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Venue : Google Meet

Session Timing : Wednesday,31st December 2020
6:00pm to 7:00pm
Attendees : Freshers and their professor.
A formal meeting was held on the 31st of December on the impact of
technology in reading literature. The following points were discussed:
1. How much technology has evolved over the past few decades ?
2. Changes that have taken place in reading habits now as compared to
traditional reading habits.
3. Positive impact of technology in reading literature. For eg,increasing
fluency, audio books for blind etc
4. Negative impact of technology in reading literature.For eg, excess of
illustrations cause distraction, reading ebooks for long hours may lead to
eye strain.
5. Change is inevitable and it is upto us how we make use of technology to
enhance our reading experience and promote literature.

At the end of the session , freshers were asked to give their views on which
mode of reading did they prefer( Ebook or Hardcopy) and why ?

Report by :

Sahil Kaling

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