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Top Down Approach in Listening
II. Objectives
III. Materials
IV. References
V. Procedure
Pre Writing (15 mins.)
1. Tell the students to group themselves by 5.
2. Say that each group will be given different topics. Each topic could be a word, phrase or
Example: Crimes are harmful to the society.
3. Instruct them to write down any words, phrases or sentences which they believe are connected
to the topic given to them.
4. Say that they only have 5 minutes to do the task.
5. Before they might start, remind them to not worry about the words, phrase or sentence they
write, rather, they should focus on the content.
6. Once the time is up, instruct them to have a representative in each group who will be the one to
share their group’s answer to the class.
7. After the sharing of answers, explain to them that the activity they did make use of the Top
Down Approach. They were able to understand the topic because of their background
knowledge about the topic.

During Reading ( mins.)

1. Introduce the definition of the Top Down Approach through a series of pictures showing the
words related to the topic.
2. Instruct the students to guess what each picture means.
3. After they have guessed all the pictures, ask them to relate each picture to the topic.
4. Tell them to create a definition of the Top Down Approach out of the words that they have
5. Ask a student or more to share their definition of the topic to the class.
6. Ask the class if they have also come up with the same definitions that the students who shared
their answers have or at least of the same thought.
7. After that, provide a working definition of the Top Down Approach.
“Top-down listening means making as much use as you can of your knowledge and the
situation. From your knowledge of situations, contexts, texts, conversations, phrases and
sentences, you can understand what you hear .”
8. Say that the Top Down Approach can be applied to listening, writing and reading. But the focus
of the discussion will just be on listening.
9. Give relatable examples of Top Down Approach in listening.
10. Ask them to give situations that make use of the Top Down Approach.
11. Summarize what had been discussed. “Now that you already know what Top Down Approach
means, you are going to have

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