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Answer the questions TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false answers.

1) The baby’s bottle and dummy are on the table. __ …………………………………..
2) The cat is on the bed. __ …………………………………………………………………..
3) The curtains are blue. __ ………………………………………………………………….
4) The bag is hanging over the chair. __ ………………………………………………….
5) The table top is blue. __ …………………………………………………………………...
6) There are two single beds. __ …………………………………………………………..
7) There are two toy pandas.__ …………………………………………………………….
8) There are two pictures on the wall above the bunk bed. __ …………………….
9) The roller skates are under the table. __ …………………………………………….
10) There is a plant on the window sill. __ ………………………………………………..
11) The teddy bear is under the bed. __ …………………………………………………..

There are five people in the Brownlow family – Mum and Dad, Jade, Thomas and Milly the
baby. Oh and they have a cat, Lucy. In the picture, it’s 8.30 in the morning. Thomas and Jade
are waking up. Thomas sleeps in the top bunk and Jade sleeps in the bottom bunk. Jade is up
first. She is stretching and yawning. Tom is still sleepy. He is rubbing his eyes. The cat is
asleep on the chair. Today is Saturday and so there is no school. The baby sleeps with Mum
and Dad. They are downstairs. They are having breakfast.

Later, they are going to the park. Thomas likes playing on the swings and Jade likes roller
skating. Sometimes, Jade pushes the baby’s pram. She likes helping with the baby. Every
Saturday evening, the family go to the fish and chip shop and they all have fish and chips for

Answer the questions in full sentences.

1) How many people are there in the Brownlow family?


2) Who is Jade’s brother?


3) Have they got a dog or a cat?


4) Is it evening time?


5) Who is stretching and yawning?


6) What is Thomas doing?


7) Who does the baby sleep with?


8) What day is it?


9) Later, where are they going?


10) Are they having pizza for tea?


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