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SQL Interview Questions

 Define Dbms?
 What is the purpose of Database systems?
 State the different between Security and Integrity?
 Define Normalisation?
 Define Primary Key?
 Define Unique Key?
 Compare and contrast TRUNCATE and DELETE for a table?
 What is cursors?
 Define Foreign Key?
 Define SubQuery?
 What are the different types of subquery?
 What are the different types of replication?
 What is User Defined Functions?
 Define Self Join?
 Define Joins?
 What are the types of Joins?
 Define Equi Joins?
 Define Cartesian Join?
 What are three SQL keywords used to change or set someone's permissions?
 Define data model?
 What is an Entity?
 What is BCP? When does it used?
 Explain the use of the by GROUP BY and the HAVING clause?
 What are the advantages of Database?
 What are the advantage of SQL?
 What is the difference between join and outer join?
 Define Boyce coded normal form?
 What are the transaction properties?
 What is data mining?
 What are the types of SQL Commands?
 What is an attribute?
 What are the different types of data models ?
 What is an active database?
 Define Self Join?
 What is a tuple?
 What is meant by embedded SQL?
 What is Functional Dependency?
 What are the different phases of transaction?
 What the difference between UNION and UNIONALL?
 What is the use of DBCC commands?
 What is a Linked Server?
 What is Collation?
 What are different type of Collation Sensitivity?
 What is the difference between a primary key and a unique key?
 What command do we use to rename a db?
 What is BCP?
 What is Cross Join?
 What is Storage Manager?
 What are stored-procedures? And what are the advantages of using them?
 What is OLTP?
 What is DDL (Data Definition Language)?
 What is Weak Entity set?
 What is a deadlock?
 What do you mean by flat file database?
 What is Index?
 What is the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?
 What is the difference between a HAVING CLAUSE and a WHERE CLAUSE?
 What is log shipping?
 What are primary keys and foreign keys?
 What are the type of Synonyms?
 What is an Integrity Constrains?
 What is Table?
 What is a synonym?
 What is Rollback Segment?
 What is a Database instance?
 What are Roles?
 What is SQLPlus?
 What is the difference between normalization and denormalization?
 What is a trigger?
 What is UNIQUE KEY constraint?
 What is NOT NULL Constraint?
 What is meant by query optimization?
 What is meant by embedded SQL?
 What is File Manager?
 Define Constraints?
 What are types of sub-queries?
 What is SQL Profiler?
 Define Clusters?
 Define Indexes?
 What is De-normalization?
 What is referential integrity?
 What is the difference between static and dynamic SQL?
 Define Unique Key?
 Define Synonym?
 What is an Data Abtration?
 What is Transaction Manager?
 What kind of User-Defined Functions can be created?
 What are defaults? Is there a column to which a default can't be bound?
 What is data integrity?
 What's the maximum size of a row?
 What is the difference between a local and a global variable?
 What is a query?
 What is Relational Algebra?
 Define transaction?
 What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE commands?
 Describe the three levels of data abstraction?
 How to copy the tables, schema and views from one SQL server to another?
 What is the difference between static and dynamic SQL?
 What does COMMIT do?
 What is the use of DESC in SQL?
 What is a cluster Key?
 Define candidate key, alternate key, composite key?
 What is Self Join?
 What is Storage Manager?
 What are the purpose of Normalisation?
 What is RAID?
 What is database replication?
 What are ACID properties?
 What is diffrence between Co-related sub query and nested sub query?
 What are cursors?
 What is a weak entity types?
 What are defaults?
 What is specialization?
 What is the difference between Function and Stored Procedure?
 What are the different types of cursors?
 What is a Catalog?
 What is a view?
 What are different types of end users?
 Compare DBMS versus object oriented DBMS?
 What is a data model?
 What are types of schema?
 What are different types of DBMS?
 What is a lock?
 What are the purpose of Normalisation?

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