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Unit 1: Bookmark Design SKILL BUILDING

In this unit activity, you are going to create 3 - corner bookmarks based on your Korean culture
of interest or places in Korea that you would like to visit. The instructions on how to make the
bookmark is presented below. Make sure to add some final touches to the bookmark that
highlights your interests as if you are having a personal souvenir of that place.

With your finish product, you will have to choose only 1 to which you will submit to your
instructor. No words or explanation needed, as long as the visuals of the bookmark speak for

Unit 2: Calligraphy, Writing Practice SKILL BUILDING
In this unit activity, the best way to learn a language is to write it. Practice writing the characters
on the sheet provided below. All you have to do is copy the character given on the boxes. Please
write neatly. One tip in memorizing the characters, is you will need to speak the character out
loudly and write it at the same time.


Date: Remarks:

Writing Practice (쓰기 연습) : Make sure to follow the pattern of writing.
A. Consonants 자음

ㄱ ㄲ

ㄷ ㄸ

ㅁ ㅉ

ㄴ ㅆ

ㅂ ㅃ

ㅅ ㅍ

ㅈ ㅎ

ㅊ ㅇ

ㅋ ㅌ

B. Vowels 모음

ㅏ ㅗ

ㅓ ㅜ

ㅑ ㅛ

ㅕ ㅠ

ㅔ ㅡ

ㅖ ㅣ

ㅐ ㅘ

ㅒ ㅝ

ㅙ ㅚ

ㅞ ㅟ

C. Word Building.

ㅏ ㅓ ㅑ ㅕ ㅔ ㅐ ㅖ ㅒ ㅣ ㅡ

ㄱ 가

ㄷ 더

ㅁ 먀

ㄴ 녀

ㄹ 레

ㅎ 해

ㅂ 볘

ㅋ 컈

ㅌ 티

ㅈ 즈

ㅘ ㅝ ㅙ ㅞ ㅚ ㅟ ㅗ ㅛ ㅠ ㅢ

ㄱ 과
ㄷ 둬
ㅁ 뫠
ㄴ 눼

ㄹ 뢰
ㅎ 휘
ㅂ 보
ㅋ 쿄
ㅌ 튜
ㅈ 즤
ㅅ 솨
ㅊ 춰

ㅏ ㅓ ㅑ ㅕ ㅔ ㅐ ㅖ ㅒ ㅣ ㅡ

ㅍ 퍄
ㄲ 껴
ㅆ 쎄
ㅉ 째
ㅃ 뼤
ㄸ 떄

ㅘ ㅝ ㅙ ㅞ ㅚ ㅟ ㅗ ㅜ ㅛ ㅠ ㅢ

ㅍ 퓌
ㄲ 꼬
ㅆ 쑤
ㅉ 쬬
ㅃ 쀼
ㄸ 띄

Unit 3: Romanization SKILL BUILDING

In this unit activity, you will have to write the Romanized form of words, phrases, or sentences on the
space provided. The first example is provided.

1. 행복하다 Haeng-bok-ha-da Feel happy

2. 저는 배가 고픕니다. I’m hungry.

3. 안녕히 주무세요 Good evening.

4. 내일 공부하자. Let’s study

5. 가지 말자. Let’s stay here.

6. 밥 빨리 먹어! Eat quickly!

7. 가지 말아요! Don’t go!

8. 누구 만나? Who do you meet?

9. 나무 Tree

10. 강아지가 있습니다. I have a dog.

11. 시간이 없습니다. I don’t have time.

12. 공부를 안 해요. I don’t study.

13. 안 피곤해요. I’m not tired.

14. 교실이 시끄러워요. The classroom is

15. 비가 와요. It’s going to rain.

Unit 4: Number Talk SKILL BUILDING

In this unit activity, you will have to use the correct number system in expressing time, dates, money,
age, phone numbers, and counting nouns. On the activity below, you will need to fill in the blanks
using the correct number system and the particle / suffix to be used.


Date: Remarks:

(1) (11)
제 전화번호가 _____________________입니다. 저는 _____________ 살아이 예요.
My phone number is 321-9876. I am 21 years old.
(2) (12)
학생 __________ 입니다. 저는 오후__________ 만납니다.
There are 51 students. I will meet you at 2:45 pm.
(3) (13)
할머니의 가방 ________ 있습니다. 승재는 누나 _______ 있어요.
Grandmother has 18 bags. Seung Jae has 5 elder sisters.
(4) (14)
저는 오빠 __________ 있어요. 아버지는 __________살아이 예요..
I have 3 elder brothers. Father is 50 years old.
(5) (15)
저는 ____________________ 있어요. 언니는 작년에 책 ________ 샀습니다.
I have 84,000 KRW (won). My sister bought 65 books last year.
(6) (16)
시간이 지금 ________________ 입니다. 수업은 ________에 시작합니다.
The time now is 8:23. Class starts at July 6.
(7) (17)
오늘은 _____________ 입니다. 학교 번호는 ____________ 입니다.
Today is June 27. The school’s number is 323-4402.
(8) (18)
제 생일은 ____________ 입니다. 사무실에는 컴퓨터_________있습니다.
My birthday is on December 25. The office has 200 computers.
(9) (19)
고양이 ______________ 있어요. 그는 물 _______ 준비했습니다.
I have 5 cats. He prepared 400 bottles of water.
(10) (20)
아침 ______________ 입니다. 그드레스는 ____________원 입니다.
It is 7:30 in the morning. That dress cost 60,000 won.

Unit 5: Getting to Know You SKILL BUILDING
In this activity, you are required to make an appointment with your instructor for a phone call
session. Prior to this verbal activity, you will need to draft first in written Korean, your self-
introduction. You may modify it to better describe you in a personal level.


Date: Remarks:

Using the format provided in page 26, please write down neatly how you will introduce yourself in
Korean. Please do some modification that best describes you. Then, record your written output. You
will have to set a phone call appointment with your instructor.

인사하기 (Greetings)

이름 (Your Name)

출신 (Your Nationality / Location)

나이 (Age)

가족 (Family)

취미 / 특기 (Hobbies/ Specialties)

한국어 공부하는 이유 (Why I learn Korean)

한국어 구사 실력 (Korean language level)

기대 사항 (Expectations for this meetup)

Pronunciation Content Control of Voice Total Score:

(40) (40) (20) 100
Verbal Recitation
(Phone Call):

Unit 6: Sentence Building SKILL BUILDING
In this activity, you will be constructing sentences that describes the picture presented. You may
refer to the mini dictionary provided at the end of this activity page. Only write one sentence for
your description of the picture.


Date: Remarks:

Part 1. Describing the picture

사과 (apple)

드레스 (dress)

강아지 (puppy)

돈 (money)

집 (house)

날씨 (weather)

음식 (food)

Content Level of Difficulty (No Neatness (5) Number of Words

(40) of structures) (35) (20) Score (100)

The Comprehensive Test SKILL BUILDING

Congratulations! You made it this far! Now to test your knowledge in Korean language, we require
you to prepare yourself for a writing, listening, and speaking test. Simply follow the instructions

Step 1. Answer the questions in advance as provided below. You may write it on a separate sheet
of paper.

Step 2. Set up schedule by sending me a message on the time and date to which you want your
instructor to call you. Make sure to type your full name. The comprehensive test will last for 10
days, within the given days; 5 days prior and 5 days after the last day of the block.

Step 3. Try to memorize as much as you can. You may refer to your written answer during the

Step 4. You will be asked (3) three questions, to which you will reply. Rubrics are provided at the
annex for this graded recitation.

(1) 어떻게 지내세요? How are you doing?

(2) 이름은 무엇 입니까? What is your name?
(3) 몇 살 입니까? How old are you?
(4) 어디 사세요? Where do you live?
(5) 취미는 머엇입니까? What are your hobbies?
(6) 책을 읽고 무엇입니까? What books do you read?
(7) 생일은 언제입니까? When is your birthday?
(8) 당신은 오늘 무엇을 했어? What did you do today?
(9) 형제자매가 있어요? Do you have siblings?
(11)당신의 무슨 음식을 좋아고 말해 보세요. Tell me about the food you like.
(12)어떤 일을하고 싶습니까? What work do you like to do?


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