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Lecturer : I Komang Budiarta, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Hum.

By :

Ni Komang Yunda Devi Maheswari (1801882030039)

Ni Putu Anggita Pradnyasari (1801882030040)
Ni Komang Erika Anggi Amelia (1801882030053)
Soleman Andrian Ngindi Ate (1801882030056)
I Kadek Yogi Rahadi (1801882030068)



Instructional design is the creation of learning experiences and materials in a

manner that results in the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. The
discipline follows a system of assessing needs, designing a process, developing materials
and evaluating their effectiveness. In the context of workplace learning, Instructional
Design provides a practical and systematic process for effectively designing effective
curricula. The purpose of instructional design is to support and promote teaching and
learning effectiveness by advancing best practices in all aspects of curriculum, instruction,
and assessment. Drawing expertise in learning principles/theories, educational research,
instructional technology, and evidence-based practices, we collaborate with faculty to
create high-quality instruction aligned to learning goals.
The problem of the teacher in face using instructional design are Identifying key
issues, Designing and developing powerful courses and which strategy to use. To solve this
problem the teacher needs Analytical skills and the ability to synthesize information.
Teacher requires to deal with large amounts of information and to find the right way to
present it to learners. At the same time, teacher need to keep learners focused and engaged.
In order to accomplish this, teacher need to be highly analytical and capable of identifying
critical issues in complex topics, which are probably too long to be engaging. The teacher
also can write them down will help get a clear idea of where to start and what outline to
follow, but also not to lose focus with respect to your goals throughout the design and
development phase. Then, teacher need to make sure that learning course has a logical
structure and includes comprehensible graphics and analogies, as well as appropriate
methods and procedures to evaluate the progress of your learners. An effective navigation
design is also a must, as you don’t want to confuse your audience and waste their time by
having them trying to figure out how to navigate within the eLearning course.
What teachers should consider in designing instruction are the teachers should
know who the students are. Know ability levels; backgrounds; interest levels; attention
spans; ability to work together in groups; prior knowledge and learning experiences;
special needs or accommodations; and learning preferences. This may not happen as
quickly as you would like, but it is important for designing instruction that will meet the
needs of your students. That's key in successful teaching and learning. Know your content.
It is important for you to research the subject matter that you will be teaching. You should
also utilize curriculum guides published by the state in which you teach and the local school
district that employs you. It is also a good idea to know the national standards and state
standards that drive curriculum in each subject area that you are responsible for. You can
visit web sites that are devoted to curriculum frameworks and that will give you a lot of
information relative to your subject area.

We find a lesson plan from SMP PGRI 3 Denpasar. We have analysed the lesson
plan based on Permedikbud No. 22 Year 2016. The analysis is as follow :


A. Lesson Plan Assessment Instrument

(The assessment is carried out in accordance with the RPP components listed in
Permendikbud No. 22 of 2016.)

Teacher : Ni Luh Yuni Andari, S.Pd.

Subjects : English Language
Class/Semester : VIII / 1 (One)
Topic : Text Write to state and inquire about capability and willingness to take
Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

No. Rated Aspect
1 2 3 4 5
1. Lesson plan is made according to the syllabus √

2. Lesson pan contains the name of the education unit, subjects, √

classes / semesters, topic and time allotment.
3. Basic Competence (KD) which is made includes √
knowledge and skills.
4. Competency Achievement Indicators (IPK) are prepared √
use operational verbs that can be measured / carried out in
accordance with the characteristics of the subjects.
5. Learning objectives are made with attention ABCD √
(Audience, Behavior, Condition, and Degree) or CABD
(Condition, Audience, Behavior, and Degree).
6. Learning objectives are arranged according to the GPA. √
7. The learning material is in accordance with the GPA √
8. The learning material accommodates local, contemporary, √
relevant, and other appropriate wisdom material coverage
on basic knowledge competency.
9. Lesson plan uses appropriate learning methods / technique √
according to the needs of students and KD to be achieved.
10. Lesson plan uses learning media that is in accordance with √
the learning material and activities that will be done.
11. Lesson plan prepares relevant learning resources, sufficient, √
and contextually according to the subject matter.
12. The learning steps have been arranged accordingly with the √
selected learning method / technique and scientific
13. The learning steps are made in stages: introduction, core, √
and Closing.
14. Learning steps are made in accordance with allocation of √
time at each stage.
15. Learning steps develop higher order thinking skills (HOTS). √
16. Lesson plan prepare practical learning steps and provide √
opportunities for exercises (student worksheets).
17. Lesson plan contains specifications of the results sheet √
learning according to GPA.
18. Learning result sheet selecting techniques appraisal and √
appropriate form of instrument.
19. Learning result sheet clear prices in accordance with the √
technique and form of the instrument.
20. Lesson plan accommodates the use of information and √
communication technology in accordance with the strategy /
approach / learning model, KD and GPA, as well as student

Based on the evaluation checklist, we evaluate that we think the lesson plan was made based on the
silabus so we give 5 score which means very good. For the school identity, subjects, classes / semesters,
topic and time allotment those are stated correctly in the lesson plan and we give 5 score which
means very good. The basic competency that the teacher used have included knowledge and skill.
The knowledge refers to 3.2 and the skill refers to 4.2. we give 5 score (very good) because it
stated clearly. For the Indicator, it was made with operational verb. In 3.2 the indicator is about
identifying in Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy it is categorized with (C1). In 4.2 the indicator is about
designing (C6) it is very good. Learning objectives are made based on CABD , Condition (after
participating, students can: ), Audience ( the students), Behaviour ( use expressions to state and ask
questions about the capability and willingness to take an action) Degree ( Accurately ) it’s very
good. We think the learning objective are arranged to the GPA ( Great Point Average) it seems
from the learning objective that was made and it’s very good. For the learning material that was
provide is accordance with the GPA, it’s very good. As we have seen the learning material has
accommodated the local, contemporary, relevant, and other appropriate wisdom material
coverage on basic knowledge competency, it’s very good. The lesson plan used the technique/
method that according to the needs of students and KD to be achieved, those are scientific
approach and Contextual Learning (CTL) it’s good and we think the teacher can add the other
technique. In the lesson plan used two learning media, those are video and picture (consider as
media not tools) it is good accordance with the material but we think the teacher can used more
media to make it more interesting. The teacher has prepared the relevant learning resources,
sufficient, and contextually according to the subject matter but it is only one and we think the
teacher must stated the video sources and add more relevant learning resources, it’s enough. In
the lesson plan the learning steps have been arranged accordingly with the scientific approach but
for the Contextually Learning CTL, we can’t see which one refer to CTL so we give the 3 scores
which means it’s enough. For the learning steps it stated clearly the introduction, core, and
closing, it’s very good. And it is accordance with allocation of time at each stage, very good
appropriate with the time allotment. Learning steps have developed higher order thinking skills
(HOTS) of students. The students asked to identifying and differentiating it’s good. Lesson plan
prepare practical learning steps but not provide the student worksheets to measure the students’
knowledge and skill. It is only provide the worksheet for assessment of spiritual and social
attitude. So we give 3 score because it’s enough. In the lesson plan has contained specifications
of the results sheet learning according to GPA and it’s good. And it’s also selecting techniques
appraisal and appropriate form of instrument. The techniques using written test and form of
instruments are constructing an essay, it’s good. For the learning result sheet is not to clear price
but we consider it’s enough. The lesson plan can say it accommodates the use of information and
communication technology in accordance with the strategy / approach / learning model, KD and
GPA, as well as student characteristics. It is only used a video but it’s consider as enough for the
eight grade student in that school.

Based on what we have analysed, when the teachers want to create a lesson plan they must
see the lesson plan component based on the latest Permendikbud No. 22 Year 2016. They have to
see the Permen whether the order of components are correct or not. There is no need to put Core
Competency in lesson plan because it has explained in Syllabus. The lesson plan at least consist
of School Identity (Name), Subject Identity or Theme, Class/semester, Topic, Time Allotment,
Learning Objective, Basic Competency and Indicator of Competency Achievement, Learning
Material, Learning Method/Technique, Learning Media and Sources, Learning Activity,
Assessment. For the addition it is much better if the teacher can put the complete lesson plan that
consist of students worksheet that measure the knowledge and skill of the students and the
assessment sheet. It will be clear. For the Basic Competency in the latest Permendikbud there are
only two basic competency those are KD 3 and 4. If the teacher follows the latest Permendkbud
she must put only those 3 and 4 basic competency. For the media, the teacher needs to adjust with
the students characteristic and in this modern day there are so many media that can be used to
deliver the learning material. The sources of video must be clear, what video that the teacher wants
to give, it must stated clearly. The technique that used must be in accordance with the learning
The addition recommendation for the teacher must master the instructional design so that
it will make it easier for students in the classroom and students easily understand the material. If
the teacher has mastered the learning, it will be more effective, simple and contextual without
reducing the essence of the material. Teachers must be able to use the Instructional Design as an
alternative model of learning activities, so that learning is closer, increases cooperation and builds
student confidence and in the end it can improve student learning outcomes.


Satuan Pendidikan : SMP PGRI 3 Denpasar

Kelas/Semester : VIII/1 (satu)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pokok/Tema : Teks Tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan.
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri,dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan
lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin
tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian
tampak mata
KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan
sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetens

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat 1.1.1 Menulis teks tulis untuk menyatakan
mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa dan menanyakan tentang kemampuan dan
pengantar komunikasi internasional yang kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan yang
diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar. mengungkapkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan
dapat belajar Bahasa Inggris dan manfaatnya.

2.2 Menunjukan perilaku jujur, disiplin, 2.2.1 Menyelesaikan tugas Bahasa Inggris
percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam tepat waktu.
melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional
dengan guru dan teman. 2.2.2 Menyelesaikan tugas yang menjadi
bagiannya dalam kerja kelompok.
2.2.3 Datang tepat waktu pada saat
mengerjakan tugas kelompok di luar jam

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi social, struktur teks, 3.2.1 Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi 3.2.2 Mengidentifikasi ungkapan atau pola
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi kalimat yang menunjukan kemampuan dan
terkait kemampuan dan kemauan, melakukan kemauan untuk melakukan suatu tindakan.
suatu tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks
3.2.3 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks
3.2.4 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan
dalam teks.

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional 4.2.1 Menggunakan ungkapan untuk
lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait kemampuan dan kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu
kemauan, melakukan suatu tindakan, dengan tindakan secara tulis dengan akurat.
memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks,
4.2.2 Merespon ungkapan untuk menyatakan
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
konteks dan menanyakan tentang kemampuan dan
kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan secara
tulis dengan akurat.
4.2.3 Menyusun dialog yang mengandung
ungkapan untuk menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang kemampuan dan
kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan secara
tulis dengan akurat.


Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik dapat :
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan secara tulis dengan akurat.
2. Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan secara tulis dengan akurat.
3. Menyusun dialog yang mengandung ungkapan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan
tentang kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan secara tulis dengan

Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang (a) kemampuan dan (b)
kemauan melakukan duatu tindakan.
 Fungsi sosial
Menunjukan sikap personal tentang kemampuan dan kemauan diri sendiri dan orang lain
untuk melakukan suatu tindakan.
 Struktur teks
a. Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. I’m sorry I can’t answer the question. My uncle
can run very fast., dan semacamnya
b. I promise I will come to your birthday party. Yes, sure, she will return the book soon.
She will not take the train., dan semacamnya.
Unsur kebahasaan
(1) Kata kerja bantu modal : can, will
(2) Kosa kata terkait kegiatan dan tindakan sehari-hari di lingkungan rumah, kelas,
sekolah, dan masyarakat.
(3) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this,
those, my, their, dan sebagainya secara tepat dalam frasa nominal.
(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
(5) Ejaan dan tanda baca
(6) Tulisan tangan
Barbagai kegiatan dan tindakan yang penting dan relevan dengan kehidupan siswa,
dengan memberikan keteladan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan
bertanggung jawab.

1. Metode Ilmiah
2. Pembelajaran Kontekstual

1. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2013. Bahasa Inggris, When English Rings the
Bell. Jakarta: Politeknik Negri Media Kreatif. Hal.81

1. Media : Video
2. Alat dan bahan : Gambar


1. Pertemuan Pertama
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)
1) Guru memberi salam (greeting);
2) Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik.
3) Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses
4) Guru memberikan motivasi belajar siswa secara kontekstual sesuai manfaat dan aplikasi
materi ajar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dengan memberikan contoh dan perbandingan
local, nasional, dan internasional;
5) Guru mengajukan tentang kaitan antara pengetahuan sebelumnya dengan materi yang akan
6) Guru menjelaskan tentang tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai;
7) Guru menyampaikan cakupan materi dan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus
. b. Kegiatan Inti (60 menit)
1. Peserta didik memperhatikan gambar besar mendengar dan menyaksikan guru dan
warga sekolah lain menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang (a) kemampuan dan (b)
kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan serta responnya, dalam Bahasa Inggris.
2. Peserta didik mengamati contoh dialog dan gambar
3. Peserta didik mencontoh kebiasaan tersebut dengan menyebutkan dan menanyakan
tentang (a) kemampuan dan (b) kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan serta responnya,
dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa menanyakan dan mempertanyakan antara lain
tentang perbedaan antara cara menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang (a) kemampuan dan
(b) kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan serta responnya, dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan yang
ada dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kemungkinan menggunakan ungkapan lain.

Mengumpulkan Data/Informasi
1. Siswa mendengarkan dan menyaksikan banyak contoh interaksi dengan
menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang (a) kemampuan dan (b) kemauan melakukan
suatu tindakan serta responnya dalam Bahasa Inggris
2. Siswa menirukan contoh-contoh interaksi dengan menyebutkan dan menanyakan
(a) kemampuan dan (b) kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan serta responnya dalam
Bahasa Inggris
3. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri (fungsi social,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan) interaksi menyebutkan dan menanyakan
tentang (a) kemampuan dan (b) kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan serta responnya
dalam Bahasa Inggris
4. Secara kolaboratif, siswa berusaha menggunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk
menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang (a) kemampuan dan (b) kemauan melakukan
suatu tindakan serta responnya dalam konteks pembelajaran, simulasi, role play, dan
kegiatan lain yang terstruktur.

1. Siswa membandingkan ungkapan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang (a)
kemampuan dan (b) kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan serta responnya yang telah
dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber tersebut diatas.
2. Siswa membandingkan ungkapan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang (a)
kemampuan dan (b) kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan serta responnya yang telah
dipelajari tersebut diatas dengan yang ada di sumber-sumber lain, atau dengan yang
digunakan dalam bahasa lain.
3. Siswa memperoleh feedback dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi social dan unsur
kebahasaan yang digunakan.
4. Mengkomunikasikan
1. Siswa menggunakan menanyakan tentang (a) kemampuan dan (b) kemauan
melakukan suatu tindakan serta responnya, di dalam dan di luar kelas.
2. Siswa berupaya berbicara secara lancar dengan ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi yang
benar dan menulis dengan ejaan dan tanda baca yang benar, serta tulisan yang jelas
dan rapi.

3. Siswa membicarakan permasalahan yang dialami dalam menggunakan Bahasa

Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang (a) kemampuan dan (b)
kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan serta responnya dan menuliskannya dalam jurnal
belajar sederhana dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
c. Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit)
1. Peserta didik dan guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran dan
2. Peserta didik dan guru memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran.
3. Guru memberikan penugasan berupa tugas investigasi kelompok untuk menuliskan deskripsi
sederhana tentang sifat dan ciri fisik tokoh, hewan-hewan aneh, benda-benda unik,
tempattempat indah, atau bangunan-bangunan terkenal berdasarkan hasil penelusuran di
laman-laman internet.
4. Peserta didik memperhatikan informasi tentang rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan berikutnya.
5. Peserta didik dan guru mengucapkan salam perpisahan.

1. Sikap spiritual
a. Teknik Penilaian : Tertulis
b. Instrumen : Learning Log
c. Kisi-kisi :
No. Sikap/nilai Butir Instrument
1. Menulis learning log tentang kesyukuran Lampiran 1
berkesempatan belajar Bahasa Inggris

d. Contoh Instrumen : Lihat Lampiran

e. Rubrik Penilaian Sikap Spiritual :

No. Indikator Skor

1. Menggunakan 8 kata positif dan dua 5
diantaranya adalah kata “God” dan “Thank”

2. Menggunakan 6 kata positif dan dua 4

diantaranya adalah kata “God” dan “Thank”

3. Menggunakan 4 kata positif dan dua 3

diantaranya adalah kata “God” dan “Thank”
4. Menggunakan 4 kata positif tanpa kata “God” dan 2

5. Menggunakan kurang dari 4 kata positif tanpa kata 1

“God” dan “Thank”

f. Pedoman Penskoran :
Nilai Akhir = (jumlah soal x nilai perolehan) : Total Skor x 100 Konversi
Kompetensi Pengetahuan, Keterampilan dan Sikap
1. Kategori nilai sikap peserta didik didasarkan pada Permendikbud No.81A Tahun 2013
yaitu :
Sangat Baik (SB) : apabila memperoleh skor akhir : 89 < Skor Akhir < 100
Baik (B) : apabila memperoleh skor akhir : 76 < Skor Akhir < 88
Cukup (C) : apabila memperoleh skor akhir : 61 < Skor Akhir < 75
Kurang (K) : apabila memperoleh skor akhir : Skor Akhir < 60

2. Sikap sosial
a. Teknik Penilaian : Penilaian Sejawat
b. Instrumen : Lembar Peer Assessment
c. Kisi-kisi :
No. Sikap/Nilai Butir Instrument
1. Memberikan penilaian terhadap teman tentang nilai Lampiran Penilaian Sikap
disiplin dan tanggung jawab 1-3

d. Contoh Instrumen : Lihat Lampiran .

3. Pengetahuan
a. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tertulis
b. Bentuk Instrumen : Essay
c. Kisi-kisi :
No. Indikator Butir Instrument
1. Disajikan gambar tentang kemampuan bermain drum Soal No.1

2. Disajikan gambar tentang kemampuan menyanyikan Soal No.2

sebuah lagu

3. Disajikan gambar tentang kemampuan menari Soal No.3

4. Disajikan gambar tentang kemampuan bermain bola Soal No.4

5. Disajikan gambar tentang kemampuan bermain bulu Soal No.5


d. Contoh Instrumen : Lihat Lampiran .

e. Pedoman Penskoran : Kunci Jawaban

4. Keterampilan
a. Teknik Penilaian : Unjuk Kerja
b. Bentuk Instrumen : Test Keterampilan Menulis
c. Kisi-kisi :
No. Keterampilan/Indikator Butir Instrumen
1. Menulis
Disajikan sebuah table yang berisi data nama dan
aktifitas kemampuan yang bias atau tidak dilakukan.
Siswa dapat menuliskan kalimat menunjukan
kemampuan dan ketidakmampuan untuk
melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan data yang disajikan.

d. Contoh Instrumen : Lihat Lampiran

e. Rubrik Test Keterampilan Menulis :
No. Aspek yang Dinilai Kriteria Skor
1. Kesesuaian isi dengan tujuan 100% isi sesuai 5

80% isi sesuai 4

60% isi sesuai 3
40% isi sesuai 2
20% isi sesuai 1
2. Pilihan Kata 100% pilihan kata 5

80% pilihan kata 4


60% pilihan kata 3


40% pilihan kata 2


20% pilihan kata 1


3. Penulisan Kosa Kata 100% penulisan 5

kosa kata tepat

80% penulisan 4
kosa kata tepat

60% penulisan 3
kosa kata tepat

40% penulisan 2
kosa kata tepat

20% penulisan 1
kosa kata tepat

4. Ketepatan Tata Bahasa 100% penggunaan 5

tata bahasa tepat
80% penggunaan 4
tata bahasa tepat

60% penggunaan 3
tata bahasa tepat

40% penggunaan 2
tata bahasa tepat

20% penggunaan 1
tata bahasa tepat

Mengetahui, Denpasar, 10 Juli 2017

Kepala SMP PGRI 3 Denpasar Guru Bahasa Inggris

Dr. I Made Suada, MM, M.Si Ni Luh Yuni Andari, S.Pd

NIP. 195012311976021016
Lampiran 1 : Instrument Penilaian Sikap Spiritual


Name : ……………………………………
Use the words to complete the sentence. Your teacher will help you.
- Thank - Hard - Worried
- Happy - Speak - God
- Practice - Study - A Lot
- Bored - Read - Sad
- Write - Afraid
Having a chance to learn English makes me…..
____ __________________________________________

Lampiran 2 : Instrument Penilaian Sikap Sosial


Name : _________________________
Day/date : _________________________

Tick the suitable pictures to describe your friend.

1. He (she) finishes his (her) tasks on time.

2. He (she) does his (her) piece of work when working in group.

3. He (she) shows up on time when completing the group task

after class.


School : SMP PGRI 3 Denpasar

Subject : English
Class/Smt : VIII/1
Topic : Modal : Capability (can) and Willingness (will)
Time Allotment: 4x40 minutes

A. Basic Competency and Indicator of Competency Achievement

3.2 Applying social functions, text structure, and linguistic features of oral and written
transactional interactions that involve the act of giving and asking for information related
to capability and willingness to take an action, according to the context of its use. (Pay
attention to the linguistic elements can, will)

3.2.1 Implementing social function, text structure, language feature of oral and written
transactional interaction that involve the act giving and asking for information
related to capability and willingness to take action, according to the context its
used . ( pay attention to the linguistic features of can and will
4.2 Constructing a very short and simple oral and written transactional interaction text that
involves the act of giving and asking for information regarding capability and
willingness to take an action and regarding to social function, text structure and language
features correctly appropriate to the context
4.2.1 Performing a very short and simple role play that involve the act of giving and
asking for information regarding capability and willingness pay attention with the
social function, text structure and linguistic features that are correct and in context
B. Learning Objective
After participating in a series of learning activities, students can:
- Students are be able to use expressions to state and ask questions about the capability and
willingness to take an action correctly
- Students are be able to respond to expressions to state and ask questions about the
capability and willingness to take an action correctly
- Students are be able to construct a role play dialogue that contain expressions to state and
ask questions about the capability and willingness to take an action correctly and
C. Learning Material
- Handout about Modal : Can and Will
- Social function
- Text structure
- Language features

D. Learning Method/Technique
- Scientific approach
- Think Pair Share, Simultaneous Roundtable

E. Learning Media
- Media : Video, Quizizz
- Tools : Laptop, LCD, Speaker.

F. Learning Sources

G. Learning Activity

1. The first meeting (2x40 minutes)

a) Pre- Activity (10 minutes)
In pre-activity, teacher :
1) Great students friendly;
2) Check the students attendance;
3) Propose questions about the materials which has already been studied and relates the
previous material with next material;
4) Gives motivation to students;
5) Explains the learning objectives and basic competency which are going to be
6) Delivers the outline of the materials and explains about the activity which is going to
b) Whilst-activity (40 minutes)
1) Observing
In observing activity, teacher:
- Presenting a video related to the material Can (capability) and will (willingness)
- Guiding the students to observe and identify the characteristics of Can and Will
2) Questioning
In questioning activity, teacher:
- Stimulates the students to ask question about simple present tense
- Facilitates and answer student’s question

3) Exploring and Associating

In Exploring and Associating activity, teacher:
- The teacher give the dialogue in students’ worksheet 1 and ask the students to think
what expression that appropriate in the blank
- Divides the students into pair and ask them to discuss the right answer while
practicing the dialogue
4) Communicating
In Communicating, teacher:
- Asks every pair to practice the dialogue in front of the class complete with the right
answers (share)
- Asks the other students to pay attention with their friends
c) Post- activity (30 minutes )
In post activity, teacher :
1) And the students summarize the learning material
2) And the student identify obstacles which are face during the learning process
3) Asks the student to make a group that consist of three students
4) Asks them to gather with the group ( round table)
5) Gives Assessment sheet 1 to the groups and they will perform it next meeting if they
don’t finish it yet.
6) Gives feedback on the students’ process and learning achievement which has been done

2. The second meeting (2x40 minutes)

a) Pre- Activity (10 minutes)
in Pre-activity, teacher :
1) Great students friendly;
2) Check the students attendance;
3) Propose questions about the materials which has already been studied and relates the previous
material with next material;
4) Gives motivation to students;
5) Re-explains the learning objectives and basic competency which are going to be achieved;
6) Delivers the outline of the materials and explains about the activity which is going to conducted.

b) Whilst-activity (60 minutes)

1) Communicating
In communicating activity, teacher :
- Asks the groups whether they are ready or not to perform
- Invites the group to perform their role play in front of the class
- Asks the other students to pay attention to their friends in front of the class

c) Post- activity (10 minutes )

in Post-activity, teacher :
1) And the students summarize the learning material
2) And the students identify obstacles which are face during the teaching learning process
3) Asks student to join the Quizizz game and who participate consider as active score
4) Give feedback on the students process and learning achievement which has been done.

H. Assessment
1. Technique : Performance test
2. Instrument : Role Play construction
3. Scoring Procedure : Scoring rubric

Table of assessment sheet

Basic Assessment
Instrument Scoring Procedure
Competency Technique
3.2 Role Play
Performance Test Scoring Rubric
4.2 Construction

Badung, 19th November 2020


Ni Komang Yunda Devi Maheswari


Can ( Capability) & Will ( Willingness)

Social Function : show personal attitude of capability and willingness to others
Text Structure :
- Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.
- I’m sorry I can’t answer the question.
- My uncle can run very fast.,
- I promise I will come to your birthday party.
- Yes, sure, she will return the book soon.
- She will not take the train.,
Language Features :
- Modal verb : Can, will
- Vocabulary activities related to daily action, in home, classroom, school and public
- Use nominally singular and plurally right, with or without a, the, this, those, my, their, etc.
- Speech, stress word, intonation
- Spelling and punctuation
- Handwritten
1. Can
Can which means to express the capability ( kesanggupan/kemampuan) in the present tense
The form of ‘can’ in positif
S + Can + V1
*Modal Can always followed by verb 1
example :
- Bagas can climb a tree.
- Tuti can cook
My Brother and sister can swim very well.
- They can play
- Birds can fly.
The form of ‘can’ in negative
stating not capable of doing something –not, (cannot/can’t)
S + Can + not + V1
example :
- Bagas can’t climb a tree.
- Tuti can’t cook
- A penguin can’t fly.
- My Brother and sister can’t swim very well.
- They can’t play guitar

The form of “can” in interogatif

To state (interrogative sentence), Can state in front of the sentence
Example :
- Can she cook soup? Yes, she can/no, she cannot
- Can a penguin fly? no, it cannot
- Can they play guitars? No, they can’t. They can play piano.

Could has the same meaning with Can, but could used in the past form. Could also to express
Example :
- Resti could walk 30 kilometers away.
- Wawan could not dance.
- Could you please open the windows?
- Could they win the dance contest? Yes, they could/ No, they couldn’t.

Be able to
Be able to also has the same meaning but Be (am, is, are/was, were) can used in present or past
The form of ‘be able to’ in positif
S + be able to + V1
Example :
- I am able to finish the job myself.
- Father is able to cook delicious menus.
- She is able to repair motorbike.

The Form of ‘be able to’ in negative

S + to be/be + not + able to + V1
example :
- I am not able to finish the job myself.
- Father is not able to cook delicious menus.
- She is not able to repair motorbike.

The form of ‘be able to’ in interogatif

Be + S + able to + V1
example :
- Is Father able to make a delicious cake? Yes, he is. No, he is not.
- Is she able to repair motorbike? Yes, she is. No, she is not.

2. Will
Will/ Would has the same meaning which means stating the willingness of doing something.
Will used in present however would used in past. Would also state the politeness.
The form of ‘will/would’ in positif
S + Will/would + V1
Example :
- She will walk 2 kilometers to his office every day.
- He will come to my school to collect my report.
- I will get up early and go to swim at six.

The form of ‘will/would’ in negative

S + Will/Would + not + V1
*will not can be shortened as won’t and would not can be shortened as wouldn’t.
example :
- Anna makes a mess, but she will not do the cleaning.
- He will not stop crying before his mother buys him the toys he wants.
The Form of ‘will/would’ in interogatif
Will/would + S + V1?
Example :
- Will you help me to bring this book?
- Will you buy me iced tea, please?
- Beni, will you close the window, please?

Complete the following dialog with the correct expression of asking and stating

Delia : Hi, Ran. Where’s everyone?

Randy : Hi, Del. Mom is attending a social gathering in Mrs. Resti’s house and Dad hasn’t
arrived home yet.
Delia : I see. Anyway, what are you doing?
Randy : I’m going to make crispy fried fish for dinner. Mom asked me to do it.
Delia : ______you do it? I’ve never seen you frying fish.
Randy : Don’t worry. Frying fish is just like frying chicken. I only need to reduce the recipe a
little so that it won’t be salty.
Delia : You’re right.
Randy : But ____ you help me to beat eggs?
Delia : Sure, I can help you, but I have to change my shirt first.
Randy : O.K.

Complete the following dialog with the correct expression of asking and stating
1 Randy : Dad, your shoes look dirty.
Mr. Nugraha : Do they? Are you _____ to polish them, dear? I don’t have much time to
do it.
Randy : Sure, Dad. It only takes a while.
Mr. Nugraha : Thanks, my boy.
Randy : You’re welcome. Dad.

2 Lili : I have a terrible headache. _____ you do me a favor, please?

Kinar : Of course. Shall I buy you medicine?
Lili : No, no! Just take me to the clinic, please. I feel like I’m going to stumble.
Kinar : O.K.

1. Answer Key of Student Worksheet 1

Complete the following dialog with the correct expression of asking and stating

Delia : Hi, Ran. Where’s everyone?

Randy : Hi, Del. Mom is attending a social gathering in Mrs. Resti’s house and Dad hasn’t
arrived home yet.
Delia : I see. Anyway, what are you doing?
Randy : I’m going to make crispy fried fish for dinner. Mom asked me to do it.
Delia : Can you do it? I’ve never seen you frying fish.
Randy : Don’t worry. Frying fish is just like frying chicken. I only need to reduce the recipe a
little so that it won’t be salty.
Delia : You’re right.
Randy : But Could / Can you help me to beat eggs?
Delia : Sure, I can help you, but I have to change my shirt first.
Randy : O.K.

Complete the following dialog with the correct expression of asking and stating
1 Randy : Dad, your shoes look dirty.
Mr. Nugraha : Do they? Are you be able to polish them, dear? I don’t have much time to
do it.
Randy : Sure, Dad. It only takes a while.
Mr. Nugraha : Thanks, my boy.
Randy : You’re welcome. Dad.

2 Lili : I have a terrible headache. Will you do me a favor, please?

Kinar : Of course. Shall I buy you medicine?
Lili : No, no! Just take me to the clinic, please. I feel like I’m going to stumble.
Kinar : O.K.


Indicator of Competency Assessment Sheet Scoring Procedure

Achievement (Instrument)
1. Implementing social
function, text structure,
language feature of oral
and written transactional
interaction that involve the
act giving and asking for
information related to
capability and willingness
to take action, according to
the context its used . ( pay
Assessment sheet of students’
attention to the linguistic
knowledge and skill ( Role Scoring Rubric
features of can and will
Play performance)
2. Performing a very short
and simple role play that
involve the act of giving
and asking for information
regarding capability and
willingness pay attention
with the social function,
text structure and linguistic
features that are correct
and in context

1 Assessment Sheet of Students’ Knowledge and Skill

Role play situation

You want to go to a party and you ask
Your friend asks you whether you can ride a
permission to your dad. He tells you that you
motorcycle or not. You said that you can but
can’t go. He reminds you to make the
you won’t teach her because you are afraid. The
homework but you said you can make the
other friends want to teach you but he asks to
homework and will finish it after the party.
his friend whether she will tell her parents or
Your mom which hear your conversation ask
not. but she won’t to tell her parents because
his dad to give permission but she wants her
they forbid her. the friend who are afraid to
son to promise that she can and will make it
teach you said that you cant do that.
until finish and she asks to his son whether he
can go back at nine pm or not.

Rules :
1. Choose only one situation per group
2. Make a short and simple role play based on the situation that you choose
3. Make sure everyone get their part to speak
4. You have 20 minutes to discuss and 5 minutes to perform
Good luck


Scoring Rubric of Assessment Sheet 1

No Aspect Explanation Max Score Score

Smooth and fluid speech; few to no
hesitations; no attempts to search for 5
words; volume is excellent
Smooth and fluid speech; few
hesitations; a slight search for words; 4
inaudible word or two.
Speech is relatively smooth; some
hesitation and unevenness caused by
1 rephrasing and searching for words;
Fluency volume wavers.
Speech is frequently hesitant with some
sentences left uncompleted; volume 2
very soft.
Speech is slow, hesitant & strained
except for short memorized phrases;
difficult to perceive continuity in
speech; inaudible.
Pronunciation is excellent; good effort
at accent
Pronunciation is good; good effort at
Pronunciation is good; Some effort at
Pronounciation 3
2. accent, but is definitely non-native
& Accent Pronunciation is okay; No effort
towards a native accent
Pronunciation is lacking and hard to
understand; No effort towards a native 1
Excellent control of language features; a
wide range of well chosen vocabulary
Good language control; good range of
relatively well-chosen vocabulary
Adequate language control; vocabulary
3. Vocabulary range is lacking
Weak language control; basic
vocabulary choice with some words 2
clearly lacking
Weak language control; vocabulary that
is used does not match the task
Accuracy & variety of grammatical
4. Grammar structures
Some errors in grammatical structures
possibly caused by attempt to include a 4
Frequent grammatical errors that do not
obscure meaning; little variety in 3
Frequent grammatical errors even in
simple structures that at times obscure 2
Frequent grammatical errors even in
simple structures; meaning is obscured.
Excellent level of description;
additional details beyond the required
Good level of description; all required
information included
Adequate description; some additional
5 Detail details should be provided
Description lacks some critical details
that make it difficult for the listener to 2
Description is so lacking that the listener
cannot understand
Total Score

Total score x 4 =

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