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Temperature Stress

and Responses of Plants 5

Anna Źróbek-Sokolnik

Among the abiotic environmental factors temperature is the most impor-
tant factor which significantly affects life processes of all organisms.
Temperature stresses experienced by plants are usually classified into
three types: (a) chilling stress (occurring at temperatures below freezing),
(b) freezing stress (occurring at low temperatures above freezing), and (c)
high temperature stress. This chapter shows the influence of low and high
temperature to physiological and metabolic processes in plants. The con-
sequences of chilling and freezing or heat stresses are presented as well as
mechanisms of plant resistance to low or high temperature and adaptation
or/and acclimatization possibilities is reported in this chapter.

Temperature • Vernalization • Stratification • Metabolism • Freezing
• Acclimatization • Adaptation

solution and the cytoplasm, phloem, and xylem

1 Introduction solutions in plants (Sung et al. 2003). Living
organisms can be classified into three groups,
Temperature is an abiotic environmental factor subject to the preferred temperature of growth
that significantly affects life processes in all (Fig. 5.1). This chapter analyzes the impact of
organisms by modifying membrane properties, temperature on plant growth with emphasis on
enzyme activity levels, the rate of chemical plant response to temperature stress.
reactions and diffusion, viscosity of vacuole It is believed that land plants evolved in a
tropical climate. This evolution process was
spurred not so much by a warm climate, but by
A. Źróbek-Sokolnik () the stability of ambient temperature. Plants
Department of Botany and Nature Protection,
gradually migrated into temperate regions both
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn,
Plac Łódzki 1, 10-727 Olsztyn, Poland north and south of the equator as they developed
e-mail: mechanisms that allowed them to accommodate

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 113
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_5,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
114 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Fig. 5.1 Classification of the living organisms, subject to their preferred temperature of growth

wider variations in temperature on both a daily 1.1 Vernalization

and a seasonal basis (Fitter and Hay 2002). The
growth and development of plants involves a In some plant species, a period of low tempera-
countless number of biochemical reactions that tures is required to induce flowering, while in
are sensitive to temperature. Plant life is gener- other plants, low temperatures only accelerate
ally limited by the freezing point of water at the flowering or have no effect at all. Plants with a
low end of the temperature scale and the irre- vernalization requirement experience a period of
versible denaturation of proteins at the high end. low temperatures in late fall and/or winter at the
Temperature is a critical factor in the plant envi- stage of seed imbibition or young seedlings (annual
ronment, and it may play a significant role in winter crops) or upon reaching vegetative matu-
growth and development. Growth is defined as rity (biennial and perennial plants) (Kim et al.
an increase in dry weight, while development is 2009). Flowering is induced in the temperature
the increase in the number and/or dimension of range of 0 to +10°C. The duration of the vernaliza-
organs by cell division and/or expansion: leaves, tion period, that is, the required number of days
branches, spikelets, florets, root apices, etc., with low temperatures, varies subject to species,
including those present in seed embryos. It also and it usually reaches from 2 weeks to several
seems that the rate of plant development tends to weeks (Dennis et al. 1996; Amasino 2006). In
be controlled primarily by temperature, and it is seeds, temperature stimuli are perceived by the
less sensitive to other environmental factors. embryo, while in seedlings and matured plants,
The development of vegetation is determined by this signal is sensed by apical meristems. A vernal-
a broad variety of environmental factors that ized meristem retains competence following the
exert combined effects. Plant organisms are reception of the inductive signal. When the signal
rarely affected by individual factors, and tem- is absent for a longer period of time, the plant is
perature stress is usually accompanied by water de-vernalized, and a similar effect can be achieved
stress and, in consequence, oxidative stress by exposing the plant to higher temperatures
(Fitter and Hay 2002). Temperature can also (around 40°C for 1–2 days) (Tretyn et al. 2003).
play a part in controlling the pattern and timing The mechanisms underlying vernalization have
of plant development, and this accounts for the not yet been fully explained. It is believed that low
below phenomena. temperatures lead to changes in the permeability
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 115

of cell membranes and/or the level of expression result of an exponential increase in the reaction
of “vernalization” genes. Phytohormones, in par- rate, caused by increased collision frequency, and
ticular gibberellin, significantly contribute to this increasingly modified by the thermal denatur-
process (Sheldon et al. 2000; Amasino 2005). ation of macromolecules (Fitter and Hay 2002).
The effect of temperature on enzyme activity
is not a simple correlation. Activity levels rise
1.2 Stratification with an increase in temperature, but only within a
temperature range that guarantees the enzyme’s
Stratification is a popular method of breaking stability (Cornish-Bowden 2004). When the criti-
seed dormancy that has been used for centuries. cal temperature is exceeded, enzymes undergo
This technique involves the storage of seeds in a thermal denaturation, and their activity drops
moist and well-ventilated environment at rela- rapidly. The average rate of enzymatic reactions
tively low temperatures in the range of 1–10°C. increases twofold with every 10°C increase in
Stratification is generally defined as the process temperature within the range that does not cause
of subjecting seeds to cold or warm and cold enzyme denaturation (Fig. 5.3). The correlation
conditions in a moist and ventilated environment between temperature and the increase in enzy-
to break the dormancy stage. Low temperature, matic activity is described by temperature coef-
high moisture content, and oxygen supply during ficient Q10 which illustrates changes in reaction
the treatment induce deep physiological and bio- rate when the temperature increases by 10°C:
chemical changes in seeds. Stratification leads to
the decomposition of germination inhibitors in v( t +10)
Q10 = .
seeds, and it induces the production of growth vt
stimulators: cytokinin, gibberellin, and auxin. At
various stages of the dormancy breaking period, Parameter Q10 applies only in a nondenaturing
changes are noted in the quantitative ratio of range of temperatures, it is enzyme specific and
various stimulators which modify the seeds’ sen- determined by the activation energy of the cata-
sitivity to light and temperature and support dor- lyzed reaction. Enzyme activity reaches the high-
mancy breaking in various dormancy mechanisms est level at optimal temperature. The representative
(e.g., Baskin and Baskin 1998; Opik and Rolfe values of temperature coefficients (Q10) for
2005; Wróbel et al. 2005). selected plant processes measured at varying
intervals within the range 0–30°C are determined
at 1–2.3 (e.g., light reactions of photosynthesis
1.3 The Effect of Temperature ~1; diffusion of small molecules in water: 1.2–1.5;
on Membranes, Enzymes, water flow through seed coat: 1.3–1.6; water flow
and Metabolic Processes into germinating seeds: 1.5–1.8; hydrolysis reac-
tions catalyzed by enzymes: 1.5–2.3; root axis
An increase or a decrease in temperature changes extension: 2.3). Coefficient value reaches 2–3 for
the kinetic energy of particles, accelerating their dark reactions of photosynthesis, 0.8–3 for phos-
motion and weakening hydrogen bonds in mac- phate ion uptake into storage tissue, and 2–5 for
romolecules. All of the reactions contributing to potassium ion uptake into seedlings. Grass leaf
growth are catalyzed by enzymes whose activity extension is characterized by Q10 of 3.2, and the
depends on their precise, three-dimensional, ter- relative growth rate is marked by coefficient
tiary structures, to which the reacting molecules value of 7.2 (Fitter and Hay 2002). The observed
must bind exactly for each reaction to proceed. optimal temperature is the product of two pro-
As the temperature rises, tertiary structures are cesses: an increase in the reaction rate related to
damaged, reducing enzyme activity and reaction an increase in kinetic energy and an increase in
rates (Price and Stevens 1999). The asymmetry the rate of thermal denaturation of an enzyme
of response curves, such as Fig. 5.2a, b, is the net above a critical temperature point. When the
116 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Fig. 5.2 Schematic illustrations of plant responses to temperature (adapted from Fitter and Hay 2002). (a) The response
of plant growth rate; (b) the influence of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis and respiration

second parameter is higher, a drop in activity An alternative approach involves the applica-
levels is noted. For most enzymes, the optimal tion of the Arrhenius equation (from chemical
temperature falls within the range of 30–45°C. kinetics) to plant processes:
Enzymes are irreversibly denatured and inacti-
k = A exp( − E a / RT ),
vated at temperatures higher than 60°C. The
enzymes of thermophilous organisms (such as where k is the rate constant, Ea is the activa-
thermal spring bacteria) remain active and attain tion energy for the process, A is the constant, R is
maximum reaction rates at higher temperatures. the gas constant, and T is the temperature
The highest temperature at which an enzyme is expressed on the absolute temperature scale.
not thermally inactivated under given conditions Arrhenius constants (Ea/R for the process) can
determines the enzyme’s thermal stability. be useful in biochemical comparisons between
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 117

growth do not all respond to temperature in the

same way. For example, in most crop species,
gross photosynthesis ceases at temperatures just
below 0°C (minimum) and above 40°C (maxi-
mum), with the highest rates being achieved in
the range of 20–35°C. In contrast, rates of respi-
ration tend to be low below 20°C but, owing to
the thermal disruption of metabolic controls
and compartmentation at higher temperatures,
they rise sharply up to the compensation tempera-
ture, at which the rate of respiration equals the
rate of gross photosynthesis, and there can be no
Fig. 5.3 The influence of temperature on enzyme activity net photosynthesis (Wilkinson 2000; Fitter and
Hay 2002; Jenks and Hasegawa 2005; Wahid
et al. 2007).
species (Criddle et al. 1994; Levine 2005) and Temperature stress in plants has been broadly
in analyses of plant membrane changes during researched, and the problem has been widely
cooling and freezing. addressed by review articles (Wang et al. 2003;
Higher temperatures increase the liquidity of Wahid et al. 2007; Jan et al. 2009), books dis-
membrane lipid layers. A temperature drop has cussing various types of stress (Wilkinson 2000;
the opposite effect: biological membranes Fitter and Hay 2002; Jenks and Hasegawa 2005),
become more rigid and the activation energy of studies investigating the negative effects of
membrane enzymes increases. The above phe- extreme temperatures (Iba 2002; Sung et al.
nomenon is as the result of thermotropic changes 2003), etc. It should be noted that unlike homeo-
in the lipid phase. Temperature modifies the orga- thermic animals, plants are unable to maintain
nization of fatty acid residues in phospholipids their cells and tissues at a constant optimum
and galactolipids, the components of various temperature, therefore, their metabolism, growth,
membranes. The configuration of polyunsatu- and development are profoundly affected by
rated fatty acid residues is more difficult to reor- changes in environmental temperature. This sug-
ganize at lower temperatures than that of saturated gests that as sessile organisms, plants must be
fatty acids, but polyunsaturated fatty acids resi- able to sense transient fluctuations as well as
dues “melt” more easily at higher temperatures. seasonal changes in temperature and respond to
Temperature-induced changes in the liquidity of these changes by actively adjusting their biology
the cell membrane or its selected domains that to fit the subsequent temperature regime. Tem-
modify the structure and function of membrane perature is a major environmental factor that
proteins. Cell membrane’s response to tempera- changes from season to season and undergoes
ture variations may also be determined by its ste- daily fluctuations and short, erratic lows and
rol content or interactions with other nonlipid highs. For this reason, the stress-inducing role of
organic compounds (Sung et al. 2003; Alberts temperature is difficult to define unambiguously
et al. 2004). Temperature-induced changes in since the response to various temperatures is
membrane properties also significantly affect determined by the plants’ ability to adapt to
water regulation in cells, and secondary water different climate regimes. Vegetation occurs in
stress may occur when the rate of water uptake climate zones characterized by extreme temper-
by the roots is slower than leaf transpiration. At atures of −50 to +50°C, that is, within a range of
temperatures below 0°C, liquid water changes 100°C. The margin of thermal tolerance that
into solid ice. Ice crystals are formed inside the conditions the stability of life processes in most
protoplast which could lead to structural damage. plants is relatively wide, ranging from several
Extracellular formation of ice may cause cell degrees above zero to around 35°C, and it is
dehydration. The component processes of plant genetically determined. Many genotypes specific
118 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Table 5.1 Factors which determinate temperature of above- or under-ground organs (adapted from Fitter and Hay
Leaf/above-ground organs – The amount of solar radiation intercepted
– The potential for energy exchange with the environment
– Time of day (regular diurnal variation of solar elevation)
– Month (typical seasonal variation)
– Cloud cover
– Wind force and origin of air mass (irregular, short-term variation)
– Position in the canopy (e.g., “sun” or “shade” leaf)
– Altitude above soil surface
– Canopy characteristics, including leaf shape, dimensions and surface properties
Roots/under-ground organs – Seasonal and diurnal variations in energy exchange Determine how much energy
– The interception of solar radiation by the canopy reaches the soil surface
– The account of the depth below the soil surface
– Soil properties which influence the energy balance
at the soil surface, and the transfer of heat through the
soil (e.g., moisture content, bulk density, color/albedo,
and the vegetative or litter cover)

to extreme climate conditions, from arctic to response to extreme temperatures than the
tropical, have a much wider tolerance margin. In above-ground parts of plants, and the above
principle, plants in the dormant state (dry germs applies to both extreme cold and extreme heat
and seed embryos, dehydrated dormant organs) (Fig. 5.4). During the evolution process, roots
are far less sensitive to temperature change, and became adapted to more stable temperatures.
they are able to survive through periods of Nonetheless, the temperature of both the roots
extreme temperature unharmed. Metabolically and other under-ground organs is also deter-
active tissues have thermal activity limits which, mined by factors presented in Table 5.1.
when exceeded, lead to a reversible drop in the Plants can adapt to changes in the temperature
rate of life processes to a minimum level. Further regime through the evolution of genotypes with
temperature change (referred to as critical or more appropriate morphologies, life histories,
lethal temperature) causes permanent damage to physiological and biochemical characteristics, or
cell structures, it affects cell metabolism, impairs by plasticity. Plants also adapt to changing tem-
vital life processes, and kills the protoplasm. peratures during the growing season by plastic
During evaluations of plant response to extreme responses.
temperatures, special attention should be paid to
the temperature of the plant which often differs
from ambient temperature. In the summer, leaf 2 Low Temperature
temperature often exceeds ambient temperature
by up to several degrees. Higher differences are Periodic temperature drops below zero degrees
noted in plants whose leaves are positioned hori- are reported on around 64% of the Earth’s surface.
zontally, such as apple trees. In the spring and The lowest temperatures are noted in Antarctica,
autumn, the night temperature of leaves, in par- reaching around −50°C in coastal areas and up to
ticular when the sky is clear, may be even sev- −90°C in the interior. The minimum temperature
eral degrees lower than ambient temperature at which a given species can survive is one of the
(Wilkinson 2000; Fitter and Hay 2002; Jenks main criteria determining plant distribution on
and Hasegawa 2005). At a given moment, leaf our planet. In a temperate climate, low-temperature
temperature is determined by several factors stress eliminates or inhibits the growth and yield
(Table 5.1). Roots demonstrate a stronger growth of valuable plants and crops (Xin and Browse
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 119

Fig. 5.4 Schematic illustration of the influence on growth and morphology of roots and above-ground organs of potato
seedlings (adapted from Marschner 1995)

2000; Jan et al. 2009). Plants indigenous to colder The plants’ ability to survive freezing and
regions are usually well adapted to chilling tem- other adverse temperature changes differs from
peratures and are, therefore, not significantly the remaining stressors. Levitt’s stress avoidance
impaired by cold periods, apart from a general theory (1980) does not apply in this case. Plants
slowing down of the metabolic rate and growth. are unable to avoid freezing temperatures, and
In a temperate climate, plants respond differently they can only protect themselves from the nega-
to freezing temperatures and the winter environ- tive consequences of cold by increasing their
ment than other factors that occur irregularly. In tolerance to chilling. Many plants enter the
the winter, chilling temperatures do not come as dormant state to survive harsh winter weather.
a surprise for plants that have adapted to the peri- This is a typical feature of adaptation to freezing
odic, adverse vegetation factors in the course of which is a genetically inherited trait.
evolution. Low temperatures are accompanied by Plants can be classified into three categories
short daytime and low radiation intensity. The based on the range of lethal temperatures and the
adaptation to growth inhibiting factors is charac- characteristics of mechanisms conditioning their
teristic of the dormant state (Jan et al. 2009). resistance to low temperatures (Fig. 5.6).
There are two types of injuries a plant can
sustain through exposure to low temperatures
(Fig. 5.5). On the other hand, many plants that 2.1 Consequences of Chilling
are native to cold climates can survive extremely and Freezing Stress
low temperatures without injury (Levitt 1980).
An analysis of freezing winter temperatures as There are two theories explaining the plants’
an environmental stressor should also account primary response to temperature stress. The first
for the impact of other adverse factors such as concept, formulated by Lyons (1973), states that
low light intensity and short daytime. The above low temperatures induce the phase transition of
conditions arrest the growth and development of cell membranes where a liquid-crystal structure
vegetation (Hopkins 2006). is transformed into a crystal (gel) phase.
120 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Fig. 5.5 Two types of injuries a plant can sustain through exposure to low temperatures (adapted from Stushnoff et al.

Fig. 5.6 Classification of the plants, subject to their range of lethal temperatures and the characteristics of mechanisms
conditioning their resistance to low temperatures (adapted from Stushnoff et al. 1984)
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 121

Thermotropic phase changes are the primary drops (thermal shock) have particularly damaging
cause of membrane dysfunctions that lead to irre- consequences. The lower the temperature and the
versible damage and cell death. The above may longer its effect, the greater the extent of the sus-
produce reactive oxygen species and the accom- tained injury (Mahajan and Tuteja 2005; Solanke
panying oxidative stress. According to recent and Sharma 2008). Plant structures and physio-
research, the phospholipid which initiates the logical cell processes have varied sensitivity to
phase transition of the cell membrane is phos- chilling temperatures (Fig. 5.7). Most injuries are
phatidylglycerol (PG). If a PG molecule contains sustained in the cell membrane which may repre-
fatty acids with a high melting point, that is, satu- sent a potential site of perception and/or injury
rated fatty acids, then the phase transition of this (Lindberg et al. 2005). There are changes in the
lipid takes place relatively easily at low tempera- viscosity and liquidity of the membrane, leading
tures and this, in turn, induces the transformation to an increase in diffusion resistance and, in many
of other phospholipids and galactolipids adjacent cases, enzyme inactivation. The reversibility of
to PG (Los and Murata 2004; Wang et al. 2006). those effects is determined by the severity of
According to the second chilling injury theory, damage. Changes in chemical composition may
the primary cause of damage is the sudden be observed as the result of lipid degradation, the
increase in the concentration of free calcium ions release of fatty acids and changes in the activity
in the cytosol (Minorsky 1989). Calcium ion of metabolizing enzymes, peroxidation, disinte-
concentrations increase as calcium channels in gration of lipid–protein bonds, and higher mem-
the plasmalemma become opened due to sudden brane permeability. The chemical composition of
depolarization (Lecourieux et al. 2006). In chill- the cytoplasm and differences in lipid quality in
ing-sensitive plants, calcium opens the stomata, various chilling-sensitive species determine the
and transpiration significantly exceeds water phase transition point, that is, the point at which
uptake by the roots (Liang et al. 2009). In many the membrane is transformed from a liquid-crys-
sensitive species, the first indication of cold stress tal state into a gel state (Solanke and Sharma
is striking wilting of the leaves, despite optimal 2008; Jan et al. 2009). This change in the mem-
water supply in the soil (Mahajan and Tuteja brane’s physical state impairs its normal func-
2005; Solanke and Sharma 2008). The release of tioning. In most chilling-sensitive plants, the
calcium ions into the cytosol has many secondary phase transition point is around 10°C. Chilling
effects, including induced gene expression which sensitivity is mostly related to a higher content of
could result from changes in the content or distri- saturated fatty acid residues in lipids, while the
bution of cell hormones, mainly abscisic acid cold-hardiness mechanism is explained by the
(ABA). This phenomenon is in particularly desaturation of fatty acids which enables the plant
related to the acidification of the cytoplasm at to quickly acclimatize to low temperatures. The
low temperatures (and the corresponding alkal- above is only one of the factors explaining varia-
ization of the vacuoles) which, at least in part, is tions in the plants’ response to temperature stress
actively controlled by H+-transport from the cyto- (Lindberg et al. 2005; Zhang and Tian 2010).
plasm to the vacuole catalyzed by H+-ATPase Interactions between membrane components,
located on the vacuolar membrane. The inactiva- including lipid–lipid and lipid–protein, are also
tion of this enzyme has been reported to occur believed to play an important role. Higher sterol
much earlier than other symptoms of cell injury concentrations increase membrane rigidity. The
(Yoshida et al. 1999; Lindberg et al. 2005). role of membrane proteins during chilling is
Chilling affects the entire internal environment of also a source of controversy, but there is gen-
each cell and each molecule within the cells eral agreement that conformational changes in
(Kartsch and Wise 2000). The rate and extent of protein–lipid systems may lead to membrane
injury is determined by temperature, its duration disintegration and dysfunction (Los and Murata
as well as the chilling rate. Sudden temperature 2004; Lindberg et al. 2005). Frost-induced
122 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Fig. 5.7 Functional disturbance occurred in chilling-sensitive plants, subjected to stress duration (adapted from
Kacperska 1998)

changes may lead to inhibited protoplast move- et al. 2005; Liang et al. 2009; Sun et al. 2010).
ment, excessive protoplast vacuolization, damage Other membranes (plasmalemma and tonoplast)
to the endoplasmic reticulum, drop in turgidity, are damaged after relatively longer exposure, as
and higher membrane permeability. Cytoplasmic demonstrated by membrane cells’ ability to plas-
streaming and photosynthesis, including thyla- molyze and vital staining. Those injuries are irre-
koid functioning in chloroplasts (as demonstrated versible. Other metabolic functions are marked
by enhanced in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence), by varied sensitivity to low temperatures which
are most susceptible to reversible disruptions. cause metabolic disorders and lead to toxin accu-
Irreversible damage, including injuries caused by mulation, for example, respiration efficiency may
stressors other than temperature, is also most be higher or lower subject to environmental
likely to affect thylakoid membranes, mostly factors that accompany freezing temperatures.
photosystem II. Chloroplast lipids undergo vari- Chilling may also inhibit the activity of many
ous metabolic changes in both chilling-sensitive oxidoreductive enzymes, such as catalase, lead-
and cold-hardy plants. Higher levels of galactoli- ing to the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide
pase activity and, consequently, higher free fatty and the production of free radicals (Suzuki and
acid concentrations are noted in the chloroplasts Mittler 2006; Liang et al. 2009; Sun et al. 2010).
of chilling-sensitive species (faba beans, beans, In sublethal cold stress, fruit ripening and seed
tomatoes, maize) than in cold-hardy plants (spin- germination are most severely inhibited (Kumar
ach, pea). Lower temperatures disrupt the main- and Bhatla 2006).
tenance of the proton gradient in thylakoid Frost leads to the appearance of stress which
membranes conditioning ATP synthesis. Powerful is linked not directly to low temperature, but to
radiation during or directly after chilling intensi- freezing (crystallization) of water in the plant
fies the relevant injuries and retards, or even (Mahajan and Tuteja 2005). Intracellular and
disables, damage repair in both chilling-sensitive extracellular crystallization produces different
and cold-hardy plants. Long-term frost inhibits effects. Ice crystals are formed readily in those
the synthesis of chlorophyll and starch (Muller parts of the plant where temperature drops most
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 123

rapidly and where water freezes most easily (due Multiple forms of membrane damage can occur
to high water potential), mostly vascular bundles as a consequence of freeze-induced cellular
and intracellular spaces in above-ground parts dehydration including expansion-induced-lysis,
where water vapor undergoes condensation. Ice lamellar-to-hexagonal-II chase transitions, and
crystals spread quickly via vessels and other fracture jump lesions. The above leads to cell
tissues with uniform structure. The presence of contraction and the associated changes in reac-
air-filled intercellular spaces as well as tissues tions between the plasmalemma and the cell
with lignified or cutinized walls slows down crys- wall, partial loss of plasmalemma due to exocy-
tallization. Ice formation is accelerated by ice- tosis and endocytosis, changes in the structure
nucleation active bacteria of the genera Ervinia of the plasmalemma and other cell membranes,
and Pseudomonas. The proteins formed on the and the creation of protein-deprived lipid areas
outer bacterial cell wall react with water particles in the membrane. The greatest damage is done
and facilitate the formation of ice crystals at tem- to the plasmalemma. Dehydration also increases
peratures just below 0°C. In the absence of ice- the concentration of solutions in the cytosol and
nucleation active bacteria on the surface of tissues the cell sap, leading to higher salinity (Mahajan
and on the walls of intracellular spaces, ice and Tuteja 2005; Solanke and Sharma 2008; Jan
formation would begin at temperatures several et al. 2009). Conformational changes in proteins
degrees lower due to the supercooling of water found in the plasmalemma and other membranes
solutions. lead to changes in the activity of various mem-
If tissue is supercooled rapidly (e.g., faster brane enzymes, including ATPases responsible
than 5 K min−1) and the cells have high water for the movement of protons and other ions
potential, or if cell water had been first deeply through membranes (Lindberg et al. 2005).
supercooled, ice may be formed in the protoplast. Some ions, accumulated in cells by ion trans-
The above invariably leads to cytoplasm destruc- porters (e.g., potassium ions), are diffused after
tion and cell death (Fitter and Hay 2002; Rajashekar thawing into intracellular spaces together with
2000; Jan et al. 2009; Janska et al. 2010). Water water, for example, in leaf tissue. Certain pro-
freezing in intracellular spaces is a less dangerous teins, such as the thylakoid coupling factor,
phenomenon. In nature, where temperature decline become dissociated in the process. The effect of
is generally slow (1–5 K min−1), crystallization chill injury on life processes is often visible
usually takes place outside the protoplast in intra- when plants resume their normal growth after
cellular spaces and between the cell wall and the freezing temperatures subside. Even partial deg-
protoplast (partly due to the extracellular fluid radation of thylakoid membranes inhibits photo-
having a higher freezing point, i.e., lower solute synthesis, and the process may be reversible. PS
concentration, than intracellular fluid). The above II activity may be partially or completely inhib-
leads to extracellular crystallization. Vapor pres- ited, and the balance between the light-dependent
sure decreases in the spaces above ice, and a phase and CO2 assimilation may be upset. There
water potential gradient is created between the is a rise in photorespiration intensity (Alam et al.
unfrozen interior of the cell and the extracellular 2005). Changes in the mitochondria and the
environment. Water moves along this gradient respiration process are not as profound. In
into extracellular spaces where it is crystallized strongly dehydrated cells, the membrane under-
(Fitter and Hay 2002; Jan et al. 2009; Janska et al. goes lyotropic phase transitions, and hexagonal
2010). Cells are dehydrated (secondary stress) arrangements are formed in lipid bilayers of a
and they contract due to desiccation. The lower single membrane or two layers of two adjoining
the surrounding temperature, the longer it takes membranes (e.g., plasmalemma and endoplas-
for an equilibrium to be reached between the mic reticulum). The membranes’ primary struc-
water potential above ice and inside cells, and the ture is not always restored after thawing, and
greater the effect of cell dehydration (Solanke water is diffused into the extracellular environ-
and Sharma 2008). ment together with ions through membrane
124 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

channels. Cell dehydration caused by extracel- preventing or delaying symplastic ice formation
lular crystallization increases the concentrations is frost plasmolysis. Poorly hydrated plants which
of salt and organic acids in the protoplast which, are acclimatized to water stress usually show
in turn, may lead to protein denaturation and increased cold resistance, for example, plants
enzyme inactivation (Mahajan and Tuteja 2005; which are extremely tolerant to drying out, for
Solanke and Sharma 2008). Few enzymes example, embryos of ripened seeds, can be con-
remain active at below zero temperatures, but served alive at −200°C without damage (Jan et al.
some of them are activated, such as phospholi- 2009). Species-specific cold resistance is a genet-
pase D which catalyzes the hydrolysis of phos- ically programmed trait that can be modified by
pholipids (Ruelland et al. 2002). The degradation both endogenous and exogenous factors. For a
of membrane lipids begins during freezing and vast number of species, frost tolerance is not a
after thawing, releasing unsaturated fatty acids static feature, but it is closely correlated with sea-
which are peroxidized. Chlorophyll may be also son, it fluctuates in various growing periods, and
be photooxidized in green tissues exposed to it is not identical for all organs (Rorat et al. 2006;
light (Sung et al. 2003). Chill injuries may occur Hekneby et al. 2006). The above-ground parts of
not only during freezing, but also during the wheat seedlings were acclimatized even to −20°C,
thawing of tissue. Plant survival is also deter- but the roots’ sensitivity to frost did not change.
mined by post-thawing environmental factors – Acclimatization can be accelerated by hardening
rapid temperature growth and high light intensity the plants, that is, exposing them to increasingly
may disturb metabolic pathways in cells and lower temperatures on successive days, initially
cause additional damage. During rapid melting above zero, followed by insignificantly below
of ice, the cell is rehydrated, and it quickly zero (Li et al. 2005a; Zhang and Tian 2010). This
increases its volume. The above leads to tension process is continued for several weeks. Plants are
and cracks in cell structures, mostly in the cyto- characterized by the greatest frost resistance 1–3
plasm which is the site of primary cell injury. weeks from the beginning of exposure to freezing
The above changes have less damaging conse- temperatures. The period of deacclimatization,
quences for dormant plants. In a temperate cli- that is, dehardening, is much shorter, and it usu-
mate, winter frost is not a typical stressor for ally lasts several days. The higher the ambient
plants, but freezing temperatures could be a temperature, the faster the deacclimatization pro-
source of stress if they occurred in the spring or cess. After dehardening, repeated exposure to
summer (Muller et al. 2005). frost can severely damage many plants (Li et al.
2004; Burbulis et al. 2008).
Plant organs are also marked by varied sensi-
2.2 Resistance to low Temperature, tivity to frost (Li et al. 2005a; Rorat et al. 2006).
Acclimatization Roots are most susceptible to the damaging
effects of freezing temperatures, shoots are less
Resistance is related to frost tolerance, that is, the sensitive, while tree trunks and older branches
ability of the organism to survive low tempera- are characterized by the highest frost resistance
tures without damage. In regions characterized (Muller et al. 2005; Kato-Noguchi 2007). Snow
by seasonal climate change, plants’ resistance to cover minimizes the temperature drop in the soil,
freezing fluctuates periodically – it is the lowest and it protects crops from freezing. The cold sen-
during intensive elongation growth in the spring, sitivity of flowers is determined by the given spe-
and it rises significantly in the fall when growth is cies’ phenological growth stages (Thakur et al.
arrested by the direct effect of low temperature or 2009; Ohnishi et al. 2010).
the combined effect of shorter daytime and tem- ABA stimulates and speeds-up plant harden-
perature drop (Li et al. 2005a, b). Frost resistance ing. According to Weiser (1970), acclimatization,
is usually achieved by preventing ice formation and perhaps also hardening, is determined by
in the symplast. An important mechanism modifications in gene expression. In this case,
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 125

ABA can enhance cold resistance if it is able to (Rajashekar 2000; Hopkins 2006; Jan et al.
induce the expression of the respective genes 2009).
(Gusta et al. 2005). Gibberellins and auxins Membranes are restructured under exposure
deliver an opposite effect. Substances that retard to cold before the temperature drops below zero.
gibberellin synthesis accelerate hardening. In these conditions, the water potential is gradu-
Intensive nitrogen fertilization generally delays ally lowered with a simultaneous drop in the
dormancy and increases susceptibility to freez- osmotic potential due to the accumulation of
ing. Heavy potassium fertilization has the oppo- carbohydrates in vacuoles. ABA is accumu-
site effect by increasing the frost resistance of lated, and it induces the synthesis of specific
both herbaceous and arborescent plants. The con- proteins. The next stage brings intensified
centrations of sugar and other osmoprotectors changes in the cell membrane – degradation of
that protect the cell from dehydration increases in phosphatidylcholine and phosphoinositol,
the cytosol and vacuoles (Liang et al. 2009). accompanied by a continued increase in ABA
Fluid supercooling inside the cell is yet levels and protein synthesis modifications
another factor that increases the plants’ cold (Gusta et al. 2005; Lindberg et al. 2005).
resistance by delaying crystallization in the cell. Cryoprotectants, substances that directly pro-
The presence of substances dissolved in the vac- tect the membrane from damage, are also syn-
uolar sap lowers crystallization temperature. In thesized at this stage. Rigid membranes are less
small, weakly vacuolated cells, water may likely to be deformed during frost-induced
undergo deep supercooling. In large and hydrated dehydration, and they protect cells against
parenchymal cells and xylem vessels, the super- freezing more effectively. This parameter is
cooled state is very unstable, and it rarely lasts largely dependent on the sterol content of cells
longer than several hours. Supercooling pro- (Hopkins 2006; Janska et al. 2010).
vides temporary protection against freezing In addition to membrane unsaturation, it
caused by, for example, strong ground frost. In appears that lipid asymmetry in the membrane
tissues comprising small, densely packed and also contributes to the physical structure of the
weakly vacuolated cells whose walls prevent ice membrane at low temperature (Gomès et al.
crystals from spreading, a supercooled state may 2000).
persist until the temperature drops below a The mechanism protecting chloroplast mem-
threshold value. The accumulation of nonpolar branes enables the plant to begin photosynthesis
lipids on the surface of the plasmalemma also as soon as ambient temperature increases.
prevents ice penetration from the apoplast to the The cold resistance of plants is also deter-
cell interior. In herbaceous plants, the supercool- mined by the following mechanisms:
ing of water is observed at −1 to −15°C, and in 1. Thermal insulation which delays and mini-
arborescent plants at −30°C, and even −50°C. mizes heat loss, for example, shoot apices are
Such a high degree of supercooling is observed often covered with dense foliage (rosette plant
only in some living tissues, such as core paren- habit) or they winter under a layer of leaves or
chymal cells, meristematic tissue, leaf bud litter (geophytes). Frost tender organs are
scales, and flower buds. When ambient tempera- often rejected before the onset of very low
ture drops below the critical supercooling point, temperatures (deciduous plants shed leaves in
this meta-stable state is rapidly disrupted, and the fall). In high mountainous regions of tropi-
ice is formed inside the cells, ultimately leading cal zones, the leaves of large rosette plants
to their death. In some extremely frost-resistant close above the tip at night to protect the inte-
tree species, the protoplasm is able to vitrify. rior from freezing (Hopkins 2006).
Vitrification is stimulated by a high concentra- 2. Water freezing in intertissue spaces, for exam-
tion of sucrose and other sugars. In this rela- ple, between the seed coat and the embryo or
tively stable condition, it is possible to cool cells between bud scales, where extensive areas are
almost to absolute zero without destruction covered with ice.
126 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

3. Cell structures are protected against excessive mechanisms that enable them to avoid secondary
dehydration with an accompanying increase thermal stress at below zero temperatures, such
in the effectiveness of barriers that prevent ice as photoinhibition, draught, oxygen deficiency
crystals from propagating from the apoplast (under ice cover), or mechanical effects of ice
inside the cell. The following mechanisms are load (Alcázar et al. 2011).
(a) Osmotic pressure increases to keep water
inside the cell, and the water potential 3 High Temperature
decreases due to the accumulation of
osmotically active compounds (simple Heat stress occurs when a rise in temperature has
sugars and oligosaccharides, polyols, negative consequences for a plant. It is a complex
low-molecular-weight nitrogen com- function of intensity (temperature in degrees),
pounds, such as selected amino acids) in duration and the rate of temperature increase. For
vacuoles and hydrophilic proteins in the plants inhabiting very cold climates such as the
cytoplasm (Rorat 2006; Liang et al. 2009). Arctic, temperatures in the region of 15°C can
The share of highly polar lipids in the already be a source of heat stress. In a temperate
membrane structure increases, such as climate, heat stress takes place in the temperature
phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidyle- range of 35–40°C. In scientific literature, heat
thanolamine in the plasmalemma and stress denotes temperatures that exceed the opti-
cytoplasmic membranes or digalactosyl- mum values by around 10–15°C (Larkindale
diacylglycerol in chloroplast membranes, et al. 2005). Plants can be divided into three
which increases matrix interactions inside groups, subject to their sensitivity to high tem-
the cell. perature (Fig. 5.8). In geographic zones with a
(b) The membrane is enriched with more stable hot climate, in habitats marked by high fluctua-
lipids containing polyunsaturated fatty acid tions in daily temperature (soil surface, littoral
residues, selected sterols, and cryopro- zone, shallow waters) or seasonal fluctuations
tectants are accumulated in the cytoplasm and in volcanic areas, temperature levels can be
to protect cell structures against strong lethal for vascular land plants. High absorption of
dehydration (Lindberg et al. 2005; Zhang solar energy during windless weather can increase
and Tian 2010). These substances stabilize the temperature inside plant tissues in excess of
membrane structure and prevent conforma- the ambient temperature. Creeping grass shoots,
tional protein changes. They counteract the the runners and tillers of young plants can also be
accumulation of salt ions and selected subjected to heat stress. The lethal temperature
organic acids in the cell, and they protect range (thermal death point) is determined by the
proteins against denaturation. Small pro- duration of tissue exposure to high temperature
teins, whose synthesis is enhanced or (Table 5.2). Only single-celled organisms can
induced under exposure to low tempera- complete their life cycle during continued expo-
tures, play a protective role. Some of them sure to temperatures higher than 50°C, while only
show significant homology to proteins syn- prokaryotic organisms can survive in tempera-
thesized in response to water stress, for tures higher than 60°C.
example, to dehydrin (Rorat et al. 2006).
The cell wall plays an important role in
protecting the cell against the adverse con- 3.1 Consequences of Heat Exposure
sequences of dehydration, and it is the main
barrier to ice penetration. At very high temperatures, severe cellular injury
In addition to mechanisms responsible for and even death may occur within minutes or even
resistance to the primary consequences of frost, seconds (due to denaturation and/or aggregation of
cold-resistant plants develop acclimatization proteins), while at moderately high temperatures,
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 127

Fig. 5.8 Classification of the plants, subject to their sensitivity to high temperature (adapted from Stushnoff et al.

Table 5.2 The lethal temperature range (thermal death point) characteristic for varied types of plants
Type of plants Thermal death point
Aquatic plants and plants growing in shaded habitats 38–42°C following several hours of exposure
Temperate plants with hydrated and metabolically 45–55°C following several hours of exposure
active organs
Desert plants Higher than 60–65°C for more than several hours per day

injuries or death may occur only after long-term Under field conditions, high temperature stress is
exposure (due to disruptions in basic metabolic frequently associated with reduced water avail-
processes). The adverse effects of overheating are ability (higher during daytime than at night). Heat
directly noticeable. The morphological symptoms stress may secondarily induce oxidative stress via
of heat stress include scorching of leaves and the generation and the reactions of activated oxygen
twigs, sunburns on leaves, branches and stems, species (Xu et al. 2006; Almeselmani et al. 2006).
leaf senescence and abscission, shoot and root Metabolic pathways and processes show
growth inhibition, fruit discoloration and damage, varied sensitivity to temperature which may result
and reduced yield. Cell size reduction, closure of in a deficit or an excess of selected metabolites. It
stomata, and curtailed water loss is observed at the is generally believed that the processes taking
tissue and cellular level. At the subcellular level, place in membranes are most sensitive to tem-
major modifications occur in chloroplasts (chang- perature change. A heat-induced increase in
ing the structural organization of thylakoids, loss membrane liquidity (either by denaturation of
of grana stacking or its swelling) (Wahid et al. proteins or an increase in unsaturated fatty acids)
2007; Mitra and Bhatia 2008). In vascular land and changes in reactions between lipid and pro-
plants, the negative consequences of elevated tem- tein components impair membrane functions
perature are often related to secondary stress, (Savchenko et al. 2002; Wahid et al. 2007),
namely, a negative water balance (leading to the including the functioning of ion and water
perturbation of many physiological processes) due channels, ion transporters, metabolite transport,
to intensive leaf transpiration during daytime. energy generation, and other processes. Ion leakage
128 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

from the cell is observed; photosynthesis and 3.2 Mechanism of Plant Resistance
respiration are also impaired (Wahid et al. 2007; to High Temperature
Wang et al. 2009). It has also been suggested that
changing membrane fluidity plays a central role Plants rely on two adaptation mechanisms to
in sensing (plant thermometer) and influencing survive high temperatures: the ability to prevent
gene expression both under high and low tem- excessive temperature growth in tissues or allevi-
peratures (Plieth 1999). Photochemical reactions ate its effects and the heat tolerance of the
in thylakoid lamellae and carbon metabolism in protoplasm.
the stroma of chloroplast have been suggested as Survival in hot, dry environments can be
the primary sites of injury at high temperatures achieved in a variety of ways, by combinations of
(Yang et al. 2006a; Wang et al. 2009). Thylakoid adaptations (Fitter and Hay 2002). Plants grow-
membranes are particularly sensitive to high tem- ing in a hot climate avoid heat stress by reducing
perature, and this especially applies to photosys- the absorption of solar radiation. This ability is
tem II whose activity is greatly reduced or even supported by the presence of small hairs (tomen-
partially stopped under high temperatures tose) that form a thick coat on the surface of the
(Salvucci and Crafts-Brandner 2004; Camejo leaf as well as cuticles, protective waxy covering.
et al. 2005; Marchand et al. 2005). High tempera- In such plants, leaf blades often turn away from
ture has a greater influence on the photosynthetic light and orient themselves parallel to sun rays
capacity of C3 plants than C4 plants (Crafts- (paraheliotropism). Solar radiation may also be
Brandner and Salvucci 2002). Heat shock reduces reduced by rolling leaf blades. Plants with small
the amount of photosynthetic pigments (Wang leaves are also more likely to avoid heat stress:
et al. 2009), soluble proteins, rubisco binding they evacuate heat to ambient more quickly due
proteins (RBP), large-subunits (LS), and small- to smaller resistance of the air boundary layer in
subunits (SS) of rubisco in darkness but increases comparison with large leaves. Plants rely on the
them in light (Kepova et al. 2005). Moreover, same anatomical and physiological adaptive
heat stress greatly affects starch and sucrose syn- mechanisms that are deployed in a water deficit
thesis, as demonstrated by the reduced activity of to limit transpiration. In well-hydrated plants,
sucrose phosphate synthase, ADP-glucose pyro- intensive transpiration prevents leaves from heat
phosphorylase, and invertase (Wahid et al. 2007; stress, and leaf temperature may be 6 K or even
Sumesh et al. 2008). In any plant species, the 10–15 K lower than ambient temperature. Many
ability to sustain leaf gas exchange under heat species have evolved life histories which permit
stress is directly correlated with heat tolerance. them to avoid the hottest period of the year. This
During the vegetative stage, high daytime tem- can be achieved by leaf abscission, leaving heat-
perature can cause damage to compensated leaf resistant buds, or in desert annuals, by complet-
photosynthesis, reducing CO2 assimilation rates ing the entire reproductive cycle during the cooler
(Crafts-Brander and Salvucci 2002; Morales months (Fitter and Hay 2002). Such morphologi-
et al. 2003). Photosynthesis is more sensitive to cal and phonological adaptations are commonly
heat than dark respiration which could have addi- associated with biochemical adaptations favoring
tional consequences under prolonged stress, net photosynthesis at high temperatures (in par-
including the depletion of carbohydrate reserves ticular C4 and CAM photosynthetic pathways),
and plant starvation (Sumesh et al. 2008). Heat although C3 plants are common in desert floras
stress rapidly increases selected phytohormone (Fitter and Hay 2002).
levels, including ABA, ethylene, and salicylic Heat tolerance is generally defined as the
acid (SA), and it decreases cytokinin and gibber- ability of the plant to grow and produce economic
ellin concentrations (Dat et al. 2000; Talanova yield under high temperatures. This is a highly
et al. 2003; Larkindale and Huang 2004). The specific trait, and closely related species, even
overlapping effects of the above changes in hor- different organs and tissues of the same plant,
mone levels speed-up plant aging. may vary significantly in this respect. The above
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 129

is affected by climate conditions and the species’ temperature. Smaller quantities of HSPs are also
geographic origin. Plants native to cold regions determined at optimal temperature, but in this
(tundra, high mountain ranges) are much more environment, they play a different role than dur-
sensitive to heat than temperate flora. The latter, ing and after stress. Under optimal conditions,
in turn, are more susceptible to high temperatures HSPs regulate the formation of protein structures
than desert and tropical plants. The highest heat from newly emerged polypeptide strings to pro-
tolerance is demonstrated by selected sedge and tect the cell from proteins that are nonfunctional
grass species, mainly C4 plants. Heat tolerance is due to synthesis “errors.” At excessively high
associated with greater enzyme thermostability temperatures, HSPs minimize cell injuries by
and a higher share of saturated fatty acids in protecting cell proteins from denaturation and
membrane lipids which increases the lipid phase creating chelate bonds with ions leaking from the
transition (melting) temperature and prevents a vacuoles into the cytosol (Kotak et al. 2007;
heat-induced increase in the membrane’s liquid- Wahid et al. 2007; Al-Whaibi 2010). An increased
ity. It is believed that PG is the phospholipid ini- content of ABA mediates the acclimation/adapta-
tiating phase transitions in thylakoid membranes. tion of plants to desiccation by modulating the
Heat tolerance leads to a rapid genome reaction up- or downregulation of numerous genes
even during short-term overheating. The biosyn- (Talanova et al. 2003; Wahid et al. 2007). It is
thesis of heat stress proteins (HSP) which prevent suggested that the induction of several HSPs
macroparticle denaturation is induced (Kotak (e.g., HSP70) is regulated by ABA (Snyman and
et al. 2007; Al-Whaibi 2010). During exposure to Cronje 2008). Increased ethylene secretion at
high temperature, plants synthesize two groups high temperatures leads to the abscission of
of HSP: four high-molecular weight HSPs (HSP reproductive organs; this is accompanied by both
100, HSP 90, HSP 70, HSP 60) and several low- reduced levels and transport capacity of auxins to
molecular weight HSPs (smHSPs). Those pro- reproductive organs (Wahid et al. 2007). Among
teins remain stable over a certain period of time, other hormones, SA has been suggested to be an
and they are probably the main factor enabling important component of signaling pathways in
plants to survive a temperature increase. HSPs response to systemic acquired resistance (SAR)
are found in the cytoplasm and organelles such as and the hypersensitive response (HR) during heat
the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, and stress (Kawano et al. 1998; Wang and Li 2006).
endoplasmic reticulum. The tolerance conferred Gibberellins and cytokinins have an opposite
by HSPs results in improved physiological phe- effect on high temperature tolerance than ABA.
nomena such as photosynthesis, assimilate parti- The potential roles of other phytohormones in
tioning, water and nutrient-use efficiency, and plant thermotolerance are yet unknown (Wahid
membrane stability. Those improvements make et al. 2007). Under stress, different plant species
plant growth and development possible under may accumulate a variety of osmolytes such as
heat stress (Wang et al. 2004). The HSPs/chaper- sugars and sugar alcohols (polyols), proline, ter-
ones may be involved in stress signal transduc- tiary and quaternary ammonium compounds, and
tion, gene activation, and the regulation of the tertiary sulphonium compounds (Singh and
cellular redox state. They also interact with other Grover 2008). The accumulation of such solutes
stress-response mechanisms such as the produc- may contribute to enhanced stress tolerance of
tion of osmolytes and antioxidants (Kotak et al. plants, for example, proline and glycinebetaine
2007; Wahid et al. 2007; Al-Whaibi 2010). In may buffer the cellular redox potential under heat
heat-stressed plants, the induction of HSP syn- and other environmental stresses (Wahid and
thesis inhibits the biosynthesis of other proteins. Close 2007); gama-4-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
A plant’s resistance to heat is determined by has a physiological role in the mitigation of stress
protein synthesis in cells that are lost with age. effects (Kinnersley and Turano 2000). High-
For this reason, aging organs (and organisms) temperature stress induces the production of
have impaired ability to acclimatize to high phenolic compounds such as flavonoids and
130 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

phenylpropanoids. The heat-induced increase in acetyltransferases and lipid transport proteins.

the activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase At the current state of knowledge, it remains
(PAL) is considered to be the cell’s main acclam- unknown whether a higher or a lower degree of
atory response to heat stress (Wahid and membrane lipid saturation is beneficial for high-
Ghazanfar 2006; Wahid 2007). Carotenoids of temperature tolerance (Klueva et al. 2001;
the xanthophylls family and selected terpenoids, Rahman et al. 2004). It is believed that the syn-
such as isoprene or tocopherol, stabilize and pho- thesis of HSP is also an effective mechanism pro-
toprotect the lipid phase of thylakoid membranes tecting the plant from high temperature and other
during exposure to strong light and/or elevated HSP synthesis-inducing stressors. In many plants,
temperatures (Wahid and Ghazanfar 2006; Wahid heat tolerance varies on a seasonal basis in view
2007). The expression of stress proteins is an of their growth cycle and changes in seasonal
important adaptive mechanism for environmental temperature (Froux et al. 2004). During active
stress tolerance. Most stress proteins are soluble growth, all plants are highly sensitive to tempera-
in water and, therefore, they contribute to stress ture stress. Selected species of land plants
tolerance, presumably by hydrating cellular increase their resistance to heat only in the sum-
structures (Wahid and Close 2007). Heat stress mer, while others demonstrate the highest level
also induces the synthesis of other plant proteins, of tolerance during winter dormancy. Dormant
including ubiquitin (Sun and Callis 1997), cyto- plants become resistant to stress upon reaching a
solic and chloroplasts Cu/Zn-SOD (Tang et al. developmental stage induced by factors other
2006) and Mn-POD (Brown et al. 1993), cytoso- than high environmental temperature. In many
lic (Iba 2002) and chloroplasts APX (Tang et al. land plant species, noticeable changes in heat tol-
2006), and other antioxidant enzymes (Sairam erance are not observed. Due to the close correla-
et al. 2000; Almeselmani et al. 2006), proteins of tion between drought and high temperature, the
late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) (Goyal et al. effects of each stressor on field-grown plants can
2005), and dehydrins. Their main function is to be difficult to distinguish, and adaptations to arid
protect cellular and sub-cellular structures against environments can be effective only if they lead to
oxidative damage and dehydrative forces. avoidance or tolerance of both stresses (Fitter and
Hay 2002).

3.3 Adaptation to High Temperature

4 Conclusion and Future
Plants adapt to heat already after several hours of Perspective
exposure to a temperature that evokes a stress
response, but remains below the lethal tempera- Temperature is a major environmental factor that
ture level (Xu et al. 2006). For most land plants, changes from season to season and undergoes
heat stress is triggered at temperatures slightly daily fluctuations. For this reason, the stress-
above 35°C, and in grasses at 38–40°C. The loss inducing role of temperature is difficult to define
of resistance (dehardening) is a slower process unambiguously since the response to various
that lasts several days in optimal growth condi- temperatures is determined by the plants’ ability
tions (Sung et al. 2003; Burke and Chen 2006). to adapt to different climate regimes. Plants
During acclimatization, the structure of the cell exhibit a variety of responses to different (high
membrane changes by increasing the share of and low) temperatures, which are depicted by
saturated fatty acids in the lipid layer. More symptomatic and quantitative changes in growth
unsaturated acyl residues are removed from the and morphology. However, it must be remem-
sn-2 position in a glycerolipid molecule by the bered the ability of the plant to cope with or
respective hydrolases. They are replaced with adjust to the temperature stress varies across and
saturated fatty acid residues (mostly 18-carbon within species as well as at different developmen-
chains) with the involvement of the respective tal stages. Generally heat or low temperature
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 131

stress induces structural changes in tissues and various stresses from their surrounding environ-
cell organelles, disorganization of cell mem- ment, which affect them in a complex manner
branes, disturbance of leaf water relations, and (plant is usually subjected to many abiotic and
impedance of photosynthesis by effects on biotic stresses at the same time). That means, it is
photochemical and biochemical reactions and necessary to identify the key strategies that plants
photosynthetic membranes. In response to tem- use to deal with complex stresses of both biotic
perature stress, plants manifest numerous adap- and abiotic origin (Iba 2002; Wahid et al. 2007).
tive changes. Metabolic pathways and processes
show varied sensitivity to temperature which may
result in a deficit or an excess of selected metabo- References
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