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Amazing 9 Word Email To Revive Dead Leads REVIVE DEAD LEADS Amazing 9 Word Email to Revive Dead Leads People spend far too much time and effort chasing after fresh leads when they usualy have old leads that they have given upon, This 9 word email - which eriginaly learnt {rom Dean Jackson - can qui leo you with new clients at absolutely zero cost free Cheatsheet: Download » fre cheatsheet that shows ‘ut first the reason why this works 100 Typical Leads When looking at leads that come into your busines Fst of al think about a group of 100 leads. Rather than focusing on single lead and puting alot of pressure on that | lead converting think about what happens with 100 ead ‘Of those 10Deads there are 3 possible outcomes for each lead: 1.Somewillbuy right now 2. Some wil uy later 3 Some are not gong to buy atl. “Thats realy the only 3 possible outcomes that can come from anybody in that group of 100 ead ‘There is a good chance you haventtlooked ata group of leads ike this and worked out your numbers butts importan to know the numbers in your busines. ‘Now, 100 leads is relatively small number but we are thinking about tas typical group. ‘The good news i there has boon some realy interesting research already done on this and how many people ae likly to buy. And this research has been done at a massive scale, The Percentage of People That Will Buy You see theresa company called The Inquiry Handling Service, and they are a company where at trade shows or in trade publications or magazines, people can fill outa business reply ard, and they sen iin andthe business will send that person Information about something So ifyou're customers are looking through a home improvement magazine and were interested in saya particular typeof tap, they can circle that on the card and sendit ‘and the Inquiry Wandling Service wil pase that on tothe company, te send them information about that particular tap. There ie the ame sor of thing ot trade chowslexpor and The Inquiry Handing Service also handles inbound telemarketing leads, 0, this company literally handle mitions of leads across al kinds of ferent industis including the home improvement industry ‘And what they foun, by dong an analjsis of when people buy, was they were able to identify pattems which applied tothe heme improvement industry. Did You Buy? ‘The may they would get his ata is they would do what they called Did you buy" surveys They would call people up after 90 days and they say. Hey. you inquired about tops few months age, Hove you bought any ye?” And the person would say yes on, ‘And then they would low up again. in 6 months, 8 months and 12 months. They low up with a sampling of people athe way to 18 months after the inal inuiy. And what they found was that just over half ofthe people, SO% who inquired about something will buy what tis theyve inquired about within 18 months ‘Now, what they also found, which s the other important part was that only 15% of them were going to buyin the fist 99 days In other words, of al of those people that come into contact with your business only a small percentage are ready to buy now. And these are generally the very motivated customers that areateady contacting you. The Massive Value Hidden in “Dead” Leads So, that means 859% ofthe value ofa bundle of say 100 leads, isin being abe to communicate and extend the relationship beyond those ist 90 days. ‘That's where the rea profit les and which 99 out of 100 businesses completely ignore Be Patient and Consistent and Reap The Rewards ‘Most ofthe time, people are largely impatient with leads ‘They wantto kind of squeeze the most they can ou ofthe leads right away. And ithey don buy right ava, then they often get discouraged and think “Those leads are no 20d. They were unqualified, or theyre just lockielaus, or theyre not going t Buy” Se think about all ofthe leads youve already been generating Al the leads that maybe youve got an email fom or have written in a notebook, ord a quote for or have in your calendar or In your desk drawers, or whatever scrap paces of paper most people use to write down leas or collect business cards al hose people ‘you even just start connecting with those people that you already have contact details for. there's good chance that ft was more than 90 days ago they might be getting ready to actually buy naw So here's what t do: Collect Their Details ‘Gather up the name and emai fr all of your “dead leads ll ofthe people that you have been in contact with at some stage that haven't become a client. Even f thsi. someone you havent heard from in a coupe of years Sort through al of your notes, drawers, scraps of paper emails etc and collec the details of alo these people ‘You might be surprized just how many names you can collect. ‘Send The 9 Word Email You are going to send each ofthese people avery simple email, ‘he subject should just be their rst name, i. “Bob The body ofthe email shouldbe these 9 words “ave you stl looking a getting insert [your service” For example: “Are yo stil looking getting yourkitehen renovated?” “Are you stl looking at mproving your home security” “Aare you sil looking geting 3 new patio” “are you sil looking at geting your house painted” Hereis an example of how the whole email should look: To: babGprospectcom subect: Bob ‘Are youstl looking at geting your htchen renovated? Tei Donttadd anything else to the email ‘There is no need to include a phone number or your website or ad ina reason. arf the reason thie worke £0 wellisthatt reste: curiosity for your prospects. They wonder why you ate aeking ahd this and they ate etl emately interest inwhat you have to offer there isa good chance they will reply. ‘You may have noticed thatthe last example was actualy # words! It en specially 9 words that Important What i importante thatthe emails short, it ereatescurosty ands open ended and itis asking 2 question. yours ends up being 12 words that’ okay. Focus on The Best Sometimes people are worried about sending an email otto people they havent been in contact with for ong time. But this shouldnt be a concern. When you send this email 3 posible things can happen: 1. They dont respond - in which case you arena different from having not sent the emi 2 They reply and say no (er somevaration ter) - his ist a bad ting bacauee now you can remove them from Your prospects litt atleast you definitely know. 5. They repy with something other than no. ‘Now quite often forthe people cat are stilinterested they wont actually reply with yes. They area bit hesitant and scared of being sold to Instead they might reply with something lke “why do you ask” oF some other non-committal response ‘This is just as good as a yes because it means you have reopened the conversation and can reply te them with more information just the same asif they had said yes they are still interested Have a Conversation ‘key when sending emails o prospects sto take things slowly and not ty to force everything nat once, {think ale oftime people ae worried about nt including some information and that only they ineudeitthen the prospect willbe convinced to move forward But thats not the way people work. mais shoul be lke anyother interaction with a person and they should bea 2 way conversation ‘Thin about ita doortodoor salesperson knocks on your door ‘ney usualy jump straight inte their sles pitch and you stand there for a good few minutes trying t get a word in antl them to Re away, Aesoon ae they start on theic pitch you arent even listening them because you know they are trying to sell you something and all you are thinking show you can get ri af them. ‘On the other hand thnk about ifyou run inte someone at the shops. Maybe someone that you think you wed to know but are not sure ‘Tey might star the conversation by asking how you are~ and then you reply. And you ask how they are. And they reply and ask you about how you know each other or what youare up to non. And you reply. And there is 2 2¥ay corwersation that slowly leads ina certain direction Se when you are sending this em the goals to eta response and to start a conversation. That ‘bon try ta ell them on anything inthe ist email Da'nclude any more information. Justa shor, simple email that expecting 3 reply ‘And when people do reply with something ther than no -you can continue the conversation (not sles pitch an slowly lead them towards engaging in your services. But My Situation is Different ‘Tink your cients or your ares or your business i ifferent and thie won't wot for you? Wrong! very single business has diferent clients and works in diferent areas and do things diferent ‘ut this isnt about you, itis about human nature and humans are humans are humans. So gt to work gather up your old leads and send out the 9 word email The worst possi lechng tha can happen is you will get no-one reply or get people replying saying to not bother them. Wow! Life changing! ‘The best thing thatcan happen you are quickly flooded with new cients and cach in your business | would love te hear how this works out for you. Te help you implement ths strategy Fve created a Revive Dead Leads Cheatsheet that you can useto get your own 9 word ‘email weten and sen. ‘The checklist will show you + How to quickly gather up your “dead leads so you have lots of people to send your email to + Hout. prepare your oun 9 word email include examples and templates + Thed stepsyou need to follow to ge this implemented in your business {and more. ‘ck hereto download the checklist, YY ‘Almost there! Please complet this frm and click the button below te gain instant access. Enter your name and email below and I'll send you the link to the Revive Dead Leads Cheatsheet Enter your email Your privacys important tous and we wll not spam you ext po + Updated November 2, 2016 1 Mote chen Hom Ta De Event Tracking in ActiveCamaaign on WordPress {Whats Marketing Automation And How Gan You Use Itin Your Business To Convert More Leads Inte Customers? + hapawncestourontounerlessons com ceftony Great strategy, and | WILL be eying "have netied that many tines, less more in your emall..just launched a strategy recently that sold over 150 certiieates for dinner jut in about sdays..prety stella. ‘so, Lralize that many times, peopl who get our marketing email think thet we are ust emailing them mass email. So | think your question idea isa good one, wll have your clients realy feeling Warm an fuzzy that you reached ou JUST them, © /furetonafunnel com Todd Malley Definitely agre! Let me know what sort of results you get aftr tryingit + cloire Holloway ood article Todd. Ask one simple question. Cire see so many people whose ist contacts an essay!'S easy to save time and delete = Pou! Thanks fr jltng me inte action. + stan [nt teri 9 Word Email Case Study Recently re-nstigated the infamous 8-word email campaign tate for a commercial industrial, leaning and painting company va their Constant Contact account. The whole thing took a total af between 5-10 minutes to create / send and actually consisted of only 7 words. Stats to date after sending itout tothe company’s segmented Commercial Only ist 3 days ago: si2sent 215 Opened {57 Bounced (provided a good opportunity to clean up the email ist & remove the bad emails rom the companys CRM account) 13 clicks thus far- breakdown follows below) ‘4.not right noms, but thanks ‘int right now, but lst job was beautiful > requested an online review & got one on Yelp within hours 2.1 am il visitng on your wetten quote [rom recent onsite extimates visits. slight boekdogged situation super spam ones ‘person looking for work 2-.booked estimate. for panting mukipl interior doors. for panting a wall with white dy ease board pint 1. booked job for 2.50059, stripping & waxing lors mail verbiage. Subject line: Quick question Email preamble’ section: Waiting to hear mall content: Do you need anything cleaning o painted? Standard name ! company signature, included loge on top before the main content line above Nott bad for les than ten minutes work and the cor ofan email service the company i paying ~$30,0/manth for anjay. Hope to Update 7 day rsultsin comments below. End epiphany: Resolve todo this mare often at 90 day intervals at east. usps facebook, con/6aSecondsStarty © wit tune Forgot to add - 3 unsubscribed © /funesonaifunnels com Todd Maloy Great work getting it implemented and nice results! + Disclaimer * briacy * Termsoftse 1 contact Copyright 2017 by Functional Funnel

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