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English Learning Made Easy

For Everyone
By: Tamara N.
Message to the Readers

This eBook for English learning is designed for three types of people

trying to learn English, for kids, young adults, and adults. This is especially

designed too for those who already have background on learning English, if you

are currently enrolled in an English learning system or if you have already taken

some English subject in your past if you haven't yet but as long as you can read

and understand English a little bit you can use this book on learning more, i

gathered some information on what are the basics on learning English and put

it all together.

Your brain is a super computer capable of learning anything, what you

can see clearly in your mind will be your reality. If you think you will learn to

speak English and be good with it then it will happen, it will program your brain

to learn and this applies to anything you will want in life. A Philippine hero I read

Dr. Jose Rizal knows 22 language! He even learns Japanese language in a week

just so he can talk to a woman he likes. The secret is you need to focus and to

be motivated. There is no dumb brain, you can always reprogram it to learn so

enjoy learning English and I am glad to be part of your journey.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Noun.......................................................1

Chapter 2 Adjectives................................................3

Chapter 3 Pronouns.................................................6

Chapter 4 Singular and Plural Nouns.......................12

Chapter 5 Predicates..............................................13
Chapter 6 Verb.......................................................13

Chapter 7 Adverbs..................................................14

Chapter 8 Synonyms and Antonyms........................16

Chapter 9 In on and At............................................17

Chapter 10 When, Where, Why and How................18

Chapter 11 Who, What, Where and Which..............19

Chapter 12 There and Their.....................................20

Chapter 13 These, This, Those, They and That.........21

Chapter 14 The use of An and A, Are and Is.............22

Chapter 15 4 Types of Sentence..............................23

Chapter 16 Homophones........................................24

Chapter 17 Should and Shouldn't............................24

Chapter 18 Has, Have and Had................................25

Chapter 19 Used to and Use to................................26

Chapter 20 Past tense, Present tense

and Future tense....................................................26

Chapter 21 Positive and Negative Sentence............27

Chapter 22 Words that Rhyme................................28

Chapter 1


Noun- a word that identifies any class of people or places and things.

There are Two Nouns:

1.Collective Noun- denotes a group of individuals, or group of people

2.Singular Noun- A person, place, thing or idea

Examples of Collective Noun:






When Used as a Sentence:

I want you to be part of my team.

Our teacher group us into five for a project.

I love my family.

A flock of birds are flying.

Our band is playing next.

Examples of Singular Noun:







When Used as a Sentence:

The flower smells good.

I walk my dog every morning.

That girl is my new classmate.

The baby is so cute.

Write your assignment on a paper.

A bird fly into the air.

Mass Nouns- they cannot be counted, it signifies amount.


Salt, Rice, Smoke and Advice

Sugar, Knowledge and Substances

Abstract Noun- it can't be physically touched.


Love and Creativity

Silence and Fear
Concrete Noun- something recognizable by our senses.


Chicken, Ball and Cake

Egg, Shoes and Apple

Chapter 2


Adjective- A word that describes a noun.

There are two types of Adjectives:

Adjective of Quality- Quality of a Noun

Adjective of Quantity- Quantity of a Noun

Examples of Adjective of Quality: (what it looks like)







When Used as a Sentence:

My mother bought me a pink dress.

It was a beautiful day in the park.
My workmates are friendly.
Her hand is so smooth.
I'm scared to go out late at night it's so dark.
The movie we watched is so funny.

Examples of Adjective of Quantity:










When Used as a Sentence:

Some of my classmates are absent.

I love you very much.
All of my cats are white.
Cut the paper in half.
There is no sufficient electric now.
There are many trees in the forest.
There is enough food for today.
The whole world is celebrating today.
Most of the days are raining.

From Noun to Adjective

noun adjective
gold golden
romance romantic
pain painful
interest interesting
help helpful
acid acidity

Examples of the given Noun used as a sentence:

My sister gave me a gold necklace.

The movie is about romance.

My left foot is in pain.

All of us shows interest in learning English.

I need help for my project.

Our science lesson is about an Acid.

Examples of the given Adjective used as a sentence:

My sister has a golden necklace.

The movie is so romantic.

My left foot is painful.

Learning English is interesting.

My family is so helpful to my project.

We are studying about acidity.

Chapter 3


Pronoun- A word which functions by itself by a noun phrase it refers either to

the participants or to someone or to something mentioned elsewhere. It is a
word that replaces a noun in a sentence.

Kinds of Pronouns

1.Personal Pronoun: (no names used, all replaced by pronouns)

Me, Them and Mine

It, I and Myself
We, You and Hers
He, She and Herself
Her, They and Our
Us, Him and Ourselves
He, his, himself, him- refers to a male person.
They, theirs, themselves, them- refers to a group, belonging to a group.
She, her, hers, herself- refers to a female person.

When Use as a Sentence:

My dog is so good to me.

It is a star.
Can we go to the market?
He has a cat.
Her mother is a teacher.
The school gave us a long vacation.
I shall come with you.
You are so beautiful.
She is my friend.
They are coming now.
My mother gave him my report card.
Those roses are mine.
The car is hers.
Our house is far.

Indefinite Pronouns- refers to one or more unspecified object, places or


A. Singular: Anybody, anyone, another, anything, each, either, enough,

nobody, someone, something. (involves only one)

When use as a sentence

Is anybody here?

Does anyone know the song?

I want to watch another movie.

Is there anything to cook?

The clothes are 10 dollars each.

Either me or you can join. (only one can join)

The food I cook is just enough.

Nobody wants to join the club.

Someone is in the house.

Something in this house is missing.

B. Plural: Many, others, few, both. (two or more)

When used as a sentence:

Many students did not go to school today.

The others are swimming in the pool.
Few people attended the show.
Both you and me can join.

3. Reflexive Pronouns: preceded by adverb, Adjective, pronoun, noun or


Examples of Reflexive pronouns:

She herself
They themselves
It itself
You yourself
He himself

When Use as a Sentence:

She herself is going alone to the principal's office.

They themselves are all joining the ball game.
The robot toy is amazing, it itself can walk alone.
You yourself are amazing.
He himself made the nice painting.

Demonstrative Pronouns: Identifies something.

This (singular)
These (plural)
That (singular)
Those (plural)
When Used as a Sentence:

This is a beautiful garden.

How long does these games will end?
That dog is noisy.
Those dogs are noisy.

5. Possessive Pronouns: Designating Ownership.

When Used as a Sentence:
The dress is mine.
The drink is yours.
That cat is hers.
The shirt is his.

Relative Pronouns- refers to noun mentioned previously, to a person or

Who (for people)
Which (for animal and things)
Whose (for people)
Whom (instead of who)
That (person, thing or animal/ object or idea)
When Used as a Sentence:

Who did you see today?

Which color do you like? Red or blue?
Do you know whose house is this?
I was invited by my friend whom I met at the school.
That is a nice idea!.

Interrogative Pronouns- Introduces a question



When Used a Sentence:

Who are coming to the show?

Whom does the show belongs to?
Whose show are you watching?
What is the show about?
Which part of the show do you like?
Reciprocal Pronoun- expressing mutual actions with one another, when two
or more people do the same thing.

Each other's
One another's
When Used as a Sentence:
Friends can listen to one another's problems.
Lisa and Jenny can borrow each other's necklace.
Intensive Pronouns- Those ending in self or selves

When Used as Sentence:

I thought myself to play a piano.

Can you go to the city by yourself?
He washes his car by himself.
She made the dress by herself.
The team blame themselves from losing the game.
Don't put yourselves in danger.


Chapter 4

Singular and Plural Nouns

Singular Nouns- most singular nouns form the plural by adding S in the ending.

Plural- nouns ending in s, ss, sh, or es.

Singular noun samples Plural noun samples

day days
lady ladies
mountain mountains
boat boats
cat cats
thief thieves
army armies
house houses
bus buses
peach peaches
baby babies
city cities
Irregular Noun- becomes plural by changing spelling rather than adding s or es
to the end.


Chapter 5


Predicate is part of a sentence containing a verb or stating about the subject, it

is a completer of a sentence. It is part of a sentence that tells what the subject

The sample sentence inside the box are the predicate:

He [ lives in Canada].
The kid [ stole my skate board].
They [ are experienced teachers who studied abroad].
The girls in the program [ are good in singing].
Emma [ drives].
Chapter 6
A verb is a word used for describing an action, also forming the main part of a
predicate of a sentence

A. Action Verb- expresses action.

Examples: inside the boxes are the verbs.

The cat is [ playing] with the ball.

The baby is [ reaching] for his milk.
The people are [ jumping] in the pool.
Robert is [ crying] because his toy is missing.
Our teacher is [ teaching] algebra.


B. Linking Verb- expresses a state of being

*remember “state”.


Do you [ need] anything from here.

This drink [ contains] a lot of sugar.

They [ have] a nice house.

The flower [ becomes] dry.

The food [ smells] good.

Chapter 7


Adverb- describes a verb or adjective, it answers the question how, how often,

when, where.

(How) (How often)

happily everyday
silently never
loudly once
quietly twice

Examples of [how] when used in a sentence:

They lived [ happily] ever after.

The mouse [ silently] gets the cheese.
She sings [ loudly] in the garden.
The baby sleeps [ quietly].
***How the noun does it. ***

Examples of [ how often] when used in a sentence.

I go to the training [ everyday].

I [ never] been to Alaska.
We go to the mall [ once] a week.
Alex goes to his music lesson [ twice] a week.

(When) (where)
already inside
after there
since outside
now near

Examples of [ when] when used in a sentence.

We have been to the beach [ already].

We should brush our teeth [ after] a sweet meal.
It's been cold here [ since] December.
The school is open [ now].
Examples of [ where] when used in a sentence.
The medicines are [ inside] the cabinet.
[ There] are strawberries in the market.
The dog sleeps [ outside] our house.
I want to leave [ near] the beach.
Chapter 8

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms are two or more words having same meaning.




Antonyms- opposite of synonyms, or expressing idea opposite to the other


Chapter 9
In, On, and At
In- refer to a longer or general period of time like months, years, decades or


It happened in 1942.
He was born in 1989.
She started school in the winter
She was born in December.
On- use with particular days, dates, or holidays.


It happened on Monday.
She was born on a Saturday.
It rained on Wednesday.
The war happened on February 28th.
He started school on September 6th.


At- for holidays without the word day, also for most specific time.


She gets up at half-past seven.

She gets to work at nine o'clock.
He drinks some soda at a quarter after eight.
He eats breakfast at late morning.
He lives work at six o'clock.
She eats supper at eight o'clock.

Chapter 10

When, Where, Why and How.

When- is used to refer at what time

Where- in or what place.

Why- for what reason or purpose.

How- in what way or manner.

Examples of When:

When is she going to arrive? On Thursday.

When is the vacation? Thursday the 14th.
When was the party? A week ago.
When was she born? In December 1986.
Examples of Where:

Where is she going? To the school.

Where was he born? In California.
Where was the party? In the 5th floor.

Examples of Why

Why are you happy? Because i won.

Why are you so hungry? I didn't eat my breakfast.
Why is she in the hospital? For her checkup.

Examples of How

How are you feeling? Very well.

How are they going there? They will ride a bus.
How are you? I am fine.

Chapter 11

Who, What, Were and Which?

Who- what or refers to which person or group?

Examples: the sentence after the question mark is the answer of another person.

Who are you talking to? My mother.

Who is her father? The President of the company.
Who are they? My friends.
Who are you? I am your father.
What- asking for an information or specifying.


What are you doing? I am studying.

What do you want to order? Just a burger.
What time are you going home? Around eight o'clock pm.
What are you watching? I'm watching an old movie.
Were- referring to a person, singular past or plural past, past tense of the verb


I thought apples were your favorite fruit?

I don't know where they were planning to stay.
I wish you were here to eat with me.
We were having our dinner when the visitor came.

Which- asking for an information.

Which among here is your favorite fruit?
Which company do you wish to work for?
He bought the dress which his wife chooses.
Which is better?
Which part of your body hurts?
Which car is yours?

Chapter 12

There and Their

Their- belonging to or with people or things.


She is tired of their project.

Their home looks new.
Their daughter plays the piano.
Their dinner looks really good.

There- in or at the place.


There is a lot of work to be done.

There is some juice inside the refrigerator.
There are many fish in the ocean.
There is a bird in the palm tree.

Chapter 13

These, This, Those, They and That- to point on people or things.

This and That- both singular.

Examples of (This).

I will be with you this afternoon.

Ana will be on Brazil all this month.
Fix this ruined puzzle please.

Examples of (That).
Can I have some of that cake?
I have never been to that concert before
Is that a puppy?

These and Those- for plural.

Examples of (These).

You can use any of these shoes.

Cut these apples for me please.
These are cute white kittens.

Examples of (Those).

We need to fix those books in the cabinet.

Can you pass me those cookies please?

Are those monkeys hanging in the tree?

They- refers to two or more people or to % person of unspecified gender.


They say she have a nice voice?

The mothers are here, they came for the meeting.
Who are they? They are here for auditions.
They think I am not going to school today.

Chapter 14

The use of An and A, Are and Is.

An- is use before a word that begins with vowel

*remember vowel letters are ( a, e, i, o, and u)


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

An Indian girl have her own cooking show.
An octopus attacks with its tentacles.
An ant can carry ten times its weight.
A- is used before a consonant word.
*remember, consonants are letters (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x,
y, and z)

A doctor gave me a checkup.
A cake for a party is good.
I work in a school.
We have a town house.

Are- use with the word (you, we, and they.)


They are all late.

Are you happy now?
We are going to the show.
are you okay?

Is- use if singular

(singular means only one person or thing or any noun)


He is a biologist.
The puppy is very noisy.
she is cooking.
My father is a lawyer.

Chapter 15

4 Types of Sentence

A. Declarative- it relays information and end with a period.


She is running.
He eats.
Kittens are cute.
The ocean is blue.
The tea is hot.

B. Command or Imperative- gives a command, when something needs to be


Ends with an exclamation point. (!)


Give me the cookies!

Show me the money!
Be here at six o'clock!
Shut up!
Get up!

C. Exclamatory- Shows strong feelings. Ends with exclamation point. (!)


I don't believe you!
Help me!
That is so sad!
You are so cute!

D. Interrogative- Asks a question, ends with a question mark(?)


Why are you sad?

How are you feeling?
where are you now?
When is the movie coming out?
What is the brand of your car?

*remember- it asks the questions (why, how, who, when, where, what, and

Chapter 16

Homophones- Words that sounds the same but have different meaning.


Meet- Meet me at the park this afternoon.

Meat- I will go to the market to buy some meat.

But- I want to go but I am busy.

Butt- I fell down and my butt hurts.

Knot- Tie the knot so it won't fall.

Not- Daniel is not going to the school today.

Buy- Can you buy me some apples in the market.

By- By the way don't forget your food.
Bye- Okay Mom, bye! See you later.

Chapter 17

Should and Shouldn't.

Should and shouldn't is use for advice or to talk about what we think is wrong
or right.
*remember-Shouldn't means a bad idea.

Examples of Should.

I think you should rest now.

You should drink your medicine to get better.
It will rain, you should take the umbrella.
We should have a vacation at the Bahamas.

Examples of Shouldn't:

You shouldn't eat too much.

You shouldn't have bought this, it's expensive.
You shouldnʼt drink too much alcohol.
We shouldnʼt eat here i want another place.

Chapter 18

Has, Have and Had.

Has and Had- can be used as a complete verb.

Has- means happening now and for singular objects.

Had- means past

Have- in plural subjects.

Examples of Has:

If Allan has a time, we can go fishing.

He has a brilliant idea that can help lot of people.
Has anybody seen my pet dog?
She has a home which is close by the beach.

Examples of Had.

The albums had been signed by the artist.

The woods in the old house had been broken off.
I had been on a lot of stress because of too much assignments.
The doctor had given her advice to take some medications.

Examples of Have:

You all have to practice now.

I have written my teacher a promissory note.
Where have you been? We were all looking for you.
Do you want to have something to eat?

Chapter 19

Used to and Use to.

Used to is something that happened but doesn't happen anymore, (ed) is

added at the end to show past tense.


She wasn't used to wearing short clothes. (Now she wears short clothes).
When Bob was a child, he used to climb that tree. (Now he does not
He used to be my boyfriend. (Now we broke up)
*remember the people here are talking about the past.

Use to- without d in the end, when it's a past tense with did or didnʼt.


Did your mother use to work here?

Did your father use to drive a blue Toyota car.
He didn't use to swim this way.

Used to as an adjective (something your accustomed for)


I am used to the noise of our television that i can do my studies near it.
I can eat a lot of spicy food i am so used to it.
We have a cold water in the morning but i am used to it.

Chapter 20
Past tense, Present tense and Future tense.

Past tense - expressing an occasion that happened or has happened already.


Last night me and my mother baked a cake.

It rained hard this morning.
Mark watched a concert all night.
I ate pancakes for my breakfast.
*notice the ed and e in the end of a verb or action word.


Present tense- an action currently going.


Me and my mother are baking a cake.

It is raining hard.
Mark is watching a concert.
I am eating pancakes for my breakfast.
*notice the added ing in end of the verbs or action words.

Future tense- an action that has not yet been done or happened and will
happen in the future.


Me and my mother will bake a cake.

It will be going to rain hard later.
Mark will watch a concert.
I shall eat pancakes for my breakfast.

*notice the word will or shall use before an action word, be going to or going to
is used to plus base for the verb.

Chapter 21
Positive and Negative sentence.

Positive Sentence- tells that something is so

Negative Sentence- something is not true or correct.


(PS) I practice the piano every afternoon.

(NS) I do not practice the piano every afternoon.

(PS) I like English lessons.

(NS) I do not like English lessons.

(PS) Kim works in the market.

(NS) Kim does not work in the market.

(PS) I enjoy playing with my friends.

(NS) I do not enjoy plying with my friends.

*(PS) stands for Positive Sentence.

(NS) stands for Negative Sentence.


Chapter 22

Words that Rhyme.

Words that Rhymes are words that sounds the same especially when these are
used in the lines of a poetry.


Fat- cat
Fat- Hat
Face- lace
Maze- daze
Fake- cake
Bee- tea
Lamp- jump
Lovely- crazy
Love- dove

When we use it in a poem it goes like this:

I have a cat
The cat is very fat
He doesn't fit in my hat
He has a very cute face
He likes playing with the lace
Sometimes he goes to a maze
He can't get out and seems daze
Oh I love my fat cat.

There are many poems that rhymes in the internet this is for the sake of
example only you can even start creating simple poems with words you already
know in English.

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