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QUESTION # 1: Comment on the MIS in Dell and suggest the positives and negatives of MIS

in Dell?
ANSWER: Management Information System of Dell is a vital part of its operations and its
survival in the modern world, it is well updated and it competes well with
Management Information System of competi tors. The Management Informati on
System of a Dell is created from high standards. The Management Information System
helps Dell to achieve its goals and assist the company in reaching its potential.

POSITIVES OF MIS IN DELL: It is effi cient management informati on system of dell that
enables it to adapt direct business model and become cost leader in front of strong
competitors like IBM and Apple that are using indirect channels. More than 50 percent of
the company’s computer sales transactions took place via its website, which generated
worldwide sales in excess of $40million a day. Effi cient management information system
makes it possible to effectively collaborate across boundaries, shared ideas about product
designs and value propositions. The result is faster and more customer-focused product and
service innovation. The management information system helps Dell in creating strategies
that will help the company to conquer any problems and threats from competitors. The
management information system also assists the company in processing the needed
information. Management Informati on Systems also helps a dell to create or update
its inventory control system. As it enables Dell to make sure that any product the
consumer need will be available to them at any given ti me. It is also what the
company uses to know if certain products are still available or and detects misuse of the
inventory system that may cost problems to the company. Dell turns over inventory
every six days on average, keeping related costs low Management Information Systems
of dell helps it to process information. Through the internet or World Wide Web trends
and strategies by other companies can be known. After analyzing the trends and
strategies used by other companies, an appropriate strategy can be formulated to use by the

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