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Revive Dead Leads Cheatsheet

1 Collect Dead Lead Contact Details

1. Put together a list with the contact details of all your “dead”
2. Places to look for dead leads:
 Notes
 Drawers
 Scraps of paper
 Sent and received emails
 Any database or system you may have for storing

22 Prepare “9” Word Email

1. The subject should just be their first name.

2. The body of the email should take the form: “Are you still
looking at getting [insert service they contacted you about]?”
3. Examples:
 Are you still looking at getting your kitchen renovated?
 Are you still looking at improving your home security?
 Are you still looking at getting a new patio?
 Are you still looking at getting your house painted?

33 Send Your Email

1. Send your email to your dead leads

2. Example email:

Subject: Bob

Are you still looking at getting a new patio?


44 Wait for Reply’s And Then Respond

1. Wait for replies and then respond to each person based on

their response

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