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The initial phase of the ascension energy has now been integrated into the planet.

At first this
energy illuminated the aura of Earth. This is the crystalline matrix surrounding the planet, reflecting
the fifth-dimensional vibration at which we now resonate. As the frequency of our planet rises, every
sentient being is affected by it, including humans. Through harmonic resonance, the energetic and
spiritual construction of a human being must keep pace with this transformation. Many are now
feeling this and it is changing their lives, though they may not be aware of the reason for it. Once
this transformation starts to occur, the fifth-dimensional heart begins to illuminate and decisions are
heart-centred. Now the soul presents the person with tests to ensure that their heart is fully in
command. This is one reason why people are receiving so many challenges right now. It is a sign that
they are ready to move to the next phase, as tough paths indicate high callings. During 2015 many
deep planetary shifts took place. The most significant was the opening of the Christ Gate of Lyra at
the triple alignment of the Spring Equinox. This date saw a new Moon, a solar eclipse and a massive
expansion of the spring energy of new beginnings. Archangel Christiel accesses this universe through
the star system of Lyra. He is overlighting the causal chakra of everyone on Earth. The causal is a
transcendent chakra at the back of the head that enables people to

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