms within the been possible are short, less than 50 trodes, the paper says, the voltages sources of water and the sun. fast food. Both groups ate breakfast at
film material to ionize, or split into second bursts of current, followed by were of the same order. Chemical the beginning and end of the week,

he current imperative is that positively and negatively charge com- a recharging phase of more than 100 tests eliminated any decomposition completing word memory tests and rat-
sources of power be carbon neu- ponents. And, as there is a gradient seconds, the paper says. of the nanowires as being the source which led to disappearance of the ing their desire and enjoyment of high-
tral. This limits the truly green in the quantity of moisture, a gradient In contrast, authors present an of electricity and even removing voltage - which reappeared when the sugar foods such as Coco Pops, before
sources to wind-power, solar develops in the charges induced, arrangement, based on a film of elec- nitrogen or oxygen from the sur- seal was removed. And then, of and after the meal.
power and hydropower. These three which can be used to drive an electric trically conducting biological materi- rounding air had no effect. course, the dependence of the volt-
sources, unfortunately, share the fea- current. al, in the form of a nanowire mesh, It was found that current could age on the relative humidity. It was
tures of being intermittent or limited In one report that the paper cites, which outperforms predecessors flow, through a load, continuously for seen that the moisture content at the
to geographical locations. a power generator and a respiratory both in the current output as well as as long as 20 hours. In the course of surface of the thin film was some 27
Xiaomeng Liu, Hongyan Gao, Joy monitor are energised by human in the length of time it keeps work- 20 hours, the voltage fell from 0.5V per cent, against about 3 per cent at
E. Ward, Xiaorong Liu, Bing Yin, Tian- breath. In other reports, harvesting ing. to 0.35V, but could regenerate and the bottom face for an 8-micron film.
da Fu, Jianhan Chen, Derek R Lovley energy from ambient moisture is sug- At least 20 hours at a time and reach 0.5V in just 5 hours. Over a And the voltage generated increased
and Jun Yao, an interdisciplinary gested as a power source for “wear- output as high as four milliwatts, longer time span, the voltage with thickness of the film, till a
team from the University of Massa- able electronics”. The paper cites against the earlier 30 microwatts, for remained at 0.4V - 06V for more than plateau of about 0.55V at about 10
chusetts, Amherst, write in the jour- other methods, where films of carbon one cubic cm of material, the paper two months of cycles of regeneration. microns.
nal, Nature, of their work in using the materials are engineered to have dif- says. At four milliwatts a cubic cm, a The fluctuation of the voltage was The device can be made as small
levels of moisture in the air around ferent compositions on the two sides, one inch cube device, which is about associated with changes in the rela- as desired, the paper says, and
us to generate electricity to power or devices based on polymer materi- 15 cubic cm, could charge a cell tive humidity of the ambient air. The devices can be connected in series or
simple devices. This would be revo- als. The methods, however, the paper phone, just from the moisture in the best voltage output was at 40 to 50 in parallel, to provide higher voltage
lutionary, as moisture and air are says, either depend on a liquid water air! per cent relative humidity, which or to deliver more power. It is practi- “The more desirable people find the
around us at all times and every- source or are limited to small dimen- The device consists of a thin film, may be typical on a fine day in Mum- cal to think of power density, when palatable food when full, following the
where! sions and low output. In many of about seven microns thick, or the bai or Kolkata. But substantial volt- films are stacked, of over 1kilowatt western-style diet, the more impaired
The authors refer to other mois- these instances, in fact, the applica- 10th of the width of a human hair, of ages were still generated at relative per cubic metre, the paper says. In they were on the test of hippocampal
ture-based attempts that have been tion suggested is that of a humidity protein nanowires, which is deposit- humidity as low as 20 per cent one trial, the authors achieved out- function,” said Professor Stevenson. He
made to harvest energy. The basis of sensor. ed on a gold foil, some 5mm x 5mm, (desert) or 100 per cent (soaking, wet put at 10V by connecting 17 devices said when the hippocampus functions
the methods are that thin films in Apart from not being scalable, on a glass base. The protein is extract- day), the paper says. in series. less efficiently; there is a flood of memo-
contact with water develop a gradi- the paper says, devices that work on ed from a rod-like bacterium, geobac- The authors clearly identified the ries to the brain which make food more
ent, from lesser to greater content of ambient moisture do not have sus- ter sulfurreducens, which belongs to moisture as the source of electricity The writer can be contacted at appealing.
moisture. The moisture content itself tained performance. All that has a group of bacteria that is electrically by sealing the top face of the film - The findings mimic earlier research
done in animals, which showed junk
food impairs the hippocampus. There

Aditya-L1’s date with the Sun are no concrete reasons as to why this
happens, but the hippocampus is con-
sidered to block or weaken memories
about food when we are full.
These initial subtle impairments
caused by the western-style diet may
lead to long-term decline in other areas
such as obesity and diabetes —both of
which have links to developing demen-
tia and declines in brain performance,
Stevenson said. He believes the govern-
ment will eventually be forced to restrict
the consumption of junk food in the
same way it has done smoking. He said,
“Demonstrating that processed foods
can lead to subtle cognitive impair-
ments that affect appetite and serve to
promote overeating in otherwise healthy
young people should be a worrying find-
ing for everyone.”
The study, published in the journal
Royal Society Open Science, is one of the
The various payloads on the satellite
first studies, which looks into whether
the western diet impairs memory and
nm) region. and that of the inner most layer is appetite control in humans.
about 6,000 Kelvin.
� Aditya Solar Wind Particle However, the temperature of the The independent

Experiment (Aspex): It will study corona, which is nearly at a distance

the variation of solar wind properties of 10 times that of the photosphere
as well as its distribution and spectral from the core, is about 1 million Innovative indeed
characteristics. Kelvin. Further, temperature of the
corona is not the same everywhere —
An artist's impression of Aditya L-1 � Plasma Analyser Package for it is too low at some places and too
Aditya (Papa): To understand the high at others. Why is temperature of
composition of solar wind and its the corona so high? Why is corona so
The Indian Space Research Organisation’s maiden energy distribution. mysterious? These are two of the
unanswered questions in solar
solar mission, which is expected to launch by the � Solar Low Energy X-ray Spec- physics.
end of this year, will seek to unravel some long- trometer (Solexs): This spectrome-
ter will monitor the X-ray flares for
Other important issues which
Aditya-L1will try to resolve are —
standing mysteries of solar physics studying the heating mechanism of dynamics of the coronal mass ejec- An image from video footage showing
the solar corona. tion, route of the solar storm to Earth, violinist Dagmar Turner playing the vio-
BINAY MALAKAR 2008 by Isro for space research. It was start orbiting around L1. and from where the Sun ejects its lin as doctors monitored her movements
initially envisaged as a 400 kg-class There will be a total of seven pay- � High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray harmful UV rays. on screens during her brain surgery on

fter two Chandrayaan mis- Low Earth Orbiting mini-satellite with loads with different objectives and it Spectrometer (Hel1os): This spec- Scientists believe that Aditya-L1 31 January has gone viral. She helped
sions, it’s now the Sun’s turn. only one payload to study the solar is the first Indian space mission to be trometer will provide an estimate of will be able to unlock the mystery of surgeons avoid damage to her brain dur-
The Indian Space Research corona. The scope of the mission has placed at the Lagrangian point L1. the energy used to accelerate the par- the Sun, the object we observe every- ing the operation to remove a tumour
Organisation will launch its since been expanded and it is now ticles during the eruptive events. day in the sky from morning to by playing her instrument, said the
maiden solar mission, called Aditya-L1, planned to be a comprehensive solar � Variable Emission Line Coron- evening and due to which water can British hospital where she underwent
by the end of 2020 from the Satish and space environment observatory agraph (Velc): The coronagraph cre- � Magnetometer: It will measure exist in liquid form only on this plan- the innovative procedure. Consultant
Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota to be placed at the first Lagrangian ates an artificial total solar eclipse in the magnitude and nature of the et. If this mission comes out with fly- neurosurgeon Keyoumars Ashkan of
using the PSLV-XL rocket. It may not point or “L1”. space by blocking sunlight with an interplanetary magnetic field. ing colours, then India will definitely King’s College Hospital in London hit on
be possible to penetrate the Fire Ring The main payload, Variable occulator. This coronagraph will study The main aim of this mission is be in a strong position in the field of the plan to ensure that areas of Turner’s
of the Sun but it will try to go to its vicin- Emission Line Coronagraph, can pro- the diagnostic parameters of the solar to study the solar corona, and the two space research. The Aditya-L1 mission brain responsible for intricate hand
ity to study the solar corona closely. This vide observations of different layers corona, the origin of coronal mass outer layers—photosphere and chro- is expected to provide a multi- movements were not affected during the
ambitious plan of Isro will put India at of the Sun including the solar corona. ejection and magnetic field measure- mosphere—with the help of the Velc. pronged holistic approach for the precision procedure. The medical team
the frontier of cutting edge research. The Aditya-L1 mission will be insert- ment of solar corona. In the core of the Sun, due to thermo- understanding of some of the long- proposed that Turner be woken up mid-
It will carry out vigilance in the secret ed in a halo orbit around the L1 point nuclear reactions called fusion, standing problems of solar physics. way through the procedure so she could
haunt of the Sun to find out its myste- — about 1.5 million kms from Earth � Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Tele- hydrogen gets converted into helium play and be monitored to make sure her
rious actions, and send information and and 147.5 million kms from the Sun. scope (Suit): This telescope will continuously and thus we get light The writer is associate professor and head, coordination was not being affected.
photographs back to the Blue Planet. The 1,500 kg satellite will take about image the photosphere and chromos- and heat energy. The temperature in department of physics, Netaji Mahavidyalaya,
Aditya L-1 was conceptualised in 100 days from the date of launch to phere in the near ultraviolet (200-400 the core is about 15 million Kelvin Arambagh, West Bengal The straits times/ann


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