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Dark Ages: Inquisitor Companion

White Wolf

ISBN 1-58846-291-9

WW20011 $22.99 US

A Sourcebook for Dark Ages: Inquisitor™

Dark Ages: Inquisitor Companion
White Wolf

ISBN 1-58846-291-9

WW20011 $22.99 US

A Sourcebook for Dark Ages: Inquisitor™


By Kraig Blackwelder, Myranda Kalis, Jonathan L. Shepherd,

Adam Tinworth and Janet Trautvetter
Vampire created by Mark Rein•Hagen

Authors: Kraig Blackwelder (The Ways of the
Faithful (The Lamp of Faith, Endowments, Curses,
Merits and Flaws)), Myranda Kalis (Playing the
Inquisition (Life in the Church, The Inquisition in
the Church), Soldiers of God, Servants of Hell),
Jonathan L. Shepherd (Playing the Inquisition
(Sample of Play), The Ways of the Faithful (Orisons
and Holy Art)), Adam Tinworth (My Order, My
Brothers) and Janet Trautvetter (Prelude, Playing
the Inquisition (Serving the Inquisition)).
Storyteller game system designed by Mark
Development and Additional Material: Mat-
thew McFarland
Editor: Michelle Lyons
Art Direction, Layout & Typesetting: Becky
Interior Art: Mike Chaney, James Stowe,
Tim Truman, and John Wigley
Front Cover Art: Adrian Smith
Front & Back Cover Design: Becky Jollensten

© 2004White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights re-

served. Reproduction without the written permission of
the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the pur-
poses of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may
be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vam-
pire, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire the Dark Ages,
Mage the Ascension, Hunter the Reckoning, World of
Darkness and Aberrant are registered trademarks of White
Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Werewolf the
Apocalypse, Wraith the Oblivion, Changeling the Dream-
ing, Werewolf the Wild West, Mage the Sorcerers Crusade,
Wraith the Great War, Trinity, Dark Ages Storytellers Companion, Dark Ages Vampire, Dark Ages Mage,
Dark Ages British Isles, Dark Ages Europe, Right of Princes, Spoils of War, Bitter Crusade, London by Night,
Under the Black Cross, Cainite Heresy, Constantinople by Night, Jerusalem by Night, Libellus Sanguinis
I Masters of the State, Libellus Sanguinis II Keepers of the Word, Libellus Sanguinis III Wolves at the Door,
Libellus Sanguinis IV Thieves in the Night, The Ashen Knight, The Ashen Thief, Road of the Beast, Road
of Kings, Road of Heaven, Road of Sin, Iberia by Night, Transylvania by Night, House of Tremere, Wolves
of the Sea, Fountains of Bright Crimson, Wind from the East, Veil of Night, Dark Ages Inquisitor, and Dark
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Prelude: Woman’s Intuition 5

Introduction 15
Chapter One: My Order, My Brothers 19
Chapter Two: Playing the Inquisitor 51
Chapter Three: The Ways of the Faithful 91
Chapter Four: Servants of God, Soldiers of Hell 129

The questioning had been long, punctuated by the
creak of the rack and the cries of agony from the woman
strapped to it. The rack’s bone-wrenching strength and
the tireless interrogation of Sir Augustin were relentless
forces, allowing the woman neither rest nor pity as they
struggled with Satan for her immortal soul. In the end,
the effort had been fruitful; Sister Mathilde’s fingers all
but cramped trying to get down the woman’s faltering
Mathilde did not pay much attention to the mean-
ing of what she was writing. It took all her concentration
just to keep up, letting the words flow from her ears to
her fingers without filtering them with her mind. Thank-
fully, Sir Augustin was an old hand at such interrogations;
he waited until the scratching of her pen stopped before
asking the next question, skillfully monitoring both the
pace and clarity of the confession so it could be properly
At last, Sir Augustin was satisfied. Even Sir “After that confession, are you doubting
Baudioun, whose limited German prevented him Brother Leopold’s gift?” Sir Baudioun asked, as-
from handling task of interrogation himself, could tonished.
find nothing more to ask. One-Eyed Huart turned “No, Brother. I’m telling you I don’t share it.” For
the wheel back, relaxing the rack’s tension, and which I thank God. She could see the disappointment in
the two Red Sisters released the weeping Agnise their faces; so be it. Her own gift was less practical in
from its bonds. Huart made sure the prisoner’s application and rather harder to explain. “I’m told I
manacles were secured before allowing Sister have a good instinct about people, however. Since
Mathilde and Sister Katherin to escort the none of the Oculi Dei yet dwell in this city, perhaps it
wretched woman to her cell, a makeshift affair on might be useful if Sister Katherin and I spent some time
the women’s side of the chapter-house. listening to the talk in the market —”
“She’s in your care, Sisters,” Sir Baudioun “They would hardly gossip in the presence of
said, with Sir Augustin translating. “Take special two holy sisters,” Sir Baudioun returned, frowning
note of anything else she says, and harden your slightly.
hearts to her pleas. Her confession today only “Then clearly we must put aside our habits for
proves what Brother Leopold first suspected. There something less conspicuous, so they will talk more
is a foul nest of Satan in this city, and she is but the freely in our presence. As the Rule permits — and
first we shall uncover; Master Nicolaus shall be with your permission, of course, Brother,” Mathilde
the next.” added, seeing the frown lines reappear on Sir
“With all due respect, Sir Baudioun, Sir Augustin’s forehead.
Augustin….” Katherin shot Mathilde a warning Sir Baudioun thought about it a moment, then
glance, but Mathilde ignored it. “Her confession is nodded. “As you see fit, Sister,” he agreed, “but with
hardly sufficient evidence to convict anyone but discretion. We do not yet know the extent of the Devil’s
herself. Her accusation alone won’t be enough to conspiracy here. In addition, if you would have the
try Master Nicolaus before the Council of Faith, transcription of her confession prepared as soon as
much less bring charges against him before the possible, I would greatly appreciate that as well.”
Salt Merchant’s Guild.” †††
“We will be investigating her accusations thor- It had been years since Mathilde had visited a
oughly, Sister, so you may put your mind at ease.” market. She’d forgotten the press of crowds; the
Sir Augustin’s voice brooked no argument, and a clamor of venders shouting, arguing, haggling; the
disapproving crease appeared between his bushy lowing of cattle and squawking of chickens; the
white brows to signal his displeasure. “Your task is squeals of children running about underfoot. All
to see to this poor creature until the Council was noise, chaos and disorder. It was a far cry from
determines her proper fate.” the order and quiet of the convent: the stillness of
Sir Augustin turned away, but Sir Baudioun the cloister, the rustle of crisp parchment pages,
stopped him. Mathilde’s command of French was the rise and fall of plainsong chant at services. It
sufficient to dispense with Sir Augustin’s transla- felt odd to wear a blue and brown matron’s plain
tion, so Baudioun spoke openly. “Wait, Augustin. kirtle instead of her red habit and surplice, a
In Brother Leopold’s absence, Sister Mathilde simple kerchief covering her cropped hair, her
may be able to assist us — she is his kinswoman, throat bare of any wimple. Strange, indeed, to
after all.” blend in with dozens of other women in the square,
“Sister Mathilde, my brother knight makes a instead of being set apart by birth, profession, and
good point. You are related to Brother Leopold, the curse in her blood.
and a member of the house of Murnau….” Augustin “Master Nicolaus, he’s a good man, as fair in
paused, awkwardly. his dealings as they come.” Ilse tucked away the
“He is my uncle, yes,” replied Mathilde in her candles she had just purchased neatly in her bas-
best French, “though I should confess, Brothers, ket. Mathilde’s years in the convent had not
that to me this poor woman smells of sweat and prepared her for this task. Inside its walls, she was
fear and unwashed clothing. Nothing more.” one of the sisters. Her origin or birth was consid-


ered unimportant, even irrelevant. Out here, how- “Ah, yes. Rosemary is sweet. But I’ve little
ever, the sense of displacement was made more need of it, more’s the pity.” Ilse began to walk
acute by realizing that she was considered un- again, and Mathilde had to step quickly to keep
doubtedly foreign by those around her, truly a up.
pilgrim in a strange land. “Why not?” Mathilde asked.
Surprisingly, Mathilde’s strong Bavarian ac- Ilse shrugged. “Well, it is for lamb. The master
cent had made Ilse less suspicious of her questions; cannot abide even the smell of it cooking — that’s
perhaps she assumed none of her employer’s busi- one of the few things he’s particular about. Ah,
ness rivals would hire a foreigner as a spy. Even so, here’s the brothers and their cheese….”
Mathilde had to listen carefully, for Ilse’s broad They stopped at a stall run by black-robed
local dialect was sometimes hard for her to follow. Benedictine monks and hung with cheeses of
“Ten years I’ve been with him, and he and Mis- several sorts. As Ilse haggled with one garrulous
tress Anna’s been good to me. I’ll not spread red-cheeked brother over the price of a brick of
gossip; it’s careless words as raises an ill wind.” hard cheese, Mathilde noticed a man lurking just
“Oh, of course,” Mathilde assured her. “My one stall over. He seemed familiar somehow.
mother, God rest her soul, used to say the same At first Mathilde could not place him, then
thing. You’re fortunate to work for a good Chris- she realized she’d seen him several times before
tian man. My cousin once worked for a merchant that morning, always just a stall or two away. Was
in Hamburg that was like the very devil in his he following them? There were no Oculi Dei in
moods. Never satisfied, he was: the soup was ei- Lübeck. Who did that leave that might be inter-
ther too hot or not hot enough, and if you served ested in her doings, or Ilse’s?
him fish, it was chicken he wanted.” As Ilse paid for her cheese and added it to her
“Oh, he’s particular enough on some things,” basket, their observer seemed to come to some
Ilse said, “but past those, whatever’s on the table kind of internal resolve and approached them. “I
is good enough so long as I didn’t spend too much beg your pardon, Mistress,” he began. “You are in
for it. He’s not one to tolerate the waste of either the household of Master Nicolaus von Mainz?”
a minute or a penny, is Master Nicolaus. There, Ilse gave him a suspicious look and gripped her
now all I need is some onions and the cheese.” basket tighter. “Yes.”
Mathilde followed the cook as she wove her He offered a smile, though to Mathilde’s eyes
way in-between the close-packed stalls and clumps it looked a bit false. “Then you would know my
of other market-goers. Ilse stopped in front of a sister, Agnise.”
stall displaying a variety of vegetables and herbs as
Agnise. Mathilde stiffened reflexively. Fortu-
she chattered. Mathilde pretended to examine the
nately, neither of them were looking at her.
hanging herbs while she listened, her thoughts
“I would, yes,” Ilse said. “I don’t recall her
wandering as she nodded occasionally to keep Ilse
mentioning a brother, though.”
talking. Ilse clearly had a high opinion of her
master; it was hard to think of a diplomatic way of He smiled again, a bit too smoothly. “Half-
asking about anything Agnise had claimed. Would brother, I should say. Perhaps that is why she
she even admit to knowing Agnise at all? How did didn’t think to mention me. I am her only kin,
one ask for gossip from a woman she’d just met? St. nonetheless, and as such feel some fraternal con-
Scholastica, Holy Mary, please guide my tongue and cern for her well-being. I stopped by the house
hers. Let her tell me what I need to know. where I might expect to find her, but she was
unaccountably not available. No one seemed to
“There, that’s all but the cheese,” Ilse said,
know where she might be.”
packing the onions away in her basket as well.
“What have we here?” She gestured toward the Ilse frowned. “Nor do I. I’ve not seen her since
bunch of herbs Mathilde was idly examining. Sunday a week ago.”
Mathilde touched the hanging bunch of green. “Neither has anyone else. Surely you can un-
“Rosemary. I’ve always liked the smell of it.” derstand how this concerns me. After all, what

reason could she have for leaving Master Nicolaus’s She was in the middle of a line when she
service so abruptly?” stopped, struck by inspiration. She stopped, re-
So, Agnise had been missed. Mathilde won- read what she had just transcribed, then checked
dered if this man was truly Agnise’s brother, or her own notes to ensure what she saw was correct.
another minion of the girl’s master who was sent Now, that’s interesting…. She bent to her task
out to find out her fate. She made as good a note again.
of his face and clothing as she could without †††
appearing too obvious about it. When the Poor Knights returned, Mathilde
“I’m sure I wouldn’t know. If I see her, though, was there to meet them. “Sir Baudioun. A mo-
I’ll be sure to tell her you’re looking for her.” Ilse ment, if you please….” Mathilde hurried, taking
gave him a stiff nod of the head, and started to three steps to the knight’s two until he realized she
walk by him. “Good afternoon.” was trying to get his attention.
“As you are a Christian, Mistress, have pity on “Yes, Sister? Have you got the transcripts completed?”
a brother’s concerns! Can you give me nothing of he added, noticing the leather folder in her arms.
my sister’s whereabouts?” He moved to follow “Yes, Brother. I wanted to draw your attention
them. “I would hate to think she had reason to run to something. Look here,” she said, and laid the
away, whether for shame or fear for her virtue — folder down on a sideboard, opening it up to
that would not bode well for Master Nicolaus’s display the parchment sheets contained within.
reputation in the Guild.” “Here, on page three, when she begins her true
Ilse turned on him so quickly that he was forced to confession... she says that Master Nicolaus urged
take a step back to avoid running into her. “As you are her to eat meat on a fast day, and so they had
a Christian, sir, you’d best be thinking of your own roasted lamb during Lent.”
sister’s reputation before you dare cast any stones! Now “Lamb is flesh, sister. Especially during Lent.”
be off with you, and leave good folk alone.” “Yes, of course, but that’s not the point. I was
This time when Ilse strode off, he did not talking to Master Nicolaus’ cook yesterday, and
follow. Mathilde was torn for the space of a breath she said that lamb was the one flesh he could not
— this brother might be a lead to Agnise’s de- abide. Couldn’t even stand the smell of it cooking,
monic master, if she could but follow him back she said. And look here.” She flipped a few more
from whence he came. Yet she would lose her pages. “Here she confesses that Master Nicolaus
fragile rapport with Ilse if she deserted her now. In gave her to this demonic creature Ambrosius,
the end, she followed Ilse, and prayed she might whom he did summon in the garden, and she lay
make good use of what she had heard at a more with both of them. But look at the date she claims
convenient time. — the ides of November! According to the testi-
††† mony that Brother Jander was able to get from the
Mathilde returned to the chapter-house in Salt Merchants Guild, Master Nicolaus was in
time to don her proper red habit again and join the Lüneburg during that time.”
others for mid-day Mass. The Poor Knights de- “Perhaps they thought he was, and he was
parted immediately after Father Hermann’s instead serving the Devil instead of the Guild.
benediction. Sir Baudioun promised to read her Surely you do not doubt the sincerity of this
report when he returned, and once again asked her confession? She could not have invented so much
about the transcript of Agnise’s confession. while under such severe question!”
That afternoon and most of the following “No, that’s not it either. Look here, Brother...”
morning therefore found Mathilde sitting at her Mathilde flipped back to the very beginning of the
copydesk, working from her inscribed notes and confession. “Here, where she first begins her con-
rendering one full transcription in vernacular fession. The question is ‘Did Master Nicolaus
German for poor Agnise to sign later (in keeping entice you to sin,’ not ‘Who enticed you to sin?’
with canon law), and another in Latin for the She only answered what she was asked, Brother. I
Inquisition archives. She did the German first, think what she confessed was real, except for the
then rendered the Latin from it, line by line. name — she accused Master Nicolaus because she


thought that was what we wanted to hear, and he face and combed her hair, put a proper kerchief on
may not in fact be the guilty one at all!” her, and now sat next to her just out of sight — a
The Knight frowned at the transcript. “I com- reminder to Agnise of what fate awaited her should
mend you on your thoroughness, Sister Mathilde, she say the wrong things to her worried visitor.
but you are new to this city. We have known Mathilde pointed Agnise’s ‘brother’ to the right
Master Nicolaus for a long time. A year ago, he sat window and made her escape, pleading fear that
as magistrate for the city and let a known witch go she might be seen — in truth, it was as much to get
free — despite the testimony put before him from away from his familiar leer as to preserve her
our Order. I think it far more likely that Agnise disguise. By the time they reached the house, she
mistook the date, or that Master Nicolaus only was feeling quite inclined to slap him. She did
pretends to dislike the taste of lamb — for there is nothing to give herself away, though, taking the
no doubt he is in the Devil’s service, and I will find coin he gave her “for her trouble” and leaving him,
the means to bring him down for it.” slipping in the back of the house.
“Still,” Mathilde persisted. “Perhaps she should Agnise looked very ill at ease as she leaned
be questioned again—” towards the open window. Not only was Sister
“God’s —” Baudioun cut himself off before the Katherine sitting close by her, but One-Eyed Huart
expletive was finished, and took a breath to re- also sat on a stool across the room, grinning and
member propriety. “Your pardon, Sister — but do playing with a length of rope he’d tied into a
not concern yourself with chasing theories with- noose. Mathilde picked up a wax tablet and started
out substance. This…” he tapped the pages of the making notes on the conversation.
transcript, “…is not enough to convict him, but “Well, if you’re not pregnant,” came the sharp
we have only begun our investigation. The evi- hiss from the street, “then why in God’s name does
dence is there, and it will be found, I assure you.” he have you locked up?”
“Of course, Brother,” Mathilde bowed her Agnise cast a desperate look at them, no doubt
head. And I intend to find it. wishing she’d admitted to pregnancy to still his
††† further questions. “I… I don’t know, Martin. Go
Timing was important. Mathilde wore the away now, you might have been seen!”
matron’s blue gown again and kept a sharp eye out “You know His Lordship is going to ask. What
— she did not want Ilse to notice her. Fortunately, should I tell him? Does Nicolaus know or not? He
she spotted her quarry on the western edge of the must be suspicious at least — why else would he
market, scanning the crowd. Ilse was nowhere in lock you up? If you’ve told him anything….” He
sight, but there was little doubt he was looking for let the words trail off threateningly.
her. Hopefully he would remember Mathilde as “No, no!” Agnise shook her head frantically.
well. “No, I haven’t told him anything. Please tell him
The man eyed her warily as she approached, that. I swear it, on my soul!”
but seemed intrigued by her whispered news and “He’ll be asking about you tonight. You know
invitation. “So that’s what he’s done with her, he will,” Martin began slyly, and then his voice
eh?” The fellow shook his head. “Afraid his fel- sharpened, its volume suddenly rising in fury even
lows in the Guild would hear of it, no doubt. as it turned away from the window. “You traitor-
Where is she now?” ous bitch!”
“I can show you,” Mathilde said. “But we must There were sounds of a scuffle in the alley and
be quick. He keeps a close watch on her.” a grunt of pain from Brother Jander, who had
“Lead the way. Don’t worry, Fraulein, I’ll make apparently not been as stealthy in his approach as
it worth your while….” he had hoped. Huart leapt to his feet, pushed his
††† way to the window and sprang out, still holding his
The window overlooked an alleyway. It was
small and high enough that he could not see into Mathilde ran to the window as well, partly to
it — and see Agnise’s face only when she leaned put a firm hand on Agnise, lest she entertain
out. Sister Katherin had cleaned the prisoner’s similar ideas, and partly to see what was happen-

ing below. Huart’s arrival had tipped the balance else visits there tonight. We can leave word with
— he’d knocked most of the fight out of Martin by Father Hermann and he can tell the Knights
landing directly on him. He was now sitting on the where we’ve gone. We don’t have to do anything,
man’s legs, wrapping the rope around his prisoner’s Brother, if you don’t think that’s wise, but let us at
wrists. least watch as the Oculi Dei do.”
Brother Jander looked up at Mathilde. “I’m He hesitated. Just as Mathilde was about to
sorry, Sister, he heard me coming.” He had the start yet another round of persuasion, however, he
sense to look a bit abashed. “Now we don’t know nodded reluctantly. “Very well. But we’re just
where this fellow’s master will be tonight, or who going to watch, Sister,” he added firmly.
he is!” Mathilde bowed her head respectfully. “Of
Mathilde looked down at Agnise. “We don’t course, Brother.”
know yet,” she said sternly, drawing on memories †††
of Aunt Franziska. That woman’s glare could cause The city was quiet and dark; only a few faint,
errant squires to bend a knee and confess all. Even flickering lights shone from upper windows as its
Count Frederick’s most frothing pique was no residents prepared for bed. Huart carried their
match for Aunt Franziska’s artfully raised eye- lantern half-shuttered, so as to provide only enough
brow. She hoped she looked half as imposing. “But light to avoid the worst of the street’s muck.
I’m sure we will very soon.” Father Hermann insisted they bring Huart — not
Agnise whimpered softly. only to satisfy the Rule that did not permit a monk
††† and nun to be together unescorted, but also to
Supper came and went. The brief service for provide the added protection offered by the stout
Compline was held, and still the knights had not club that hung from his belt.
returned. Mathilde found herself pacing in the They walked west to the bridge over the Trave,
hall and fretting, while outside darkness descended but did not cross it. Instead they turned north,
on Lübeck’s streets. keeping the river to their left as Brother Jander
“Brother, how long must we wait?” she de- had seen it in his vision. They kept the lantern low
manded of Brother Jander, as he came out of the to avoid attention, having no desire to be delayed
little room that served as their library and in their purpose by the questions of suspicious
scriptorium. “Tonight is the night, you heard guardsmen. To the right, the street was lined with
Martin say it. Master Baldewin will be entertain- tall, narrow brick houses, the lower floors of which
ing his dark patron tonight, and it will be our best often served as shop and warehouse for the mer-
chance to prove his guilt — and catch his demon chant or craftsman who dwelt there. The left side
master as well.” of the street ended in a stone quay, where the
The monk frowned and tucked his hands in occasional barge or other small river boat was tied.
his sleeves. “We can’t go without Sir Baudioun Huart had quick ears — he pulled them into
and the others. If this Ambrosius is a Cainite or one of the intersecting streets at one point and
some other sort of devil, we will need their steel.” quickly shuttered the lantern. They ducked inside
“But we don’t know what time their meeting a door alcove and drew their cloaks around them.
is. If we wait and Sir Baudioun decides to watch The clip-clopping of hooves and the tread of boots
Master Nicolaus’ house all night, we shall lose our on cobblestones became clearer. A rider on a fine
chance. God has given us this opportunity, Brother horse went by escorted by four guardsmen on foot,
— we cannot waste it.” She moved closer and one of whom carried a lantern on a pole.
lowered her voice. “You said you invoked the Holy They waited for the procession to go by and let
Art when Agnise was crying, and God showed you the length of several Pater Nosters pass. “A man of
a warehouse near the river. You’d know it again if some rank,” Brother Jander whispered to them. “A
you saw it, wouldn’t you?” master of the guild, at least, and he seems to be
“I think so….” going where we are going. Most interesting.”
“Good. Let us at least search for that ware- They followed cautiously, leaving their lan-
house, then, and see if Master Baldewin or anyone tern shuttered. Mathilde blinked several times


until her eyes adjusted to the gloom. Finally, she This was a larger and cleaner boat than most. It had
could make out the looming heights of the build- an enclosed cabin to the rear and several large casks
ings and the shadowy forms of the boats on the lashed in place near the front. Looking around, she
moonlit river. found a place to hide behind one of the casks where she
The man they were following stopped after a could see the street but was mostly hidden from it. She
short distance. Light flared onto the street from an pulled the hood of her cloak up over the white of her
opening door, and he was welcomed within the veil, the better to hide from an errant glance.
house. His men and horse went down a side street, She’d only been there a few minutes when the
presumably to the garden back behind. first wave of nausea struck. She could smell noth-
They waited to make sure that no one was ing unusual — she never did smell anything — but
watching, then drew closer. Brother Jander stepped something was happening, some unnatural power
out into the street. When he came back, he was at work close by. Such dark magics always made
excited. “This is it!” he said, a bit louder than he her ill by their very proximity.
intended. Upon seeing the looks of panic on Close, she realized, too close. She started to rise
Mathilde’s and Huart’s faces, his face flushed with and seek a different hiding spot, but the door to
embarrassment. “This is the house that Agnise the barge’s cabin opened and someone came out.
saw,” he added, speaking in a much softer tone. Mathilde sank back into her hiding place and
“This must be where they’re meeting; praise be to pulled the cloak around her, gritting her teeth
God..” against the growing queasy feeling in the back of
“Thank God for revealing it to us,” Mathilde her throat. Perhaps he wouldn’t see her....
agreed. “A pity that Sir Baudioun is not here — A cold, clammy hand with a grip of iron closed
he’s watching the wrong house tonight.” over her mouth, and a damp, hard-muscled arm
“I could go fetch him,” Huart offered. “I know locked itself around her throat.
where they are.” Mathilde’s hands flew upwards, digging into
“But the Rule —” Brother Jander sputtered, her captor’s chilled flesh. She struggled to free
beginning his protest. herself, but it was too strong. “Stay still,” it hissed
“— can be set aside if need requires,” Mathilde in her ear, as it tightened its grip on her throat.
reminded him. “And if you and I watch from She stopped struggling only when black spots
different locations, that should be sufficient, began to appear in her vision.
shouldn’t it?” “Have you caught something, Grim?” The
“I suppose so,” he said, although he didn’t look voice was soft, commanding, coming from the
happy. “Very well, Huart will go and fetch the boat’s apparent master. “Bring it here. At once.”
Knights, and you and I will hide and watch the Mathilde felt herself being hauled to her feet
house. I suppose one of us should watch the front and pushed forward. “I found her,” her captor
and one the back — if there is a place to watch in whined. “She’s mine.”
the front.” “Come now, Grim. Don’t be greedy.” He came
“I’ll take the front,” Mathilde said. “I think I forward to meet her, a young man with dark curls
know a safe place.” and a handsome face, pale and bloodless as a
††† corpse. His eyes were ice-blue and glittered in the
The barge seemed deserted when Mathilde moonlight; his expression sent a chill down
lowered herself from the quay to its deck, holding Mathilde’s spine. “And what have we here? Are
on to one of its mooring-ropes for balance. She you lost, mistress? Seeking passage, perhaps? Re-
had already noticed that neither Brother Jander lease her, Grim. I’m sure she knows better than to
nor Huart had cast nearly as many wary looks at scream — don’t you, my dear?”
the boats they had passed as they had at the The clammy hands released her with a rasping
darkened windows of the houses themselves — chuckle. “Seeking passage, indeed!”
she could only hope that held true of other passers- Fear gripped her belly and triggered another
by as well. wave of nausea, making it hard to speak. Unholy

powers. Somehow she managed to turn her gaze There was a rasping chuckle from the demon
away, which gave her a moment’s respite. “Pray at her words. The man turned on his lackey with
excuse me,” she said. The weakness in her voice a hiss of barely suppressed fury. “Another word
irritated and frightened her, which in turn gave from you, Grim, and you will go hungry tonight.”
her strength. No Murnau runs from the Devil. “I He then turned back to her, crossed the distance
was expecting to meet my brother, but clearly I am between them in two long strides. With a vicious
on the wrong boat. Your man is extremely rude.” snarl, he spun her around and pushed her against
By the time she’d gotten to the end of her the cabin wall. “Enough playing harlot games,
sentence, the nausea had faded and her temper woman!” he said. Before she could resist, he ripped
had roused itself, overpowering her fear. She turned the veil from her head, and then the wimple from
around to give her attacker a blistering repri- her throat as well.
mand, but the words died in her throat. He stopped then, staring dumbfounded at her
It was shorter than she, hunched and wiry, cropped hair and finally recognizing her red habit
dressed in dripping rags. Its face was a hairless, for what it was. “What the — you’re a nun? What
ravaged skull, with barely a pit for the nose, was Martin thinking? What good is a nun to me?”
and a lipless jaw sporting a handful of crooked, His voice rose dangerously with every word; his
jagged teeth. It grinned — or at least that fury beat at her, his fingers digging into her shoul-
might have been the effect had it sufficient ders like an animal’s claws. Bile burned in the
flesh on its cheeks. The actual result was far too back of her throat and her stomach churned dan-
gruesome to be genial. gerously, but she could not risk becoming ill now.
“Demon,” she gasped, startled. She took an Weakness would mean her death.
involuntary step backward, clutching at her A wave of relief swept over her (accompanied by
stomach. overwhelming nausea) when she glanced over the
“Yes, I’m afraid he is quite the little mon- Cainite’s shoulder, desperate for a sign from God.
ster, isn’t he?” the soft voice continued in her Miraculously, she spotted a white tunic with a broken
ear. Strong hands gripped her shoulders, turn- red cross appearing out of the darkness above them on
ing her away from the thing and toward the the quay. Oh, thank God. She let it come then, vomiting
broad expanse of the river. “But don’t worry, forth a bitter flood of bile and ill humors churned up by
my dear. I won’t let him hurt you. I do think ungodly arts and the curse in her blood. Her captor cried
you owe me an explanation, however, as to why out in disgust and let her go, quickly stepping back to
you’re on my boat.” avoid soiling his clothes. He found himself facing a far
“I told you,” she said, raising her chin greater danger, however, as Sir Baudioun jumped down
proudly and turning away from him. Keep him on him from the quay.
distracted. Keep him looking at you, not towards Mathilde dropped to her knees, still retching,
the shore. “I was looking for my brother. Mar- spitting out the last foul dregs from her mouth as
tin.” She improvised, hoping her luck would she tried to stay low and out of the way. By the
hold. “Do you know him?” time she was able to look up again, the battle was
“Ah....” His voice changed from suspicious over. The Cainite was prone on the deck with a
to satisfied. “Yes, I do. I’m surprised he’s not stake protruding up from its chest, the once-hand-
here to introduce us properly, but I suppose some face frozen in a terrible grimace. Its severed
we’ll have to make the best of it.” His hands arm lay nearby, a long knife falling from its with-
slid down her arms caressingly, and he bent ering fingers. Augustin stood over the charred,
closer as if to kiss her cheek. broken remains of the hideous Grim, stamping
them into ash.
Mathilde stepped away quickly, suppress-
ing the involuntary shudder that came over her “Sister — are you alright?” Baudioun stepped
at the mere thought of those cold, dead lips on closer and extended a hand down to her. Grate-
her skin. “We’ve still not been introduced,” fully, she allowed him to help her to her feet. “Are
she said primly, stepping away from him and you ill?” he asked, bending a bit to peer into her
toward the barge’s cabin. face. “You’ll pardon me, but you look terrible.”


Mathilde managed a brave smile, and ac- “God’s blood, woman!” Baudioun grinned
cepted the cloth Brother Jander offered her to and shook his head. “Don’t worry, we’ve got
wipe her mouth. “By God’s grace, I am quite men at all the doors. We’ll have to go have a
recovered. Thank you, Brother.” For such a little talk with Master Baldewin very shortly.
graceful recovery of her dignity, Aunt Franziska You Murnau, you never give up, do you?”
would have been proud. She could not help but “No,” Mathilde said, a wry smile on her lips.
add, however, “I think you’ll find the rest of “We don’t.”
this creature’s accomplices in the house there, “Good,” Baudioun replied. “Because if you’re
if they have not already fled. This includes right — which I am almost willing to concede —
Master Baldewin of the Salt Merchant’s Guild, you’re going to have a lot of transcripts to do.”
with whom it appears Agnise is most intimately “Of course, Brother,” Mathilde said, and
acquainted.” smiled.

The bows of the warriors are broken, but those
who stumbled are armed with strength.
— 1 Samuel 2:4

The Inquisition has a daunting task ahead it. Its ultimate goal
is nothing less than the cleansing of Satan’s get from the world —
ambitious, to say the least. The inquisitors have seen their orders
derided by high-ranking Church officials; they have seen what
happens when servants of the Lord overstep their boundaries; and
they have seen the horrors that the Adversary is capable of
wreaking in Earth through his minions.
The Inquisition has barely scratched the surface.

The Catechism
A catechism is a book giving the basic principles of Christianity
in question-and-answer form (it can also simply refer to any body
of basic knowledge on a given topic). This book, the Dark Ages:
Inquisitor Companion, is a catechism of sorts. While you probably
already know the history and current state of the shadow Inquisi-
tion — likewise with what inquisitors are capable of doing with a
little Conviction and good dollop of faith — there’s definitely
more to the story.
Logistics of Murnau) and what temptations await such inquisi-
tors. It also presents sample of play, including both
For instance, few of us are scholars of Catholic preparing a case and direct confrontation with the
history or of medieval monasticism. As Storyteller or Enemy. In addition, the Cardinal’s secret weapons, the
player, you probably want to represent the Church and Daggers of God, are revealed.
life within it at least somewhat fairly. Doing so without Chapter Three: The Ways of Faith includes not
engaging in lengthy, rather arcane research, however, only new Blessings, Curses, Merits and Flaws, but a
is difficult at best. This book therefore contains quite a discussion on what it means to have Conviction. How
bit of information on the medieval Church and, more does the flock perceive an inquisitor who is so full of
importantly, how the Inquisition functions within it. faith that she can literally work miracles? How does the
How, for instance, do Holy Sisters leave cloister to Enemy perceive such mortals? How does the Inquisi-
undertake missions for the Inquisition? How does the tion itself regard Blessings and Curses? All of these
Inquisition handle having inquisitors of different gen- topics and more are covered in this chapter.
ders working together (something the Church was
rather touchy about, to say the least)? We’ve given Chapter Four: Soldiers of God, Servants of Hell
these and other matters some scrutiny, and you can discusses the development of an inquisitorial cell and
read the results herein. what happens as the inquisitors therein become pro-
moted. We include rules for playing inquisitors with no
The Orders special Blessings, as well as inquisitors who belong to
more than one order. This chapter also presents six
Rather than publishing a book for each order of the possible antagonists for the Holy Inquisition, some of
Inquisition (which, frankly, would have been over- whom know little of God’s Soldiers… and some of
kill), we’ve presented a bit of information here on all of whom know far too much.
them. In this book, you’ll find each order’s recruitment
policies, tactics for dealing with the minions of Satan,
role within the Church, and attitudes toward each Vocabularium
other and the flock as a whole explained in greater The following monastic and Church-related terms
detail. You’ll also find a chapter-house for each one, appear in various places throughout this book, and the
with enough detail to spark ideas of characters and reader might find having them listed here useful.
stories. • Abbot/Abbess: The spiritual and administrative
head of an abbey of monks or nuns, generally elected by
New Toys the community.
The Blessings published in Dark Ages: Inquisitor • Advocate: The designated protector of a monas-
are by no means the only ones that the Inquisition has tery, abbey, or convent.
seen. Herein, you’ll find new Endowments, Orisons, • Anchorite/Anchoress: A monk or nun living in
ritae and Merits and Flaws. Of course, nothing comes strict cloister as a religious hermit.
easily — we’ve also provided new Curses to inflict upon • Armarium: The monastery library.
your characters. • Beguinage: Unenclosed communities of reli-

Chapter by Chapter gious women who support their charitable activities by

begging for alms. Popular among women as an alterna-
Prelude: Woman’s Intuition introduces Sister tive to the cloister.
Mathilde von Murnau, a Red Sister and a daughter of • Clerg: A commandery or monastery of the
that infamous Bavarian family. She shows us what the Military Orders, particularly of establishments belong-
Inquisition must go through in order to build a case ing to the Hospitalers and the Poor Knights of the
against a possible sinner. Cross of the Passion of Acre.
Introduction: The part you’re reading now. • Cloistering: In passive form, the barring of non-
Chapter One: My Order, My Brothers has infor- monastics from entering a monastery. In active form,
mation on each of the five orders, their tactics, their preventing monastics from leaving a monastery.
recruitment procedures, their chains of command, and • Dowry: The gift given by a monk or nun when
their strongholds. entering an order, usually in the form of cash.
Chapter Two: Playing the Inquisition devotes • Hospice: A hospital generally established to
attention to the Inquisition’s role within the Church provide aid and comfort for pilgrims.
and the special privileges that stem from it, how each • Leprosaria: A hospital established for the care
of the orders fits into monastic life (including the two of lepers.
orders that don’t fit in — the Oculi Dei and the House


• Novice: A man or woman who has entered a • Regular Clergy: Ecclesiastics who have taken
monastery but who has not yet taken final vows. Holy Orders and who follow a Rule (monks, nuns, and
the like). These individuals have professed solemn
• Oblation: The act of offering oneself or a child
vows to their order and have chosen to live in religious
to serve God as a monk or a nun.
poverty in an enclosed Christian community, in es-
• Opus Dei: The Divine Offices of the Hours; the sence abandoning the world.
eight cycles of prayers celebrated each day by monks
• Secular Clergy: Ecclesiastics who have taken Holy
and nuns.
Orders but who do not follow a specific Rule (clerks in
• Preceptory: A monastery of the Military Orders, minor orders, ordained priests, many high Church offi-
referring particularly to establishments of the Templars. cials). These individuals make no profession and follow
• Rector: The designated leader of a cell of no religious rule, own their own property, owe canonical
inquisitors. obedience to a bishop, and practice celibacy.

Chapter One:
My Order,
My Brothers
They charge like warriors; they scale walls like
soldiers. They all march in line, not swerving
from their course.
— Joel 2:7

The five orders that make up the shadow Inquisition are the thin line of faith
that stands between the Christian people of Europe and the subtle fiends of Hell. In
their few years of association, they have destroyed demons, banished spirits, and —
most challenging of all — begun to learn how to work together. The Inquisition is
in its infancy. When it matures, all those who use supernatural power in mockery of
God will have much to fear.
For now, though, the orders are imperfect gatherings of faithful men and
women, all with one goal but with varying opinions of how to get there. Each order
has a different way of viewing the enemy and different ways of recruiting new
members. Each pursues the great work in its own way. Because of this, the differences
(and similarities) between the orders are worthy of deeper exploration.
The Poor Knights of the The second reason is the order’s openness to for-
sworn knights from those other, better-known orders.
Passion of the Cross of Any group of knights so accepting of those who defy
one of the basic tenets of chivalry are indubitably

Acre suspect in the eyes of serf and noble alike. While the
order does gain a few direct recruits, most of its mem-
You ask, sir, why we carry the relics of the saints with bers come directly from the other military orders or
us and risk them in battle. My answer is this: without them, from the inquisitors’ own families.
our struggle would be for naught. A sword? It is a good
weapon, true, and well able to cleave through both flesh and
To The Order Born
bone in the service of the Lord Our God. The creatures we The knightly calling is a family affair. A knight’s
face are more than flesh and blood, though. Should we strike sons, usually born to him in the years before he took the
down their mortal casements, we do nothing but free the order’s vow, are welcome to follow in his footsteps.
spirit within. Such a spirit is then free to possess another Perhaps this is driven by the family values that the
Christian, turning them from God’s true path. House of Murnau brings to the Inquisition; perhaps it’s
The relics of the saints are our swords against these evil a young man’s natural drive to emulate his father. No
spirits. We use them with faith and courage, so that no matter: the sons of inquisitors make good additions to
remnant of evil lingers in this world. Each thrust of the the ranks of the order. Any son of an inquisitor, even
sword must be matched with a prayer; each blow that lands those from other orders, may join the Knights of Acre
on the cursed flesh of the sinner must be backed by the power with his father’s blessing. If the boy’s father has fallen,
of faith and the relics of the saints, that the spirit of the the order still accepts the child. The testing of such
damned may be banished from this earth. orphans is far more rigorous in the early months of
— Sir Baudioun le Breton training, however, than it is for those who have their
fathers still living.
Recruitment Each of the order’s eight tongues maintains a
chapter-house devoted solely to the training of the
“Still in your cups, good knight?”
sons of knights. The tutors in these houses are often
Sir Ollier snorted in disgust. “What concern is that of
elder knights whose wounds or advanced age have
made the pursuit of the enemy too dangerous. They
“Ah, we are always concerned when a goodly man
instead impart their experience to the next generation
strays from the narrow path,” said another voice.
of inquisitors. Other instructors and caretakers are
Ollier stared blearily up at the two knights who had sat
those knights whose hearts have hardened in pursuit of
down opposite him. He didn’t recognize either of them.
the enemy. They often spend a few months teaching in
Probably more youngsters from the order come to have a
one of these academies, reacquainting themselves with
little fun at an old Hospitaler’s expense.
normal life among innocents and regaining their spiri-
“Have you come to mock me then, like the others? Has
tual balance until they are ready to resume their duties
the tale of my madness, of the creature I dreamed in the heat
in the field.
of the sun spread so far?”
“Why no, good fellow, quite the reverse. We are here The youngsters in training face regular tests of
to hear that tale with our own ears. If it is as we have heard, both their faith and their fidelity to the order and its
then we think that God has chosen a new path for you.” ideals. Some are already aware of the true nature of the
“One without quite so much ale,” said the other, order through their fathers, while others are ignorant
pulling the tankard from Ollier’s unresisting hands. when they begin training. It is only after the first year
that the instructors tell them of the order’s true busi-
The Poor Knights of the Passion of the Cross of Acre
ness and begin their training in the very specific
have a reputation for being demanding. Many young men
martial skills needed to face the spawn of the Devil.
of good birth and sound of body, mind and purse find
Those who know are sworn to secrecy for the first year
themselves turned from the door of the order without
of their true training.
explanation. Those few who do gain admission to this
most selective of knightly orders rarely speak of their After several more years in the company of their peers
ordeals, or consent to train others for admission. and many more tests of faith and loyalty, the young men
are given as squires to knights in the field, taking the first
While this selective policy might seem likely to
step toward becoming a fully-fledged inquisitor.
attract further would-be knights, two things prevent this
from happening. The first is the relatively low profile of The Forsworn
the order. It lacks the renown among the common people
The military orders are rich and powerful organi-
of the Knights Templar and Hospitaler, and those few
zations, with land and holdings across Europe and the
stories that do surround the order are disturbing.
Holy Land. Despite their vows of poverty, their knights


of apostasy that dog him. A new set of vows is sworn to the
FAMILY VALUES Knights of Acre, and after a short period of training (no

0 knight who is already a family man when

he joins the order has to make a difficult
sacrifice: he has to leave his family behind him.
more than a few months) in the ways of the Inquisition,
he is assigned to a chapter-house to begin the work in the
Lord’s service. Usually he is assigned as far away from their
His order demands his full loyalty. For most mem- former brethren as the order can manage. Even the
bers of the order, however, this is no greater blessing of the Church is not enough to spare him from the
sacrifice than that which they have already made. disapproval of his former comrades-in-arms.
The knights gave up their families when they
joined their original order. The Recruited
The stigma attached to being a family mem- Some do come to the order’s door and gain accep-
ber of a Poor Knight doesn’t make life for the tance. All such postulants are asked to pass tests of skill
knight’s relatives any easier. Friends who once in arms, endurance and strength. If they fail any of
supported them now shun them, while the agents these, they are sent away immediately. After that, they
of the enemy who are aware of their affiliation must pass a far more difficult test, that of their piety and
often place them under scrutiny. These additional faith. The order’s priests quiz them for days and nights
concerns are a difficult burden for even the most on matters of Biblical theology and Church doctrine.
steadfast of the knights to carry. The addition of They also quiz the would-be recruits on how they might
the Oculi Dei to the ranks of the Inquisition, react in certain situations, to test both their piety and
however, has given the Poor Knights a solution. their resolve. If they have any suspicion of deviation
Increasingly, close family members of the from the orthodox, the candidate is dismissed without
Poor Knights are now members of the Oculi Dei. explanation. Those few who excel during this cross-
They function as links between the anonymous examination travel to one of the order’s training
Eyes and the Poor Knights. This brings two ben- chapter-houses to begin their tutelage alongside the
efits to a knight. First, he can be sure that fellow sons of current knights. They find themselves subject
inquisitors are watching his family for signs of the to close scrutiny throughout their training, however,
Devil’s influence. Secondly, should his family, or especially by tutors descended from a certain German
any member of the Eyes in the area, find evidence line who have an uncanny talent for spotting those
of the enemy’s work, a knight returning home whose hearts are less than pure….
with his comrades-in-arms makes excellent cover
for establishing a new chapter-house in an area — The Vows
the first step towards greater investigation of
Satan’s activities in the region. “Every brother who is professed in
the Holy service should, through fear
of the flames of Hell, give total obedi-
are often men of power and status, too. All too often, ence to the Church; for nothing is
this brings them into contact with the pawns of the dearer to Jesus Christ than obedience,
and if anything be commanded by the
enemy. Even the orders’ day-to-day struggles seem to Master of the Order, or by the holy
bring knights into conflict with demons and other Inquisition, or by one to whom he has
supernatural creatures. These encounters between given his power, it should be done
knights and the spawn of the Devil are the major source without demur as if it were a com-
of the Poor Knights’ current membership. God opens mand from God. Each brother who
their eyes to the nature of their enemies and grants petitions for service before the Cross
them the power to defeat them. of Acre must despise wealth and
Such knights usually cannot resist telling tales of embrace poverty, must despise licen-
their exploits to their fellows, and these tales often find tiousness and embrace chastity, must
despise willfulness and love obedience.
their way to the agents of the Inquisition secreted in
“No brother shall shirk from the
most of the existing military orders. Soon, the talkative duty of facing the Adversary and
knight finds himself meeting with members of the Poor driving him from this Earth with the
Knights, who seem far more willing to believe the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Nor
details of his story than many of his peers. In the end, must he fail to give succor to the poor,
few of those who have told their stories turn down the and to the orphaned, and to the inno-
offer to join the Inquisition. cent victims of the road. All this he
Once the decision has been made, the order inter- must swear on the True, Holy and
cedes on the knight’s behalf with the Church. The knight Beloved Cross of Acre on which Our
then receives direct leave from the Church to renounce Lord, crucified, suffered and died for
the salvation of the sinful soul.”
his vows to his original order, alleviating a little the claims

The Enemy surprising and occasionally distracting, something
the Knights can use to their advantage.
Of all the orders, the Knights are the least likely to The order has grouped its strategies into four rough
try to identify exactly what it is that they’re dealing classifications, based largely on the appearance of the
with. Bitter experience has taught them that doing so foes it faces. In the Knights’ experience to date, the
is a fool’s game. Knowing exactly what kind of demon form of a demon largely dictates its abilities. The four
is tearing you limb from limb is little consolation to a classifications are demon animals, demon-tainted men,
dying inquisitor. No, the order needs something far warlocks and true demons. Once the order’s observa-
more important if it is to be successful: the ability to tions or reports from other inquisitors reveal the nature
gain a rapid understanding of exactly what the enemy’s of the foe, a Knight puts one of the following strategies
capabilities are and how to circumvent them. Thus, to work.
the order has evolved its own way of describing the
enemy, based solely on its fighting ability. It’s a prag- Demon Animals
matic approach and one well suited to the mentality of Few knights relish the opportunity to face off against
most Knights. the Devil’s animalistic minions. These creatures are fear-
In the last few years, the order has gathered enough some warriors who often travel in groups. Few cells of
information to formulate basic strategies against the Knights will engage a group of animalistic demons unless
major types of devils it faces. Most cells of Knights the cell outnumbers the demons by a considerable mar-
spend long hours practicing different tactics to use gin, or if the lives of good Christian folks are directly at
against these different groups of the enemy. Com- risk. That said, while these monsters are fast and fear-
manders within each tongue meet at least once every somely strong, they are less prone to the strange
few months to exchange tactics and information, and supernatural tricks of their more human-seeming cousins.
the heads of all the tongues gather most years to share That simplicity of combat is something the knights un-
experience across Christendom. derstand and appreciate. Surprise, numbers and skill are
The Knights have two main pillars that support these the three pillars of the order’s strategy against these foes:
strategies. The first is observation. Despite the order’s surprise to weaken the foe, the numbers to defeat them
reputation for throwing itself into battle, most of the and the skill to win the battle quickly.
Knights are experienced military men,
all of whom know the value of Demon-tainted Men
intelligence in formulating a Those servants of the en-
battle plan. The lay of the land, emy who take on human form
the strength of the enemy and the present a greater
weapons they wield are all critical pieces challenge to the
of information to a Commander or order. These
Knight Brother in planning the battle devil spawn dis-
to come. play a far
The second pil- greater
lar is surprise. Most range of
Knights are keenly abilities
aware that the en- and often
emy is usually have hu-
stronger and faster m a n
than they are, even servants
with the blessing
God bestows upon
His Knights. An am-
bush affords them the
chance to negate these
advantages long
enough to wound or
destroy the creatures.
To aid in this, the
Knights try to avoid
displaying their God-
given powers until the
battle is joined. Most
creatures find these gifts


to defend them. Many have insinuated themselves into Such creatures are not just corrupted humans but the
positions of power and respect within society, making very children of the Pit itself. They have powers beyond
direct action against them problematic. A group of Knights those possessed by their fellow horrors — the powers of
assaulting a well-known man in public is likely to attract Hell. These charismatic creatures often attract groups of
unwelcome attention towards the cell. That’s not to say followers who are eager to give them worship. The Knights,
that it doesn’t happen, it’s just that the cell knows it will as a rule, would rather turn over the followers of a demon
probably have to move on after the devil is dispatched. to the Holy Office or the local church to deal with, but the
Observation, planning and ambush are the three realities of the struggle do not always make this possible.
pillars of the order’s strategy here. Observation allows If the Knights cannot gather sufficient evidence to per-
planning that allows ambush. There, by the will of God, suade other authorities to act, they are faced with the
the foe will fall beneath the blades of the righteous. difficult task of dispatching members of the local populace
without attracting undue attention to their activities.
Warlocks This is no easy task.
The order has developed a simple strategy for The three pillars of the order’s strategy against
defeating warlocks and witches: never let them know demons are ruthlessness, caution and faith. Ruthless-
you are coming. The Devil gives his servants great ness allows the Knight to dispose of those who would
powers, but God prevents them from conjuring evil support the demon, as their souls are already forfeit.
swiftly. Take a wizard by surprise and he will fall to a Caution allows them to strike when the moment is
well-placed blade. Warn him, and he steals another right, watching and waiting for the right opportunity.
soul for his master. Faith, both that of the Knights and that invested in the
The idea of assassination does not sit well with relics they carry, allows them the advantage of God’s
most Knights. To kill a man and deny him the chance own power in battle with these creatures.
to defend himself seems to deny the chivalric ideal, as
well as robbing him of the chance to confess his sins. Ghosts, Fair Folk and Other Spirits
Those men who have sold their souls for the Devil’s Ghosts and other spirits are a problem for the
power, however, are not worthy of the same regard as Knights. The order’s favored approach to the enemy’s
other men, or so goes the official line. Once a Knight minions simply doesn’t work, as most spirits are as
has seen a warlock at work, he soon accepts the wisdom intangible to the blade as they are to the touch. Some
of this view. of the order’s relics seem adept at driving away ghosts,
Many Knights still balk at the idea of slaughtering but few seem to be able to do them direct harm. More
witches like this. For all her sin, a witch is still a woman. often than not, the Knights involved call upon one of
Many young Knights who still struggle with lust and the other orders to help deal with restless spirits. No
other temptations find it easy to persuade themselves pillars of strategy exist as yet for ghosts. For now, the
that the women would be better captured alive for order is content to let others address the situation.
questioning and possibly even repentance, especially if
the witch in question is fair of face. Older hands Brothers (and Sisters) in Arms
dissuade their brethren from thinking this way with It has not been easy for the Knights of Acre to
tales of succubae who tempt pious men with their adapt to life as part of a larger Inquisition. The order
devil-spawned beauty and then destroy them body and
soul. Some are just frightening the new recruits into RANK AND FILE
obedience, while others are sharing genuine horrors
from their younger days. The Knights of Acre are not all fighting men,
despite the name. The order is home to priests,
Observation, stealth and speed are the three pillars healers, scribes and messengers as well as the
of the Knights’ strategy against the wielders of magic. Knights themselves. Any semi-monastic order
Through observation, the warlock reveals his ways; needs men of God to minister to the souls of the
through stealth, the Knight can reach his foe undetec- Knights and hear confession. The Knights also
ted; through speed, the evil one is dispatched before he take the running of their hospices very seriously
can call upon the Devil’s aid. indeed, and skilled healers are a useful part of that
True Demons work. Scribes and messengers help fulfill the
mundane administrative requirements of the or-
The greatest challenge for the Knights of Acre as they
der. Still, the Poor Knights are a military order,
see it is the true demon, an escapee from Hell here to do
and all who are part of it are required to be skilled
the Devil’s bidding. Such creatures can be recognized by
with a sword or other weapon. More than one of
their appearance, which is ugly and abhorrent to the eyes
Satan’s children has underestimated a seemingly
of Christian men, and by their manner, which is in
meek priest and found his soul dispatched back to
opposition to all the virtues of the pious soul.
Hell as a result.

was used to acting as an independent body, answerable assigned to their general area, so the two can work
only to Rome, but now finds itself working side by side together. The survival rate for Knights with such
with fellow Christians with a very different outlook on arrangements is significantly higher than without.
life. Initially, the Knights tended to see the other orders Of course, healing is not the Sisters’ primary call-
as little more than a source of information and aid ing, much as the Poor Knights might wish it were. Most
when fighting the good fight. In the last few years, Knights are not altogether comfortable with the vi-
however, individual Knights have begun to realize the sions that God grants to the Sisters. For a start, the
virtues of working with other orders, especially given visions are usually more cryptic than straightforward
the reduced number of casualties in the order’s ranks warriors would like. Still, reverence of blessed women
since such cooperation began. Truly, this must be is ingrained in the Knights’ faith and theology. The
God’s plan. Sisters are beneficiaries of that.
The Red Order The House of Murnau
The Knights of Acre are, on the whole, a pragmatic Overall, the Knights of Acre maintain good rela-
group of men. Fighting the enemy face-to-face does not tions with the Murnau family. Nobility knows nobility,
leave much room for theoretical discussions and philoso- and the majority of the Knights are from noble families.
phy. Despite this enforced pragmatism, they can see the The Knights are much more comfortable taking orders
need for greater research into the ways of the enemy. from a fellow nobleman (or woman) than they are from
Every weakness that the Red Order identifies and com- the commoners who make up much of the Oculi Dei,
municates to the Knights is ruthlessly tested on the field for example. Indeed, “light and sword” cells made up of
of battle. If that were all there is to the Red Order, the a member of the House, his retinue and a handful of
Knights would be happy indeed. knights are extremely effective at exposing and de-
The Red Order’s skill with the Holy Art is what stroying the enemy.
worries many Knights. It is, as has often been remarked by The two orders do have some areas of conflict,
people of all orders, remarkably like the arts of the enemy. however. For one, the Murnau have much freer lifestyles
Each individual Knight’s opinion of the Red Order is than the semi-monastic lives of the Knights allow.
likely to be based on his degree of experience with the Some Knights resent this, while others look down on
members thereof. If he has never worked with a Red the House for such licentious behavior. Either attitude
Brother or Sister, he is likely to be suspicious of the order is likely to cause needless friction.
as a whole, considering them a step away from Satan’s own
forces. A Knight who has fought alongside a Red Brother, The Oculi Dei
however, is likely to respect the formidable power his At first glance, these two orders seem like they
fellow inquisitor can wield. Any veteran Knight knows should work well together. The Eyes find the enemy
the feeling of seizing one of the enemy’s own weapons and and the Knights destroy it: a powerful combination. In
using it against him in battle, after all. practice, this is rarely the case. For one, the Knights are
The Red Sisters are the exception to this rule. usually of noble birth and resent taking directions from
Something deeply ingrained in the mindset of the commoners. They carry with them an unconscious
order screams “witch” when a Knight encounters a assumption that the Eyes will do as they direct and
woman wielding such power. The determinedly all- release whatever information the Knights demand.
male Poor Knights tends to find the very concept of the The Eyes, though, value discretion above social
mixed-sex yet monastic Red Order suspect. The sight order. They will easily withdraw their help if they
of women calling upon such powerful forces does noth- suspect that their fellows are becoming too demanding.
ing to allay those suspicions. Some Knights have been After several bad experiences, The Inquisition has
known to refuse assignments to mixed-order cells if a found it more politic to channel relations between the
Red Sister is a member. two orders through members of the Eyes of noble birth,
One thing endears the Red Order to the Knights: or from the increasing numbers who are related to the
the pain of the stigmata Red Brothers endure. It creates Knights by blood or marriage.
a bond of sympathy between them and the Knight, who
well know the pain of wounds themselves. The Flock
Like so many of the other military orders, the
The Sisters of St. John Knights live lives somewhat apart from the mass of
The Sisters of St. John, on the other hand, are humanity. Sequestered in their commanderies, train-
much more to the liking of the Knights, who have ing for the battles to come and planning strategies
specific ideas about Christian behavior in women. An against the Devil’s minions, they have precious little
order of warriors cannot help but like and respect an time for socializing. The fact that the order has a
order whose members practice the healing arts. Indeed, second mission that prevents the Knights from growing
cells of Knights often request that a cell of Sisters be


too estranged from those they protect is a testament to in the afternoon the orphans play and exercise outside,
the wisdom of the order’s founders. trying (not always with success) to keep out from
The hospices attached to many of the order’s underfoot of the travelers and the Knights.
chapter-houses are a major point of contact between The building to the left houses the Knights’
the laity and the Knights. These hospices specialize in commandary, with stables and shared quarters for the
caring for the orphans of Christendom, whose numbers Knights in residence along with extra accommodation
seem to be never-ending. Certainly the work the order for visitors passing through the town on business. On
does in taking these urchins off the street endears them occasion, a mendicant friar or group of pilgrims — or
to the local populace, who are absolved of the guilt of any other using a favored cover story for traveling
not caring for the children as well as being freed from inquisitors — are granted quarters in the chapter-
petty thefts at the same time. Few realize just how many house.
of those children were made orphans by the Knights in The extensive cellars of the building spread some
the pursuance of their calling. distance beneath both the courtyard and the adjoining
Some unpleasant tales surround the order. Many buildings, all of which are owned by the order and
of these are unfair, spread by other military orders that leased to local merchants. These spaces house cells for
are disgruntled by the loss of members to the Knights of the imprisonment and torture of the Devil’s servants,
Acre, but many are quite justified. Of all the orders, the some storage space for the more specialized tools of the
Knights are the least forgiving to those who have been trade and an area for practicing fighting techniques
turned by the enemy. developed to deal with the enemy. These exercises are
Given the dangers of their calling, it is not surpris- the sort that the Knight would not want seen in public,
ing that the Poor Knights take a very straightforward for fear of a knowledgeable passer-by drawing some
approach to those who serve — or worse — worship the accurate conclusions.
enemy. If the tool of Satan can be turned over to the A steady stream of pilgrims to the shrine of
Holy Office or other members of the Church, fine, Athanasius, a disciple of St. James, has given the
that’s just what the Knights do. If this is impossible, the hospice an Ambient Faith rating of 2.
inquisitors dispatch the unfortunate souls to God with
all due haste. Clearly, this approach has not won the The Knights
order friends in several parts of Christendom. The chapter-house is run by the seneschal Laurgain,
a grizzled veteran of both the crusades and the Inquisi-
The Hospice of St. James the Elder tion. An encounter with a skin-changer two years ago
The city of Compostela in the Kingdom of Leon left him with a distinct limp, a useless arm and a wolf
rose to prominence over a millennia ago. It has grown pelt to keep him warm at night. To his disgust, the
ever since, fed by the trade that runs along two Roman order deemed him no longer fit for active service and
roads that cross in the city. It also sits at the confluence assigned him to run this chapter-house, training a new
of two rivers — the Sar and Sarela — which further generation of Knights from the orphans.
adds to the flow of people through the city. The priest, Berin of Lombardy, aids him in his
Not far off one of those Roman roads sits a wel- work. Berin is in his early 40s and is as happy wielding
come sign to any traveler who has suffered the travails a weapon as he is preaching God’s word. His calling to
of pilgrimage: the Hospice of St. James the Elder. The the priesthood came later in life, after a successful
hospice is a boon to travelers and the principal Iberian career as a solider. Somewhat naturally, the orphans
chapter-house of the Knights of Acre. The city is also pick up his enthusiasm for swordplay a little easier than
host to the relics of the apostle St. James and his his enthusiasm for the Bible.
disciples, Athanasius and Theodorus, which are housed Commander of the Knights Hunerct leads the
in Church of St. James, just a few minutes’ walk from sorties against the servants of Satan. This young knight
the hospice. hails from Saxony, and sometimes finds his northern
European formality at odds with the more relaxed
The Hospice Iberian culture. He keeps the knights well-drilled and
The hospice consists of two sizeable buildings on exercised, though, and has only lost a single inquisitor
either side of a walled courtyard. The larger of the two in the last two years.
buildings, on the right through the main gate, houses
the traveler’s hospice and orphanage that form the The Enemy
main charitable business of the organization. It is busy The order originally founded the hospice as much
both day and night, with travelers coming in tired and as a training house for its recruits as a traveler’s hospice.
injured or leaving in much better heart thanks to the Within a year, however, the small cell of Knights
ministrations of the staff. In the morning, the steady originally based there realized that it would have to
drone of a classroom drifts across the courtyard, while become a full chapter-house. The trade and travelers

that pass through the city attract servants of the Evil hides further clues to the nature and powers of the demons
One like flies to manure. Twice now, the Knights have who stalk these lands and the monsters that serve them. I
been called upon to slay a demon stalking the beds of have spent months talking to the people of this cold, wet
the orphans at night, seeking sustenance from their simulacrum of a country, all in God’s name.
souls or their blood. Laurgain was able to call in some I have succeeded. I have found out where they dwell.
favors, and the relics of Athanasius are now housed in I know of this tower and I know the name of the creature that
the hospice and not the church. That put an end to the slumbers within: Chelniel. Let us see what knowledge he
nocturnal visitations. has left for me.
Subsequent investigations have proved that many — From the journal of Red Brother Giordano
travelers seem to go missing immediately before or after Nicola d’Arzenta
arriving at the city. Hunerct has led a series of system-
atic searches of the land around the city. While the Recruitment
area is now remarkably lacking in bandits, he found few The novices had lit candles some hours ago, yet the
traces of the Devil’s work. Reluctantly, he has taken brothers and a solitary sister continued in their delibera-
Laurgain’s advice and started scouring the city for tions. Piles of parchment littered the table in front of them,
traces of demons. Investigation is far from the young discarded and forgotten about. Just two papers remained,
knight’s greatest skill, unfortunately. He is considering and the brothers pored over them intently as the sounds of
swallowing his pride by asking Laurgain for further the Compline service faded away.
help, or by calling in a cell of inquisitors from another “I like not Geronim’s answers on the life of our Lord.
order. His thoughts on the Christ’s incarnate nature stray a little
Unbeknownst to Hunerct, Laurgain is receiving to close to heresy for me,” said one brother, finally.
messages from the local cell of the Oculi Dei. The “Any yet, which of us has not thought such things at
region’s Eyes are under the control of Rodrigue de some time?” said another.
Navarre, and have thus been extremely reluctant to The first brother tutted. “It’s is a child’s theology, one
come forward until now. The Eyes cell has gathered he should have long since abandoned. He was given every
extensive evidence of a whole cabal of demons working chance to redeem this thinking but he did not do so. One who
to seize control of the trade route thought the city. In is so deaf to the urging of the Lord has no place among us.”
addition, it has also uncovered hints of a plan to A murmur of assent rippled around the table.
surreptitiously take control of the hospice. The local “So, it is decided. Elizabeth of York shall join our order.
cell leader, Aiala Lorda, could hold her tongue no Let us now thank God for his guidance,” said the sister,
longer and approached Laurgain. The elder Knight satisfaction evident in her voice.
knows that the cell has to move against the demons The greatest frustration a scholar can face is a lack
soon, but he can’t resist the opportunity to teach of things to learn. Books are rare and well protected,
Hunerct a lesson first. and only a few individuals can have access to them at
any time. For those individuals who seek knowledge of
The Red Order of St the supernatural, one name seems to recur again and
again in their quest for knowledge: St. Theodosius.
Theodosius Thus, those whose thirst for knowledge is insatiable
often beat a path to the door of a Theodosian house to
The tower that stands before me fills me with both fear petition for membership.
and hope. Let Albert d’Aquitaine play his games of politics
The first test is simple. A Theodosian quizzes the
and piety. I know what we really face. I am afraid, just as
postulant on matters of theology and faith in Latin,
Albert should be. Yet God calls me to defeat His enemies
Greek and the native tongue of the region. If the
and I must obey. I have no choice.
would-be member fails on any point of the discussion
They say I have failed, but they are wrong. I have
or displays a less-than-fluent grasp of the languages in
survived the wrath of a demon and come away learning
use, he is rejected and sent away. If he succeeds, he is
more of him than he learnt of me. When Byleth and I meet
asked to dwell within the order’s house for one calendar
once more, God willing, my knowledge will be greater still.
month. That month is the hardest month of his life.
I have walked the dank tunnels that snake through these
lands; I have both talked with these things, fearing every The Red Order demands of all its members both
second for my mortal life and immortal soul, and killed them intellectual sophistication and theological understand-
when I had no other choice. ing, combined with mental flexibility and deep piety.
In the dull-colored lands that surround our abbey here The order’s self-assigned task of studying and under-
in Damburrow, hidden amongst the hills and heather, there standing the enemy, as well as developing knowledge
lies more knowledge of the Enemy and his ways than any of of all things supernatural — not the least of which is
us ever suspected. Each huddle of hovels that cling together the Inquisition’s own theurgy — requires nothing less.
in the lee of the hills that make up this God-forsaken land The order is well aware of the whispers of heresy and


diabolism that follow wherever its members go, and is Once a season, the heads of all the Red Order
even more concerned about them than the populace in houses in a region meet to discuss their postulants. Of
general. The very nature of the materials the Red all those who have approached the order in that time,
Brothers and Sisters study means that they are designed just three from each region are offered the chance to
to corrupt. The knowledge the order gains carries the join the Theodosians. Only once in the order’s history
taint of Hell. Satan has already touched many of the has someone turned them down (see sidebar). Once
people they question, and he is not known as “the the postulant is accepted, he joins the order by swear-
Tempter” for nothing. The order’s work is inherently ing a vow of secrecy. After two months’ training in the
risky, and the Red Order’s solution is to try to weed out Theodosian Rule, the postulant swears his final oaths,
the weaker souls before they join the Inquisition. becoming a fully-fledged Red Brother. From that point
In that month, therefore, the postulant is engaged in onwards, he has access to a whole new world of research
discussion by a number of senior Theodosians with the — and an equal weight of responsibility — as he
aim of testing both his mental flexibility and his theologi- discovers his new duties within the Holy Inquisition.
cal limits. The examiners act as tempters themselves,
seeking to draw the postulant into a statement of outright The Price
heresy by tricking them into arguing against the teachings Traditionally, like many monastic orders, the
of Christianity. The books of the order, usually the least Theodosians have required that their postulants come
important and revealing yet still tempting to the frus- to the order free of debt and with a generous contribu-
trated scholar, are useful weapons in the examiner’s tion to the order’s wealth from their own purses or that
armory. The examiner allows the postulant to read certain of their families. While this is still a requirement for
passages and then quizzes him on his reaction and his many of the new members of the order, the Red Order’s
thoughts on how research might continue. membership in the Inquisition has brought with it a
Even if one of the postulants proves himself un- greater flow of funds from Rome itself. Thus, students
worthy of the order early in his stay, he is allowed to of great aptitude but light purse are now accepted into
stay for the whole month. These scholars are liable to the order, whereas previously they were not. On occa-
fall to the temptations of the enemy at some point, so sions, extremely talented postulants with debts behind
it is better that the order gathers information on them them have found those debts purchased and discharged
now in case it is needed in the future. At the end of the by noblemen. It is only once the new Red Brother or
month, the postulant is dismissed with no indication of Sister learns of the full scope of the Inquisition that he
whether he has passed or failed. or she realizes that their mysterious benefactor was a
scion of the House of Murnau.
The Apprentice
THE ERRANT POSTULANT A second, lesser known, route into the order also

C he one postulant who turned the order

down, known as Fridebraht von Graft,
gave only one explanation: “God has granted me
exists. Young boys and girls of prodigious academic
talent are occasionally asked to join the order as
apprentices. They serve initially as kitchen boys and
greater wisdom than you offer.” Two days after servants to the monks, taking three or four hours of
the rejection, in May of 1225, the Eye assigned to lessons each day. As they approach adulthood, they are
watch him lost track of him entirely. She franti- freed from household duties and given over to full time
cally asked questions of known friends and education and prayer to bring them up to the academic
acquaintances and discovered that few of them standards expected of all postulants.
even remembered him. In the end, she aban- Some of these new novices hail from the hospices
doned the attempt and reported what had occurred of Knights of Acre. Visiting Theodosians on Inquisi-
to her superior. tion business often take the time to quiz the orphans
It was two years before the errant postulant and their teachers in the hope of finding another
reappeared. He rescued Sister Vittoria Santini di prodigy for the order. Some younger children of the
Parma from an assault by practitioners of the extended Murnau family are serving as novices, too. In
Malefic Arts, through a display of what appeared the last few years, in three separate Theodosian houses
to be a variant on the Holy Arts. He has reap- around Europe, children have turned up unannounced
peared several times since, sometimes in company, on the doorsteps of the chapter-houses, each knowing
sometimes alone, each time aiding a Theodosian a few of the inquisition’s recognition codes. All have
(and once a Knight of Acre) in a moment of dire proven to be capable scholars. The leaders of the order
need. What exactly he knows about the Inquisi- suspect that they are the children of members of the
tion and why he seems so keen on rescuing its Oculi Dei, but the leaders of that secretive body have
agents remains a mystery. never confirmed this.

Theodosians researching the
nature and organization of the
s’ Rule
of mona e foe are amazed by the degree to
osiu a n c e
St. Theod
e g o v e r n a n d t h which the minions of Satan seem
t h e
. T h e o d o sius for or His knowledg compelled to put down on
e of St search f
The Rul devoted to the parchment and paper records of
commun the Enemy. their affairs and even their so-
defeat o
o f L if e t o p rotect cial structures. The Red Order
o s e a n d Basics y as Christian sou, the Satan. If l s
has learned more of the nature
The Purpall else, it is our dwuorks of His enedm
t y
n o t l o ve God. of the enemy through papers
e o
Before th e d iv e r s
en e m y , w e
t o f t h e and other documents than
is p e o p le from e works of the h ip is t he defea through actual encounters
H h ow s
t hate t our fell us.
we do no ain pur p o s e o f
od doe s g r a n t t im e a s is with the demons themselves.
I. The m such tools as G a l l d e v ote such erstanding The biggest obstacle to
e sh to the u
in g in the hous s e r v ic e the order’s work is the reluc-
hose liv er and shield.
II. All t ligations of pray r wisdom is our a r d n e it h er tance of Cardinal Marzone
ob y, fo God’s. Ho of
free from rks of the Enem rself, for all is things is a tool - and other senior members
of the w
o nto you r such knowl of the Inquisition to share
K e e p n othing u for the desire fo . Share not that for to
III. a l t h , s o u l r o t h e r , the knowledge gleaned by
ge nor w
e Christian f your b
knowled y to corrupt the m to the soul o cells in other parts of Eu-
the Enemh might bring ha a devil. s a ke o f y o u r rope with the
w h ic u n t o r t h e s e r - Theodosians. Partially
akes you
like high fo ed in his
do so m d y o u r head up L o r d ’s to be us to the glory this reluctance stems
n ot ho l b u t th e e n d s, but
IV . D o y o u r s , rt h l y from the order’s own less
l e d g e . It is not ut it vain or ea y than sterling reputation
kno w p a
. D o n ot seek
o d . T h e Enemy m e His for orthodoxy, and par-
vic e G o r
G o d a l one. is E a r t h are of such deeds, rest tially from an
of t h o
hings of n to und emy.
V. All t . It is our burde om from his En an alik e , c h a s te understandable con-
them wisd and wom left for us cern for the safety of
corrupt take back God’s r o o f , m a n
h a s
d o n e H e inquisitors in the field
plan an l l l iv e under knowledge which each act and
VI. Le t a at wit h should the enemy
e y e s , s eeking th to do his work compromise a
in God’s ll must strive Theodosian house.
. A
to find y
of the Daes appointed in St
Despite this setback,
thought. ic e s
d the O f f the order does the
the tim
Prayer ansiduous in prayer at of the h
ou s e . If best it can to ex-
I. Be as ule. t h e co m p a n y
n d ance a t t h e change knowledge
e ’s R a id in t a t t e yo u r about the enemy.
Augustin n e e
d not be f Our Lord prev he pursuance of
y e r
II. Pra name o l or in t
Doctors from all
u r l a b o rs in the hour in your cel the Theodosian
yo a r k the
, m houses in a kingdom
h . or similar sized region meet once per
season to exchange knowledge and ideas. On rare occa-
sions, they exchange documents, artifacts and even
prisoners to help one another’s research. Despite the
Know the Enemy common goals of the houses, however, these exchanges of
Of all the orders that make up the Holy Inquisi- information and resources are rarely as free as they could
tion, the Red Order is probably the closest to be. The most senior researchers of the order are rarely the
understanding the true nature of the creatures of the ones most active in the business of inquisition; they don’t
enemy. The order builds its knowledge from three appreciate the need to share information in the same way
sources: direct experiences with the spawn of Satan, as their more active brethren. The Red Sisters in particu-
folklore gathered from all over Christendom and docu- lar are reluctant to give up any resources they’ve acquired.
ments found in libraries or captured from the enemy in Their losses when the order moved to single-sex houses
the course of the mission. still rankles the sisters and sours their dealings with their
Theodosian brothers.


The Hierarchy of Demons people who have access to diabolic power, or are they
in fact possessed by demons? The majority opinion is
Just as the Church teaches that there is a hierarchy that they are ordinary people with access to demonic
of angels, the Red Order has discovered a hierarchy of power, just as many of the Theodosians have access to
demons. The order’s senior members are engaged with holy power by means of the Holy Art. A vocal minor-
drawing up the hierarchy, but it is far from complete. ity, however, believes that the warlocks are indeed
They have reports of creatures that don’t match any of under possession of a kind, where the demon merely
their categories exactly, and they suspect that six guides the victim, rather than taking over his body.
groupings are too few. Their understanding of this is
very much a work in progress; each month that passes The Vampiric
brings new insights. The next step down the Hierarchy of Satan are the
vampires, creatures who have let their own mortal
The Diabolic identities be subsumed by the demonic servitor who
At the top of the order’s list of Satanic threats are possesses their body. The order recognizes such crea-
the true demons. The order has only encountered a tures by their pale skins, their fear of daylight and their
handful of them in person, but is tracing their activity need to feast on blood to sustain their unholy lives.
through human history and folklore. The picture that The order has also discerned three weaknesses.
is developing is worrying. If the demons’ own claims are The vampires cannot bear light in any of its three
to believed, they are the pagan gods that the one true forms: the light of the sun, the light of faith, and the
God warns His followers about and can direct the light of fire. All three can be used to test for possession
course of whole nations. Still, scripture teaches that and to destroy the vampire’s mortal host. A vampire,
the followers of Jesus can drive out demons in His unlike a practitioner of the Malefic Art, cannot be
name. The order’s few encounters with these terrifying redeemed before it is dispatched. It has no mortal soul
creatures seem to bear this out. left, just the possessing demon soul. Theodosian in-
Brother Giordano Nicola d’Arzenta is acknowl- quisitors feel no need to attempt to redeem such
edged as one of the order’s experts on the truly diabolic, creatures and freely torture them for information alone.
through his dealings with a creature called Byleth. He
defeated this creature through destroying its mortal The Animalistic
form, but neither he nor his superiors in the Inquisition The last of the incarnate demons are the skin-
believe that it is truly gone. His reassignment to changers and night beasts of the world. The Theodosians
Damburrow in Scotland was partially to protect him believe them to be animals or weak-willed humans
from the demon’s inevitable vengeance. This plan may possessed by the spirits of demons, who then give them
have backfired, however, as Brother Giordano claims over entirely to their animalistic nature. Such crea-
to have found another such creature not far from the tures are wild and primitive, of little value as specimens
Abbey. His claims have yet to be verified. for study or sources in information. As such, where
possible, the Red Order inquisitors pass news of such
The Malefic creatures on to other orders, principally the Knights of
The most powerful of Satan’s mortal servants are Acre, whose skills are more suited to dealing with such
those men and women who are strong enough to wield creatures. On occasion, this information is accompa-
diabolic power without it corrupting their mortal shells. nied by a request that the bodies of the devil spawn find
These warlocks and witches are a common source of their way to a Theodosian house, but this is far from
both conflict and information for the Red Order. Like commonplace.
the Theodosians, most practitioners of Malefic Arts The order also places the few grotesque monsters
have an insatiable hunger for knowledge. Where the that it has encountered into this category, reasoning
inquisitors seek it for God’s glory, however, the war- that their possession has merely twisted their frames
locks seek it for their own. The two groups often come into something unrecognizable from nature.
into conflict over volumes of lost lore and other an-
cient wisdom. The Spiritual
The current orthodoxy within the order teaches that The Bible speaks explicitly of spirits of both good
all magic is God-given in its form. It is merely the ability and evil in the world. Its teachings guide the order’s
to use magic that can be Satan-granted. God has granted understanding of such beings. Ghosts, for example, are
the Theodosians the ability to use magic, but Satan has merely demons posing as the departed, for does not the
granted their foes the same power. It is the source of the Bible warn against having truck with such creatures?
ability that is the issue, not the ability itself. Other creatures, such as those called the Fair Folk,
The order’s experts on the Malefic still debate the should be judged whenever they are encountered. The
true natures of witches and warlock. Are they just order’s experience so far is that, just as in the Bible, the

influence of the spirits of evil is more visible in the
world than those of good. Angels appear to individuals
or small groups. Whole villages know of the presence of
evil spirits near their town.
That said, the order’s real knowledge of these
creature is lacking indeed. Most of its understanding is
still derived from scripture and folklore, but few
Theodosians are actively pursuing such knowledge.
Just as with the animalistic possessed, investigation of
other demons seems to be more fruitful.
The Corrupted
Lowest of all in the hierarchy of evil are those
foolish humans who have chosen to serve the minions
of Satan. A minion of a minion is a pitiful degree of
power for which to lose one’s soul, or so think many
Red Brothers. The order uses such people as sources of
information, pure and simple. The Holy Art can be
remarkably useful in terrorizing a cultist or devil-
worshiper into shifting his allegiance.
When the cultist’s master is dispatched or fled —
or his usefulness comes to an end in some other manner
— the order usually informs the Holy Office or another
order, such as the Sisters of St. John, of the craven fool’s
dealings, the better for their soul to be saved by good
Christian folk. Perhaps the information the dupe gave
to the inquisition will aid their cause on Judgment Day,
or perhaps not. It matters little to the Red Order. No
scholar has much time for fools.

C he Red Order’s single biggest aid in gain
ing the trust of the Supreme Council was
the stigmata many Theodosians endure. The se-
nior members of the order involved in the
negotiations discreetly displayed their own stig-
mata and dismissed any questions, saying “we
happily endure the pain as part of our service,” or
words to that effect. This did, and still does, much
to boost the image of the order’s piety in the
minds of the other orders and the inquisition’s
The plagues of boils and other less savory (and
less Biblical) curses, however, are secrets the order
cannot long hide. Many Theodosians fear that
widespread knowledge of these “other stigmata” will
undermine the trust they’ve built. As more mixed
cells of inquisitors form, it becomes harder for the
Red Order to hide the less holy forms of stigmata.
Internally, the order is investigating the pos-
sibility that these more unusual forms of stigmata
denote a growing deviation from the orthodox in
the bearer. If that proves to be the case, then the
order has both the means to reassure others and an
easy way of policing its own membership.


Other Seekers of Wisdom two orders exchange more information between just
themselves than is communicated across the Inquisi-
While all the orders are still somewhat suspicious tion as a whole. The working methods of the two orders
of the Red Order, the Theodosians do not feel the same are so complimentary that conflict between individual
way about their fellow inquisitors. As befits the mind of inquisitors is all but unheard of, despite the fact that
the Inquisition, the brothers and sisters of the Red many Theodosians suspect that the Eyes hold back as
Order are well aware of the roles their fellows play. much as they reveal. A few Red Sisters have com-
mented that the power of this working relationship is
The Knights of Acre evidence that God truly decided the composition of
The relationship between the two orders is simple. the Inquisition, and that Marzone merely discovered
The Theodosians are the theorists, and the Knights are God’s will.
the ones who test the theories in the field. The Knights
certainly hold some grudges for the less than accurate
information they’ve been given in the past. The Red
The Flock
Order is genuinely grateful for the work the Poor The Theodosians spend too much time with books
Knights do, however, and the sword of the Inquisition and papers and not enough among the common folk.
needs all the information it can get to aid it in battle. Too many Red Brothers and Sisters fall into the trap of
The two orders have a difficult relationship, but a only thinking about the flock when they are attacked
profitable one. or corrupted by the enemy. Yet, God has not called the
order into the Inquisition for the sake of pure knowl-
The Sisters of St. John edge alone.
In many ways, the Sisters of St. John are exactly Under the direction of Cardinal Marzone, the
what the Red Brothers would like the Red Sisters to be: order now forces its members who have strayed to close
caring, emotional and given to visions, rather than as to heresy to spend some time as a wandering preachers
forthright and intellectual as the male Theodosians. among the laity. This has had the required effect to
Perhaps it’s for this reason that the Red Brothers have some degree. More Theodosians now actually give
a better relationship with the Sisters of St. John than thought to the flock in their mission. It has had an
the Red Sisters. Small cells of Red Brothers are at- unexpected side effect, however, as the Theodosians
tached, but geographically removed, from most of the have discovered that the life of a wandering friar is a
Sisterhood’s chapter-houses, the better to record and marvelous way of collecting folklore. The isolationist
interpret the order’s visions. The Inquisition has at- snobbery of the order is slowly being replaced by a new
tempted to make this relationship closer by creating respect for the common folk as repositories of informa-
mixed cells and houses of Red Sisters and the Sisters of tion and knowledge of the forces of evil, stored in
St. John, but this has not gone as well as Marzone would myths, folklore and even in day-to-day gossip. The
have liked. The two seem to encounter unexpected arrival of a Theodosian friar at a Red Order house
friction over their very different views of the role of causes much excitement among the Red Brothers or
women in society. Sisters, as they scramble to be the first to hear the tales
and information collected on his travels.
The House of Murnau
The relationship between the Red Order and the The Abbey of St. Denis, Paris
German noble house is unsettled and occasionally Half a day’s walk or a few hours’ ride north of Paris,
fragile, not least because the Theodosians don’t really lies the Abbey of St. Denis. This impressive building
understand exactly the House’s role in the Inquisition. has been a holy site since St. Denis, the first bishop of
It can’t be finance, because compared to the Church, Paris, was martyred and buried here in AD 270. Such
the Murnau are paupers. Indeed, their sole talent seems is its reputation across Christendom that three popes
to be sniffing out the enemy — surely those talents have stayed in it halls. For the last century, the abbey
would be of more use within the other orders? The has been the possession of the Theodosians, who run a
Murnau’s determination to act rather than just dis- great academy for monks of the order from its cloisters,
cover annoys the more patient Theodosians no end. A as well as possibly the most aggressive cell of inquisitors
handful of Red Brothers are working to replicate the outside the Knights of Acre. The abbey has strong links
Murnau’s abilities with the Holy Art, so that the with the university in Paris, and members of the Red
Inquisition can become less dependent on these strange, Order can often be found studying among other schol-
cursed Bavarians. ars in the library in the city.
The Oculi Dei The Chapter-House
Every researcher needs someone to go out and The abbey is almost squat in appearance, with
collect information for him. The Oculi Dei perform arching gates and two levels of windows above. A
this role admirably for the whole of the Red Order. The square tower with a pointed roof rises to the east of the

main building, and a series of lower stone buildings haunted the sewers of the city to the question and the fire.
attached to the rear of the Abbey proper house the At least three more exist within the upper echelons of the
majority of the monks. city’s social life, and the abbot is preparing to move against
A large altar and the shrine to St. Denis dominate them. A project that should aid the inquisitors, however,
the main abbey. On most days, a steady stream of is instead proving to be something of an obstacle. A new
pilgrims make their way up to the shrine. The cries of cathedral is under construction in the heart of Paris,
supplication and prayers for healing occasionally dis- known as Notre Dame. The abbot is obsessed with the
turb the steady chants of the Red Brothers marking the idea of making it a major chapter-house for the Red
offices of the day. Still, their worship grants the abbey Brothers in the city, yet every approach he has made to the
an Ambient Faith of 4. Church authorities in the city has been soundly rebuffed.
The main business of the abbey is conducted in the What’s more, some of the Red Brothers studying in the
lower buildings at the rear of the abbey. In the outer rooms university have noted a small group of men and women
Red Brothers are educated in theology, philosophy, lin- using the library at odd hours and visiting Notre Dame as
guistics and some degree of science. In the inner rooms, well. One of the inquisitors has made the acquaintance of
the inquisitors of the order pursue their investigations the group and has learned that they have alchemical
into matters diabolic and arcane. In particular, a set of leanings. He has carefully confessed his own interest in
hidden doors allows access to a suite of three rooms that the field in the hope of learning more about them.
houses the order’s collection of books on the diabolical For now, the abbot is content to hunt his vampires.
and malefic. The majority of the books have only been If he survives the experience, however, a clash over the
partially translated, if at all; at least two Theodosians can cathedral between the Red Order and the warlocks
be found in these rooms at all times, working on the who fool themselves that they are still Christians is
translations. A staircase from these rooms leads down to inevitable. If he is very unlucky, he’ll face the Hermetic
another set of rooms buried deep in the abbey’s founda- mages attempting to shape the construction of the
tions. The order uses these abandoned crypts and other cathedral, too.
relics of buildings long gone for its experiments in the
fields of alchemy and magical ritual.
The abbey has an affiliated house in Paris itself,
The Sisters of St. John
I am sorry, sister, when that man brushed past me….
which serves as a center of operations for the cell when
He is angry, sister. I am frightened. My family is
on duty in the city. A small contingent of Poor Knights
frightened. Please do not leave my side. Thank you.
is stationed in the Paris house at all times, and acts as
Let us walk a while, as far from this place as we can
support to the Red Brothers in the city.
manage. I will tell you what I have seen.
The Brothers No, I am still wearing my gloves, but God wished me
to see anyway. The voices of my family grow ever stronger.
The Abbot, Gervèse le Fèvre, devotes more of his
We must act soon if they are to be quieted again.
time to the business of inquisition than running the
I saw the man we passed running through the streets of
abbey and teaching novices. Gervèse is a man of deep
the village at night. The people are asleep, trusting on God
faith and a burning hatred for evil that puts even the
and their fires to keep the night away. He laughs, knowing
most enthusiastic Knight of Acre to shame. His passion
that they are deluded. His spirit is consumed by anger,
shows in the burning eyes in his rounded face. Still,
sister, and little of the man is left within him. He is hungry
sometimes people underestimate him because of his
and must feed tonight. His hands and teeth are stained with
stout body and limp, the result of an encounter with the
blood and every death makes him angrier still. Yet I saw
another soul within him, one at peace with the world and
When the abbot is in Paris, the Most Reverend caring for it as a farmer nurtures his crops. He hates that
Doctor Caschin d’Anjou oversees the administration part of himself and seeks to drown it in the blood of
of the abbey and the teaching of the novices. Caschin innocents.
is an unassuming man with a broad frame, a roughly My father cries for me to stop him, sister, but I do know
made face and a real talent for the Holy Art. He also how. I do not know where this village is and I do not know
spends as much time as possible in the inner rooms, if we saw the past or the future. We must do something….
working with Master Mathieu of Gascony in directing Yes, sister, you are right. God will guide us. We must
the researches. Mathieu is a slight excitable man, with discuss this with our sisters and then call upon our fellows.
a ferocious intellect and a nervy manner. Commander His will be done.
Renouart de Marseilles leads the small detachment of
— Agnes of Kent
Poor Knights in Paris.
The Enemy Recruitment
The abbey’s cell has had a successful few months, The young girl thrashed about on the bed, scattering
putting several blood-drinking monsters that formerly straw all over the dirt floor of the farmer’s humble abode.


Her mother prayed desperately for relief and God’s aid,
while the father stood, his face dark, in the corner. He tried ANCHORITES
not to listen to the cries of “devil girl” and “Satan’s lover”
coming from the crowd outside. Until yesterday, he thought few members of the order choose to live
them his friends. lives of quiet meditation and prayer
He was startled to realize that all had fallen silent away from the flock. These anchorites (female
outside. He turned to the door to see a woman in a nun’s hermits) normally hail from the ranks of the
habit standing there. Sisters who lack gifts of prophecy and exorcism.
“Sister,” he started, but she ignored him, going to Their devotional existences are interrupted only
crouch by the mother. by occasional visits from local people seeking
“How long has she been like this?” healing, advice or prayer.
“Two nights now, Sister,” said the mother, hope in her This occasional contact with the world makes
eyes. “Are you going to cast out the evil spirit?” the anchorites ideal eyes and ears for the order in
“There is no spirit to cast out, my child,” said the nun. parts of Europe where it has no significant chap-
“Your daughter is possessed by the Spirit of God, not a ter-houses. This, in turn, satisfies the anchorites
servant of the Evil One. We can care for her, with your that they still have a place in the Inquisition,
leave.” even if their calling and gifts do not put them in
“Take her,” snapped the father. “And don’t bring her the mainstream of the order.
God chooses the strangest people to be his prophets. enced sisters in coming to terms with their new-found
While the Sisters of St. John appear to have the same abilities and soothe their fears with the calm focus of a
screening process for postulants as other religious orders, woman who gave her life to Christ years ago.
the first encounter with the order for many members is the
concerned face of a Sister praying above her as she Testing and Training
emerges from a vision. The order’s twin reputations for Even those postulants who join the order with no
both exorcism and dealing with those who receive the knowledge of its real purpose sometimes find their
gifts of prophecy and tongues from the Holy Spirit allow minds opened to the words of the Lord. The Sisters
it to track down many young women suitable for member- believe that God leads suitable women to their houses.
ship long before they seek out the order. With around one in five of novices displaying the gift
Desperate families — or furious townsfolk afraid of of prophecy and nearly twice that number a gift for
the Devil’s touch — easily hand over girls suffering exorcism, they appear to be correct. The order’s teach-
their first visions to the order in the hope of some cure. ers direct their novices to spend time praying over holy
For those possessed by evil spirits, the order’s exorcists relics, touching them gently as part of the prayer to see
provide that cure and sometimes a new home, after if such talents will manifest. On occasion, they mani-
their former communities reject them. For those whose fest as a result of being in proximity to another nun
visions are divinely inspired, only the Sister’s prayer with the gift of prophecy. In some rare cases, they only
cycles and life of strict asceticism provide relief. manifest after years of service with the order. Such
Otherwise, any woman who can provide both a Sisters are treasured, bringing the wisdom of age to
sufficient dowry, evidence of a good background and a their visions; they often rise rapidly in the ranks of the
willingness to take Holy Orders is welcomed. Their Inquisition.
dowries and gifts help to support those girls brought to Those Sisters who show the gift of prophecy are
the order with nothing. sent to houses that specialize in the development of
that talent. There, the most experienced Sisters teach
Other Orders them the rigorous patterns of self-denial and self-
A significant number of the Sisters also join from control that allow them some measure of control over
other orders. Despite St Paul’s many teachings on the their gifts. Fasting, night-long vigils and hours of con-
gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Bible, some nunneries tinuous prayer are all techniques used to focus the
find women who possess those gifts in abundance to be visions. Each girl learns a particular trigger that will
troublesome and disruptive. Visions interrupt the or- become her own way of controlling the visions. These
derly ritual of prayer and the calm of the house. When are granted by God, during long nights and days of
one of the nuns offers to take the troubled sister to prayer, and not taught by other Sisters. God grants the
another order that specializes in such blessings, most visions; only He can teach their control.
abbesses are happy to accept the offer. Such novices Those novices who possess an aptitude for exor-
adapt quickly to the Sisters of St. John’s special prayer cism are trained within their home house. Both groups
cycle designed to both enhance and control the visions are told of the Holy Inquisition and their role within it
the prophets receive. They often aid their less experi- as their powers come under their control. Initially, they

serve the Inquisition as assistants to experienced exor- cess to thoughts and actions of the enemy that none of
cists. After two or three years, they are granted leave to the other orders possess. It is much harder to simply
perform the rites on their own or as part of a cell. dismiss someone as a tool of the Devil when you can
Those girls who remain, those to whom God has understand how they found themselves in their posi-
granted no special gift, have a choice: they may stay tion, or see the possible outcome of the creature’s
within the order as healers, administrators and the repentance.
public face of the order, or they may transfer to another While this caring and forgiving philosophy is quite
order of nuns, to act as the eyes of the Sisters in the in keeping with Christ’s teachings, it does not always
world, watching for other girls touched by God. Of late, sit well with the other orders. The Sister’s visions leave
a few have been recruited into the Oculi Dei instead, little room for the sweeping assumptions about the
serving as liaisons between the Sisters of St. John and supernatural that the other orders often make. The
the Eyes. This has been a boon to both parties, as it visions tend towards the specific, dealing with a par-
allows the whole of the Oculi Dei to keep watch for ticular demon, situation or group of people. Only St.
potential novices for the Sisters, as well as providing Teresa had visions that affected nations and the whole
the Eyes with pious and well-training healing women of the Inquisition. These individual visions focus the
to help reduce their often-dramatic death rates. minds of the Sisters on the suffering, or evil, of the
The order trains all Sisters, whatever their gifts, individual.
extensively in music, plainsong and chant. While most The Sisters are trained to discuss their visions with
monastic communities use some forms of chant and others of their order before other inquisitors. These
song in their worship, the Sisters of St. John are discussions lead to an interpretation based on the
renowned for the beauty and devotion of their music, order’s experiences to date. The version of the vision
a purity of sound that could only come from truly chaste other inquisitors hear eventually is one simplified in a
and pious souls. It is in these classes that a few of the calculated manner to make them react in the way the
Sisters display the order’s final gift from God, the Sisters deem best, rather than restarting the debate
Psalms that turn their words of praise into tools of over the interpretation of the original vision. This way
power against the enemy. of treating the other orders has lead to a little mistrust
of the Sisters’ abilities, but Mother Maria-Immaculada
Tortured Souls thinks this is a price worth paying. Individual nuns,
The Sisters of St. John have a unique perspective especially those in mixed cells, disagree and are far
on the enemy. God’s blessing on them more honest about the true nature of their
grants them ac- visions with their fellows.
Very few members of the order are
concerned with preserving the life of
l V is io n s of Teresa adetta l b e someone who has willingly given that
The Fina d by Sister Bern a n d in it all wil ht life to the supernatural in some way; they
Recorde r n b r igh tly, le s t t h e lig are concerned, however, with rescuing
shall bu and hide , e
T he lig h t ill c o w er o r t h e t im the soul that dwell within the body. In

t e d . T h e Enemy w shall perish not, f f a it h fu l particular, the Psalms some Sisters sing
illumina e
t r u e f a ce. Yet, he . The hearts of th not die. allow them to talk with the enemy in
show his t is not yet nigh w ill f lic ker, yet e m y something resembling safety. They
en it n
of Judgm from the light and flickering light, the E rarely use these opportunities to learn
shall turn arkness cast by the ent comes. more about Satan’s spawn in general,
Yet in the again until Judgm e L ig ht , yet the just about the particular soul and how
h r iv e s ha ll be th e u p o n it left the path of righteousness. They
shall t D ay , t he Name ls of the Lord mov rthy.
t are wary of deception, understand-
“On tha . I s ee the ange those who are wo l be ably, and constantly fear that the
be d im hey wil
Light will d eep a n d seek e L ig h t . T creature they are dealing with is not
f the of th
the face o ake up the sword a fallen human at all, but a demon
t alk
They will nd its Mind. a ea
nd the d . Hell shall
d w il l w merely masquerading in human or
H e a r t a e w o rld d near-human form. A mere suspi-
s t o r m w ill shake th is judgment at han is children, cion of deception can be enough
“A h o u r o f H w e lc o m e h to condemn a creature to the fire.
is the ill no t
again. Lo, es, and the Enemy w s. The Sisters can be utterly
open its ga im...
h o w m e , Lord Jesu implacable in their role as a con-
t h e y h h a t y ou s e a g a in,
no r w t must s ue.” h in science to those falling to
o n ot u n derstand n t , t h e lig h temptation. They are steadfast
“I d
sword st mome rike tr
nd. In this
“It is the e once more and the
the heart
and unwavering in their beliefs, and can even convince the theology to which the order clings. The Sisters
mages that perhaps they have followed the wrong view the restless dead as pitiable souls who have been
course in pursuing power. They can be equally relent- granted one last chance to redeem themselves through
less and self-sacrificing in attempting to turn Satan’s the direct intervention of God. Surely, argues the
minions from the path of damnation. order, the Devil would gain no boon by denying souls
Sister Laetitia of the Convent of St. Cecilia in entrance to his kingdom.
England is reputed to have discoursed with a vampire The Sisters understand that most spirits have some
throughout three successive nights, praying over the task of penance yet to perform before they can pass on
creature’s bed during the day. At the end of the third to their final reward, and are often guided towards
night, the vampire resolved to watch the sun rise. Sister aiding them by their visions. This is not an element of
Laetitia gave him the last rites as the sun scorched away their calling that they share widely with other mem-
his flesh. She held his hand, even as he caught fire, and bers of the Inquisition. Only the Red Order participates
called upon God to save his repentant soul in Jesus’s willingly in these missions, as much for the opportunity
name. She bears the scars of his passing proudly, as to learn about the spirit as to help redeem its soul.
testament to her dedication in saving souls for God. No Sister is allowed to deal with a spirit on her
The Sisters are not foolish idealists, though. Should own. At least two other members of the order must be
a mage, Devil worshiper or other servant of the enemy kept informed of the inquisitor’s dealing with the spirit
prove resistant to the world of God and be unwilling to at all times, so that they can help the Sister spot
repent, they have no hesitation in turning the sinner deception or wrong-doing on the part of the spirit that
over to the martially inclined members of the Inquisi- could reveal it as a demon posing as one of the restless
tion for a more final solution to the debate. After all, it dead.
is better to dispatch the unrepentant soul to Hell than
allow it to corrupt other souls around it. Exorcism
If there exists an exception to the order’s policy of
Ghosts treating each encounter with the supernatural on an
Ghosts are a special case to the Sisters of St. John. individual basis, it is possessing spirits. Those demons
Some of the order’s most talented prophets, like Agnes that force their way into the bodies of innocent Chris-
of Kent, receive their visions directly from the spirits of tian folk and slowly corrupt body and soul with their
the dead. While the Bible forbids attempts to contact mere proximity are anathema to the Sisters. The order
the departed, it does not speak on the matter of dealing believes that it is charged with protecting the souls of
with the dead who contact the living. That, at least, is

the Inquisition and the people of Christendom; pos- Red Order
sessing spirits are its chief foe in that task. The Red Order makes the Sisters of St. John
Thankfully, the very same mechanism the order uses uneasy. The order’s self-selecting bias towards the
to find its novices also allow it to find people possessed by academic over the pious as candidates for membership
demons. The order has a widely and publicly known seems to have bled the more caring Christian virtues
reputation for dealing with the possessed. It has enough out of the order. The order does respect the Theodosians’
agents through the nunneries of Europe, its members who ability to gather information about the enemy, but
have chosen the life of an anchorite or those who have remains concerned about the way it puts it to use.
transferred to a different order that a sister can be sum- Mother Maria-Immaculada initiated the move to put
moned to a possession within a matter of days. The Sister the Red Sisters and Sisters of St. John in joint cells and
of St. John who first hears of the possession will ensure that chapter-houses in the hope of keeping a closer eye on
the possessed person is restrained in some way to prevent the Red Order and injecting some mercy and love into
them escaping before help can arrive. In some cases, that the Red Order’s thinking. Frankly, the experiment has
entails the victim’s family maintaining a vigil over their not been a success. If anything, the women of the Red
suffering relative or, in extreme cases, calling upon the Order are more ruthless than their male brethren.
local authorities to imprison the possessed person.
The order makes no distinction between the dif- House of Murnau
ferent forms of demons, ghosts and other spirits that The Sisters hold the Murnau family in high regard.
can possess the living. The sheer act of possession is While the monastic orders give the Inquisition a depth
enough to earn the enmity of a Sister, whatever the of piety and learning that are necessary to the cause,
reason. She uses all the skills at her disposal to drive the the Murnau live among the lay people of the world and
spirit from the victim’s body, including the use of holy are thus well-placed to both to detect and act on the
relics where appropriate. If none succeed, the Sister works of the Devil amongst the common folk. Many
orders the victim put to the sword in the hope that the Sisters hold the House up as a model of what the whole
soul will find escape in death that it could not achieve Inquisition should be like: a mix of noble and com-
in life. If the spirit is driven from the body yet lingers in moner, priest and lay person, men and women, all
the vicinity, the Sister summons the aid of other working together for the glory of God and the safety of
inquisitors to help destroy the thing before it can inflict Christian souls. The family’s goal of throwing off the
itself upon another Christian soul. curse of its past with a commitment to God’s service
endears it to the Sisters as well.
Brave Souls
The idea of the Sisters of St. John as the heart of
Oculi Dei
the Inquisition is well founded. The nuns really do see The Sisters are deeply afraid for the Oculi Dei.
themselves in that role, watching out for the souls of While intellectually they understand the need for the
their fellow inquisitors as they pursue God’s work. Eyes’ secrecy and isolation, most individual nuns fear
While relationships between the order and its fellows that the Eyes are putting themselves needlessly at risk
in the Inquisition are generally good, this desire to of corruption and discovery by acting without the
minister to the other inquisitors does cause frustration support of fellow Christians. Because of this fear, the
when the other orders don’t see things the same way as order has petitioned Marzone to allow some nuns who
the Sisters. wish to leave the order to join the Oculi Dei. The Eyes,
reluctantly, have agreed. So far, the experiment has
Knights of Acre proven surprisingly effective. Fewer Oculi are simply
The Sisters of St. John have a surprising amount of disappearing in areas where former Sisters are working.
respect for the Knights of Acre. While the Knights’ While this lends credence to the claim that the Eyes are
tendency to strike first and pray for the souls of the too open to corruption by the enemy, the reports that
departed later is a matter of some regret, the Sisters come back from the former Sisters do not tally with
understand that sometimes it is better to destroy an evil this. They talk of horribly wounded Eyes delivered by
before it has time to fester and spread. Indeed, when knights who leave immediately afterwards, and who
visions of the consequence of letting a demon continue survive only through the healing ministrations of the
to survive plague a Sister’s dreams, she can be the most nuns. (See p. 45 for more details on these knights, who
enthusiastic proponent of action against it. The Sisters are members of the Sword of St. James.)
also understand better than the Knights themselves
the danger that the sword of the Inquisition faces. The Flock
Facing the enemy repeatedly in battle hardens the soul The laity, God’s people, are the reason for the Sisters
at an alarming pace; the Sisters feel a particular calling of St. John’s existence. God grants the order visions for
to care for the battle-weary soldiers. one reason alone: to help guide the Inquisition against


those who would harm His people. The Sisters see them- yet. The convent consists of a number of small, low
selves as the voice of the common people in the Inquisition, buildings within a large wall that affords the Sisters the
the little voice of conscience nagging at the other inquisi- privacy they need. The largest building is the chapel, in
tors to remember what this struggle is all about. Each nun which the nuns mark the offices of the day. Adjacent
in the order is required to spend at least two months each is the refectory and a small library with a selection of
year working among the common people. The only the writings of the saints, as well as a complete record
exception to this rules are those Sisters whose sensitivity of all visions received by the members of the order
to visions is so great that leaving their convent is distress- within the walls. Opposite that lies the dormitory.
ing in the extreme. In those cases, those nuns who work An extensive garden provides the nuns with much
with the prophetess must spend time among the laity in of their simple diet and an attached herb garden pro-
their Sister’s stead. vides herbs for healing and for controlling the Sisters’
Often, the time spent among the common people visions. A small hospital can be reached directly through
involves tending to those people who have suffered a narrow door in the outer wall. It is the only point of
under demonic influence. The unwitting pawns of the contact between the Sisters and the outside world. On
demons, those who were formerly possessed and those occasion, it holds local folk who are seriously ill. Much
who have been injured in the course of a struggle with of the time, however, it is home to inquisitors on
devil spawn all fall under the order’s care in the retreat.
aftermath of their ordeal. The Sisters tend to both the
victim’s body and mind, in the hope of allowing them The Sisters
a full recovery. Laetitia, the Mother Superior, has a formidable
Those whom the Sisters view as suffering irrepa- reputation for turning the hearts of the corrupted from
rable spiritual damage are often given places as novices the path of evil. She is growing old and tired, however,
or servants in remote monasteries or nunneries, so they and accepted the task of establishing the order’s train-
are protected from the temptations of the world. Those ing house in England as a way of continuing her service.
who recover well are allowed to return to their old lives Laetitia accepts novices from all over England and
or are recruited for the Inquisition, if their desire for Northern Europe, and many of her pupils start receiv-
revenge against their former tormentors is properly ing visions or develop a talent for exorcism. The
tempered with Christian values. Mother Superior takes a personal interest in tracking
Some people, though, are too damaged by their down and rescuing girls who are suffering from their
experiences to ever return to God’s path. These poor first visions from God. She takes great pride in the
lost souls are turned over to the Holy Office or other growing number of Sisters in the convent.
local authorities for trial and execution for heresy. The In particular, Sister Agnes of Kent is proving to be
Sister involved in caring for the fallen soul usually a fine inquisitor. The young nun is driven by visions of
takes a little solace in the knowledge that the public her family to seek out servants of the Adversary. Agnes
example of the unfortunate’s death helps warn other is only in the convent for roughly half the year. The rest
Christians away from Satan’s service. of the time she spends with a mixed cell of Red Sisters
and Sisters of St. John investigating some of the more
Convent of St. Cecilia, Amberley inexplicable sightings of demons in England.
The village of Amberley in England’s Sussex in not Sister Fryswyde is the order’s most skilled exorcist
a place of note. It holds a single manor house, a cluster in the country at the moment. She and her novices
of smaller houses, a church and a small convent dedi- spend much of their time on “pilgrimage” to places
cated to St. Cecilia. The farmers from the outlying where other inquisitors are struggling to deal with
fields come on Sunday to pray in the church, and on possessions and hauntings. Winifred, a woman who
Thursdays to sell their goods and buy supplies at the helps out with the kitchen garden on occasions is, in
market in the village. A number of pilgrims passing fact, an Eye of God. She acts as the liaison between the
from Portsmouth to Canterbury occasionally rest in two orders, seeing if the Sisters’ visions can be matched
the village, but it is not a major stop on the route. In with an observations the Oculi Dei have made else-
fact, if it weren’t for the presence of the Sisters of St. where in the country.
John and one of the greatest concentrations of proph- The Enemy
ets in Christendom, this would be an utterly
unremarkable village. The immediate area around the convent is free of
the influence of the Devil, as best the Sisters can
The Convent discern. This convent is not designed as a chapter-
The convent itself is a very simple building. It is house to cleanse the local area, however, but as a base
less than 50 years old; while the order has plans to of operations for the Sisters across the south of En-
extend it at some point, these have come to nothing as gland. Sister Agnes and Sister Fryswyde both lead cells
that are more often away from the convent than in it.

The Sisters who remain in the convent have been “For God’s sake, I have a family!”
seeing the same vision, or variations on it, for the last three “Yes, you do, and you would do well to hold your
months. The visions are all of blood, animals and the blasphemous tongue around them. You may not carry the
deaths of innocents. Many of the Sisters are now afraid to name Murnau, but we are your family as surely as those
leave the walls of the convent. Laetitia fears that she squalling brats of yours. Do they carry the curse, I wonder?
recognizes the signs: shape-changing witches and their Have you told your wife about it? No matter. You carry the
demonic animal consorts are abroad in the lands around curse and your duty is clear. Two men will arrive here
the convent. Winifred, who has recently returned from an tomorrow seeking work, which you will give them. All three of
extended absence, is inclined to agree. Eyes in villages all you will meet with me tomorrow night in my house in town and
over Sussex are reporting increasing number of attacks on we shall proceed from there.”
farmers, with whole communities being slaughtered in The idea of being recruited into the House of Murnau
the night. seems an odd one. After all, how does one get recruited
It looks as if the days of the convent’s isolation are over, into a family? Surely its members are born into it, not
yet the Mother Superior is reluctant to summon a cell of recruited? Well, yes and no. By far the largest proportion
Knights of Acre for help, as that will raise too many of inquisitors within the House is made up of blood family
questions among the villagers. Instead, she has sent a members, though not all of them knew that they were part
message to Agnes, requesting that she return to the convent of the family until their “gifts” manifested themselves.
with all haste and bring her friends from the Red Order with Also, the House, as part of its duties to the Inquisition,
her. Perhaps the Red Sisters will provide a solution. takes in men and women touched by God who wouldn’t
fit into the monastic orders and who don’t relish the life
The House of Murnau of secrecy and paranoia that comes with membership in
the Eyes of God. Indeed, the Oculi Dei’s rather stringent
How can we not act? Have you ever walked home to requirement for membership often make the House the
find that the filth in the street is even more odious then only order suitable for many new inquisitors to join.
normal? The stench sickens you deep to your stomach and
makes it hard for you to reach your own threshold. You gag Inquisitors of the Blood
and retch the closer you come to your own front door and, When the head of the family, Frederick von Murnau,
in the end, you have to turn from your home, the reek too formally agreed that the whole House should join the
powerful for you to bear. You stagger away, yet around the Inquisition, it did not lead to the immediate assimilation
next corner lies a leper, his skin a mass of boils and sore. He, of everyone who bears von Murnau blood. The process of
too, smells like a peasant’s garderobe. Whenever you think bringing individual members of the family into the Inqui-
you have fled the stench, you catch it again. sition has been a slow and steady one. The immediate
That is what life is like for my family. Demons seek family of Frederick and Leopold were the first recruits,
power, and those of us who move in the circles of power including Otto, who is the formal liaison between the
cannot avoid them. If we do not encounter them, they seek family and the Inquisition’s rulers. One by one they
us out. That is the burden God has placed upon us. We have invited in the extended family, after careful observation
no choice in the matter. You chose to serve Him. I was born for signs of possible influence by the enemy or an un-
to do it and I thank God for that blessing. Make no mistake, healthy attraction to the paths of sin. With some
I may make a play of being a wanton noble, but my faith in reluctance, the family had to undertake a small but rather
our cause is as strong as yours. brutal, housecleaning to bring the whole House under the
I want to walk the streets of my home without the Inquisition’s banner safely. By this time, the vast majority
stench of the midden assaulting me unexpectedly. of the whole extended von Murnau family across Europe
— Otto von Murnau (and even further afield, given the family’s extensive
trading interests) is aware of the family’s duties.
Recruitment The children of the family remain ignorant of the
The view was beautiful. The harsh Bavarian winter had greater calling of the House until their early teens, unless
given way to a mild spring and the garden was coming back to circumstances force them into a greater awareness of the
life. The two cousins walked side by side through the rows of family’s struggle earlier. The closest family member who
trees, reflecting both on the grace of God’s creation and on the is an active inquisitor then takes the child aside and
duty that brought them together. explains in some detail the family’s duty to the Church
“You know why I am here, cousin,” said one, reaching up and to God.
to take some of the blossoms in his hand. Some family members choose to serve in other or-
“I do,” replied the other, tersely. ders. Others follow the ordinary route of their lives:
“I know you wanted no part of this. Otto’s instructions entering monastic orders, joining a military order or
were clear, however, and you know he has Frederick’s full continuing in the family’s mundane business. Each, though,
backing. It is our duty…no, our obligation to serve the Church. still uses her unique gifts in the service of the Inquisition.
You are lucky that you have been spared this long.”


My dearest Otto,
It has been too long since we have met, my son. I demand that you come and
stay with me at your earliest possible convenience. We clearly have much to
discuss. I am sure that I speak for the whole family when I congratulate you on
your recent initiative. Brother Leopold speaks most highly of your oratory and
passion. It does me good to know that one of my blood can talk round even the
holy men of Rome.
It is a singular honor for our entire house to fall under the auspices of the
Church itself. It is also an honor most unlooked for, I can assure you. We have
never had any objection to members of the family, such as dear, unworldly
Leopold, taking vows, yet such an audacious enterprise never occurred to me nor
any of my siblings. It is a shame that the head of the family was not present at
such a momentous occasion.
Still, what is done cannot be undone. I would not like to be the one to oppose
the wishes of the Vicar of Christ — I value my slim chance of entering Heaven
too highly for that. However, I must call to your attention the matter of certain
elements of our family that might not find the Church as comfortable a home. I
feel that such family members should be found a comfortable, permanent home,
and I am sure you share my sentiments. It is a son’s duty to obey his father, is it
not? It will not be a pleasant task, but I am now convinced that you are the very
man for the job.
Your father,
Frederick von Murnau

Marriage with those suspicions already well ingrained. The von

Since the family’s induction into the Inquisition, the Murnau family’s reputation in Bavaria is more than a little
prospect of marriage for its members grows ever more strange. Learning of the curse is one thing, however, and
difficult. Before the senior members of the family agree to learning of the Inquisition is quite another. Only those
the contracting of any marriage between a von Murnau spouses who have proved themselves loyal over a number
and anyone not already within the body of the House, the of years are enlightened as to the full role of the family
family’s inquisitors carry out an extensive investigation of within the Church.
the family of the prospective family member. The Oculi Forgotten Family
Dei occasionally contributes to such investigations with
The Murnau do not sire bastards if they have any
anonymous documents outlining the shadier corners of
sense. Sadly, not every young Murnau boy has sense —
the subject’s family tree. Only once the family is cleared
more than a few scions of the house have sown their oats
of any immediate involvement with the Satanic do the
rather widely. Not every indiscretion by a family member
family elders allow the marriage. Franziska von Murnau
is recorded, and once in a while the Inquisition turns up
takes a particular interest in this area of the family
an individual who possesses the same uncanny talents as
business; she has several scribes in her employ for the
members of the House. The Inquisition always reports
express purpose of tracking not just her own family, but
such individuals to the House’s leaders, even if they are
the family lines of all those who marry into the House of
inducted into other orders. Franziska’s scribes and re-
searchers then work hard to identify exactly which branch
Spouses remain ignorant of the House’s role in the of the family tree dropped this particular acorn. After all,
Church until such time as they have proven themselves where one acorn dropped, there may be others. The
loyal and expressed suspicions about the manifestations of House has too many enemies of its own blood already and
the family curse. Some, of course, come into the family can ill-afford to discover any more. Any hint of an

undiscovered member of the family causes its members to Politicians
scramble to track down and recruit him before the family’s The House encounters Satan’s spawn worming their
curse draws him into Satan’s clutches. way into the mortal power structures of the world more
Staff and Servants than it come across any other form of demon. These devils
are the evil the family is destined to destroy, or so believe
Many of the House’s employees remain blissfully many of the House. The von Murnau specialize in dealing
unaware of the family’s work. A close inner circle of with these creatures simply because, to a large extent, the
servants and employees are not just aware of it, however, family understands them. The basic tactics of acquiring
but are inquisitors as well. After some debate, the House power and undermining enemies have been the von
agreed to open its doors to people touched by God’s Murnau’s stock in trade for generations and are much the
blessing and provide them with a home within the same as those tactics used by the demons. The order can
Inquisition. Both lay people and priests who disliked the compete with the devils at their own level, and with the
notion of joining a monastic order to serve the Inquisition additional advantage of the God’s blessing.
now serve it as part of the House of Murnau. Otto’s
Inquisitors within the family have noted a number of
immediate circle of companions is entirely composed of
characteristics in common among these demons. For one,
inquisitors, for example, and they make up the heart of his
they are happy to appear in mortal society, unlike many
own cell.
other types of demon. Some even seem to relish being in
Most of the senior family members now have several the public eye. For a little while the family thought such
inquisitors in their entourage, including Frederick. While creatures could easily be identified by an abhorrence of
he isn’t actively involved in the business of inquisition appearing during daylight hours. Recent discoveries sug-
himself, such an important noble needs protection, espe- gest that this is not the case. While some demons certainly
cially from the forces of Satan that have divined the do shun the daylight, others are as capable of walking
family’s links to the Church. Besides, Marzone, Leopold abroad at midday as any man.
and Otto know that demons move at the very highest
Another common trait is the use of human or par-
levels of society. The chance to learn more about them
tially corrupted lackeys, minions and cultists, just as the
through the activities of such an important Bavarian
House uses its servants, employees and even people just
noble is just too promising to ignore.
trying to curry favor with the nobles. In many cases, a cell’s
Many family members were initially reluctant to first hint of the existence of one of the Devil’s children will
open the House’s door like this, but experience has be the fetid stench of evil on one of her servants. A
quickly proved just how good an idea it is. Commoners messenger or tradesman who reeks of corruption is usually
and priests can often go places that noblemen cannot, a sign that a greater evil lurks somewhere near by.
mixing with people even disguised nobles would find it
After such a discovery, the family swings the full
hard to converse with undetected. The success of such
weight of its abilities into play. Its senior members do their
cells in rooting out and destroying the servants of the
best to arrange meeting with people who could possibly be
enemy, particularly within towns and cities, has done
influencing the pawn, while members lower down the
much to improve the House’s standing in the eyes of the
social pecking order attempt to trace other servants of evil
other orders. Several of the House’s trading establish-
in league with the initial suspect. Once the demon’s
ments and city residences are now covers for cells of
power structure is identified, the family can use its wealth
inquisitors, often run by seneschals or merchants who are
and influence to discredit, injure or undermine the people
both inquisitors and employees of the House of Murnau.
supporting it before seeking to confront the demon itself.
Our Duty Sometimes, the nest of monsters turns out to be small
and the cell can handle the situation on its own. On
The House of Murnau’s unique gift for detecting the several occasions, however, a von Murnau cell has discov-
enemy give it a rather focused view of the enemy. Much ered a wide-ranging conspiracy throughout a town or city.
like the Sisters of St. John and their visions, the von Curiously enough, a family party often follows such dis-
Murnau curse focuses the order on the individual creature coveries. The extended family arrives, complete with
of evil, rather than a classification of creatures. The House knightly guardians from the Knights of Acre. Sometimes
therefore tends to focus on defeating individuals and their pilgrims from monastic orders travel with the family
supporters rather than on trying to classify their unholy caravan, too.
natures. If any classification of the Devil’s servants exists
in the house, it is a broad an unconscious one, derived Predators
from the von Murnau’s attitude to the creature rather The demons that hunt the living in a direct, physical
than its own nature. These broad groups are outlined way are of less interest to the House than those who seek
below. temporal power or corruptive influence. After all, the
Knights of Acre seem better suited to dealing with such
monsters. The same cannot be said of the younger mem-


Where possible, the senior members of the family
LEADING THE WAY endeavor to send older and more experienced members of

C he von Murnau family are the point the family to aid the inquisitor in her duty and to help her
men of the Inquisition in more ways resist the enemy’s wiles. This is not always possible, as the
than one. In individual cells, they are often the enemy’s forces are legion and the von Murnau but a single
first into a dangerous situation, deploying their family. If help is unavailable within the family, Leopold may
gifts to detect the enemy. In addition, a von push for a cell of Sisters of St. John to support the von
Murnau family house is one of the easiest and Murnau cell and help defend their souls. In extreme circum-
least overt ways of establishing a cell of inquisi- stances, the order may make a formal request to the Oculi
tors in the town. Once that house is established Dei, or even Marzone himself, for monitoring of the cell.
and the von Murnau family member has made Some family members are uncomfortable with this
something of a splash in the town’s social scene idea, as they are concerned it will undermine the
and mercantile community, the House can fa- inquisition’s confidence in the House. Frederick and his
cilitate the arrival of other orders in the town. sister are canny politicians, though, and they have (quite
The family’s wealth lets it, say, endow a house of rightly) deduced that Marzone is actually happier when
the Sisters of St. John, which allows a handful of his inquisitors confess their failings and weakness and ask
nuns to start their work in the area. for aid — better that than lose more members to Satan.
After all, did not Lord Jesus teach the value of humility in
all things?
bers of the order. Like most young men of noble birth, Once the word from the head of the family comes, a
young von Murnau men (and even some of the women) von Murnau inquisitor should do her level best to utterly
are eager to prove their worth and establish a reputation destroy a corrupting demon and all those who serve it.
for themselves. Undermining and destroying a demon’s Once the demon is slain, the family member should
power structure takes time. Killing a predatory demon can destroy its corpse and all of its possessions that the
be done quickly, if not easily. inquisitor can lay his hands upon, including any property.
Soon after hearing of the family’s role in the Inquisi- This is an unusual practice for the order: it typically does
tion, many young von Murnau spend a little time actively its best to acquire the wealth and possessions of its fallen
hunting the enemy, traveling with retinues through the foes for the use of the family and the Inquisition as a whole.
family’s lands, looking for tales and rumors of diabolic The House has in its employ many fine forgers and lawyers
activity and seeking to deal with it. The older members of who can quickly and effectively resolve matters of transfer
the family actively encourage this sort of behavior. It both of title, especially with the lubrication of a little of the
encourages peasants on von Murnau land to believe that family’s wealth.
the family actually cares about them and rapidly teaches This approach has lead to some clashes with both the
the youngsters that demon hunting is not something to be Theodosians, who would rather learn from the demon
taken lightly. To be on the safe side, the family endeavors than see it and all its belongings destroyed, and the Sisters
to place an experienced inquisitor, usually one not from of St. John, who are often left to clear up and care for the
the family, into the youngster’s retinue — the better to survivors after a von Murnau purge.
drag him out of trouble.
Family Values
The House of Murnau is the least structured of the
If the family treats the political demons much like its Inquisition’s orders. The monastic orders have strict
political opponents, it treats the demons that seek to hierarchies derived from their founding Rules. The Eyes
corrupt others like its long-held family enemies. The maintain discipline and use organized lines of communi-
family’s propensity to lose members to the enemy’s wiles cation to protect the members. The House is an extended
makes the Devil’s tempters and corrupters of particular family, though, with all the conflicts that implies. Any
concern to the family’s leadership. All family members are attempt to get Cousin Gottleib to report to his Aunt
under standing orders to report such creatures immedi- Christiana is doomed to failure. Thus the individuals in
ately to Frederick or Franziska and are forbidden from question define relationships between the von Murnau
acting against them until such time as they receive direct and the other orders. There are some general attitudes
instructions from the head of the family. Otto and Leopold that stem from the family’s noble status, though.
are excluded from this process, to minimize the chances of
the Inquisition as a whole becoming aware of how many Knights of Acre
von Murnau have sold their souls. Obviously, this can “Military orders are a good home for restless younger
create problems in mixed cells; inquisitors from other sons who lack the discipline to make anything else of their
orders are sometimes puzzled by an normally enthusiastic life. They’re useful when blood must be shed, but you
von Murnau’s sudden reluctance to pursue a particular wouldn’t want them around the house.” That’s the atti-
servant of the enemy.

tude many nobles hold toward the various military orders; healthy disregard for the well-being of the peasantry and
it applies just as well to the House of Murnau’s view of the a positive enthusiasm for the downfall of other nobles.
Knights of Acre. The House’s skill lies in uncovering and Caring for the poor and unworthy is simply not the
undermining the enemy, whereas (as the Murnau see it) family’s job. Noblesse oblige is not a concept with which
the Knights are the brute force of the Inquisition: useful the family wastes much time, considering there are de-
when you need to fight, but redundant until then. While mons to be exposed.
individuals in the House often have strong friendships The family’s lack of formal religious education and
with individual knights, spending what little leisure time life-devoting service to Christ does makes it the order
they have time hunting and training with them, they tend most willing to kill those who serve or worship demons.
to regard their friends as the exception to the rule. The family members hold the death of individuals to be of
little account in the greater scheme of things. The family
Red Order doesn’t go out of its way to kill suspects, and hands them
The Murnau are rather more trusting of the over to other orders for questioning or rehabilitation if the
Theodosians than the other orders. After all, the order opportunity presents itself. If killing the sinner is the
can smell corruption: that stench does not (normally) simplest option, though, a family member will often do
hang around the Red Brothers and Sisters. Like most just that.
noblemen, the von Murnau appreciate having men and That said, the time spent in the Inquisition’s service,
women of learning to hand, to provide the knowledge the the need to work with men and women of God and times
nobleman himself doesn’t have the time or inclination to spent in prayer and retreat are all instilling Christian
acquire. There’s an element of truth to the Red Order’s values into the family with remarkable speed. If Fredrick
perception that the von Murnau see it as just a group of was aware of his family’s growing reputation for both
scribes, whose services can be called upon whenever the protecting the poor and providing them with alms, he’d
noble feel the need. The von Murnau give the monastic be furious. Such a change in the family’s image might give
order more respect than it realizes, though. They truly do away too much. He isn’t yet aware of it, however, and so
value the research the order undertakes. the steady reform of the family continues.
Sisters of St. John Another factor in this is the steady growth of non-
family inquisitors in the House. They are likely to moderate
Individual members of the House of Murnau often the actions of a true-blooded von Murnau in the field, out
have the greatest respect for the Sisters of St. John. They of empathy with the possible victim if nothing else. Those
are well aware of how much freedom they have given up von Murnau who work extensively with other inquisitors
to become part of the Inquisition and are in awe of the do seem to gain more respect for the common people.
sheer level of devotion and self-control the Sisters need to Working with people of common birth in life- and soul-
control their visions. The two orders do have some dis- threatening struggles against the enemy has a way of
agreements, usually over the House’s propensity to tread making them see their social inferiors with new eyes and,
all over victims of the Devil in its enthusiasm for rooting often, new respect, too. If this trend continues, perhaps
out his servants. The Sisters feel, quite rightly, that they joining the Inquisition really will be a route to redemption
are often left to clear up the mess. A number of generous for the family.
endowments of houses from the von Murnau family,
however, have done much to quiet the complaints. The Munich Residence of
Oculi Dei Heidolfus von Murnau
The Oculi Dei and the von Murnau interact fre- Munich has been in existence for a mere 72 years, yet
quently. Often the Eyes have spotted something suspicious, is already a thriving town. This is due in part to the
but the demon is too wily to give aware its nature to the patronage of the local noble family, the House of Murnau.
observer. A member of the House of Murnau can quickly Heidolfus von Murnau, a second cousin of the head of the
put the matter to rest. The House sees the Eyes as an house, Frederick von Murnau, has lived in Munich for the
extended group of its servants, one who do the hard work last decade. He commissioned a large new town house
of winnowing down the likely suspects. Once that tedious some four years ago, and work on the project has only just
labor is done, the von Murnau steps in and sorts the sheep finished. He could not be happier. Not only is the house
from the goats by means of their gift. In short, the noble the most luxurious in the town, it’s also a perfect base for
family see the lay order made up largely of common people his cell of inquisitors.
as inferiors — but useful inferiors, nonetheless.
The House
The Flock The house itself is an impressive two story affair, twice
Truth be told, the House of Murnau joined the as wide as any of the other buildings on the square and at
Inquisition more for its own protection than that of the least as deep. It has fairly large grounds, including stables,
flock. Like most nobles, family members tend to have a servant’s quarters and a small garden, which are protected


by a wall. The ground floor of the house is the public space,
including a reception room each for Heidolfus and Aveline,
a large kitchen , a dining room and a study. Upstairs are a
number of bedrooms for both the owners and guests.
Heidolfus has absolutely no intention of inviting anyone
but other inquisitors to stay, and makes the entirety of his
old home available to prospective guests instead. Thus the
second floor houses a small chapel for the cell’s prayers and
worship, and a second, larger study where the inquisitors’
activities are planned and information about demons and
their servants is collected and studied.
The Inquisitors
Heidolfus von Murnau is both head of the house-
hold and the leader of the cell of inquisitors. The portly
man in his late 40s was one of the first members of the
House to join the Inquisition, and is deeply committed to
the role. He is also one of the main champions of accept-
ing non-related inquisitors into the House.
His (much) younger half-sister, Aveline von Murnau,
also carries the family curse. She is an inveterate socialite
and is at the heart of the young town’s social scene, a role
that allows her to inspect all newcomers to the town for
the stench of the Adversary. Father Munifrid used to
preach in a village on the edge of the main Murnau estate.
An encounter with a shape-changing beast changed all
that when God opened his eyes and granted him power.
The House of Murnau offered the priest a job within the
house and the Inquisition, and he gladly accepted.
Hugo, a farmer, nearly died in the same incident that
opened Munifrid’s eyes. God chose to bless him as well,
and he helped keep the beast at bay until members of the
von Murnau family arrived to deal with it. Hugo is now
rather uneasily posing as a household servant, but is in
reality the brawn of the Munich cell.
The Enemy
The area around Munich has suffered from an evil
reputation for generations. When Henry the Lion, Duke of
Saxony and Bavaria, founded the new town near Munichen,
he hoped to shake off the superstitions that clung to the
place. He failed. The legends of the hoi-hoi man persisted.
These stories tell of a tall, heavy-set man dressed all in black
who walks the forests and hills around the new town,
carrying a large rock with him. To encounter this figure and
hear his cry of “hoi-hoi” is death for most; only a handful of
people have met him and survived to tell the tale. They
rarely survive more than a week after doing so. The curse of
the von Murnau family allowed Hiedolfus and Aveline’s
father, Bodoloff, to identify a cult of men and women in the
area who worship the hoi-hoi man.
Bodoloff disappeared not long after Aveline was
born. His second wife died a few years later, leaving
Heidolfus to raise his sister. He has vowed to find out what
happened to his father and avenge his death. What
Heidolfus does not realize is that his father yet lives, as the
latest host body for the demon Hoilial. The creature was

summoned from the Pit centuries ago, and has rooted to listen may just save you.”
itself partially in a rock and partially in a human host. It Nobody applies to join the Eyes of God. Nobody
is at its most powerful when the two are together, hence knows they exist or, even if they have caught a whisper of
the legends that surround the hoi-hoi man. It also has two the order, where to apply if they did. The Oculi Dei choose
families of worshippers who have sustained and obeyed it their members as guided by God. The good folk of the
for generations. order fall into one of three categories: those recruited for
Through Bodoloff, Hoilial is aware of the Murnau their skills, those recruited for their experiences and those
curse and considers the family as good prospects for future recruited by happenstance.
worshippers and servants, especially once he appears to
them as their beloved father. Other matters have occu- The Skilled
pied the demon’s attention for over a decade, but with a When an inquisitor is setting up a new cell of the
rival now thoroughly crushed, it can turn its attention Oculi Dei, her first task is to find recruits. She needs
back to Munich and the Murnau family. people who possess a number of essential skills. The first
and most important requirement for an Eye is the ability
The Oculi Dei to keep a secret. Gossips need not apply. The order’s role
is collecting information, not disseminating it.
So you think it is easy for the Eyes of God, my noble Almost as important is the candidate’s faith. Life as
friend? You think it is easy to watch a damned thing drain the an Eye is trying in the extreme, and only a robust faith in
life from a man you have known for 20 years and doing nothing God will see her through the terrible guilt and frustration
to stop it? You think that slowly learning what creatures of the that comes with the job.
Adversary lurk in the shadows of the town you call home is a
The third requirement is the intellectual ability to
pleasant experience? Do you think I relish knowing that the
analyze what the Eye sees. This isn’t the same thing as
respected merchant my family visits is tainted by the very touch
education: academic learning is a luxury available to only
of El Diablo himself?
a few. Eyes need a degree of raw, natural intelligence that
None of these things are easy, señor. None of them. We
allows them to draw accurate conclusions from limited
watch, so you may act. We suffer in God’s name so you can
information. They need sharp wits more than they need
gain glory. We all serve God and I give thanks every morning
book learning.
that He granted me the chance to do so. Do not make the
mistake of believing that just watching is easier, though. I would The last is the ability to see what is truly happening,
much rather act, but that is not my choice to make. rather than looking at events in a vacant way as so much
Here are the documents you requested. I think you will of mankind does. When the cell leader finds such a
find all you need is there. Now, if you will excuse me, señor, person, she spends weeks or months observing him before
I have other business to attend to. dispatching her report to her superior via an itinerant Eye.
My name? When the candidate is approved, she arranges a clandes-
Ah, no. It is not my place to act and it is not your place to tine meeting with the chosen soul, and asks him if he
know my name. I bid you good night, señor. would like to serve the Church. If he agrees (and he may
take some persuading given how little explanation he
— Osoro of Madrid
receives) the inquisitor sets him a task of minor impor-
Recruitment tance and monitors how well he performs it. Only after
months of tests and minor tasks does she invite him to the
Eleanor woke with a splitting headache and no idea where first cell meeting, with strict instructions to come masked
she was. She cautiously opened her eyes, only to find herself in and not reveal his identity to anyone.
absolute darkness. She listened for a while, heard nothing and
so pulled herself to her feet. Stretching out her arms to feel The Witnesses
around her, she found nothing. She began to step forward, but Ordinary folk who have already survived an encoun-
was interrupted by a familiar voice. ter with demons are another source of new Eyes. The
“I wouldn’t move too far that way, if I were you. This isn’t Oculi Dei are often the first people to know of the
a safe place to be even when you can see.” encounter after the witness herself: they were probably
It was the voice of the man from the tavern a week or so watching when it happened. The order endeavors to have
ago: the one who had believed her when she told him about that a member engage this hapless soul in conversation about
creature she’d seen. A shiver crawled down her spine. What did the encounter. If she displays a gift for analysis and an
he want with her? interest in dealing with the demon spawn, she is offered a
“I’m here to make you an offer. It’s an offer you’ll accept, place in the order once a superior grants permission. If the
if you have any sense.” Eye finds incontrovertible evidence that the witness
“Who are you?” received God’s blessing, the approval of a superior is
“Any number of people, my dear, depending on my need, unnecessary. If she is not deemed suitable, she is passed to
mood or God’s will. Now, be quiet and listen. Your willingness another order, usually the House of Murnau, as a possible
to talk may have already endangered you, and your willingness recruit. If she shows none of these qualities, the Eye leaves



0 s far as the majority of the Inquisition is

concerned, the Eyes of God are purely
common men, sworn to watch, but not interfere in,
instilled enough paranoia in them that they refuse to
believe anyone who tells them otherwise.
The second group of Swords, disgusted at the behav-
the works of the diabolic. They are wrong. The Eyes ior of Rodrigue, has pledged its loyalty to both the
were originally the information-gathering branch Inquisition and Aignen, who has not revealed its exist-
of an order of knights called the Sword of St. James. ence to the Inquisition nor to the body of the Oculi Dei.
The Eyes outgrew their parent, which has long The Swords’ new purpose is to watch the Eyes and
since become a military adjunct of the Oculi Dei — protect those of them who open themselves to attack by
and a largely irrelevant one since the order joined the enemy. Aignen lacks Rodrigue’s blatant disregard for
the Inquisition. Eyes who “fail” by being discovered. All men and women
The Sword has actually split in two since Aignen who join the Eyes are risking their lives for God, and thus
le Libraire brought the Oculi Dei into the Inquisition. deserve what little protection the order can offer.
One group remains loyal to its founder, Rodrigue de These rebel Swords know nothing of the shadow
Navarre, and continues to act as a poor man’s Knights Inquisition bar the fact that houses of the Sisters of St.
of Acre. The loyalist Swords lack the blessing and the John are safe havens for the healing of wounded Swords.
skill of the Knights, however, and their numbers are Instead, each Sword is assigned a beat of several cells of
slowly decreasing, taking Rodrigue’s already shaky stationary Oculi to monitor and protect, without the
sanity with them. The loyalist Swords and the Span- knowledge of the Eyes themselves. Aignen has more
ish Eyes are the only parts of the organization he than once received reports of Swords and Eyes who
founded that he still controls. Losing one of them have ended up monitoring each other. In such cases he
would be enough to push him over the edge, if he reassigns the Swords and congratulates the Eyes.
hasn’t fallen already. Many of the Eyes that have just “disappeared” in the
Instead of risking the Swords in battle with the recent past have, in fact, joined the new Swords after years
enemy, Rodrigue is now directing them to weed out of service as Eyes. While the disappearances continue to
Eyes loyal to “that traitor Aignen.” The Swords, fuel rumors, Aignen protects the secret right up until his
fanatical in their loyalty to Rodrigue, believe that death at the hands of the Holy Office (see p. 97 of Dark
they are weeding out traitors and heretics from the Ages: Inquisitor). He does not wish news of the Swords’
ranks of the orders, for the greater glory of God. He has internal strife to reach the ears of Cardinal Marzone.

her be, yet watches her closely. All too often, a woman cells. Twice a year, each cell sends a member to a meeting
who talks too much of the Devil’s work finds his servants of five cells from all over the country. From each of those
at her door…. meetings, a single Eye goes on to the main meeting for the
region, bearing the name of a candidate. At no point do
The Unlucky any of the attendees reveal their identity or home. All the
The last group of recruits are those who are unlucky Eyes under discussion are referred to only by their code
enough to blunder into knowledge of the Eyes of God’s names. At the final meeting, a handful of the proposed
existence. These can be friends or family of an exiting Eye mobile Eyes are selected for the job, based on a combina-
who discover his secret, or ordinary men and women who tion of the cell members’ reports and recommendations
blunder into an investigation by mistake. Such unfortu- from existing mobile Eyes in attendance.
nates are given two choices: join the Eyes or die. Most An existing mobile Eye approaches the chosen in-
choose the former. These recruits immediately “leave on quisitor in secret. The Eye offers the job to him. If he
pilgrimage,” bidding friends and family goodbye for a accepts, all branches of the Inquisition help him to sever
while. They are escorted by Swords of St. James to one of his ties to his old life. He then makes his way to a training
the order’s temporary training camps, deep in the forest, camp, which moves at irregular intervals of anything from
and trained (and tested for loyalty) before being returned a few days to a few weeks. There, he spends months
to their home city as a new member of the local cell. Those learning survival and concealment skills, the details of the
who fail the tests at these camps never return from their broader picture of the shadow Inquisition, the existence
pilgrimage. The camps are struck as soon as the training of the Sword of St. James and a broader set of code words.
is done and relocated before the next group of Eyes arrives. The recruit works with his tutors to create a range of new
identities and then sets out to take up his new duties.
The Mobile Eyes
The mobile members of the Oculi Dei are among the
most trusted members of the organization. Very few of
Those We Watch
them are recruited straight into the position, and only The Devil may be in the details, but the Oculi Dei is
then if God has directly given a sign of His approval by more interested in details on the Devil. The files of the
blessing the new inquisitor with His gifts. Instead, mobile order probably contain more information on the habits,
Eyes are recruited from among the members in the static activities and needs of the supernatural creatures of the

Dark Medieval than any other body of writing in exist- reluctant to commit any of its members to tailing a specific
ence. It is only the scattered nature of the documents and Satan-worshipper unless it has no choice. The risks of
the observational nature of the information that prevents being caught are just too great.
the Inquisition coming to an almost complete under- Some habits are a very clear marker of demonic
standing of the enemy. nature: feeding on blood, for instance. Avoidance of
The majority of the Eyes, because they are con- regular worship in church is considered equally damning.
strained to a particular area, do not have the depth of Some habits are less clear-cut but still potentially reveal-
perspective to categorize the demons they observe. They ing. A woman who regularly travels in company to a place
might see enough to link the activities of the creatures with a reputation for witchcraft or other supernatural
with a local piece of folklore, but their superiors discour- activity attracts much greater suspicion than a woman
age them from drawing conclusions like that. Instead, who goes walking without escort, for example.
they are told to record nothing but the facts of what they Observation of habits have allowed to the Eyes to
see and observe. These facts are grouped into four broad identify vampires as a distinct group of demon. The combi-
categories. nation of blood drinking and not emerging during the day
are the twin tests needed to identify such a creature;
Their Habits repeated observation of both will always trigger a report to
One of the simplest pieces of information an Eye can other inquisitors for example. The Eyes have not been able
gather on a suspected servant of Satan is its daily routine. to determine similar patterns of behavior for werewolves as
The order as a whole is aware that an individual who is yet. Despite repeated attempts to identify such creatures by
only seen at night bears further investigation, for ex- observing people around the time of the full moon, no cell
ample. Luckily, towns are small enough that a cell can has yet been able to do so with any accuracy.
assemble a pretty clear picture of the activities of a
monster simply through compiling sightings — and ab- Their Fellowship
sences — recorded by individual Eyes. The order is Detailed records of exactly who the demons associate
with are invaluable to the order. Just like the House of
Murnau, the Oculi Dei has realized that most demons
THOMAS’ MEN employ servants or lackeys of some sort in the furtherance

0 ignen’s secret weapon in his clandestine of their diabolic business. Unlike the Bavarian nobles,
struggle with Rodrigue de Navarre is the though, the Eyes have realized that following these lack-
group of English and French spies calling them- eys can lead them not just to the demon at the heart of the
web, but also to other demons in the area. Extended
selves Thomas’ Men. This group is directly
period of observation of the deeds of people that serve
descended from the spy network that the English demons have allowed the Eyes to conclude that the
martyr, St. Thomas Beckett, established during his demons in certain areas are actually warring with one
exile in France. After its founder’s martyrdom, the another. This has been one of the few flashes of hope in
group continued to monitor the Church and nobles an otherwise depressing litany of sins, horrors and blas-
of the British Isles and Normandy for signs of phemies recorded by the order. If demons actually work
heresy and sinfulness. Within a few decades, the against each other, then the task in front of the inquisition
group learned of the demons that worm their way might be less terrible than it appears at first.
into every power structure in Christendom. More astute Eyes have noted that a lack of friends can
While Thomas’ Men lack the reach and com- also be an interesting marker of someone whom the Devil
mitment to “watching, not acting” of the Oculi has touched. Lone beggars who show an unhealthy inter-
Dei, the group has been in existence longer and has est in others, yet who disappear for periods of time, are a
much to teach the Eyes about security and survival particular cause of concern. So too are brothers and sisters
over time. The merger of the two organizations was within monastic communities who secret themselves
a natural development once they became aware of apart from their fellows. Sometimes this proves to be a
each other, giving the Inquisition a greater foot- perfectly natural example of hermitage, other times a sign
hold in the British Isles and boosting the ability of of a more sinister calling.
the Men to deal with the devils it has uncovered.
A series of meetings between Aignen and
Their Sins
Simpkin Cotter, an inquisitor and leader of the One of the most crucial parts of the records are the
lists of sins committed by each creature. This ledger is
Men, followed. Now certain members of the Men
crucial in determining when other inquisitors should be
have been reassigned to Spain to watch Rodrigue, informed of the devil’s existence and the complete record
his supporters and his Swords. So far, Aignen has released. Murder of innocents counts for surprisingly
kept knowledge of the Men from Rodrigue, and he little. The order expects that Satan’s servants will kill;
fervently hopes to keep it that way. that is the nature of evil. Murder is a lesser sin than
For more information on Thomas’ Men and corrupting others into Satan’s service, though, because
Simpkin Cotter, see Dark Ages: British Isles. that affects the soul and not just the flesh. Evidence of the


appear as normal people until they display
their hell-spawned powers. Admittedly,
some of them live distinctly non-Chris-
My Dear Ai gnen , is do m an d lear ni ng . I wa r
s tian lives, but it is their display of power
u a m an of w
I th ought yo a glam ou
the Devil hi mself cast yo u are .
that marks them out as being of major
ng m is le d . Pe rh ap s interest to the order and a subject for
cleari e than
ould see yo u as m or regular observation. Displays of a wide
over yo u, so that I sh an d a trai t or , for yo u have range of powers are useful both as a guide
Clearly yo u are a fo k t o the ro tti ng corpse of the for when to summon other inquisitors
t w or
revealed our grea seen them as I have , brot her? Have and a warning for those inquisitors when
Chur ch . Have yo u no ic w orms that ea t the pu tres cent they arrive.
di ab ol
yo u no t seen th e u have . We have seen
Of course, what counts as a “mys-
Ch rist ? I kn ow yo tery” is very much down to the
fles h of the body of de ba ted thei r nature an d pu
issan ce individual inquisitor and cell. A man
he r. W e ha ve
them t oget suddenly sprouting fur and claws is
in t o the ni gh t. ro ug ht
everyt hi ng w e have w -rid den
obvious to all. A man who shows
ye t , yo u ha nd ov er particular luck when gambling is more
An d dem on
the hands of that very
this past decade in t o ubt that yo u w ill clai m that God
open to debate (although the very act
of gambling make him suspicious to
Chur ch . I have no do that th os e w ords w ere naug ht bu t the more fanatical Eyes).
inspired yo u . I clai m dem ons, fill in g up yo ur ears w ith
the w hispered voices u no do ubt believe that this petty Informants
lie s. Yo ar ts , yet
thei r pois on ou s of go od men of faithful he t o be The vast majority of the Oculi
on is m ad e up
In quisiti thar s also believe them
selves Dei has no opinion at all on the
di d no t the trai t or Ca other orders within the Inquisition,
simply because they have no idea
faithful men ? ai t or . Yo u, li ke they, are w are
ill they exist. While most Eyes know
th ey , ar e a tr
Yo u, li ke e God an d
t o th e ri gh te ou s fu ry of th os e w ho serv e Sw ord an d they are working within a larger
organization, they have no idea at
fall ve th
ords of dem ons. I ha
no t beguiled by the w have yo u, bu t a tribe of German all of its scope or nature. Only the
I have the Eyes . Wha r of devil-w or shiper s, clot hed in the
mobile Eyes and senior members of
an or de the Oculi Dei, along with a tiny
bast ards an d handful of static inquisitors who
blood of thei r vic tims? ti ,
Filii et Spir tu s Sanc
have joined mixed-order cells,
In nomine Patris , et have regular contact with other
orders. The mobile Eyes have a
The Eye of God particularly good perspective on
their fellow inquisitors, as they often know
corruption of just one two or three different cells. Do the Eyes also keep files on
Christian soul can be a trigger for the involvement of their fellow inquisitors? Of course — corruption from
other inquisitors. within is the biggest danger of all.
The Eyes also record all visible breaches of the Ten Knights of Acre
Commandments and Christ’s teachings. Indeed, anyone
fragrantly breaching a commandment is liable to end up The Knights and the Eyes exist at different ends of the
in an Eye’s report, for it is one of the major ways of inquisitorial scale. The Knights are impetuous and direct,
recognizing one of the Devil’s chosen. The order regards preferring to deal with the enemy as soon as possible. The
blasphemy, even inadvertently or in jest, as another sign Eyes are patient and are only prepared to confront demons
of the Adversary at work. This does mean that the Oculi when they are convinced that the time is right. The Eyes
Dei spends much of its energy on investigation perfectly find watching a months-long investigation into a web of
mundane adulterers, loudmouths, thieves and heretics, demons collapse incredibly frustrating, all because the
but such information is never wasted. Secular and Church Knights have spotted a single demon and hunted him
authorities never complain when a detailed dossier of down. Some cells bear considerable ill-will to the Knights
evidence on such a person appears mysteriously. as a result.
The Eyes are somewhat jealous of the Knights, too.
Their Mysteries After years of watching devils do the most debased and
The last major set of information that the Eyes gather disgusting things, many Eyes long to slaughter them just
is regarding any overt displays of supernatural power. On as the Knights do. The pleasure of knowing that he
occasion, this is the only evidence that the order can get reported the devil to the Knights is not enough for many
of a subject’s satanic nature. Wizards, for example, often an inquisitor. Despite his vow, often he wishes it were he
wielding the blade.

The Red Order
The Red Order is something of a blind spot for the
Oculi Dei. Its twin methods of field research and labora-
tory study strike most Eyes as foolishly dangerous and
incomprehensibly pointless, respectively. Those further
up the ranks of the order realize just how close the
relationship actually is, because they are the ones respon-
sible for passing information from the Eyes to the Order
and communicating the Theodosians’ findings back down
to the static cells, to aid them in their observations. The
two orders actually complement each other well, they just
don’t have enough contact to appreciate that.
The Sisters of St. John
The more intellectual members of the Oculi Dei are
suspicious of the Sisters of St. John’s tendency to listen to
their own visions over the cold, hard reality of facts.
Those Eyes with the common sense to go with their
brains realize quite how often the two throw light on each
other. Both orders are also united in the care for the
common man, although individual Sisters have harangued
some Eyes for not acting to save people when the oppor-
tunity to arose. The Eyes accept that people won’t always
understand the reason they have this code, and members
rarely carry a grudge against the sisters for such outbursts.
The House of Murnau
The relationship between the House of Murnau and
the Oculi Dei is the relationship between noble and
commoner played out in microcosm. The von Murnau
look down on the Eyes and treat them as servants without
even realizing they are doing it. The Eyes, meanwhile,
delight in getting the von Murnau family to do their
bidding without even realizing it. More information on
demons tailored to make a particular impression is given
to the House than any other order. Respect for the House,
however, is growing in the upper echelons of the Oculi
Dei. The von Murnau have been very open in asking for
observation of some of the more troubled members of the
family. Through such work, the Eyes have learned more
about the von Murnau curse than most members of the
family know and have come to respect the dedication of
the House members to the cause.

The Flock
For an order that lives among the flock, the Oculi Dei
has an uneasy relationship with their fellow Christians.
Many Eyes find it harder and harder to make friends or
maintain existing friendships as they perform their duties.
After all, it is the fate of most Eyes to watch people die at
the hands of demons without interfering. Given how small
most communities are in the Dark Medieval, the chances
are that the victim is someone the inquisitor knows.
If an Eye is to preserve her sanity, she needs to
subscribe to a philosophy of the greater good and care for
the flock in general while not letting the fate of an
individual affect her too deeply. Over time, most Eyes end
up deepening their relationship with a very close circle of


family and friends, while doing their best to steer this Julien joined the troupe two years ago. He brought
handful of people away from the dangers that lurk in the with him a copy of the Play of St. Nicholas and the money
night. Each inquisitor has to personalize the struggle and to buy the troupe out of debt. Everard acquiesces to his
tell herself that she is doing it for this particular group of actor’s strange demands because he knows that the troupe’s
people and their well-being. Frankly, each Eye has too survival depends on the strange Burgundian. Julien is, of
much to cope with as it is to take the health and safety of course, a mobile member of the Oculi Dei. He was
the whole flock on her shoulders. promoted to mobile status as a matter of urgency, when his
In particular, most Eyes become very cold when identity and calling were discovered by a demon. Julien
dealing with those who have gone over to Satan’s cause. fled Dijon in fear of his life, accepting his new role after a
When the order finally summons the inquisitors to deal Sword of St. James tracked him down.
with a threat, many an Eye has taken the opportunity to Varocher de Saumur joined the troop just a few
inflict a little cathartic violence on one of the demon’s months ago in much the same way. A monster discovered
servants. Not a particularly Christian reaction, to be sure, his identity and killed at least one other cellmate. Varocher
but an understandable one all the same. begged Julien to let him join the troupe for a short while,
On the other hand, the order as a whole is very and the older inquisitor reluctantly agreed. The Eye has
concerned with the safety of the flock. The puppet masters, proved a talented actor, though, especially good at comic
who sit at the center of the webs of information that flow roles such as the thief, Pinchdice, in the Play of St. Nicholas.
in from inquisitors all over Europe, often decide which leads Gerner, a Sword of St. James, is discreetly following
the inquisitions should pursue solely on the basis of the the troupe on its peregrinations around the cities of
likely harm any particular demon seems capable of. It’s a France, partially to monitor the two Oculi for signs of
strange irony of the Eyes’ calling that those closest to the treachery and partially to protect them if their hunters
flock are the least able to care for them, while those most ever track them down.
removed are able to act for the sake of the common man.
No wonder so many of the Oculi Dei go mad. The Enemy
For much of the last two years, Julien has been the
Everard’s Players model mobile Eye. He has liaised with local cells, acted as
The good, God-fearing people of northern France are a go-between with cells of inquisitors of several orders and
used to seeing plays, but only in their churches. Priests act faced the enemy in mortal struggle more than once.
out the parts of figures from the Bible in short tropes that Everard and the other actors are certainly aware that
form part of the services on feast days. The plays are Julien has other interests, but only Everard himself has
conducted in Latin, so many of the congregation can only ever tried to find out more. Julien was vigorous in discour-
guess at the story by the actions of the actors. aging that idea and the troupe leader backed down. The
sudden arrival of Varocher has rekindled the embers of
A man called Jean Bodel dared to challenge that way
Everard’s interest once more, but this time he is being
of doing things. He wrote two plays at the turn of the
more circumspect in his inquiries.
century that are now performed by small troops of actors
on stages outside churches. What’s more, his plays have Sadly, the life of the troupe as an extension of the Oculi
religious themes and some even actively mock pagans. Dei is drawing to a close, whether or not Everard discerns
The Play of St. Nicholas tells of a saint who is entrusted anything resembling the truth. Neither Varocher nor
with the gold of a rich man, often portrayed as being a Gerner realize it, but their discoveries by the demons were
pagan king. Thieves abscond with it, but the saint tracks linked. Both had the misfortune to make an enemy of a
them down and recovers the money. Another of Bodel’s small group of Nosferatu. The right information has changed
plays, Le Courtois d’Arras is a variation of the Biblical tale hands, and the two inquisitors are marked and watched by
of the Prodigal Son, relocated to the town of Arras. These the hideous monsters. The demon spawn are hoping to
troupes win adulation from the crowds and tolerance from discover exactly who and what is paying them so much
the Church, while acting as the perfect cover for a pair of attention through the pair. Gerner suspects that something
Oculi Dei traveling around the cities of northern France. like this has happened. It’s only a matter of time before he
discovers the watching vampires, or vice versa.
The Troupe Just to add insult to injury, Julien’s stirring perfor-
The small troupe of actors is lead by Everard d’Arras. mances as the pagan king, which often elicit howls of
He once aspired to a life in a monastic order, but lacked laughter from the audience, have not done much to
the resources or the learning to be accepted. He accepted endear him to the local practitioners of pagan magic. The
that God had chosen another path for him and waited for next time the troupe makes its way to eastern area of
Him to reveal his true calling. That moment came when Brittany, the local witches have every intention of mak-
he saw the Le Courtois d’Arras performed for the first time. ing an example of the unfortunate actor. Of course, they
He gathered a small group of would-be actors, many know nothing of his life as an inquisitor, nor the blessings
recruited from the more shiftless types in the local inn, a God has bestowed on Julien, Varocher and Gerner. More
cart and the wood for a stage, and set off touring the local than likely, they’ll be in for a nasty surprise.
cities with a version of the play.

Chapter Two:
Playing the
United we stand, divided we fall.
— Aesop’s Fables
The Medieval Church is the most powerful organization in the world, and is
positively labyrinthine in its complexity. Navigating its politics is nightmarish for
ordinary priests and bishops, and the members of the Inquisition don’t have a much
easier time of it. Likewise, for modern players and Storytellers, keeping the
nomenclature alone straight can be daunting. This chapter presents some informa-
tion on the Church, its structure, its terminology, and how the orders of the
Inquisition fit in.

Life in the Church

The religious life is not a calling suited to everyone. Those men and women who
pursue the service of God are a breed apart from their fellows, generally more highly
educated and privileged than the average medieval man. With that higher degree
of privilege, however, comes a correspondingly higher degree of responsibility, both
to the Church and to the laity.
Origins of Monasticism
The monastic movement began early in the history of Christianity as a whole,
its first stirrings arising about the middle of the second century in the East and
concentrated primarily in the Holy Land and Egypt. ciated with St. Anthony of Egypt, a Christian resident
Several factors contributed to the phenomenon. of Alexandria who went into the desert at the age of
From the earliest of recorded histories, men and fifteen and lived a life of extreme personal asceticism
women have retreated into the deserts of Syria and and austerity. The point of eremitic monasticism, as
Egypt, seeking to purify themselves and find ecstatic exemplified by the life of St. Anthony, was to dwell
union with God. Associated with this was the custom alone in nearly complete hermitage, in silence and
of going into the desert to seek enlightenment, particu- poverty, purifying one’s soul by privation and the
larly when worn down with earthly burdens or when a contemplation of God, entirely abandoning the iniq-
heavy decision weighed on one’s shoulders. Retreating uities of the world and accepting only what sustenance
into the wilderness to wander, question, and seek one’s and shelter were necessary to maintain life.
life’s mission was regarded as one of the holiest of holy Extensive organization among the eremite monks
acts, undertaken at one time or another by Moses, was almost counterproductive, but eventually the sheer
Elijah, and, most importantly, Christ Himself. It was number of Christians seeking to emulate the holy
an act of primal faith that awed those who heard of it. example of the desert fathers swelled to such an extent
Many traveled into the desert to bring these “holy that some structure was required. Eremitic monks did
hermits” sustenance and to learn their wisdom. The not have a specific Rule of Life to which they adhered,
early Christians, having been raised amid cultures that but rather a collection of general customs that pre-
valued and honored the self-punishing ethic of the vailed among the various scattered monasteries in
desert fathers, incorporated solitary contemplation of Egypt and around the Mediterranean basin.
God and orthodox self-denial into their ethics as a The strictest eremites lived in separate huts set out
highly desirable way of life. of earshot of one another, only coming together for
Many early Christians also retreated into the desert worship on Saturdays or Sundays and otherwise dwell-
to escape the persecution that fell on them under the reign ing, thinking, and writing completely alone. Others,
of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Many of these politi- less strict, would still live completely alone but come
cal refugees were hunted down and martyred. This only together more frequently (sometimes daily) to wor-
increased the general Christian tendency to regard the ship, sing hymns and recite psalms in addition to their
desert as a special place to both achieve communion with private devotions. In either case, the eremites were
God and to honor their martyred forebears. entirely dependent on the charity of others for their
During the reign of the Emperor Constantine and material survival, following an ascetic mode of exist-
his successors, Christianity rose from a marginalized ence that held prayer as their only proper occupation
and persecuted cult to become the sole and official and embraced extreme personal poverty. Eremitic
religion of the Roman Empire, generating an influx of monasticism eventually declined in prominence in
new converts and creating a new set of problems. Some favor of more communal forms of monastic enclosure,
Christians felt that the support of the Empire and the though it never entirely died out.
new ease of being Christian within it diluted the zeal of The cenobitic (“life in common”) form of monas-
the early Church and, in some ways, sullied its purity. ticism also arose in Egypt. Its foundation is credited to
Disputes arose among Christian authorities as compet- St. Pachomius, whose first monastery was situated at
ing doctrines were formulated and different sects Tabennisi near Denderah, also in Egypt. The Rule of
attempted to assert their interpretations of the faith as Life he wrote allowed monks to live in isolated huts,
pre-eminent. Many devout believers, disgusted by the but gather together for common meals and worship
intrusion of politics into the practice of their faith, services. Silence, poverty, and prayer were still heavily
abandoned the world altogether and withdrew into the emphasized. Most significantly, however, it allowed
deserts in order to return to the pure foundations of the monks to work to produce their own food and
their religion. clothing. Thus, the cenobitic monks became self-suffi-
Gradually, the numbers of Christians seeking to cient, the size of the community limited only by its
“renounce the world” swelled to such an extent that it production capacity rather than the unpredictable
became necessary to find some way to manage the “com- nature of Christian charity.
munities” of holy men and women that were forming St. Pachomius’s formulation was carried even fur-
around favored hermitage places. This led to the develop- ther by St. Basil, who constructed a Rule that abandoned
ment of two different forms of monastic experience: the the idea of personal isolation and extreme asceticism in
eremitic monastery and the cenobitic monastery. favor of genuine religious communities based on mod-
eration and Christian fellowship. This mode of monastic
Eremitic Monasticism and Cenobitic life spread rapidly around the Eastern Roman Empire,
Monasticism with communities springing up in Sinai, Palestine and
Eremitic (“desert”) monasticism first arose in Egypt Syria, as well as the isle of Lèrins off the coast of France.
in the mid-second century. Its origins are usually asso-


The monastery at Lèrins produced hundreds of well- the monastery bells at roughly calculated intervals.
trained and devout monks who fused together eastern and Timekeeping, even in the monastery, is something less
western monastic traditions. In Greece, the Holy Mount than an exact science.
Athos, which hosted both eremites and cenobites, be- Nocturns (sometimes known as Vigil or the Night
came the single most influential example of the eastern Office) is the first of the devotional offices, said at 2:00
monastic ideal. Both eremitic and cenobitic forms of AM in the summer and 3:00 AM in the winter; thus,
monasticism spread in the west, where the monastic life the monastic “day” actually begins in the middle of the
developed yet another facet — the mission to convert the night. The spoken office consists of a hymn, psalms,
heathen peoples of northern and western Europe to and various scriptural readings suitable to the darkest
Christianity. In 1230, the cenobitic monastic form (usu- hours of the night. Monastics may also spend this time
ally based on the Benedictine Rule or one of its several in lectio divina, silent prayer and meditation on the
variants) is the most commonly practiced mode of com- nature of salvation, vigilance against worldly tempta-
munal religious life in the west. tion, and solemn remembrance of the dead. Matins/
Lauds (sometimes called the Morning Office) occurs at
Living the Monastic Life daybreak: 3:30 AM in summer and 6:00 AM in winter.
The monastic day is ordered around seven offices: It is an office of joy and thanksgiving for the return of
Nocturns, Matins/Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, the light; the hymns, psalms, and canticles chosen for
Vespers, and Compline. These hours are sounded on this office are usually ones of praise for the glory of God
and Christ.
THE BENEDICTINE RULE Prime is a minor office between Matins/Lauds and
Terce, a time of communal prayer for a monastic
0 n eastern monk, Honoratus, founded the
monastery on the Isle of Lèrins. It was one
of the finest early examples of the monastic ideal as
community before the beginning of the individual
workday occupations of the resident monks or nuns.
Terce is also a minor office, usually celebrated at 8:00
well as being an influential school of Christian AM, both summer and winter, dedicated to prayers
doctrine. It trained many highly educated mission- directed toward the Holy Spirit, as well as prayers for
ary monks, including St. Patrick, whose zeal led him light and strength during the workday.
to bring the word of God (along with the monastic
Sext is another minor office, taking place at mid-
system of communal religious devotion) to Ireland.
day — usually 11:30 AM in summer and 12:00 AM in
Christian missionaries trained in the monasteries of
winter — consisting of a sung Mass, followed by a short
Ireland established communities on the Isle of Iona
period of prayer and rest. None occurs at mid-after-
and at Lindisfarne, from which they converted most
noon, usually 2:30 PM in the summer and 1:30 PM in
of southern Scotland and northern England to Chris-
the winter, marked by a brief service in prayer and song,
tianity and spread the monastic ideal from one end
usually related to perseverance in the face of adversity
of the isles to the other.
or flagging strength.
The monastic life did not, however, enjoy a
Vespers (also known as the Evening Office) is
deep penetration into continental western Eu-
observed toward the end of the day — 6:00 PM in the
rope until the coming of St. Benedict of Nursia
summer and 4:15 PM in the winter. Its celebrations
(480 – 543), founder of the monastery of Monte
usually include a hymn, two psalms, a canticle, a
Cassino and the author of the Rule of Life that
Scriptural reading, a proper responsory, a litany of
bears his name. Benedict organized his monastery
intercessory prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, and a conclud-
in an almost military fashion, emphasizing in his
ing blessing. Humility is often the theme of Vespers
Rule the importance of a structured internal chain
services, as well as wisdom and repose in the Lord.
of responsibility to regulate communal life, obedi-
Compline is the last office performed before monastics
ence and discipline, congregate meals and worship
retire for the night, usually said at 8:00 PM in the
services, standardization of dress, and a moderate
summer and 6:15 PM in the winter, consisting of a
life divided equally between work, prayer, and
short lesson, confession, three psalms and responsory,
sleep. This marriage of religious devotion and the
a hymn, and a canticle.
military ideals of discipline, regulation, and mod-
eration appealed to the people of the west in a way The most important labor in a monastic commu-
that the more strictly ascetic practices of the east nity is, of course, the adoration and contemplation of
did not. Monasteries organized under the God, including the rites of worship and religious rituals
Benedictine Rule slowly began to spread and, common to all Christians. In some communities, these
eventually, became the norm for most western devotions actually consume the bulk of each day’s
monasteries. It also earned western monks the activities; all communities, however, spend a consider-
title militi Christi, the Soldiers of Christ. able amount of time engaged in worship. These rites
included the celebration of the Divine Office, the

celebration of communal Mass, the offering of private
prayers and devotions not required by the community
Rule, and the celebration of processions and other,
elaborate ceremonies on Sundays and the feast days of
saints. All such ceremonies are performed in either
spoken or chanted Latin, and most include song of
some kind.
Mass is said twice daily, at Morrow Mass (usually
celebrated at the hour of Terce) and High Mass (usu-
ally celebrated at the hour of Sext); some communities
add a third Mass dedicated to the Virgin at an appro-
priate hour. In a nunnery, Mass is performed by a
resident (male) chaplain; in all-male communities, the
celebrant is generally appointed each week from the
ordained population of the community. The celebra-
tion of private Masses and the observance of private
religious devotions are common, as are the addition of
different liturgical offices (such as communal prayers
offered for All Saints, the Dead, or Our Lady) depend-
ing on the needs of the community.
Another important monastic labor is, of course,
education. In most cases, education is pursued in order
to promote the spiritual edification of the student,
rather than for the sake of learning itself. Monastic
curricula tend to be narrower in focus than the course
offerings of secular scholastic institutions, teaching
only grammar and rhetoric from the trivium and only
music from the quadrivium (see p. 149 of Dark Ages:
Vampire). A monastic education, while lacking the
breadth and scope of a secular university-style educa-
tion, is nonetheless superior to most other forms of
learning available at this time, particularly for female
monastics and those children not intended for holy
orders who attend monastery schools. Additionally,
monastic education often takes the form of historical
work, specifically the maintenance of historical records
and document archives as well as the preservation and
duplication of precious, expensive books. Missionary
work also falls into the field of education.
Physical labor is the third important facet of mo-
nastic daily work. The early monasteries were almost
invariably located in areas considered unfit for habita-
tion by any but monks. It was by the hands of many
early monastics that the wastelands of the world were
civilized, forests thinned, marshes drained, rivers
dammed, roads constructed and the arable farmland
that resulted from their labors cultivated to produce
grain and fruit. Agriculture remains a major monastic
enterprise. Many of the technical advances that have
fueled the prosperity of the times resulted from experi-
ments conducted with monastery fields and equipment.
Craft making, animal husbandry, the actual cultiva-
tion of crops and the maintenance of the monastery’s
properties all fall into the realm of agriculture.
Additionally, monastic communities have generally
been builders from the outset; an eremite might find a


cave to be sufficient dwelling, but the cenobitic monastic the shoulders and conceal the entire head except for
communities require dormitories, refectories, infirmaries, the face. When outside, most monks and nuns add a
chapels, and other large-scale accommodations. Archi- cloak to their clothing. In cold weather, some clothing
tecture is a common monastic occupation. Monasteries may be fur-lined for warmth, typically using lambs-
that boast renowned architectural expertise include an wool; most monastic clothing is made of wool for
office known as the Master of Works. This officer oversees warmth and durability to begin with. Sandals are
all the monastery’s construction projects. Compassionate permitted as footwear, as are “night shoes,” fur-lined
care of the sick, elderly, and poor falls into the realm of boots worn during the night offices to keep the feet
physical labor as well, as it is often travel intensive and warm and to silence footsteps. Depending on the order,
interacts with the secular world in the form of almsgiving the most common colors of monastic dress are brown,
and hospital care. black, and unbleached white.
Periods are also set aside during the monastic day
for food and rest. Generally, the community dines Monastic Offices
twice a day, with dinner around midday and supper Depending on the size of the community in ques-
around mid-afternoon. Meals are silent and served in tion, a monastery could possess any number of internal
the rectory where all members of the community are officials responsible for maintaining both the disci-
expected to eat, excepting only the infirm, who are pline and the life of the community. Below is a sampling
permitted to dine in the infirmary. A reader, selected of the most common offices.
from among the community, stands in the refectory The head of any given monastic community, the
pulpit reciting Biblical passages for the edification of superior, is generally known as an abbot or abbess. The
the community at its rest. Ideally, monastics are sup- process by which an individual assumes the abbacy
posed to abstain from consuming the flesh of birds, pigs, varies widely between individual monastic communi-
cows, and other beasts of the land. Fish, eggs, and dairy ties and religious orders. In some cases, the prospective
products are considered acceptable forms of nourish- abbot/abbess is elected from a pool of candidates, and
ment, and regular meals generally consist of bread, their election confirmed by the monastery’s patron,
cheese, vegetables, cereal, beans and egg dishes, with the order’s mother-house or representatives of the
ale or wine to drink. More elaborate meals may be papacy. In others, particularly in the case of wealthy or
served on feast days, involving fresh-caught fish (rather strategically influential monasteries, the process of
than the usual smoked or salted fish served at ordinary selection can become a positively Byzantine political
meals or as pittances), a better quality of bread, past- nightmare as opposing sacred and secular interests all
ries, and wine or mead in place of ale. attempt to install their own appointees. In either case,
Monastics are expected to wash their faces and the head of the household is the ultimate spiritual and
hands in cold water daily, and their feet at least once disciplinary authority within the community. He may
per week. Community members are permitted to bathe consult the community and take their advice on issues
in warm water three to five times a year. Such ablutions of policy, but the ultimate decisions are his, and any
are conducted in such a way as to minimize the temp- orders he issues are to be obeyed.
tations of the flesh, since one always bathes with an In larger communities, an assistant, known as a prior
attendant. Sleep schedules tend to vary, but most or prioress, often aids the abbot or abbess on a day-to-day
communities retire early in the evening and rise after basis. (In smaller communities, called priories, the prior or
midnight to say the first portions of the Holy Office. prioress is the superior, in place of the abbot or abbess.)
Community members are expected to sleep in the This individual often shoulders the majority of daily tasks
monastery dormitory if at all possible. Most monastics with regards to the maintenance of discipline and the
sleep clothed in at least a tunic. Beds consist of straw prompt execution of the superior’s orders. A prior is
mattresses on the floor and use wool coverings for always an ordained priest who may celebrate High Mass.
warmth. Fires are not permitted in the dormitory, but The prioress does not enjoy this privilege, but otherwise
in the event of extremely cold weather, braziers are performs precisely the same tasks.
allowed. The sick sleep in the infirmary, isolated from The cellarer or cellaress is the individual in charge of
the rest of the community until they well enough to feeding the community, its guests, and the poor or infirm
rejoin it. The superior sleeps in his or her own quarters sheltering at the monastery. The office’s duties encom-
if separate quarters are provided; otherwise, the supe- pass the maintenance of supplies of staple foodstuffs in
rior also sleeps in the dormitory. sufficient quantities, the housing and feeding of all ser-
Community members are generally not permitted vants and lay brothers and, in some cases, the auditing of
to own private property, and mostly draw their cloth- the accounts for the monastery’s holdings. This office is
ing from a common store. The most common monastic supported by the efforts of the kitchener, often charged
uniform is a long tunic or cassock, sometimes with a with the task of obtaining fresh foodstuffs from local
surplice or scapular on top. Nuns wear veils that fall to manors and markets and supplies from the cellarer, as well
as the actual preparation of meals.

The refectorer supervises the refectory (the hall in enjoying a host of rights and privileges guarded as
which monastics meet to take common meals) and its jealously as those of a secular lord. A large monastery
furnishings. The pittancer oversees the dispensation of and its abbot or abbess occupy the same position,
pittances (extra dishes of meat or eggs) as the community managerially speaking, as any other land-holding baron.
requires. The gardener tends to the community’s en- They exploit their holdings in precisely the same way.
closed garden. In larger communities, a staff of servants Even the most powerful monastery, however, does not
assists all of these officers; in smaller communities, these simply grow up around a religious community; a pa-
duties all belong to the cellarer. tron, generally a powerful secular or ecclesiastical noble,
The sacrist (also sacristan or sacristaness, if female) must found the community itself. Even the most mod-
is responsible for the maintenance of the altar service, the est community must meet this restriction, or else the
procurement and care of sacred vestments and ceremo- community’s claim to the lands on which they dwell is
nial items and the baking of bread for use in services. The suspect. Communities without patrons (or lands) rarely
sacrist also sees to the community’s timekeeping equip- survive for long. The monastic community must be
ment, the bells that ring the hours, the upkeep of the granted the land on which the monastery itself is
church interior and the care of the graveyard. Sometimes, constructed and from which it may draw resources for
the office of the sacrist and the office of the warden of the its own sustenance.
shrines (who maintains any shrines to the monastery’s Such acts of patronage are attractive to potential
patron saints and any relics contained in those shrines) donors for numerous reasons: genuine piety; atone-
are rolled into one. Sometimes those offices are separate, ment for past sins or spiritual insurance against future
but closely related in duties. transgressions; as a mark of the sponsor’s wealth or
The chamberlain is responsible for many of the status. Many monastic foundations have more than
same tasks in a monastery as he or she would be in a one sponsor and benefactor. Cases exist of monasteries
secular household: the procurement or replacement of formed by corporate bodies of individuals and families
tools, clothing, bedding, firewood, and other sundry who donate land and supplies to the community. Some
necessities of life. In most cases, the chamberlain also foundations are genuinely spontaneous acts of piety
oversees the cutting of hair and the shaving of tonsures, and generosity. Others are meticulously planned-out
as well as regular bathing for the house’s inhabitants, affairs involving the partitioning of a larger monastic
clerical as well as lay. community into two or more smaller communities,
The almoner oversees the community’s charitable each with a resident cell of trained monks or nuns from
donations to the poor, most often in the form of food the same order.
and clothing but occasionally shelter, as well. This In return for the largesse of the original donations,
work often involves leaving the cloister to distribute the community is often expected to provide services to
alms to the unfortunate in nearby secular communi- the founder, usually of a religious nature. Prayers for the
ties, usually on a regular monthly basis. soul of the benefactor and his family and burial in the
The precentor (precentrix, if female) is often the monastery graveyard are not uncommon provisions in
most soundly lettered person in the monastery, given foundation agreements. Additionally, the benefactor
the task of overseeing the study and copying of books may reserve the right to choose or appoint members of
as the head of the monastery scriptorium. Sometimes, the community, either immediately or in the future,
the precentor is also the head of the choir. In larger and may have confirmation (or veto) power over the
houses, the librarian (who oversees the maintenance election of the monastery’s superior.
of the monastery library and supplies the copyists with As the monastery’s patron, the founder is the
the ink, parchment and other materials they require to individual to whom the monastery looks for the major-
complete their tasks) supports the precentor. ity of its support: material and financial as well as
The infirmarian is responsible for the administration physical and legal. The donations of the patron, as well
of the monastery’s infirmary, tending to the needs of the as sundry lesser benefactors, often supply a monastery
sick and old in both the monastic and any resident secular with some fraction of the food, clothing, candles, and
populations. This individual usually has some skill in the other necessities of communal monastic life, but these
healing arts, as well as knowledge of medicinal herbs and benefices are generally not sufficient to entirely sup-
therapeutic techniques. In smaller houses, the infirmary is port the community.
usually of modest size, often little more than a dormitory; Most monastic communities collect income from
in larger houses, the infirmary may actually constitute an the same sources available to secular lords. Donated
entire complex by itself, complete with dormitories, refec- croplands are farmed and the produce stored to serve
tory, chapel, kitchen and any other necessary buildings. the needs of the community, with the excess sold for
cash revenue. Flocks of sheep are often kept to supply
Monastic Rights and Responsibilities the monastery with a ready source of raw wool, for
Monasteries and their rulers are among the most community use or for sale. Woodlands are cleared for
powerful and influential land magnates in Christendom, timber; mines are dug to extract metal and mineral


deposits; fishponds, in addition to providing a staple of and a more rigorous standard of behavior in its custo-
the monastic diet, can be leased for harvest; arable land dians. The communities to which they belong, both lay
can be farmed out to others for a fixed annual fee. Many and religious, justifiably revile those monks, nuns, and
monasteries hold rights over one or more parish churches other clerics who fail to meet those demands and who
and can receive handsome profits from these depen- fall from Grace publicly.
dencies. Monasteries housing popular pilgrim shrines Innumerable ways exist by which an individual
containing the relics of saints are permitted to charge monastic might fall from Grace. The most common is
fees for access to these shrines. The oldest and largest a deliberate or accidental breach of vows, or a trans-
monastic foundations often hold their lands by knight gression against the order’s Rule of Life. Such things
service and so are barons in the eyes of secular law, can be as egregious as engaging in rampant carnality
capable of fielding substantial numbers of knights and with another in violation of a vow of celibacy, or as
men-at-arms in times of war and holding places on mild as breaking the Lenten fast due to illness and
royal councils among the wealthy and powerful of the being required to eat proscribed foods at that time.
secular world. Depending on how public and how extreme the
Monastic communities, however, while enjoying transgression, it could be addressed in several ways. In
many of the same rights and advantages of widespread general, most monastic and secular religious founda-
land ownership as secular lords, have one distinct tions prefer to keep their disciplinary actions in-house,
advantage that their counterparts lack. Monastic com- even in the case of such serious secular crimes as rape
munities are not subject to secular law, but canon law, and murder. There they administer justice according to
and canon law unabashedly favors the position of the canon law and prescribed religious punishments. An
religious community over the complaints of any secu- adulterous nun who bore her lover a child out of
lar litigant. Canon law at this time is in a state of wedlock might be punished by subjection to eremitic
considerable flux, hardening, stratifying, and reorga- cloister for the rest of her life, or she might be expelled
nizing to meet the needs of an extremely active political from her order entirely, depending on the situation
phase in both the papacy and the general life of the involved. A monk guilty of persistent insubordinate
Church. The creation of the Holy Office of the Inqui- behavior might be sentenced harsh penances: a bare-
sition has moved the enforcement of canon law into foot pilgrimage in mid-winter, for instance. Unless the
entirely new realms of widespread, uniformly applied breach of propriety was very public in nature, however,
religious justice, administered by a highly educated such things rarely excite much notice among the laity.
class of jurist-inquisitor monks, the Dominican Order. On the other hand, the cultivation of wealth and
Prior to the Albigensian Crusade and the conse- political influence for their own sakes (and the misuse
quences arising there from, canon law was often poorly and misappropriation of Church funds for personal
understood and even more poorly enforced. Specially comfort and aggrandizement) tend to be often noted
trained advocates, Church lawyers educated in the and bitterly reproached, from both the pulpit and
arcane minutiae of canon law, had the deepest under- among the laity. Such things occur with depressing
standing of the considerable body of religious legal frequency among the wealthier and more powerful
theory and precedent. Their knowledge was often far monastic foundations, which occasionally tend to for-
more detailed than that of the bishops, archbishops, get that the pursuit of ephemeral wealth and power in
and abbots primarily responsible for enforcing that law. the temporal sphere is of secondary concern to their
This tendency toward lax enforcement — particularly real mission. When a monastery is sitting on top of a
with regards to accusations of heresy — led to vigorous gold mine in land rights and tax revenues, however, the
reform as well as political clashes, as canon law became longing for a pure and true spiritual life can rapidly fade
more rigidly defined and secular law began taking on in the face of avarice, with silver that purchases rich
characteristics of canon law. Energetically enforced food and comfortable clothing and a warm bed at
canon law is a major source of irritation to secular night. The widespread nepotism prevalent at certain
authorities, as even the most minor clerk can claim layers of the Church hierarchy is in many ways to blame
benefit of clergy and the right to be tried in Church for this tendency. In some areas, the most senior
courts, no matter what their crime might be. prelates are more political appointees than priests, the
relations of Cardinals who promised and provided a
Corruption within the Church remunerative post within the Church. Such breaches
It’s an honored saw in every era that with great in the contract of faith drive wedges between the
power comes great responsibility. In the case of the Church and the laity, hampering the life of many
Church, the power is greater than even the power of Christian communities.
life and death – it is, in the eyes of its own members, the Tolerance for popular heresies or a failure to speak
secular authorities, and the common run of humanity, out effectively against them also works against the
the power to condemn a soul to eternal damnation. bond between a cleric and the laity, as does the some-
Such power demands a higher form of accountability

times-pronounced ignorance among God’s own shep- cantorum and lead much of the liturgical singing that
herds. Despite the generally higher level of education takes place during Mass. The Order of Exorcist (the
that prevails among churchmen, some monks, nuns, Exorcistate, third of the Minor Orders) bears the re-
and parish priests are woefully unschooled in the spe- sponsibility for bringing spiritual healing to the flock,
cifics of their own faith. Such individuals make poor the casting out of demons and devils and the rites of
combatants against the rise of sophisticated heresies, physical and spiritual purification. The Order of Aco-
and can even spread their own imperfect knowledge of lyte (the Acolytate) is the fourth and highest of the
Scripture among the flock, giving birth to yet more Minor Orders, whose duty and privilege is to assist the
doctrinal errors. Minor flaws in teaching can produce members of the Major Orders during High Mass, caring
unintentionally terrible weaknesses in the armor of for the light, wine, and water during the holy Mass.
faith, an issue of great importance to the people of the Minor Orders are not, technically speaking, a sacra-
time even without diabolic influences that stalk the ment bound by holy vows. Minorites may return to
innocent. The only way to combat this failing, of secular pursuits if they choose to do so.
course, is to seek and obtain a higher standard of The Major Orders comprise the secular religious
education among the clergy — an uphill battle in an celebrants of the Divine Office. The Order of the
era when books are costly to purchase and costly to Subdeacon (the Subdiaconate) is the first of these;
duplicate. while also not a sacramental office, they are nonethe-
less ranked highly due to the privileges and duties
The Inquisition in the attached to the office. The Subdeacon assumes the
obligation of observing perfect chastity in the unmar-
Church ried state and takes the responsibility of reciting the
Divine Office, both for life. The Order of the Deacon
Among the orders of the Inquisition, the von (the Diaconate) is the lowest order of the divinely
Murnau are born and the Oculi Dei chosen. The established hierarchy and is a true sacramental order.
clerical orders are all monastic or semi-monastic mili- The deacon is a true participant in the priesthood
tary in origin, and entry into those orders is inasmuch as he assists a priest or a bishop, usually both.
accomplished according to their individual require- The deacon’s duties include assisting the priest in the
ments. Male members of the shadow Inquisition, performance of High Mass, the distribution of Holy
however, have another option available to them: secu- Communion, the reading of the Gospel and preaching
lar ordination. to and instructing the laity.
Secular ordination is the process of taking Holy The Order of Priest, the third and highest of the
Orders of a non-monastic variety. The canons regular Major Orders, is also a sacramental office. A priest is
(the monastic clergy) profess vows that indicate their very much a priest forever, “of the order of
desire to abandon the world and give themselves wholly Melchisedech.” He is expected to live a life of noble
to Christ through a life of poverty, pious good works, character, adhering to faultless piety and chastity in
prayer and celibacy. The secular clergy profess vows that the unmarried state. His duties are the most important
permit them to remain in contact with the world, carrying of the secular clergy: the power to offer up the Holy
out the will and adoration of God through the central act Sacrifice in the form of High Mass, the right to forgive
of worship, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, while main- sin and the right to bless. Theoretically, any unmarried
taining a life of Christian piety and chastity. Christian man may become a priest, including male
According to tradition, there exist four Minor members of the monastic clergy.
Orders (the Order of Porter, the Order of Reader, the
Order of Exorcist, and the Order of Acolyte) and three The Poor Knights of the Passion of
Major Orders (the Order of Subdeacon, the Order of
Deacon, and the Order of Priest), each of which per- the Cross of Acre
form specific duties and hold specific obligations in The Poor Knights have possibly the easiest road of
Christian worship, as well as enjoying specific privi- all the Inquisitorial orders to walk by virtue of their
leges. The Order of Porter (also known as Ostiariate, very nature. While they may be a relatively young and
the first of the Minor Orders) bears the responsibility minor military order, the details of their commission
of guarding the doors and gates of the Church, the care permits them a more legitimate excuse to leave cloister
of the sacred vessels used during worship and the than is possessed by either of the other clerical orders
bearing and opening of the sacred texts used by the of the Inquisition. They recruit not only from the
speaker. The Order of Reader (also called the Lectorate, cream of those who apply directly for membership in
the second of the Minor Orders) bears the responsibil- their own order, but also from all but a few of the other
ity for the first portion of the Holy Mass, the Mass of the military orders, creating a pool of seasoned military
catechumens (catechism) — the instructional part of men whose experience often tells the tale in confron-
the service. They also form the body of the schola tations with the Enemy. The sons of the von Murnau


and the Oculi Dei also enrich their ranks and broaden and another opportunity for private devotions. This is
the pool of resources available to them. All in all, it is the same in both the cloister and the field. The last
a good time to be a Poor Knight. drink of the evening, the final check on horses and
The Poor Knights arrange their days according to equipment and any consultation with squires that
the same structure as most of the other monastic might be necessary follows Compline service, and
military orders. Like the Theodosians and the Sisters of then, at last, bed.
St. John, the Poor Knights rise for the first time at
Nocturns. It is celebrated in the commandery chapel COMMAND STRUCTURE
by the brothers in cloister and in the tent belonging to
the ordained priest among the Poor Knights in the WITHIN THE POOR KNIGHTS
field. In both cases, the brothers say prayers and are
then dismissed to check on their horses and equip-
ment, speak to their squires if necessary, and either
C he Poor Knights possess the most rigidly
defined chain of command in the shadow
Inquisition, which is only fitting given its unique
retire again for a few more hours of rest or engage in position within that organization. At the top of
silent reading or private devotions. this hierarchy stands the aged Grand Master
At Prime, the Poor Knights rise again to begin Gauthier de Dampiere, whose health is declining
their day, usually with a full Mass in chapel attended by rapidly despite the best efforts of his staff to keep
the entire community; in the field, Prime usually only him alive. It is very likely that the Poor Knights
marks the beginning of the workday. Following Mass, will need to elect a new head of their order before
orders for the day are handed out to those brothers in the year is out. Consequently, the Commanders of
cloister. These orders run the gamut of daily occupa- the Tongues have begun jockeying for position,
tions for the monastery and include general each one finding the excuse to either personally
maintenance tasks (cleaning the chapel and refectory; travel to Cyprus and visit the dying Gauthier, to
tending to the shrines of the monastery’s saints; tend- send a personal envoy, or at the very least to write.
ing to arms, armor and mounts; a term of attendance in There are eight Commanders of the Tongues,
the infirmary or hospice) as well as short-range patrol one for each region in which the Poor Knights have
duty. Those cells of Poor Knights in the field are usually a presence. Beneath them are arranged the Knight
already on long-range patrol duty or else carrying out Commanders of individual monasteries. If Gauthier
specific duties for the shadow Inquisition; these duties chooses to give his personal approbation to one of the
take up the bulk of all daily activity, though the early Commanders of the Tongues, it may ease the elec-
morning hours are usually spent caring for arms, equip- tion of his eventual successor — or it may demolish
ment, and animals. the upper reaches of the Poor Knight command
At Sext, the Poor Knights pause in their activities to structure. Only time will tell on this issue.
attend High Mass (if Mass was not said earlier already), Standing as an equal to the Commanders of the
and then to take the first of two communal meals. The Tongues is the Commander of the True Cross, the
midday meal is silent except for the readings of the clerk, Knight Castellan of the Fortress of the Cross, Gauthier
who selects and delivers Biblical passages and psalms for de Dampiere’s sharp-tongued left hand, Sir Jehan de
the edification of the brothers at their meal. Full knights la Croix. Sir Jehan, despite the favor he finds in
eat first, then sergeant-brothers, then squires; unlike the Gauthier’s eyes, has been all but discounted as a
purely monastic foundations, the military orders generally candidate for Grand Master. This is due primarily to
take meat with their meals to maintain their strength, his youth and the fact that, at Gauthier’s strange
though red meat is avoided on fast days. Knights in the insistence, he has never personally commanded troops
field usually hear High Mass at Sext and take their meal in the field, though his inquisitorial cell is a precision
communally without regard for rank, though they also instrument of destruction.
observe their vow of silence unless urgent matters need to The head of a Poor Knight monastery is its
be discussed. Knight Commander or Knight Seneschal, whose
Work continues for the rest of the day until None, duties and privileges are identical to those of an
when knights in cloister attend services in chapel. This abbot while in cloister and a general while in the
is followed by meetings as necessary among inquisito- field. Beneath him are the Knight Castellan (a
rial cells or with the senior members of the order to rank roughly equal to that of the prior in a regular
discuss matters pertaining to inquisitorial duties. Poor monastery and co-commander of the Knight Broth-
Knights in the field generally say brief prayers at Nones ers), the Turcoplier (the Commander of the
and begin searching for a place to settle for the night if Sergeants of Battle), the Under-Marshal (the
they do not have a chapter-house or other shelter to Commander of the footmen), the Knight Broth-
which they may return. ers, the Sergeant Brothers of Battle, and the
Among the Poor Knights, Vespers service is a vigil Standard Bearer.
for the dead, followed by the second of the day’s meals

The Poor Knights are forbidden from owning pri-
vate property by their vows of poverty. Everything they HAGIOGRAPHY AMONG THE POOR KNIGHTS
possess and travel with is issued to them by their agiography is the study of the lives of the
chapter-house, including horses, arms, armor, bed- saints, usually for the specific purpose of
ding, and clothing. Poor Knights in cloister sleep in a edifying the soul. Contemplation of the blameless
single dormitory divided into simple cells, containing lives of the sainted and blessed dead and prayer to
only space enough for their sleeping pallet and a chest those beings for divine intercession is considered
for storing clothing and mail. The dormitory generally a sacred act among Christians. In the popular
contains no fireplace, but braziers and charcoal are imagination, Heaven is populated with ethereal
provided in the case of exceptionally cold weather. A beings that can grasp the hem of God and beg aid
single light is left burning all night for purposes of for a soul in need, if properly approached. The
safety. They are expected to wash their hands and faces Poor Knights use the study of hagiography for this
daily, their feet at least weekly, and bathe completely purpose as well. Their commanderies are usually
at least twice a year. Anything more than that is founded in the names of suitably martial saints or
generally considered a sign of unseemly vanity. They those saints whose relics reside in the commandery
tend to favor short-cropped hair to help keep the lice chapel and shrines.
and fleas away.
Most hagiographic writing tends to play some-
The Poor Knights do not grant any greater weight what fast and loose with the actual historical
to the accomplishments of those brothers who mani- events of a saint’s life. Such authors often prefer to
fest the blessings of God when it comes to the frame the stories in terms of Biblical lessons or
determination of rank or responsibility. Most Knight morality sketches designed to teach a specific
Commanders value general competence more keenly religious principle, whether or not the saint in
than the most spectacular display of divine providence; question ever said the words or performed the
competence, after all, is flexible and useful in more actions ascribed to them. The Poor Knights tend
places than the battlefield. to be somewhat more rigorous in their research
To young knight brothers flush with the gifts of ethic. While it is often difficult to sort the wheat
God and their first real victories against the Enemy, from the chaff at a thousand years remove, the
this can seem like a tremendously backward way of Poor Knights do their best to determine the actual
doing things. The first manifestation of God’s blessings truth of a saint’s life or actions, the better to
can, for a Poor Knight, be a heady thing comprised of catalogue their relics accurately and to determine
equal parts adrenaline rush and the exaltation of a truly what specific effects, if any, a relic might possess.
divine ecstasy. It is usually powerful enough to addle A saint renowned for his Christ-like compassion
the brains of even combat-hardened veterans, much would generally not, after all, produce a relic
less excitable young men on their first missions outside whose nature would lend itself to a martial pur-
the cloister. It often has the annoying habit of simulta- pose; similarly, the relics of martial saints might
neously damaging a Knight’s humility and rendering not be much use when trying to invoke prayers of
him drunk on his own righteousness. The Poor Knights healing. Each thing under Heaven to its own
have consequently developed numerous strategies for purpose and place, after all.
counteracting this effect.
No matter how skilled an individual Knight might
Those Knights who possess the inclination and the
be or how highly sought-after his prowess, no Poor
skill are set to rearing the order’s oblates and orphans,
Knight is permitted to spend all of his time in the field.
training and instructing the squires in their duties and
At least one third of each year must be spent in cloister,
overseeing the activities of the younger Knights. Those
attending to those duties that do not involve smiting
brothers of more scholarly inclination are given the task
the minions of the Enemy with the strength of the Lord
of cataloguing the origins and functions of any holy relics
and performing tasks intended to keep the knights in
possessed by individual chapter-houses. This task often
contact with their own humanity. The most obnoxious
involves the researching of and writing about the lives of
offenders are often given the most spiritually humbling
the saints to whom the relics originally belonged. Thus,
tasks, more often than not duties in the commandery
the Poor Knights often double as the shadow Inquisition’s
hospice, tending to the needs of the pilgrims whose
resident hagiographers and specialist historians in the
protection is one of their primary duties. A stint wash-
lives of the sainted and the blessed.
ing and bandaging the blistered feet of the faithful,
cleaning their clothing, preparing their meals, tending Player’s Toolbox
their wounds and (in some cases) delivering their
Questions to Ask and Answer:
children, is often sufficient to restore even the most
severely Conviction-drunk Poor Knight to something Where does the character come from? To which
resembling common sense. tongue of the Poor Knights does he belong (see p. 130


of Dark Ages: Inquisitor)? Did he grow up in the • The character is an oblate raised within the
order? If so, was his father a Knight or a member of one order from earliest childhood, most likely an orphan of
of the other Inquisitorial orders, or was he an oblate? the Enemy’s malice. As such, he carries a wicked
Did he join the order completely willingly or was it grudge along with a considerable ration of skill and
something his family expected of him? Is the character drive. While he cannot wait to get into the field and
genuinely pious? Is the character of completely martial face the creatures that so deformed his life; his superiors
temperament? Studious temperament? What are his are rather justifiably worried that vengeance is not the
primary duties in the commandery when he is not in worthiest reason to take up arms against the Enemy.
the field? Which duties does he like best and why? They are equally concerned for the state of his soul.
Which duties does he dislike most and why? Does he • The character is an older and more experienced
find the vows he took when joining the order onerous knight from another military order who came to the
or does he find it easy to live within the framework of Poor Knights after witnessing a supernatural manifes-
the order? tation of great horror. Perhaps he found a vampire or
Character Concepts: other such demon lairing within his own chapter-
• The character is the youngest son of a noble house, or perhaps he witnessed one of his own sworn
family. While Holy Orders were something he ex- brothers being torn to shreds by a wolf-creature. What-
pected out of life, he in no way expected to end up in ever the impetus, he has come to the Poor Knights
the only military order professionally devoted to hunt- seeking knowledge of the Enemy and bringing his
ing down and slaying monsters. Expecting to find experience on the field of battle as well as the politics
himself in a foundation like the Templars or the of the commandery.
Hospitalers, the character has instead found himself
thrust into the dark underbelly of the world and en- The Order of St. Theodosius
gaged in a struggle whose existence, and importance, The Red Order is arguably the most unusual mo-
he never even suspected as the callow and privileged nastic order currently in existence. Above all other
son of nobility. Even worse, he has discovered that the things, the Theodosians break one of the most funda-
influence his father wields in secular society places his mental rules of monastic endeavor; for them, in many
own family in danger from the enemy. ways, the pursuit of knowledge and education exists as

an end unto itself, not only a way to more fully under- community is expected to attend these services, but a
stand the scriptures and the mind of God revealed substantial portion of every Theodosian community
therein. Curiosity is the engine that drives most of the has permission to practice these prayers privately if
Red Brethren, the relentless desire study, learn, and attending the service will seriously impair the perfor-
know. The most intensely intellectual of the orders, mance of their duties. Lectio divina worship among
their standards of entry are high, their Rule of Life individuals and groups engaged in similar tasks is
unique, and their mission of vital importance to the extremely common among the Red Brethren, who
defense of Christendom. sometimes have difficulty tearing themselves away
The Red Order, however, is not completely differ- from whatever fascinating thing they’re working on
ent from every other monastic order. Theodosian even to answer the call of God. Even so, they are rarely
monasteries celebrate the same rites of the Divine permitted to avoid communal worship entirely. The
Office as every other religious foundation; they rise, prior or prioress of the monastery is usually given the
pray, work and sleep on almost entirely the same additional task of tracking the attendance of the
schedule. Their day begins in the middle of the night community’s members and making certain that absen-
with the Nocturns vigil for the dead and ends with teeism does not become a habit. Even those Red
confession at Compline, as the sun slips below the Brethren permitted to worship privately are expected
horizon. It’s the parts in-between where the greatest to attend communal services at least thrice daily,
variations in life occur. usually the specific services of Nocturns, Compline,
Theodosians are primarily scholars and research- and either Morrow Mass or High Mass.
ers. Where the monks and nuns of any other order The Theodosian cycle of research begins on the
would spend the majority of their day’s labors at the second hour after Nocturns and persists until the hour
humble tasks of sustaining and maintaining their prop- of Sext. During these hours, the Red Brethren are
erty and dependents, the Red Brethren delegate those permitted to read and consult with one another as their
tasks to lay brothers and sisters associated with their research requires, to consult with any fellow inquisitors
monasteries, or to servants hired to perform specific of other orders present in the monastery or any local
tasks. It’s the rare Theodosian who voluntarily spends secular communities, and to speak with any residents of
her days up to the elbows in soapy water helping with the infirmary or lay brethren who might be sources of
the laundry or cleaning the chapel. information. From Sext to Compline, they are permit-
Instead, when the members of the Red Order rise ted to continue their researches if necessary. While the
at Nocturns, they begin a vigorous course of daily sun is high, however, they are expected to do a certain
prayer, study and experimentation. As with every other amount of genuinely practical work, such as copying in
monastic foundation, the eight cycles of the Divine the scriptorium, taking depositions from fellow in-
Office are performed communally. The majority of the quisitors, writing of their own experiences for the
order’s records, engaging in experimentation with the
applications of the Holy Art and, in some cases, help-
OF THE VOWS OF ST. THEODOSIUS ing maintain the order’s property. Those Red Brethren

B ainted Theodosius was a man ahead of his who do not practice the Holy Art, for whatever reason,
time, a former heretic intellectual and often shoulder the majority of the order’s maintenance
philosopher gifted with great wisdom and fore- tasks, either overseeing the lay brethren charged with
sight. When he formulated his Rule, he the actual physical labor or, in the case of a smaller
acknowledged in it the need for those who would monastic house, performing it themselves.
follow his calling to interact far more than was A certain subtle snobbery exists within the Red
common among the early adherents to the monas- Order between those that practice the Holy Art and
tic movement. As such, the Theodosian Rule itself those who do not. This tendency is by no means
contains few restrictions with regards to associa- encouraged, and is in fact vigorously punished with
tion between Red Brothers and Red Sisters (though penances designed to restore the offender’s humility
that degree of license has since been edited to before God when it becomes too evident or obnoxious.
bring the Theodosians more closely in line with Human nature is human nature, however, even among
standard monastic practice) and no vow of silence the Theodosians.
(which has not been required of the Theodosians, No one is quite certain why some Red Brethren find
despite repeated efforts to foist this stricture on it easier than others to learn the Holy Art, the special
them). The Red Brethren therefore communicate cycles of prayers and invocations that call the Will of God
among themselves more freely than in most mo- manifest into the world, or why some cannot learn it at all,
nastic foundations, where conversation is but theories abound. Most of those theories involve some
considered an unnecessary distraction from both form of deep-seated moral or intellectual defect in the
prayer and work. brother or sister who cannot make use of this skill. Other
theories posit that a would-be theurgist cannot be in a


state of sin with unconfessed transgressions, no matter
how minor, weighing on the soul. Those Red Brethren
who cannot or choose not to practice the Holy Art
naturally tend to find these theories rather insulting. They
do not have any better explanations, unfortunately, ex-
cept among those individuals who have deliberately
chosen not to learn the Holy Art. Such individuals tend
to coolly point out that there are some forces with which
one should simply not meddle, even in the name of God.
In most cases, the theurgists of the Red Order are
made, not born. Unlike the Sisters of St. John, the Red
Brethren rarely manifest any “wild” expression of power,
even God’s favor, before they enter the monastery and
begin their training. The option to pursue tuition in
the use of the Holy Art is just that — an option, one of
many, and no official stigma attaches to those Red
Brethren who choose not to pursue that course of
study. Once a Theodosian passes her novitiate and
takes final vows, she is permitted to study the Holy Art,
to support the monastery in a more normalized role, or
to join the majority of the order in its researches on the
Enemy and the development of practical methods of
dealing with those foes in the absence of the Holy Art.
The Red Brethren who opt to study the Holy Art are
almost regarded as a separate population, as their duties
require a more intensive program of private lessons and
practice time in order to master them. They do not live
apart from the rest of the monastery population, but a
subtle separation in attitudes nonetheless persists despite
the efforts of most Theodosian abbots and priors to
discourage it. They are, after all, a community, and for the
most part the Red Brethren remember this fact well,
despite the propensity for personality conflicts. The
theurgists do not come by their power cheaply.
Among the practitioners of the Holy Art, the appear-
ance of some form of stigmata is the most common sign of
their mastery and, theoretically, their close communion
with God and Christ. Bearing the stigmata is often a sign
of supreme human holiness, a piety and humility that
raises the bearer into a higher spiritual plane. They are
literally regarded as the co-sufferers of Christ himself,
chosen to experience His pain and His sorrow for precisely
the same end, the expiation of the sins of the world. The
mere appearance of the wounds, therefore, without the
corresponding ecstatic experience of the suffering that
came with them — the ecstasy suffered by true saints and
the blessed — is considered an empty symbol, absent of its
true meaning.
Many among the Red Brethren bear some mark of
the stigmata — the punctured hands and feet, the scars
of the whip or the crown of thorns, very occasionally
the wound to the side — but rarely do they genuinely
experience the ecstasy of the Passion itself. Some
extremely few Red Brethren manifest the physical and
spiritual anguish of the stigmata without showing a
visible symptom — another sign of supreme holiness
and humility before God. To many lay observers of the

phenomenon, very little practical difference separates and feet are pierced as though by nails, the character’s
a stigmatic who suffers the wounds and a stigmatic who back bears the marks of the lash and the brow the
suffers the wounds and the Passion; the person is crown of thorns, and on several terrible occasions the
considered holy regardless. Among other theologians, character’s side has been pierced as though by a lance.
however, the disjoined manifestation is troubling. More importantly, the character experiences the ec-
The possibility that some might be falsifying the stasy of the Passion, the transcendent agony of Christ
Stigmata is a loathsome thought and a dangerous accusa- by which he paid for the sins of the world, a trancelike
tion to make — there has, after all, only been one true and state which can last for days and which can usually only
confirmed stigmatic in the history of the Church thus far, be broken by the administration of the sacrament of
and that is St. Francis of Assisi. No one quite knows what Communion. The character may be exceedingly pious
forms all its manifestations might take, and few are willing and humble, a true living saint, or may be as confused
to completely define the phenomenon into a rigid set and frightened as some true stigmatics are at the first
appearances that must be met for it to be true as of yet. manifestation of such grace. In any case, the character
Among the Red Brethren, those who bear the Stigmata is unlikely to live a quiet life as a servant of the shadow
are, provisionally at least, regarded as what they appear to Inquisition.
be, the chosen co-sufferers of Christ’s Passion. Those • The character, like the true stigmatic, has a
practitioners of the Holy Art whose wounds are of less rather hard road to walk. A practitioner of the Holy
exalted nature often take prayers with their more fortu- Art, he or she, rather than manifesting the marks of the
nate brethren and seek after them for spiritual guidance. stigmata, displays curse-signs of obviously unholy prov-
enance. Perhaps her body is covered in pustules or boils
Player’s Toolbox that burst and leak rancid fluid that stains everything
Questions to Ask and Answer: it touches, or perhaps he has an unhealing wound that
Where did your character come from? Was he or exudes the stench of rotting flesh, feces, or some other
she of noble birth? Gentle? Humble? Why did your revolting substance. The manifestation of the curse
character choose the Red Order over any of the other does not permit itself to be concealed for long, but the
contemplative orders available? Did your character character does not wish to withdraw from the service of
join the Church willingly, or was your character oblated the Inquisition. He is genuinely pious and believes that
against her will? Does your character practice the Holy this is the cross he must bear in order to serve the needs
Art and, if so, why did she pursue that course of study? of others.
If your character practices the Holy Art, how does the
curse manifest itself and how does the character ex- The Sisters of St. John
plain that manifestation to herself and others? If your In the minds of many of their fellows, the Sisters of
character chooses not to pursue education in the Holy St. John are the only proper nuns involved in the holy
Art, why did she make that decision? If your character enterprise of the Inquisition. The Red Sisters are often
pursues the study of the Enemy, what area of study does regarded as far too forward and lacking the proper
she specialize in, or is she a generalist? Does your humility of true brides of Christ, as well as being
character engage in practical applications of theory somewhat on the witchy side. The Sisters of St. John
when it comes to fighting the Enemy? If your character generally tend to demur on this line of reasoning,
is male, has he chosen to become an ordained priest in regarding their Theodosian sisters less as obnoxious
addition to being a monk? How did your character than as adhering faithfully to the Rule of their order,
meet the rest of her cell and how does she get along which enjoins them to do certain things in pursuit of
with them? spiritual perfection and service to God. That those
Character Concepts: things often involve leaving cloister to research, teach,
• The character is a completely ordinary monk or travel and learn is simply an advantage enjoyed by the
nun, but of a strange background that gives your fellow Red Order. The Sisters of St. John do not begrudge
inquisitors pause. Perhaps you come from a long line of them that freedom — nor do they necessarily desire it
heretics with whom you broke faith, or perhaps you’re for themselves.
a Curse-free cousin of the von Murnau, whose strange The Sisters of St. John are the most highly struc-
reputation clings to you nonetheless. You resent the tured of the clerical orders of the Inquisition — and
questioning and suspicion, for you came to the service this rigid structure is vitally necessary to the support of
of God with a fully willing heart, but at the same time its members. In an order where one in five young
you cannot blame your compatriots for not trusting you women is possessed of a visionary talent that can strike
completely. You are driven to prove yourself and rise at random and leave its victim incapacitated with
above the iniquities of your origin. terror and pain, unable to help herself or others, a
• The character is a true stigmatic, whether or not strongly established routine of daily life often helps
he or she practices the Holy Art. The character’s palms retain at least the veneer of normality.


the Holy Sisters and is invariably chanted or sung with
The Sisters of St. John involve music in many When the household is dismissed from Prime,
of their rites and services, even during those another period of time is allotted for private devotions,
private devotions wherein song is not explicitly reading, washing, or other preparations for the work
required. They have discovered, through trial and day. Morrow Mass is celebrated daily at Terce, with the
error, that the act of singing, chanting, or other- full complement of liturgical song rigidly observed.
wise giving voice to joy in the Lord sometimes Many visionary sisters experience flashes of the Holy
soothes a Sister in the grip of her vision. If Sight during Prime services or Morrow Mass; no one is
performed by a visionary Sister, it can sometimes quite certain why this is, but it occurs with a certain
trigger a gentler and more focused sort of vision. predictable regularity nonetheless.
• Antiphon: From the Greek, meaning After Morrow Mass, the chapter meets and daily
“sounding across.” A religious chant, sung as a work tasks are assigned to those Sisters fit for labor. This
response between a single voice and a group of is usually the majority of the monastery’s resident popula-
voices or two different groups of singers, so that tion, despite the physical and mental rigors of bearing the
the lines of the song move back and forth between Holy Sight. Those Sisters too ill to labor vigorously are
them. usually confined to the infirmary or the dormitory, where
they are permitted to recover and work on those tasks that
• Canticle: A hymn with Biblical words used
will not further risk their health.
in Christian worship.
Infirm visionaries make most of the small handi-
• Chant: From plainchant or plainsong; a simple
crafts sold by the Holy Sisters. They also do much of the
type of harmonized melody, consisting of a single
sewing of new clothing and the repair of old clothing.
line of unaccompanied vocal melody in free
Maintenance tasks are carried out by any Sister capable
rhythm with no regular bar lengths.
of performing them, visionary or otherwise, and usually
• Choir: A group of singers in a church or involve cleaning, tending the monastery garden, tend-
other place of worship. ing the shrines of the saints or the chapel, and caring for
• Church Cantata: A choral work written the unfortunates resident in the monastery hospital.
for performance during a church service. While conversation between Sisters is frowned upon,
• Hymn: Traditionally a song addressed to individual Sisters are permitted to sing as they go about
God or a saint. their tasks. This sometimes develops into spontaneous
• Polyphony: Works in which many lines of expressions of antiphonic and polyphonic music.
music are played or sung together, creating com- High Mass, another sung Mass, takes place at Sext
plex harmonies. with very little variation in text or song. The pieces are
• Psalm: One of the 150 songs attributed to chosen at the beginning of the week and remain the
David in the Biblical Book of Psalms; commonly same each day of that week. Sext is usually closely
performed as a part of many services in which followed by None, which is another brief service with
singing is an appropriate expression of worship. very little variation. The Sisters take their first meal
• Psalter: An edition of The Book of Psalms shortly thereafter. The meal is silent except for the
translated into the vernacular, often including Sister or chaplain reading Biblical selections, and no
musical notation and rhymed text. song is permitted during it. Afternoon work is often
related to a Sister’s duties as a member of the shadow
Inquisition. It consumes the hours until supper, the
As with the Poor Knights and the Theodosians, the second silent meal of the day, and Vespers.
Holy Sisters begin their day at Nocturns. It is the simplest In the monasteries of the Holy Sisters, Vespers is a
service of the Divine Office in terms of musical perfor- service that involves almost as much liturgical song as
mance, involving only the spoken or sung recitation of Morrow Mass, and is generally an uplifting way to end
appropriate psalms. The Holy Sisters consider Nocturns the day. The Sisters change into their night-shoes just
an office for the dead, offering prayers to the proper before Compline, which marks the formal end of their
intercessory saints for the souls of their fellow inquisitors day and is often the service where the order inserts a
fallen in battle against the Enemy. third Mass, in honor of the Virgin. After this, the
Following Nocturns, most of the Sisters spend the Sisters retire.
hours until Matins engaged in personal devotions, The Sisters of St. John cling to their routine with
reading silently in private or gathering in small worship a ferocity that shocks even their fellow monastics at
groups for silent or spoken reading. This time is used to times, even in the rare occasions that they’re deployed
set their minds in order for the remainder of the day. in the field. This is particularly true of visionary Sisters,
Matins is the first service that involves the full choir of for whom the normalized rhythms of monastic life are

a bastion against the chaos that sometimes rages be- gladly, grateful to have the chance to help more
hind their gentle eyes. The onset of the Holy Sight actively than they would as a layperson. They sup-
casts a woman adrift from everything she used to know, port the efforts of their visionary sisters, serving as
everything she once believed safe. It is not uncommon escorts, clerks, physicians and counselors. Their
for young visionaries to retreat into themselves, lapsing contributions are many both inside their order and
into catatonia rather than meeting the challenge of in the world beyond the walls of their monastery.
their gift head-on. Such young women often end up the
inmates of hospitals operated by the Sisters of St. John Player’s Toolbox
among other charitable organizations, and must be Questions to Ask and Answer:
lured back into contact with the world whether they How did the character come to the attention of the
want to come or not. Sisters of St. John? Is she a visionary? If so, how did her
The Sisters have become expert in diagnosing the powers first manifest? How did her family react? Did
onset of the Holy Sight and gathering such endangered they give her up willingly to the care of the Holy
girls to them for their own safety and training. Once Sisters? Is she still in contact with her family or were
within the cloister, such young women find themselves they glad to see her go? If the character is not a
wrapped in the arms of a comforting routine and a visionary, why did she choose the Sisters of St. John?
community that finally, at last, understands them for Does she serve as a protector and guardian to a vision-
what they are — gifted by God, neither freakish mon- ary Sister, or does she serve the shadow Inquisition in
strosities nor possessed, nor mad. some other capacity?
The visionary Sisters, however, are generally Character Concepts:
not the only or even the largest component of their • The character is a non-visionary Sister who was
communities. Only one in five girls who take Holy foisted off on the order for the time-honored reason:
Orders with the Sisters of St. John actually possess too many daughters, not enough dowry to go around.
any visionary talents. The majority are young women She is angry and bitter; more to the point, she’s tooth-
of strong conscience who come to the order out of grindingly jealous of the visionary Sisters who receive
the desire to serve God and their fellow Christians. so much attention and praise. While not treacherous or
Many of these young women embrace the structure untrustworthy, she is desperate in her desire to be more
of the Sisters’ lifestyle wholeheartedly for the com- than just a “normal girl” — she would do just about
fort and security it provides, the feeling of belonging anything to catch even a single glimpse of the Holy
to something greater and more lasting than them- Sight, and doesn’t understand why so many people pity
selves. Most take service with the shadow Inquisition (or envy) her ignorance.


• The character is a visionary Sister who is af-
flicted quite regularly with visions so vague that they THE MURNAU FAMILY TREE
only make sense in hindsight. This is damnably annoy- good starting point for Murnau character
ing when all the other visionary Sisters are busy creation is figuring out where that character
complaining about how vivid, terrifying, and specific would fit into the family tree. The Murnau, like every
their visions are. Perhaps the character simply hasn’t other medieval noble family, has numerous branches,
figured out the precise means she needs to use to make cadet lines, and well-charted relationships with other
her vision focus, or perhaps she’s doomed to be the families of similar status. While the Murnau tend to
Nostradamus of the Sisters of St. John and had best keep a closer eye on their male line relations (for
take up writing rhyming quatrains right now. Her cell purposes of inheritance as well as the indisputable fact
is trying quite hard to be supportive and provide the that the Curse tends to dog the male descendants of
tools that she needs to clarify her visions; only time will the family and their children much more vigorously),
tell if their efforts are successful. they also keep relatively close track of distaff family
• The character is a visionary Sister who actively lines, as well. The distaff lines tend to produce Curse-
fears her Holy Sight. At some time in the past, she was bearers with chartable regularity, usually in the form
gifted with a truly horrendous vision — a vision so pure of “skipped” generations. Grandchildren and great-
in its evil that it nearly broke her, both physically and great-grandchildren of Murnau women who married
mentally. She has suppressed all conscious recollection out of the family may suddenly manifest the taint of
of the vision’s specifics but every now and then, some- their foremothers’ blood.
thing will set her off — a snippet of song, a moment of The von Murnau also have a tendency to
deja vu, an off-hand remark, and the vision will mo- marry their cousins, a habit shared by nearly every
mentarily recur in the form of a minor flashback. She other noble and royal house in Christendom. In
is extremely afraid that the vision had something to do the case of the von Murnau, this practice permits
with her cell, her order, her family or someone that she the family to exercise a certain degree of control
loves. She fears the doom or death of the things she over the spread of the Curse and the reaction of
cares about, and is torn between the anguish of having the spouse to its existence. Even so, the Murnau
to watch it happen again and the pain of not knowing try not to marry too often within the seven pro-
if she might do something to prevent it, if she had the scribed degrees of consanguinity, lest the tendency
courage to invite that vision to return. become so marked that other families or un-
friendly eyes within the Church notice it — or
The House of Murnau they breed themselves into extinction.
Being born into the ancient and noble House of As of 1230, the main Bavarian “tree” of the
Murnau is much like being born into any other family family is quite large. Leopold the Bear, the father
of similar social status and political rank. From birth, of the current Count of Murnau, was the eldest of
young von Murnau are expected to uphold the honor, six children (four sons, two daughters), all but two
dignity, and reputation of the House. They are to study of whom married and produced prodigious litters
earnestly at the knees of their tutors in all subjects of little von Murnau. Leopold himself produced
academic and martial, to accept and execute such four sons (Leopold II, first of the von Murnau
duties as they are granted responsibly and with all Inquisitors; Frederick, the current Count of
gravity, and to obey the wishes of their parents and act Murnau; and the ill-fated twins Weyland and
in accordance with the decrees of the head of the Wilhelm) and two daughters (Franziska,
household in all things. In theory, at least, this is how Frederick’s frequently married and unfortunately
von Murnau family life is supposed to function. childless twin sister, and Agathe, happily married
In practice, life in the von Murnau clan matches and the mother of many children). Count Frederick
the platonic ideal of the medieval family about as often himself has been amazingly prolific, producing a
as every other noble house in existence, which is to say, staggering thirteen legitimate children with three
rarely. Young von Murnau cover the entire range from wives and no doubt a bastard or six as a result of
obsequiously respectful to outright rebellious, with extramarital liaisons. As a result, possession of the
every shade of personality in between. Generational von Murnau county seat, Murnauer Berg, is firmly
conflicts spring up with predictable regularity. The in the hands of the Bavarian line of the family for
results are equally predictable, leaving acrimony, at least the foreseeable future. Cadet branches of
whether lasting or fleeting, short-term chaos and long- the family exist in the Duchy of Austria, the
term bitterness. Duchy of Burgundy, the County of Saxony and
Individual branches of the family tree cleave closer to the Kingdom of Hungary, with far-flung Murnau
the main body of the kin group than others; some von relations pursuing their lives and duties as far west
Murnau cousins have never even met each other, while as England and as far south as Sicily.

von Murnau daughters are sent to nunneries for rearing
GODPARENTING and education, and even fewer von Murnau children

3 espite the mutterings of their inquisito are married young. The later teens tend to predominate
rial colleagues, the members of the House as opposed to the early teens, due to the general
of Murnau are a good, Christian family. Newborn manifestation timing of the Curse. When von Murnau
von Murnau are baptized and Christened as all children are fostered out to other households, they are
infants are, usually on the day of their birth, and fostered exclusively to their own relatives.
provided with godparents whose duty it is to see to The onset of the von Murnau Curse is, of course, one
the child’s religious education (two godfathers of the more traumatic events in a family member’s life. It
and one godmother for a boy, two godmothers and is often one of the least predictable in terms of severity. All
one godfather for a girl. They are unrelated by von Murnau descended from the direct male line of
blood or marriage, often family friends or local lay Christof von Murnau, legitimate or otherwise, bear the
clergy). Within the House, however, the child is Curse without fail. All of Christof’s daughters likewise
often assigned another “godparent,” the mentor bore it, but their children, in some cases, escaped the taint
who will school the child on the nature of the when they married outside the family. In general, the
Curse, how to hide it and how to use it. This weight of the von Murnau Curse tends to settle more
pseudo-godparent is usually an aunt, older female heavily on the shoulders of sons, grandsons, and nephews,
cousin or elder sister if the child is female, or an and transmits much more surely through their offspring.
uncle, older male cousin or elder brother if the When and why the Curse first manifests as it does is a
child is male. matter of some heated internal debate within the family
itself, and one that is in no serious danger of being resolved
any time soon.
others are raised beneath the same roof, so close as to be The Curse normally manifests first in early adoles-
siblings. Individual families are poorer or wealthier than cence for both boys and girls, though the precise
others because of past partitions of the house’s patrimony, severity and nature of that initial manifestation fluctu-
the clever use (or egregious misuse) of resources, or the ates considerably. The most common manifestation
shifting fortune of marriage alliances. almost resembles a kind of allergic reaction. The young
Most young von Murnau are reared in an environ- von Murnau literally manifests a physical symptomatic
ment of relatively certain privilege. The County of Murnau response to the presence of supernatural forces, wheez-
is rich in land from the family’s own possessions as well as ing, developing hives or rashes, swollen eyes, and the
fortuitous marriage-alliances. Possessions scattered across like. As the Curse-bearer grows older, this effect tends
the length of Germany keep a steady flow of revenue from to diminish somewhat in severity, becoming either
taxes, manorial courts, rents and profits from mercantile more manageable by sheer familiarity or, in some cases,
interests flowing into Murnau coffers. Being the offspring the Curse actually declines in sensitivity. Frederick II,
of a powerful family, no matter how widely scattered, the heir of Murnau, manifested a particularly violent
most von Murnau children rarely lack when it comes to initial reaction only to have the Curse subside into
the satisfaction of their material needs. They often enjoy virtual nonexistence once he reached adulthood. He
a higher standard of living than the lesser noble and remains one of the least sensitive and least severely
knightly households. afflicted of his father’s many children.
Murnau children are more likely to be reared by What precisely triggers that first manifestation can
their mothers than by a nurse for purposes of keeping be as much a mystery as the Curse itself. Sometimes a
the oddities of Murnau family life from becoming the definite incident can be pointed to (such as the especially
grist of rumors. They typically enjoy closer maternal unpleasant circumstances that surrounded the awaken-
bonds as a result. The early childhood years are spent ing of Raganhard von Auschenbach: the discovery of his
in much the same fashion as every other household — brother’s corruption at the hands of a night-walking
the earliest years in play and learning to imitate the monstrosity). Sometimes the Curse simply happens, like
actions of one’s elders, gradually blending into the a sudden growth spurt or developing breasts.
training received by young nobles all over Christendom. In very rare cases, the von Murnau Curse manifests
Young von Murnau men are generally taught the prior to adolescence. Early onset is usually severe to the
noble arts of rulership and warfare, and such scholar- point of physical or mental debilitation. Brother Leopold
ship in letters and numbers as will stand them in good von Murnau manifested the Curse early, and the vicious-
stead once they assume a position of leadership. Young ness of the Curse’s effects on his developing body rendered
von Murnau women are taught the desirable feminine him sickly for much of his childhood. In the current
arts of household management as well as those social generation, Gerhard von Murnau began showing signs of
refinements that add to their appeal and marriagability. the Curse as early as the age of five and remains highly
Tutors for the family’s children are often hired from sensitive. He escaped being crippled by its effects prima-
their own relatives in Holy Orders. Comparatively few


rily due to the efforts of his brother Otto. Only rarely does Character Concepts:
the Curse show itself in adulthood. When it does, the • The character is one of those fortunate von
expression tends to be rather weak. Murnau cousins who has managed to evade the Murnau
As von Murnau children grow older, the manifesta- family Curse. Unfortunately that doesn’t help much, as
tions of the Curse generally refine themselves. The early the character’s twin is a Curse-bearer and, in fact, got
allergic manifestation of irritated, newly awakened height- approximately twice the normal “dose.” The sibling is
ened awareness gives way to more sophisticated forms of extremely bitter about this, needless to say. He may
sensory input and physical reaction. Evil develops a scent, very well have run off to seek some ungodly means of
a sound, a taste, a feel of its own; the body and mind of the rectifying the situation. This doesn’t endear the char-
Curse-bearer develops a unique and individual response to acter to anyone.
that perception. Moreover, as the Curse itself strengthens, • The character is a von Murnau member of one of
it tends to express itself in increasingly unpleasant ways. the other Inquisitor orders (a Poor Knight, a Theodosian
As the von Murnau are exquisitely aware of the supernatu- monk, or an Eye of God), or otherwise a member of a
ral, supernatural forces also tend to become aware of them; monastic or secular religious fellowship. The character
the Curse almost acts as a homing beacon for unclean has only recently been recruited, at the recommenda-
forces and draws down misfortune and maleficia of all tion of the local Eyes of God, to act as a spy and an
kinds, from petty personal difficulties to the much more informant in his or her monastery or cathedral chapter.
dangerous fascination of night-fiends and other monsters. There are those who suspect that corruption has crept
Of course, a handful of fortunate von Murnau into the house of God, and the character is expected to
children in every generation manage to avoid becom- help sniff it out. The problem? The character knows
ing the victims of their lineage’s unique heritage. that no such corruption exists, but suspects that the
These lucky children enjoy the advantages and disad- originator of that accusation might very well have
vantages of being normal inside the bounds of a fallen to the blandishments of the Enemy.
decidedly abnormal family. In general, they are brought • The character is a rebel, with or without the von
up in precisely the same way as their Curse-bearing Murnau family curse. He or she was offered a place in
siblings and cousins; occasionally, they are even fa- the shadow Inquisition and turned it down for some
vored for their normality. It requires proportionally less reason. Perhaps he’s a Curse-bearer who doesn’t want
effort to raise and marry off an entirely Curse-free to end up like Great-Uncle Ludveig, who went to his
child, after all. Such children tend to redound just as grave at the age of twenty-four, frothing mad from the
favorably to the House, marrying into families where abuse of his “gift” and wasted to a skeleton. Perhaps
strange, Curse-induced behavior would become an she’s a daughter whose highest ambition is to settle
unfortunate issue. Not surprisingly, resentment tends down with a fine husband on her dower lands and raise
to run high in the case of Cursed and un-Cursed a passel of (hopefully) Curse-free children. The family,
siblings and cousins; both sides tend to perceive the however, is not likely to let her evade her duty. This has
other as “more special” in some way. This can lead to made her bitter, angry, and inclined to butt heads with
considerable acrimony in childhood, spawning hurt anyone who questions her “devotion” to a cause she
feelings and bitterness that can last into adulthood. didn’t really choose.
Player’s Toolbox The Oculi Dei
Questions to Ask and Answer:
The Eyes of God are the most diverse order of the
When did the character manifest the Curse? How shadow Inquisition. They are everywhere. They can be
severe was the initial manifestation, and was there a anyone. They watch and they listen; they compile the
specific trigger event involved? What was the character’s information that the more forceful orders use to take
first experience with the servants of the Adversary, and action; they hide beneath the very noses of fiends and
how did that experience affect him? Who might he devils, and call the vengeance of God down on such
have known that “went bad”? How did the character things. The vast bulk of the order’s membership actu-
come to join the Inquisition and in what capacity, lay ally constitutes those of humble or gentle birth, despite
or clerical? If lay, is he a representative of his family, or the noble origins of its founder, Rodrigue de Navarre.
has he joined the Oculi Dei? If lay, what does he do for Likewise, city-dwelling Eyes of God tend to predomi-
a living, and from where does his income derive? If nate over country-dwellers, though a substantial number
clerical, which order and why? Does the character of itinerant Eyes tend to dwell in the countryside when
belong to one of the orders of the shadow Inquisition or they come to rest.
one of the regular monastic or secular orders of the
City-dwelling Oculi Dei tend to gravitate towards
Church? What branch of the family does he come
certain ways of life. They are often involved in profes-
from? Legitimate or illegitimate? How does he relate to
sions where they interact closely with others every day.
his family in general, and specifically the other von
The merchant middle class, as an example, is ridden
Murnau members of the shadow Inquisition?

with individual Eyes. Whole cells hold membership in weight too heavily on them. Psychologically speaking,
influential guilds from Flanders to Florence. Many Eyes the realization that there is indeed a divine guardian
of God serve in the local cathedral chapter in some watching over them, that angels do not fear to tread in
capacity: as priests in Holy Orders, as clerks in minor their shadows, can serve as a panacea to the self-
orders, or as lay brethren. No small number of Eyes loathing and paranoia that tends to infest their minds.
serve in the city commanderies and preceptory houses Clinging to this realization and the knowledge that
of the military orders, or monastic houses close to city they are, in truth, doing the right thing is often all that
walls. They may be highly educated or entirely illiter- saves the Eyes of God from madness.
ate, but in any case they are all in a position where they
may closely observe the daylight doings of their fellow Player’s Toolbox
men. They take note of any suspicious patterns of Questions to Ask and Answer:
activity, soak up the local news and sort through the Where does the character come from? Is she of
information they take in to extract the useful details noble birth? Gentle? Common? Did she grow up in the
from the chaff of gossip. country or is she a city mouse to the core of her being?
Few among the shadow Inquisition are as skillful as Why did she choose to join the Oculi Dei and what
the Eyes are when it comes to perceiving what others wish events surrounded her recruitment? What events first
to hide. Country-dwelling Oculi Dei often make their brought her into contact with the Enemy? Are other
homes in the larger towns and farmsteads, recruiting their members of her family also Eyes of God? Is she part of
most trusted family members and neighbors to produce a a stationary cell or is she an itinerant Eye? What is her
more tightly knit cell than those that occur in larger civic purpose within her cell? Has she met any other inquisi-
areas. Such individuals are liable to be recruited from the tors and, if so, what does she think of them?
local manorial authorities — the reeve, the representa- Character Concepts:
tives of an absentee landlord, the parish priest. Those • The character is a newly recruited Eye of God,
individuals usually enjoy at least a modicum of education young, frightened, and barely literate. Something that
and a great deal of access to the manorial records and the he witnessed or is otherwise privy to led the Eyes of God
community to which they’re attached. to his doorstep. Unfortunately, he cannot remember
One of the most terrible burdens of the Oculi Dei is the details of what he saw except in his nightmares. He
the isolation and secrecy in which they pursue God’s has been taken into the order so that he may be
work. Enjoined by their order under pain of expulsion to watched and protected at all times, in the hopes that he
maintain rigid silence and absolute secrecy unless their may remember what he saw.
duties require them to come forth, the agents of the Oculi • The character(s) are a husband and wife team of
Dei are expected to practice almost superhuman self- Oculi Dei, recruited separately by the same individual.
sufficiency. The blessings that fall on them from above are Their entry tests involved being able to keep their
the subtlest of all the gifts granted to the Inquisition, as membership in the order secret for one year. After this
quiet and unobtrusive as the Oculi Dei themselves. In was established, the order granted permission for the
fact, many Eyes of God experience these blessings not as pair to work as a team as part of an experiment in
an ecstatic union with the divine reported by so many of reorganizing how stationary cells function. Thus far,
their fellows, but as a silent reminder that someone does the experiment seems to be working quite well, but
see their work and does watch over them, in darkest night time will tell what effect it will have on their relation-
and brightest day. It may not seem like much to the Poor ship and their faith.
Knight who can draw upon endless reserves of strength on • The character is one of those few Oculi Dei
the battlefield, or the Holy Sister who can see the hand of recruited from among the former servants of the En-
the Enemy at work in the world, but it means a great deal emy. Perhaps he’s a recovering ghoul or the embittered
to the Eyes of God, both practically and psychologically. kin of wolf-demons, but in any case, he’s been closer to
Practically speaking, the Oculi Dei cannot afford the supernatural than most Eyes of God actually want
to draw attention to themselves. Many of their number to come. This character possesses a wealth of practical
exist within extremely dangerous situations, perilously knowledge of the Enemy. Unfortunately, he also pos-
close to the Enemy, where the slightest twinge of sesses correspondingly great weaknesses (such as a
divine influence can trigger a murderous response. The recidivistic vitae addiction, or pushy werewolf rela-
hand of God that protects the Oculi Dei from danger tives that won’t leave him alone) that certainly prove
and exposure must therefore be clever, quick and light, challenging and might eventually prove fatal.
never obvious. Often, the Oculi Dei feel themselves
walking in the presence of angels even as they brush
elbows with the kin of Lucifer, protected and guided by Serving The Inquisition
unseen forces. This can mean the difference between It is no easy thing, Sister, to be called to serve God in
sanity and madness, especially when the self-imposed the world, particularly in this calling that we now share —
burden of silence that the Oculi Dei carry begins to to be the bulwark and sword against the armies of the Devil.


And so I pray you allow me to present to you something of No inquisitor cell can ever have just one female
what it is like to serve our Lord and His Church in this holy member in holy orders. For the protection of her soul and
venture, even as weak and frail vessels that we are. For to guard against temptation, there must always be at least
against our great enemy, only the most stalwart, deter- two sisters together. Should it happen that one of the two
mined and prepared inquisitor will prevail.... sisters of a cell is killed, the remaining woman must retreat
— From a letter from Sister Vittoria Santi di to the safety of a cloister until she is called to another cell
Parma, to Sister Mathilde von Murnau of the Order of or another sister comes to join her.
St. Theodosius The Rule also requires that men and women sleep
separately, preferably not even under the same roof.
Mixed Inquisitor Cells When possible, common single-sex dormitories are
The various orders of the shadow Inquisition have all preferred. Borrowing from the Rule of the Poor Knights,
followed their own calling against the enemies of God and a light must be kept burning at all times in the common
mankind for decades, and in the case of the House of dormitory, and each brother or sister must sleep alone
Murnau and the Red Order, far longer. Each order has its and clothed in their own bed.
own practices, methodologies, and leadership on their The Rule applies primarily to clerical members of
holy mission, which were developed with the needs and the Inquisition: the Red Order, the Poor Knights of
priorities of that particular order in mind. Acre and the Sisters of St. John. So far, attempts to
A few years ago, Cardinal Marzone and the Supreme bring the Murnau and Oculi Dei totally under the
Council of Faith realized that in order to be truly effective Marzonian Rule have not met with total success. Even
against their adversaries, the orders had to cooperate more the secular inquisitors, however, take some care to
closely, mixing their members into common inquisitor observe the Rule of Three — at least with regards to
cells and following a common Rule. This Rule would be their clerical counterparts.
similar to that followed by the holy orders, but designed
for the Inquisition’s special needs and mission. Where the
rules and practices of the different orders came into PLAYING BY THE RULE
conflict, this common rule would take precedence and so
solve such disputes. It would also provide a structure for
the workings of the cells, and lay out in plain terms how
C he medieval Church has strict standards
of morality, but also realistic expecta-
tions of people, both clerical and secular, to actually
all those who served God under the Council of Faith meet those standards. Both the Church and the
would deal with each other. general populace accept that the best way to avoid
Using the rules of the Red Order and the Poor succumbing to sin (particularly the sin of the
Knights as a rough template, Marzone and several trusted flesh) is to simply limit the possibility of tempta-
associates, including a canon lawyer, drafted a rule for the tion. For men and women under vows of perpetual
shadow Inquisition. This Rule is now commonly called chastity, this means their lives (which now belong
the Marzonian Rule. It is one of the first things any new to God and not to themselves) are strictly regu-
inquisitor learns in their early training. In theory, at least, lated. Their interactions with members of the
all disputes over practices, procedures, should be settled opposite sex, even among their own family, are
under the Rule’s precepts. In practice, of course, things are restricted by the rules of their order.
not always quite so easy. These rules may seem confining by modern
standards and impractical in terms of actual game
Mixing Men and Women play, especially in terms of male and female relation-
The Inquisition has both men and women in its ships within a cell. Storytellers and players are
service, many of whom are in holy orders and under a vow reminded, however, that the Marzonian Rule repre-
of chastity. The Marzonian Rule borrows from the Order sents an ideal that the leadership of the inquisition
of St. Theodosius Rule, which was written in the time realizes is not always possible in the field. The Council
when the order had double monasteries containing both of Faith is thusly allowed to make dispensations based
monks and nuns, with separate cloisters but some facilities on extraordinary circumstances. The inquisition takes
— such as the church, refectory and the scriptorium — in sin among its own members very seriously, especially
common. The Rule stresses avoiding the appearance or sexual sins, but at the Storyteller’s discretion may
opportunity for sin, and keeps brothers and sisters sepa- bend the strict interpretation of its preventive rules as
rated except in controlled, supervised interactions. need demands — at least until a sin has actually been
One of the primary rules that covers the interac- committed. Use the Rule and the difficulties the
tion of men and women in the Inquisition — the Rule characters have in meeting its standard as an oppor-
of Three — requires that a sister and brother may never tunity for creative role-playing and enhancing the
be alone together. There must always be a third present, chronicle’s storyline, not to prohibit out of hand a
either a brother or sister, to avoid the appearance of sin. reasonable if less than entirely orthodox cell.

Mixing Clerical and Secular
The Marzonian Rule also provides guidance for cells THE OCULI DEI EXEMPTION
comprised of both clerical and lay members, whose holy vows
or other commitments conflict when it comes to the simplest
of matters. The Rule’s underlying principle is that each
C he Oculi Dei have always considered them
selves an exception to the rule — even the
Marzonian Rule — from the beginning. They rarely
inquisitor has his own personal vows to God, and God expects stay at inquisitor chapter houses, nor do they often
him to keep that vow — but his vows are his alone. They share common meals or attend services with the
cannot be imposed on another, even another of his own order, others of their cell. They sometimes hide their
much less a fellow inquisitor who isn’t under vows at all. This identity even from their fellow inquisitors. Many
may mean that a Red Sister who is busy with her research may have other responsibilities, such as a trade, a posi-
not attend the daily round of services as regularly as a Sister of tion in society or a guild, or even a family to support,
St. John, who relies on them to give life the structure she needs in addition to their duties to the Inquisition. Se-
to cope with her dreams. A Poor Knight of Acre and his crecy is the only protection they have.
Murnau counterpart may eat meat at dinner, but the Red While the head of the Oculi Dei, Aignen le
Brother does not. The Oculus Dei may wear a mask to a Libraire, acknowledges the need of many of the
chapter meeting, and then go home to a husband and children Eyes to maintain their anonymity, he also recog-
whose identity even her fellow inquisitors do not know. nizes that many of his Eyes risk losing their sanity,
While respecting its members’ different vows to God, much less their very souls, to loneliness and despair
the Marzonian Rule also encourages inquisitors to share as when they shun the comfort and companionship of
much of their common faith and duty as possible so they others who share their same burden. He cannot
might strengthen each other in the Lord. The Rule asks require an Eye of God to reveal more of herself to the
that members of a cell attend at least one service a day other members of her cell than she feels safe in
together, to break bread and share a common meal (even doing. He has, however, written letters encourag-
in companionable silence), and meet at least three times ing those Eyes directly assigned to assist a non-Oculi
a week as a chapter to discuss plans, discoveries, needs, inquisitor cell to be as open as they can. They are
concerns and even personal gripes. Members of a cell are encouraged to act as the bridge between their more
also encouraged to share quarters in a (gender-separated) secretive fellows and the rest of their cell for the
chapter house, even if an inquisitor’s order has an abbey good of all.
or commandery nearby. Even lay inquisitors associated One Eye in any given city or local region
with the House of Murnau and the Oculi Dei are strongly usually meets with other inquisitors, even if he
urged to spend time at the chapter house with their cell wears a mask or prefers to communicate through
whenever possible, if they do not actually dwell there. drop-points or in code. That particular Eye serves as
Some lay inquisitors do, in fact, share quarters with their the contact point for all the Oculi Dei in his area.
monastic associates, adopting the austere life for a time or He is responsible for ensuring the flow of informa-
at least keeping their worldly dress and manners from tion goes both ways, as well as ensuring the
imposing on their religious brethren. anonymity of his fellows.
The Marzonian Rule is noticeably slanted in favor of Aignen and Lizia Montesi di Roma, who heads
those already in holy orders. The general assumption on the Oculi Dei in central Italy, both also strive to
the part of its authors (who were, of course, all in holy impress on the leadership of the other inquisitor
orders themselves) was that it was better to require non- orders why the Oculi cling to their anonymity.
clerical inquisitors to live like men and women in holy They continue to support the Eyes and attempt to
orders than to ask those under vows to put aside the explain to the other orders why, for the good of the
blessings and structure of monastic life. Lay inquisitors cause they all support, they must continue to be
must often bear with both the structure and the restric- allowed to do so regardless of the Marzonian Rule.
tions as best they can. If this means rising in the middle of
the night to join their brothers in prayer, observing the minions of the Adversary. Those individuals come
strict fast of Lent, leaving wives and children back at from different backgrounds and monastic orders, how-
home for weeks or months at a time or dressing more ever, and have widely varying approaches to that goal.
somberly than the current fashion, the lay inquisitor can Individuals may have specific goals as well, based on
console himself with the knowledge that such devout their own experiences: an inquisitor whose cell was
discipline is good for his soul — and best of all, temporary wiped out by a pack of wolf-men may consider the
in its inconvenience. slightest sign of similar creatures in the area a far
On the Importance of Obedience greater threat than the Cainite priest who secretly
advises the local bishop, or the old witch-woman who
The Inquisition brings together individuals with a
lives in a ruined tower and brews potions for lovesick
single common goal: hunting down and destroying the
peasant lads.


A Red Brother or Sister may have specialized in as well as their lives. All things must be done in good
studying a particular kind of witchery. He or she may be order, whether it is arranging for proper housing for the
willing to take great chances to learn more of the sisters, holding a chapter meeting or determining the
sorcerers who wield it, in order to better thwart their right course of investigation for a cell to pursue. In-
demonic gifts. A Poor Knight may have a particular quisitors who are not cooperative in their cell’s common
hatred for the warrior who slew his mentor, to the point good work can be disciplined as the cell’s rector sees fit,
of vendetta. A Murnau may try to steer away from a referred back to the Council of Faith for re-assignment
particular line of investigation if he thinks a renegade or even remanded back to their orders. This often
of his own family may be involved, so that the family means the troublesome inquisitors are restricted to
can take care of it privately. A Sister of St. John may be cells of their own order only, under close supervision
so driven to pursue the meaning of a particular vision from their superiors, or confined to cloister for the rest
that she ignores the evidence gathered by her fellow of their lives. Disobedience that results in more serious
inquisitors. Past experiences, personal fears and dis- consequences may bring that inquisitor before the
likes or conflicting interpretations of orders from the Council of Faith or the leadership of their own order on
Council of Faith can all lead inquisitors to disagree even more serious charges. The Inquisition’s fight is
over the priorities and procedures of their calling. too important to be lenient on its own recalcitrant or
The Marzonian Rule acknowledges that such dif- even disobedient members.
ferences exist, but reiterates that by joining this great
endeavor, all inquisitors have pledged their obedience Inquisitor Rank and Leadership
The Marzonian Rule also delineates how the hier-
archy of the Inquisition is laid out, with the Council of
PLAYING BY THE RULE, REVISITED Faith overseeing the activities of local cells and report-

C he Marzonian Rule binds all inquisitors to

obedience, if not chastity or poverty. Even
when an inquisitor’s orders are against his better
ing in turn to the Supreme Council of Faith and the
Grand Inquisitor, Cardinal Marzone. This hierarchy
excludes the rulership of local Church authorities such
judgment or the deepest feelings of his heart, he is as abbots, bishops and archbishops, which is not likely
required by his vows to obey. Chapter meetings to win inquisitors either approval or support should it
allow all members of a cell, even Eyes of God who become widely known. Cardinal Marzone believed it
choose to attend (or send written communica- necessary to free his inquisitors from required obedi-
tions), to speak their minds and offer advice and ence to local bishops lest the bishop himself turn out to
suggestions on what the cell is doing or what kinds be an obstacle — or worse, a target — of their investi-
of investigations they should pursue. Once a Coun- gation. Still the Rule asks that all proper respect and
cil of Faith or cell rector has issued an order, obedience be given to local Church authorities when-
however, the inquisitor is expected to submit obe- ever possible, so long as no evidence exists that they are
diently and do as he’s told. This proves his devotion themselves involved in the matters the inquisitors are
to God as well as to the Inquisition’s cause. there to investigate.
A player should expect times when his charac- In practice this has sometimes gotten a bit sticky,
ter may have to do something in a story she does not as many Church prelates are suspicious of inquisitor
want to do, because she is bound by her vow of activities in their domains and jealous of their author-
obedience. The Storyteller or player whose charac- ity. Inquisitor cells have sometimes had to be creative
ter is the source of these orders, however, should or circumspect in explaining their presence in a given
also be careful to not abuse that power over other diocese. Many cells carry a vaguely-worded letter of
players’ characters by always putting them in posi- authority from Cardinal Marzone or the Pope’s chan-
tions where disobedience seems to be their only cery, which is usually enough to gain the eager (or
moral choice. That kind of plot twist becomes less fearful) acquiescence of the local bishop or abbot when
powerful the more often it is used, as the players a voice of authority is required.
begin to take disobedience less seriously or become Each of the five orders comprising the Inquisition
frustrated by constantly being forced to make un- has its own titles and hierarchy of rank. Members of a
desirable choices to avoid the consequences of given order tend to revert to using those titles and rank
disobedience. Deliberately disobeying an order from among themselves, with the highest-ranking member
her superiors counts as a level 6 sin on the Hierar- automatically assuming a leadership role over the oth-
chy of Sin Against God (see p. 159 of Dark Ages: ers. When an inquisitor cell is comprised totally of
Inquisitor). It requires a check to avoid losing members of a single order, this remains the accepted
Piety, if the character has a Piety rating of 6 or more practice. In mixed cells, however, the Marzonian Rule
(the difficulty of this roll increases by one if the takes precedence. Titles from an inquisitor’s own order
character is in holy orders). are retained as a sign of respect, such as Doctor, Father,

Commander, or even (for the lay members who can
claim them), Master, Sir, Lord or Lady. The more INQUISITOR BACKGROUND: RANK
familiar titles of Brother and Sister are also used when
the individual can claim no other. The highest-rank-
ing (or sounding) title, however, does not necessarily
0 s a Background, Rank represents the
status and reputation a character has
that extends beyond his own order and through-
denote leadership in a mixed cell. out the shadow Inquisition itself. It represents a
combination of factors, primarily stemming from
Cell Leadership: The Rector the knowledge, wisdom and abilities demon-
When a Council of Faith first forms a cell, the strated by his accomplishments. It represents
Council designates the cell leader, normally called a what the Oculi Dei have in their archives about
rector (although that individual is more often ad- him, and what the Council of Faith or other
dressed by whatever personal title he or she happens to Inquisition authorities (such as Cardinal Marzone
bear). The rector is chosen based on his experience and or even the Sicae Dei) know about him — even
capabilities, not his actual rank or order. The tendency what other inquisitors might have heard of him
when a particular order dominates a Council of Faith, by word of mouth. It also represents his leader-
however, is to choose members of that same order as ship potential, such as being appointed rector to
rectors of new cells. This appointment is not perma- a new cell or asked to serve on a Council of Faith.
nent. After a full year in the field, the cell members A character with one or two dots in this
have the right, if they wish, to hold an election and Background is a likely candidate for appoint-
select a different rector from their number. (In the few ment as rector to a newly formed cell. A character
occasions where this has occurred, the ousted rector with three dots has served several years in the
was re-assigned to another cell, so as not to incur a Inquisition and has possibly already served as a
leadership struggle within the cell.) member of a Council of Faith. His inclusion in an
Other officers for the cell, such as treasurer, sub- inquisitor cell means his expertise is likely neces-
rector, archivist, cellarer, and other positions the cell feels sary in order to be successful in the cell’s
are necessary, are usually voted on by the membership. assignment. He is almost certainly going to be
The rector retains the right to veto any proposed officer. appointed as the rector by the Council that
Should the existing rector be slain, incapacitated or assigns him to a cell.
recalled for any reason, leadership passes temporarily to At four dots, a character has led several
the sub-rector. The cell may also elect a new rector at that successful inquisitorial investigations as a cell
time. Their election is subject to ratification by the rector and may even secretly be a member of the
Council of Faith, but a Council rarely overturns such an Sicae Dei (a responsibility which is known only
election unless they have strong reasons to doubt the to the Sicae Dei council in Rome). At five dots,
newly elected rector’s capabilities. the character has acted as Procurator Fiscalis for
A cell’s rector is given the equivalent authority a Council of Faith and is personally acquainted
over the cell members of the prior of a small monastery. with Cardinal Marzone and several members of
He (rectors are almost always male, save in an all- the Supreme Council in Rome. If he is not a
female cell) rules over the cell’s chapter-house, leads member of the Sicae Dei, he probably holds a
chapter meetings, determines the cell’s priorities (after position of rank within the Church hierarchy,
discussion in chapter with the rest of the cell), assigns such as abbot of a Red Order monastery or Knight
duties and administers discipline as necessary. He is Commander of a Poor Knights’ monastery.
also responsible to the Council of Faith for his cell’s Because it does represent status based on deeds
activities and its mortality rates — he must give an and accomplishments, we recommend Storytellers
account of both the cell’s triumphs and its failures, and limit the number of dots a starting Inquisitor char-
the death of any inquisitor under his leadership must be acter has in this Background to one or two at most.
explained as well. Players taking this Background are asked to come
New members for a cell are assigned by the Coun- up with some of their character’s past activities
cil of Faith, although a cell may request certain (such as commanding a group of Crusaders in the
individuals as replacements through its rector, should Holy Land, holding a position of leadership in a
the need arise. The Council is under no obligation to monastic community or successfully fighting min-
fulfill a cell’s request, and often assigns new members as ions of the Adversary in such a way as to bring the
they see fit to keep the cell properly balanced. In character to the notice of the Church) in order to
particular, the Council will not allow a mixed cell to determine upon what the character’s status is based.
become single-order — requests to replace lost mem- Status is far more significant to the player and the
bers in such a way as to create a single-order cell are story overall if it is earned in play, not purchased
usually ignored. with bonus points.


Once elected and approved, a cell rector can only be
removed from his position by the Council of Faith, and
only for a very good cause. A high mortality rate in his cell
or excessive valid complaints to the Council from mem-
bers of his cell can result in a review of the rector’s 8 nquisitor players can (and are encouraged
to) pool their characters’ various Back-
ground dots in order to build such commodities
competency. If the Council determines that the rector has
acted recklessly or abused his authority, he is removed such as their cell’s Chapter-House, as well as their
from that cell. Depending on the circumstances, he may Allies, Contacts, Flock and Influence. A great
then be appointed rector of a newly formed cell elsewhere, abbey such as St. Denis represents many more dots
re-assigned to another cell as an ordinary inquisitor, or sent than most player cells can come up with, but a cell
back to his cloister for a time of reflection and repentance that combines seven points in the Chapter-House
before being permitted to rejoin the Inquisition. background could provide the inquisitor cell with
a reasonably secure base of operations. For ex-
Chapter-Houses ample, they could arrange to work from a church
and its adjoining priory in a town (3 points to size)
The Inquisition has a wide variety of chapter- where they can sleep and work with reasonable
houses. The largest of these include well-known and security (2 points for locks) and allow them to
well-established monasteries such as the Red Order’s sanctify their holding (2 dots to Holy Ground).
Abbey of St. Denis outside of Paris; the Poor Knights’ An inquisitor cell that includes both clerical and
Hospice of St. James the Elder, a fortified commandery lay members may want to split their resources, so
in Compostela; the great castle of Murnauer Berg in that the real center of the cell is the local church,
Bavaria; or the Sisters of St. John’s Convent of the where the three clerical members of the cell have
Holy Mother in Aix-la-Chapelle. These great houses become part of that church’s staff (2 points to size,
often host the local Council of Faith or serve as 1 point to Holy Ground), but also includes the
training grounds for new inquisitors. They can also be nearby townhouse of the Murnau knight and his
places of rest and recovery for those whose experiences lady, which is well-secured (2 points to size, 2
in the field have left them battered and soul-worn. points to security), and can be used as a refuge as
Because these places are well-known, to the ser- necessary. For further details on pooling Back-
vants of the Enemy as well as the Inquisition, they are grounds as a shared resource in Inquisitor, see
fortified and well-defended. Decades of use have often Right of Princes.
bestowed an ambient aura of Faith to these places
(although for the castle of Murnauer Berg, this is Other unobtrusive chapter-houses include manor
limited to its chapel and crypts) so that they repel houses bequeathed to one of the Inquisition’s orders, a
demons by their very nature and provide rest and peace town house belonging to one of the Oculi Dei or
for the servants of God who shelter there. Murnau members, or a priory (a small monastery,
usually dependent on another larger abbey for support)
Hiding in Plain Sight that the Inquisition rents from another order, such as
The working inquisitor chapter-house, however, the Cistercians or Benedictines. Such a chapter-house
is likely to be far smaller and less obtrusive, so as not to does not belong to the cell, and the cell is therefore
alert the servants of the Enemy to their purpose or responsible for paying the rent on time, overseeing any
location. One practice is to quarter a cell within the lands or servants associated with the property (if a
priory or abbey of another order or among the canon manor or house in the city) and keeping the property
monks of a city church. This provides the inquisitors in good condition. The inquisitors may attend services
already in holy orders at least a place to sleep and at a nearby church, or sanctify a chapel within their
attend services, but it has its limitations. An inquisitor own house; they must also arrange for sufficiently
cell may contain lay members such as Murnau or Oculi isolated quarters for any nuns in their cell, which may
Dei — or even worse, women, making this arrange- mean another house entirely.
ment impractical at best.
Placing the female religious members of an inquisitor Inquisitor Safe Houses
cell in a local convent of another women’s order has One last kind of chapter-house exists, though it is
become a very common practice among the Inquisition. less of a chapter-house than a secret place of refuge for
It provides the nuns in the cell with the required sanctified an inquisitor needing shelter or concealment from the
isolation, although it does make their participation in the Enemy’s servants hunting him. These vary widely,
day-to-day activities of the cell a bit more difficult. Not a from particular village churches or monastic chapels to
few Red Sisters — and even an occasional Sister of St. crypts under a city church; to the house of a particular
John — have found that sort of arrangement more con- merchant or craftsmen; the manor house of a country
straining than helpful. knight who is a distant cousin of the Murnau; or even

the expanded cellar under a godly peasant’s hovel. The
Oculi Dei have more of these hidden bolt-holes than
any other order, but often share the knowledge of one
or two of them with a local inquisitor cell. Inquisitors
are encouraged to find their own as well by making
contacts with local members of the flock and arranging
the use, access or rental of appropriate places. Not all
such refuges are Holy Ground, but every inquisitor cell
is encouraged to identify other nearby churches, chap-
els or shrines that meet that degree of sanctity for their
own protection.
Setting Down Roots
A newly established inquisitor cell may be sent to a
town where no Inquisition presence has yet been estab-
lished, which may mean the cell is responsible for setting
up not only their entire investigative operation but also
the chapter-house to use as their base. The Council of
Faith, however, does not send them out empty-handed; a
newly minted cell of inquisitors is given sufficient re-
sources to establish themselves and their mission without
having to beg door to door or shelter in hastily constructed
hovels. This may mean a letter of introduction to the local
abbot that allows the inquisitors to stay at a Benedictine
monastery, or a letter of credit that allows the cell to rent
a simple three-story townhouse. It could even be a pre-
established lease agreement with a local landlord or lay
supporter of the Inquisition’s work, such as an Oculi Dei
merchant who happens to own an entire block of such
houses (although his identity as their landlord as well as
their local informant may not be revealed). The property
could even belong to a local monastery or church (which
will be just as insistent about the inquisitors’ rent being
paid on time as with any other tenant).
If the cell contains one or more ordained priests,
sometimes the Inquisition leadership can arrange for a
cell to be put in charge of a small church in a town or
village, which gives the priest put in charge a respon-
sibility to his flock that extends beyond his duties to
the Inquisition. The exact nature of the property may
depend on the scope of the anticipated investigation or
the research done by the inquisitors themselves on a
prior visit to the town or region to determine a suitable
location and type for their chapter-house.
Inquisitor chapter-houses are often disguised for
the inquisitors’ own safety — the servants of the
Adversary can be dangerous foes, and even men of God
must sleep sometimes. The most common disguise is as
a religious building used for some other purpose, such
as a priory attached to a small town or village church,
a chapel or shrine belonging to a local lord, a hospital
adjacent to a monastery or commandery or even an
anchorite’s cell. This sometimes involves cooperation
from people outside the cell itself, such as the other
brothers, sisters or other staff actually doing the bulk of
the work of maintaining the building and its true
purpose while the inquisitors pursue the enemies of


God. Isolated manor houses are also common locations The Neighborhood
for a cell, preferably those within some kind of enclos- A chapter-house is more than simply the place the
ing walls and containing a proper chapel. The cell must inquisitors meet, plan their strategies and sleep. It may
then hire a bailiff or set one of its members to oversee- also be their only refuge against the forces of the Devil.
ing the serfs and other peasant workers who work the In major cities like Paris, Florence, Lübeck or London,
fields and live in the adjacent villages. the Council of Faith may oversee several cells in the
The disguise often extends beyond the building same city. The inquisitor cells may have access to more
itself. Inquisitors must sometimes put on modest civil- than one chapter-house plus a number of other refuges
ian clothing or the habits of another order in order to for their use, such as churches or the houses of Inquisi-
conceal their presence from their enemies, though tion agents. The Church is pervasive and strong, and
they wear their proper habits when in the privacy of the there may be as many as two dozen inquisitors spread
chapter-house. They also still follow the canonical across the city in several different cells to call upon
hours of work, rest and prayer whenever possible. when need arises. Communication with the Procura-
Sometimes the cell finds God-fearing and reliable tor Fiscalis and the Council is fairly easy and a cell can
craftsmen (who may or may not be members of the receive a swift response to questions, requests for judg-
Inquisition themselves) and set them to work in the ment or pleas for help.
ground floor shops of two or three adjacent houses, Such conditions, however, only exist in a few
while the floors above shelter the inquisitor cell. places. More often, the Inquisition consists of one or
The Flock two cells investigating the servants of the Adversary in
a single town, a cluster of villages or perhaps even a
Inquisitor cells quartered in non-religious quar- single county. The Council of Faith is a day’s ride away
ters, such as a town house or country manor, have less at the very least. Under those conditions, the chapter-
direct access to their flock than a cell based in a church house is more likely to be disguised from its true
where people come to mass every week. Still, having a purpose. The inquisitors must be circumspect in their
flock reminds the members of an inquisitor cell why activities to avoid alerting their enemies to their pres-
they took up this fight to begin with, and praying with ence and their investigation. The chapter house is then
a flock can help an inquisitor regain the Conviction to more of a refuge as well as a base of operations, and its
continue on with his struggle. The inquisitors’ flock defenses become more formidable out of necessity.
may be a few individuals whom the inquisitors have Still, the inquisitors are within relatively friendly ter-
aided against the Adversary, the patients and staff at a ritory. Help is but a day or two away at most, should the
hospital that adjoins the chapter-house, a handful of cell run into more than they can easily handle.
neighborhood families who have come to depend on
Of course, not all of Europe is so densely populated
the inquisitors for spiritual guidance, confession or a
or well situated. Active opposition to the Catholic
weekly mass, or even the congregation who regularly
Church — and thus to the Inquisition as well — still
attends mass at the inquisitors’ church. The inquisitors
lingers on the eastern marches of the Holy Roman
may inherit their flock by taking over a local church or
Empire; in Prussia, Poland, Bohemia and Hungary; or
slowly develop one through providing aid to those
in the parts of Iberia and the Holy Land still dominated
victimized by the Devil’s minions or through their
by Islam. The chapter-house may be the sole refuge the
interactions with their neighbors, whether local
inquisitors have against their enemies in places where
townsfolk, nobility or peasantry.
the cell might expect local resistance by pagans or
TENDING THE FLOCK Muslims, or for inquisitor cells in the borderlands

5 lock is another Background that can be where the Church’s power is lessened by distance.
pooled, and makes a good counterpart to Under these circumstances, defense is far more impor-
Chapter-House. Players should consider Chapter- tant than disguise. The chapter-house is almost always
House and Flock together to come up with a built on Holy Ground, often in an already established
plausible resource combination for their inquisi- church or monastery.
tors’ cell. The Storyteller should also see to it that The inquisitor cells are proportionally larger than
the flock is made up of individual characters, with those in more secure locations as well and contain more
names, descriptions and personalities (for at least a armed men, usually Poor Knights, fighting von Murnau or
few of them) so that their relationships with the Oculi Dei, or hired church troops. This does not mean the
inquisitor characters can be meaningful. This can Inquisition’s investigations depend on a show of force;
provide both roleplaying opportunities and plot often the presence of armed men has the opposite effect
hooks into stories. The fight against the Devil when an inquisitor is attempting to persuade a reluctant
becomes far more significant and personal when Szeckler merchant or frightened Vlach peasant to trust
the characters are fighting to help someone they her enough to reveal what they know of local witcheries.
already know. Still, when the nearest Council of Faith is weeks instead

of hours away, the fortified monastery that functions as other church order can leave her cloister and act as a
the cell’s chapter-house and its knightly defenders may be full member of the Inquisition.
all the stands between them and the vampire-ensorcelled The Marzonian Rule requires a sister-inquisitor to
angry mob or the depredations of savage werewolves. always have at least one other woman in her cell, either
Most inquisitors are glad to take cover behind its stout, in holy orders or not, and to live chastely apart from the
blessed walls. men. Sometimes this means the sisters actually dwell in
a local convent, but have the dispensation to leave its
Women in the Inquisition walls as necessary (in pairs, preferably, and properly
If at least a few of the senior male inquisitors had escorted). This can get a bit awkward, however, with-
their way, there would be no women in the Inquisition out explaining to the abbess about their mission or just
at all. All know that women are weak and susceptible why the dispensation exists in the first place. Sister
to sin. Fighting the minions of the Devil, like saying inquisitors try not to push the bounds of reason too
the Mass, should be a job for men alone. Women’s much by constantly coming in and out of the convent
prayers are welcome, but their presence among God’s as though it were a common inn. Sometimes it’s better
holy army can only lead to temptation and sin. to simply keep a separate house (not an inn, which are
Fortunately, Sister Teresa, founder of the Sisters of known to be places of poor repute and unsuitable for a
St. John, and Sister Vittoria Santi di Parma of the Red holy sister’s residence) for the sisters, so as not to have
Order — not to mention the formidable Baroness to explain too much of the inquisition’s business even
Franziska von Murnau — soon persuaded the Cardinal to fellow clergy. Sometimes the sisters dwell in the
otherwise. Still, the women are a minority among the home of a lady of the Murnau, or an obliging female
inquisitors, and their presence often complicates the member of the Oculi Dei who can provide suitably
workings of a cell, requiring separate quarters and a chaste and private accommodations for them. Nuns
certain degree of care to avoid not only the appearance
of sin, but its actuality.
Nuns Out of Cloister omen who wish to live a religious life,
The Sisters of St. John and the Red Sisters of St. but who cannot afford the dowry de-
Theodosius are bound to the sanctity (and security) of manded by many abbeys or do not wish to make
their convent. They must request permission of their life-long vows, have the option of joining the
abbess (if not the local bishop) to be absent from it, beguines. A popular women’s religious movement
from the time of their profession of vows until their that started in Flanders in the late 12th century, the
deaths. Many such sisters rarely leave their cloistered beguines live communally in chastity and obedi-
walls, preferring to spend their days in prayer or holy ence as long as they remain in the sisterhood.
research for the glory of God and the benefit of their Sharing a house or small priory attached to a hospi-
brothers and sisters in the Inquisition. Just as often, tal, they divide their time between prayer and work.
however, God calls a holy sister through a vision, a The beguines have no common rule. Each
strong urge rising in her heart during prayer, or even community is independent, and the women sup-
the invitation of a visiting inquisitor who has sought a port themselves by spinning and weaving, scribing,
night’s rest within the convent’s guest house. Through gardening, and tending the sick in hospitals. Un-
His will, she is called to leave the cloister behind for a like a more conventional order, a beguine can
time and enter the world in His service against the leave the community to marry if she wishes.
demons and devils of the night. Although some more established orders look some-
Cardinal Marzone persuaded the Pope to grant a what askance at these women who follow a
special dispensation to those holy sisters who serve religious life outside the formal Church structure,
God’s cause as members of the Inquisition, releasing the practice has become quite popular. Many
them from the confinement of their cloister under the beguine communities have been established
following particular circumstances: the sister must be throughout Flanders, France and Germany.
an active member of a inquisitor cell; she must not be Female inquisitors, both those already in holy
the only woman who is a member of that cell; she is to orders and some who are not, sometimes make
submit herself to the authority of the cell’s rector and arrangements to live and work within a beguine
the local Council of Faith, as a daughter to her father; community while also pursuing their calling with
and she must be mindful always to live and act as a their cells. While the permission of the mistress of
faithful and chaste daughter of Christ, rigorously avoid the community must be gained, the beguines ask
all appearance of sin, attend divine office and make fewer hard questions and are generally more le-
confession at proper intervals. So long as those condi- nient hostesses for their unconventional guests
tions are met, a Sister of St. John, St. Theodosius or any than a Benedictine abbess.


out of cloister must be careful for their reputations, and of the countryside, to the innkeeper’s wife — or the guild
inquisitors must take that into consideration when master’s daughter-in-law. Some are in holy orders and
arranging housing for the cell. some are the wives of merchants or craftsmen, whose
husbands may or may not know of their duty to the
Not Under Vows Inquisition and to God. Most of these women remain
The women of the Oculi Dei and the House of nameless and faceless to their sisters in the Order of St.
Murnau need no papal dispensations to be part of the John or St. Theodosius; their only protection for them-
Inquisition, but this doesn’t mean they have total selves and their families is their anonymity. Only the
freedom to do so. In most of Europe, an unmarried nameless and faceless can watch in the market square or
daughter’s future is determined by her family, who may listen when the master of the house speaks to his guests,
or may not take her wishes into consideration. A wife overlooking the very existence of the woman sweeping
is legally under the authority of her husband, who can the hall or serving his dinner.
even beat her if he wants. A widow of the mercantile
or noble classes has most personal and economic free- Sex and the Single Inquisitor
dom, but only if she remains unmarried. All medieval society knows that women are weaker
The House of Murnau has a long-standing tradi- and more susceptible to temptation, especially to sins
tion of fighting the Devil, and thus women of that of the flesh. In secular society, a man’s infidelity is a sin
house are granted somewhat more freedom than most often overlooked, especially with women of lower
when it comes to involving themselves in the Inquisi- classes. A woman, however, can be utterly destroyed
tion. The House prefers the women be unmarried or socially if she is caught (and worse if she is married and
widowed without children; it is one thing for a woman caught), yet the prevalence of courtly love literature in
to spend time away from home or risk her life when she France and Germany makes it sound dangerously at-
is single, but quite another to do so when she has the tractive.
responsibilities of a husband or children. A married The Church in the Dark Medieval is very prag-
woman can be involved if her husband permits. Only matic when it comes to sex and sin. It even issues books
a few rare husband-and-wife pairs exist, and the family to parish priests that give standard penances for a wide
is still debating whether even that is a good idea. range of specific sexual sins, and teaches them how to
While the senior members of the family (including gently “encourage” their parishioners to confess inti-
Otto von Murnau, who acts as the chief administrator macies that do not meet the standards of St. Augustine
when it comes to keeping track of all the von Murnau and other church fathers. Church leaders know that if
cousins and hangers-on in the Inquisition) must still men and women are permitted to spend time with each
approve her petition, von Murnau women are known to other, they will eventually succumb to temptation.
be extremely persuasive — even downright stubborn — “...To be always with a woman and not to have sexual
when it comes to coercing husbands, fathers, or even relations with her,” writes Bernard of Clairveaux, “is
over-protective brothers to give them what they want. more difficult than to raise the dead.”
The Oculi Dei have no rules regarding women. Of Men and women who have sworn their chastity to
all the orders that make up the Inquisition, they offer God are usually protected from their own weaknesses
the most equality — and risk — to a woman seeking to by high cloister walls, a strict regimen of work, prayer
serve God among them. Though the Sword of St. James and study, and sleeping in a common dormitory. A
(under Rodrigue de Navarre) was all male, the Eyes of monk who has joined the Inquisition must interact
God soon realized that there were times and places with women, even secular women, in the performance
where a woman could not only be present, but hear and of his duty to God. He must be even more vigilant to
see things that a man could not. Despite reservations guard against temptations of the flesh than his brothers
about the propriety of using female agents, Aignen le safe behind convent walls.
Libraire recruited a number of carefully-chosen women The pressure on a holy sister is even greater.
whose birth and social position (through family con- Should she falter, the scandal reflects on her order as
nections or in their own right) gave the Oculi Dei well as breaking a vow to God. Whether it is fair or not,
invaluable intelligence about the doings of kings, the stigma of breaking that vow has more devastating
counts, barons, guild masters and aldermen, and even consequences for a nun than it does for her male
abbots and bishops. From those few women, the Oculi counterparts. A male inquisitor in holy orders who
Dei have expanded their network until the women breaks his vow of celibacy may find himself assigned
have become quite a sizeable faction of the order. severe penances and transferred to a cell hundreds of
Only a few women in the Oculi Dei are of noble birth. miles away from the site of his original sin under the
The great majority of them are women of the middle and strict observance of his superior. A Red Sister or Sister
lower classes, from the washerwoman who works in the of St. John could theoretically find herself returned to
castle of a powerful baron to the shepherdess and weavers the cloister indefinitely for the same sin.

In practice, however, the Inquisition walks a fine
line between being firm in demanding blameless, chaste
and godly behavior at all times from its celibate mem-
bers. It realizes that men and women are not without
flaw, and are all in their nature susceptible to sin.
While the Marzonian Rule remains strict in its admo-
nitions to prevent the occurrence of sin, dealing with
those who have faltered is left up to the rector of a cell
or the local Council of Faith. Whether the sinning
inquisitor (or inquisitors) are discovered trying to hide
their fault, or whether they confess it in a penitential
manner also carries a good bit of weight in their
judgment. Those who confess willingly may be split up
and sent to different cells thereafter so as to avoid
further temptation, but they remain part of the Inqui-
sition. Those who seek to hide their sin, however, are
dealt with more severely. If they would hide one sin,
they might well hide even greater ones, which could
endanger far more than their own souls.
This puts an inquisitor who finds himself harboring
strong feelings (and carnal desires) for another in a difficult
and unenviable position, when one or both of them are in
holy orders. Can the Sister of St. John keep her feelings for
a certain Red Brother a secret, save perhaps in the confes-
sional — and dare she even confess? Can the Poor Knight
continue to work alongside a noble lady of House Murnau
but never feel anything but the chaste affection of a
brother for his sister? Can the Eye of God blacksmith, who
is not bound to chastity, continue to restrain himself in the
close company of the Red Sister he has loved since
childhood? If they succumb to their passions, do they
attempt to keep it a secret and risk discovery — or can they
face the shame of confession, penance and permanent


C he segregation by gender practiced by the

Church for its monastic brothers and sisters
also attempted to prohibit homosexual liaisons (as
there was clearly more opportunity), as well as hetero-
sexual ones in more subtle ways (by requiring monks
and nuns to sleep clothed, and in separate beds).
Sexual sin was sexual sin, no matter what genders
were involved. It is important to note, however, that
in the Middle Ages, homosexuality was something
you did, not something you were. It almost always
applied only to men. Attitudes varied from culture to
culture, of course; there were places where such
behavior from the clergy was considered no more
unusual than seeing a priest living openly with a
mistress. In the confessional, however, the “sin of
Sodom” was treated as an even more sinful and
shameful act than adultery. Two inquisitors confess-
ing or caught in such an act would likely receive even
harsher penances, depending on the judgment of
their rector and Council of Faith, than their hetero-
sexually sinning colleagues.


separation? Is this love they feel from God, the author of sition that conflict or interfere with their duties. This
all love — or a carnal temptation from the Devil to weaken begs the question: where does their true loyalty lie,
them in their fight against Hell’s minions? with their families or with God?
The answers to such questions can only come from
the inquisitor’s own heart. Thus far, no inquisitor Of Sin and Duty
under vows has asked to be released from them. Such Where an inquisitor’s first duty lies can be a matter
a request would have to go to the Pope, and would only of some debate on other issues as well. How far, for
be granted under extraordinary circumstances. Cardi- example, should an inquisitor go in order to collect
nal Marzone and the Supreme Council of Faith do not information necessary for her mission or persuade a
intend such a request will ever be heard. Sins can be reluctant informant to speak? Does the Inquisition’s
forgiven, but monastic vows are for life. Even breaking noble and Godly ends justify the means used to achieve
those vows does not absolve one from its perpetual those ends? This is of particular interest to the Oculi
requirements before God. Dei, whose members are more likely to be on the front
lines, running the risk of discovery or interacting
Family Values directly with the Adversary’s own minions in order to
Of course, not all inquisitors are bound to chastity, fulfill their duty to their order. The holy sisters may be
which creates an entirely different set of problems. able guard their chastity from the vile nature of men,
Many members of the Oculi Dei and the House of but sometimes to learn what’s on the Devil’s mind, it is
Murnau are perfectly free to marry, have families, and necessary to step into his parlor. For some women of the
indulge in a wide range of activities otherwise consid- Oculi Dei, their service to the Inquisition and to God
ered sinful for their clerical comrades. Still, many helps atone for the lives of sin they lead, in brothel,
non-monastic inquisitors are willing to accept living bathhouse, or as the mistress of a man they cannot
under semi-monastic rule (at least temporarily) in marry either because he already has a wife, or because
order to be part of the Inquisition, as such a lifestyle has he is himself in the Church.
always been considered a kind of Christian ideal and Officially, the Inquisition agrees with the Church,
blessed by God. This allows them to acquire the ben- which holds out examples of the many noble virgins
efits of a holy life without having to commit to it for the who sacrificed their lives or endured great torments to
rest of their lives. preserve their chastity. Unofficially, the Oculi Dei
Inquisitors not under vows are expected to behave remember Rahab, the harlot of Jericho, whose family
in a righteous and Christian manner. Marriage, even to was spared destruction because she hid the Israelite
another inquisitor who is free to do so, is far better than spies; and also Judith, who seduced the Assyrian gen-
succumbing to sin. The average chapter-house does eral Holofernes in order to slay him and so saved her
not have married quarters, however, nor does the city. If God can forgive such women for doing what
Marzonian Rule address many questions faced by non- women must sometimes do, they reason, then confes-
monastic Inquisitors. Should a married inquisitor live sion and forgiveness is possible for them as well, if they
separately from his wife while serving together with a give must their bodies as well as their minds and hearts
given cell? Should he live apart from the cell and so to His service. It is a slippery road to walk and a lonely
miss the communal Christian life in order to live with one, for despite the open invitation by inquisitor priests
his wife? What if his services are needed by a cell a to hear confession from any Oculi Dei who requests it,
hundred miles away — does he leave his wife at home many in that order find it hard to trust even a fellow
for months at a time (circumstances not unusual with inquisitor.
merchants and knights in service to a distant lord), or Inquisitors face other trials of conscience and faith
bring her with him to a new city and risk her life as well as well. They often find themselves required to lie
as his own, should the Enemy learn of her? about their mission, their plans, even their very iden-
With these unanswered concerns, it is no wonder tities to both officials of the Church and the secular
that some inquisitors, particularly among the Oculi authorities lest some agent of the Adversary overhear
Dei, consider the imposition of the Marzonian Rule on and guess the truth. Sometimes they must trespass,
non-monastic inquisitors to be discriminatory and steal or peruse private documents, or use falsehoods to
unfair. Many Eyes of God do not even reveal their lure potential informants into confession of their faults.
identities to other inquisitors, much less details about Even harder to bear are the times they must stand by
their personal lives and families. The inquisitor from and do nothing, while the Enemy’s minions freely
House Murnau may already be married, or be expected tempt, deceive or hunt innocent (or even not so
to marry and raise a brood to perpetuate his family line. innocent) people; in order to trap the greater demons,
He may have feudal duties as well, to serve his secular the lesser ones must sometimes be lured into a sense of
overlord for so many days a year — an overlord that safety. Is it a sin, a tearful Red Brother asks his confes-
knows nothing of the Inquisition or its purposes. These sor, to stand by and allow a demon to kill a young boy
individuals may have commitments outside the Inqui-

it has lured to an alleyway so they may follow its trail to
its masters? For the Oculi Dei, this is more common TORTURE BY THE RULE
than most of them will ever confess; for the others it is
nearly unbearable, and only for the most callous does
that dreadful choice ever get easier.
C orture is used to persuade the convicted
miscreant to confess his sins for the good
of his soul, not to establish his guilt — although the
willingness of the accused to confess and beg for-
Torture and Punishment giveness for his crimes may have a mitigating effect
The Inquisition is a secret organization, and as such on the severity of his punishment. Torture is never
must be extremely cautious in how it investigates and used lightly, but it is often required to ensure that all
carries out its judgments against the enemies of God. sins are confessed and that the accused holds noth-
Inquisitors cannot simply arrest and torture anyone they ing back that would otherwise imperil his soul. The
suspect of diabolical connections — especially if some of Marzonian Rule requires that at least four persons be
those individuals are people of rank. Even the mysterious present when a subject is undergoing the question:
disappearance of a saddle maker’s apprentice or a rural the interrogator himself, a scribe to take down what
peasant may rouse suspicion. Should a nobleman or is said as clearly as possible, a layperson whose job it
prominent merchant vanish, it can instigate a frantic is to administer the correction as ordered by the
search on the part of local authorities or family. interrogator, and another, often a priest, who bears
Therefore, evidence of an individual’s collusion witness to the proceedings and ensures that they are
with the Devil must be obtained through less radical in keeping with canon law. If the person being
means. Seizing suspects for interrogation and sentencing questioned is female, a female witness must be
usually occurs only when sufficient evidence of their present, either instead of or in addition to the priest.
guilt is already established. Out of pure practicality, the
higher the social ranking of the accused, the stronger the the Devil’s mortal minions. Sometimes, such in the
case must be in order to take action against him and the heresy-riddled Languedoc, the full authority of the Church
higher up the Inquisition’s hierarchy the case goes for can be brought to bear (often in the guise of the Holy
final judgment — when prominent men are involved Inquisition against heresy). This is also true in parts of
with Hell, the Church must muster greater resources to Italy and France, where a Cardinal’s writ carries sufficient
bring them to repentance and justice. As part of this weight on its own merit that local authorities do not ask
procedure, inquisitors collect evidence for serious secular too many questions. In lands such as distant England or
crimes as well, such as murder, theft, rape, or treason, the Empire, however, or where the Adversary’s corrup-
under which even a nobleman may be brought to justice tion has rooted itself deeply in the local Church, inquisitors
and punished under secular rather than canon law. sometimes disguise their inquiries as coming from other
While a local prince or count might scoff when a sources, such as a distant baron or bishop. In the Baltic and
nobleman is suspected of maleficium, offenses such as Eastern Europe, the Inquisition has very little authority at
murder, treason and tax fraud often serve just as well all. For the time being, the Supreme Council of Faith is
where the secular courts are concerned. less concerned about regions where the church itself is
When it comes to carrying a sentence against a weak, and prefers to concentrate on cleaning out nests of
demon in human form, however — such as a Cainite or Satan’s vipers within its own heartland in the West.
shape-changer — the inquisitors need not defer to any
secular court or prince. The Inquisition accepts that The Sicae Dei, “Daggers of God”
demons have already rejected God’s will and cannot be
Only two years ago, the Inquisition suffered a
saved, even by the most well-meaning priest (this
serious blow when the Oculi Dei presented irrefutable
makes people like Sister Laetitia (see p. 35) both
evidence to Cardinal Marzone that one of his more
awesome and somewhat suspect in their devotion to
successful inquisitors was secretly a member of an order
redemption). There is nothing for the inquisitor to do,
of heretical sorcerers who called themselves the Mes-
therefore, but remove the creature from the worldly
sianic Voices (more information on these blasphemers
plane with all due dispatch so it may corrupt no more
can be found in Dark Ages: Mage). The resulting
innocent but careless souls. Torture is used merely to
investigation uncovered nearly two dozen more such
gain information from the creature, not redemption. If
heretics, including Father Andrea Pitti, who had been
its destruction serves to instruct those foolish enough
one of Marzone’s hand-picked advisors almost from the
to have believed its false promises, then so much the
beginning. Unfortunately, many of the heretics were
better. To this end, some inquisitors like to capture a
warned and escaped. The rest, including Father An-
Cainite, then demonstrate its true nature by having
drea himself, were captured, tried, and ultimately (for
those it has deceived witness its destruction in the rays
despite their arrogant protestation of righteousness,
of the rising sun.
they would renounce neither their heretical beliefs nor
Inquisitors must also be careful in how they present their sorcery), burned at the stake.
themselves when the time comes to take action against


The scope and personal nature of this betrayal —
and the fact that these deceitful creatures had been THE PERILS OF PARANOIA
able to infiltrate the very organization intended to
hunt them down — shook the Cardinal to his very soul.
Clearly, extraordinary vigilance would be required to
4 very inquisitor in the field is encouraged to
report to the local Council of Faith on the
suspicious behavior of any of his colleagues or supe-
keep the Inquisition free of such taints, lest the good riors. If any complaints seem worthy of further
work they were doing be corrupted from the start. With investigation, they are passed up the line to Cardinal
a heavy heart but firmly convinced of its dire necessity, Marzone’s office in Rome. While this results more in
the Cardinal instituted a secret organization devoted piles of petty grudges and complaints than true
to investigation and judgement, intended to search for evidence, particularly at the local level, the watch-
corruption among the very ranks of the Inquisition fulness — and outright paranoia — it generates has
itself. That organization, which reported directly to also resulted in several occasions of compromised
him, became the Sicae Dei, the “Daggers of God.” inquisitors being discovered before any real damage
was done. This same paranoia, of course, also makes
Organization and Practices it harder for inquisitors to trust one another, espe-
Two senior members of each of the five orders, who cially among the Oculi Dei. The knowledge that at
were examined closely and judged free of all taints, make anytime, her fellows may also be watching her for
up a special Council of Faith that oversees the internal signs of corruption, and that tempering her judg-
investigations of the Sicae Dei. Members include Aignen ment of possible devil-tainted sinners with mercy
le Libraire, Gauthier de Dampiere, Franziska and Leopold may cause her own loyalty to be questioned, is
von Murnau, and Abbot Gervèse le Fèvre. Any inquisitor enough to put any inquisitor on edge, even with her
who is being considered as a potential member of the cellmates. Unfortunately, paranoia may ultimately
Sicae Dei must be approved unanimously by the Sicae be the price the Inquisition must pay to be true to its
Council and Cardinal Marzone, and must pass a rigorous God-given purpose — a price that Marzone, at least,
and extensive background investigation. A member of seems willing to pay.
the Sicae Dei must not only be of unquestioned orthodoxy
and strong faith, but must also possess a certain degree of
fanaticism and strength of purpose —he cannot allow cooperation after capture sometimes means the opportu-
compassion to deter him from coming to a proper judg- nity for cleansing the soul is lost.
ment, nor carrying it out. Only those steadfast in their The sentence for an inquisitor judged guilty of cor-
own service to God and the Inquisition can properly judge ruption is not always death, if the Sicae Dei feel there is
their brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. If decay or true remorse and a strong possibility of reform. Even if his
disease in that body is found, they must have the courage life is spared, however, lifelong penance in the cloister is
to rip it out by the roots. the least severe penalty he can expect. For those whose sin
The Sicae Dei are not numerous. They work in cells is far greater, death is the usual sentence. For those who at
of three, with representatives of at least two orders in each least take the opportunity to confess and be absolved, it is
cell. One member is always a priest, so he can hear the as merciful a judgment as the Sicae Dei can grant.
confessions of any accused who desire to make them. The Sicae Dei cell makes a full report to Cardinal
The cells are itinerant, going wherever they are Marzone and the Sicae Dei Council of Faith, but typically
needed and working from the reports of Oculi Dei, local after sentence has already been passed. Thus far, no Sicae
Councils of Faith and even individual inquisitors in the Dei judgment has been overturned — although if one
field. Often during an investigation, only one of the Sicae were, the decision might come too late for those who were
Dei even makes his presence known to the local Council unjustly accused. Still, the Sicae Dei are comforted by the
of Faith or inquisitor cells, and never his true purpose. The knowledge that God’s judgment will, if necessary, correct
investigation is as thorough as the Sicae Dei can make it, any fault in their own.
for their verdict — either of guilt or innocence — must be
unanimous. If they cannot reach a unanimous decision,
the investigation continues until they can.
Sample of Play
This example of play is presented to illustrate how
Once a verdict is reached, the Sicae Dei have the the members of the Inquisition might function to-
authority to arrest, question, and sentence — if necessary gether, using their disparate talents in service to God
— any and all inquisitors they have judged to be guilty of Almighty. It even hints at the political necessities of
corruption. They can also call upon other inquisitors in preparing a case before simply going after the Devil,
the region to assist them in apprehending their guilty sword at the ready.
brethren. Ideally, those judged guilty are given opportu-
[This is the second session for this group of players,
nity for confession and absolution before they are
who have gathered again to fight evil in Dark Ages:
sentenced. In practice, resistance to arrest or lack of
Inquisitor. Lee is the Storyteller. Shelley plays Judith,

a Sister of St. John. David plays Alberto, a monk of the [Lee has David roll Intelligence + Theology to see
Red Order. Alex plays Thomas, a member of the Oculi how effective his argument for arresting this woman is.
Dei. The three are a newly formed cell that has been Considering the evidence they’ve collected, Lee tells
sent to a village several days travel from their Council David his difficulty is only going to be five. His three
of Faith, in order to investigate the recent disappear- successes are enough for Lee to tell David that he feels
ance of several children. his character’s writing is compelling. David says he’d
[In their last session, the characters set up a make- like to indicate that though they have some pretty solid
shift chapter-house and began questioning people in statements pointing to pagan practices, he’s not sure he
the area. They have gathered some evidence for the wants to push for the harshest punishment just yet.
Council of Faith about a woman near the village they [The players plan for a while how they intend to go
suspect of unholy dealings, and are trying to decide about finding this woman and taking her in for judg-
how best to proceed.] ment. They make a list of equipment they will take
with them in the morning, and the Storyteller looks
Thomas leans back in his chair and stares at his over it with a nod of approval.
companions. “Each of the children’s parents are re- [Lee tells them that their sleep is uneventful, and
ported to have had dealings with this woman in one that a messenger will leave at dawn with the letter
way or another. I think our case is sound.” bearing their case.]
“You think she’s really a witch?” asks Judith.
“Well,” says Thomas, “she is known to dabble in The shadowy woods seem even colder than a
‘herbal remedies’ and the villagers tell tales of lovesick typical November afternoon would dictate, and
folk visiting her in the dead of night. I’m not sure this the three inquisitors cautiously navigate the paths
proves she had anything to do with the missing chil- leading deeper through the trees, staying alert for
dren, but I think we have a case.” any disturbances. A farmer they questioned a few
“I’m not sure this is enough for me to draft a letter weeks prior told them the old woman’s name is
to the Procurator Fiscalis.” Says Brother Alberto, Brunissende. She has apparently only lived in the
“What else do we have besides hearsay?” heart of the woods near a small stream for only
“I told you, Brother, that each of the children is about a year. It is a local mystery how she came to
linked to her indirectly. I think that alone warrants have a cottage here, and Brother Alberto begins to
further investigation,” says Thomas. wonder if she even really exists.
“It just seems to be… overreacting to arrest an old “Wait!” Sister Judith hisses through clenched
woman merely because of a few rumors. Surely we’ll teeth. She falls to her knees and covers her face,
find out more when we confront her,” says Alberto. “In breathing deeply and trembling.
my experience, though, the kinds of things she’s The others rush to her aid, but keep glancing
accused of doing hardly constitute maleficium.” around themselves for trouble. Sister Judith is
“The soul is delicate,” Sister Judith places a hand known to see warnings from the Lord well before
gently on Alberto’s shoulder, “and though she may danger actually strikes.
believe what she is doing is good, if she has turned her “Trouble… watching… waiting… we have to
back on the Lord, she may encourage the same behav- get away from here!” Judith drops her hands to the
ior in others.” earth and grasps at the dried leaves blanketing it.
“This is true… I suppose after even mere dabbling She looks up at the others, wild eyed. “There isn’t
she ought to be called to answer for her sins before much time—”
anything more insidious happens.” Alberto reluc-
[As a Sister of St. John, Shelley’s character is prone
tantly gives in. “Besides, even if she isn’t responsible
to divine visions. Her trigger is generally the presence
for the disappearances, she may have some informa-
of imminent danger. She is able to try and induce them,
tion that will help us find the children. I’ll begin
but as it is the Storyteller’s prerogative to also throw in
writing up our case, and in the morning we can go and
visions as plot devices, Lee decides to give the players
begin the proceedings. If we don’t find anything other
a warning about an upcoming attack (otherwise this
than simple superstitious trinkets, though, I’m afraid
group of non-combative characters might have a very
this will be a short trial.”
short mission indeed).]
“Be sure to include all of the statements I gath-
ered,” says Thomas. “Judith also prepared a document A low growling sound creeps through the air,
outlining what we know about the last whereabouts of cutting off Judith’s words. After a quick glance at
each child. The ‘rumors’ smack more of fear than one another, the inquisitors scramble to find places
gossip to me. Coupled with the information we have to hide.
about her penchant for ‘superstitious trinkets,’ as you Thomas climbs a tree nearby and scans the
call them, I think we’d be wrong not to bring her in.” area; he can see Alberto behind a gnarled oak and


[The Storyteller rules that their characters are able
Judith crouched behind a rock outcropping, but to get away from danger without faltering (though he
no sign of where the growling came from. makes a few rolls behind his screen to keep everybody
After a few strained heartbeats, a huge black on their toes).]
dog stalks through the clearing, sniffing the
ground and air. Thomas relaxes and focuses on “Cowards!” Alberto moans. “We’re cow-
the animal; aware right away that it is not a ards… God forgive us—”
natural creature. He slowly unsheathes the dag-
“No!” Judith glares at him. “That creature
ger at his side.
has a master, believe me. We would gain nothing
from bleeding under its fangs.”
[Alex states that Thomas uses the Gift of Second “Keep moving,” says Thomas, “We must
Sight Benediction to determine if this is a supernatural draft another letter to the Procurator. We’ve
threat. Alex rolls Perception + Wisdom (five dice). His seen enough, and I hardly think we’ll be bringing
difficulty is 6, and he rolls two successes. Lee informs anyone or anything back for judgment. He has to
Alex that the dog is clearly not a typical animal. know, and we may need help.”
Though it looks big and strong, it is also badly lacerated
“It takes three days for a message to reach
all over. and seems driven to ferocity beyond even the
Faber,” says Alberto, “do we really have that long
normal level for a rabid beast.]
to wait for reinforcements? We have a duty to
stop this evil now!”
From a closer vantage point, it doesn’t take
Judith the senses of the Eyes of God to tell that “Agreed,” Thomas quietly responds, “but if
this beast is of the Devil. It is covered in matted something should… happen to us, the Council
patches of dirty hair. Its eyes are bloodshot and has to know what we’ve seen.”
thick saliva drips from its maw. Each breath
heats the air around it like the very fires of Hell. [Lee lets the players discuss their plans for a while.
It sniffs the air around the rock where Judith They decide that their characters should return to their
hides, a low rumbling coming from its chest. chapter-house and write a second letter to Procurator
Seeing a chance to distract the creature, Alberto Fiscalis Faber, telling of their encounter with the
kneels down quietly, picks up a rock, and throws hellhound and indicating that they will proceed to try
it as far as he can deeper into the woods. to rid the place of demonic influence. They agree that
they don’t want to appear weak in the eyes of the
Council, but knowing when to request reinforcements
[David, hoping that this monster isn’t any smarter than is wise. Their characters spend the night praying and
a normal dog, wants his character to distract the creature long resting in preparation for a second search for the
enough for the inquisitors to get a running start. Since the witch’s hovel.]
hound is over by Judith sniffing around, Lee rules that David
doesn’t need to roll for how quietly he picks up the stone. He
does, however, require a Dexterity + Athletics roll to see how The next dawn, the woods are strangely
far into the woods Alberto can throw it. Alberto’s pool is only calm. Thomas walks this time with his dagger
three dice, so he decides to spend a Willpower point to ensure drawn, the others keeping watch for anything
at least one success. Lee sets the difficulty at 7 due to the strange. They manage to get to the bank of the
extenuating circumstances; with his Willpower point, David stream before mid-day without any trouble, but
manages two successes. Lee rules this is enough for the stone the quiet is unsettling.
to make a noise far enough away to attract the attention of
After another hour or two of searching
their pursuer.]
along the stream, the group finally spots a small
The sound of the rock skittering through the wooden cottage about five hundred yards in
leaves in the distance alarms the hellhound. It leaps from the water. “It doesn’t look like anybody’s
ferociously to the chase, running after the sound and lived there for months.” whispers Thomas.
buying the inquisitors precious time. The tiny house is warped from weather
Thomas drops from his perch, joining Alberto damage, overgrown with vegetation, and devoid
and Judith as they run as fast as they can to get out of all signs of occupancy. The windows are
of the woods. They shoot glances over their shoul- boarded and shuttered, and no smoke comes
ders to make sure they are not being chased, seeing from the stone chimney that runs up the far side.
no sign of the demonic animal. “No sign of our four-legged friend, either,”
Once they’ve cleared the trees, the three pause says Brother Alberto. “Perhaps he was some
to gasp for air. kind of glamour.”

“If he was a trick, he was a good one,” Judith her flesh. It’s t-tearing… oh, God save us…
retorts. “He was close enough to me that I could beneath us… it’s beneath us….”
smell him, so let’s not let our guard down.” Alberto releases her to regain her compo-
“No danger of that happening,” Thomas sure and the two men brush away the straw and
says. He clenches his jaw with resolve, then debris strewn about the floor. Beneath it, clearly
slowly heads for the cottage. outlined in the floor, is a trap door.
The others follow, and together they circle Silently, they collect themselves. Judith
to the back of the building. A cool wind stirs and Thomas ready themselves as Alberto slowly
through the woods and under it they hear a faint pulls open the door. They are met with a rush of
moaning. The door at the back of the cottage is cold air, the smell of earth, and the sound of
loose on its hinges, and the rotted wood gives chains rattling in the darkness beneath.
way with a gentle tug. They’ve been trained to face this kind of
The inquisitors’ senses are assaulted as the fear. Each of them knows that if they wait too
smell of dead, rotting things wafts from the dark long, the terror will grip their hearts and chal-
interior. They gather their wits, and step through lenge their faith. Alberto pulls a torch from his
the threshold and into a small kitchen. A rus- knapsack and lights it with a flint and steel, and
tling sound is immediately noticeable, and they with one solid glance around the group, he
can all see that the decayed food lying on a descends.
nearby table is swarming with maggots. A rickety wooden ladder leads into the
Thomas presses forward through a doorway cellar. After the Red Monk descends, Thomas
covered with what is left of a curtain, gesturing climbs down, followed by Judith. In the cold
for the others to follow. belly of the cottage, the inquisitors are faced
In the main room of the house, the scene is with still more horrors.
horrific. A chair and table are overturned in the The flayed bodies of children are chained
center of the room. Moldy straw and rushes to all four walls. A circle of white powder takes
cover the floor. Tattered bedding lies against the up the center of the room, in the center of
far wall, upon which they see a corpse that can which lies the body of the dog that hunted them
only have been Brunissende. yesterday. The coppery smell of dried blood
Judith grabs her rosary and mutters a silent assaults the air but there is no movement, no
prayer. The woman’s body is naked and flayed sound.
from neck to pubis. The rotted gray skin of her
abdomen is pulled back in a parody of wings and [Judith’s Orison is True Innocent, so Shelly asks if
her body cavity is filled with a nest of rats eagerly she may spend a point of Conviction to make it harder
feasting on what is left of her entrails. for her character to be harmed for the duration of the
Judith’s lips tremble as she tries to pull scene. Lee nods, and notes he will need to succeed on
herself together, and she is once again blessed a Willpower roll against a difficulty of Judith’s Piety
with a vision from the Lord. rating if the creature that awaits decides to attack her.]

[Shelley lets Lee know that she’d like to see if her Judith again prays, but this time she bows
character can glean any information from her order her head and seems sure of the safety of the Lord,
benefit about what danger might be lurking, so she the sickening nature of what surrounds them
spends a point of Willpower and rolls Perception + paling in comparison to the love of the Father.
Empathy (for Judith this is six dice). Lee decides the They scan the room and see nothing still
difficulty is 6; the roll produces one success. Judith is living. Before they can move, however, the trap
given some insight, but it is definitely colored with a door above them slams shut. A small voice
dash of horror. After stepping aside from the rest of the whispers in the darkness. “My pet brought you to
players for a moment to discuss what she sees, Lee and me, but he outlived his usefulness. His body was
Shelley get back into the action.] weak.”
Alberto braces her shoulders with his strong Thomas points to a corner of the room.
hands and looks into her eyes. “What is it, Sister? “There!” he croaks, voice dry with fright.
What do you see? Be with us, for the love of God!” One of the children, a boy not more than six
“Th-there is s-something here…” she stam- years old, stands and tilts his head to one side. His
mers, gulping air between her sobs. “I see her… body is scarred and pale, with only tattered
breeches to clothe his body.


way of Stamina, so her difficulty is only 5. The roll
“You expected to confront the woman?” provides three successes, so the characters now have
He whispers. “She was a fool, but smart enough some time to act (three turns, to be precise, provided
to invite me here. This child has been an Judith doesn’t look away).
adequate vessel.” The boy’s eyes open and re-
veal blood red points of light. When he speaks [David asks if he may take this opportunity to
again it is the sound of many voices as one, filled restrain the enemy. Lee sees no reason to require an
with sorrow and torment. “But I long for the initiative roll since the adversary is held in place, and
strength of another!” he only has David make his Dexterity + Brawl roll
against a difficulty of 5. Tackling the body of the
wounded child and wrestling it to the ground is rela-
[Based on the scene at hand, Lee requires the three
tively easy; David rolls enough successes that Alberto
players to make a roll to avoid the effects of Terror. None
has the foe firmly in his grasp. When David asks if he
of the characters has a point in Zeal, so they must all spend
may also splash holy water on the fiend, Lee sees no
a point of Conviction and roll Courage. They each
reason why not (since he already knows it will have no
manage to roll at least one success at difficulty 6 (Alex’s
effect on this creature).]
difficulty is 5, as his Orison is the Hierophant, which
reduces the difficulty of Courage rolls by one) and so are
able to press on without any negative modifiers. Brother Alberto drops the torch and rushes
the boy, tackling him to the ground and wres-
[David asks if his dots in the Exposure Background tling him into submission. The demon roars with
allow Alberto to know anything about what is going on, horror as Alberto raises a vial of holy water and
and Lee asks for a Wits + Exposure roll. The roll is splashes it into his face.
successful, and David is told that his character knows that
when a fiend is looking around with glowing eyes, it’s “In the name of the Lord, be gone from this
probably a good idea to avert one’s gaze. After a nervous place, foul demon!” Shouts Alberto. “Thomas!
chuckle from the rest of the group, Alex states that he’d Rope! Get me the rope!”
like to spend a Conviction point to use his Hierophant
Orison’s ability to inspire courage to back up Alberto, [Alex wants to know what he can do at this point,
seeing as Judith already has some protection. As he will and Lee explains that though his faith may have
now be down to two points of Conviction, Alex says he wavered, he is not completely useless in this situation.
is going to risk an extra point of Conviction to add He may still act, but he has no access to Blessings or
another die to his pool, so that he can get a point back if Conviction to defend himself. This being the case,
he succeeds. With the additional die his pool is five and Alex decides to have Thomas do his best to help, while
he rolls a 1, 4, 5, 5, and 3. Ouch, a botch! After a little staying out of the fray.]
cursing from the players, Lee informs Alex that his
character’s faith has just been shaken to the core and he Thomas scrambles across the floor, and tosses
has lost all of his Conviction.] Alberto a length of rope, managing in the confu-
sion to retrieve the fallen torch. He stops for a
“Don’t look at his eyes!” Alberto shouts. moment and tries to muster the energy to help,
Thomas has closed his eyes in silent prayer, but icy doubt grips his stomach and his eyes well
but when they reopen they are vacant and terri- with tears. Pushing back into a corner, he avoids
fied. “N-no! Oh, my God, no!” Seeming to sense getting any closer.
a weak link, the boy stretches out a hand toward Alberto continues to hold the boy. Though
Thomas. He is knocked to the floor by an unseen the demon seems strong of will the body is still
force, his dagger falling from his grip and into the that of a badly malnourished child. He manages to
darkness. tie the creature’s hands and feet as he begins
Judith takes a deep breath and faces the reciting the litany of the Holy Rite of Exorcism.
demon, tears rolling down her cheeks. She smiles The boy is tightly bound by the time Alberto
faintly as the possessed child shrieks, realizing he rises and Judith’s hold loosens. Though exhausted,
is bound to the spot. she begins to pray with Alberto.
“You may banish me from this place,” the
[Shelley has decided that Judith is ready to do what demon growls, “but you’ll not save the child. I’ll
she can to stop this before things get worse. Her drag his soul screaming with me through the gates
character uses Tears of the Martyr to hold the demon of Hell!”
in place. Her Wits + Boni Spiritus is only four dice, but
[Fortunately, Alberto’s Willpower score is higher
she adds her dot in Faith for a total of five. Lee knows
than the demon’s, so the difficulty on the exorcism ritus
that the body of the boy doesn’t provide much in the
doesn’t go up. The difficulty of this roll starts at 10, and

his dice pool (Wits + Boni Spiritus) is a mere five dice.
Judith, as another character with Superior Virtues,
lowers his difficulty to 9. Lee knows that David needs
seven successes for the demon to be cast out, and on the
first roll David manages to gain two of them. Alberto’s
Piety score is 7, thus he may continue the ritus for that
many hours, with David making new rolls each hour
until his character is exhausted, he botches, or the evil
being is cast out of this place.]

The two continue their prayers, unwavering

in the face of the obscenities spewing forth from
this poor child’s mouth.
Meanwhile Thomas can hear its voice in his
head. Like flies buzzing, it burns at his mind and
taunts him with whispers of how his order will
ultimately destroy him. He is told of the times to
come, when he will be a slave to Satan because
he is too weak to serve the Lord. It is too much for
him to endure in his weakened state; he drops the
torch and lunges for his dagger.
Alberto cannot afford distraction, but Judith
glances over her shoulder and sees Thomas. She
manages to grab the torch before the light is
extinguished, but is unable to stop Thomas from
cutting himself down the inside of his left arm.
The blood flows quickly and freely, and Thomas
simply sits and watches his arm turn crimson.

[While defenseless, Thomas is a sitting duck for

the mental urgings of the demon (it’s tied down, but
not at all powerless. It uses the Corruption Charm (p.
293 of Dark Ages: Vampire) on the Oculus). After a
few easy rolls against his character, Lee advises Alex
that he has hurt himself for one lethal level of damage.
Judith is distracted momentarily from the rite, but
since Alberto is the leading inquisitor for this process,
Lee allows Shelly to have her character help Thomas
and still assist for the remainder of the rite.]
The demon laughs. Alberto’s prayers rise to
a feverish shouting. Judith looks around herself
frantically, and plants the torch firmly into the
moist earth beneath her feet, leaving it burning
as she rushes to Thomas’ aid.
The Oculus is too weak to resist even Judith.
She knocks the dagger from his hand and wraps
his arm with cloth from her robes. He is babbling
like a madman as he presses his tear soaked face
into her shoulder. Like a mother she rocks him
until he is calm, and then returns to assist Brother
Alberto with the difficult task at hand.

[Shelley makes a roll to bind Thomas’ wound. Her

character fortunately has two dots in Medicine and is
able to successfully keep him from taking any more


damage. Lee has Shelley make a Manipulation + Em- [Lee tells Alex that after the victory over the demon
pathy roll to see if Judith can calm Thomas down and and the encouragement of his companions, he regains one
help him throw off the effects of the demon’s Charm point of lost Conviction, giving him enough drive to
(Lee grants her a low difficulty for good role-playing). move on. He has been an aid and witness to the power of
After Alex spends a point of Willpower, his character the Lord, so it is fitting that his faith will gradually restore
is free from the subtle manipulations of the spawn of itself. The memory of this encounter, however, will linger
Satan. Shelley advises Lee that Judith will rejoin Alberto in Thomas’ mind for the rest of his life.]
but keep an occasional eye on Thomas to make sure he
is all right. “I— I think so… I can carry him over my
[After two more in-game hours, another two rolls shoulder. Will you be long behind?”
and the judicious spending of Willpower, David man- “No. We will rejoin you before nightfall. We
ages to gain enough successes to drive the demon from have to depend on you, Thomas. Please, in the
the child. He also opts to spend a permanent point of name of God, save this child!” Alberto lifts the
Willpower to keep the creature from ever returning to unconscious boy and carries him to Thomas.
this place.] After careful consideration, Thomas agrees
to make the journey without the others. With
What seems an eternity passes, and finally their help, he gets the boy out of the cellar and
the boy’s body arcs back, as a pale green snake- into the sunlight. As he slowly wanders off into
like energy erupts from his chest, coiling into the woods with his precious package, the remain-
the air and then plummeting into the ground. ing two inquisitors begin the task of cleaning,
Alberto’s voice booms, “Stay, spawn of Satan, burying, and consecrating, all the while strug-
from this place forevermore!” gling to remember the details they must report to
Judith rushes to the child’s side and wipes the Council of Faith in the days to come.
the blood and dirt from his face. “He sleeps.”
She says, smiling finally. “The demon lied. He [Shelley’s character knows the ritus Hallow Ground,
can be saved, but we must take him from this and she advises Lee that after they clean the place
place. He must not see what surrounds him.” physically, Judith will take an hour and purify the
“But Judith,” Alberto says, “we must cleanse cottage, hoping to prevent any further encroachment
this place of evil. The taint will linger, surely….” of the forces of Satan. Lee tells them that when they
They look to Thomas. He is weary but return to their chapter house, they find that Thomas
aware, his bandaged arm sore but no longer has succeeded in returning the child to safety. The
bleeding. three characters must now rest and regain their strength.
“Can you take him, Thomas? The Lord will The pagan goings-on they heard about before no longer
be with you. Heed his call.” Alberto asks, gently. seem to be a minor threat, and there is much more of
the Lord’s work to be done in this place….]

Chapter Three:
The Ways of
the Faithful
But this is why I have let you live: to show you
my power, and to make my name resound
through all the earth.
— Exodus 9:16
This chapter begins with an examination of what it actually means to
experience the degree of Conviction that inquisitors possess. The average
inhabitant of the Dark Middle Ages has a certain degree of faith, but nothing like
the absolute certainty that inquisitors have. Herein we make some suggestions
about what an inquisitor’s subjective experience might be like, as well as how
such a character might be seen by others.
The remainder of the chapter provides you with new Blessings, Curses and
Merits and Flaws to further define the capabilities of your Inquisitor characters.

The Lamp of Faith

Madmen’s eyes hold an unsettling fury and intensity. Curiously, so do the
eyes of many inquisitors. This is not coincidence.
The absolute belief, the driving faith of an inquisitor is a palpable thing.
Conviction is far more than a feeling that God exists, it’s an absolute knowledge
of His existence and a driving urge to do His bidding Those members of the flock who fear the inquisitor,
to the best of one’s ability. The inquisitor’s relentless however, are potentially more trouble. These individu-
sense of humility and subordination to the Lord is as als may feel that the inquisitor’s extreme faith somehow
terrifying as is his loathing for anyone or anything minimizes or degrades theirs. They may grow bitter and
serving the Adversary. In such a worldview, there is resentful. While they’re still faithful to the tenets of
no room for doubt. Inquisitors may doubt them- Christianity, they may find themselves doing things to
selves, they may doubt others and they may even undermine the inquisitor in question, trying to prove
doubt the Church, but they never, ever, doubt God. him a hypocrite. So long as the inquisitor is acting
The above beliefs and traits, when combined, are above board, he’s not likely to have a problem with
what make up the game mechanic called Convic- these petty faith-enviers. God save the inquisitor caught
tion. in any kind of compromising position (like some of
While any pious man might feel a moment of those that might be brought on by Callousness), how-
connection to the Divine, a moment of absolute ever, if such a member of the flock catches him.
certainty about God and the world, a moment of Pagans
righteous rage that gives his crucifix the ability to
Pagans, on the other hand, are not divided at all
ward off a vampire briefly, this is the level of inten-
in their perceptions of inquisitors. To pagan eyes,
sity that inquisitors live with night and day, year
inquisitors are not so different from attack dogs. It’s
after year. It can take its toll.
bad enough that monotheists are insistent that there
Callousness is the most obvious cost of such a is and can be only one god and that it’s their own, and
burning faith, but Callousness is only a problem for that those not worshipping him must convert or die.
some inquisitors some of the time. The day-to-day Almost worse than that, however, is their insuffer-
interpersonal elements of Conviction can be much able self-righteousness, adding insult to injury as far
more difficult to deal with; for an inquisitor, they’re as the scattered pagans of Europe are concerned.
an issue constantly. Run-of-the-mill Christian soldiers are hard enough
The Flock to deal with, but haughty, overzealous Christians
Members of the flock are uncertain how to perceive with a hint of madness in their eyes and no room to
inquisitors. An inquisitor’s passionate faith often polar- doubt their own strange views of the world are
izes the laity. The more pious folk see inquisitors as nothing short of a plague in human form.
exemplars, role models leading lives worthy of imita- Pagans perceive the unquestioning certainty of
tion by all good Christians. Those whose faith is less Conviction as ignorance, arrogance and naïveté.
perfect, however, may find an inquisitor’s intensity off- Those qualities alone would be enough to cause the
putting, unnerving or even terrifying. Such intensity pagans to despise the inquisitors, but when the
can only come from absolute knowledge or delusion inquisitors are so quick to use violence to enforce
verging on madness, and it can be hard to tell which is their view of the world, that seals the pagans’ loath-
which. ing. Consequently, a direct correlation exists between
Those faithful in the former category are likely how much Conviction an inquisitor has and how
to idolize inquisitors as living saints. They may much a pagan will hate her. An inquisitor with a
become strangely driven to serve the inquisitor to high Conviction rating, even one whose Piety is also
the best of their ability, to be in his presence as much high, still incurs murderous rage among pagans. God
as possible, or to pray with him on a regular basis. An help an inquisitor who opens his mouth in any
inquisitor developing this kind of cult of personality village where pagans outnumber Christians (and
is likely to have his humility challenged, and is better while such places are rare throughout most of Eu-
off doing everything in his power to prevent such a rope, they still exist — in the Norse lands and in the
following from developing in the first place. Young Balkans, primarily).
inquisitors may be inclined to revel in such attention The Enemy
from the faithful at first, but such arrangements can The allies of the Adversary feel the God-given
go wrong in such a terrible variety of ways that the confidence of the inquisitor as a challenge to their
inquisitor never makes the same mistake twice. Wise dark master’s power over the world. On the whole,
inquisitors, therefore, take steps to prevent such such foul creatures are used to feeling superior to the
things as soon as they sense any such tendency. mortals in their herd. It amuses them momentarily to


see a mortal show such arrogance. That amusement dogma. In such situations, the inquisitors are often
often changes, once the inquisitor has channeled fast enemies, at least for so long as they have no other
the power of her faith into the monster’s undoing. enemy to engage. That said, the moment a better
Vampires in particular fancy themselves the target — a vampire, a true heretic or the like —
masters of humanity. Many are used to being treated comes along, the two immediately put aside their
with deference by the mortal slaves in their retinue. conflicts and strive to outdo the other in performing
When they meet an inquisitor who has the effron- the Lord’s will. Such petty feuds can sometimes lead
tery not to show them deference and — more to heightened zeal in the prosecution of the Inquisi-
shockingly — the arrogance to show them the mani- tion, though other times it leads more directly to
fest revulsion of the Almighty, it infuriates these foolhardiness as the two inquisitors in question be-
children of the Devil, at least the first time they see gin to take unnecessary risks in an attempt to eclipse
it. Any vampire who survives an initial encounter the other. When such situations do arise, the Devil
with an inquisitor (or, worse, a company of them) is sits back and laughs.
likely to show a great deal more respect to those with Different from but relevant to the discussion of
true Conviction. how others perceive an inquisitor’s Conviction is
Other creatures vary in their approach to in- how they perceive that inquisitor when he’s momen-
quisitors with the true fire of the Lord in their eyes. tarily under the influence of power, not piety. If some
Feeling certain of their prowess in battle, the more find an inquisitor’s Conviction disturbing, far worse
bestial of Satan’s minions are likely to attack the is their perception of an inquisitor who has become
inquisitor the moment he challenges them. Sorcer- Callous. These souls are so utterly in the grip of their
ers vary widely in their approach to the members of drive to root out sin that they forget that the Lord
the Inquisition. Some are simply pagans and respond also counsels humility and compassion. Callous in-
in true form. Others claim to be Christian, and may quisitors are loose cannons in the Lord’s army.
even challenge the inquisitor to a test of whose Conviction can be seen as madness channeled
connection to the Divine is more legitimate. Most to a respectable goal. When an inquisitor has be-
inquisitors would agree that magi gain their power come Callous, however, that goal suddenly becomes
from some source entirely unrelated to God, and decidedly less respectable. Within the Inquisition,
many witches often relish opportunities for battle allowing oneself to fall prey to unchristian impulses
with an inquisitor who is arrogant in his faith. is considered a minor disgrace. Most inquisitors have
had the experience of falling into Callousness at one
Brothers in Arms point or another during their careers. Experienced
Inquisitors with high Conviction inspire and inquisitors consider it a natural stumbling block
empower one another, sometimes with nothing along the path of righteousness — so long as it
more than a zealous glance. The enthusiastic ca- happens only once. Inquisitors who let themselves
maraderie that results in such situations can be fall into Callousness with any frequency are first
intimidating to witnesses. A strange synergy re- counseled, then reprimanded if the problem is not
sults when two devout inquisitors meet. Such addressed. Callous inquisitors reflect poorly on the
kindred souls often experience a palpable strength- Inquisition specifically and the Church in general.
ening of faith and dedication to the cause, as the
Members of the Flock and other targets of
two strengthen and reaffirm one another’s com-
Callous inquisitors’ ire have little good to say
mitment to the Lord. Members of the flock who
about the experience of dealing with these alleg-
see such things may easily be intimidated by the
edly pious individuals. “Thugs,” “hypocrites,” and
sheer unmitigated zeal evinced by inquisitors meet-
“self-righteous adders” are all terms that have
ing in such a way. Even other inquisitors with less
been used to describe inquisitors with a Callous-
Conviction may find themselves ill at ease, though
ness problem. There have been recorded examples
they may just as easily be in awe.
of inquisitors behaving worse than the agents of
On rare occasions, two inquisitors do not see eye Hell from which they’re supposed to protect the
to eye. They may share their dedication and their Flock. While the Church is generally able to
faith but nothing else. In such cases, the inquisitors quash tales of such behavior, it can’t hide the
may grow arrogant, even prideful, in their particular deeds of every Callous inquisitor.
approach to their faith. Minor variations in Biblical
In modern terms, one Callous inquisitor can be
interpretation can grow into full-fledged conflicts of
a public relations nightmare for the Church. For that

reason (and on general principle too, of course) devout with strength that lets them take the fight to the
Callousness is not dealt with lightly. That said, one enemies of God. Some scholars of Church lore consider
Callous inquisitor is unlikely to damage Church Orisons to be the right of every pious man and woman
relations in any larger sense while working in a small — a right that most, in their fallen state, have forsaken.
village, although he can alienate important people The Holy Art holds a curious middle ground
in the community and undermine his own ability to where Blessings are concerned. More powerful than
function effectively in that town. What effect an Orisons and more predictable than other Endow-
inquisitor’s Callousness has depends on his Impulse. ments, the techniques of the Holy Art are generally
A Bravo will have a more clearly negative impact considered true theurgy — the magic of miracles
than, say, a Dreamer or a Defender. granted by the Creator. The reputation of the Holy
Art benefits, oddly, from its static nature; its formu-
Blessings laic qualities make it somehow less threatening. The
The use of Blessings by inquisitors remains the prevailing attitude in the Church is that such knowl-
topic of much debate in the Church, both inside and edge could lure a weak-minded inquisitor bit by bit
outside the five orders. The propriety of such tactics into the Dark Arts, but that the Holy Art in and of
is contested. The Inquisition’s advocates claim that itself is a Godly practice, best suited to men of
Blessings of all types are theurgy, the divine magic of unusual virtue. The greatest stain on the reputation
Heaven, and clearly proof that the Lord Himself of the Holy Art comes in the guise of its most
supports the Inquisition. The Inquisition’s detrac- prevalent practitioners: the Red Order. Accusations
tors, on the other hand, point to a myriad of problems of heresy, witchcraft and sorcery have dogged that
common among the Inquisition, notably Curses and order almost since its founding, and the order’s
inquisitors’ sometimes Callous behavior, as indica- secrecy has done nothing to comfort its detractors in
tors that the men and women of the Inquisition the Church.
might not be as divinely favored as it claims. Others Much more controversial are the varied effects
claim that inquisitors, while on the right side of the of Endowments. More than any other Blessing, En-
war, are still nothing more than sorcerers. dowments resemble the kind of sorcery that virtuous
That said, the Inquisition doesn’t have as many men are counseled to eschew. The sheer power and
detractors as it might because it remains a largely the range of effects exhibited by Endowments makes
secret organization. Were it to become common them suspect. Some of these Blessings, Legacies in
knowledge, the tone of the debate might change particular, almost seem to mock God more than they
drastically. Blessings are a fact of life, however, and exalt Him.
older inquisitors have noted that not all Blessings are Attitudes vary throughout Europe; in the more
created equal. It should be noted before continuing conservative areas, however, inquisitors using En-
the discussion that the terms used to describe Bless- dowments are protected from accusations of sorcery
ings (Endowments, Orisons, Legacies and the like) only the fact that the Pope himself supports the work
are all game terms and not the terms used by the of the Inquisition. Benedictions promote dishonesty
characters. To an inquisitor character, they are all and sneaky behavior; Investitures promote hubris
one thing: miracles revealing the design and favor of and the sin of Wrath; and Legacies — considered the
an omnipotent God. (The Holy Art is an exception; worst of all — lead directly to trafficking with un-
the Inquisition recognizes the use of the Holy Art clean and unholy forces. Of all the Endowments,
and its various paths and ritae as measurable and only the Psalms of the Sisters of St. John are gener-
practical applications of God’s power manifest on ally considered innocuous. The more dramatic uses
Earth. This doesn’t mean, however, that the Holy are still suspected of giving the Sisters a taste of
Art is universally accepted among inquisitors.) power that could lead to unsavory experimentation,
Orisons, for example, are considered relatively though, particularly since the Church views women
benign even by the standards of the Inquisition’s de- as being weaker and less virtuous than men.
tractors — if they’re noted at all. Orisons frequently go Luckily for the Inquisition, Pope Gregory IX
unnoticed, even by those using them. On those rare takes a much more pragmatic view of the use of
occasions when they are noted (usually by scholars of Endowments. Gregory has seen the remarkable good
the Inquisition), they are considered a sign from God wrought by inquisitors using Blessings of all types,
that certain of His children are favored for their good- and he feels that the Inquisition is unquestionably
ness. While these Blessings are subtle, they reward the doing the work of God. That said, the Pope has also


heard of individual inquisitors using Endowments in ing just why the Lord needs to cast another burden
ways that he finds questionable, even reprehensible. on those who are at the forefront of the battle with
These stories temper his support of the Inquisition the forces of the Enemy, leading to a persistent
with doubt, but these doubts — at this point, anyway suspicion that Curses are not delivered by God at all,
— are easily eclipsed by the Inquisition’s many clear but by His Adversary.
and indisputable victories over the Adversary. More complicated still are the less obviously
Another group has also become aware of the sacred Curses befalling other orders. The Anathemae
Blessings granted to inquisitors and holds its own suffered by the Eyes of God seem to serve little
view on the nature of Blessings. Christian magi, purpose other than to drive the inquisitor from the
commonly referring to themselves as the Messianic fold, while the Maledictio that befall inquisitors of
Voices, are inclined to believe that inquisitors who the House of Murnau seem unquestionably diaboli-
make use of the more showy Endowments are a form cal. Even some Curses in the Stigmata family have
of sorcerer or “hedge magician,” with the ability to less in common with the suffering of the Savior and
use faith to trigger acts of theurgy (or even one of more to do with simple suffering (e.g., Boiled in
their own kind, which can lead to all sorts of tragic Shame) — but again, suffering is considered to have
mishaps). The attitudes held by members of the a holy component. Some inquisitors don’t believe
Voices toward the Blessings of the inquisitors may that Curses come from God at all, but are, rather,
range from a proud sense of shared purpose and “disincentives” visited upon them by the Devil him-
community, to competitiveness, to vague conde- self. In particular, the elder inquisitors of House
scension for their overzealous “little siblings” in the Murnau are inclined to agree, particularly those
Inquisition. For the most part, the unbounded an- suffering from Maledictio like the Personal Adver-
gelic magic of the Messianic Voices exceeds the sary, which seem entirely ungodly.
power of all but the greatest Endowments. Still, some Regardless of the subjective experience of suffer-
of these Christian magi see their magic and the ing a Curse, there are unmistakable consequences.
Blessings of the Inquisition as two similar gifts along Laymen view a character whose wrists begin bleed-
a continuum of God-given talents, provided for the ing while using the Holy Art is with a mixture of fear
furtherance of His divine work. and awe. Very few Christians are unaware of the
significance of the stigmata. The Red Order is lucky
Curses in this regard, as few other Curses result in anything
An inquisitor’s life is not all about the Blessings but scaring the flock.
he receives. The greater power available to the truly
devout seems to be balanced (or enhanced, depend- Learning New Blessings,
ing on one’s perspective) by the burden of Curses. Acquiring New Curses
Many, perhaps most, inquisitors don’t see many The process of learning new Blessings involves a
Curses as curses at all. On the contrary, suffering the great deal of prayer and meditation. The inquisitor,
stigmata is not a punishment, but a sign that the
full of Conviction, must seek guidance from above
sufferer is Christ-like and blessed with the simulacrum and accept the wisdom when it comes in its own
of the Savior’s wounds. Likewise, speaking in tongues time. Rushing wisdom is impossible, and even at-
is viewed as proof that the “accursed” is actually
tempting to do so is unwise. An inquisitor who seeks
filled with the Holy Spirit, leaving the term “Curse” to channel the power of his Conviction without
seeming inaccurate. The Church holds stigmata in divine guidance risks Curses (or worse).
particular to be an extraordinarily holy occurrence.
An inquisitor whose struggles with the Adver-
No inquisitor can ignore that fact, regardless of the
sary have left him full of Conviction is generally
realities of living with the wounds bequeathed by the
well advised to put aside the fight, let go of the
Stigmata Curse.
violence and conflict for a time and go on retreat
In the Dark Medieval, suffering for God is con-
to let his gains in understanding and piety grow to
sidered a holy act and one that often presages equal his gains in Conviction and experience.
martyrdom. Members of the Red Order, the primary This often involves going to cloister for a time (see
“beneficiaries” of the Stigmata family of Curses,
Chapter Two for more information on what a
accept their lot with varying degrees of grace and cloistered inquisitor can expect); making a pil-
even gratitude. While many feel blessed to be granted grimage apart from an inquisitorial cell; or even
the stigmata, however, many others are left wonder-

simply spending time alone, far from the business Virtues, the Holy Art requires primarily time and
of inquisition, and letting the wisdom of God sink dedication to learn. Some attempt to master the
in to the inquisitor’s heart. Typically, an inquisi- Holy Art by sheer intellect; their lot is naught but
tor developing a new Endowment requires failure. Insight and faith are both necessary for those
anywhere from a week to a month on retreat seeking to learn such sacred secrets, as is the proper
(depending on the power of the Endowment in reverent or pious temperament to begin with.
question; the player and the Storyteller should The more outspoken among the Inquisition
decide how long the character remains away). say that learning the Holy Art is simply a matter
If the inquisitor is going on retreat in order to of having intense faith and letting the power of
bank more Conviction than the one point per day the Lord work through you while you are His
normally allowed (see p. 161 of Dark Ages: Inquisi- chosen instrument. Others are not so doctrinaire,
tor), she may bank a maximum number of Conviction and claim that any good Christian choosing to put
points equal to her highest Superior Virtue + its in the time required can learn it. Its detractors
controlling Virtue (Conscience + Faith, for instance). imply that the Holy Art has nothing holy about it
The player must still roll for prayer as usual, but the and is, at root, nothing more than another form of
character may then bank the Conviction points thus heresy or witchcraft.
earned up to that maximum. For the inquisitor striving to learn the Holy
The inquisitor who does not take the time neces- Art, members of the Red Order prescribe prayer
sary to reverently approach the mysteries involved in and dedication to the mysteries of the Holy Trin-
learning Blessings, who rashly assumes that he can grow ity. Many consider the first step of the first path to
in power through Conviction alone, finds that such be the hardest. Once a student of the Art knows
arrogance and pride lead to the Lord’s displeasure as what channeling holy power feels like, learning
manifested through Curses. More experienced inquisi- additional techniques is somewhat easier.
tors can see the measure of an inquisitor’s patience and Given that the Red Order is the best situated to
wisdom by how many Curses he bears. An inquisitor enlighten their fellow inquisitors in the spiritual
with a single Curse can easily be forgiven. An inquisitor techniques of the Holy Art, one would expect the
with several, however, can safely be assumed hot- Order to graciously volunteer their knowledge to
headed and lacking in good judgment. their fellows. Such is not the case, however. The Red
An inquisitor usually knows he has pushed his luck Order’s reputation as students of sorcery has made it
and gained a Curse immediately after committing the both secretive and, oddly, a little arrogant. Many
act of pride that earned it for him. The Curse itself may Red Brothers and Sisters truly do believe at some
not manifest immediately. The inquisitor who earns level that the Holy Art could lead a weak soul to
the Curse, however, feels a deep sense of foreboding and experimentation with supernatural power. Only
impending disaster that is followed by the onset of the through their uncommon self-mastery have they
Curse’s symptoms, usually in the space of a day or so. managed to avoid such a fate — or so they tell
A Knight of Acre who pushes his advancement themselves. Other orders may or may not, as they see
too fast, hastily expending 25 points of Conviction it, have the necessary piety and true strength of
for an Advocate-level Endowment he needs on the character to safely learn the Holy Art. A Red Sister
battlefield, won’t necessarily feel the actual effects of might be willing (or even eager under some circum-
the Call of Duty Curse fall on him immediately. stances) to teach the Holy Art to a Sister of St. John,
Initially, he senses that he did something terribly but that same Red Sister might refuse utterly to teach
wrong. A leaden weight blooms in the pit of his that same Art to a nobleman of House Murnau,
stomach as he grows more certain that his haste has fearful of that order’s reputation for trucking with
brought a Curse down upon him. He has time to the Enemy.
agonize over what it is that he brought upon himself The Monastery of Laurendine, the Red Order’s
before the full effects of the Curse begin to show, chapter-house in Toulouse, is the only place where
usually before the next dawn. the Holy Art is formally taught to inquisitors outside
of the Red Order, under the close supervision of
Holy Art Frère Francois Lerouge. Access to the school is
Learning the Holy Art requires both dedication frequently used as a reward to favored inquisitors, but
and time. Unlike other Endowments, which harness the Red Order inquisitors of Laurendine are an
the power of an inquisitor’s Conviction and Superior insular bunch. Inquisitors of other Orders have often


found the experience of learning the Holy Art at are largely left up to the Storyteller, but many in-
Laurendine to be subtly unpleasant due to the cool quisitors have been known to experience unusual
reception and constant moral testing of the Red boons or blessings while on holy ground, or shortly
Sisters and Brothers. The experience is worse if the after spending a particularly long time there (see
visitor is from the House of Murnau. Storyteller Issues).
On rare occasions — and generally at the behest Relics
of very high-ranking inquisitors — whole chapters
An inquisitor wielding a relic or holy item is
are sent to Laurendine for education in the Holy Art.
filled with a sense of validation. God does not
While this is a more agreeable experience for the
oversee a world ruled by accident and happenstance.
visitors, it tends to antagonize the hosts.
From an inquisitor’s perspective, if he’s wielding a
Holy Ground and Sacred Relics blessed item, it is a direct nod from the Lord Himself
that the inquisitor is on the right path to carry out
No one is more sensitized to the places and His will.
items imbued with faith than an inquisitor. For
Underscoring that sense of purpose is the power
them, such things and places are the direct handi-
granted by the relic or artifact. The realities of
work of the Creator Himself, and as such deserve
carrying a spiritually significant item are reinforced
the greatest of reverence.
by the practical advantages such items provide. The
As a player, it’s important to give full credit to feeling of rightness that runs through an inquisitor as
the feelings that proximity to such things and places he holds the nail from the True Cross or the shield of
elicits in an inquisitor. Holy ground is not just a safe a saint cannot be overstated. The subjective experi-
zone, it is the land that the Lord God Himself has ence of knowing God chose you to wield one of His
seen fit to claim for the faithful. Relics and holy sacred items is deeply empowering. Any character
items are likewise far more than they seem and, with such an item, even a lesser one, should carry it
therefore, worthy of deeply respectful handling. Some with a deep sense of gratitude. If the inquisitor is
of the holiest relics and blessed items are at the carrying a particularly powerful relic or holy artifact,
center of complex church rites and ceremonies; even he should be doubly thankful; to the Church for
the simplest blessed sword deserves some measure of trusting him to carry it, as well as to God for deliver-
respect for the sanctity invested in its blade. ing it into his hands to begin with.
Holy Ground Storyteller Issues
The Lord has claimed some places on the Earth Beyond the basics listed in Dark Ages: In-
for His own. These may be sites of great cathedrals, quisitor, the Storyteller has a great deal of
or simply a wide spot on a road where a saint was discretion with regard to how much power he
martyred. Such places of holy power resonate to the ascribes to the subjective experience associated
senses of inquisitors. The feeling of well-being and with holy ground and relics. Items and places of
comfort that an inquisitor experiences in such a lesser power might not have any game effects
place is rare anywhere else. Such tracts of holy land whatsoever, and may simply leave the inquisitor
are oases to the parched soul of an inquisitor. Not all feeling mildly inspired or energized.
holy ground feels the same to all inquisitors. Most
The Storyteller should emphasize, through sen-
inquisitors feel holy ground as calm and safe terri-
sory descriptions, just what the character is
tory, but some such tracts — near the site of a great
experiencing as she stands on holy ground or holds a
battle against a pagan army or near the castle of a
relic in her hand. Mention the way the holy ground
vampiric lord — may inspire the inquisitor with
makes his steps seem more certain and his feet
feelings of fiery righteousness or dedication to his
lighter. Relate how the warmth of the saint’s sword
holy cause.
in his hand makes the inquisitor feel wiser, nobler
Sleeping on holy ground is a powerful experi- and more confident. These are not worldly phenom-
ence for inquisitors. Only there do they feel ena they are experiencing but, rather, aspects of the
completely at ease and able to let down their guard. sacred. Above all, don’t allow the player to take
Even those inquisitors who are troubled by night- these holy things for granted.
mares can sleep peacefully in such places.
In addition to the effects mentioned in Dark
Any additional game effects of holy ground Ages: Inquisitor, a Storyteller may also want to
beyond those enumerated in Dark Ages: Inquisitor include one or more of the following effects for

inquisitors who reside on holy ground or even for
those who simply sleep one night in such a place,
Orisons of Conscience
The most gentle act of compassion is a powerful
provided the area is particularly sacred.
thing indeed, and those who perceive the world with
• Inquisitors may regain two Willpower points eyes unclouded by fear and anger are able to under-
any morning they wake up on holy ground.
stand more deeply the intricacies of God’s plan.
• For the purpose of determining Callousness
only, the inquisitor’s Piety score considered two Gift of Kindness
higher than it actually is. A character with this gift has an air of generosity
• Certain Flaws (e.g., Nightmares, Blasphemous and blessed peace. Others feel naturally at ease when
Tongue) may be muted while on holy ground, al- interacting with him and are comforted by his pres-
though it’s possible that others, like Worship ence. Even those who are angry or frustrated are
Obsession or Ecstatic, may be intensified. easily calmed, and the character has a knack for
Characters in possession of relics certainly are saying the right thing to achieve this effect. Inquisi-
blessed to have such items in their possession. Relics, tors with this ability have actually been known to
after all, allow the inquisitor to pursue God’s work speak eloquently in a different tongue, when needed
with power otherwise out of reach to the common to garner trust. The word of God, of course, knows no
man. Possession of a relic, however, also has a num- language barriers.
ber of disadvantages that a Storyteller is urged to System: The presence of this tranquil individual
bear in mind. First, carrying such an item is a weighty makes it easy for others to respond well in most
sacred duty. While the inquisitor is benefiting from situations, reducing the difficulty of all non-threat-
possession of the relic, he’s also tasked to safeguard it ening Charisma rolls by one. Also, the player may
from harm, desecration or loss. That can be a drain- spend a point of Conviction and roll Intelligence +
ing task, particularly if others seek to own (or, worse, Conscience (difficulty 6) to gain insight as to the
destroy) the holy relic. proper way to behave in an unfamiliar setting or
Furthermore, the Church does not necessarily culture. Depending on how successful the roll is, the
accept that an individual can own a relic. Church Storyteller might give advice on how the character
policy states that relics, particularly the powerful might carry himself when seeking audience with a
ones, should be kept in reliquaries in fortified castles noble, or even provide the right phrase (even in a
where they’re safe from harm. Carrying around a foreign language) to win the hearts of wary strangers.
saint’s tooth in a leather pouch around one’s neck Touch of Compassion
because it provides the wearer with a number of During a time when some of the most advanced
benefits is not an appropriate use of an item of such medicine involves leeches, knowing exactly what
profound spiritual significance. The Church itself affliction ails a person can be very important. Those
may feel it has the right to take a relic from an with this blessing can tell how wounded or sick a
individual it perceives as being insufficiently pious person is with a simple touch, and are frequently
(or, worse, insufficiently competent to safeguard it). blessed with the knowledge of how best to help. Not
Conflict between inquisitors is a likely outcome surprisingly, this Orison is common among the Sis-
when the Church sends one group to apprehend ters of St. John.
another and reclaim a relic they’re carrying.
System: After laying hands upon a person who
Orisons is wounded, diseased, poisoned or otherwise dam-
aged in some way (the player must succeed at a roll
God imparts the most basic of gifts upon those of Perception + Medicine, difficulty 6), this charac-
He feels are worthy, and the process through which ter knows exactly what is wrong and how wounded
this decision is made remains a mystery. These the patient is. The Storyteller should provide infor-
Blessings, though minor, often make the difference mation about how many wound levels have been
between life and death during the trials faced by taken, and whether they are bashing or lethal.
inquisitors. As mentioned previously, Orisons are One advantage of this ability is that it is nearly
extremely subtle gifts. Very few inquisitors even instantaneous, taking but physical contact and one
notice them, and the Conviction spent to use a more turn of concentration to activate. Furthermore, the
powerful effect of an Orison feels much more like player may spend a point of Conviction to find out
Divine inspiration than deliberate effort on the the best possible cure for the malady. Insight is
inquisitor’s part.


provided as to what will heal the wounded within
the creature or somehow purposefully modified from
the limits of medical knowledge during this era. The
its original state. For example, a letter written by a
proper herbs or environment become known, for
vampire or a sculpture chiseled by someone demon-
example, in lieu of any harmful solutions (no “bleed-
possessed will appear to this character as something
ing out the sickness,” even though this was thought
worked by a force other than human. Note, however,
to work). This does not impart knowledge of the
that this does not give any information about exactly
easiest cure, nor does it grant any information about
what kind of creature had an affect on the object,
where and how to find what may be needed, merely
merely that it was touched by something inimical to
what will be the most effective cure. Note that in
God’s Creation.
some cases, the inquisitor simply knows that the
target is going to die (since no cure or treatment
exists for the malady or wound) and had best start
Orisons of Self-Control
performing last rites. Though these Orisons are known to represent
“common sense,” they are also manifestations of self-
Aesthetic Eye awareness and inner calm. Individuals blessed in this
The work of the Devil is often cleverly disguised way appear as bastions of solidarity.
as that of man, as seen in many fiends who walk the
earth in human guise. These beings leave their
Loaves and Fishes
unholy taint on things they’ve had a part in making The Gospel states that Jesus “took the five loaves
or changing. Characters blessed with this ability are and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he
able to distinguish between things created by the blessed them, and broke, and gave to the disciples to
hand of man and those stained by demonic forces. set before the multitude.” With that, many people
were fed miraculously with a very small amount of
System: The player must spend a point of Con-
food. An inquisitor with this ability is able to emu-
viction and roll Perception + Alertness (difficulty
late the Savior by praying over a meal and then
7). If successful, the character can tell if an object
dividing it among many, who are then as well nour-
was wrought by an unnatural being. This ability
ished as if all had eaten the full course.
extends only to items that are created or changed in
a non-supernatural way, not to outright illusions or System: For every point of Conviction the player
products of Disciplines. It must be an item created by spends, the character may feed five times as many

people with an amount of food that would normally
be enough for one meal. This means that one travel
Orisons of Courage
No danger is too great for those graced by the
ration might nourish an entire cell on a journey into
power of God, and these Orisons represent the
harsh climates. The player may spend up to three
mindful trust that there is a plan behind each pure
Conviction each day on this Orison, blessing three
meals to feed five persons each, or one meal that may
feed up to fifteen, or any combination in between. Fear of God
Dream of Jacob The commanding presence of the Father is a
terrifying sight to behold, and some of His followers
Jacob lay his head upon a pillow of stone and dreamt
seem to bear this mantle to a lesser degree. Minions
of the Kingdom of the Lord, awakening with newfound
of Satan who encounter such inquisitors are some-
fervor. Some inquisitors are able to enter a deep state of
times stunned momentarily.
ened and renewed upon awakening. System: All Intimidation rolls made by this
player are at –1 difficulty. Supernatural creatures
System: After rolling Stamina + Self-Control
and impious mortals can be forced to cower in fear as
(difficulty 6), the player may spend one point of Con-
well, if the player spends a point of Conviction and
viction for each success. The character falls into a
succeeds a Charisma + Courage roll (difficulty is the
death-like trance for a number of days equal to the
opponent’s Willpower). The target can do nothing
Conviction points spent. During this time, the charac-
but cower in fear for a number of turns equal to the
ter need not eat and barely needs to breathe. Others
number of successes gained, though he defends him-
perceive him as dead unless they succeed at a roll of
self if attacked. Supernatural beings may roll
Perception + Medicine (difficulty 6 + the number of
Willpower (difficulty of the inquisitor’s Piety) to
successes gained for the trance; maximum difficulty
ignore this effect; mortals must spend a Willpower
10). In addition, for each day the character is in this
point to do so.
trance, one point of Willpower is regained in addition
to the discretionary points that may be regained due to Blessed Vigor
normal rest. The seemingly insurmountable odds stacked
The drawback to this Orison is that the charac- against most inquisitors would cause most people to
ter may not awaken before the time is up, regardless flee in terror when wounded. Some characters, how-
of outside interference. At the Storyteller’s discre- ever, are blessed in such a way that they can ignore
tion, the character may be stirred through prayer and pain during battle and continue to fight in the name
expenditure of Conviction by his flock or cell. Also, of the Lord. They know their duty to destroy the evil
if the roll to use this power is botched, the character infesting the Earth outweighs their own suffering,
loses one point of Conviction and suffers one health and press on to battle with Heaven-sent bravery.
level of lethal damage due to the strain to his system. System: For the duration of the scene, each
Carried by Faith point of Conviction this player spends negates
one level of wound penalties (when Wounded, for
The inquisitor’s faith makes him fleet of foot and
example, the character can spend three Convic-
nearly tireless. A character with this Blessing seems
tion and suffer no penalties, as if Bruised). This
able to go on when others would be exhausted, and
does not heal the character, but allows her to fight
leaves no tracks behind.
as though she is less wounded. Due to the extra
System: This player reduces the difficulty of all strain on the character’s body, the player must
Stamina rolls by one involving travel by foot. Also,
succeed on a Courage roll (difficulty 5 + wound
if he spends a point of Conviction and succeeds a levels) at the end of the scene or suffer an addi-
Dexterity + Self-Control roll (difficulty 6), the char- tional level of bashing damage. This Orison may
acter may travel for the duration of a scene without
not be used if the character is Incapacitated.
leaving any footprints, regardless of the terrain. Bear
in mind that the character does not actually become Grace of Moses
any lighter or quieter, but merely leaves no evidence Sometimes inquisitors are called upon to en-
of having passed through an area on foot (what he ter climates and terrains that are harsh, barren and
might brush against with the rest of his body is still deadly. They may have to walk across stretches of
fair game, of course). desert or spend long periods of time at sea without


proper nourishment. When times are toughest, a God-given duties to the Inquisition. With the di-
greater degree of tenacity shines through when vine assistance of this Benediction, the inquisitor
others might fail to persevere. may even engage in long periods of intense exertion
System: This character may enter dangerous envi- without growing tired, enabling him to perform truly
ronments secure in the knowledge that God will provide. miraculous feats in the pursuit of his calling.
All Survival rolls have their difficulties reduced by one. System: Many of the enemies of God are active
Also, by spending a point of Conviction, the player may primarily at night, and the duties of the Oculi Dei
make a Perception + Courage roll (difficulty 6). If often require them to remain awake and alert, watch-
successful, it grants some insight into how to survive a ing the pawns of the Adversary for days on end
hopeless situation in a hostile environment. The Sto- through all manner of harsh conditions. The Wis-
ryteller might provide information about where to find dom-based application of this Benediction allows
fresh water, shelter, the aid of a helpful stranger, or the inquisitor to remain awake, healthy and com-
which two pieces of wood will rub together easiest to fortable without needing sleep or even food. The
make fire. character suffers from neither discomfort nor penal-
ties from the lack of sleep or food.
Endowments The player spends a point of Conviction and
rolls Stamina + Wisdom (difficulty 6). Each success
More visible and obvious than Orisons but much
allows the character to go two full days without
less predictable than the Holy Art, the Blessings
needing sleep or food. Furthermore, for the duration
known collectively as Endowments are perhaps the
of this Endowment the character gains a number of
greatest spiritual weapon in the Inquisition’s arse-
points equal to his successes with which to augment
nal. Unfortunately, teaching Endowments is
his Mental Attributes. Acolytes can raise Attributes
impossible; they come through the grace of God and
up to 6, Advocates up to 7 and Judges up to 8 using
are fueled by the fires of Conviction. No inquisitor
this Endowment. Applications of this Benediction
can predict what capabilities another might possess.
do not “stack” with each other; the character must
True, the Oculi Dei show a strong predilection
wait until the duration expires on the first use before
towards Benedictions, and von Murnau inquisitors
using this Endowment again.
almost always display their family’s curse (in the
form of the Forbidden Wisdom Legacy), but some- It is not always the body that grows tired, how-
times a Knight of Acre might burst forth in hymn ever, but the mind, particularly in the face of the
(using a Psalm) or a Red Brother move with incred- attacks on the spirit performed by vampires and
ible speed and agility (displaying the Flight of Angels witches. The Faith-based application of this Bene-
Investiture). Being a member of the Inquisition isn’t diction provides an inquisitor with the strength of
even a requirement to display Endowments; outsid- will to fend off such attacks. The inquisitor prays for
ers with the right strength of faith sometimes exhibit the strength to withstand mental and emotional
them as well (and are often promptly recruited). trials; the player spends one Conviction point and
rolls Stamina + Faith (difficulty 6). For each success,
Benedictions two points are added to the character’s Willpower for
the rest of the scene; those Willpower points may
Unlike the other orders of the Inquisition, the
only be spent for the purpose of fending off mental
Eyes of God work alone and must do so if they are
attacks (i.e., Dominate or other mind-affecting
to be effective. The Benedictions granted them
magic). Should a creature begin stripping the in-
reflect both their need to gather (and deliver)
quisitor of his will, the inquisitor may call upon this
information on the Enemy and their need to work
Benediction again to help him thwart Satan’s will
alone effectively.
(this is particularly effective against the Dominate
Endurance Everlasting (Acolyte) power Vessel). For all other purposes, the character’s
The solitary monitoring activities of the Oculi Willpower is unchanged.
Dei often put them in situations where fatigue or In truly dire straits, an inquisitor must not suc-
need for rest must be ignored, if not transcended. cumb to exhaustion, regardless of how much he is
This Benediction grants the inquisitor the ability to exerting himself. The Zeal-based application of this
withstand the millstones of time, hunger and even Benediction provides the Oculus with the ability to
the slowly grinding mental attacks of the Adversary’s sprint, swim or work for hours on end without tiring
pawns, so that the Eyes of God may perform their or needing to rest. The player rolls Stamina + Zeal

(difficulty 5). For every success, the character can or supernatural energies of any sort are being
exert herself to maximum ability and without rest for channeled or used in his presence, including very
eight hours. Three successes, for example, would subtle forms of magic like the Presence Discipline.
allow the character to sprint for 24 hours without To the sight of the Oculus, those using such
rest. At the Storyteller’s discretion, this Benediction energies stand out from the crowd unmistakably,
may also grant other associated blessings that aid the often appearing wreathed in unnatural flames,
character during long periods of exertion, like pre- speaking in streams of black fog or in other, similar
venting blisters, heat stroke or dehydration. Once ways. As with the other applications of this Bene-
the duration has expired, however, the character diction, the inquisitor closes his eyes briefly and
collapses in a heap, unable to do anything more says a prayer. The player spends a point of Convic-
strenuous than hobble around for one day per success tion and rolls Perception + Faith (difficulty 6).
rolled. This application of Everlasting Endurance Every success allows the Oculus to know if magic
may not be used for combat; the character cannot (or vampiric Disciplines or the like) is being used
become a “fighting machine” for hours on end. It (and who is doing so), in a radius of five feet per
applies only to menial work or travel. success rolled.
Divine Light (Acolyte) Using the Zeal-based version of Divine Light
gives the Oculus an uncanny awareness of when he’s
Inquisitors are frequently at a severe disadvantage
in danger. The feelings range in strength from vague
when dealing with the servants of the Adversary.
hints of doom to specific knowledge of plans being
Thanks to their connection to the supernatural, the
made against him. The inquisitor prays for his knowl-
enemy almost always knows more about the inquisitor
edge; the player spends a point of Conviction and
than the inquisitor knows about the enemy. The Eyes
rolls Perception + Zeal (difficulty 6). The number of
of God in particular need to know when they’re in
successes reveals how specific the information is.
danger, since they so frequently work alone. This
Benediction is a collection of intelligence-gathering Successes Degree of Warning
effects that help the Oculus know what he’s confront- 1 The inquisitor has a nervous sense of fore-
ing. boding when danger is imminent.
System: The Wisdom-based application of this 2 The inquisitor gains some small insights
Benediction lets the inquisitor know when he’s into the nature of the danger he’s in, i.e., “I
being watched or followed and may even give him think there’s an ambush ahead.”
greater insights than that into his enemies’ attempts 3 The inquisitor knows when immediate dan-
to locate him. The Oculus closes his eyes for a ger is imminent and what form the danger
moment to pray; the player rolls Perception + Wis- will take: “Three wolfmen are waiting for us
dom (difficulty 6). What information the inquisitor in the trees about fifty yards up the road.”
gathers depends on how many successes the player 4 The inquisitor is aware of the danger, knows
achieves. the form it will take, who plotted it and why:
Successes Result A gang of thugs awaits us in our room at the
1 The inquisitor knows if he’s being watched inn. They are well armed and they were sent
or followed at that moment by someone in by…the bishop!”
his immediate area. The sensation lasts only 5 The inquisitor knows everything he would
for one turn. know from 4 successes and has insights into
2 He knows when an enemy within a mile how best to avoid the danger or turn it to his
radius is looking for him. advantage.
3 The character knows if he’s being followed. This danger sense lasts for the duration of the scene.
This perception lasts for one scene. Libera Me (Advocate)
4 As above, and knows the follower’s general To perform their sacred function for the Inqui-
intent and whereabouts. sition, it is of the utmost importance that the Eyes of
5 He knows if he’s being watched or viewed God be free to roam where they will. This Benedic-
by magical means. tion is unusual in that it does not aid the Oculus’
An inquisitor using the Faith-based applica- efforts at stealth, but helps him maintain his free-
tion of this Benediction is able to tell when magic dom. Depending on which Superior Virtue the Oculus


uses, this Benediction channels the power of the
Father to free the inquisitor from a variety of snares,
both physical and otherwise, as surely as prayer frees
the soul of its burden. This Benediction requires only
that the inquisitor speak the words “libera me” (“De-
liver me”).
System: The Wisdom-based effect of this
Benediction rids the inquisitor’s mind of all forms
of supernatural control. This includes all of the
techniques under the vampiric Dementation,
Dominate and Presence Disciplines, as well as all
forms of mind-control used by mages and other
hell-servitors. The Eye asks for deliverance and
his player rolls Wits + Wisdom (difficulty 6). Two
successes are needed for emotionally based con-
trol (e.g., Presence) and the magic of mages and
the fae, while one success breaks all other forms of
mental control, including all conditioning that
would affect the inquisitor at a later date. This
Benediction can even purge the inquisitor of a
possessing demon, but this requires three suc-
cesses and the expenditure of a point of Conviction.
An Oculus using the Faith-based version of
Libera Me is set free from any form of physical
restraints or binding. Shackles and ropes fall away,
pillories and locked doors swing wide and anything
else inhibiting the inquisitor’s freedom releases him.
This Benediction affects snares and traps that the
inquisitor may find himself in as well. Roll the
character’s Dexterity + Faith (difficulty 6). One
success frees the inquisitor from most forms of bind-
ing, but more complicated bindings may require
more successes at the Storyteller’s discretion. If the
inquisitor is being held by multiple restraints, the
player must score one success for each (i.e., an
Oculus bound by manacles on his wrists, shackles on
his feet and rope tying him to a chair needs three
successes to be free).
The Zeal-based effect of Libera Me slams to the
ground anyone physically restraining the inquisitor.
While this primarily applies to those in physical
contact with the inquisitor, it also affects anyone
restraining the Oculus through any sorcerous or
magical means. The inquisitor’s player rolls Cha-
risma + Zeal (difficulty 7). Even one success slams
the inquisitor’s assailant(s) heavily to the floor
(though it does not cause damage). Furthermore, all
targets so affected are stunned for one turn for every
success beyond the first (in the form of a –1 penalty
to both initiative and dice pools for every success
rolled on the character’s behalf).

Vow of Silence (Judge) The Zeal-based effect of this Benediction pre-
The Oculi, forced to work on their own more vents the inquisitor from giving himself away, even
than other inquisitors, rely on stealth and secrecy to if the enemy makes use of torture or mind-control
do the Lord’s work. Vow of Silence is so named magic (including Auspex, Dominate, Presence and
because it prevents the lone Oculus from providing any other vampiric Disciplines that control, coax or
any information to the Enemy, willingly or other- otherwise extract information). When protected by
wise. The power of this Benediction goes far beyond this use of Vow of Silence, the inquisitor completely
mere silence, and lets the inquisitor cover his pres- loses from mind any and all information his enemy
ence (and even his trail) in a myriad of ways. seeks. The information is gone not only from the
System: Utilizing Wisdom for this Benediction inquisitor’s conscious mind, but it is also gone from
prevents the allies of the Adversary from using any his unconscious mind; it cannot even appear in
supernatural means to detect the inquisitor. Normal dreams or be whispered unconsciously during sleep.
senses work within normal ranges, but any manner Conveniently, when (or if) the inquisitor is once
of sensing that goes beyond those senses cannot pick again free and under no coercion, the information
up even the vaguest hint of the inquisitor. The returns to his mind. Some inquisitors who have
Oculus prays for concealment from his enemies, and made use of this Benediction are under the belief
the player spends a point of Conviction and rolls that an angel comes and takes their knowledge from
Wits + Wisdom (difficulty 5). Every success deletes them for the duration, returning it to them only
three successes from a supernatural creature’s at- when it can’t fall into the wrong hands. The player
tempts to use magical sensory capabilities to detect need only spend a point of Conviction to trigger this
the Oculus. This Benediction doesn’t shield the Benediction.
inquisitor from perception by normal people or
animals in any way, but it does work against the Investitures
Heightened Senses of both vampires and werewolves, The Knights of Acre are among the most dedi-
any form of telepathy and all locating spells used by cated and zealous soldiers in the Inquisition. The
witches and wizards. powerful Investitures they use in battle help them to
Slightly more complex is the Faith-based ver- withstand even the Enemy’s worst onslaught, retain-
sion of this Benediction. Even though the inquisitor ing their reputations as powerful defenders of the
himself may not give himself away, other things faith.
about him might: his aura, objects he has touched or Lamb of God (Acolyte)
even his soul itself (if captured by necromancers, for
The pious inquisitors of the Knights of Acre are
example). By tapping into his Faith, the Oculus can
the warriors of God in the most concrete sense. It is
prevent the Adversary’s minions from using any of
to them that many of the heaviest burdens of vio-
these things against him. By so doing, the inquisitor
lence fall. This Investiture provides the Knight with
prevents supernatural creatures from doing any of
an array of techniques with which to meet the allies
the following: reading his aura, using magic to pull
of the Adversary. The Knight using this Investiture,
secrets from his corpse or interrogating his ghost, see
however, must do one of the most difficult things
visions from objects he has touched, read his mind or
possible when calling on this Endowment: He must
look into (or enter) his dreams. Werewolves cannot
be meek, mild and unafraid as he lets an opponent
even catch the inquisitor’s scent, although normal
land a blow on him. Any Knight of Acre who gives
dogs or wolves can. The Oculus says his prayer, as
in to retaliatory urges or falls prey to wrath immedi-
usual, and the player spends a point of Conviction
ately loses any and all benefits from this Investiture.
and rolls Wits + Faith (difficulty 7). The number of
This is particularly difficult to cope with, consider-
successes rolled determines how long the inquisitor’s
ing two of the applications of this Investiture involve
trail is covered.
the Knight freely letting his adversary cause him
Successes Duration harm. Wounds taken in this manner are considered
1 One Scene to be marks of faith and can only be healed with time.
2 One Day Furthermore, this Investiture only works in the heat
3 One Week of real battle; wounds taken solely to get the benefits
4 One Month of this Investiture will not elicit the desired effect.
5 One Year


System: The Zeal-based use of this Investiture, Knight suffer in vain; for example, this is a good
often referred to as Talionis (based on the Lex Investiture to use when dealing with an enemy who
Talionis, the Old Testament law of an eye for an does minimal to moderate damage with a single
eye), delivers to the Knight’s enemy the same dam- blow, but not a good choice when dealing with
age, slightly exacerbated, that they do to him with werewolves. It is said that this Investiture reminds
fists or melee weapons. The Knight of Acre stoically the Knight of the suffering of Jesus Christ on the
receives the blow delivered by his enemy. He may cross and the sacrifice He made to cleanse the sins of
not attack that turn, nor may he attempt to dodge the world.
(although he may soak).
Shield of God (Acolyte)
Roll the character’s Stamina + Zeal (difficulty
More than most other inquisitors, the Knights of
5). If the player obtains one or two success, all
Acre place themselves in direct physical danger in
damage dealt to the character (before soak) is
their pursuit of the Lord’s will. God, in His omni-
visited upon the attacker as bashing damage. If the
science, sees their efforts and grants them the strength
player rolls three or four successes, the damage is
and resilience necessary to overcome the challenges
visited upon his attacker as lethal damage. If the
placed in their way by the Adversary. Many of the
Knight’s player rolls five (or more) successes, the
Knights — those who have seen the most conflict,
attacker suffers aggravated damage. Inspirational
generally — have learned prayers that beseech the
tales circulate of Knights of Acre using this Inves-
Almighty in such a way that He intervenes on their
titure to great effect on the beastmen populating
behalf to protect them from assorted forms of bodily
the forests of Europe.
harm. Those good Knights with particularly well-
The Faith-dependent version of this Investiture developed Superior Virtues can survive rigors that
is the least complicated. The knight simply accepts would kill other less pious men several times over.
any blow delivered unto him and relies on his humil- Pragmatically, these prayers require but a quick two-
ity and devotion to God to shield him from damage. or three-word plea in Latin to invoke the Lord’s
The player rolls Stamina + Faith (difficulty 6) and infinite mercy, most commonly “Save your servant,”
subtracts successes from his opponent’s attack roll on or “Forgive me.”
a one for one basis. If the player also spends a
System: Each Superior Virtue confers upon the
Conviction point, this roll can be made reflexive
Knight knowledge of prayers to protect him from an
(that is, the Knight may still take another action that
additional form of physical danger. Knights with
turn). This application of Lamb of God can only be
ratings in all of the Superior Virtues with this Inves-
activated on attacks that the Knight can see coming;
titure become legendary for their seeming
he gains no protection from surprise attacks.
The Inquisition depends a great deal on the
Perhaps the most miraculous of all, the Zeal-
stamina and stoicism of the Knights of Acre, and
based version of this Investiture allows the Knight to
nowhere is this made so clear as in the Wisdom-
survive the searing heat of flames, letting him walk
based version of this Investiture. This application is
through intense and even magical flames without
a testing of the Knight more than anything else,
suffering even the slightest burn or feeling any dis-
because it requires him to show great endurance in
comfort whatsoever. The flames do not affect his
the name of service to another member of the Inqui-
clothing or other possessions on his person. The
sition. The Knight piously accepts the damage dealt
player spends a point of Conviction and rolls Stamina
to him by his attacker. However much damage the
+ Zeal (difficulty 7). Success allows the character to
Knight suffers (after soak, if applicable), that same
remain in flames for three turns without suffering
amount of damage is healed from a fellow inquisitor
any inconvenience or discomfort. As with the Faith-
determined by the player.
based application of this Endowment, the character
The player spends a point of Conviction and may recite this prayer multiple times, spending one
rolls Strength + Wisdom (difficulty 6). If he gains point of Conviction each time, if circumstances
one success, the damage healed is bashing. With two require him to remain in the flames for longer than
successes he heals his chosen target of an equal one prayer can protect him.
amount of lethal damage, and with three or more, he
Knights using the Faith-based version of this
heals the amount of damage he takes in any type of
Investiture are blessed with the ability to survive
damage, including aggravated. Obviously, there is a
under water far longer than would normally be
certain amount of strategy to be used here lest the

possible. This prayer does not grant the character the entirely on three bashing attacks). This application of
ability to breathe water, it simply allows her to hold the Investiture can only be performed once per scene,
her breath for far longer than would be possible and the Knight must recite the invoking prayer before
without divine intervention (so if the character loses he has swung his first blow in battle.
consciousness, she’s out of luck). The player spends More physical is the Faith-based version of this
a point of Conviction and rolls the character’s Investiture, which grants the Knight an astonishing
Stamina + Faith (difficulty 6). Each success allows capacity for surviving even the best efforts of his en-
the character to remain under water for an addi- emies to inflict damage on him. When the character
tional 10 minutes without suffering any adverse invokes this Investiture, his player rolls Stamina +
effects (see p. 256 of Dark Ages: Vampire for rules Faith (difficulty 6). Each success provides the character
on drowning). A Knight may use this Investiture with one re-roll that he can use for soak rolls. The player
repeatedly should his circumstances require it, so can take the higher of the original roll or the re-roll.
long as his player spends another point of Convic- Example: Titus Thorpe, a Knight of Acre with
tion each time the Investiture runs out. Stamina 4 and Faith 3, calls upon this Investiture while
The Wisdom-based application of this Endow- in combat with a feral vampire. His player spends a point
ment protects the character from the damage incurred of Conviction, rolls seven dice and gets four successes.
from a long fall, regardless of the surface the charac- Four times over the remainder of the scene, Titus’ player
ter lands on. The player spends a point of Conviction can re-roll any unsatisfactory soak roll, making Titus an
and rolls the character’s Stamina + Wisdom (diffi- unusually resilient opponent.
culty 6). Each success effectively lessens the falling Many of the servants of the Devil work their
distance by 20 feet (i.e., the character may fall sixty wiles on the minds of men, beating down and dis-
feet, but if he gets three successes on his roll, the couraging those who would stand in their way.
damage from the fall is cancelled entirely, leaving Vampires, in particular, have means of dominating
the character perhaps a little shocked and dishev- the minds of men (including inquisitors). The Wis-
eled but no worse for the drop). dom-based version of this Investiture grants the
Enduring Rock of Faith (Advocate) Knight unfailing certainty in his calling and his
Not all challenges faced by inquisitors can be mission. In game terms, this means that the Knight’s
dealt with quickly. The Lord’s work eventually Willpower is difficult to undermine. The player
places all members of the Inquisition in a position spends one point of Conviction to trigger this Inves-
of extended adversity. This Investiture grants the titure; for the rest of the scene, the difficulty of
Knight of Acre the ability to endure a variety of resisting thralldom is reduced to 4 (see p. 162 of
drawn out, difficult situations without being Dark Ages: Inquisitor).
whittled away by physical or mental erosion and Milius Dei (Judge)
falling before the Enemy. Those with true conviction and devotion to
System: The Zeal-based application of this Inves- God have shown astonishing skills in the course of
titure allows a Knight to survive even the most grievous battle. This Investiture gives the Knight remarkable
wounds inflicted on him in battle by rendering the (many claim miraculous) abilities in battle. These
blows of his opponents incapable of inflicting signifi- abilities provide him with a degree of might and
cant harm — or, at times, any harm at all. The player prowess that even the chosen of Satan would be hard
spends one point of Conviction and rolls Stamina + pressed to match; indeed, such champions of
Zeal (difficulty 6). Each success represents one degree of Christendom have been known to take on many
wound reduction (i.e., from aggravated to lethal, from supernatural foes at once — and triumph.
lethal to bashing, or from bashing to no wounds at all). System: The Zeal-based manifestation of this
The player makes the roll at the beginning of combat; Investiture improves the Knight’s reflexes to an
for the duration of the scene, he can choose to lessen an astonishing degree, giving him a chance to move out
attack by one grade for each success (i.e., three successes of the way of any number of attacks against him. He
would allow the character to ameliorate an attack can sidestep attacks from an array of enemies — even
causing aggravated wounds by three levels — that is, while taking the battle to the enemy. The player
from aggravated to no damage at all — or three attacks spends a point of Conviction. For the rest of the turn,
by one damage category apiece (i.e., turning three the character receives a chance to dodge (with his
lethal attacks into three bashing, or ignoring damage full dice pool) against every attack directed at him,


even if he’s attacking an enemy in the same round. System: The Faith-based allows the inquisitor
This use of this Investiture in no way provides the to discern in which direction a given supernatural
inquisitor with more than one attack, it simply gives target lies. The von Murnau prays, and the player
him unlimited dodging ability. This Investiture does spends a Conviction point and rolls Perception +
not work if the character does not know an attack is Faith (difficulty 6); the number of successes reveals
coming (i.e., if he is ambushed). how specific the information is. At times the insight
The Faith-based technique, when used strategi- is a vague hunch, while other times the inquisitor
cally, can easily astonish the Knight’s opponent and knows almost the exact locale of his target. The
turn the tide of a combat. By speaking a prayer, the inquisitor must have seen the target at least once
Knight causes a number of attacks to give him the before; simply knowing a name is not enough (since
health levels that they ordinarily would have taken minions of Satan usually adopt false names or steal
away. The player spends one Conviction point and the identities of good Christians, anyway).
the character recites his prayer. From then to the end Successes Result
of the scene, the character can reverse the damage of 1 Knows only the vague compass point:
a number of attacks equal to his Faith rating. A Somewhere to the north
Knight can thereby turn his enemy’s well-aimed 2 More specific: North and east of here.
deathblow into a blessing of revivification. This 3 East by north east.
Investiture can only be used once per scene.
4 The exact direction as well as a vague
The Wisdom-based application of this Investi- notion of the distance
ture renders the Knight impervious to all forms of
5 The exact direction, a clear notion of
supernatural weaponry, whether it be the claws of a
the distance and vague insights into the
wolf-man, the hell-forged torture tools of a vampire
local landmarks in the area.
lord or the enchanted blade of a Saracen wizard. Any
such weapons used against the inquisitor may make The Wisdom-based application is in some ways
contact with his body, but then have no effect on the most frightening power that the Murnau can
him at all, as though the weapon were made of thin bring to bear. The inquisitor can glance at a demon’s
wood and the Knight’s body were made of stone. For heart (“soul” is probably an inaccurate term) and
the sake of formality, the attacker may want to roll to know its desires. The player rolls Perception + Wis-
hit, but the outcome is the same: no supernatural dom (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The
weapon affects the Knight in any way. inquisitor is granted information according to how
many successes the player rolls:
That said, direct magical attacks on the Knight
still work normally, as do normal weapons. Only Successes Result
supernatural weapons using Brawl, Melee or Ar- 1 The inquisitor has a general idea of what drives
chery rolls are affected by this Investiture. No roll the creature: Hunger, lust, rage, etc.
is necessary, and the effect lasts until the end of 2 The above, and the inquisitor knows whether
the scene. the creature has a very focused goal or a merely
general drives, though not what those goals or
Legacies drives might be. For instance, a near-mindless
House Murnau is known for its powers of detec- Feral vampire wants nothing more than to feed,
tion and its unholy insights into the supernatural and so appears to have a very general objective,
condition. While these inquisitors give up much in whereas a Cainite who wants to become prince
the pursuit of their duties, their service to the Inqui- of a city wants something very specific.
sition is undeniable. The following Legacies are the 3 As above, but the inquisitor has a general sense
birthright of the inquisitors of House Murnau. of what the creature’s goals are and what targets
they might involve. In the above examples, the
Divine Insight (Acolyte) inquisitor might sense the Feral vampire is driven
The von Murnau learn many secrets through by hunger and wishes to slake that hunger on
their curse. This Legacy provides the inquisitor with anyone nearby.
uncanny knowledge about her supernatural quarry, 4 As above, and the inquisitor learns the best way
her quarry’s sources of strength and power and even to question or deal with the creature. The player
that quarry’s motivations and goals. may add the von Murnau’s Wisdom rating to any

Social rolls (including interrogation) made thralls. The von Murnau must perform a laying on of
against the creature. hands on the target to be affected. The player spends
5+ As above, and the inquisitor learns a very specific a Conviction point and rolls Manipulation + Faith
fact about the creature. The player may ask one (difficulty 6). Each success renders the target insen-
question of the Storyteller. If the creature knows sible to any communication from supernatural sources
the answer, the von Murnau learns it as well. for one full day.
This application of Divine Insight may only be The Wisdom-based application of this Legacy
used once per day on any given creature. lets the von Murnau know if a mortal is doing or has
This Legacy’s Zeal-based approach detects the ever done the bidding of a supernatural master. This
nearest source of power, strength or succor of a given Legacy reveals such individuals by showing them
supernatural. Under some circumstances, this might strangely discolored in some way; their skin may
give the Murnau some notions of how to render her appear jet black or their faces may appear a shocking
quarry defenseless, other times it might simply lead shade of red. The discoloration is often less intense
her to a favored whore. All that this technique truly the greater the time past that the thralldom took
does is lead the inquisitor toward some magically place. The player rolls Perception + Wisdom (diffi-
oriented source of power or comfort. culty 6). Each success gives a clearer picture of what
The player rolls Intelligence + Zeal (difficulty that thralldom was like.
6). The Storyteller is free to interpret exactly what Each additional success reveals another clue
this technique reveals. In the case of a vampire, it about the target’s enthrallment.
could reveal the direction of a favorite mortal vic- Successes Result
tim, a casket full of his native soil or his favorite 1 Detects whether the target has ever served any
weapon. In the case of a werewolf, it might reveal the sort of supernatural master.
creature’s place of heathen worship, favorite weapon 2 Discerns how recently the target has served such
or lover. Used on a mage, this technique might point a master.
the inquisitor in the direction of a cray, a magical 3 Reveals the gravity of the target’s trespasses (i.e.,
weapon or a spell book. did the thrall simply act as a concubine for her
Surveying the Devil’s Flock (Acolyte) master or did she murder her fellow human
Wise inquisitors know that often their worst beings?).
enemies are not so much the agents of Hell on Earth, 4 Reveals the nature of the creature that held the
but those lackeys Hell’s agents command. A vampire target enthralled.
may himself be weak, for example, even helpless 5 Discerns how long the thralldom lasted and what
during the daylight hours. With the reconnaissance the target’s current feelings are toward her mas-
and support of those he has enthralled, his power can ter (or former master).
be much more dangerous than an inquisitor might This Legacy’s Zeal-based technique is usable
immediately perceive. This Legacy provides the in- only on those currently serving a supernatural mas-
quisitor with insights into the mortal thralls who ter. The target gains sudden (but, alas, temporary)
serve (or have served) an unholy master, willingly or insights into the nature of her master. She sees his
otherwise. full diabolical evil, the harm he has inflicted on the
System: The Faith-based application of this human race and how he has undermined her God-
Legacy interferes with a target’s ability to receive given free will. The target will initially be agitated,
communication from a particular pawn of the Ad- then furious. All supernatural control is temporarily
versary. The target is rendered wholly insensible to negated. Once the period of negation is over, the
that particular supernatural entity: She cannot hear mortal remembers only that she betrayed her master
him, hear his thoughts, see him or discern him in any and feels intense remorse for it.
way. Furthermore, things he has written become The Murnau must perform a laying on of hands
entirely unintelligible. Should the supernatural en- on the target and pray for her insight. The player
tity become violent with the target, the target believes spends a point of Conviction and rolls Charisma +
himself to be having fits and damaging himself. Von Zeal (difficulty 6) to awaken his target to her
Murnau use this technique when they need to pre- thralldom. Success frees the target from her master’s
vent a supernatural creature from making use of his control — and fills her with a profound anger toward
him — for one full day.


Pulling the Serpent’s Fangs (Advocate) player spends a point of Conviction and rolls Ma-
The supernatural abilities of the Enemy’s min- nipulation + Zeal (difficulty 6). Each success forces
ions are what make them so difficult to fight. The the target to lose its human side for three turns per
inquisitors of House Murnau have a way around success.
that problem: This Legacy functions in an array of
ways to undermine a supernatural enemy’s power
Fear No Evil (Judge)
in the world. A Murnau with this degree of understanding of
the ways of the Unholy has remarkably little to fear
System: The Faith-based version of this Legacy
from any agent of the Adversary, either alone or in
strikes dumb any opponent using the spoken word to
groups. The inquisitor’s power has grown such that
affect his enemies, including wizards speaking incan-
not only can he use divine power to sense the Devil’s
tations or vampires using Dominate or Thaumaturgic
minions, he can control them, even to the point of
rituals. Any incantations are ruined entirely, and
turning them on each other.
any effect the enemy may have been having (e.g., the
effects of the Dominate Discipline) comes to a com- System: The Faith-based version of this Legacy
plete and abrupt stop. The Murnau prays for creates a circle of protection around the inquisitor
deliverance from the subtle tongued serpents that that keeps all supernatural creatures at bay. Super-
roam the world. The player spends a point of Con- natural creatures, including ghouls, instinctively stay
viction and rolls Manipulation + Faith (difficulty 6). away from the inquisitor. Those so willful as to try
Any and all supernatural targets in the inquisitor’s breaking through the circle suffer three levels of
line of sight are immediately struck dumb, unable to aggravated damage per turn (although those crea-
speak or vocalize in any way. The targets are ren- tures with the means to soak aggravated damage can
dered unable to speak for three turns per success. do so). The inquisitor says a prayer of protection; the
player spends two points of Conviction and rolls
The Wisdom-based version of this Legacy makes
Charisma + Faith (difficulty 7). The circle extends
a creature of darkness loath to take any action
from the inquisitor in a radius of five feet per success
against the inquisitor. In some circumstances, the
(so even a single success results in a protective circle
creature may perceive the inquisitor as too holy or
ten feet in diameter). Any supernatural creature
sacred to harm, while in other situations the creature
caught in the circle when the von Murnau invokes
may feel a strange, inexplicable sense of camaraderie
this Legacy may remain absolutely still to avoid the
with the von Murnau that keeps it from acting
damaging effects, otherwise it takes damage as though
aggressively. Roll Charisma + Wisdom (difficulty 6).
it had broken the circle.
Each success indicates how many Willpower points
the creature must expend before it is capable of When the Murnau uses the Wisdom-based ap-
taking any action against the von Murnau. The plication of this Legacy, it grants him a powerful
creature must expend this Willpower every time it sway over supernatural creatures that closely re-
wishes to take hostile action towards the character, sembles the Presence Discipline. Not only do they
for the duration of the scene. If the creature persists not perceive him as an enemy, they perceive him as
in attacking (for however brief a time) and expends someone of great stature whom they want to please
all its Willpower, it immediately seeks to reconcile and befriend. The allure presented by the inquisitor
with the von Murnau in any way it can. This effect is one based on charm and sheer magnetism. While
also lasts only to the end of the scene, at which point it is easily maintained so long as the von Murnau
the creature’s mind is its own again. parlays with the enemy, it evaporates should he do
anything blatantly unfriendly. Spend one point of
The most dangerous of this Legacy’s effects is the
Conviction and roll Charisma + Wisdom (difficulty
Zeal-based technique. When the von Murnau trig-
6). The Storyteller then makes a resisted Willpower
gers this effect, the civil, reasoning side of the target
roll for the target creature (difficulty 8). If the target
falls into slumber, leaving only the ravaging bestial
loses, he immediately falls under the sway of the
side to show what a monster the creature really is.
inquisitor, treating him as though he were a beloved
Vampires and werewolves immediately enter frenzy.
friend. This Legacy affects supernatural creatures
Witches, wizards and other magi, being human,
(including ghouls); it does not affect more than one
simply fall asleep. The fae respond unpredictably:
creature at a time, nor does it affect targets beyond
some fae burst into flames or dissolve into water;
the inquisitor’s line of sight. This effect lasts the
some fall asleep as if they were human; some fly into
duration of the scene, after which the target clearly
murderous rage and some are simply unaffected. The

remembers what happened and becomes enraged for tainly be injured or killed as frenzied vampires and
being manipulated in such a fashion. werewolves lash out at everything around them).
Sometimes neither good will nor simple protec-
tion grants the inquisitor the safety (or peace of Psalms
mind) he requires. The Zeal-based application of Many inquisitors consider the Sisters of St. John
this Legacy causes all supernatural creatures within to be the gentlest of the inquisitorial orders, and in
a fifty-foot radius to turn on one another with ex- many ways, that is so. The Psalms of the Sisters are
treme violence. They do this heedless of any physical used largely for coaxing knowledge from the Enemy
or social consequences; only leaving the area allows and for healing the Flock. More experienced Sisters,
a creature regain its self-control once more. A pack however, can call on the power of the Lord in ways
of werewolves may be made to tear each other to bits that would be called miraculous — if they weren’t so
with this Legacy, while a von Murnau who uses this terrifying.
Legacy while the Cainites of a city are holding court
could, conceivably, wipe out most of the vampires in Jubilation (Acolyte)
the area. This one supports and inspires the inquisitor’s flock
The player spends three Conviction points and and allies more than it elicits information from the
rolls Manipulation + Zeal (difficulty 6). The Story- agents of the adversary. Jubilation is quite aptly named
teller must make resisted Willpower rolls (difficulty in that it requires the Sister to sing a joyful, inspiring
8) for all supernatural creatures in the area of effect. song to rally those around her. The more voices that
Any creature with fewer successes than the inquisi- join her in her Jubilation song, the more powerful the
tor (ties go to the inquisitor), instantly sees all other miracles the sister can perform with this Psalm.
supernatural creatures in the area as deeply, viscer- System: The Faith aspect of Jubilation allows the
ally offensive and deserving of death, attacking the Sister to heal (or at least stabilize) those in the Jubila-
nearest other supernatural creature with whatever it tion who are wounded. This effect of Jubilation affects
believes to be its most lethal attack. Inquisitors do only allies, friends and members of the Sister’s flock
not count as supernatural creatures (but may cer- who join in the song. An unconscious ally can benefit


from this Psalm if a healthy person sings specifically for remembered to be passed along. The three functions
him. Each person joining in the joyful song is healed of of this Psalm combine those memory-related tasks.
one health level of damage. The number of singing System: No matter how painful some memories
voices determines the effects of this Endowment. Nine are, almost everyone has joyful remembrances that
or fewer voices allow the Sister to heal one level of they can use to bolster their spirits in hard times. The
bashing damage for those taking part in her song. If the Faith-based aspect of the Remembrance song allows
sister can put together a group of up to 29 voices, then the Sister to help others summon up those memories,
this Psalm heals one level of lethal damage, and if the giving them the strength of will and spirit to forage
sister is able to put together a full chorus of 30 or more on. The player spends a point of Conviction and rolls
voices, this Psalm heals one health level of any kind of Charisma + Faith (difficulty 6). The character sings
damage from all those singing. The character leads the a hymn in a firm, clear voice (under stressful or
song; the player simply spends one point of Conviction. terrifying conditions, the Storyteller might well re-
The Wisdom application of this Psalm provides quire a Wits + Performance or even a Courage roll
those taking part in the Jubilation with a restful from the player in order for the Sister to keep her
night’s sleep and a new sense of purpose beginning voice steady). For every success, one target enjoys
the next morning. As with the Faith-based applica- the following benefits: –1 difficulty on all Courage
tion, the more voices that join in the Jubilation song, rolls, +1 to the difficulty of any attack that targets
the more effective it is. The Sister leads the joyful the recipient’s emotions in a negative way (such as
song to the Lord; the player spends one point of Presence 2), and +1 Conviction (this extra point
Conviction. If nine or fewer voices join in the will not make the character Callous, and fades at the
Jubilation, then those taking part regain one addi- end of the scene). This facet of Remembrance Song
tional Willpower point (in addition to the standard does not function on Callous inquisitors. The ben-
one) when they wake the next morning. If 10 to 29 efits last for one scene.
voices take part in the jubilation, then those in- Frequently, the most difficult part of question-
volved recover two additional Willpower points the ing the faithful is calling up details from past
next morning, and if 30 or more voices join in the experiences. The untrained mind is weak and forget-
inquisitor’s song of Jubilation, all those involved will ful, and often loses facts that the inquisitor might
regain three additional Willpower points upon wak- find useful. The Wisdom facet of this Psalm allows
ing up the next morning. the Sister to sing a soothing song of prayer in the
The Zeal-based application of Jubilation causes presence of her target to help him remember vivid
consternation to all agents of the Devil within hear- details from the past. This Psalm helps the target see
ing distance. The noise of the Jubilation song causes the scene or the image he has been asked about in
them intense pain and deafens them for a period of perfect detail. Only real memories can be brought
time. Supernatural targets of this Psalm also suffer back. False memories, like those implanted with the
from the equivalent of a wound penalty to their dice Dominate power Reveler’s Memory, are easily seen
pools for so long as they are in range of the song. Nine through and the real memory is brought to the fore.
or fewer voices cause a –1 penalty to creatures of The Sister must sing to her target for three turns
darkness and deafens them for eight hours, 10-29 before the effects of this Psalm take effect. The player
voices cause a –2 penalty and leave the creatures deaf spends a point of Conviction and rolls Charisma +
for one full day, and the sound of 30 or more voices Wisdom (difficulty 7). The more successes she
in the Jubilation song cause those creatures such achieves, the further back her target can remember.
pain that they suffer a –3 penalty to their dice pools Successes Age of memories
and are deafened for two full days. The Sister need 1 One Week
only lead the Jubilation; the player spends a point of 2 One Month
3 One Year
Remembrance Song (Acolyte) 4 10 Years
Many of the duties of a Sister of St. John often 5 20 Years
involve the memory: memories that need to be Like the other uses of this Psalm, the Zeal effect
jogged during interrogation, memories that need to affects memory. In this case, however, it also has
be given up to bring peace or messages that must be another communication-oriented effect. The Sister

may speak a phrase of up to 100 words to the subject spends a point of Conviction and rolls Perception +
of this Psalm and he will remember it verbatim. Wisdom (difficulty 6). Each success increases the radius
Furthermore, the subject is only able to repeat the of effect of the Sister’s Song by ten feet.
message to its intended receiver, and once he has The Zeal facet of this Psalm drains away the will to
spoken the message, it vanishes from his mind. The fight from one target. The target must be a supernatural
Sister must first speak a prayer of safe travel for the creature or a fellow inquisitor overcome by Callousness.
subject of the Psalm, then she takes the subject’s The sister sings a hymn of peace; the player spends two
hands, looks him in the eyes and speaks her message points of Conviction and rolls Charisma + Zeal (diffi-
to him. The messenger will capture every element of culty 6). Each success subtracts one from the target’s
the Sister’s words exactly, including pauses, accent, temporary Willpower. As the target loses Willpower,
inflection and tone, so the Sister must have the he becomes less certain of his purpose and goals and
message ready and pay attention to the details of her more malleable. If this Psalm should bring the target’s
speech. The player spends a point of Conviction and Willpower to 0, he immediately loses all interest in any
rolls Intelligence + Zeal (difficulty 6). Each success sort of conflict and will likely flee (if pressed) or wander
increases the length of the message by 20 words. As away (if left to his own devices). If the target is being
the character doesn’t necessarily know how many interrogated when his Willpower reaches 0, he loses
words she has to work with, the Storyteller should any desire to lie or dissemble and he begins cooperating
make this roll for the player, who is then free to hope with the Sister to the full extent of his ability.
for the best.
Vox Dei (Judge)
Song of the Seraphim (Advocate) A Sister of St. John who has reached this level
The highest of the nine orders of angels are the on the path of Psalms can use her voice to sing or
seraphim, whose proximity to God makes them so speak with a power that awes the flock and inspires
holy and immaculate that they cannot abide that faith and fear in all who hear it. The very resting
which is false or impure. This Psalm helps the sister places of evil are shaken by the voice of a Sister so
see through falsehood and arrive at the truth of a heavily invested with the power of the Lord.
matter, no matter how hard the Deceiver tries to System: When the Sister uses the Faith ver-
hide his works. sion of Vox Dei, it has a deep impact on the hearts
System: The Devil is a creature of lies and of all those who hear it. In particular, it causes
deceit, but this song prevents falsehood from being those who have had any knowing (or even sus-
uttered in the inquisitor’s presence while it is being pected) interaction with agents of the Devil to
chanted. When the Sister sings the Faith effect of rush to the nearest devout person (anyone with a
the Song of the Seraphim, those in the immediate Superior Virtue of 1 or more) and confess all their
vicinity are unable to lie (including lying by omis- dealings with those creatures of darkness. Such
sion). The only way those affected can avoid telling confessions include telling everything they know
the truth is to stop speaking altogether. The Sister and all they’ve seen that pertains to those crea-
need only quietly chant this Psalm anywhere within tures. This Psalm affects even ghouls and those
ten feet of the individual being questioned. The who have undergone the blood oath to a vampiric
player spends a point of Conviction and rolls Wits + master. The Sister of St. John need only sing a
Faith (difficulty 6). Each success allows the Sister to song of penitence; the player spends two points of
continue this song for three turns. Conviction and rolls Charisma + Faith (difficulty
The Wisdom function of the Song of the Seraphim 6). Add the successes to the Sister’s Willpower
washes away all illusion from the area in which the rating, and all those within hearing distance with
Sister is singing. All illusions, glamour and trickery are Willpower ratings less than that sum rush to the
rendered transparent. This includes visions that affect nearest inquisitor and begin their confessions.
only the mind of the beholder, vampiric Disciplines like The Wisdom effect of Vox Dei allows the Sister to
Chimerstry and Obfuscate, and illusion magic. Once sing out the thoughts of a supernatural creature so long
cleansed away, the illusion is gone permanently unless as she is making contact with it. If specific questions
its creator generates it again. The Sister simply sings the need to be asked, others can ask the creature and the
Psalm and illusions fall away around her. She can move Sister will be able to find and sing the honest answer.
and sing at the same time, thereby leaving a large swath Nothing the Sister sings when using this Psalm can be
of clarity behind her if she’s so inclined. The player false. In most cases, obviously, the creature being thus


interrogated needs to be restrained. The Sister must be after the Sister’s song is finished, to prevent the
in direct skin contact with the creature she is interro- return of the spirits of evil that had lingered there.
gating; she must first sing a song of praise to God, then Spend two points of Conviction and roll Cha-
she simply needs to sing, and the creature’s thoughts risma + Zeal (difficulty 7). The number of successes
come out of her mouth. The creature need not speak indicate how quickly the destruction hits; a single
any language known to the inquisitor, as she can simply success brings about a very slow destruction that is
read its thoughts and sing in any language known to her. likely to take most of a scene (and probably allow the
The player spends two points of Conviction and rolls inhabitant to escape) while five successes indicate
Perception + Wisdom (difficulty 6). One full concept that the affected places were almost instantaneously
can be expressed per turn, and the song continues for blasted from the world by divine fire. If the player
two turns per success. If the creature has no knowledge rolls two or more successes, the area also becomes
of human language (certain fae or werewolves), the Holy Ground (as per Dark Ages: Inquisitor, p. 197)
difficulty goes up to 8. with an Ambient Faith rating equal to the number of
The Zeal facet of this Psalm is sometimes given the Sister’s successes for one week. Channeling such
a name all its own by those who have seen it in power, however, also takes a formidable toll: the
action: Dies Irae, the wrath of God. It is aptly named Sister takes one unsoakable health level of bashing
because it shows that enemies of the Lord truly have damage for each success rolled — a reminder that, at
no place to hide when righteous folk do His work. the very least, speaking for God is a weighty matter.
The Sister sings an angry song of judgment, and
every place within hearing distance that harbors the
minions of Lucifer meets with spectacular destruc-
Holy Art
tion: caverns collapse, wooden buildings are blasted The paths of the Holy Art presented in Chap-
by Heavenly fire and become blazing infernos; even ter Five of Dark Ages: Inquisitor are the ones
stone buildings come crashing down like the walls of most commonly studied, and represent aspects of
Jericho, generally after being battered by enormous the Holy Trinity. Two of those are available as a
winds and a constant barrage of lightning. Further- primary path to specific orders, though members
more, the places that are cleansed by the power of the Red Order, with their focus on knowledge and
this Psalm are rendered Holy Ground for a short time ritual, have their choice of any path to be their

focus. What follows is a new path that may be cannot see the target creature in any reflective
chosen as primary by an inquisitor of any order. It surface if it is not wholly human. Failure indicates
calls upon that direct influence of the divine that there is a reflection, just like any other natural
present in every inquisitor. In addition, several being, and this ability may not be used again on that
new ritae are listed, which indicate a bigger pic- individual for one day. If the roll is botched, the
ture of the body of divine knowledge kept by the target is allowed to make a Perception + Alertness
Church for use in their battle against the forces of roll (difficult of the inquisitor’s Charisma + Subter-
Satan. While useful to the investigator in the fuge) to notice that it is being observed in this
field, those in largely supportive positions also use strange manner.
these tools. Some of the rituals are helpful in
producing weapons for anyone to wield against
•• Protection of the Holy Cross
the unholy. Characters using this power may present a cross
to repel demonic forces. Usually this is a crucifix, as
Corpus Lux there is rarely a shortage of them in a cell of the
shadow Inquisition, but resourceful combatants have
The Lord shines His light upon the world in a
been known to use a makeshift cross in times of need
number of ways, but the most profound is perhaps
(some question the sanctity of such actions, but
through the works of the faithful. Those who follow
practitioners of this path argue that the light of God
the path of the Body of Light learn how the beacon
shines through the faithful regardless of the quality
of faith can be directed through objects of purity, and
of the symbol they wield). The cross must be clearly
ultimately from the very core of their being. This is
visible to the creature being held at bay, and the
not illumination of a physical nature, but rather an
inquisitor must keep his concentration on to the task
intense form of that spark of life that each living
at hand. This requires unshakable faith and a steady
creature is blessed with. Though usually not visible
hand, as the strength of the Devil’s will has surprised
to the human eye, its searing purity reveals, repels,
many a loyal servant of the Lord and ended their
and can even destroy the unholy with the brilliant
cause prematurely.
fury of Heaven.
System: The player makes a standard path roll
This is a useful path for many inquisitors, as
(difficulty is the target’s Willpower). The number of
many of its aspects involve the empowerment of holy
successes plus the character’s Faith score is the num-
items frequently kept on hand. These objects are
ber of steps back the target is repelled. This effect
generally useless in the battle against evil in the
lasts as long as the inquisitor can hold his ground. If
hands of the average person. When wielded by one
the roll fails, the player may still spend a Conviction
who follows the path of Corpus Lux, however, they
point to keep the creature at bay; it may not advance,
become an important part of a warrior’s arsenal.
but doesn’t have to step back either. The target may
It is strength of character that an individual calls also spend a point of Willpower to ignore the effects
upon when using this aspect of the Holy Art, thus of this power for one turn. If the roll is botched, or if
unless otherwise noted, the standard roll for this the player chooses not to spend Conviction on a
path is Charisma + Corpus Lux; the difficulty varies failed roll, the attempt to repel the forces of evil is
according to which power is used. sadly ineffectual for the duration of the scene.
• Rebuking the Sight of the Tainted ••• Empower the Instrument of Faith
By looking at a creature’s reflection in a mir- Objects used in holy practice are repugnant to the
rored surface and silently praying, the character get of Satan. It is well known that holy water, wafers of
may gaze upon the light of God, which passes over communion, the holy rosary and the like are sometimes
the demonic without a trace. To the inquisitor, effective in warding off the forces of evil, but in the
the other being does not cast a reflection at all. hands of the average member of the flock they are often
This can be unsettling, but does show the inquisi- looked upon by demons as minor and insulting annoy-
tor when he is dealing with something that only ances. When wielded by the capable inquisitor, however,
looks human. The surface may be anything reflec- they become weapons in the battle for righteousness.
tive, including perfectly still bodies of water, but
System: When this character has at his disposal
this ability becomes useless in complete darkness.
any item that has been blessed or created meticulously
System: The player rolls Perception + Corpus for holy sacrament (such as a Bible, for during this time
Lux (difficulty 6). Success means that the character they were, of course, written by hand) he may use it to


harm supernatural creatures. The player rolls a standard if the target is normally capable of doing so. This
path roll (difficulty 6); the number of successes indi- ability may be used but once per scene.
cates the number of turns that the item is empowered.
••••• Radiant Presence of the Lord
During this time, the character can make a
The light of God spills forth from the center of
normal ranged or melee attack with the item and if
this character’s being, burning away evil and banish-
it hits, it inflicts one level of aggravated damage.
ing the shadows of the Devil’s trickery. The inquisitor
This damage is all that is inflicted, as holy relics are
using this power need only lift his gaze to Heaven
rarely useful weapons in their own right, though
and ask for the grace of the Father to fill his soul. This
there may be exceptions at the discretion of the
application of Corpus Lux actually surrounds the
Storyteller. The items may be used more than once
character with a nimbus of golden light, illuminat-
during the time they are empowered. If the player so
ing the area briefly and showering all onlookers with
chooses, he may spend one Conviction to inflict an
its serene glow.
additional level of damage, but he must state this
before the attack roll is made. Note: your Storyteller System: The player spends two points of Con-
may rule that certain items are harmful to the unliving viction and makes a standard path roll (difficulty 8).
(see p. 290 in Dark Ages: Vampire), in which case The character radiates pure golden light for a num-
the damage from this power is in addition to any the ber of turns equal to the number of successes gained;
object already inflicts. If the roll to empower the this has a number of effects. First, any power being
item fails, then it causes no damage beyond that used in the area that creates darkness or illusions
which it might already inflict; a botch means the (such as Obtenebration 1 or the Chimerstry Disci-
character loses one point of Conviction. pline) is canceled for the duration of this power, if
the user’s Willpower score is lower than the
•••• Blessed Litany inquisitor’s Piety rating. Second, any creature hiding
With this relentless recitation of scripture, its true form through possession or shape-shifting
the character causes supernatural creatures to flee must succeed at a Willpower roll (difficulty is the
in terror or face the power of God through the inquisitor’s Piety) or reveal itself. Lastly, this ability
words of the faithful. The individual with this is particularly devastating to vampires. They react as
ability must be able to speak clearly, though not though exposed to sunlight with an intensity equal
necessarily loudly. Demonic forces in close prox- to the character’s Piety for the duration (for ex-
imity are compelled to flee by any means necessary, ample, a character with a Piety score of eight forces
otherwise the holy light that suffuses the vampires to make a soak roll with a difficulty of eight
inquisitor’s words burns them like fire. or take aggravated damage accordingly; see pp. 257–
System: The character must be free to use his 258 of Dark Ages: Vampire for details on the effects
voice, but regardless of whether or not it can be of sunlight). This power extends outward in a 25-
heard (targets may not simply cover their ears, try foot radius, plus five more feet for each dot the
though they might) the effects of this power extend character has in Charisma. Should the player botch
in a radius equal to five feet times the character’s this roll, the character’s faith is shaken and the
Piety rating. Once the recitation begins, the player player must roll to see if a new Curse is acquired.
spends a point of Conviction and makes a standard
path roll (difficulty 7). The number of successes plus Ritae
the character’s Faith score is the length of time in The body of knowledge recorded by the shadow
turns that the repelled creature must flee in terror Inquisition is constantly growing. Presented here
using any means at its disposal. Failing the roll means is a further sample of the ritae that make up its
the power has no effect, and a botch costs the repertoire.
character an additional point of Conviction. En-
emies affected by this power may spend a point of Prayer for Clarity (Level One)
Willpower to remain in the area. If the creature Though the shadow Inquisition operates in se-
cannot get away (if backed into a corner, for ex- cret, its members strive to keep accurate records of
ample), the power inflicts lethal damage dice equal their encounters in order to build a body of knowl-
to the number of successes on the original path roll edge about how best to combat the forces of evil.
for each turn in the area. This damage may be soaked Unfortunately, many of the trials these intrepid

warriors of God face cause their memories to be ounce of frankincense and recite scripture for an
fragmented, lost or even altered by the very creatures hour, after which time the player makes a standard
they seek to recall. Those who are know this ritus are roll (difficulty 7). For each success, the structure is
capable of remembering the events of the last twenty- protected from entry by any demon-possessed or
four hours far more sharply upon its completion. inhuman creature for one day. The only loophole is
System: After a 20 minute session of meditation that the creature may enter if invited by anyone
and prayer during which the character must have no inside the dwelling. Note that this protection is
distractions, the player makes a standard roll. Any purely physical: a creature that can see into a window
successes gained are added to those needed to remem- or across a threshold could use mental powers to
ber events that have occurred in the last day (see the force an occupant to give the needed invitation.
section on memory, pp. 162 – 163 in Dark Ages: Furthermore, although the place may not be en-
Inquisitor). If the character is merely writing down his tered, it may be damaged from the outside, forcing
thoughts and not attempting to overcome the effects of those inside to flee. If the ritus roll is botched, the
terror or supernatural influence, the Storyteller may ritual may not be performed again on the same
provide the player some aid in remembering more detail dwelling for three days.
depending on how many successes the player rolls. Finding the Way Through the Word
Blessing of Eternal Rest (Level One) (Level Two)
Inquisitors are aware of the use of wicked magics to The faithful believe that holy scripture is a guide
affect the dead, and the usual prayers spoken and rites to life, and the answers to all questions are hidden
performed during a funeral are not always enough to within its words. As the unequivocal word of God,
prevent this from happening. When a recently de- the secrets of the Bible are revealed most readily to
ceased corpse is purified with this ritual, however, pious warriors of His cause. By performing special
desecrating it with necromantic arts becomes much prayers in the right kind of environment, light can be
more difficult. shed on the darkness of uncertainty.
System: This ritual may only be performed System: This ritual must be performed on Holy
over a body within three days after death. It Ground. The character performing the ritual lights
involves praying for fifteen minutes and sprin- a specially blessed candle and says a prayer before
kling holy water over the deceased. The player poring over the Bible with an open heart and mind
then makes a standard roll (difficulty 6) and spends for an hour or more (the inquisitor must not be
a point of Conviction. From that point forward, distracted, meaning the area must stay quiet for the
any attempts to use powers that affect the corpse duration of the ritus). The player makes a standard
(such as the Mortis Discipline or any power that roll (difficulty 8), adding one die to his pool for each
seeks to communicate with the soul of the de- hour of studying beyond the first. Each success allows
ceased) have their difficulty increased by the the character ask one question abut the best direc-
number of successes rolled to perform this ritual tion to take in a given situation. Answers are usually
(to a maximum of 10). vague impressions of right and wrong, basically a yes-
or-no answer as to whether or not a given path is part
Sanctification of the Homestead of God’s will. The Storyteller has a lot of leeway here
(Level Two) as far as what kind of insight might be bestowed, and
Similar to the Hallow Ground ritus that purifies a botch on the roll may mean the character thinks he
an area temporarily, Sanctification of the Home- has the right idea when in fact he is letting his own
stead can protect a private dwelling from any zealous pride direct him instead of the word of God.
supernatural breach for a time. This ritual is not as At any rate, this kind of study for right-mindedness
well known, and its roots lie more with honoring the may only be performed once per story.
hospitality and sanctity of the home than with the
actual blessing of an area for holy practice. Still, its Veiled Presence of the Holy (Level Three)
utility in the field is unquestionable and has guaran- Inquisitors are frequently called upon to infil-
teed the restful sleep of many inquisitors. trate environments where the presence of the Lord
System: This ritual must be performed in a is not exactly… welcome. Needless to say, those who
private dwelling and protects against uninvited visits serve God in such a direct manner usually stand out
by demonic creatures. The character must sprinkle when viewed with the subtle perceptive powers of
holy water in all quarters of the building, burn an Satan’s get. It is rumored that members of the Red


Order created this ritual so they could walk unno- level of aggravated damage to a supernatural being.
ticed where supernatural eyes might pry. Not Each vial is good for one such attack.
surprisingly, some members of the Church hierarchy
consider the use of any rite that hides the presence of
Donning the Vestments of Sacred
God to be somewhat sinful, though no official stance
Resilience (Level Four)
has been taken. Through the use of this powerful ritual, a gar-
ment is blessed with protection against the forces of
System: The character performs an hour-long
evil. Many demonic beings are able to shrug off
ritual during which his entire body is anointed with
damage, and inquisitors wearing cloth imbued in
special oils while he silently prays. The player makes
this manner are able to take the same kind of comfort
a standard roll (difficulty 7). For every success ob-
in the safety provided by the Lord.
tained, the difficulty of any supernatural attempt to
perceive the character as anything but a normal System: This ritual must be performed on Holy
human increases by one. Though they are mere Ground over a finely woven priest’s vestment. After
humans, inquisitors generally display a special aura the character soaks the garment completely in holy
when viewed by a power like Soul Sight (Auspex 2). water and prays for two hours, the player makes a
When this ritual is active, however, the character standard roll (difficulty 7). For each success, a char-
registers as any other person; even strong emotions acter wearing this specially prepared cloth is able to
are muted. Once successfully performed, this ritual automatically soak two levels of damage (any type)
stays in effect for one hour per success gained, plus an dealt by any supernatural creature. The protection
additional hour per point of Conviction the player lasts one hour for every success. For example, if the
chooses to spend. player rolls three successes, he is protected for three
hours and may soak up to six levels of damage before
Tears of the Weeping Heart of Abel the ritual wears off.
(Level Three)
The Church uses standard rites to bless water for
Investment of the Lasting Sacrifice
use in holy sacrament, but thanks to the shadow
(Level Five)
Inquisition, a secret, more potent ritual often finds Similar to the Tears of the Weeping Heart of
its way into the blessing. Agents of the Inquisition Abel, this ritual is used to create a permanent ward
deep within the ranks of the Church hierarchy against the powers of Satan in the form of a specially
ensure that each time water is blessed, it passes blessed crucifix. Some believe that supernatural crea-
through their hands briefly so that it may be infused tures are simply repelled by the sight of this holy
with the righteous fury of God and used to cleanse symbol, but the learned know that it is generally the
the Earth of evil. Surely not every drop of holy water faith of the wielder rather than the power of the
has been treated this way, but inquisitors in the field object that actually forces back evil. Those who are
find it useful to be able to create a potent weapon able to perform this ritual, however, can infuse a
that may be used by anyone in the battle against crucifix with divine protection so that it might be of
Satan’s minions. aid to anyone who holds it close.
System: In order to perform this ritual, the System: In order to perform this ritual, the
character must start with water that has already been character must have a crucifix of high quality work-
blessed in the conventional manner. If the character manship. The entire rite must be performed on Holy
intends to perform this himself, he must do so on Ground, and involves fasting for three days and
Holy Ground. The player makes an Intelligence + praying constantly for the strength to fill the symbol
Theology roll (difficulty 6). If this thirty-minute of Christ’s sacrifice with purity and strength. On
prayer and benediction is successful, then the Holy each day, the character may sleep only four hours
Art ritus may proceed. The player spends one point and the player spends two points of Conviction
of Conviction for each vial’s worth of holy water to (which may come from banked points). During
be blessed in this manner (so, for example, a bowl of these three days, the character may also pray to
water that would fill four vials would require the regain Conviction per the standard rules. If the ritual
expenditure of four Conviction), after which time is interrupted, all Conviction spent is lost and the
the character takes another thirty minutes to recite character must start over if the process is to be
special prayers and breathe the power of God into completed. At the end of the third day, the player
the vessel. Upon a successful standard roll (difficulty makes a standard roll (difficulty 8), needing but one
7), the water is blessed in such a way as to cause one success to create this minor holy relic. If the roll fails,

the character may spend one more day to try again System: The player of the afflicted character
(costing the player another two points of Convic- must succeed on a Willpower roll (difficulty 5) in
tion and another roll). A botch, however, indicates order to stay in the presence of anyone not a member
that the ritual was somehow flawed and may not be of the clergy (or the Inquisition). Failure indicates
attempted again on the same crucifix (which was that the character removes herself from the group as
clearly not worthy of God’s grace). quickly as is politely possible, while a botch indicates
The result of this rite is a crucifix that, when held that she bolts for the nearest exit.
out visibly in front of a character, holds demonic Spy’s Bane (Acolyte)
creatures at bay. Fiends repelled in such a manner
Though the Eyes of God are aware that some of
may not come within five feet of the possessor of the
their number suffers from this affliction, they have
relic without spending a Willpower point, and fur-
carefully kept it a secret from the other orders. This
ther, may not directly attack this individual. They
Curse only manifests in the Oculi Dei when they are
can, however, spend an additional Willpower point
fulfilling their calling as the Inquisition’s spies. When
when close enough to attempt to knock the object
the inquisitor is keeping a target under watch, this
out of the character’s hand. This requires a standard
Curse fills him with the urge to leave some small
attack roll (minus one die due to the distraction)
memento, or in some other way leave a “calling card”
opposed by the crucifix holder’s Strength + Faith.
to let the object of his observation know that he is
This object does not inflict any damage, it merely
being watched. This gesture might be a small, subtle
protects against the unholy. Such a crucifix counts as
thing — turning a mirror glass-side up as its owner
a one-dot Holy Relic, should a player wish her
sleeps, moving a dagger a few feet while its owner
character to purchase one with Background points.
isn’t looking or lighting a fire in a chamber’s fireplace
Curses while the occupant is away relieving herself, for
example. Alternatively, the inquisitor might be drawn
Many Curses are held to be blessings in disguise to make a larger statement — a signature symbol
— initially, at least. The Red Order in particular has scratched into a wall, a small wooden cross left on a
the dubious pleasure of celebrating their ambivalently table or even a carefully worded letter informing the
experienced connection to the divine. Other orders observed that he’s being watched. These gestures are
may not even realize that certain burdens they bear not destructive, as the drive to leave them is one of
are directly connected to their Blessings or their pride, not malice. While this Curse has led to Eyes of
service to the Inquisition at all. Some Curses are so God being caught, it has also established those
subtle (or shameful) that inquisitors suffering from uncaught few as legends (and sources of great con-
them never speak of them at all, making the burden cern among those they’re watching).
heavier yet. System: Once per game session, when the ac-
cursed inquisitor is keeping watch on a target, the
Anathemae Storyteller can quietly inform the player that her
The least obvious but among the heaviest suf- character has been overcome by a powerful sense of
fered, the Curses of alienation native to the Oculi pride and ask her to make a Willpower roll (difficulty
Dei seem light initially, but wear down the afflicted 8). If the roll succeeds, the inquisitor successfully
inquisitor’s soul more effectively than nearly any fights off the urge to leave a calling card of some sort.
other type of Curse. If the player fails, the character makes some small
gesture that could let the observed know that he’s
Contagion (Acolyte) being watched. If the player botches, the character
The Eyes of God spend a great deal of solitary makes a grand gesture of some sort. The player
time keeping watch on the forces of Hell. This Curse should determine what his character’s small and
enforces that solitude. Upon gaining this affliction, large gestures are when this Curse is taken and stay
the inquisitor comes to feel that the members of the consistent any time this Curse manifests. It is that
Flock are all deeply and thoroughly tainted with the kind of consistency that creates legends (and even-
corruption of the Adversary. She would prefer to tually comes back to bite the character, of course).
speak to no one but other inquisitors or at least
clergy, and the very thought of physically touching Life of Shadows (Advocate)
a member of the flock fills her with a horror so This Curse dooms its victim to ignominy. An
visceral that she can barely stand the thought. inquisitor who gains this Curse is suddenly very


forgettable. Those who don’t interact with him on a inquisitor knows to be corrupt, doesn’t cause any
regular basis can never remember his name (his discomfort at all; an inquisitor afflicted with this
chapter is immune to this unless he is away for a long Curse could be in a room full of vampires and feel no
time). When in crowds, the character is automati- pain or anxiety whatsoever. Second, if the inquisitor
cally assumed to be an individual of little or no remains hidden and keeps others ignorant of his
consequence. Others forget his name and even his presence, he can be in their presence without suffer-
face. Tavern keepers forget to bring his ale, key ing any ill effects — creating an odd if comforting
figures in his own order forget to inform him of temptation for those whose skills revolve around
important developments, and even family members remaining unseen.
forget about his existence if more than a few months
go by without contact. While the character’s name Maledictio
doesn’t disappear from records or the like, no one is The House of Murnau is felt to be among the
likely to remember to whom the name refers. most cursed orders in the Inquisition,. Among the
System: Charisma and Manipulation are effec- reasons for those feelings are the Curses that the
tively reduced to a rating of one, while Appearance order suffers from that make their interactions with
drops to two when he is dealing with individuals he the supernatural perhaps a bit more ambivalent than
does not know or who have forgotten him. Those the Inquisition would like.
who know the character well will take the longest to
forget him (so his chapter, unless newly formed, Immaculate (Acolyte)
won’t forget him until a number of weeks have Despite its name, which suggests a certain inno-
passed). A week of intense interaction is enough to cence or purity, this affliction is one of the more
keep the character in mind for a while, but the debilitating suffered by the inquisitors of House
character slips from memory as quickly as he enters Murnau. Inquisitors suffering from this curse are
it. A week after parting ways, a new ally totally physically ill in the presence of the enemies of the
forgets the character. This Curse makes the Allies, Lord. Most vomit when they realize, through what-
Contacts, Flock, Influence, Rank and Retainers ever means, that they are in the presence of an actual
Backgrounds very difficult to maintain. supernatural entity, although some other inquisitors
manifest this curse in other ways, including debili-
Sentence of Solitude (Judge) tating ague, stomach cramps, sneezing fits and
This is among the weightiest of all Curses suffered diarrhea. Many, if not most, of the inquisitors from
by members of the Inquisition. It so utterly cuts off the noble house suffer from the ability to sense the
inquisitors from both their flock and their peers that it presence of the supernatural through a foul odor or
alone has driven accursed Eyes of God to despair and other disagreeable sensation. This curse affects them
suicide. The inquisitor suffering from this Curse cannot all the worse for their sensitivity.
bear the company of others. His knowledge (or sup- System: This Curse is not a means of detection
posed knowledge) of their fallen state causes the in any way, but simply a consequence of the
inquisitor such deep emotional and physical pain that inquisitor’s knowledge. Any time the inquisitor be-
the very presence of another makes any kind of rational comes aware of the presence of the supernatural, his
action next to impossible. Most inquisitors experience player rolls Stamina + Self-Control (difficulty 7). If
this pain as an intense headache, though there are some succeeds, the von Murnau chokes back the bile (or
who are overcome by sharp chest pains and shortness of whatever) and carries on with his work. If he fails, he
breath or by waves of debilitating nausea instead. immediately vomits (or becomes otherwise ill from
System: This affliction causes the character to the presence of evil) and suffers a +1 modifier to the
suffer dice pool penalties (as though she were physi- difficulty of all rolls until he leaves the presence of
cally wounded) so long as she is in the presence of the supernatural. If the player botches, the manifes-
others. Just being in the same room as others (or tation of the illness is pronounced and dramatic and
within 40 feet) grants a dice pool penalty of –1. results in a +2 difficulty modifier.
Being within 10 feet of another person increases that
penalty to –2. If another person is one foot away (or Lux Dei (Acolyte)
nearer), the character loses three dice from all dice Most Maledictio result in the Curse’s subject
pools. Two odd exceptions exist to this Curse: First, gaining a vague figurative aura or presence about
the presence of the agents of the Enemy, whom the them. In the case of this Curse, the aura is quite
literal. The inquisitor truly does give off a faint

white, gold or light blue glow. This glow comes from taken with the creature and may make outlandish
the character’s skin and from the eyes, where it is suggestions to the creature (e.g., “I think we could work
brightest, although the character himself cannot see well together,” or “I’ll be happy to assist you so long as
it. The Murnau may want to hide or wrap himself in you refrain from drinking blood while in my presence.”).
heavy robes or otherwise prevent his divine talent
from being made obvious, but very little can be done Friend of Fiends (Judge)
to completely hide the glow. Those who know the When the inquisitor acquires this Curse, it is as
Murnau may only be moderately shocked and horri- though he has suddenly become a known entity, or
fied. Most will be incredibly suspicious at the very even a vaguely friendly entity among the forces of
least, and, more likely, terrified. The social ramifica- the Adversary. At first meeting, demons or vampires
tions of this Curse are extreme. may smile at him as if they know him; in combat,
System: The character glows very faintly (char- they may focus their attention on the inquisitor’s
acters without augmented sense require a successful chapter or allies, and avoid doing any real damage to
Perception + Alertness roll to notice it; the difficulty the inquisitor with this Curse. These behaviors are
is 9 in daylight, 8 at twilight, 7 by torch or firelight hard to miss. In time, it’s highly likely that the others
and 6 in darkness). The glow is not enough to read in the inquisitor’s chapter will become curious, if not
by, although it might prevent other characters from disturbed, at the strange deference the Enemy shows
stumbling around in complete darkness (the von the inquisitor. The inquisitor himself may be plagued
Murnau cannot see his own glow). Alternatively, with doubt at the behavior of his enemies.
the glow could come and go depending on the System: Any supernatural enemy of the
character’s actions at the moment, causing him to inquisitor’s feels a strange attraction, an inexpli-
shine with righteousness when he has done some- cable sense of kinship, to the one burdened by this
thing worthy and dimming out altogether when the Curse. The monster will not use lethal force against
character has suffered a spiritual setback. When the inquisitor unless absolutely forced to do so (or in
present, all Stealth rolls are made at +2 difficulty and frenzy). This doesn’t necessarily always work in the
the agents of Satan are at –2 on their difficulty to inquisitor’s favor. Some fiends may be more inclined
pick the inquisitor out of a crowd, even if he’s heavily to try to make the inquisitor one of their own; others
robed. At the Storyteller’s discretion, this Curse may may kill the inquisitor’s entire chapter and family in
only function in any scene wherein the character has order to free the inquisitor from his unnecessary
used a Legacy. mortal bonds. These behaviors have a curious way of
drawing attention to themselves. The difficulty to
Devil’s Rapture (Advocate) spot them with a Perception + Alertness roll is only
Inquisitors suffering from this affliction are drawn 5. Supernatural creatures themselves have no idea
to agents of the supernatural, not so much to cleanse the why they’re acting as they are; they know only that
world of their evil, but to talk with them. An inquisitor they sense something familiar about the inquisitor
in the thrall of this Curse insists on taking a peaceful and find him a kindred soul whom they would rather
approach to dealing with any creature that is not not harm. This does not mean that the creature will
actively trying to hurt the inquisitor or his associates, trust the inquisitor with its life (or unlife) or that it
sometimes even to the point of selling out his side in will undertake suicidal actions on his behalf; the
hopes of achieving some greater insight into the strat- creature simply sees the inquisitor as a potential
egies of the Enemy at a later date. friend or ally. Servants of the Devil do not always
System: Any time the inquisitor encounters a treat their friends and allies well.
supernatural creature, whether it be vampire, demon,
werewolf or something else, so long as the creature is not Stigmata (Red Order)
actively hostile to the inquisitor, the inquisitor is struck None of the Curses falling on members of the
with a kind of fascination with the creature that can Inquisition is pleasant, but the Red Order, more than
only be broken if the creature takes action against the any other, is both envied and pitied for the obvious
inquisitor. Upon meeting such a creature, the von physical and spiritual nature of their Curses.
Murnau’s player makes a Willpower roll (difficulty 8).
Success indicates that the inquisitor is able to throw off Curse of Salt (Acolyte)
his fascination with the creature, while failure indicates Everything the inquisitor touches takes on an
that he is intent on engaging the creature in conversa- overpowering taste of salt. Any food he touches,
tion, ostensibly to find out more about the Enemy, but whether with his hands or just his teeth and tongue
often just to take perverse delight in the creature’s is, consequently, nearly inedible. Even water tastes
presence. A botch indicates that the inquisitor is utterly like brine (though it’s perfectly drinkable and causes


the inquisitor no ill effects). In a very short time the Savior’s cross — wherever he goes. He’s not actually
afflicted inquisitor is forced to choke down anything dragging anything, of course, but the burden weighs
he eats. Soon the inquisitor becomes weak with upon him all the same. This Curse affects the character
hunger. The Red Brother is usually able to eat only when he’s on foot and moving; if he’s swimming,
enough to keep his strength up, but in many cases, on horseback or sleeping, the burden is lifted — until
it’s a near thing. the character once more sets foot on solid ground.
System: A character suffering from this Curse System: The character feels the burden of the
cannot stand food. The player makes a Willpower cross any time he is running or walking. It restricts
roll against a difficulty of 8 any time the character him to three-quarters of his maximum walking speed
eats. When the character has gone two days without and lowers his effective Stamina by two for purposes
eating, she suffers from a hunger-induced weakness, of endurance only (he retains his full soak pool).
causing a +1 difficulty modifier to all Strength- Furthermore, to reflect the slow reaction speed caused
related rolls. Once the character has gone for four or by his burden, the inquisitor suffers an initiative
more days without eating, hunger takes over and penalty of 2.
forces her to eat, but so long as this Curse is in effect,
the character derives no satisfaction whatsoever Stench of Lazarus (Advocate)
from eating, however good the food. (See also the The Gospel of Luke says that Lazarus rotted in
rules for hunger in Dark Ages: Inquisitor, page 164) his tomb for four long, warm days — filling the cave
with the stench of decay — before the Savior raised
Burden of the Cross (Acolyte) him from the dead. This Curse afflicts the accursed
Unlike most Curses suffered by the Red Order, this character with that exact stench of death, causing
one has no physical manifestation on the inquisitor’s others to hold their noses (or avoid him altogether)
flesh (although some inquisitors do wind up with and attracting those wild animals that have an
mysterious calluses on their shoulders or across their appetite for carrion.
back). That’s little consolation to those inquisitors who System: This Curse has a range of consequences
suffer from this affliction. Upon gaining this Curse, the for the character afflicted with it. The most obvious
Red Brother feels as though he’s dragging a heavy effect is that the character’s Charisma drops to one,
weight — widely assumed to be the weight of the as others can’t stand to be in her presence. Further-

more, the stench attracts animals that feed on car- will give away a coat in the winter, food when he’s
rion: flies, crows, wild dogs, pigs and the like (what already nearly starving, weapons before he’s about to
animals the character attracts, obviously, depends enter battle and the like. The compulsion to do so seems
on the region and time of year). A long, thorough noble and good to the knight suffering from this Curse,
bath followed by a generous anointing with strong and holding on to even the most necessary items
perfume may hide the stench for a few hours, but it (money, weapons) seems to the knight like the most vile
inevitably returns. Those agents of the Adversary greed. While knights traveling with other inquisitors or
with heightened senses (werewolves and vampires close friends may have ways around the consequences of
in particular) will be able to catch the character’s this Curse, a Knight of Acre struck with this Curse while
scent at a distance of one mile (and receive a –3 alone is hard pressed to keep himself from giving away
difficulty to track him) while those with normal so much that he endangers himself.
human olfactory senses can only smell the character System: Any time the character possesses more
from 30 feet away. While those spending long peri- than shirt, breeches and shoes (enough to be de-
ods of time with the inquisitor get used to the smell, cently attired), his player must make a Willpower
it is not uncommon for inquisitors of House Murnau roll (difficulty 6) once per scene to see if he can keep
to initially respond unfavorably to Red Brothers from giving whatever “excess wealth” he owns to the
with this Curse. first person who looks like he might need it. If no
other person needs the knight’s goods more, he
Leper’s Visage (Judge) might leave them in a church or actively go on a
The Savior is known for His miracles, among them quest to find someone seemingly more deserving
the healing of lepers. This Curse is the reverse, or than he. If the character fails his Willpower roll but
seemingly so, of His Grace. Just as Lot suffered pox, the really does not want to give away a particular posses-
inquisitor suffering from this Curse gains the appear- sion (e.g., a powerful holy relic) he may spend a
ance of suffering from advanced leprosy. While the Willpower point to prevent himself from doing so.
character does not actually suffer from leprosy (and thus
cannot spread it), the Curse resembles that disease in Cain’s Blight (Acolyte)
every other way. Others give him a wide berth and are As the Inquisition’s weapon-hand, the Knights
likely to avoid him altogether. of Acre see more than their share of violence and
System: The character afflicted with this Curse bloodshed. Those knights who are struck with this
appears just as if he were suffering from advanced Curse, unfortunately, are never able to rid them-
leprosy (though the damage is just cosmetic). This selves of the sense that they are covered in the blood
causes his Appearance to drop to zero. The character of those they have slain. Even those who have only
may be healed of this Curse if he’s willing to deal with killed the most loathsome enemies of God still find
those who perform witchcraft (or vampires with the themselves pondering whether the fiend they killed
Vicissitude Discipline) but none of the healing abili- might have been turned to the path of the Lord in
ties available to inquisitors will affect this Curse in some way had they been spared. Those knights who
any way. If the character is healed, the healing lasts really have killed unnecessarily are hit hardest by
only until the next time the character becomes this Curse and have a difficult time recovering.
Callous. At the Storyteller’s discretion, the “lep- When the character feels soaked in blood in this
rosy” may come back immediately, but at a rate way, the only thing she’ll be able to think about is
similar to that of the actual disease, slowly creeping washing the blood off. A character who has killed
onto the character’s soft skin: stomach, face, geni- only servants of the Fallen One is likely to feel only
tals, ears and so forth. the need to wash his hands, while an inquisitor who
has killed more than necessary may not only feel
Interdictions sticky and covered in blood, but he may feel that the
The Blessings of the Knights of Acre are some of blood of his victims continues to run down his body.
the most obvious and practical known to the Inqui- System: Once per scene (generally after com-
sition. The Curses of obligation that affect the Knights bat, but as determined by the Storyteller), the player
are obvious and burdensome in equal measure. of a character suffering from this Curse must make a
Willpower roll (difficulty 7). Failure indicates that
True Poverty (Acolyte) the character feels tainted by the blood of those he
Vows of poverty are not to be taken lightly. The has killed and must stop what she is doing and wash
character afflicted by this Curse, however, is unable to the blood away, or suffer a +1 difficulty penalty on all
refrain from giving away all that he owns (with the rolls until he has done so.
exception of the most basic clothing on his back). He


Forsaken (Advocate) the character’s Willpower (difficulty 8) to keep from
The Knights of Acre are famed for their vast falling prey to the righteous anger that wells up
accumulation of relics and holy artifacts. Some of uncontrollably inside him.
the Knights, particularly those who have been serv-
ing the Inquisition the longest, may even be Visitations
accustomed to bearing such items into battle as a It is not always a blessing to see visions, as the
sign of the Lord’s favor. Knights who develop this Sisters of St. John have learned. The Curses affect-
Curse, however, need the sign of God’s favor. If they ing the Sisters are not terribly dissimilar from the
do not have a relic or at least a holy artifact, the holy sight they benefit from, and many Sisters have
Knight is hesitant, possibly even scared, to go into given up trying to distinguish between the two.
battle. The Knight feels certain that the Lord has
withheld his favor, an almost certain indication that Stray Vision (Acolyte)
he will be slain in his next confrontation. Knights so The visions received by the sisters of St. John are
afflicted are likely to evince some most un-knightly often — if not necessarily always — helpful or at
behaviors if confronted with violence: some may run least enlightening to the inquisitor receiving them.
away, some may begin crying, and those who find the At times, however, the visions received are entirely
strength to join the fray are likely to find themselves unrelated to anything playing any part in the sister’s
trembling like children. life. While they may be accurate, they are com-
System: A knight who falls prey to this Curse pletely random and are unlikely to contribute
must have some sacred item in his possession before anything to the sister’s effectiveness in the Inquisi-
he feels comfortable entering battle. If he does not tion. As usual with the visions of the Sisters of St.
have such an item, his Courage is treated as though John, the visions received are of the darker variety:
it were 0 until he gets such an item. A Knight of Acre premonitions of murders about to happen on an-
with a Courage rating of 0 is a sad sight indeed: he other continents, shadowy silhouettes of heinous
avoids battle by any means necessary, regardless of acts that the inquisitor has absolutely no ability to
the toll it takes on others’ respect for him. Should prevent or affect, and other sights likely to impact
circumstances force him to fight, all dice pools the sister’s peace of mind.
pertaining to combat lose two dice due to the knight’s System: Once a day at the Storyteller’s discre-
violent fearful trembling. tion, the inquisitor’s player makes a Willpower roll,
difficulty 8. Failure indicates that the sister falls into
Angel of Wrath (Judge) a prophetic trance for (12 – Willpower) turns, wherein
The tasks of Heaven can weight upon a Knight’s she sees the darkest events going on outside of her
soul so heavily that he loses all ability to discern true sphere of influence. It might be something taking
blasphemy from innocent turns of phrase or other place a hundred miles away or on the other side of the
conversational faux pas. The Knight’s sense of pro- world, but the visions are always grim and take their
priety develops (or his sense of humor degrades) to toll on the viewer.
such an extent that he cannot let pass even the
merest slight to his God, his faith, his church or his Possessed Tongue (Acolyte)
calling without entering into physical combat. The The tongue of the Sister of St. John with this
Knight becomes so sensitive that even common Curse is sometimes not her own. For a few brief
utterances that might be seen as disrespectful are breaths, no more than a handful of sentences, some
interpreted as high offense and responded to with other voice — possibly angelic, possibly demonic,
swift and violent rebuke. The identity of the offend- possibly that of a ghost or other invading spirit —
ing speaker determines the Knight’s exact response: controls her tongue and speaks through her. There’s
while he might pull his sword on another knight and no doubting when this happens as the sister’s voice
challenge him to combat for his temerity and disre- becomes wholly not her own. She may speak in
spect, he can simply make due with slapping an old languages unknown to the sister herself (although in
woman or a child who offends his sensibilities (all such cases she won’t understand her own utterances
the while making it clear that he will not stand to if they are related back to her later). Frequently, the
hear such blasphemy in his presence). content of the words spoken by the sister’s possessed
System: Any time another individual says or tongue takes on a vaguely prophetic tone (“The
does anything that could even vaguely be considered shadows are moving to the south, and not even the
to be taking the Lord’s name in vain, or bears even cross is immune”) though that need not be the case;
the faintest odor of blasphemy, the player must roll it’s equally possible that the utterances are deliber-
ately obscure or simply blasphemous. Regardless of

the content, the Sister does not remember anything Different Sisters have developed different theo-
she says while her tongue is possessed, although if her ries about what these angels are. Some claim they’re
words are related back to her, she may well find that the angels of limbo; others claim they’re fallen an-
she has insights into the invading presence’s mean- gels. Still others claim that they’re simply demons or
ing that others do not have. even witches bedeviling inquisitors. Whatever the
System: Once per day, generally in calm mo- origin, the plague of angels makes it incredibly
ments when the chapter isn’t pressed, the sister’s difficult for the sister to focus. From the perspective
player makes a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If she of those around her, the sister is simply distracted or
fails, she loses control of her tongue and the invading acting bizarrely. Only those who know the unfortu-
force, whatever the Storyteller determines it to be, is nate tendency of the Sisters of St. John to have
free to speak up to five full sentences. visions are likely to give the poor sister the benefit of
the doubt and not automatically assume she’s mad.
Slave to Visions (Advocate) System: The choirs of angels, the shrieking of birds
The Sisters of St. John are known for their visions, and the rustling of wings attend the sister at all times,
but more often than not, they simply have to suffer reminding her simultaneously of Heaven and Hell. All
through them silently. For those Sisters afflicted with Perception rolls are made at +2 difficulty, and the
this Curse, simply seeing the visions isn’t enough. They character suffers an initiative penalty of –3. Further-
feel the need to make the visions clear to those around more, at the Storyteller’s discretion, some larger, more
them through drawing, painting, sculpture or the like. disconcerting manifestation may sometimes occur; these
When the Curse hits, the Sister is overcome by an are more likely to occur in moments of stress or conflict.
overpowering need to make her visions manifest to
others. Until she has done so, she is completely dis-
tracted and cannot function well. In fact, the more time Merits and Flaws
that passes, the less the Sister is capable of doing any- The following Merits and Flaws are additions to
thing else but striving to portray her visions to others. the lists in Dark Ages: Inquisitor (pp. 166-169) and
System: The Sister must recreate the image in Dark Ages: Vampire (pp. 302-310). Merits and
some physical medium: chalk on a wall, ink on vellum, Flaws are entirely optional and simply give you ways
paint on leather or even sculpted in mud or other of adding depth to your characters. A Storyteller
substance. While a full recreation of her vision is likely who feels that Merits and Flaws impair game play is
to take hours to get right, a sister in a hurry can generally free to disallow them any or all of them in her game.
make a passable work in (10 – Crafts/Performance)
turns. The need to externalize her visions grows gradu- Physical
ally stronger. The first three turns after the urge hits, the
sister suffers a +1 penalty to the difficulty of all rolls not Tough as Nails (3-pt. Merit)
pertaining to her showing others her vision. The fol- You come from hardy, thick-skinned stock, or per-
lowing three turns her difficulty penalty is at +2. After haps God has favored you. You shrug off damage easier
that, the sister is so powerfully compelled to let her than most. All soak rolls are made at –1 to the difficulty.
vision out that she is nearly incapable of doing anything Low Pain Threshold (2-pt. Flaw)
else, and her difficulty penalty goes up to +3. While you may have been generously blessed in
A Plague of Angels (Judge) many ways, that is not the case when it comes to
Sounds and sometimes visions of strange birds dealing with physical discomfort. Your pain thresh-
and angels constantly haunt the Sister who has old is extremely low. What others consider a minor
acquired this Curse. The angels she sees are not the pain debilitates you. Although you soak damage
typical white-winged Messengers approved of by the normally, you suffer an additional –1 die pool pen-
Church, but strange angels with an odd look to alty whenever you’re injured (and a –1 penalty even
them: some may be bald, others have no eyes, others at the Bruised level).
may bear some resemblance to animals (which is
very Biblical, at least for the greater angels like the Mental
seraphim). Neither the birds nor the angels speak to Talented Liar (2-pt. Merit)
the Sister, but they land in trees and watch her, they
Others may give themselves away when they lie. A
rustle their wings when she’s trying to listen to other
stammer, a glance at the ground, a quaver in the voice
matters, and they may shriek from time to time or
— they all suggest deceit to the would-be dupe. Not
swoop into her path when she’s trying to focus, run
you. You can tell even brazen lies and make them sound
or perform some difficult task.


entirely truthful. Even old priests have a hard time
discerning when you’re lying. If you’re crafty, you may
even be able to figure out ways around the Endowments
of your fellow inquisitors (not that you’d ever need to).
All rolls to discern whether or not you’re lying are at +2
difficulty. In the case of a really obvious lie, the difficulty
is increased by only 1.
David’s Aim (3-pt. Merit)
Your aim is blessed, like David’s when he let
loose his sling stone against Goliath. Your percep-
tion of distance and understanding of other relevant
factors give you a clear advantage on all ranged
attacks. Double all benefits from aiming (see p. 246
of Dark Ages: Vampire).
Gullible (2-pt. Flaw)
You’re not necessarily stupid, but you are definitely
far too trusting for the world you live in. You expect
others to live according to Scripture just as you do, and
that often makes you a dupe. Even obvious lies sound
plausible to you. Increase by two the difficulty of all rolls
to detect lies or chicanery of any sort.
Insomniac (2-pt. Flaw)
Getting to sleep is hard when you know the sorts of
creatures that are roaming the night, doing the Devil’s
work. Staying asleep is harder. You toss and turn and
can’t sleep at night. Roll Willpower (difficulty 7) every
night before your character goes to sleep. If the roll fails,
you do not sleep; all Perception difficulties increase by
2 the next day. Blessings that keep the character from
sleeping only make this Flaw worse.
Supernaturally Ignorant (3-pt. Flaw)
Your brief taste of inquisitorial life has made you
pretty savvy when it comes to the supernatural — or
so you think. Most of what you think you know is
egregiously wrong. When you find out, for example,
that silver weapons don’t in fact kill vampires, or that
saints’ medals don’t protect you from the spells of
witches (assuming you survive the experience), you’re
likely to assume that it was something unique to that
particular vampire (or witch), not that your “knowl-
edge” was wrong. The player must somehow rid
himself of this Flaw (perhaps by buying Knowledges
such as Occult or Hearth Wisdom, or studying under
an inquisitor with a high Exposure Background rat-
ing) before he can gain any Endowments above the
Acolyte level.

Orthodox (1-pt. Merit)
While others adopt Catholicism with one or two
tiny private changes that make them feel better

about the religion (and might make them heretics in Your past as a Jew (or even a Saracen) is unmistakable
the process), you accept Catholicism entirely on its and comes back to haunt you from time to time. You
own grounds. You are a complete and utter true suffer a +1 difficulty modifier to Social rolls when dealing
believer, happily ignoring any evidence that might with other inquisitors who do not know you. When
give you second thoughts about the Church’s theol- dealing with inquisitors in the grips of Callousness, you
ogy or its earthly hierarchy. The Powers That Be like suffer a +2 difficulty modifier. Their prejudice is likely to
you because you accept as God’s own truth whatever be expressed in surprisingly direct and petty ways.
they tell you. It’s easy to get along when you accept
everything you’re told. All Social rolls pertaining to Supernatural
representatives of the Church are made at –2 diffi-
culty, so long as you do as you’re told and wholly Bitter Blood (1-pt. Merit)
embrace the Catholic Church’s stance on everything. The Lord has made your blood bitter to the foul
tongues of the undead. One taste of your blood and
Arrogant (1-pt. Flaw) a vampire will never feed from you again. There’s
Whether or not you actually think you’re better nothing preventing a vampire from bleeding you just
than others, those around you consistently feel that for the fun of it, of course, but you’re the last vessel
you have a “holier than thou” attitude. You may from which a nightwalker would willingly choose to
phrase things sarcastically too often, or you may drink. A vampire taking even one blood point from
really believe that you are holier than most of those you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) to
you interact with. In any case, you suffer a +1 continue doing so, even if starving. A vampire in
difficulty modifier on all Social rolls made to sway hunger frenzy, however, will drain you drain without
others of equal or lower social stature. This Flaw only batting an eyebrow.
affects the character’s friends and allies, and has no
impact on his dealings with the Enemy. Callous-Sensitive (1-pt. Merit)
You know well that inquisitors aren’t always the
Criminal Past (1-pt. Flaw) paragons of piety that others expect them to be.
While you are currently an honest and highly Furthermore, when other inquisitors have become
devout individual, that has not always been the case. Callous, you can sense it. Roll Perception + Empathy
At some point in the past, you were a known and (difficulty 6) any time the character is in the pres-
violent criminal and may have been a hunted man ence of a Callous cohort. Even one success reveals
for your criminal activities. All Social rolls with who it is who has fallen to Callousness. At the
those who know your criminal history are made at +2 Storyteller’s discretion, more successes may reveal
difficulty. Certain self-righteous clergy, in particu- other information, including the duration of this
lar, will especially eager to bring you to justice should period of Callousness, just how Callous he is (i.e.,
they learn of your past. Those who know you are how much higher his Conviction is than his Piety),
unlikely to ever give you the benefit of the doubt his Impulse and similar details.
unless you have truly proven yourself reformed.
Grace (2-pt. Merit)
Malicious Zealot (2-pt. Flaw) Not only do you take great pride in doing God’s
God-fearing Christians have nothing to fear from work, but you also have the compassion and humanity
you, but you take great delight in causing pain and to avoid the hazards associated with such high levels of
suffering to those who do not follow God. Heretics, Conviction. Your Conviction can be up to two points
witches and those following any faith but strict Ca- higher than your Piety before you show the signs of
tholicism are open targets for you. Anytime you have an Callousness. An inquisitor with this Merit cannot
opportunity to make a heathen suffer in any way, you’re become Callous if her Piety is 8 or higher.
inclined to take it. Make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6)
when the character is in a position to cause pain or Order Prodigy (3-pt. Merit)
suffering to a non-believer; if even one success is rolled, You are perfectly attuned to the wisdom and
the character masters her sadistic streak. Otherwise, she tenets of your order, so much so that your almost
takes the opportunity to torment the victim as sadisti- intuitive grasp of your order’s Endowments prevents
cally as possible. If the character is Callous, the difficulty you from suffering Curses when learning them. Even
of the roll goes up to 8. under difficult or rushed circumstances, you do not
acquire Curses from learning your own order’s En-
Convert (3-pt. Flaw) dowments. Learning the Endowments of other orders,
Although you are Catholic (and quite devout at however, still puts you at risk. Murnau and Red
that), you were originally brought up in another faith. Order characters cannot take this Merit.


Saint’s Conscience (3-pt. Merit) expend a permanent Willpower point to prevent the
Like all Christians struggling with life, you can loss of the group’s accumulated successes.
make mistakes. On occasion, however, in times of
great moral ambiguity, you can pray to God for
Halo (5-pt. Merit)
guidance — and receive it. Once per game session You are blessed, and it’s unmistakable. You have
when the character is in a morally confusing situa- a halo — not a traditional halo of light so much as a
tion, he can pray and get a clear answer directing him divine aura, actually, but it serves you well. Charac-
to one course of action that is the most moral (and ters with this Merit radiate a sense of divine serenity.
has the fewest consequences). Characters may use While it’s possible to take aggressive action against
this Merit to keep themselves from acting in ways such characters, those agents of the Devil who would
that would lead to Callousness or other similarly do so must spend one Willpower point each time
negative outcomes. The Storyteller determines which (i.e., a vampire who insisted on hitting the Haloed
path the character is better off taking and guides him character three turns in a row would need to spend
in that direction. three points of Willpower in order to do so).

Vampiric Recognition (3-pt. Merit) Devil’s Puppet (3-pt. Flaw)

You are well prepared to carry out your inquisi- Demons and other possessing spirits find your body
torial tasks. You can spot a vampire at ten paces. unusually easy to take over and use as their own. Any
There’s something about them that you’ve learned sort of possessing entity, whether it be demons, vam-
to recognize — something to which others seem pires, warlocks or some other creature, has a far easier
oblivious. Maybe it’s a slight metallic odor, or a time taking over your body than another nearby victim.
learned tendency to look at a person’s neck to see if Creatures possessing you do so with a –2 difficulty
there’s a pulse. Whatever the case, you can tell a modifier.
vampire from a mortal with a Perception + Alertness Curse Prone (4-pt. Flaw)
roll (difficulty 7). The Blush of Health Merit or other Some inquisitors are fated to wield great divine
mitigating factors might raise this difficulty, at the power with relatively little burden in their struggles
Storyteller’s discretion. against the Enemy. Others, like you, may gain the
Divinely Favored (4-pt. Merit) advantage of divine power, but it almost always
You are the beneficiary of an extraordinary degree of comes with a heavy price. In addition to whatever
divine grace. While others seem to suffer Curses as some other modifiers may come into play, all rolls related
form of atonement or punishment for their access to to acquiring new Curses (see Dark Ages: Inquisitor,
divine power, you seem to bear that burden lightly, only page 202) are subject to a +2 modifier.
rarely gaining the Curses that befall other inquisitors. In Unlucky (4-pt. Flaw)
addition to whatever other modifiers may come into Given how dedicated you are to doing the work
play, all rolls related to acquiring new Curses (see Dark of God — and the fact that you know He’s watching
Ages: Inquisitor, p. 202) are subject to a –2 modifier. over you — it’s surprising how rarely things go your
Inviolate (4-pt. Merit) way. Every time an opportunity comes along that
Your body is so filled with the Holy Spirit that might let you shine, something comes along to ruin
invading spirits cannot worm their way in. You it. Once per game session, the Storyteller should
cannot be possessed by demons, ghosts, vampires, increase the difficult of a critical roll you make by
witches or any other creature. This Merit only pro- two. If you fail the roll, it’s due to some random
tects from Dominate 5 (Vessel); all other applications element of bad luck (your knee buckling just as you
of the Dominate Discipline work normally. draw your sword, for example).

Gifted Exorcist (5-pt. Merit) Spiritual Cripple (5-pt. Flaw)

You have a talent for forcing demons and other Despite your great Conviction and devotion to
possessing spirits out of physical bodies that do not God and the Church, you are still challenged to gain
belong to them. You are probably well known and a higher understanding of a particular Superior Vir-
highly sought after for your abilities in this context. The tue. One of the three Superior Virtues — pick which
difficulty of all exorcism rolls (see the Holy Rite of one at character creation — is completely beyond
Exorcism in Dark Ages: Inquisitor, p. 195) decreases your understanding. You may be too lazy to develop
by three. Furthermore, if conducting the exorcism in Zeal, too headstrong to develop Wisdom or too jaded
conjunction with other inquisitors and one of them to develop Faith, but regardless of the cause, you
botches, you may take the burden upon yourself and cannot acquire that Superior Virtue.

Chapter Four:
Soldiers of
God, Servants
of Hell
Evil enters like a needle
and spreads like an oak tree.
— Ethiopian proverb

The Lord moves in mysterious ways. Unfortunately, so do the enemies of the

Lord. Those who would stand against the forces of the Enemy must be prepared
to face foes wily as well as brutal, subtle as well as bloodthirsty.

Development of the Inquisitorial Cell

It is no simple task to take on: the mission of defending the soul of mankind
from the depredations of foul and inhuman enemies. Fortunately, those coura-
geous individuals who accept that mission need not fight alone.
Training Cells these horrifying wretches. If the cell passes through
this initial training stage with all its members intact,
In most cases, the first cell an inquisitor belongs
it moves on to the next stage of controlled field
to consists entirely of other members of her own
training. From there, it goes to its first supervised
order. The three clerical orders of the shadow Inqui-
mission, generally a minor investigation.
sition — the Poor Knights, the Red Order, and the
Sisters of St. John — all prefer to train their newest Newly recruited von Murnau inquisitors re-
inquisitorial recruits in the relatively disciplined ceive much the same training in recognition and
diagnosis, bolstering their instinctive detection
environment of their own monasteries and abbeys.
These originating cells are usually single-gender capabilities. They are rarely divided into cells in
(Red Brothers and Red Sisters are not permitted to order to obtain this instruction. Rather, indi-
vidual von Murnau recruits are taken under the
fraternize with each other at this stage and are also
divided into single-gender cells). They are relatively wing of older and more experienced members of
small, generally numbering about four members to- the family, often the same “godparent” who teaches
them how to control their manifestation of the
tal, with a senior inquisitor overseeing the cell as
teacher and advocate. von Murnau curse to begin with.
At this point, the cell receives its basic instruc- Teaching a young von Murnau the ropes is often a
tion in the methods of recognizing and accurately less arduous task than instructing other new inquisitors,
simply because the von Murnau have fewer issues of
diagnosing the many different forms of supernatural
contagion afflicting the body of Christendom. In personal denial to overcome; they are, after all, aware of
many cases, this training period is extremely psycho- the existence of the supernatural from the time of their
Curse’s manifestation. They usually have less difficulty
logically jarring to the young inquisitor, who has to
come to accept the depth of danger that humanity comprehending precisely how bad the situation really
and the Church faces on more than just an intellec- is. Once this training period is complete, von Murnau
inquisitors are assigned to their cells by the official
tual basis. Often, young inquisitors are exposed to
enemy captives in tightly controlled circumstances, liaison, Otto von Murnau, who spends much of his time
permitted to examine the physical signs of super- handling the requests of the clerical orders for his
family’s assistance and placing his relatives according to
natural affliction, and, in some instances, to speak to
their degree of personal skill and sensitivity. Von Murnau
SUCCESS AND FAILURE inquisitors are often placed with a just-formed same sex/

= ot every training cell survives the initial same order clerical cell in order to further train with
training process and exposure intact, them and to allow bonds of fellowship to develop
nor every young inquisitor. Individual inquisitors among those who must trust one another with their
and individual cells, no matter how promising, lives.
sometimes fail the initial tests of faith and sense Stationary Oculi Dei cells form when the most
they’re put to before they even reach the field. In senior Eye in the area begins recruiting from among the
such cases, the cell is disbanded and the individu- likely prospects, calling the cell together for the first
als that comprised it are separately evaluated by time to learn the recognition codes and communica-
their superior and the local Council of Faith. tion points that the cell’s members use. The most senior
Those young inquisitors that are judged to have Eye also gives the Eyes under his command what
passed the initial training are assigned to a new training they receive in the methods of recognizing
cell to begin their field training. Those inquisi- supernatural creatures, their haunts, and their hunting
tors that are judged to have failed are sent back to habits. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Oculi Dei tend to
enclosure to consider why they failed. Since the have the highest degree of pre-existing recognition and
Inquisition is a young organization and loath to experience with supernatural forces after the von
waste any resource, no matter how potentially Murnau; their cells tend to require proportionally less
flawed, such individuals are often given the op- training in this regard than the clerical orders, who
portunity to mend their errors and try again in often possess superior theoretical knowledge to start but
another cell. If the individual consistently fails, less direct experience. Otherwise, stationary Oculi Dei
however, they are assigned to a permanent sup- are the most secretive of all the cells, often single order
port position within their monastery or abbey, but of both genders from the onset; in many cases, they
and are never permitted to risk their own lives or are actively discouraged from trusting each other or
those of others in the field. even their fellow inquisitors, taught to regard everyone


they meet with a jaundiced eye. Itinerant Oculi Dei are reach this stage are usually only disbanded if the
often assigned to mobile inquisitor cells traveling into conflicts within them are completely irreconcilable;
areas with which they are personally familiar. They stay even then, the same-gender cells are usually left
with those cells until the mission is complete. intact, merely separated from immediate contact
Once inquisitors have proven themselves ca- with their sibling cell.
pable within a single order cell, those training cells Leadership within a cell is often a complicated
are often folded together with members of the other matter, simply because of the political and interper-
orders, lay and clerical, though they remain single sonal issues involved. In single order cells, particularly
gender at the beginning. Once the cell’s ability to the clerical cells, the issue of leadership is fairly
function as a unit is established, the single gender straightforward — the most senior Poor Knight, Red
cells are often introduced to a brother or sister cell, Brother or Sister, or Holy Sister is the official leader
whose members are thereafter both required and and represents the cell to their superior within the
encouraged to work together, occasionally to the abbey and to the local Council of Faith. The leader
extent that the two smaller cells become one large that results from this expediency may be weak or may
multi-order, dual-gender cell. This is a point where yield practical leadership to another in the field, but
natural friction tends to develop and resolve itself the proprieties of clerical rank are at least honored if
according to the personalities involved. Cells that not always observed.


B ome inquisitors rise and fall more quickly

than others. The reasons for this are as
widely varied as the inquisitors themselves.
lives — the lives of fellow inquisitors judged insuf-
ficiently pious, the lives of innocents judged not
innocent enough, the lives and souls of those that
Some inquisitors are immensely politically could be saved, but who aren’t thanks to
capable, working the ranks with skill and ambi- uncompassionate judgments. Many of these in-
tion and climbing the ladder of authority quickly. quisitors are actually officially disciplined; the vast
Such individuals rarely stay at the level of the majority of them burn out, breaking their own
field for long, remaining with their cell only long minds before they lose their faith, forced from
enough to claw out a place on a Council of Faith active duty by their own orders and the Councils
— or as an assistant to a member of the Council of Faith.
of Faith. Piety is rarely much of an issue with such At the opposite extreme are those inquisitors
individuals, as it isn’t faith that motivates them whose faith in God increases at the expense of their
or even service per se, but the construction and faith in the good works of the Inquisition itself.
maintenance of the inquisition itself. Once in a Compassion for the sick and suffering is one of the
position of power, these individuals rarely, if fundamental tenets of Christianity, and often the
ever, lose that position since they rarely do any- trait in shortest supply among the agents of the
thing that could cost them personally. They also shadow Inquisition. Those inquisitors who find
tend to stagnate in their personal spiritual devel- pity and Christian mercy in their hearts for the
opment even as their political power increases. wretched servants of the Enemy and, in some cases,
Some inquisitors make a great show of despis- for the Enemy itself, often find their taste for the
ing temporal power within the structure of the hunt itself dying as their faith in a truly merciful
inquisition, concentrating solely on their rela- God increases. Some of these inquisitors voluntar-
tionship with God and the struggle against the ily withdraw from active duty in the field, preferring
Enemy. Such individuals run an entirely differ- to retreat into the enclosure of their communities
ent set of risks. Yes, the strength of their to contemplate God more fully and sustain the
communion with the divine armors them in holy efforts of their fellows from a support position.
light, but those blessings also tend to alienate Others remain in the field, acting as the con-
them from their fellow inquisitors and from their science of the inquisition while in the heat of the
own humanity, as well. Extraordinarily driven struggle, reminding their colleagues that were Lu-
inquisitors rapidly grow callous and unfeeling, cifer himself to crave forgiveness of his sins, God
intolerant of human foibles and weaknesses, cold would grant it. Final judgment lies in the hands of
in heart if righteous of soul. This failing can cost the Most High, not the flawed hands of men.

In a mixed cell, the issue becomes more com- revolting mess of politics and backbiting when some
plex. In such cases, the most senior inquisitor involved sitting member of the Council of Faith wants his
in the cell might not be a cleric at all. Friction of favorite nephew assigned to a prestigious cell with
varying degrees of severity can easily result, but the the intent of placing him in command, or if a newly
successful resolution of such personality conflicts minted von Murnau can’t stomach taking orders
can actually strengthen a cell in the end. Leadership from an Oculi Dei who outstrips him in experience
does not always come to rest in the hands of the most but not social rank. If a leadership issue has arisen
pious member of the cell, nor into the most senior of due to the imposition of a member unsuited to the
the cell’s clerical members, nor the noble-born von cell’s original structure, the cell has some recourse.
Murnau; instead, it typically comes to the most They may apply to the local Council of Faith for
capable resource manager, or preferably the man (or redress of the problem, citing any difficulties that
woman) most endowed with common sense or care might arise from the new leadership as reason for his
for his fellows. or her removal from that position. Interpersonal
difficulties are often given somewhat more time to
Evolving and Devolving Cells resolve themselves before the local Council of Faith
Cells often evolve in capabilities and support by is forced to take action. Those Councils will not,
the quality of their own actions. Successful encoun- however, hesitate to disband a cell and reassign its
ters with the Enemy, a high rate of discovery, members if they consistently fail to place their mis-
experience and survival: all attract positive atten- sion above their petty personal squabbles.
tion from the Councils of Faith and monastic
superiors. Successful inquisitorial cells are rarely Outside the Orders
promoted entirely out of the field, but they often
Not everyone who heeds the call of God to
become “teaching cells” when they have returned to
defend His children from the creatures of the Enemy
their chapter-houses or safe-houses, taking in younger
has the advantage of living within the aid and
and less experienced inquisitors to train up as the
comfort of the inquisitorial orders. The men and
leaders of new cells. Similarly, the Councils of Faith
women of the Poor Knights, the Order of St.
are loath to disband successful cells, even if indi-
Theodosius, the Holy Sisters of St. John, and the
vidual members of those cells might be needed (or
Oculi Dei are beloved of God and protected and
requested) elsewhere. In rare cases, a particular mem-
nurtured by the holy gifts of the divine. The hunters
ber of a successful cell might be temporarily
of the House of Murnau, despite the terrible afflic-
“detached” and sent on a separate mission while the
tion of their curse, have not permitted their burden
cell is enclosed in a teaching capacity, but that
to turn them away from the love of God, nor to deny
individual is usually reunited with her original cell
His blessings.
before it returns to the field. It is the current ten-
dency of the shadow Inquisition to allow successful They are not alone.
cells to persist in their field duties as long as possible Even within the five orders of the inquisition,
before pulling them from active duty to teach. many do not — and, in all likelihood, will never —
Cells can just as easily devolve if the personali- experience the direct touch of God. Four of every
ties involved are constantly at loggerheads, or if they five Sisters of St. John have never felt the Holy Sight
consistently fail to achieve measurable results in the grip them in waves of sudden, terrible knowledge.
fight against the Enemy. Such cells are rarely permit- More than half of the Poor Knights and the Red
ted to persist in mediocrity for long, and are often Brethren have never experienced the rush of divine
disbanded by the local Council of Faith. The mem- strength and speed on the field of battle, have never
bers are either remanded back to their orders for called down God’s holy fire to smite the creatures of
additional training, or reassigned to other cells in the the Enemy. Some lines of the von Murnau family
hope that they will learn and correct their behavior have entirely escaped the scourge of the curse, but
in more congenial company. still feel the need to serve.
Cells can also devolve when leadership issues It takes vast courage to face the creatures of the
cannot be resolved constructively, or if leadership is dark armed only with human strength, human wit,
imposed on a strong pre-existing cell in an arbitrary and human skill. The five orders of the inquisition
(or politically motivated) manner. The Inquisition, are not alone in their exposure to and experience
like every other aspect of the Church, can become a with the unnatural things stalking the cities and
country roads of Christendom by day and night.


Countless individual men and woman of the cloth, established orders follows much the same pattern as
men and women of humble means or the highest a recruit of the Oculi Dei. They must attract the
birth, have witnessed things that have sent them to attention of a member of the shadow Inquisition or
their confessors in fear and galvanized their need to a cell of its operatives in some way, usually by
act in defense of themselves, those they love, and possessing beliefs or fears that set them apart from
their people as a whole. Such individuals are quietly the ordinary run of superstitious humanity, or dis-
sought after by the members of the shadow Inquisi- play some sort of experience or knowledge as a result
tion and aggressively recruited wherever they are of contact with the supernatural. An investigation
discovered. The shadow Inquisition needs the pas- follows, in which the Inquisition ascertains that this
sion and courage of such individuals: their knowledge, familiarity does not derive from a close association
experience, and basic humanity diversify its ranks with unclean forces or supernatural associations of
and remind it of why it exists at all. an ungodly nature. Only after this fact is ascertained
Obtaining membership in the shadow Inquisi- is the future inquisitor approached, either by the cell
tion for one not already enclosed within one of the that discovered them or by a designated agent of the


C he shadow Inquisition has a marked pref

erence for recruiting agents from among
the secular and monastic clergy, though they will
The shadow Inquisition has also achieved
some penetration into each of the largest monas-
tic foundations of the era. It has enjoyed the
not turn away anyone who displays a genuine largest degree of success recruiting among the
desire to serve God in the war against the Enemy. Benedictine monks and nuns, whose militancy in
This includes some of the former servants of the the service of the shadow Inquisition is almost
Enemy, human minions twisted by supernatural frightening to behold, but also enjoys the advan-
forces but returned to sanity and grace by the tages that the Cluniacs, Cistercians, Augustinians,
efforts of the Inquisition itself. and numerous other monastic foundations bring
The Hospital of St. Dymphna, jointly oper- to the cause. It has fared somewhat less well when
ated by a cell of Red Sisters and Sisters of St. it comes to recruiting among the newly formed
John, has produced a number of such recruits, Mendicant Orders. Only a handful of Franciscans
recovered victims of the supernatural who have have come to the service of the Inquisition and
replaced the lust they felt for their captors and even fewer Dominicans — a serious blow that they
masters with an equally heated desire to redeem would dearly like to rectify.
themselves in the eyes of the Lord. Such indi- The Dominicans as an order are immensely
viduals are accepted somewhat warily by most attractive to the shadow Inquisition, simply because
cells and watched closely for recidivistic be- they are already doing much of the same work. The
havior when they come into contact again with Dominicans, along with support from the Benedictine
the supernatural; if they display it, they are Order, are actively engaged in the inquisitorial effort
often put down without further mercy. against heretics in the Languedoc, pulling out heresy
The secular clergy are also heartily sought and destroying it, root and branch. To do so, the
after, due primarily to the fact that they live “in Dominicans have made themselves one of the most
the world” and are often witness to events that profoundly well-educated intellectual orders in
their monastic counterparts are not. Moreover, Christendom. That intellectual power is sorely needed
after the inquisitorial monastic orders, the secular in the shadow Inquisition, where the line between
clerical inquisitors are the most consistently liter- heretical belief and supernatural compulsion is some-
ate and well-educated segment of the shadow times heavily blurred. If they could, the shadow
Inquisition. This body of individuals contains Inquisition would recruit the Dominican Order
prelates of all levels of sanctity, from bishops to wholesale. Caution behooves them to move care-
parish priests, ordained canons to lay brothers and fully and slowly, however, approaching only those
sisters, clerks in minor orders studying at the Dominicans whose experiences have led them to
secular universities to beguines seeking charity suspect that there may be more than simple error and
for the poor. ingrained heresy at work in the Languedoc.

local Council of Faith. They are questioned closely
about the origins of their beliefs, the nature of their
fears and convictions, and their measure is taken
with regards to their personal piety and the ortho-
doxy of their faith. Once this is done, the cell reports
to the Council of Faith. If that Council is pleased by
what the inquisitors have uncovered, the prospec-
tive recruit is approached and initiated into the
shadow Inquisition.
The shadow Inquisition actively searches among
both secular and monastic religious orders for prospec-
tive recruits. It has found individuals at every level of
religious life that have fit the needs of the shadow
Inquisition. Likewise, it has sought and found those
members of the nobility — high and low — whose
personal experiences have jarred them from the com-
fort of their lives and led them back down, or further
along, the road of genuine piety, service and protection
of their fellow men. Those of humble birth have also
found their way into the embrace of the shadow Inqui-
sition and found there those willing to believe and trust
in them, who will not discount their experiences nor
deride their station.
Once recruited fully, such individuals are trained
in a slightly different fashion than other inquisitors,
depending on the nature of their position. Clerical
recruits, both sacred and secular, often have a slightly
easier time of the training process simply because the
Inquisition has a much readier and more constant
means of access to them. The local Council of Faith
often quietly pulls strings in order to have an inquisi-
tor tutor inserted into the staff of the cathedral or
monastery to which the recruit belongs. Sometimes
this tutor is another cleric — a monk, an ordained
priest or a clerk in minor orders; sometimes this tutor
presents him or herself as a lay brother or sister, a
servant, or other support staff for hire.
The education of the clerical recruit is con-
ducted more slowly and in a more personalized
manner than is common even for the monastic
inquisitorial orders. Noble-born recruits often take
their tutor into their household as a confessor or
chaplain. If their household does not support such an
individual, they find their tutor taking up residence
as the keeper of a local parish church or as a new
member of staff in the local cathedral chapter. This
is also true for the vast bulk of commoner recruits,
who often spend a good deal more time in confession
than they used to. Alternatively, they may claim to
be assisting the parish priest in tending the garden,
the village green, or the parish flocks.


Among such individuals, secrecy is heavily
stressed for the duration of the training period and
for a substantial length of time afterwards. The depth CHARACTER CREATION PROCESS
of need in the area determines membership in an Character creation for an un-empow-
inquisitorial cell. Such recruits are usually assigned ered Inquisitor follows the same guidelines as
to pre-existing stationary cells rather than becoming standard, with a few minor modifications.
the nucleus of a new cell, unless the situation is both • Step One: Character Concept
extreme and highly dangerous. In such cases, a cell of Choose concept, Nature, and De-
experienced inquisitors is summoned to the area and meanor. The character may be a member
the new recruit becomes one of its members, the of one of the five orders or may simply be a
local specialist on the scene. member of the Inquisition, at the player’s
In the event of the absence of a local Council of option. Un-empowered characters do not
Faith, as is often the case in certain areas in Hungary have Impulses.
and the rest of the lands in the east, inquisitorial cells
• Step Two: Select Attributes
have been known to recruit first and crave permis-
sion to do so later. Given the Inquisition’s general Choose primary, secondary, and tertiary
failure to penetrate the unholy East with anything Attributes, one point in each Attribute, and
resembling consistent success, this tendency is strenu- spread 6/4/3 points among them.
ously frowned upon by more conservative Councils • Step Three: Select Abilities
of Faith and silently applauded by more zealous ones. Choose primary, secondary, and ter-
This is not, however, a standard or widely accepted tiary Abilities and distribute 11/7/4 dots
behavior of the part of inquisitorial cells. Whether or among them. No Ability can have more
not success results from the effort, it must usually be than three dots at this stage. All Inquisi-
answered for before a Council of Faith and the new tors must possess at least Theology 1;
recruit formally assessed afterwards. If the recruit Linguistics 1 (Latin) is recommended, as
does not meet the standards of the Council of Faith most official communications are written
examining him or her, they are often “retired” from in this language and many common In-
active duty in the shadow Inquisition — usually quisitor recognition codes are spoken in it.
being pressured into entering holy orders within one
of the monastic foundations of the shadow Inquisi- • Step Four: Select Advantages
tion and kept under strict supervision. The cell that Distribute 5 dots among Backgrounds,
recruited the unsuitable individual is punished, usu- 7 dots among the Basic Virtues.
ally by suspension from their duties, followed by a • Step Five: Finishing Touches
lengthy stint enclosed at the nearest monastery to Starting Conviction is 1. Maximum
consider their misdeeds. Whether or not they will be Conviction is 3. Un-empowered charac-
allowed into the field again depends entirely upon ters cannot become Callous and therefore
the judgment of the local Council of Faith and the do not have Piety ratings. Starting Will-
needs of the region. power is equal to starting Courage. Spend
Special Cases 21 bonus points. At the discretion of the
Suppose a player wants to create a character who Storyteller, the character may purchase
belongs to two orders at once? Some combinations one Orison for 5 bonus points.
aren’t possible (for instance, no woman would be BONUS POINT COSTS
permitted to be both a Sister of Saint John and a Red • Attributes: 5 bonus points per dot
Sister, nor a man belong to both the Knights of Acre
• Abilities: 2 bonus points per dot
and the Order of St. Theodosius) but most are. For
instance, the opening fiction to this very book fea- • Ability Specialties (maximum three
tures a character who is a Red Sister, but is born of per specialty): 1 bonus point each
the House of Murnau and exhibits its curse. Like- • Backgrounds: 1 bonus point per dot
wise, the ever-adaptable Oculi Dei would very likely • Virtues: 2 bonus points per dot
be willing to take a member of one of the other orders • Willpower: 1 bonus point per dot
into their ranks. How should this be handled from a
Storytelling and game mechanics perspective?

From a Storytelling perspective, dual-order darkness threatens the lesser creatures of the night,
characters aren’t really any problem at all. In- after all, and an inquisitor can make a fine shield or
quisitor characters aren’t defined by their orders weapon to use against those forces. Similarly, a lesser
in anything like the same way that vampires are monster can often be used to lead a canny inquisitor
defined by their clans. As long as the choice of cell to its master. No formal agreements of any type
orders makes sense and doesn’t put the character exist between the Inquisition and any soul-devour-
in the position of having to live under conflicting ing Enemy, singular or collective; more often than
Rules (which is why characters can’t join more not, any arrangements that arise are short-lived,
than one of the clerical orders), there’s no reason tactical, and destined to end badly for one or more of
why such characters aren’t permissible. the involved parties.
The only game mechanics to be truly affected by Vampires
a character who belongs to two orders are those
The Inquisition has had more regular aggres-
involving Blessings. For instance, consider a charac-
sive contact with the children of Caine than any
ter who is both Red Order and Oculi Dei: Should the
other supernatural menace abroad in the night. In
player choose between a Benediction and the order
general, inquisitors tend to have a sound grasp on
benefit of blackmail material, or between the Holy
the weaknesses of the undead and the most effec-
Art and the order benefit of free Exposure?
tive weapons for dispatching them. Many of the
The answer is, “Any of the above.” Not every more senior inquisitors also know how to go about
member of the Inquisition has Blessings, and not capturing one of the nighthunters for questioning;
every inquisitor benefits from their orders in the experience has taught the inquisition that where
same ways. The choice between a Blessing and an one blood-drinker appears, there’s almost invari-
order benefit is in place for players’ characters ably a nest of the vermin.
because, as the protagonists of your chronicle,
On those (rare) occasions that the inquisition is
they are assumed to be “a cut above” the rank and
not interested in immediately creating a pile of
file of the Inquisition.
ashes, the philosophical bent of the Cainite heavily
With that in mind, the rules put forth in Dark colors the interaction. Cainites walking the Road of
Ages: Inquisitor do not have to be hard-and-fast Heaven, in particular, tend to generate a tremen-
indicators of what the characters are capable of dously conflicted reaction among inquisitors. The
(rules for creating un-empowered inquisitors, you pure piety that resides in many of these vampires can
probably noticed, have already been presented here). sometimes drive even the von Murnau sense for evil
Indeed, you may feel free to stretch the “rules” even haywire — is a creature truly damned if he still fears
further. Suppose you envision playing a Knight of God, bends knee to Jesus Christ as the source of his
Acre who, far from being a canny warrior, specializes soul’s salvation, and requests confession and the Last
in aiding weary pilgrims and easing their pain after Rites before he’s destroyed? Even the less humane
long journeys. You might well feel that the Gift of followers of this road at least exude an aura of
Second Sight Benediction (p. 177 of Dark Ages: profound holiness, of near-divinity in some cases,
Inquisitor) is more appropriate than any of the that can cause them to be mistaken for angels long
Investitures. Likewise, a player of an Oculus who enough to effect an escape or confuse a group of
made a study of maleficium as a Dominican monk inexperienced inquisitors into aiding some plot.
might feel that the Faith application of the Divine
Similarly, Cainites following the Road of Sin
Light Benediction (see p. 102) is more appropriate
often tend to have a decidedly mind-altering effect
than the Wisdom-based aspect of that Endowment.
on even experienced inquisitors, much less neo-
In both of these cases, the Storyteller is encouraged
phytes. The walkers on the Paths of Desire possess an
to bend the rules to fit the character concepts, rather
exquisitely refined understanding of want, the deep
than bending concepts to fit the rules.
needs of heart and mind, soul and flesh, that drive
In the Company of Monsters both men and monsters. Canny Sinners avoid con-
tact with the Inquisition when they can, but they do
Not every encounter an inquisitor has with the not necessarily fear to cross blades with the Soldiers
supernatural is necessarily hostile. On some rare of Christ when other options fail. Everyone has a
occasions, the Soldiers of Christ and the minions of deep-held, unfulfilled need, after all, and that is a
the Enemy may very well find themselves at least weapon of terrible power.
allies of convenience, if not comrades in arms. Greater


Those Cainites who cling to their humanity from more intellectually inclined inquisitors. Even
often have the hardest row to hoe when it comes the Red Order assumes that most werewolves are
to dealing with the Inquisition. The mere appear- possessed at best, active and malicious demoniacs at
ance of humanity, the tendency to dwell closely worst, but the thought that such creatures have a sort
among mortals and ape their behavior as though of observable social interaction intrigues many natu-
still human, and even genuinely humane actions ralist inquisitors.
are often insufficient to really recommend a vam- As far as most Garou are concerned, the Red
pire to an inquisitor. No matter how humane a Brethren and their fellow inquisitors know just
vampire might appear, in the final analysis she is enough to be dangerous — and what they know
still a blood-drinking monster. It often behooves implies a great deal of ignorance. Loose lips from
a Prodigal Cainite to simply keep her head down someone’s disgruntled kin in the Schwarzwald are
and hope to be overlooked. currently being blamed for the sudden spike of in-
Similarly, the over-proud Scions often find all quisitorial interest in the affairs of the Ten Tribes.
their power and wealth availing them little when Currently, no consensus exists among the tribes as to
faced with an inquisitor who knows what they are what to do about the inquisitors or if, indeed, any-
and how they can die. If there’s anything an inquisi- thing should be done at all; the inquisitors, after all,
tor despises more than a vampire who pretends to be are as fond of making war on the Leeches and the
human, it’s a vampire who expects their flock to other minions of the Wyrm as the Garou themselves.
bend knee and offer homage. For humans, they appear to be rather good at it.
Perhaps predictably, the followers of the Road of The Warders of Men and those members of the
the Beast and the Inquisition have thus far had very Ten Tribes who still incline toward their Christian
little real contact with one another. What little has faith seem to believe that the Inquisition can be a
occurred is mostly individual Ferals crossing the useful tool, if guided against the traditional foes of
paths of traveling cells, with both sides jumping back the Garou. Those tribes who still bear a grudge
and yelping, “What was that?!” Feral vampires, to against the Church for its part in the taming of the
most inquisitors, are functionally indistinguishable world’s wild places and the destruction of its older
from werewolves and other shape-changing minions faiths consider it their duty to put down individual
of the Enemy; conversation is not often a strong inquisitors and even whole cells when the opportu-
point between them, though bloodshed often is. nity to do so presents itself. Rarely, if ever, do
naturalist inquisitors hoping to learn more about the
Werewolves were-beasts manage to return from their research
The Inquisition possesses little practical knowl- jaunts completely unscathed.
edge about the complexities of Garou culture. Some
Theodosians who have spent time in the field re- Mages
searching the phenomena of nature, as well as The practice of magic is anathema in the eyes of
supernature, have postulated that werewolves may the Inquisition — even its own arcane scholars, the
behave in a manner similar to the ordinary beasts Red Order, do not claim to “practice magic” so much
they so closely resemble. Certain Theodosian schol- as call down the glory of the Lord in extremely
ars, operating mostly in the vicinity of the tangible, potentially destructive form. It is the stan-
Schwarzwald, have put forth the notion that dard belief of inquisitors in general that sorcerers,
werewolves run in packs rather than existing as the witches, wizards, and all the diverse breed of en-
solitary predators so many inquisitors seem to en- chanters and magicians are either frauds, deranged,
counter. They theorize that the wolfmen may mate or the servants of Hell, having sold their immortal
with a variety of different breeding stock (a horrify- souls for the power to twist the world to suit their
ing notion in and of itself) in order to produce young whims.
separate from any supernatural rites, and are possibly The mages are in a dreadful position when it
immortal as a result of being part-beast and part- comes to interacting with the agents of the Inquisi-
man. While this flies in the face of the standard tion. While some mages — particularly the Messianic
belief that were-beasts have sold their souls for the Voices, whose membership is deeply entrenched
gift of shape-shifting, it’s also not the strangest within the structure of the Church — find the
theory that the Red Brethren have ever floated. It inquisitors relatively simple to work around due to
has therefore received a minor amount of attention certain shared beliefs, other Fellowships seem to run

afoul of them at every juncture. In particular, the The fae have their own concerns, most of which
Valdaermen, the Old Faith, and the Spirit-Talkers are so arcane and inimical to the Inquisition that the
have all enjoyed particularly unpleasant encounters organization wouldn’t even try to understand them.
with suspiciously well-informed inquisitorial cells in The fae have only recently begun taking an interest
the recent past, a circumstance that leads them to in human affairs as whole again after several centu-
suspect Messianic Voice collusion in the formation ries of reticence (ironically, it was a member of the
and leadership of the Inquisition. These fears may Red Order that attracted their attention; see Dark
have some level of validity, but if they do, even the Ages: Fae for more information). Now that the fae
Inquisition itself hasn’t fully uncovered that truth. are looking to humans and wondering why many of
The Order of Hermes has done a fairly decent the old oaths aren’t being followed, conflict between
job of drawing unfriendly attention to itself thanks the Fair Folk and the Inquisition will almost assur-
to the collateral damage of its long-running feud edly become more common to the detriment of both.
with the vampire wizards of House Tremere and the
fallout from its own internal struggles. Amusingly Antagonists
enough, only the Batini have thus far avoided feeling The servants of Hell come in many forms, both
any trace of the Inquisitorial lash; that is principally fair and foul. Many have sold their souls for power, or
because the Inquisition has only the most nominal at least give every appearance of having done so.
presence in the centers of Batini power. Only the Many possess the ability to twist the minds and souls
Poor Knights of the Cross of the Passion of Acre of men to do their bidding. Below is a selection of the
possess genuine holdings in the Holy Land, in the more infamous (and unknown) enemies that the
form of the Fortress of the Cross on Cyprus, and the Inquisition has faced.
gradually failing health of Grandmaster Gauthier de
Dampiere is consuming much of that outpost’s at- Byleth
tention at present. If the Batini continue as they Before his Fall from Grace, the demon now
always have, subtly, there is every chance that they known as Byleth was a creature of wave and water,
and the Inquisition will continue coexisting peace- the embodiment of the ocean’s caress of the shore,
fully in mutual ignorance until Hell freezes over. the endless motion of joining and retreat, constantly
repeated. He was a being of joy and passion, of
Fae exultation and pleasure, and his greatest ecstasy
Opinion is divided among most inquisitors with came from flitting unseen around those who did not
regard to the fae. The average inquisitor isn’t en- fear the sea’s pounding waves but went fearlessly
tirely certain that such things exist; even the average among them, swimming and bathing in his waters,
von Murnau, whose awareness of such things is dancing and loving at the junction of sea and land
generally much more acute, is not entirely certain where he made his home. Why he chose to Fall is a
that the Fair Folk aren’t just genuine creatures of mystery known only to himself; in the end, he was
legend. The entire notion of the fae as a threat to cast down with the third of the Host that chose to
humanity is something that is taken less than seri- defy their Maker, and, along with them made war
ously by all but the most paranoid or credulous against Heaven.
inquisitors. After all, many of the ills for which the Byleth, however, was fortunate. When the War
fae can be blamed can also be the product of pure bad in Heaven ended, he was not cast into the Pit with
fortune: a child running away from an unwelcoming the rest of his forsaken kind. He escaped the wrath of
home, a babe dying in the cradle, a million homely the Most High and fled into the world, taking
and natural things. On cold winter nights in the sanctuary within the living substance of a tiny seed,
chapter-houses, though, gathered safe around the wrapping himself in somnolence and hiding himself
braziers and the hearth-fires, some inquisitors tell from the vengeful gaze of the Creator and the loyal
dark tales from their homelands about the pwca and Hosts of Heaven. The seed was carried far from the
the baobhan sith, the rusalka and the veela, the site of the last desperate battle of the War, carried in
svartalfar and the Little Washer By the Ford. It is the fur of one beast, eaten by another, buried in the
almost a relief to them to believe that some things body of the earth by yet a third. Byleth slept on
are just stories. through the changing ages of the Earth, until the
This is the way the Fair Folk like it. memory of the War faded from mankind and the


knowledge of angels and demons became a rare against him, is an agonizing and soul-flaying
thing, harbored by priests and scholars and sorcerers. weapon that he has no desire to taste ever again.
Only then did he wake and stir the sleeping It’s much sweeter and far more satisfying to turn
life of the seed in which he rested, and cause that that weapon against his enemies when he can, and
seed to sprout and grow into a great tree, a silver drink deeply of it himself when he can’t. To that
birch of unsurpassed size and beauty, which bore order, he is building around himself a small cult of
the image of the fallen angel in its bark. It was worshippers who are willing to yield anything he
then that Byleth realized he could not free himself desires of them — their bodies to satisfy his incan-
from his self-made prison, but would require the descent lusts, their faith to satisfy his endless
aid of another to set him loose. He found that aching hunger for love — in return for relatively
assistance in the form of a foolish and venal young modest favors.
man who did his bidding and whose flesh he stole. The most important of these worshippers is a
Then Byleth-called-James walked once more French nobleman, whose deep purse has endowed
among men, like a wolf among sheep. several Theodosian monasteries in an effort to soothe
During the long and cruel War, Byleth’s nature the conscience-pangs his unclean desires rouse in
had twisted and deformed, transforming him from a him. Byleth is using this connection to learn more
creature of joy and pleasure to a thing made entirely about the Red Order while he considers his next
of hatred and lust. His first act, upon taking physical move. He plans to make a lasting project of the
shape, was to murder his host’s father and rape his defilement and destruction of Red Brother Giordano
mother to death. Before he could continue that Nicola d’Arzenta, who had the bad judgment to
rampage, however, he was forced from the flesh he defeat him twice. At the moment, however, the
wore by the powerful faith of that host’s brother. He inquisitor is out of his immediate reach. This is of
fled and found a new form, a young man recently little matter, though, as Byleth knows where Brother
killed in a senseless brawl, whose young betrothed Giordano is and has a nearly endless supply of monks
mourned him fiercely. Byleth-called-Geoffrey bat- on which to practice his revenges in the meanwhile.
tened upon the life and soul of the woman his host It is only a matter of time and a bit of planning on
had loved; he would have devoured her utterly, but Byleth’s part before they meet again; when that
once again he was driven forth. Red Sister Vittoria blessed day arrives, the demon plans to make the
Santini di Parma and Red Brother Giordano Nicola most of it.
d’Arzenta faced him down, broke his power over his The Pale Brother
victim and forced him to flee, the rotting remains of
A dark legend among the men and women of
his host body crumbling to carrion around him.
the shadow Inquisition, the Pale Brother is a being
Sorely wounded and enraged beyond reason by the
whose name alone causes nightmares among the
continuous resistance of the human meat that was
truly faithful and virtuous. His existence first
his prey, Byleth sought and found a third host, then
came to the attention of the Inquisition through
went hunting for his tormentors.
the Oculi Dei who, contrary to their normally
Byleth-called-Christof found Brother secretive methods of operation, volunteered the
Giordano, the weaker of the two inquisitors he information in their possession as a warning to
had faced, accompanying a band of pilgrims to their fellows. That warning came in the form of a
Santiago de Compostela. He joined that pilgrim- testimony written in ink and blood by the hand of
age as well, with the intent of tearing off the an Eye of God who had fallen into the Pale
meddler’s head. This plan also failed. When Byleth Brother’s sway, detailing that Eye’s journeys as a
revealed himself, Brother Giordano and the rest of member of the Inquisition and his encounter with
the pilgrims drove him away, unable to face the that devilish creature and its black monastery.
united power of their faith and will. He sought and
The manuscript was delivered by persons un-
found another host and is now lying low, licking
known to an Oculi Dei information exchange point.
his wounds and contemplating what this string of
It came with a letter, written in a hand different from
failures has taught him. Mostly, he has learned
that of the testament’s author. The letter was pur-
that the direct approach does not always work,
portedly written by a “fellow servant of God,” and
particularly when the enemy he faces is prepared
indicated that the document was intended to serve
for him and sometimes even when the enemy
as a peace gesture, a warning, and an educational
isn’t. He has also learned that mortal faith, turned

volume. It also invited those who would know more A delicate series of inquiries with the local
to seek and find him, for a little knowledge was Council of Faith yielded the information that there
indeed a dangerous thing. The Oculi Dei changed were, to that Council’s knowledge, no cell or cells of
every information drop site for a hundred miles in Red Brethren officially active in the area. At an
the aftermath of this breach of security, and imme- impasse, the Poor Knights and the Eyes could do
diately warned all of the Councils of Faith, stationary little but watch and wait, hoping to be in the right
Oculi Dei cells, and itinerant Oculi Dei agents in place at the right time to witness and stop a raid. This
that area of the threat. opportunity came early in the year 1230, when an
Many are the tantalizing clues inside that manu- Eye of God stationed in one of the nearby villages
script, which included just enough detail for an reported a suspicious rise in activity near the out-
observant reader to almost puzzle out the location of skirts of the manor.
the monastery and the monster. Many young (and A cell of Poor Knights was immediately sent to
not so young) inquisitors wished to investigate the reinforce the Eye’s position; on the dark of the moon,
veracity of the testament and try to discover where that foresight was rewarded. The village was raided,
the black monastery lay. The Oculi Dei officially but instead of the easy target the assailants were
believe that such an effort is a fool’s errand, likely a expecting, they found the inquisition waiting for
trap cleverly disguised as an exotic way to commit them. A running battle ensued, which saw unclean
suicide. This fact has not prevented the more fool- sorcery used on the side of the attackers and the
hardy members of every order from seriously blessings of God on the side of the defenders. Even-
considering taking up the Pale Brother’s challenge, tually, the raiders were driven off, leaving their dead
though thus far no official investigation into the behind them. One of those dead was the red-clad
matter has been commissioned. corpse of a sorcerer.
The Circle of Red When questioned on the issue, the nearest
Theodosian chapter-house denied any knowledge of
The enigmatic Circle of Red has only recently
either the situation or recognition of the dead sor-
come to the attention of the shadow Inquisition, and
cerer. The attacks have thus far abated, but since no
this in something of a roundabout way. A badly
live prisoners were taken, no one as yet knows why
injured man made his way to a commandery of the
the attacks were occurring in the first place. The
Poor Knights in Poitiers. Cruelly marked with blade
Poor Knights and Eyes of God remain at a height-
and fire, he barely lived long enough to gasp out a
ened state of alert in the region, keeping their eyes
plea for help, not for himself but his kin, who were in
open and their ears to the ground as they search for
terrible danger. A cell of Poor Knights set out to
more clues as the origins and purpose of this myste-
investigate. When they did, they found a burned out
rious new enemy.
village devoid of corpses or survivors of the attack,
with no signs of who might be responsible for it. Wilhelm von Murnau
They were, however, alerted to the presence of Wilhelm von Murnau was born on the long-
an unknown danger, and so stepped up the frequency est, darkest night of the year, as a storm-wind full
and duration of their patrols in the area as well as of phantom voices rattled the shutters of his
calling on the assistance of the Eyes of God who mother’s birthing-room. All but her most faithful
traveled the region. Two months of patient detec- servants cowered in fear. He drew his first breath
tive work and careful observation later, and the joint on one side of midnight, and his younger twin,
cell of Poor Knights and Eyes began developing Weyland, took his on the other. Unlike their
leads. A pattern developed of raids on isolated farm- older siblings Frederick and Franziska, the boys
steads and smaller villages just outside the easy range were strange and fey from earliest childhood: se-
of the commandery’s forces. Some of those leads cretive, silent, and more comfortable with each
took them in extremely disturbing directions; some other than with the rest of the family. Their father
of the information they developed seemed to point made no secret of his dismay with them, distrust-
toward the Red Brethren as the possible instigators ing the strong bond between them, the way they
of the raids. Those few witnesses who were close seemed to share one soul and one mind between
enough to witness the aftermath of an attack re- two bodies. His prejudice filtered down to the rest
ported seeing men clad in red vestments, like a of their kin to greater or lesser degree.
monk’s robe, riding away from the scene.


Weyland grew to become a quiet, thoughtful
young man, introverted and shy but willing to return
affection when it was given. His gentleness of spirit
and intelligence softened the regard of his siblings,
though he never managed to win over their father.
Wilhelm was also quiet and thoughtful, but with a
sullen and embittered quality to his silences. He
resented being regarded as freakish and strange by his
bizarre family, and though he loved his twin dearly,
he also grew to loathe the bond between them. A
gnawing dissatisfaction filled him as he grew older,
and he began to fear that he would never be com-
plete in himself, only the shadow of sweet and
charming Weyland.
As the twins grew older, they gradually became
more estranged from one another. Wilhelm with-
drew further from the family as Weyland was accepted
more closely into it. Eventually, the situation reached
its breaking point.
Wilhelm manifested the Curse far earlier than
most of the family suspected. Only Weyland knew
how long his twin had really been listening to the
spirit voices the Curse made clear to him. Eventu-
ally, he began to do more than merely listen to those
voices. He began to ask them questions, take their
counsel when they offered it, and seek out their
In the Bavarian forests beyond Murnauer Berg
he sought and found the first of his advisors, a lady of
the Courts of Winter who found his mortal passion
enchanting and the darkness growing within his soul
a worthy thing to cultivate. At the age of fifteen,
Wilhelm von Murnau turned his back on humanity
to pursue the truth of his family’s legacy, and inaugu-
rated that decision in the blood of his twin brother.
Weyland’s death was considered a tragic accident;
Wilhelm was sent away from Murnauer Berg to
recover from the terrible blow. Within a month, he
had murdered the family that hosted him and van-
ished, leaving behind letters for his parents and each
of his siblings, promising that he would look in on
them from time to time.
Decades passed in silence, but Wilhelm’s family
did not forget the promise he had made them, nor did
he forget the vengeance he owed his siblings. In the
icy halls of the Courts of Winter and the twilight
gardens of the Courts of Autumn he sought and
found power, took service in exchange for knowl-
edge, swore binding oaths in return for tutelage in a
thousand black arts. In the black school
Scholomance, he learned the ways that forced de-
mons to bend knee and do his bidding, that bound

spirits great and small to his whims. He mastered the ascended rapidly in power under the Bishop Eusebius
arts of night and winter, blood and death. In these of Nicomedia, one of the most vocal and influential
unholy places, time passed with exquisite slowness; proponents of the Arian Heresy.
his form remained youthful even as his soul steeped The Arians were the first large-scale heretical
black in its own wickedness. When he turned his movement to develop within the orthodox body of
malignant attention back to the world in which he the Church, a sophisticated theosophic heresy based
was born, he was in the prime of his youth, his power, on the denial of Christ’s intrinsic divinity, his sepa-
and his cruelty. ration and distinction from the unknowable and
His first victim was his much-despised eldest pure essence of God. Arianism bred countless subtle
brother, Leopold, whom he intends to corrupt and variations of itself and heavily influenced the poli-
destroy. Pursuing Leopold, however, brought the tics of the Eastern Empire before finally being stamped
existence of the shadow Inquisition to his attention. out by the combined intellectual efforts of numerous
This is a matter of no small concern to the Courts in orthodox theosophists. Before that, however, Arians,
which he dwells. While Wilhelm’s personal ambi- semi-Arians, Gnostics, and orthodox Christians
tions involve grinding his family into the dust beneath fought a very real battle for the heart, soul, and creed
his feet, he is not adverse whatsoever to turning his of Christianity. Ulfila was very much a part of that
attention on their conspirators, and is even now battle. His intelligence and manipulative skill at-
considering ways to do so. He has already made tracted the attention of his sire, an elder Ventrue
contact with the demon Byleth, whose desires coin- who was not content to let him squander so many
cide quite happily with his own. The two are even useful talents on behalf of a heresy doomed to failure.
now gathering the intelligence and resources to Signore Ulfila acknowledges the correctness of
pursue their vendettas most completely. his sire’s decision to spare him the humiliation of
Fabrizio Ulfila being branded a heretic and expelled from the Church
he had originally struggled so hard to construct. He
Intelligent and cunning, charming and urbane,
does, however, retain a bitter and vengeful interest
and utterly devoid of scruples: to those who know
in undermining that Church whenever the opportu-
him casually, Fabrizio Ulfila is the exemplar of the
nity presents itself. To this end, he has inserted a
hard-driving merchant prince. From his house in
handful of agents in varying levels of the Church
Bologna, Signore Ulfila operates a minor mercantile
hierarchy and uses them as agents of corruption,
empire with trading interests spread around the
poisoning the body of the Church around them. He
Mediterranean and throughout most of the conti-
has also quietly supported the growth of several
nent, shipping spices and luxury items wherever a
heretical movements over the years, even going so
demand for them exists. His business acumen sup-
far as to give aid and comfort to those Cathars who
ports his own luxurious lifestyle, a house in the city,
fled the Languedoc for sanctuary in the heresy-
a villa in the country for the summer months, a
ridden lands of Lombardy and Tuscany. His most
beautiful wife and children, and an equally beautiful
recent project is his effort to penetrate and corrupt to
series of mistresses and lovers along with his finan-
his ends the scholar-inquisitors of the Dominican
cial duties to the Church and his guild. Despite his
Order, an effort that has thus far enjoyed little
libertine appetites, Signore Ulfila tithes quite faith-
practical success. Signore Ulfila is nothing if not
fully and accurately, giving a generous discount to
patient, however, and he is willing to give the
purchases made by the Bologna cathedral chapter
perversion of the Holy Office of the Inquisition all
and the local monastery.
the time such an endeavor deserves.
Signore Ulfila takes pains to appear as one of
those men who is no more pious than he has to be Bishop Estaci de Albi
but, in some deep corner of his soul, he regrets that The Bishop Estaci de Albi is a man of many
fact. It tends to draw in the idealistic priests and fine traits: deep faith in God, great learning, sin-
monks he preys upon and makes his pawns. Nearly a cere compassion for the sick and poor. He is also
thousand years old, Fabrizio Ulfila (not, to be cer- a terrifying foe of anyone bearing Cathar sympa-
tain, his real name) was born and reared in the early thies (to say nothing of the Cathars themselves),
decades of the Christian church, following its recog- a cleric of rigid orthodoxy and intolerance of the
nition by Constantine in AD 313. His ambition and slightest deviation in faith, fierce in his persecu-
intelligence led him to join the Church, where he tion of the unfaithful and his desire to educate


those who have fallen into error. In his early Several of his agents have also reported an un-
youth, he rebelled against his father, a stubborn usual connection between the Theodosians, the
and intractable sympathizer to the stubborn and Poor Knights, and a Bavarian noble house, the von
intractable heretics bringing chaos and destruc- Murnau. That house appears to have numerous
tion down on his homeland. He ran away to the relatives in Holy Orders with both monastic founda-
nearest Catholic cathedral chapter to seek shel- tions, many more relatives among the secular clergy
ter. He was taken in, properly baptized, and of the Empire, and an unusual number of lay breth-
educated to take on the task of repairing the ren involved in the activities of the Theodosians and
damage done to the body of Christendom by de- the Poor Knights. Quiet inquiries have yielded him
cades of heretical tolerance as well as open warfare. the information that the von Murnau, while wealthy
Bishop Estaci was uniquely suited to this task, and powerful, are also somewhat strange in their
and brought to it a frighteningly intense convert’s habits when it comes to the rearing and marrying out
zeal. He remains a fearsome enemy of heresy in all its of their children.
forms and has likewise turned his attention to polic- Bishop Estaci is beginning to suspect a con-
ing the orthodoxy of his fellow clerics. In particular, spiracy — a conspiracy of considerably less holy
he has turned an unkind eye on the Red Order of St. intent than the conspiracy that’s actually taking
Theodosius, whose monastery of the Laurendine lies place. He has not, thus far, confided his fears in his
in the shadow of heretical Toulouse. superiors; he believes the situation requires more
The Theodosians’ orthodoxy, no matter how sin- investigation and a more solid conclusion than the
cerely expressed, has always been deeply suspect in his dark fears he harbors, and so he continues searching
eyes, with the liberality of their Rule, their unseemly for more evidence of corruption within the Red
interest in suspect scholarship, and the immodest Order and the Poor Knights. He also keeps a close
demeanor of their companion female order. He began eye on their suspiciously active lay brethren, many of
an investigation into the origins and activities of the whom are members of the Oculi Dei or the House of
Theodosians with the intent of requiring even more Murnau. As the matter stands, it’s only a matter of
vigorous reforms than the Red Order was already time before Bishop Estaci uncovers the existence of
attempting — and, in the process, discovered even the shadow Inquisition. They know this, despite
more than he already suspected. His investigators and their best efforts to throw his agents off the track.
informants reported regular contact between the What will happen if he does discover the shadow
Theodosians and the minor military order of the Poor Inquisition is a matter that no one, thus far, has
Knights of the Passion of the Cross of Acre, as well as desired to contemplate, despite the very real danger.
sundry members of the laity scattered across the No one wants to be the first to suggest that if the
Languedoc and Lombardy. His interest piqued, he extremely righteous Bishop Estaci de Albi cannot be
began expanding the scope of his investigations to trusted to join the shadow Inquisition or at least to
encompass these laypersons, many of whom proved to keep his silence about it, he might need to be
be damnably difficult to track or monitor and whose removed from his position and possibly more ex-
answers to the questions of his agents were, in their treme measures might be necessary to ensure the
opinion, suspicious in their evasiveness. Inquisition’s secrecy.


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