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MS Excel Basic
Formula & Functions 2





Pretest 3

_______ 1. Which of the following is not arithmetic
a. /
b. ^ 5
c. [
d. *

_______ 2. Per the order of operations, which of the 7

following is calculated first?
a. Addition and subtraction
b. Parentheses
c. Division and Multiplication
d. Exponentiation
_______ 3. Which of the following is an example of
absolute cell reference?
a. $A1 21
b. A1:A9
c. $A$1
d. A1

_______ 4. Which of the following is an example of a

mixed cell reference?
a. $A1
b. A1:A9
c. $A$1
d. A1

_______ 5. Which of the following is an example of a

a. A1 + B1
b. >A1
c. SUM()
d. A1

Excel capable to perform basic and complex calculations. When you enter formula, it will be
stored internally, and the results will be displayed in the cell. The purpose of formula is to perform
basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The value you entered in
your worksheet can be a cell address, a date, text, Boolean data but we usually enter number or the
cell address in terms of formulas.
Calculation Example
+ Addition 90 +5
- Subtraction 90 – 5
Negation -90
* Multiplication 90 * 5
/ Division 90/5
% Percent 10%
^ Exponentiation 90 ^ 5

If you applied more than one operation to calculate your formula Excel follows specific orders
called orders of operations. It will apply the calculations in a formula in the following order:
Operator Calculation
() Parenthesis
^ Exponentiation
* and / Multiplication and Division
+ and - Addition and Subtraction

Create a new blank workbook and perform the following:

1. Click cell A1 enter = 5+5*3 then press Enter. Excel will do the multiplication before it
does the addition. The display result will be 20.
2. Click cell A2 enter = (5+5) *3 then press Enter. If you want to perform first the addition
operator you must use parentheses. The display result will be 30.
3. Click cell A3 enter =5 +(5*3) then press Enter. Same process with Number 2, the
parentheses will be performed first followed by addition operator. The display result will
be 20.

When you use formula, you can reference a cell’s identifier rather than typing the number
that appears in that cell. The reason of using cell reference provides you flexibility in your
worksheet, if the data in your cell changes, every formula that reference the cell alter as well.

A relative cell reference is one that modifies cell identifier automatically if you add or remove
columns or rows, or if you copy the formula to another cell. In short, it changes relative based on
the location where you copied or moved.
Use the existing workbook, do the tasks provided below.
1. Do the same process done in the image shown.

2. In cell F1, type = C1 + D1 * E then press Enter. You can also select the cell with the
mouse instead of typing it in your cell F1.

3. In cell F2, type = (C1+D1) *E1 then press Enter.

4. Click cell F3 type =C1 +(D1*E1) then press Enter.


To create absolute cell reference use ($) dollar sign before the column or row of the cell you
want to reference. The reason of using this reference if you don’t want to change the value of the
reference when you copy or move it to the other cell.
Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet (Sheet2) and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.

2. In cell C3, type =$A$1 + B1.

3. In cell C3 drag the fill handle the small green box at the bottom right corner.

4. The display output in cell C4 is 5 instead of 7. The reason is because we lock the
reference of cell A3, it means the value is not allowed to be changed.

5. Click cell F5, type the formula = F2 * $F$3.

6. In cell F5 drag the fill handle as shown in the image. We lock the reference cell F3 to
avoid the changes of the tax rate value.

7. In cell D4, type = $A4 +B4 then press Enter. The formula in cell B21 now uses a mixed
cell reference. The dollar sign before the B in the formula is absolute, but the row
number is relative.
8. Save your workbook.

Functions provide convenient way of performing mathematical operations, look up values, or

even calculate dates and times.
Go to Formula tab and navigate through the Function Library where functions are sorted by
category such as text, Date & Time etc. When you start typing after you press =, Excel will suggest
all the functions starting with the letter your type. When you find the function just press Tab and
Excel will automatically enter the function name and enter the opening parenthesis.

Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet (Sheet3) and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.

2. Under the Amount column for Item (cell B9), enter =SUM (B4:B8), or type =SUM (,
then select that range with the mouse, and press Enter. This will sum the values in cells
B4, B5, B6, and B7. Your answer should be 260.

3. Another way to compute the sum is to select the yellow cell under the column for Item
(cell B9), then go to Formulas > AutoSum > select SUM. You will notice Excel
automatically enter the formula and press Enter.

Use the AVERAGE function to compute the average of numbers in a range of cells. Using your
existing workbook, create a new worksheet (Sheet3) and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.

2. Select cell E9 and enter an AVERAGE function by typing =AVERAGE (E4:E8).

Use the MIN function to identify the minimum value in a range of cells while MAX function
allows you to identify the maximum value. Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet
(Sheet3) and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.

2. Select cell E10 and enter MIN function by typing =MIN (E4:E8).

3. Select cell E11 and enter MAX function by typing =MAX (E4:E8).

Another way to compute your MIN and MAX function, you need to click the AutoSum button
arrow and then select MIN or MAX from the menu. The range of cells will be automatically
Sample Output:

Excel can provide you with the current date, depending on your computer's regional settings.
You may also add and subtract Dates. Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet
(Sheet3) and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.

2. In cell H4 enter = TODAY(). Using TODAY function, which gives you Today's date.

3. Subtract Dates - Type your next birthday in MM/DD/YY format in cell H5, and watch
Excel tell you how many days away it is by
using =H5-H4 in cell H6.

4. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.


Add Dates - In cell H8, enter a random number of days. In cell H9, type =(today’s date)
H4+H8(days entered) to calculate the due date from today.

Excel can provide you with the current time, depending on your computer's regional locations.
You can also add and subtract times. Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet (Sheet3)
and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.

2. In cell K4, enter =NOW(), that will give the current time, and will updated every time
Excel calculates. If you want to change the Time format, you could go to Ctrl+1 >
Number > Time > Select the format you want.

3. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.


In cell K11 you need to enter =((K10-K7) - (K9-K8)) * 24, which calculates someone's
start and end times, then subtract the time they took for lunch. The *24 at the end of the
formula converts the fractional portion of the day that Excel sees into hours.
You'll need to format the cell as a Number though. To do that, go to Home > Format >
Cells (Ctrl+1) > Number > Number > 2 decimals.

Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet (Sheet3) and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.


2. In cell E3, enter =N4&”,” &M4 then press Enter to join the last and first names.

To copy the formula, click the Fill handle then drag from cell O5 to O8.

Sample Output:

3. To create the full name, you need to join first and last name, but make use of a space
without a comma. In cell P4, enter =M4&" "&N4.

IF statement lets you make logical comparisons between conditions. An IF statement generally
says that if one condition is true do something, otherwise do something else
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.

2. In cell S4 enter =IF(R4="Apple",TRUE,FALSE). The correct answer is TRUE

3. Copy S4 to S5. The answer to this should be FALSE because an Orange is not an

4. Try another example by looking at the formula in cell D12. We got you started with
=IF(R7<100,"Less than 100","Greater than or equal to 100").

Sample Output:

VLOOKUP is one of the most frequently used functions in Excel. It allows you to search the
value in the column on the left, then provides information in another column to the right if it finds a

Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet (Sheet3) and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.

2. In cell V10, enter =VLOOKUP (U10, U4:V8,2,FALSE). VLOOKUP looked for item,
then went over one column to the right, and returned the amount.

Sample Output:

You will experience where VLOOKUP can't find what you asked it to, and it returns an error
(#N/A). Sometimes, it's because the lookup value simply doesn't exist, or it can because the
reference cell doesn't have a value yet.

3. In your cell U10 write donuts. Your error will be changed to the value of donuts.

Conditional functions allow you to sum, average, count or get the min or max of a range based
on a given condition, or conditions you specify.
This allows you to sum in one range based on a specific criterion you are looking for in
another range.

It is identical to the SUMIF, it allows you to apply multiple criteria.

Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet (Sheet3) and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image.

2. Select cell Y18 and type =SUMIF(X4:X15,X18,Y4:Y15).

3. In cell X18, type Apples. The output will display the sum of Apples.

4. Select cell AC18 and type =SUMIFS(AC4:AC15,AA4:AA15,AA18,AB4:AB15,AB18).

5. In cell AA18, type Lemons, and in cell AB18 type Rough. The output will display the
sum of Lemons with Rough type.

COUNTIF allows you to count values in a range based on a criterion

you indicate. While COUNTIFS it lets you use multiple criteria.

Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet (Sheet3) and do the steps below.
1. In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image. In cell AE18 type Apples
then press Enter.

2. In cell AF18 type =COUNTIF(AE4:AE15,AE18) then press Enter. Your formula will
count the total number of Apples in your Fruit column.

Sample Output:

Using your existing workbook, create a new worksheet (Sheet3) and do the steps below.
In your worksheet, do the same output as shown in the image. In cell AH18 type Lemons
and for cell AI18 type Rough then press Enter.

In cell AJ18 type =COUNTIFS(AH4:AH15,AH18,AI4:AI15,AI18) then press Enter.

Your formula will count the total number of Lemons Rough in your column.

Sample Output:


1. Read all the instructions carefully.

2. Perform the following in Office Excel
3. File name must follow the format of Lastname_ActivityNumber. e.g. Malaborbor_Activity2

Complete the worksheet by performing the different tasks stated in SCORING OF EXAM Sheet.
The worksheet template will be posted in MS Teams.

Sample Worksheet Template

Sample Output


Harvey, G. (2019). Excel 2019 All-in-one for Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.

Bluttman,K.(2019). Excel Formula & Functions for Dummies (5th Ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Curtis, F. (2015). Microsoft Excel 2016 Step by Step. Redmond,Washington:Microsoft Press.


1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C

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