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Physiology essay 13

Hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system
Neurohypophysis also called the posterior pituitary

It contains axon terminals of neurons whose cell bodies

are in the hypothalamus. Axons are supported by
Pituicytes (glial like cells)

Nerve fibres which are unmyelinated, connect the

hypothalamus to the Posterior pituitary gland. These
nerve fibres arise from the Supraoptic and
paraventricular Nuclei.


These are synthesized in the hypothalamus and are

accumulated in the bodies of herring (which is in the

 OXYTOCIN (paraventricular nuclei) - Stimulates contraction of smooth muscles of the

pregnant uterus and the mammary glands. Increases towards delivery time and in
the mammary glands causes’ milk to be expressed from the alveoli to the ducts this
allows the milk to be obtained by sucking from the baby.
 VASOPRESSIN (supraoptic nuclei) – regulates the retention of water by increasing the
permeability of the collecting duct (in nephron). Also constricts blood vessels

More ADH (vasopressin) >>>the more concentrated the urine i.e. less water in urine
Less ADH >>> more dilute urine > more water in urine
1. Concentrated body fluids stimulate the supraoptic nuclei, dilute body fluids
inhibit them
2. When arteria are under filled (due to low blood volume) the stretch receptors
(baroreceptor) are un-excited this increases ADH secretion and when
overfilled they excite and inhibit ADH secretion

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