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Body of Work - study sheet 

Name of work:   

Name of creator:   

Context - ​What do you know about the   

creator of this work? What might have 
influenced them to create it? 

Speaker​ – Who is speaking? Is it a character, 
or a narrator? Do they have all the 
information about the topic (omniscient) or 
only some of it (limited)? If it is a visual piece, 
who is the creator/photographer/painter? 
Who are they trying to present and how? 

Occasion​ – What is literally happening in the 
work? Who, What, Where and When is being 
talked about/shown? 

Audience​ – Who is the piece intended to 
appeal to? Which parts of this work would 
appeal to which readers? Does the work use 
language or structural elements to achieve 
Purpose ​– What is the piece for? Is it fictional 
or non-fictional? What agenda/reasons does 
the author have for writing the piece as a 
whole? If it is an extract, what is the purpose 
of it in particular? 

Tone​ – How are diction, syntax and other 
techniques used in order to create a mood in 
the work? What themes, symbols or motifs 
are present in the extract? What rhetorical 
features and language are used to 
reinforce/create these themes? If it is a visual 
text, what visual devices are used in order to 
create meaning? 

Determine 2-3 global issue(s)  

A global issue incorporates the following 

three properties: 

• It has significance on a wide/large scale. 

• It is transnational. 

• Its impact is felt in everyday local contexts. 

Film scene study sheet

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:
Screenshot 3:

Analysis table:

How are actors placed in the shot?
How are objects placed? What does
the director of the scene want the
audience to pay attention to?
Reference at least one of your
Camera movements:
How are camera pans used? How are
camera tilts used? How are camera
trucks and dollies used? Does the
camera follow the action or stay static?
Why? Reference at least one of your

Does the camera zoom in and out of
the action? What is the director trying
to draw the audience’ attention to?
Why? Reference at least one of your

Where are lights placed outside of
camera view? What effect does this
have on the tone and mood of the
scene? Is the light natural or artificial?
What effect does this have? Reference
at least one of your screenshots.
Are close ups used? Are mid shots
used? Are long shots used? What
combination and sequence of these
shots are used? Is the scene more
intimate and between two characters,
or does it aim to show actions taking
place? Reference at least one of your

How are shots cut together? Are they
cut in quick succession or are the shots
long and uncut? What effect does this
have on the tone of the scene?
Reference at least one of your

What music does the scene use? What
ambient sound effects does it use? Is
the scene silent? What effect does this
all have on the tone of the scene?
Reference at least one of your
Do actors speak in the scene? Do they
remain quiet? Is there an internal
monologue that represents their inner
thoughts? Is the dialogue quick and
punchy or slow and deliberate? What
effect does this have on the tone of the
scene. Reference at least one of your

What facial expressions do the actors
use? Are they serious or wacky? What
movements, large and small, do they
use? Comment on this in minute detail.
Reference at least one of your

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