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Foreign Language

Title The Learning of Foreign Language Vocabulary

Annette M.B. de Groot , Janet G. Van Hell
Publisher Hulland Vaid 2005 Clearing the cob web son
Logical Statement 1. Experimental research into learning foreign language (FL)
vocabulary, focusing on direct methods of teaching, such
as keyword mnemonics, paired association learning
(including rote rehearsal), and picture association learning.
We discuss the relative effectiveness of these methods, the
constraints in using them, and the way they interact with
other factors, most notably the amount of experience a
learner has had with learning foreign languages.
2. Review research that shows that some types of words are
easier to learn than others and discuss the reasons why this
might be so. We also discuss the important role that good
phonological skills play in successful FL vocabulary
learning and review preliminary research that suggests that
background music may be beneficial for some FL learners
but detrimental for others. Finally, acknowledging the fact
that FL learning via one of the direct methods discussed
only provides the starting point for FL word learning, we
discuss more advanced stages of the full-fledged learning

Title Cooperative Language Learning and Foreign Language

Learning and Teaching
Authors Yan Zhang
Publisher Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.
81-83, January 2010
Logical Statment 1. The positive effects of cooperative language learning on
foreign langue learning and teaching. Compared with
traditional language teaching, cooperative language
learning conforms to the developmental trend of language
teaching method and possesses considerable advantages. In
the foreign language learning classrooms, cooperative
language learning provides students with the necessary
academic and social skills. The paper reveals cooperative
learning benefits language learning in many aspects.
Title The effects of ICT on learning/teaching in a foreign language
Authors Samira Houcine
Djilali Liabes University of Sidi Bel Abbes (Algeria)
Publisher International Conference “ ICT For Learning Language”
Logical Statment 1. The introduction and use of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) are one of the
priorities of the education community in the current digital
society. Indeed, to meet the requirements and the
challenges of the globalized world, developing digital
practices in the language class has become a necessity.
Learning a foreign language and in a foreign language is
Foreign Language
meant to train citizens of the world open to languages and
cultures but not only... To that end, the introduction of ICT
in language teaching seems to have become a prerequisite
to the modernization of the education system and learning
My Opinion learning a foreign language is important to us, as more and more
(Agree / Disagree) technology has developed to use a foreign language as a cover
language, not to mention a foreign language especially English is
the international language we need to learn. I agreed to learn a
foreign language
Reasons to choose The more advanced the age, the more advanced the development
the topic will be, therefore we need to learn a foreign language that will be
useful in the future with the most English. Add to this the fact that
many companies are encouraging the staff to speak a foreign
language and I want readers to be open not only to foreign cultures
but also to foreign languages
Benefits and art of what the reader will gain is knowing and delving into the
Knowledge vocabulary of foreign languages and knowing for themselves some
of the benefits the reader will receive when learning the foreign
language. The knowledge that readers will gain beyond the
vocabulary of a foreign language is how to learn a foreign

NAME : Emira Shaumayya

NIM : 20210144057

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