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English Test



1. Utiliza los pronombres personales correctos. Mira las palabras entre paréntesis para
ayudarte a decidir.

1. _______________ is dreaming. (George)

2. _______________ is green. (the blackboard)
3. _______________ are on the wall. (the posters)
4. _______________ is running. (the dog)
5. _______________ are watching TV. (my mother and I)
6. _______________ are in the garden. (the flowers)
7. _______________ is riding his bike. (Tom)
8. _______________ is from Bristol. (Victoria)
9. _______________ has got a brother. (Diana)
10. Have ______________ got a computer, Mandy?

2. Completa los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo to be.

1. Michael Jackson _____________ a singer.

2. George Bush ________________ from Italy.
3. What ______________________ your name?
4. Spain ______________________ in Europe.
5. ___________________________ you from Spain? Yes, I am.
6. Tony Blair and Paul McCartney __________________ British,.
7. How old ___________________ your sister?
8. She _______________________ a nurse! She is a doctor.
9. My dogs ___________________ young. They are only 2 years old.
10. My school _________________ far from my house. Just 5 minutes.

3.1. Elige la respuesta correcta.

1. Who / When is your favourite teacher?

2. What / Why film is at the cinema today?
3. Who / When is your music lesson?
4. Where / What are my notebooks?
5. Who / When is your English lesson?

3.2. Completa las las preguntas con Who, What, Where, When or Why.

1. …………………. is the music shop?

2. …………………. has got a new computer?
3. …………………. are you sad today?
4. …………………. is your favourite game?
5. …………………. do the film stars
4.1. Rellena los espacios con la forma correcta del verbo have got.

1. Ben………………… a bicycle. 6. Mary and Linda……………… a radio.

2. We…………………. a cat. 7. He…………………… a car.
3. They……………….. a T.V. 8. Bill…………………. a watch.
4. Jane……………….. an Apple. 9. She………………… a pencil.
5. Tony……………….. a horse. 10. We…………………. a ball.

4.2. Answer the questions about the picture.

5. Escribe las palabras en la columna correcta.

Camera - man – umbrella - children - onion - oranges - men - computer - uncle - water

a an some

6. Rellena los espacios en blanco con los adjetivos posesivos.

7.1. Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza el Presente Simple.

1. Sue …………………. (travel) to London every summer.

2. My friends …………………. (not study) at this school.
3. …………………. you …………………. (like) football?
4. I …………………. (talk) to Lisa every day.
5. Ellen …………………. (not eat) chocolate every day.
6. …………………. John …………………. (work) at the cinema?
7. Paul …………………. (fly) to London every summer.
8. My friends sometimes …………………. (take) the bus to school.

7.2. Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto para construir oraciones.

1. brother / rock music / likes / my

2. doesn’t / Tom / a bus / to school / take
3. her car / drives / every Saturday / Sue
4. to school / walk / every morning / don’t / we
5. football / play / I / often

7.3. Completa las frases con los verbos de arriba.

Start have go study live fly play s peak

1. He _______________ four languages.

2. Bernadette ________________ in a flat in Paris.
3. They’re pilots. They _______________ all over the world.
4. Peter and Carol _________________ two children.
5. In winter, Alice _____________ skiing and in summer she
____________ tennis
6. My daughter ________________ French and German at university.
7. John and Anne ________________ work at six o’clock every day.

8.1. Rodea la respuesta correcta.

1. Dave and Pete is watching / are watching the game at the moment.
2. Sam is coming / are coming to my house now.
3. Be quiet! The game is starting / are starting.
4. I am reading / are reading a book about sport.
5. The teenagers am playing / are playing a computer game.

8.2. Escribe las respuestas con el Presente Continuo de los verbos dados.

9.1. Completa las frases usando el pasado simple was o were.

1. Now Jane is at home but last week she _______________ on holidays.

2. Today it's raining but yesterday it ________________ sunny.

3. This year there is a jazz festival here and last year there ______________ a pop festival.

4. Today Mr. Brown is at work but yesterday he ____________ ill.

5. These days there are houses here but a hundred years ago there ______________ trees.

6. Today I feel fine but yesterday I ________________ In bed all day.

7. My mother is a doctor now but she ______________ a nurse last year.

8. Today is Saturday and we are at home, but yesterday we _____________ at school.

9. This summer we are staying at home but last summer we _______________ in Greece.

10. Today Tina and Jack are tired because yesterday they _____________ in the gym.

9.2. Escribe el Pasado Simple de los siguientes verbos:

9.3. Rellena los espacios en blanco.

9.4. Completa el texto con el Pasado Simple de los verbos dados.

10.1. Rodea la respuesta correcta.

1. Dave and Gina .…. England in the summer. ( is going to visit/ are going to visit)

2. I .…. that film tomorrow. (am going to see/ are going to see)

3. Jenny .…. the e-mail soon. (is going to send/are going to send)

4. .…. the dancers .…. tomorrow? (Is … going to perform/ Are … going to perform)

5. My dad .…. to New York next month. (am not going to go/isn’t going to go)

10.2. Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Usa la forma correcta del be
going to.
1. …………………….. Brad …………………….. (work) at the library later?

2. …………………….. they …………………….. (visit) the museum?

3. …………………….. the children …………………….. (wear) their swimsuits to the park?

4. …………………….. your mum …………………….. (meet) her sister later?

5. …………………….. I …………………….. (see) you today?

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